Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dukung Kominfo, Importir Rela Stop Pasok BlackBerry

Jakarta - Asosiasi Pengusaha dan Importir Telepon Genggam Indonesia (Aspiteg) mendukung penuh langkah Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) dalam menegakan aturan terhadap Research in Motion (RIM), vendor layanan BlackBerry dari Kanada. "Kami 100% mendukung Kominfo. Stop sertifikat impor mereka, evaluasi kinerjanya, baru silakan jalan lagi. Sebagai asosiasi, seluruh anggota kami siap tidak impor BlackBerry dulu sampai RIM mau mematuhi aturan dan undang-undang di Indonesia," kata Ketua Umum Aspiteg Alie Cendrawan di eX Plaza, Jakarta, Jumat (14/1/2011). Aspiteg merupakan asosiasi importir yang beranggotakan lebih dari 20 perusahaan yang memasok ponsel-ponsel merek vendor ternama termasuk BlackBerry. Setiap bulannya mereka tercatat memasok ponsel lebih dari dua juta unit. Dari total dua juta unit, impor BlackBerry memang hanya 5 persen dari total ponsel merek ternama yang didatangkan. Namun karena BlackBerry termasuk ponsel kelas menengah ke atas, nilainya diakui Alie cukup besar. Sebagai pebisnis, para anggota Aspiteg tentu sadar dengan menyetop impor BlackBerry akan menurunkan pendapatan bisnis mereka secara signifikan. "Namun demi merah putih, kami tidak menganggap ini sebagai kerugian," tegas Alie. Sebagai pebisnis ponsel yang mengerti seluk-beluk kerja sama bisnis RIM di Indonesia, Aspiteg mengaku sadar benar bahwa langkah yang ditempuh Kominfo sudah benar. Menurut Alie, Indonesia selama ini sudah banyak dirugikan oleh skema bisnis yang dipaksakan RIM. "RIM beralasan cuma jual terminal dan tidak mau membangun server agar tidak terkena pajak. Padahal mereka melayani pelanggan di Indonesia. Sebagai perusahaan jasa, sesuai UU perdagangan, 30 persen harus masuk ke pajak. Dengan pendapatan per bulannya Rp 1,5 triliun dari dua juta pelanggan, RIM kelihatan sekali tak mau kehilangan Rp 450 miliar," papar Alie. Aspiteg juga menilai, RIM tak sungguh-sungguh membangun service center di Indonesia. Karena selama ini, kata Alie, dari enam service center yang dijanjikan RIM cuma ada satu saja di Jakarta. "Itu pun cuma satu, dengan Teleplan yang milik perusahaan asing. Sementara lainnya yang diklaim RIM, itu cuma pick-up point saja. Bukan service center sesungguhnya. Bagaimana RIM bisa melayani keluhan kerusakan BlackBerry kalau begini terus caranya," keluh Farid Manan, Wakil Ketua Aspiteg.
( rou / rns )

