Saturday, September 10, 2011

NBC iPad app offers free TV episodes

NBC’s iPad app just got an update after which it is offering many of its TV shows free for live streaming (take that Hulu). Some of the popular shows included in the free list are Community , Parks and Recreation, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and America’s Got Talent.

ABC iPad app was offering their shows for iPad viewers, but after this update from NBC it makes them the second broadcast network to embrace free streaming. CBS also host free shows but for iPhone resolution only.

This is a big blow to Hulu which charges around $8 per month for these shows, but it also offers Fox, Comedy Central and MTV networks in that package which are not available for free otherwise.

You can grab the NBC iPad app for free @ iTunes

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


HP Compaq 8200 Elite, Cantik dan Bertenaga

HP Compaq 8200 Elite, Cantik dan Bertenaga

Jakarta - Compaq 8200 Elite, merupakan komputer desktop all-in-one paling canggih dari HP yang memadukan desain cantik, serta performa yang diklaim sangat bertenaga.

Secara tampilan, Compaq 8200 Elite All-in-One Business Desktop terlihat ramping dan ringkas. Produk ini juga dibekali berbagai fitur pengelolaan jarak jauh, fitur keamanan, serta tools gabungan yang agar produktifitas tidak terganggu.

Nah fitur itulah yang diklaimn HP membuat Compaq 8200 Elite All-in-One Business Desktop sangat ideal bagi pelanggan dari kalangan perusahaan besar, menengah, maupun sektor publik.

"HP Compaq 8200 Elite All-in-One menghadirkan inovasi software dan hardware berkualitas tinggi ke dalam kategori komputer all-in-one," ujar Jeff Groudan, Director Commercial Desktop Marketing, dalam keterangan yang diterima detikINET, Sabtu (10/9/2011).

HP Compaq 8200 Elite All-in-One memiliki layar LED 23" beresolusi High Definition yang dilengkapi dengan webcam, mikrofon dan speaker yang terintegrasi.

Tidak ketinggalan HP melengkapi produk ini dengan lisensi HP Virtual Rooms selama satu tahun untuk memudahkan para pelaku bisnis melakukan presentasi, meeting dengan tim, menyelenggarakan pelatihan dengan online conference center.

Performa produk ini didukung dengan chipset Intel Q67 Express, generasi kedua Intel Core i7, dan dukungan memori DDR3 SDRAM PC3-1333 hingga 8 GB. HP Compaq 8200 Elite All-in-One juga menawarkan pilihan kapasitas tambahan Solid State Drive (SSD) untuk mempercepat akses data,.

Masalah keamanan, produk ini dilengkapi dengan chip standar TPM 1.2 terintegrasi untuk enkripsi berbasis hardware, serta peningkatan enkripsi personal melalui HP ProtectTools. ( eno / eno )

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Saingi FarmVille, The Sims Tak Kalah Populer

Saingi FarmVille, The Sims Tak Kalah Populer

Jakarta - Permainan bercocok tanam dan berternak virtual di FarmVille memang telah memikat jutaan pengguna Facebook. Tak heran, kepopuleran game ini langsung melesat. Tapi kini ada pendatang baru yang menyaingi kepopulerannya, The Sims Social.

Permainan avatar yang diterbitkan Electronic Arts (EA) ini dilaporkan bertumbuh lebih cepat ketimbang FarmVille. Satu pekan setelah versi terbarunya dirilis, The Sims Social berhasil merangkul 4,6 juta pemain log in setiap harinya. Ini membuatnya langsung melesat masuk ke urutan 10 besar game terpopuler di Facebook.

EA tentu sangat menikmati pertumbuhan ini dan Zynga si pembesut FarmVille tampaknya harus segera menyadari kehadiran kompetitor barunya. Hanya dalam dua pekan, The Sims Social berhasil melompati sembilan game terbitan Zynga termasuk Empires & Allies, Texas Hold ‘Em, Pioneer Trail dan tentu saja, FarmVille.

Dilansir Mashable dan dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (10/9/2011), berdasarkan situs tracking Facebook, dalam 24 jam terakhir, ada 9,3 juta orang memainkan The Sims Social. Sementara 8,1 juta orang memainkan FarmVille.

( rns / rns )

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Di Jerman, Apple Menang Telak Atas Samsung

Di Jerman, Apple Menang Telak Atas Samsung

Jakarta - Samsung tidak diizinkan menjual Galaxy Tab 10.1 di Jerman karena dinilai sangat menyerupai iPad 2. Demikian keputusan akhir pengadilan wilayah Dusseldorf, di Jerman yang diumumkan Jumat pekan ini.

Putusan itu juga menyatakan Samsung tidak diperkenankan menjual perangkat tabletnya tersebut di negara Uni Eropa, kendati divisi penjualan perangkat Samsung yang lain diperbolehkan berjualan di negara-negara itu.

"Kami kecewa dengan keputusan ini dan sangat yakin ini akan membatasi pilihan konsumen di Jerman," kata juru bicara Samsung seperti dilansir PC World dan dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (10/9/2011).

Tidak terima, juru bicara Samsung mengatakan pihaknya akan mengajukan banding atas keputusan pengadilan tersebut.

Sebelumnya, Apple memang telah mencetak kemenangan penting dalam gugatan hukumnya melawan Samsung. Keputusan awal pengadilan di Jerman telah melarang Samsung menjual tablet Galaxy Tab 10.1 di seluruh wilayah Uni Eropa kecuali Belanda. Dan keputusan awal itu kini telah final.

Malang bagi Samsung, perusahaan asal Korea Selatan ini juga harus menunda penjualan Galaxy Tab 10.1 di Australia karena alasan yang sama. Apple saat ini juga sedang berusaha memblokir penjualan Galaxy Tab 10.1 di Amerika Serikat.

Seperti diketahui, Apple menggugat Samsung di bulan April 2011 dengan tudingan vendor asal Korea Selatan ini meniru mentah-mentah desain produk Apple. Khususnya di lini ponsel Galaxy dan tablet Galaxy Tab.

( rns / rns )

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Windows Live Services Hit by Global Outage

Microsoft Relevant Products/Services's cloud Relevant Products/Services-based Windows Relevant Products/Services Live offerings were cut off from users worldwide for several hours on Thursday evening due to a domain name service (DNS) issue.

The software giant has 360 million Windows Live Hotmail users globally as well as 299 million active Windows Live Messenger accounts.

Though Microsoft thought it had restored service for all Hotmail, Office365 and SkyDrive accounts by 9:45 PM PT Thursday, some customers continued to report problems. At 11:02 PM, the software giant said it was working on propagating the requisite DNS configuration changes for fixing the problem, but that it would take some time to restore service to everyone.

Microsoft notified Windows Live users at 11:49 PM that it had completed propagating its DNS configuration changes around the world, and had restored service for most customers.

"Depending on your location you may still experience issues over the next 30 minutes as the [DNS] changes make their way through the network Relevant Products/Services," explained Microsoft blogger Chris Jones. "Thank you for your patience as we have worked to address these issues."

Lost In Translation

DNS translates Internet domain names meaningful to human beings into the numerical identifiers required by networking equipment to locate and address computing devices worldwide. Moreover, the system makes it possible for domain names to be assigned to groups of Internet resources and users in ways that are independent of each entity's physical location.

DNS is often compared to a telephone book because it likewise cross references individual names with their numerical equivalents. For example, the domain name has an equivalent IP address of

As Thursday's Windows Live outage indicated, however, DNS issues can have unintended consequences for users of services that are based in the cloud. What's more, fixing an unexpected DNS problem takes time. On Friday morning, Microsoft was still working to resolve the continuing problems experienced by a small number of Windows Live users, according to an Office365 tweet.

Nothing is 100 Percent Reliable

This week's Windows Live service disruption followed on the heels of an August outage that likewise prevented some Office365 and SkyDrive users from accessing their accounts for several hours. Those Office365 customers hit last month by the outage are slated to receive "a 25 percent credit on a future monthly invoice," Microsoft said in a statement given to the Seattle Times.

