Saturday, January 14, 2012

Iran Siap Luncurkan Internet Sendiri

Blokir Facebook dan Twitter
Iran Siap Luncurkan Internet Sendiri

Teheran - Iran tengah getol menguji internet domestik mereka. Jaringan yang katanya 'halal' ini nantinya akan membatasi warga Iran dari penetrasi situs asing, termasuk Facebook dan Twitter.

Para pengguna internet di Iran sejak pekan kemarin melaporkan koneksi internet mereka sangat lambat. Ini karena mereka sedang terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet yang masih diuji tersebut.

Iran yang dikenal konservatif, membuat jaringan internet domestik guna membentengi warganya dari pengaruh kultur yang tidak Islami dan ideologi barat yang negatif. Dilaporkan media setempat, jaringan internet domestik yang disebut juga Intranet ini dijadwalkan siap sepenuhnya dalam beberapa pekan ke depan.

Selain itu, seperti dikutip detikINET dari Wall Street Journal, Senin (9/1/2012), akses ke situs-situs politik mulai dibatasi. Pengguna internet Iran juga sudah tidak bisa mengakses situs-situs seperti Facebook, Twitter dan YouTube.

"Kami menggambarkannya sebagai jaringan yang asli 'halal' yang ditujukan bagi pengguna internet Muslim," kata Menteri Urusan Ekonomi Ali Agha Mohammadi.

Iran mengumumkan rencana membangun Intranet pada Maret 2011. Ide ini dilatarbelakangi gejolak protes selama pemilihan umum 2009 di Iran dan terilhami dari kontrol internet yang dilakukan pemerintah China.

Selain mengawasi akses internet warganya, Iran yang saat ini sudah menerapkan sensor internet sangat ketat, menilai jaringan internet mandiri bisa menghemat biaya di samping lebih mudah dalam menegakkan kode moral agama.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bagaimana Cara Menghasilkan Uang dari Game?

Jika saya telah membuat sebuah game mobile yang sudah bisa dimainkan, langkah apa yang harus saya lakukan yang paling mudah untuk menjual game tersebut supaya menghasilkan uang?

(Noor Hasyim, 23th, pria)

Jawaban :
Langkah paling mudah adalah dengan menjual game kamu ke appstore/marketplace seperti iTunes Appstore, Nokia Store, atau Android Marketplace, tapi revenue yang dihasilkan dari penjualan mobile game biasanya tidak cepat, alias ROI nya cukup lama. Ada dua model yang bisa dilakukan, jual gamenya berbayar atau dengan kata lain dapat uang dari tiap pembelian game kamu, atau rilis gamenya gratis tapi dengan menggunakan jasa perusahaan mobile game advertising, jadi kamu mendapat uang dari pemasangan iklan di game kamu.
Untuk penjelasan lebih detail bisa dilihat di sini.

Saran kami sih coba saja dulu rilis game kamu dengan salah satu model, trus untuk game berikutnya pake model bisnis yang lain, dan pilih yang paling cocok dengan keadaan kalian :D

IBM Exec Offers Inside Scoop on Green Hat Acquisition

IBM on Wednesday announced its first acquisition of the year -- and Charles Chu, director of product management and strategy Relevant Products/Services at Big Blue's Rational Software unit, is offering the inside scoop on how this technology will help the software Relevant Products/Services testing world.

IBM acquired Green Hat, a software quality and testing solutions for the cloud Relevant Products/Services and other environments. Financial terms were not disclosed. Green Hat will become part of IBM's Rational Software business when the deal closes.

Green Hat helps customers improve the quality of software applications by enabling developers to leverage cloud computing technologies to conduct testing on a software application prior to its delivery.

App Testing Complexity

"In the application development area, especially with managing quality, the industry has faced three primary issues," Chu said.

"Over the course of the last decade-plus, there's been a lot of labor moving from mature markets to lower cost countries such as India or China. After the first big bang re-level set onto a lower cost base, the cost base increases and it's driving more cost-pressure on the rest of the industry."

The second factor Chu mentioned is the sheer complexity of testing today's applications. He noted that our fathers and grandfathers had a pretty easy life -- developers wrote applications in COBOL, tested them and launched on a mainframe. Today, there is a myriad of applications running at the same time that make it more difficult to test and manage quality.

This reality has historically forced developers to construct an actual testing lab made up of both hardware and software to test applications. This time-consuming and labor-intensive process has become even more compounded with the short development cycle needed to compete in rapidly expanding markets.

Balancing Speed and Quality

"The third dynamic we see is customers trying to tune between quality and speed. When a telecom provider provisions a new phone, that is one application. There is also an ERP application that manages inventory and a billing system. So every time I need to test my application I need those three environments -- or some small subset of those three environments -- in my test lab and I need human beings to set up a test lab for me," Chu said. "The alternative is not to test it as often, but that sacrifices quality."

When combined with the IBM Rational Solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management, Chu said developers and testers can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, effectiveness and collaboration Relevant Products/Services while delivering quality software to their business. The example he offered from the telecom provider is actually a real one.

"One of the top three mobile Relevant Products/Services providers in Europe has reduced its testing time by 50 percent and saved about $1 million over a three-year period," Chu said. "One of the top three commercial banks using the software has reduced its manual testing time from 10 days down to 10 minutes and it has saved over $7 million to date."

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wanita Keliling Dunia untuk Temui 324 Teman Facebook

Illinois, AS - Wanita ini memiliki 324 teman di Facebook yang bermukim di berbagai belahan dunia. Dia mencanangkan tekad sungguh kuat, akan menemui mereka semuanya.

Ya, aksi tersebut benar-benar dilakukan oleh Arlynn Presser, wanita usia 51 tahun asal Illinois, Amerika Serikat. Petualangannya menemui para teman Facebook pun direkam dalam video untuk film dokumentasi.