Friday, January 14, 2011

TriNet Improves Business Visibility with Oracle® Essbase

Redwood Shores, Calif. â€" January 13, 2011 News Facts To better support the growing needs and financial requirements of its business, HR outsourcing services provider, !-- . --" TriNet , the country’s largest private provider of human resources outsourcing solutions to small businesses, has deployed !-- . --" Oracle® Essbase . Headquartered in San Leandro, Calif., TriNet enables small companies to strategically and cost-effectively outsource the complex management of human resources, employee benefits, payroll and other HR related services. As the company expanded through merger and acquisition, TriNet sought to improve its financial reporting processes and analyses, and gain a real-time view into financial performance. By deploying Oracle Essbase, the industry-leading online analytical processing (OLAP) server, the company was able to: Integrate key data across the enterprise; Improve financial process efficiency, transparency and visibility; Increase compliance; and, Establish an agile financial reporting foundation that can scale to support future company growth. Building a Proven Practice Approach to Improve Financial Analysis and Reporting To address all the data analysis needs of its internal stakeholders, TriNet created an internal Business Intelligence (BI) and Performance Management (PM) team that gathered individuals from IT and Finance business functions to ensure the successful implementation and ongoing use of BI and EPM technologies. Partnering with !-- . --" interRel , a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), the team implemented Oracle Essbase on time and under budget in just two months. Users were trained in a matter of weeks and are now able to produce their own custom reports â€" regardless of their prior knowledge of the system. With Oracle Essbase, TriNet has a common foundation to implement, manage and analyze financial and operational data from numerous internal systems, including !-- . --" Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise , the !-- . --" Oracle E-Business Suite , a data warehouse using !-- . --" Oracle Database , Microsoft Access and third-party reporting tools, providing end-to-end visibility into key performance metrics across the enterprise. For example, Oracle Essbase has also allowed TriNet to run sophisticated product Profit and Loss (P&L) analysis to better view customer profitability and employee performance; a level of data collection and analysis that was not possible in the past. Oracle Essbase has given the team true agility to capture data and deliver analytics as business evolves. With sub week developments, Finance can rapidly get the business insight it needs. Along with the use of Oracle Interactive Reporting, Oracle Essbase has also enabled the company to improve financial data collection and reporting processes by an average of 93 percent, generating over 1200 hours of yearly time saving by enhancing the productivity of its internal financial staff while also providing better visibility into critical financial performance data. Oracle Essbase is a component of the !-- . --" Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite , a complete, open, and integrated enterprise BI solution that features reporting, ad hoc queries, OLAP, dashboards and scorecards. Supporting Quotes “TriNet is committed to deploying the latest technologies both internally and externally to improve processes and enhance our client experience,” said Burton M. Goldfield, President and CEO at TriNet. “Oracle Essbase is the gold standard in finance and analysis and provides a lean, easy to use solution. With Essbase, TriNet has been able to integrate data that had never been together before â€" providing a new level of visibility into our financial performance from which we can make informed business decisions,” said Rob Taylor, Vice President FP&A, TriNet. “We know we have a solution we can rely on to integrate any data and rapidly deliver the analytics business is craving for. The Center of Excellence structure type that our CEO put together has been a clear success factor for the deployment of our BI and EPM and Essbase was our cornerstone,” said Gauthier Vasseur, Vice President, BI-PM, TriNet. div style="margin-top:25px;margin-bottom:-5px;" div class="horidotted dottedspacer" !--spacer-- Supporting Resources

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!-- . --" Download free evaluation version of Oracle Essbase . Terms, conditions and restrictions apply. About TriNet TriNet is a trusted partner to small businesses, providing critical HR-related services on an outsourced basis. TriNet’s solutions help contain costs, minimize employer-related risks and relieve administrative burden to keep an entrepreneur’s focus on core business functions. From routine employee benefits service and payroll processing to high-level human capital consulting, TriNet’s PEO expertise is integrated with every facet of a client’s business. TriNet specializes in serving fast-moving companies in fields such as technology and professional services, who recognize that top-quality employees are the most critical competitive asset. For more information, please visit !-- . --" . About Oracle Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, please visit our Web site at Trademarks div class="legalese" Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Contact Info

Duet 'Cabe Rawit' Toshiba di Awal Tahun

Jakarta - Toshiba memperkenalkan dua netbook terbarunya, NB520 dan NB550. Keduanya bakal tersedia mulai kuartal I 2011 di seluruh Asia Tenggara. Seri NB520 merupakan netbook pertama di dunia yang dilengkapi sound system kelas premium Harman Kardon. Sementara NB505 adalah model yang hadir lebih minimalis tanpa speaker Harman Kardon. "Jika di Indonesia, Toshiba menyebutnya cabe rawit. Kecil tapi memiliki kualitas maksimal," papar Paige Shi, specialist product marketing group computer system Toshiba Singapore, saat acara peluncuran bertempat di Four Season, Kamis (13/1/2011). Saat dijajal detikINET , Toshiba NB520 memiliki suara bass yang mendentum layaknya versi laptop multimedia Qosmio. Netbook tersebut juga dilengkapi Dolby Advanced Audio yang menyediakan kualitas suara natural saat mendengarkan musik. Disertai fitur Sleep and Music, NB520 memungkinakan pengguna tetap menikmati musik walau netbook dalam keadaan mati. Mereka hanya perlu mencolokan MP3 player ke jack audio NB520. Dengan segala fitur audio di atas, mahalkan harga kedua 'cabe rawit' Toshiba itu? Paige Shi menyebutkan harganya dimulai USD 409 (sekitar Rp 3,6 Jutaan) hingga USD 469 (sekitar Rp 4,1 Jutaan). Silakan disimpulkan sendiri, apakah memang semahal harga cabe saat ini.
( fw / rns )

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The weakness in Internet Explorer

Microsoft warned of a gap weakness in Internet Explorer 6.7 browser, and 8. Gap has the potential to be exploited malicious people to smuggle malicious programs when visitors access the site dangerous.