However, Microsoft's latest cloud difficulty was overshadowed in Southern California, where 1.4 million residents of San Diego County and adjacent areas were without electrical power from Thursday afternoon into early Friday morning. The electrical grid shutdown, which also affected parts of Arizona and Mexico, was being investigated by U.S. regulatory authorities.

The juxtaposition of the two service disruption events demonstrates that cloud environments are not the only infrastructures vulnerable to outages from time to time.

"Nothing will ever be 100 percent reliable and -- especially in IT Relevant Products/Services -- nothing is going to stay the same forever or even for a long enough time," said Andrea DiMaio, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner Relevant Products/Services Research.

"So, besides learning to feel less desperate if tweets are stuck or VOIP does not work, we all need to really understand that technology is fallible, and we will always need to exercise our creativity to react to unexpected situations," DiMaio wrote in a blog late last year.

Twitter akan Jejalkan Lebih Banyak Iklan

Twitter akan Jejalkan Lebih Banyak Iklan

Jakarta - Sempat diberitakan tidak menghasilkan uang, kini Twitter lebih serius membangun bisnisnya. Diberitakan, perusahaan tersebut akan mendatangkan lebih banyak iklan di stream-nya.

Hal ini disampaikan CEO Dick Costolo dalam meeting dengan sejumlah reporter di markas besar Twitter di San Fransisco.

Namun dikatakan lebih lanjut oleh Costolo bahwa Twitter tidak mengindikasikan bahwa pihaknya akan mengejar IPO (Initial Public Offering (IPO) dan sebenarnya perusahaannya tidak membutuhkan uang. Hal ini terkait penerimaan kucuran dana sebesar USD 400 juta dari para investor.

"Kami melakukan ini karena kami ingin mengembangkan perusahaan seperti yang kami inginkan," ujar Costolo seperti yang dikutip detikINET dari USAToday, Sabtu (10/9/2011). Nah untuk mencapai goal tersebut, cara terbaik untuk melakukannya ialah dengan menghadirkan lebih banyak iklan ke 100 juta pengguna aktif Twitter.

Twitter sendiri dikatakan telah memproses sekitar 230 juta tweet per harinya dan mendapat log-in dari sebanyak 40 juta pengguna aktif per hari.

Dengan banyaknya orang yang meramaikan Twitter, perusahaan situs mikroblogging ini percaya bahwa waktunya pas untuk menambahkan iklan lebih banyak.

Twitter memang sebelumnya telah mendatangkan iklan, namun ia hanya terbatas pada promosi perusahaan yang difollow user. Dengan perubahan ini maka pengguna Twitter akan 'dihidangkan' dengan iklan dari perusahaan-perusahaan yang tidak mereka follow.

( sdj / rns )

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Adobe Offers Server Solution To Flash Video on iOS

Adobe has been showcasing new tool capabilities to handle HTML5 technologies, but the company has not completely given up its efforts to get Flash on Apple's iOS mobile Relevant Products/Services devices. This week Adobe announced its new Flash Media Server 4.5, with a new workaround solution so that Flash-based video will play on the iPad Relevant Products/Services and iPhone.

The new Media Server adds iOS support, and allows content owners to create HTTP-based content on the fly. It also provides integrated content protection, for simplification of deployment or lowering of infrastructure cost.

HTTP Live Streaming

Users of the Media Server can now stream Flash-encoded video content as HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), which Apple's iOS supports, instead of MPEG4 in the F4F file format. When the Media Server detects that a device, such as an iPad, does not have Flash, it provides the video as MPEG2 in HLS format on the fly.

Browsers that are designed to support HTML5 technologies can handle HLS. However, Adobe's solution only works with video streaming, not with games or animation created in Flash.

While this could solve publishers' problem of providing video that displays on Apple's devices as well as on others, it also can be seen as a sign that Adobe is resigned to having to straddle both worlds.

Last month, Adobe released a new HTML5 tool, called Edge, for creating Web motion and interaction design using those standards-based technologies. Apple in particular has favored HTML5 technologies over Flash, and has complained about Flash's performance, security Relevant Products/Services, and power drain on mobile devices.

Edge, New Flash Access

When it released Edge, Adobe said it saw the tool as a complement to its Flash Professional and Flash Builder software. The company pointed out that it had previously issued a variety of significant HTML5 milestones, including contributions to jQuery, code for WebKit, and enhancements to HTML5 in the company's flagship product, Creative Suite 5.5.

While Edge is HTML5-specific, Adobe has been clear about its intention to appear as a champion of these open-standard technologies throughout its product line. Its Creative Suite 5.5, announced in May, went further than earlier versions in its support of content created using HTML5 as well as Flash.

Along with Media Server, the company on Thursday released its Adobe Flash Access 3.0, for delivering content with a single, back-end workflow. Access now has the ability to leverage the same content delivery, protection, and monetization infrastructure for mobile devices and platforms.

Access also now offers the ability to deliver many TV channels to millions of online subscribers, with a content protection solution that the company said is cost-efficient. The updated software is also compatible with an industry-standard, cloud Relevant Products/Services-based digital rights locker, UltraViolet, that allows consumers to create their own video libraries and watch them across various devices.

NBC Twitter account hacked, issued false reports

The NBC News Twitter account, @NBCNews, was hacked late Friday, resulting in false reports about an airplane attack at Ground Zero, the Manhattan site of the original 9/11 attacks. The Twitter account was quickly taken offline.a

NBC News immediately issued the following official statement:a

The NBC News twitter account was hacked late this afternoon and as a result, false reports of a plane attack on ground zero were sent to @NBCNews followers. We are working with Twitter to correct the situation and sincerely apologize for the scare that could have been caused by such a reckless and irresponsible act.a

While the account is a news feed featuring original reporting and headlines from NBC News, it is one of several from NBC and is a joint venture of NBC Universal, parent of NBC News, and Microsoft.a

A hacker group called "The Script Kiddies" claimed responsibility via a tweet on the hacked account. "The Script Kiddies" are known as an off-shoot of the hacker collective known as Anonymous. The group's Twitter account has also been taken offline.a

This is not the first time "The Script Kiddies" hacked a news agency's social media feeds. In July, the @foxnewspolitics account was compromised, and used to spread a false report of an alleged assassination of President Obama. Then, as now, the tweets were quickly dismissed as the work of pranksters.a

Masih Banyak yang Pakai BlackBerry untuk Telepon & SMS Saja

Masih Banyak yang Pakai BlackBerry untuk Telepon & SMS Saja

Jakarta - Di jaringan Telkomsel tercatat ada sekitar 600 ribu pelanggan yang memiliki ponsel BlackBerry, namun hanya digunakan untuk layanan telepon dan SMS.

"Di jaringan kami ada sebanyak 600 ribu pelanggan yang belum mengaktifkan BIS (BlackBerry Internet Services). Ini yang juga menjadi pelanggan potensial BIS kami," ungkap GM Device Bundling Management Telkomsel Heru Sukendro, di sela peluncuran Paket BlackBerry Bold 9900, di Aston Kuningan Suites, Jakarta, Jumat (9/9/2011).

BIS merupakan singkatan dari BlackBerry Internet Services (BIS) yang digunakan untuk layanan BlackBerry retail. Telkomsel sendiri melihat masih besarnya potensi tersebut, merevisi target jumlah pelanggan layanan BIS dari sebelumnya dipatok sebesar 2,5 juta pelanggan menjadi sekitar 3 juta hingga akhir 2011 ini.

"Awalnya kami menargetkan pelanggan pada tahun ini 2,5 juta, namun pada Agustus 2011 angka tersebut sudah dicapai," kata Heru.

Menurut Heru, target 3 juta pelanggan BlackBerry sampai akhir tahun akan lebih mudah dicapai sejalan dengan bertambahnya tipe atau jenis smartphone asal Research in Motion (RIM) Kanada tersebut yang dipasarkan di Indonesia.
BlackBerry, menurutnya juga sudah bukan lagi merupakan barang mewah karena di pasar sudah tersedia dengan harga di bawah Rp 2 juta.

"Pengguna BlackBerry juga sudah dari semua kalangan mulai dari anak-anak hingga orangtua," katanya.

