Friday, August 12, 2011

Good news/bad news: Twitter's becoming Facebook-like


By Rosa Golijan

Good news: Twitter is adding some handy-dandy new tabs to its website. Bad news: The addition of those tabs makes the micro-blogging service resemble Facebook a bit.a

The two new tabs being added to the site are "@Username" and "Activity."a

The @Username tab shows you any Twitter activity that's related to you — such as who started following you, who replied to you, and which of your tweets which were favorites or retweeted. The Activity tab, on the other hand, shows the same information — but for people you follow. (Meaning that you can see whom they started following, which tweets they marked as favorites, and so on.)a

Sounds pretty useful, right?a

It is! We're just slightly concerned that it makes Twitter feel a bit like Facebook — you're just seeing follows and favorites instead of friendings and likes, after all. a

Of course, there is a key difference between the two social media services' approaches to things: Unlike Facebook, Twitter chose to keep this new information separate from the main activity stream — meaning that you have to select these new tabs and intentionally look at them — and thereby managed to avoid the cluttered feel of the Facebook homepage.a

But you'll be able to check the tabs out yourself soon enough and see if that holds true.a

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Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on Facebook. Oh, and she can be found on Google+, too.a

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