Patch to close the vulnerability is being developed. Despite the critical status, there are no plans from Microsoft to update its emergency. So far, the gap has not been exploited irresponsible party.

"Until now, the impact of the weakness was still very minimal and we have not seen any consumers who become victims or active attacks, addressed to its users," said Caelene Chmaj, a spokesman for the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), Microsoft's official blog on Wednesday ( 12/22/2010). He said, however, it continues to monitor these weaknesses and to update as soon as possible.

This weakness was first reported several weeks ago by a French security company, Vupen, which was found in the HTML engine in Internet Explorer (IE).

IE7 and IE8 users may have a smaller chance to be a victim because this browser Protected Mode feature that will ask for permission to users if it will do the installation programs, launch applications, or modify the operating system components.

Microsoft emphasizes prevention to professional users. They suggested using the Enhanced Experience Mitigation Toolkit 2.0 (EMET 2.0) to increase the defense effort in the browser. These additional programs for free download at the Microsoft site.

Berhenti Merokok Lebih Efektif Lewat Konseling Ponsel

Jakarta - Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies di American Legacy Foundation AS menemukan bahwa para perokok yang rutin mendapatkan bimbingan atau konseling melalui telepon dan mengikuti program berhenti merokok di situs internet, bisa dua kali lebih cepat berhenti merokok dalam kurun waktu 18 bulan.    "Ini adalah salah satu dari beberapa percobaan besar yang telah memperlihatkan keberhasilan kombinasi konseling melalui internet dan ponsel," kata Amanda Graham, direktur pengembangan riset di Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies.  Graham menyebutkan, tingkat kebiasaan merokok di AS telah menurun drastis dari 30 persen di tahun 1985. Sayangnya dia tidak menjelaskan lebih rinci hingga berapa persen penurunannya. Konseling melalui telepon telah terbukti menjadi cara yang sangat membantu. Dan kini banyak program berhenti merokok melalui telepon menambahkan komponen internet untuk kian melengkapinya. Demikian dikutip detikINET dari Reuters , Rabu (12/01/2011).  Para peneliti mendata 2.000 perokok yang mengikuti program salah satu situs program berhenti merokok bernama Quitnet. Mereka dibagi dalam dua kelompok, yakni kelompok premium yang mengikuti program secara lengkap melalui konseling telepon dan internet, dan mereka yang mengikuti program basic yang mengikuti konseling dari telepon saja atau internet saja. Setelah 18 bulan, 15 persen partisipan yang mengikuti program premium dilaporkan tak lagi merokok. Didandingkan mereka yang menjalani program basic , hanya enam persen yang berhasil berhenti merokok dalam kurun waktu yang sama.
( rns / rou )