Menurutnya, dari sekitar 2,5 juta pelanggan BlackBerry Telkomsel saat ini sebanyak 60% merupakan pelanggan berlokasi di DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Selebihnya atau dari sekitar 40% terbesar berada di Bandung, Makassar, Surabaya, Medan, dan Balikpapan.

( rou / ash )

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Foxconn Produksi 150 Ribu iPhone 5 per Hari

Foxconn Produksi 150 Ribu iPhone 5 per Hari

Jakarta - Rumor mengenai dirilisnya iPhone 5 pada bulan Oktober makin menguat dengan datangnya laporan yang menyebutkan bahwa pabrik perakitan Apple siap memproduksi 150 Ribu unit iPhone 5 per hari.

Dikutip detikINET dari Cnet, Jumat (9/9/2011), Foxconn menargetkan sebanyak 5-6 juta handset di akhir bulan September dan lebih dari 22 juta unit dalam kuarter keempat ini.

Pengapalan handset yang banyak ditunggu-tunggu ini juga makin dipertegas dengan informasi bahwa pabrikan lain yang memproduksi kelengkapan iPhone 5 seperti Largan Precision (lens maker), G-Tech Optoelectronics (glass provider), Simplo and Dynapack (battery supplier) dan TPK Holding (touch screen maker) telah siap 100%.

iPhone generasi baru ini akan memiliki body yang lebih tipis dengan bobot yang lebih ringan dibandingkan iPhone 4. Konon, perangkat ini diperkaya dengan kamera 8 MP lengkap dengan dual-LED flash.

Persiapan peluncuran iPhone 5 membuat pemasok akan mengurangi jumlah iPhone 4 dan iPhone versi CDMA selama kuarter terakhir tahun ini.

Operator Eropa Deutsche Telekom juga sudah menggelar program pre-order bagi mereka yang ingin memesan iPhone terbaru tersebut. Tidak tertutup kemungkinan program ini akan turut dilakukan oleh T-Mobile dan Sprint di Amerika. ( sdj / ash )

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Blogger Rilis Aplikasi iPhone

Blogger Rilis Aplikasi iPhone

Jakarta - Blogger akhirnya merilis aplikasi untuk sistem operasi iOS. Ini adalah aplikasi resmi pertama yang dikeluarkan oleh layanan blog tersebut.

Aplikasi ini tentu saja disambut gembira oleh para blogger karena dengan aplikasi ini mereka dimudahkan untuk mempublish postingan blog langsung dari ponsel mereka.

Layanan yang disediakan aplikasi ini bukanlah layanan full, di mana user tidak bisa mengedit template atau HTML, termasuk juga memanage komentar melalui aplikasi tersebut. Hanya aktivitas-aktivitas utama saja yang ditampilkan oleh aplikasi ini yakni menyimpan (save), mengedit (edit) dan mempublish postingan, termasuk mengunggah foto dan menambahkan informasi lokasi.

Dikutip detikINET dari Mashable, Jumat (9/9/2011), aplikasi ini akan tersedia untuk pengguna iOS 3.2 ke atas. Tampilan mukanya dikatakan menyerupai aplikasi Blogger for Android.

Di kancah layanan blogging, Blogger memang tengah dibayangi oleh layanan lain seperti WordPress, Tumblr dan kompetitor lainnya. Oleh karena itulah Google, selaku pemilik Blogger telah membuat sejumlah usaha untuk membuat Blogger kembali relevan. ( sdj / ash )

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Oprah's live Facebook show a hit

By Suzanne Choney

Oprah Winfrey got a whole lot more Facebook friends Thursday — not that she needs them, mind you. The longtime TV star, whose enormously popular show went off the air last May, was a huge hit on the huge social networking site for her first live, streaming appearance.a

Even the set for her one-hour appearance resembled a mini-Oprah show, with the audience filled with genuinely enthusiastic fans (Facebook employees, seated in the audience at the company's Palo Alto headquarters), and a global audience watching.a

There was high-tech girl talk, with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg moderating, but it was from the heart, as always.a

Winfrey said just as she had "leveraged" her TV show to do good, she decided to end the show after 25 years and "create a platform on cable, in digital, on people's telephones, wherever they are ... that reaches them in such a way that allows people to be who they were meant to be.a

"That's really my goal, just like Facebook's goal is to connect everybody in the world, my goal is to connect with people and have them see for themselves the greater possibilities of their lives."a

Winfrey admitted starting her own network — called OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) — has been the source of some anxiety, and "I feel a little out-of-body some days," but she is happy to be tackling new challenges, even though some people see her and greet her as if a relative just died, saying, "How is it? How's it going?"a

Oprah fans were exuberant at the chance to see Winfrey, even on the small screen. "I loved this interview with Oprah. :)" said Catherine Bialosh, in the comments posted during the live feed. Said another fan, Nasrin Kian, it's "great to see your beautiful face Oprah any where any time."a

Related stories:a

9/11 Memorial app dedicates your Facebook status to victims Oprah Winfrey to do Facebook live chat Oprah thanks fans as 25-year run comes to end

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a


Rovio Dekati Taman Bermain Angry Birds

Rovio Dekati Taman Bermain Angry Birds

Jakarta - Alih-alih menuntut pemilik theme park The Window of the World, pembesut game Angry Birds, Rovio malah akan berpartner dengan mereka. Kerja sama yang akan terjalin ini terkait pembangunan wahana bermain Angry Birds di negara tirai bambu tersebut.

Wahana bermain Angry Birds baru saja dibuka di Changsha, sebuah kota di China tanpa mendapat persetujuan dari Rovio. Wahana ini diklaim sebagai 'The Real Version of Angry Birds' yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk bermain Angry Birds dalam wujud fisik berukuran raksasa.

"Wahana ini belum mendapat persetujuan dari Rovio," ujar juru bicara The Window of the World, Daisy Yang. Akan tetapi, alih-alih mengambil langkah hukum, Rovio malah akan menjalin kerja sama jangka panjang dengan pihak pemilik taman bermain.

Diboyongnya permainan populer tersebut ke dalam kehidupan nyata dikatakan oleh perusahaan China tersebut bisa membantu pengunjung melepaskan stres.

Berpartner dengan taman bermain ini dipastikan akan menguntungkan Rovio yang sebelumnya memang memiliki strategi untuk melebarkan sayap Angry Birds di China dan memuluskan penjualan merchandise game tersebut.

Rovio, seperti dikutip detikINET dari PCWorld, Jumat (9/10/2011), berharap mendapatkan pendapatan besar dari pasar di China. Sekarang ini mereka sudah menjual berbagai pernak-pernik Angry Birds dalam bentuk t-shirt, wadah iPhone, dan kue tradisional China.

( sdj / rou )

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Google Buys Out Zagat to Beef Up Local Content

Before the dust has even settled on Google's blockbuster Motorola acquisition bid, the search engine giant is making another purchase: Zagat, a restaurant-review firm.

Marissa Mayer, vice president of Local, Maps And Location Services at Google, said Zagat would be a cornerstone of Google's local offering.

The Zagat acquisition will give Google an array of reviews, ratings and insights that will help people discover restaurants in their local neighborhood or in exotic places around the world.

" 'Did you know there's a place in Menlo Park near the Safeway that has a 27 food rating?' One of my friends asked me that about two years ago," Mayer said, "and I was struck because I immediately knew what it meant.

"Food rating...30 point scale Relevant Products/Services... Zagat. And the place...had to be good. With no other context, I instantly recognized and trusted Zagat's review and recommendation."

User-Generated Content Pioneer

Mayer is not alone. Zagat is a trusted brand in restaurant reviews. Zagat is also a pioneer of user-generated content. By combining Google and Zagat content, resources and platforms, the companies plan to "offer new ways for consumers to express their opinions and make informed decisions," Zagat said on its home page.

"With Zagat, we gain a world-class team that has more experience in consumer-based surveys, recommendations and reviews than anyone else in the industry," Mayer said, noting that the brand was founded 32 years ago and operates in 13 categories in more than 100 cities.

"The Zagats have demonstrated their ability to innovate and to do so with tremendous insight," Mayer continued. She called Zagat surveys one of the earliest forms of user-generated content, which gathered restaurant recommendations from friends and computing and distributing ratings before the Internet as we know it today even existed.