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

10 Prediksi Teknologi Storage di 2011

Jakarta - Teknologi data center terus berkembang setiap tahunnya. Lalu, bagaimana tren di tahun 2011 ini? Simak prediksi Hu Yoshida, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Hitachi Data Systems. Menurut Hu, tahun 2011 akan diwarnai dengan 10 tren storage utama seputar transformasi data center. Berikut penjabarannya seperti dikutip detikINET , Selasa (11/1/2011): 1. Adopsi virtualisasi storage dan dynamic provisioning semakin cepat. Keduanya menjadi fondasi bagi penerapan komputasi awan dan data center yang dinamis dengan tingkat ketersediaan tinggi. Virtualisasi storage, virtualisasi dari array storage eksternal memungkinkan migrasi dari satu array ke array yang lain tanpa gangguan. Sementara itu, dynamic provisioning memungkinkan storage disediakan dalam hitungan menit. 2. Integrasi virtualisasi server dan storage semakin erat. Integrasi ini diperlukan untuk meningkatkan adopsi virtualisasi data center. Saat ini, virtualisasi server sudah matang melebihi pengurangan biaya dari konsolidasi server print, file, test dan development untuk mendukung server aplikasi tier 1. Virtualisasi server memerlukan integrasi virtualisasi array storage yang bisa mengurangi 'leher botol' I/O peranti lunak seperti SCSI, sehingga bisa memenuhi kebutuhan aplikasi kelas enterprise.    3. Adopsi virtual tiering untuk manajemen daur hidup. Saat ini, virtual tiering mampu mengalokasikan volume ke satu pool of storage (kumpulan storage) yang berisi kinerja, biaya dan jumlah tier pada storage. Virtual tiering juga memiliki kecerdasan untuk memindahkan komponen dari volume tersebut ke tier yang lain berdasarkan jumlah akses. Pengguna tak perlu mengklasifikasikan sebuah volume dan mengalokasikannya ke satu tier storage. Pengguna juga tak perlu menaikkan atau menurunkan volume ke tier tertentu berdasarkan aktivitas. Virtual Tiering atau Dynamic Tiering akan melakukannya secara otomatis tanpa perlu melakukan klasifikasi atau pemindahan antar tier. 4. Saatnya menggunakan SSD (Solid State Drive) dalam konfigurasi virtual tier. SSD mampu meningkatkan kinerja sekaligus menurunkan biaya dalam konfigurasi virtual tier. Saat ini, 80% lebih volume tergolong tidak aktif, hanya sedikit saja jumlah SSD yang dibutuhkan dalam Tier 1 untuk melayani komponen-komponen yang aktif dari satu volume. Sebagian besar volume bisa memakai drive SAS atau SATA yang lebih murah. Pool storage multi-tier yang memiliki sedikit SSD dan banyak drive SAS atau SATA akan lebih murah dibandingkan satu pool drive SAS dengan total kapasitas yang sama dan memberikan IOP empat sampai lima kali lipat. 5. Adopsi Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) untuk sistem storage enterprise. Tidak seperti Fibre Channel (FC) loop yang digunakan mendukung drive FC pada sistem-sistem storage tua, SAS adalah protokol point-to-point. FC loop mensyaratkan setiap drive dalam loop membantu akses ke loop tersebut yang mengakibatkan inefisiensi. Jika drive yang lebih cepat  – seperti drive SSD -  disambungkan ke loop itu, akan menghabiskan loop tersebut sehingga drive yang lain tidak kebagian akses. Kebanyakan drive SAS saat ini berkecepatan 6Gbps dan sebagian besar FC loop adalah 4Gbps. Dengan demikian, SAS memiliki kinerja yang lebih cepat dengan akses point-to-point sehingga lebih mudah menemukan drive yang gagal dibandingkan FC loops. SAS juga kompatibel dengan SATA. Satu-satunya perbedaan adalah port-nya, SAS memiliki port ganda sedangkan SATA port tunggal. 6. Drive SFF (Small Form Factor), akan semakin banyak ditemui. Terutama karena efisiensi daya dan pendinginan yang dimiliki SFF. Peranti SFF adalah drive 2,5 inch yang mengkonsumsi daya sekitar 6 sampai 8 watt, dibandingkan drive Large Form Factor (LFF) 3,5 inci yang memakan 12 sampai 15 watt. Dengan demikian, SFF memangkas daya dan pendinginan secara dramatis, ditambah juga penghematan dari pemakaian ruangan. Sejumlah vendor mengemas 24 disk SFF dalam satu laci setinggi 2U dengan lebar 33,5 inci. Hitachi mengemas AMS dan Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) sehingga lebih padat. Satu laci AMS memiliki 48 drive setinggi 3U dengan lebar 24 inci. Laci ini bisa ditarik untuk pemeliharaan dengan 48 disk masih berputar. 7. Awan diterima sebagai salah satu model infrastruktur. Komputasi Awan akan mulai diterima sebagai salah satu konsep yang teruji. Sejumlah landasan ke Awan akan mendorong adopsi dengan menyediakan sejumlah peranti manajeman dan lapisan orkestrasi yang menyediakan transparansi seluruh proses. 8. Konvergensi data center melonjak. Konvergensi infrastruktur server, storage dan jaringan akan menyederhanakan dan mempercepat penggelaran aplikasi. Penggunaan server, hypervisor, storage dan virtualisasi jaringan memberikan jalan bagi platform terbuka yang memastikan perlindungan investasi dan pilihan bagi pengguna. 9. Aplikasi semakin transparan dalam virtualisasi storage atau aplikasi akan membutuhkan infrastruktur Awan. Tanpa transparansi ini, para pengguna aplikasi tidak bisa mengetahui apakah target Service Level Agreement (SLA) sudah tercapai, bagaimana mengetahui mekanisme penagihannya, perencanaan utilisasi dan tingkat kesehatan dari infrastrukturnya. Peranti lunak manajemen bisa menyediakan dashboard aplikasi bagi unit bisnis yang menggunakannya sesuai dengan target SLA. Dashboard tersebut menunjukkan status SLA, alokasi disk, tipe RAID, port storage dan tingkat kesehatan infrastruktur yang digunakan, serta kapasitas pemakaian. 10. Layanan terkelola (managed services) jarak jauh mulai tersedia. Remote Managed Services ini akan mengurangi beban monitoring, pelaporan, peringatan dan manajemen yang menghambat operasional TI beralih ke teknologi baru. Selama lebih dari 10 tahun, mandat yang diberikan kepada TI adalah mengerjakan lebih banyak hal dengan lebih sedikit sehingga staf disibukkan dengan pemeliharaan teknologi yang sama. Untuk melakukan transformasi data center, staf TI harus mencari waktu untuk pelatihan, perencanaan dan eksekusi. Sekelompok ahli TI yang beroperasi di luar Service Operations Center menggunakan peranti manajemen jarak jauh bisa meningkatkan kemampuan ini ke berbagai instalasi dengan biaya yang lebih diterima dan mendorong lebih cepat tingkat pengembalian investasi.
( ash / fyk )