"Their iconic pocket-sized guides with paragraphs summarizing and 'snippeting' sentiment were 'mobile Relevant Products/Services' before 'mobile' involved electronics," Mayer said.

Competing Locally

The Google-Zagat tie-up seems like a fit for both companies. Zagat tried to sell itself a year ago, hiring Goldman Sachs to advise on the deal. Google, meanwhile, has tried to pick up Yelp and Groupon to enhance its local-content business Relevant Products/Services. Google has tried to replicate both services, but hasn't gained much traction. With the Zagat deal, Google gets plenty of Internet assets that could help it compete in the local market.

"This is primarily about acquiring reviews content but it also comes with other secondary assets: guides, an online community and mobile apps," said Greg Sterling, principal analyst at Sterling Market Intelligence.

"Google is fortifying its local content now that it no longer is showing Yelp and other reviews on its Places pages. But will Google continue publishing the books? Probably not. And maintain the Zagat online subscription business? Probably not. It's a significant acquisition for Google's local efforts."

SFPD doing internal investigation on iPhone case

By Suzanne Choney

San Francisco police are conducting an internal investigation into the conduct of officers who accompanied Apple employees on a hunt for a missing iPhone prototype.a

A police spokesman confirmed the probe to CNET and to SF Weekly, which both have been doing some investigating of their own in the case, which seems to have more twists than a pretzel.a

First, the police department said officers were not involved in searching for the missing phone, giving some the impression that Apple's own investigators were impersonating officers by going into a man's home to search for the phone in July. Then, the police department said it did accompany Apple investigators, but that officers stood by while those investigators conducted the search. No police report was filed by Apple.a

Police Chief Greg Suhr recently told the San Francisco Chronicle that it wasn't uncommon for officers to accompany investigators, and that Apple, as the company that lost the property, had the right to request that a report not be filed.a

A department spokesman, Lt. Troy Dangerfield, had little to say about the internal probe.a

"You read all of the allegations, so it would not be doing due diligence to not investigate," he told SF Weekly.a

Related stories:a

SFPD says it helped Apple in iPhone hunt, says SF Weekly Did Apple snoops pose as cops in iPhone hunt? Did another iPhone prototype go missing?

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Microsoft Reportedly To Show Windows 8 Tablet Next Week

Microsoft Relevant Products/Services is getting ready to show a new Windows Relevant Products/Services-based tablet Relevant Products/Services. The software giant is expected to show a device running a tablet-optimized version of Windows, called Windows 8, at a developer conference in Anaheim, Calif., next week.

In 2010, Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer showed a Hewlett-Packard tablet running Windows at the Consumer Electronics Show, but that product never made it to a mass release. Way back in 2001, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates showed an early Windows tablet.

This time, according to a report in the Korea Economic Daily, Windows chief Steven Sinofsky is expected to do the honors, using a Samsung-made device. Neither Microsoft nor Samsung have yet confirmed the report.

12 Months Away

Windows 8 will be the first version of that operating system designed to run on ARM processors, which are widely used in tablets and other mobile Relevant Products/Services devices. According to some reports on the Web, the tablet will actually be a quad-core ARM, and every person attending the Microsoft BUILD developers conference will receive a free tablet.

Microsoft has said that Windows 8 will be able to run all applications that the desktop Relevant Products/Services Windows can, which would give it a leg up on Apple's division between its iOS mobile and OS X desktop/laptop Relevant Products/Services operating systems. Some observers also expect that Windows 8 will be able to run all apps built for the company's Windows Phone 7 mobile platform.

But the company appears to be a long ways off from actually releasing a Windows tablet, as the new device is not expected to be on the market for at least 12 months. By the time the Windows 8 tablet is released, the category could largely be owned by Apple and Amazon.

And Then There's Amazon

The dominance of Apple's iPad Relevant Products/Services in the category it virtually created is expected to be challenged, within a few weeks, by one or possibly two inexpensive, Android-based tablets from Amazon, which has had success with its Kindle and which has a huge inventory of content to feed to its mobile devices.

Industry rumors indicate that the tablet could be priced at $250, a direct challenge to the iPad's starting price of $499, and that the device, featuring a 7-inch display, will launch in November. A 10-inch version, with a more powerful processor, could follow in early 2012.

As Amazon gears up its tablet effort, a wave of other $200 to $300 tablets are also populating the marketplace. Lenovo's new IdeaPad Tablet A1 starts at $199, Samsung's original Galaxy Tab is now $279, and Barnes & Noble's 7-inch Nook Color e-book reader/tablet is $249.

Some industry observers expect Amazon to sell its low-cost tablet models at a loss so that it can make money on providing content. According to Forrester Relevant Products/Services Research, an Amazon tablet could sell 3 million to 5 million units in the fourth quarter, which would catapult it into being the key competitor to the iPad.

Nusantara Online Tambal Lubang Tiap Minggu

Nusantara Online Tambal Lubang Tiap Minggu

Bandung - Meski memiliki alur cerita memikat, game Nusantara Online sayangnya menyisakan banyak bug (lubang) yang cukup mengganggu. Hal ini pun disadari para pengembanganya.

Nusantara Online, merupakan hasil kerjasama antara Sangkuriang Studio yang bertugas membuat engine grafis, dan Telegraph sebagai perancang karakter ataupun sistem permainan dalam game tersebut.

Hanya saja, meski menawarkan latar belakang budaya Indonesia yang menarik, game ini belum bisa diterima dengan baik lantaran memiliki sejumlah bug. Misalnya, tampilan grafis yang tidak semestinya, atau damage point yang tidak merata.

"Ya saya akui memang masih memiliki banyak kekurangan, tapi kami memang masih dalam proses belajar," kata Heru Nugroho, Presiden Direktur Telegraph Studio.

Demi memperbaiki hal tersebut, kedua studio itu pun memutuskan untuk segera merilis versi kelanjutan Nusantara Online dengan engine grafis terbaru. Tapi sementara itu mereka mengaku hampir setiap minggu melakukan update.

"Mungkin Nusantara Online adalah satu-satunya game yang paling sering melakukan update," klaim Heru Nugroho, kepada detikINET, Kamis (8/9/2011).

Tak melulu hanya meluncurkan patch terbaru untuk menambal celah, Telegraph juga mengklaim melakukan penambahan fitur ketika mereka merilis patch.

"Selain perbaiki bug, patch-nya juga terkadang menambahkan beberapa item dalam map," tambah Rama Dwissa Wiana, Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Telegraph.

( eno / ash )

Sumber detik com

Next Android update: Ice Cream Sandwich in October?


By Athima Chansanchai

Google will likely roll out its latest sweet-themed Android update, Ice Cream Sandwich, as early as October, said executive chairman Eric Schmidt, who released that detail during the recent Dreamforce conference in San Francisco.a

Schmidt was the keynote speaker at the event, which focuses on cloud computing (but also featured a gala performance of Metallica! Metallica!). At the 30:20 mark of the video below, he talks about the rollout, which could also happen as late as November. Schmidt's specific — and all too brief — wording is this:a

We have a new operating system internally known as 'Ice Cream Sandwich' for some reason, which is being released in October, November, which everybody is very excited about.a's Marc Benioff and Google's Eric Schmidt at Dreamforce 2011.a

Ice Cream Sandwich comes after Honeycomb (3.0 to 3.2), which was tailored for tablets. This next, more ambitious, update was first introduced at Google I/O in May, with this rousing endorsement on the Official Google Blog:a

Our goal with Ice Cream Sandwich is to deliver one operating system that works everywhere, regardless of device. Ice Cream Sandwich will bring everything you love about Honeycomb on your tablet to your phone, including the holographic user interface, more multitasking, the new launcher and richer widgets.a

The hope with Ice Cream Sandwich (unconfirmed but likely slated as Android 4.0) is to bring some order to the chaos that fragmentation has brought to the numerous Android devices out there, now multiplying in tablets as much as smartphones, it seems. (Schmidt said half a million Android phones are activated a day. A day! "If that continues, it'll fill the planet." Now, there's some imagery for you.)a

It would be the merger of Honeycomb and Gingerbread (Android 2.3), these two combined into a powerful hybrid mobile operating system that would be able to run on both kinds of devices. At last, unity.a

A recent comScore report shows that Android's presence is pervasive: It's still the No. 1 smartphone platform in the U.S. with nearly 42 percent of the market share, with Apple's iOS a distant second at 27 percent. a

More stories:a

Android's next move: Unify phone and tablet OS 70 percent of US-owned smartphones are iPhones or Androids Welcome to the United States of Android and iOS Live chat: Here come the Super Androids Verizon and Motorola finally launch Droid Bionic Two Android tabs for under $200

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Motorola gets GLEAMing in the UAE

Press release: Motorola Mobility, Inc. today announced that the Motorola GLEAM is now available in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at leading retailers.

A slim (13.9 mm silhouette) and beautifully-designed flip phone for the style conscious amongst us, Motorola GLEAM is designed for those who appreciate the simplicity and fun of mobile life. The retail price is AED 339 for the single sim version and AED 499 for the dual sim (MSRP).

Motorola GLEAM integrates an FM radio, MP3 playback, a 2-megapixel camera, video capture and landscape video viewing, so that you can stay entertained wherever you are. Equally, the design has a modern twist as an LED matrix keeps you notified of important upcoming events and information, whilst a beautiful glowing light emits from the flip’s transparent base to signal a call or message.

“Motorola GLEAM is a stylishly fun phone that offers consumers in the UAE a number of key entertainment features â€" a primary appeal to mobile phone users in the region.  Its quirky lighting design lets you stand out from the crowd and make a style statement whether at work or play,” said Raed Hafez, general manager for Motorola Mobility, MENA.

Additional features include:

WAP 2.0 browser support SMS, MMS, Email (POP3/IMAP) 32MB Flash/16MB RAM; end user memory>5MB, 800 phonebook, 500 SMS1 microSD supports up to 16GB 2.4″ QVGA display GSM dual band 900/1800 Bluetooth2.12 + EDR with A2DP support Micro USB charging & data (USB 2.0 HS); 3.5 mm audio jack

 Pricing and Availability Motorola GLEAM is available now in graphite gray and thistle from AED 339 for the single sim version and AED 499 for the dual sim (MSRP).

About Mufaddal Fakhruddin

Mufaddal Fakhruddin is an Editor for Tbreak, and has nothing cool or witty to say here. Just follow him at @mideastgamers or, would you kindly?


Nvidia’s CEO says quad-core chips on tablets by year end

In a recent round table discussion with the press, Nvidia’s outspoken CEO, Jen-Hsun Huang said that their mobile arm will grow from its current revenue generation of $2 billion to $20 billion by 2015. Their main graphics business will see a global market increase of only 75% to $7 billion within the same time frame.

Huang was quick to point out that their Tegra 1 & 2 chips are featured in nearly 50% of all Android based smartphones and over 70% in Android tablets currently in the market. The only other firm that they feel is larger than them is Qualcomm. ”We’re the only person actively on the dance floor with Qualcomm,” Huang told Forbes. He also mentioned that the majority of smartphone apps are designed for the ARM CPUs, which is one place where Intel’s current Atom line of CPUs will be in trouble due to their X86 architecture. ”They’re speaking the wrong language. We’re not worried about them at all.”

Source: BGR


There’s a market of 100 million smartphone and tablet devices in the current market, a number that can balloon up to 1 billion with more need for smartphones, energy efficient and highly portable laptops. ”If you don’t have a mobile strategy, you’re in deep turd,” Huang said. “If you’re not in mobile processors now, you’re seven years too late.”

Huang says that their quad-core Tegra 3 chips, code named Kal-El, will be coming out on tablets by the end of this year, with smartphones featuring Kal-El in early 2012.

About Taimoor Hafeez

From auditing to editing, I now test and analyze the latest gadgets and games instead of the latest financial statements. Both jobs are equally intense and rewarding. In my free time you'll find me raiding in WoW or engineering in TF2.


Foto Sushi Diyakini Hasil Jepretan iPhone 5

Foto Sushi Diyakini Hasil Jepretan iPhone 5

Jakarta - Sebuah foto sedang hangat diperbincangkan, terutama di kalangan penggila produk Apple. Pasalnya, foto yang menampilkan makanan sushi berikut dipercaya sebagai foto publik pertama yang diambil menggunakan iPhone 5 yang notabene belum rilis di pasaran.

Keyakinan tersebut terkait data EXIF yang memperlihatkan detail teknis foto tersebut. Meskipun data EXIF menunjukkan bahwa foto hasil cropping itu diambil dengan menggunakan iPhone 4, akan tetapi resolusi yang tertera 'bercerita' lain yakni 2235×2291 (5,12 MP), resolusi ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang mampu ditangkap oleh sensor iPhone 4.

Foto aslinya sendiri yang belum melalui proses cropping diketahui diambil dari kamera berkekuatan 8 MP, cocok dengan rumor spesifikasi iPhone 5 yang beredar, demikian dikutip detikINET dari TechCrunch, Kamis (8/9/2011)

Bukti lain yang menguatkan spekulasi itu adalah data koordinat GPS foto 37.33216667,-122.03033333, yang tak lain adalah koordinat markas besar Apple di 1 Infinite Loop. Foto itupun memiliki tanda AppleMark yang mengindikasikan bahwa ia telah diimport ke komputer berbasis OS X melalui Image Capture.

Meskipun foto bisa diedit dan data EXIF bisa dimanipulasi, akan tetapi cerita di balik foto tersebut menguatkan desas desus yang beredar. Diberitakan, foto tersebut diambil oleh teknisi software Apple bernama Anton D'Auria saat makan siang dan diberi judul 'lunch at work' di situs foto Flickr.

Waktu peluncurkan iPhone 5 memang masih menjadi pertanyaan namun ponsel yang paling ditunggu ini diperkirakan akan menampakkan sosoknya dengan jelas pada bulan Oktober 2011. ( sdj / ash )

Sumber detik com

Kembangkan Windows Phone, Nokia Pelajari Kegagalan WebOS

Kembangkan Windows Phone, Nokia Pelajari Kegagalan WebOS

Jakarta - Hewlett Packard belum lama ini mengumumkan penghentian produksi perangkat berbasis sistem operasi WebOS karena dipandang gagal di pasaran. Nokia ingin belajar dari keterpurukan WebOS sehingga hal itu tidak terjadi pada mereka.

Seperti diketahui, Nokia akan mengandalkan OS Windows Phone 7 di deretan smartphonenya. Gary Chan selaku Head of Ecosystem and Developer Experience Nokia Singapura, Malaysia dan Brunei mengaku pihaknya akan mengantisipasi sejak dini agar WP 7 dieksekusi dengan baik dan tak bernasib sama dengan WebOS.

Menurut Gary, keputusan HP berhenti melanjutkan produksi hardware WebOS menunjukkan betapa cepat perubahan di industri teknologi. Menurutnya, saat ini yang terjadi adalah perang ekosistem OS, dalam hal ini adalah keberadaan layanan pendukung seperti aplikasi.

Dikutip detikINET dari ZDNetAsia, Kamis (8/9/2011), Gary menilai kegagalan WebOS adalah karena platform tersebut tidak terlalu mendukung para developer dalam menghasilkan uang.

Gary menambahkan, Nokia pun berupaya mencari jalan terbaik bagi para developer dalam memasukkan aplikasinya untuk platform Windows Phone. Nokia berharap ekosistem Windows Phone bakal bersaing dengan iPhone dan tentunya Android.

( fyk / rns )

Sumber detik com

Spot the Apple in this picture?

The following picture looks like Sushi right?

You are correct but what is interesting is the device this picture was taken with. While the EXIF data will tell you it is an iPhone 4 that took this picture, sharper eyes saw that the original size of this picture was close to 8MP that was later cropped to 5MP. As we all know, the iPhone 4 does not have an 8MP camera fueling the argument that this image is from the next iPhone. Score for

This (very attractive) photo claims to have been taken by an iPhone 4, but the rest of its EXIF data tells a different story: although the image has been cropped to 2235×2291 (5.12 megapixels), the original picture was a much larger 3264×2448 — or just shy of eight megapixels. What’s more, the lens was recorded as a 4.3mm f/2.4, which is closer to that of a point-and-shoot than the iPhone 4′s actual 3.85mm f/2.8.