Banca Transilvania Selects Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking to Support Rapid Growth through Innovative Products and Faster Service Provision

REDWOOD SHORES, Calif. â€" Jan. 11, 2011 News Facts Oracle today announced that !-- . --" Banca Transilvania , has selected !-- . --" Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking System (UBS) to support double-digit operational growth each year while sustaining profitability. Banca Transilvania is one of Romania’s top five banks, with four main business lines: retail banking, SME banking, corporate banking and healthcare division. Oracle’s FLEXCUBE UBS solution supports all of these business lines. In order to meet its present and future requirements as a growing financial institution, Banca Transilvania needed an integrated, efficient, cost-effective, and modern international banking system to support its expansion and address challenges such as risk, compliance, and improving the customer experience. Previously using an advanced solution and investigating other alternatives, Banca Transilvania’s decision to sign a multi-year deal with Oracle FLEXCUBE builds on its existing Oracle relationship, using the !-- . --" Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-2 . The bank also uses the !-- . --" Oracle Financials Hub . With 1.5 million active customers, 6 million accounts and more than 500 branches and agencies across Romania, Banca Transilvania is constantly growing. Oracle’s integrated core banking system will support its operation as a seamless enterprise, improving external offerings and internal operations. Oracle FLEXCUBE will support Banca Transilvania to consolidate its position and amplify its advantage in the increasingly competitive Romanian marketplace through flexible launches with reduced time to market of new, innovative products and services. The customer-centric functionality inherent in Oracle FLEXCUBE will support Banca Transilvania in managing and sustaining current and future growth, while seeking to meet and exceed the needs of its customers, as the integrated solution provides a holistic view of customer interactions for improved experiences. Banca Transilvania chose to work with Oracle due to its presence in the region, an implementation and support centre in Athens, more than 30 banking customers in the Balkans alone and more than 100 references in Europe. Local organization, Trend Import-Export SRL, gold level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), was instrumental in working with Banca Transilvania during its selection of FLEXCUBE, following the previously successful relationship with them during the implementation of the Oracle Exadata Machine X2-2. Supporting Quotes Robert Rekkers, CEO of Banca Transilvania, said: “Introducing Oracle FLEXCUBE means for Banca Transilvania, an investment in cutting edge technology, enabling us to continue to take advantage of our current growth, while also expanding through our ability to launch new products and services to our customers quickly. Banca Transilvania was looking for an integrated solution for core banking that was based on new technologies, and that would be capable of sustaining our development for years to come. Oracle FLEXCUBE fit the bill, providing us with a value for money solution and valued expertise alongside it through their partnership with Trend Export-Import SRL.” Frank Brienzi, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Oracle Financial Services Global Business Unit, said: “It’s fantastic news that Romania’s Banca Transilvania has chosen to build on an already strong relationship with Oracle, by moving its core banking platform to Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS. As financial institutions across Europe, and the world, face new economic realities and regulatory changes, focuses are increasingly on customer intimacy, competitive differentiation, cost effectiveness and compliance. With the implementation of Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS, Banca Transilvania is taking the lead in overcoming these challenges with their new integrated and flexible banking system. We are proud to be working with a local partner in Romania in Trend Import-Export, enabling Oracle to offer the ongoing support Banca Transilvania needs to stay ahead of the competition, and to offer superior customer service.” Tudor Iliescu, Manager, Trend Importâ€"Export, continues: “As an OPN Gold Partner, we’re very happy to be so heavily involved in another Banca Transilvania deal. We worked on Banca Transilvania’s highly successful implementation of the Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-2. We are looking forward to working with Banca Transilvania and Oracle for many years to come.” Supporting Resources