And guess what? The image has been pulled from flickr by an Apple Software Engineer.

About Abbas Jaffar Ali

Abbas Jaffar Ali is the founder of and a blogger, geek and self-declared tech pundit who can't stop talking about technology. Find him on twitter as @ajaffarali


BlackBerry Bebas Bea Masuk Impor

BlackBerry Bebas Bea Masuk Impor

Jakarta - Produk BlackBerry (BB) atau produk elektronika telekomunikasi secara umum selama ini memang dibebaskan dari bea masuk impor. Wacana disinsentif bagi produk BB bisa dianggap sebagai tindakan diskriminasi dalam perdagangan.

"Untuk BB nol. Untuk semua barang elektronik telekomunikasi bea masuknya nol. sebenarnya kalau dari sisi perdagangan dia masuk masuk aja, tapi dari sisi izin sertifikasi ada harganya, tapi itu saya tidak tahu," ujar Dirjen Bea Cukai Agung Kuswandono di Jakarta, Rabu (7/9/2011).

Dengan demikian, Agung menilai pemberian disinsentif bisa dilakukan melalui instrumen pajak, seperti Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah (PPnBM) atau Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 22 yang saat ini sebesar 2,2%.

"Bea masuk itu tidak bisa, diinsentifnya bisa dari pajak, PPn BM, tapi ciri untuk PPn BM dia harus berlaku untuk semua, tidak boleh diskriminatif. itu juga karena undang undang, tidak bisa seenaknya naik turun," tegasnya.

Sayangnya jika ingin memberikan disinsentif melalui kedua instrumen tersebut, lanjut Agung, pastilah akan berdampak pada sisi perdagangan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikaji lebih dalam guna memberikan disinsentif kepada perusahaan yang tidak memiliki pabrik di Indonesia padahal konsumennya besar di tanah air ini.

"Itu harus dikaji dulu, belum tentu itu menjadi efektif, makanya kita sedang mencari dulu. takutnya, itu malah mendistorsi perdagangan," ujarnya.

Selain itu, tambah Agung, ada cara lain dalam pemberian disinsentif adalah melalui non tarif measure atau mempersulit perdagangannya melalui kenaikan harga sertifikasi produk. Namun, hal tersebut perlu diperhatikan karena dapat memberikan berimbas pula pada perdagangan ekspor Indonesia.

"Itu namanya non tariff measure, negara lain punya non tariff measure, harus izin inilah segala macam,istilahnya dipersulit lah. Kita juga mempunyai opsi itu, Tapi juga jangan salah itu bisa jadi retaliasi (pembalasan) bagi kita kalau ekspor. harus dikaji. Pokoknya saya melihatnya kalau kita punya industri di dalam negeri bagaimana caranya melindungi atau mendukung industri kita," pungkasnya.

( nia / nia )

Sumber detik com

'Tea Party Zombies Must Die' sparks outrage

By Todd Kenreck

An online game company has created a zombie apocalypse game where zombie Tea Party members are trying to eat you alive. The game tries to be funny, but ends up being irresponsible. In-Game Todd Kenreck reports.a

5 Kiat Aman Main Game Online

5 Kiat Aman Main Game Online

Jakarta - Bermain game online memang mengasyikkan, namun Anda harus ingat bahwa banyak ancaman yang menghantui. Berikut 5 kiat aman untuk ngegame di dunia maya yang diramu perusahaan keamanan Eset.

1. Gunakan selalu antivirus yang terupdate secara berkala dan solusi keamanan komputer yang memiliki fitur anti spyware dan firewall.

2. Gunakan password untuk account yang berbeda dan buatlah password yang sulit ditebak, serta jangan membuat yang terlalu sederhana.

3. Ketiklah URL atau website game online yang diinginkan langsung di browser atau manfaatkan bookmark yang ada di browser. Dengan begitu Anda akan terhindar dari unsur ketidaksengajaan mengklik link online game dari search engine yang telah terinfeksi.

4. Lindungi data dengan membuat password pelindung baik di komputer maupun di cloud.

5. Jangan pernah gunakan software hasil crack, karena bisa jadi itu adalah software jahat atau malicious software.

"Performa tinggi dan tidak mempengaruhi kualitas game yang dimainkan. Dua hal tersebut menjadi indikator penting dalam memilih software antivirus," kata Marcel 'k1llsen' Paul, seorang e-sports gamer yang saat ini menduduki peringkat atas pada top gaming league ESC di Jerman.

"Sebagaimana seorang e-sports professional, menurut saya setiap gangguan dapat berakibat pada kerugian kita sendiri," pungkasnya, dikutip detikINET, Kamis (8/9/2011).

( ash / ash )

Sumber detik com

Iridium Unveils Satellite-Enabled Wi-Fi Hotspot

Mobile-satellite operator Iridium has unleashed a new Iridium Force product line that will enable large enterprises, humanitarian organizations, government agencies and the military to use standard smartphones, tablets and notebook Relevant Products/Services PCs to communicate via satellite from remote Relevant Products/Services locations around the world.

Iridium's satellite constellation -- which consists of 66 cross-linked communication platforms in low earth orbit plus seven in-orbit spares -- collectively provide blanket coverage of the entire planet, said Iridium CEO Matthew Desch. By contrast, traditional telecom networks cover less than 10 percent of the earth's surface.

"This is why Iridium is poised to greatly expand the role of satellites in personal mobile Relevant Products/Services communications," Desch said.

The company's new Iridium Extreme handset and lightweight Iridium AxcessPoint work in tandem to create a Wi-Fi Relevant Products/Services hotspot on the fly that can be accessed by a variety of Wi-Fi enabled mobile devices, including Apple's iPhone and iPad Relevant Products/Services, Blackberry handsets, as well as Android smartphones and tablets.

"It is evident that consumer expectations have changed dramatically in a relatively short period of time," Desch said. "Connectivity is no longer something that we want; it is something we expect anywhere, anytime."

Instant SOS

Iridium Force technology will undoubtedly benefit larger companies and organizations with workers based in remote and potentially dangerous locations where traditional land-line and cellular networks are unavailable. The new Iridium Extreme handset includes an instant SOS capability that will enable users to send an emergency message containing their GPS coordinates and status at the push of a button.

However, the company's new Iridium Force technology will be priced well beyond the reach of most individual users. Iridium distribution partner Transsat USA is pricing the new Iridium Extreme at $1,449, while the new Iridium AxcessPoint may cost as much as an additional $200.

Still, equipment rentals may eventually be offered by distributors that will provide an additional safety option for hikers visiting remote areas right here in the United States. On Wednesday, Iridium demonstrated how the new handset's built-in GPS technology could be used to display the path of a group of hikers on a map as well as to send email messages to family members concerning the group's progress.

Empowering Partners

Iridium eventually expects to offer a free software download that will convert existing laptops into a Wi-Fi hotspot that eliminates the need for the Iridium AxcessPoint. For example, later this year the app will be offered in Apple's iTunes Store "to make this possible for iOS devices," Desch said.

The mobile satellite operator also intends to license its core global connectivity technology to partners so that it can be embedded into a wider range of mobile and portable devices. For this purpose, the company has developed a new Iridium Core 9523 module that integrates the same voice Relevant Products/Services and data Relevant Products/Services interfaces found in the new Iridium Extreme handset.

Additionally, Desch expects to see the new module become embedded in next-generation maritime, aviation and tactical radio products, as well as in other communications hardware offerings. In military applications, for example, the technology could provide troops with instant access to maps that identify safe zones of operation as well as alert military commanders when their troops have departed from a hazardous mission zone, Desch said.