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!-- . --" Oracle PartnerNetwork About Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. Oracle Financial Services Software Limited (referred to as "Oracle Financial Services Software") (Reuters: ORCL.BO & ORCL.NS) is a world leader in providing products and services to the financial services industry and is a majority owned subsidiary of Oracle Corporation. Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information, visit About Oracle Exadata The Oracle Exadata Database Machine is the only database machine that provides extreme performance for both data warehousing and online transaction processing (OLTP) applications, making it the ideal platform for consolidating onto grids or private clouds. It is a complete package of servers, storage, networking, and software that is massively scalable, secure, and redundant. With Oracle Exadata Database Machine, customers can reduce IT costs through consolidation, manage more data on multiple compression tiers, improve performance of all applications, and make better business decisions in real time. Trademark Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. FLEXCUBE, Daybreak, Mantas and Reveleus, are trademarks of Oracle Financial Services Software and are registered in several countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Contact Info

Monday, January 10, 2011

Operator Dukung Kominfo Desak RIM

Jakarta - Sejumlah operator yang menjadi mitra Research in Motion (RIM) dalam penyelenggaraan layanan BlackBerry di Indonesia justru mendukung langkah penyensoran yang diminta oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo). Seperti diketahui, Menteri Kominfo Tifatul Sembiring sebelumnya telah mengultimatum RIM agar menutup segala akses konten pornogafi di BlackBerry. Jika permintaan itu tak dipenuhi hingga tanggal 17 Januari, maka layanan BlackBerry terancam ditutup total. "Kami akan meminta enam operator yang menjadi mitra RIM untuk menutup layanan BlackBerry di Indonesia," begitu katanya usai melantik pejabat eselon satu di kantor Kementerian Kominfo, akhir pekan ini. Tifatul menegaskan bahwa ancaman yang ditujukan kepada RIM bukan gertak sambal belaka. Namun karena berpegang teguh pada UU No. 14/2008 pasal 17 tentang pencegahan penyebaran pornografi. "Kita bukan sedang bernegosiasi, kalau RIM tidak memenuhi aturan dan UU RI, enough is enough ," tulis menteri dalam akun twitter-nya, @tifsembiring. RIM yang mendapat ancaman justru belum juga buka suara sampai detik ini. Konsultan humasnya di Indonesia berpendapat bahwa yang harusnya mengomentari masalah ini adalah perwakilan dari RIM pusat di Kanada. "Levelnya (CEO) Mike Lazaridis atau (Co-CEO) Jim Balsillie." BlackBerry sendiri di Indonesia diselenggarakan oleh RIM melalui kemitraan dengan enam operator, yakni Indosat, Telkomsel, XL Axiata, Natrindo Telepon Seluler, Hutchison CP Telecom, dan Smart Telecom. Diperkirakan jumlah pengguna BlackBerry yang terdaftar hingga saat ini mencapai lebih dari 2,5 juta pelanggan. Mayoritas berasal dari Telkomsel (960 ribu), XL (750 ribu), dan Indosat (750 ribu). Meski ketiga operator itu memiliki jumlah pelanggan BlackBerry yang terbesar, namun ketiganya justru mendukung langkah pemerintah dalam mengultimatum RIM. "Seharusnya (BlackBerry) tidak sampai tutup. Ini masalah pornografi, aturannya jelas. RIM harusnya mematuhi aturan Indonesia mengenai masalah ini dan melakukan blocking ," kata Direktur Commerce XL Joy Wahyudi kepada detikINET , Minggu (9/1/2011). Pendapat serupa disampaikan oleh perwakilan Indosat. "Masalah blocking konten di BlackBerry tentunya mengikuti peraturan perundangan yang berlaku di Indonesia," kata Teguh Prasetya, Group Head VAS Brand Marketing Indosat. "Oleh sebab itu, kita harus bekerja sama dengan RIM khususnya untuk layanan BIS (BlackBerry Internet Service) yang server layanannya berada di Kanada agar bisa menerapkan filtering tersebut," lanjutnya. Meski demikian, Teguh berharap batasan waktu 17 Januari yang diminta pemerintah masih bisa dinegosiasikan. "Tentang batas waktu yang ditetapkan, tentunya operator menunggu konfirmasi dari RIM terhadap rencana implementasi tersebut. Operator akan terus mempersiapkan pelaksanaannya bersama dengan RIM dan pemerintah tentunya," kata dia. Saat ditemui sebelumnya, Direktur Utama Telkomsel Sarwoto Atmosutarno sempat terkejut saat BlackBerry diultimatum oleh Kominfo. Ada sedikit kekhawatiran kalau BlackBerry benar-benar ditutup, akan menggerus pendapatan. "Kita ini kan punya 960 ribu pelanggan BlackBerry, terbanyak dibandingkan operator lain. Tapi kalau Kominfo sudah memerintahkan demikian, ya kita lihat saja bagaimana nanti," kata Sarwoto saat itu.
( rou / rou )