Twitter keeps search deal with Bing, not Google

By Suzanne Choney

The bromance between Bing and Twitter will continue for another two years; Microsoft's search engine will keep making tweets searchable using Bing. News of the agreement was shared via Twitter in tweets between the two  (awww ... and yes, is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBCUniversal).a

Google had a similar two-year deal with Twitter that ended July 2, and the search giant declined to seek a new one.a

Liz Gannes of AllThingsD noted at that time that the Google-Twitter relationship became "more tense" with Google's launch of its own social network, Google+, a competitor to Twitter and "source of real-time data itself."a

“Google likes to have leverage and this, at least in their minds, gives them leverage with Twitter,” said one observer. “But if Google is going to be the repository of all the world’s information, as it always touts itself as, it’s hard to imagine no Twitter in there.”a

Microsoft, too, may be putting together its own social network (it already owns 1.3 percent of Facebook): In July, Microsoft quickly posted, then pulled, a Web page that looked like such a network, called Tulalip.a


Related stories:a

Twitter makes sending tweets to Facebook easier RIM tightens link with Microsoft with Bing option Facebook and Bing team-up for social search

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

BlackBerry launches App World 3.0

RIM announced the launch of BlackBerry App World 3.0 – a new storefront that promises a cleaner look, and faster means of finding and download apps such as games, softwares and themes.

Some of the new features include:

Sleek New Design – The BlackBerry App World experience has been enhanced to help users discover the latest and greatest apps and content, starting right on the BlackBerry App World home screen where rotating spotlight banners show off all that’s new and exciting. New Channels – Apps, Games, and Themes now have their own channels so users can get to what they want even faster. Introduction of My Account – My Account makes managing BBID and payment options easy with direct access to all account information from the home screen.  New My World Features – My World gives users a streamlined view of their apps and status, and now at a glance, in addition to seeing which apps are installed and uninstalled, users can manage subscription content and services.  When new updates or subscription renewals are available for apps, users will be notified using push technology. App Social Sharing â€" when a user finds an app they can’t live without, they can share it directly from the app details screen through BBM, Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS Evolved App Details Screen – At a glance, users can get a quick summary, check out reviews and star ratings, take a look at screen shots, and more More Search Options – Quickly find apps with a Search Bar now appearing on the storefront home screen and search results are presented across Channels as well as My World.  Search Bars are also within each Channel and users have the ability to filter by App Name, Price, Rating, Newest, Best Match, or Popular

The App World 3.0 will be available for BlackBerry users with 0S 5+.

About Mufaddal Fakhruddin

Mufaddal Fakhruddin is an Editor for Tbreak, and has nothing cool or witty to say here. Just follow him at @mideastgamers or, would you kindly?


Yes, your MacBook Air can double as a kitchen knife


By Rosa Golijan

I'm definitely not suggesting that you try it at home, but — if the following videos are to be trusted — you could use your MacBook Air as a knife if there were a cooking emergency and every other sharp-edged object disappeared from your kitchen.a

Now, I don't really know what possessed the guy who runs a blog called Mochrom to cook using his MacBook Air — particularly since there are definitely some rather sharp looking knives visible in photos of his kitchen — but I'm glad he gave the whole thing a shot anyway.a

The fellow tried using his lovely laptop to dice mushrooms, cut baby corn, chop cabbage, peel carrots, slice shrimp, slash bacon, and halve apples.a

And ... he was reasonably successful.a

The MacBook Air worked as a decent enough knife replacement — as any similarly sharp-edged object might — except when it came to bacon and carrots. (The laptop could be used to peel the carrots, but failed to chop them up into tiny bits.)a

You can check out more videos and a detailed — albeit foreign language — walkthrough of the whole cooking procedure at Mochrom.a

Related stories:a

Hungry man tweets about steak, gets surprise delivery Good evening, may this iPad take your order? App automatically counts calories in food photos

Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on Facebook. Oh, and she can be found on Google+, too.a


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

WiLAN lawyers take on the world


You wanted more lawsuits? Well, your wish has been granted by the folks over at WiLAN. In November of last year the Canadian company brought it upon themselves to sue cable companys over broadcasting data to remote networks and computers. This time though, they’re taking on a whole bunch of big wigs who manufacture phones.

Engadget has reported that WiLAN lawyers have taken on Apple, Dell, HP, HTC, Kyocera, Novatel, Alcatel-Lucent and Sierra Wireless. The patents in question here are those that cover CDMA and HSPA data transmission as well as one which is related to the tech in WiFi and LTE.

One things for sure all these lawsuits is probably leaving the unemployment levels for lawyers at an all time low.

About Nabil Fahim

Humourist, narcissist, news-junkie, bassist and Techie. Best when caffeinated. Grumpy old man and seasoned collector of lame puns. Follow him on twitter: @nabilfahim


4 Ancaman yang Menghantui Game Online

4 Ancaman yang Menghantui Game Online

Jakarta - Popularitas game online semakin tinggi. Tidak hanya dimainkan orang dewasa, anak-anak pun sudah terbuai dengan permainan di dunia maya ini. Namun sadarkah mereka jika ada program jahat (malware) yang selalu menghantui.

Malware inilah yang juga harus diwaspadai para online gamer. Berikut jenis-jenis serangan yang sering menghinggapi dan malware yang menghantui dunia game online, menurut perusahaan keamanan Eset:

1. Phishing
Situs game palsu merupakan modus kejahatan internet yang marak bermunculan di internet. Sebagian di antaranya tampil dengan wajah yang memiliki kemiripan dengan URL atau web game aslinya.

Seorang gamer yang tidak waspada tidak hanya berpeluang terinfeksi tetapi juga bisa terancam kehilangan data pribadi yang lagi-lagi dapat berdampak pada kerugian finansial.

2. Jejaring sosial
Seperti di dunia nyata, kita tentu akan lebih percaya pada teman dekat. Di dunia maya, Facebook sebagai situs jejaring sosial dan pertemanan menjadi tempat penyebaran kejahatan internet. Banyak account Facebook palsu yang beredar dan dibuat untuk melakukan kejahatan.

Parahnya lagi adalah masing-masing menyatakan bahwa mereka adalah legitimate producer dari game-game yang beredar di Facebook tersebut. Untuk itu, jangan pernah memberikan atau memasukkan data pribadi yang bersifat rahasia ke situs-situs tersebut.

3. Game yang terinfeksi & software bajakan
Gamer berpeluang terinfeksi virus karena menggunakan software game komputer palsu atau hasil crack. Para pelaku kejahatan dengan modus tersebut tidak peduli pada kecintaan para gamer terhadap game dan aktifitas gaming, mereka begitu saja menyebarkannya lewat internet agar bisa didownload oleh gamer yang tidak waspada.

Para pecinta game diimbau untuk ekstra hati-hati terutama terhadap kiriman attachment email dan tentu saja juga removable media seperti USB flash drives.

4. Malware
Belakangan ini malware yang menyerang komputer para game online dan paling luas penyebarannya adalah Win32/PSW.OnLineGames. Program jahat ini masih termasuk keluarga Trojan yang biasanya digunakan untuk melakukan serangan phishing dan ditujukan spesifik ke pemain game online.

Malware tipe ini umumnya muncul dengan keylogging dan terkadang juga rootkit untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang berhubungan dengan online game dan data milik pemain. Langkah berikutnya adalah informasi yang diperoleh tersebut akan dikirim ke komputer lain, yaitu komputer pelaku penyerangan.

Untuk itu sangat dianjurkan bagi pemain-pemain di MMORPGs (Massively Multi- player Online Role Playing Games) seperti Lineage dan World of Warcraft untuk tetap waspada terhadap threat yang potensial menyerang mereka.

Yudhi Kukuh, Technical Consultant dari PT. Prosperita-ESET Indonesia menambahkan, kerugian yang dialami para gamer online karena infiltrasi malware Win32/PSW.OnLineGames biasanya bisa dalam bentuk kehilangan poin perolehan game yang dimainkan.

"Karena poin itu adalah capaian penting dari para gamer dunia. Oleh sebab itu tindakan pencegahan sangat perlu sebelum point atau nilai tersebut hilang," pungkasnya kepada detikINET, Rabu (7/9/2011).
  ( ash / rns )

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HTC Titan – the biggest WM7 phone

If you thought Dell Streak and Samsung Galaxy Note were big then meet their counterpart from HTC: The HTC Titan. It is a powerhouse device, sporting a huge 4.7 inch display S-LCD WVGA display, powered by a 1.5 GHz processor with 512 MB RAM on board. Even though display is even bigger than HTC sensation but it actually uses a lower screen resolution: 800×480 rather than 960×540.