Dressbarn, Maurices and Justice Brands’ Parent Company Ascena Retail Group, Inc. Selects Oracle® E-Business Suite 12.1 to Support Growth

REDWOOD SHORES, Calif. â€" Jan. 7, 2011 News Facts ascena, the newly formed holding company for apparel brands !-- . --" dressbarn , !-- . --" maurices and !-- . --" Justice , has selected !-- . --" Oracle E-Business Suite Financials to streamline financial operations across the company’s growing retail operations. ascena will migrate its enterprise financial operations to the !-- . --" Oracle Applications including Oracle E-Business Suite Financials, !-- . --" Oracle Hyperion Planning and Budgeting and !-- . --" Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance solutions. The Oracle applications will replace disparate enterprise systems being used by dressbarn and maurices and upgrade the Oracle E-Business Suite applications already in use at Justice to the latest version. By standardizing financial, planning and risk management operations on the Oracle applications, ascena intends to establish a complete, open and integrated IT foundation that will support the company’s growth and achieve a lower total cost of ownership. All three ascena-owned retail businesses currently use a range of Oracle solutions, including !-- . --" Oracle Retail applications, Oracle enterprise solutions and !-- . --" Oracle Database . Supporting Quotes

“Our due diligence process determined that the Oracle applications provided us the best solutions for integrating and managing our business and establishing a foundation for growth. Oracle's partnership and product offering enable us to focus on providing our customers with an unmatched retail shopping experience,” said Armand Correia, Chief Financial Officer, ascena Retail Group, Inc.

“Oracle fulfills our requirements for an integrated solution set and enables us to establish a standardized footprint and lowest total cost of ownership,” said Karen Etzkorn, Chief Information Officer, ascena Retail Group, Inc.

“We are very pleased to expand our relationship with The Dress Barn, Inc., now ascena, and to be a part of their continued growth strategy,” said Tom Madigan, Vice President, Global Retail Portfolio, Oracle. Supporting Resources

!-- . --" Oracle Applications

!-- . --" Oracle E-Business Suite Financials

!-- . --" Oracle Hyperion Planning and Budgeting

!-- . --" Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance

!-- . --" Oracle Retail Merchandising System

!-- . --" Oracle Retail Price Management

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!-- . --" Oracle Now for Android

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