The handset has an 8.0 Megapixel camera as compared to 5 MP camera mostly featured in HTC handsets. This camera is equipped with 28 mm lens, a back illuminated sensor, f/2.2 aperture and Dual LED Flash; and is capable of 720p HD video recording. For those who want 3G or skype video calling then there is a 1.3 Megapixel front facing camera too.

HTC Titan connectivity features include HSDPA, HSUPA, WiFi with DLNA support, as well as Bluetooth, GPS, a Micro HDMI Port and a 3.5mm audio jack.The DLNA media streaming is first time introduced in HTC set, it was previously only available in LG Optimus 7 to stream media from phone to TV.

Internal memory storage on the handset is set to 16 GB, but there is no support for Micro SD memory cards. It include a second noise cancellation microphone, digital compass, full media player, and stereo FM radio with RDS.

It uses Windows Mobile 7: Mango update. And since Microsoft doesn’t allow much modification of their OS so expect standard features and apps as other mobiles. Price will be announced later when it launches this October.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Samsung Tertarik Beli Meego?

Samsung Tertarik Beli Meego?

Jakarta - Samsung kabarnya tengah melirik Meego. Perusahaan asal Korea Selatan ini berencana membeli Meego, setelah Intel dikabarkan akan memberhentikan pengembangan platform tersebut sementara waktu.

Mengutip sumber internal Samsung yang menolak disebut namanya, situs teknologi PC Mag yang dikutip detikINET, Rabu (7/9/2011), melaporkan bahwa Samsung berencana membeli OS berbasis Linux yang dikembangkan Intel bersama Nokia tersebut.

Sebelumnya, Intel disebut-sebut akan beristirahat dulu dalam pengembangan sistem operasi Meego karena ingin lebih fokus pada pengembangan hardware.

Namun hal ini lantas ditepis oleh Intel. "Kami tetap berkomitmen untuk Meego dan open source, dan akan terus bekerja untuk mengembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna," ujar juru bicara Intel kala itu.

Meski demikian, rumor bahwa Samsung tengah melirik MeeGo terus berkembang. Sumber lain, blog teknologi DigiTimes, kian memicu maraknya informasi tersebut dengan mengungkit kembali spekulasi lama bahwa pengembangan MeeGo lama terhenti karena kurangnya minat konsumen. ( rns / ash )

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BSA: Hampir 50% Pengguna PC Pakai Software Bajakan

BSA: Hampir 50% Pengguna PC Pakai Software Bajakan

Jakarta - Software bajakan menjadi momok yang sulit lepas dari industri software. Bahkan menurut Business Software Alliance (BSA), organisasi yang menaungi para produsen software, setengah pengguna (47%) komputer pribadi di dunia menggunakan software tidak resmi.

Jumlah tersebut diperkirakan lebih tinggi jika berbicara di negara-negara berkembang saja. Demikian menurut penelitian Ipsos Public Affairs yang dilakukan untuk BSA tersebut.

Survei ini sendiri dilakukan terhadap sekitar 15.000 pengguna komputer pribadi di 32 negara. Penelitiannya dijalankan termasuk dengan wawancara langsung secara perorangan maupun online kepada 400 hingga 500 responden di tiap negara.

Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa meski menunjukkan dukungan terhadap prinsip-prinsip perlindungan atas hak kekayaan intelektual, mayoritas pengguna komputer di negara berkembang memperoleh perangkat lunak secara ilegal.

Misalnya dengan membeli satu lisensi untuk sebuah program dan kemudian menginstal pada beberapa komputer, atau mengunduh program dari jaringan peer-to-peer.

Di antara 32 negara yang diteliti, 9 negara terletak di kawasan Asia-Pasifik. Enam di antaranya yaitu China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea Selatan, termasuk Indonesia.

Hasil studi secara khusus menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia menempati posisi ke-7 di antara 32 negara yang diteliti, dimana 65% dari pengguna komputer pribadi menyebutkan bahwa mereka memperoleh software seringkali atau selalu dengan cara ilegal.

Ironisnya, studi ini menemukan bahwa mayoritas pengguna perangkat lunak bajakan di negara berkembang tersebut meyakini cara ilegal yang mereka lakukan untuk memperoleh perangkat lunak merupakan cara yang legal.

Pada saat yang sama, mereka meyakini pula bahwa pembajakan software sudah bersifat umum dan mereka percaya bahwa kecil kemungkinan para pelaku pembajakan software tersebut akan ditindak.

Yang lebih mengkhawatirkan adalah bahwa para pembuat keputusan bisnis di seluruh dunia memiliki pendapat dan menunjukkan perilaku serupa dengan para pengguna komputer. Lima negara di Asia Pasifik termasuk dalam daftar 10 teratas negara dengan tingkat pembajakan tertinggi di tingkat pembuat keputusan bisnis.

"Diperkirakan ratusan juta oknum pembajak telah membuat kerugian sebesar USD 59 miliar dari seluruh perangkat lunak yang dibajak tahun lalu. Kini kita memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang apa yang mereka pikirkan," kata Robert Holleyman, Presiden dan CEO BSA dalam keterangannya, Rabu (7/9/2011).

"Bukti-bukti ini jelas menunjukkan bahwa cara menurunkan tingkat pembajakan perangkat lunak adalah dengan mendidik para pelaku bisnis maupun individu tentang hal-hal apa yang legal -- serta meningkatkan penegakan atas hukum-hukum di bidang hak kekayaan intelektual sehingga pesan-pesan yang dapat menimbulkan efek jera dapat disampaikan dengan lebih baik ke masyarakat," lanjutnya.

Kepala Perwakilan BSA Indonesia, Donny A. Sheyoputra menambahkan, BSA mendukung pemerintah Indonesia untuk melawan pembajakan software melalui penegakan hukum dan kegiatan edukasi mengenai penggunaan software berlisensi.

"Untuk menciptakan rezim HKI yang kuat, kami dengan tegas mendukung Direktorat Jenderal HKI merevisi UU No. 19 Tahun 2002 tentang Hak Cipta. Dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan software tanpa lisensi untuk kepentingan bisnis, RUU Hak Cipta mengatur pertanggungjawaban pidana korporasi terhadap perusahaan yang tetap menggunakan software tanpa lisensi dalam kegiatan operasional mereka," pungkasnya. ( ash / ash )

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Sonim XP3300 Force, Ponsel Tertangguh di Dunia

Sonim XP3300 Force, Ponsel Tertangguh di Dunia

Jakarta - Sonim dikenal sebagai produsen ponsel 'badak' yang mampu bertahan hidup dalam kondisi ekstrim sekalipun. Reputasi mereka kian mengkilap setelah salah satu ponselnya, Sonim XP3300 Force, dianugerahi Guiness World Record sebagai ponsel tertangguh sejagat.

Dalam pengujiannya, Sonim XP3300 dijatuhkan ke permukaan yang keras dari ketinggian 25 meter. Ternyata setelahnya, si ponsel tetap dapat berfungsi maksimal tanpa gangguan.

"Kami ingin menampilkan nama Sonim di world record, mengkonfirmasi bahwa Sonim XP3300 Force adalah ponsel tertangguh di dunia. Kebanyakan ponsel cuma diuji jatuh dari ketinggian 1 meter, ini tidak cukup," kata Bob Plaschke, CEO Sonim.

Dikutip detikINET dari PCMag, Rabu (7/9/2011), Bob mengklaim para pekerja di lapangan boleh tenang dengan diraihnya rekor tersebut. Sebab meskipun ponsel jatuh dari tempat sangat tinggi, ia tetap dapat berfungsi.

Menurut Sonim, XP3300 memenuhi spesifikasi militer, tahan air dan tahan debu. Ponsel ini mampu bertahan melawan garam, kabut, kelembapan, guncangan dan panas. Ia dapat hidup di kedalaman air 2 meter selama 1 jam.

Namun spesifikasinya memang masih standar feature phone, bukan smartphone karena tak memakai sistem operasi tertentu. Fiturnya seperti kamera 2 megapixel, GPS, Noise cancellation, dan baterai 1750 mAh. XP3300 tersedia di sejumlah pasar dengan harga sekitar USD 525

( fyk / ash )

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