Semuanya berawal awal tahun 2010. Arlynn menderita agoraphobia, semacam ketakutan berada di tempat terbuka atau kerumunan sehingga lebih suka menyendiri. Ia juga takut melakukan perjalanan. Ia ingin melawan ketakutannya itu dan bertekad keliling dunia menemui teman Facebooknya .

Arlynn benar-benar melakukannya. Pertengahan tahun 2010, ia bertemu dengan teman Facebook ke 140 yang ternyata pembuat film, Ben Gonzalez. Ben ingin mengabadikan perjalanan Arlynn untuk film dokumenter karena menganggapnya sangat menarik. Arlynn pun setuju.

Sayangnya, Gonzales tidak bisa terus mengikuti Arlynn ke manapun pergi. Untuk menyiasatinya, Gonzalez meminta anak Arlynn, Joseph, yang ikut dalam perjalanan untuk merekam petualangan tersebut dengan kamera HD.

Bersama Joseph, Arlynn telah mengunjungi belasan negara seperti Korea Selatan, Filpina, Taiwan, Jerman, Austria, Italia dan Inggris. Sejauh ini, dia berhasil menemui 292 teman Facebooknya dan menghabiskan ongkos sebesar USD 30.000.

Beberapa teman Facebook menghapus Arlynn dari daftar teman begitu tahu tentang rencana kunjungannya. Namun mayoritas dengan senang hati menerima kedatangan Arlynn. "Sebagian besar sangat ramah padaku," ucapnya, dikutip detikINET dari DigitalTrends, Rabu (4/1/2012).

Gonzalez sendiri yakin perjalanan Arlynn sangat istimewa. Ia akan menamakan film dokumenter tersebut dengan judul Face to Facebook. Gonzalez berharap filmnya dapat selesai beberapa bulan mendatang.

"Sulit untuk tidak terlibat secara emosional dalam kisah ini. Senang melihat dia tumbuh, perjalanannya, transformasinya, hal itu cukup luar biasa," kata Gonzalez.

Setelah perjalanannya keliling dunia, Arlynn mengaku merasa lebih baik. Dia sudah dapat mengendalikan agoraphobia yang dideritanya. Ia bisa merasa lebih santai berada di ruang terbuka sekarang. Saat ini Arlynn juga cukup populer dan teman Facebooknya sudah berjumlah ribuan.

"Kurasa terapi mengajarkan Anda untuk bergantung pada terapi, obat mengajarkan Anda untuk bergantung pada obat. Namun perjalanan ini mengajariku untuk bergantung pada teman-teman dan diriku sendiri," ucapnya.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yahoo Akhirnya Punya CEO Baru

Bertarung di industri internet yang begitu sengit tanpa memiliki seorang CEO tentu bukan sesuatu yang menguntungkan. Namun setelah pencarian beberapa bulan, Yahoo akhirnya telah menunjuk nakhoda baru.

Adalah Scott Thompson yang menempati pucuk pimpinan Yahoo berikutnya. Sebelumnya, pria 54 tahun ini dikenal sebagai presiden PayPal yang juga disebut-sebut sebagai sosok yang sukses meroketkan eBay.

Dengan ditunjuknya Thompson, jajaran dewan Yahoo diyakini masih optimistis raksasa internet tersebut dapat bangkit dari ketertinggalannya selama ini, khususnya dari Google.

Yahoo boleh berharap, namun Thompson pun memiliki impian untuk dapat tinggal lebih lama. Tidak bernasib sama seperti Carol Bartz, yang didepak dengan cara yang tidak enak, yakni dipecat lewat sambungan telepon.

Dilansir Reuters, Thompson langsung mengumbar optimismenya kala ditanya soal masa depan Yahoo. Ia mengatakan, Yahoo masih memiliki posisi yang kuat di bisnis internet dengan basis pengguna lebih dari 700 juta orang.

"Trafik Yahoo sendiri menunjukkan angka yang luar biasa, belum lagi aset yang dimiliki untuk menunjang core bisnis yang ada. Jadi saya rasa Yahoo jelas memiliki potensi dan peluang yang sangat besar untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya di masa depan," tukasnya.

Ya, kita tunggu saja aksi Thompson. Mampukah membawa Yahoo untuk bangkit atau malah bernasib sama dengan CEO terdahulu?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

WTF: Belarus bans accessing foreign sites as a criminal offense

If you thought the blocking by Etisalat was bad, wait until you hear this. The Republic of Belarus has made it illegal for any citizen to access any foreign website.

Most suitable picture here would be a map, since no one knows where Belarus is. Except for that one geography nerd.

In a possible attempt to show us how much worse the internet can be compared to Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) , the country has made it illegal to visit or use the services of any website not registered in Belarus itself but abroad – e-mail, buying and selling products, or any other such service. If you are found doing so, it will be counted as a misdemeanor and you will be fined $125 USD. This also applies to every company there.

And there’s no working around this limitation either. If someone else uses your Wi-Fi to do so, you are held liable. Every internet cafe has to make sure they take the right procedures to block all foreign sites and not visit them themselves either, otherwise their business is subject to closure. The Belarusian Embassy in London tells Computer Business Review that the aim here is to protect the rights of Belarusian citizens¦ to improve the quality of internet services and make them cheaper, and to encourage further growth of the national segment of the internet network. Seems legit.

So the next time you check your Facebook, just remember that there’s a poor guy sitting out there in Belarus unable to update his status.

Etisalat updates MyPlan post-paid mobile packs

Press release: Etisalat brings in the new year by offering its post-paid customers more than double the value on its upgraded MyPlan service bundles. The value-packed MyPlan packs offer up to three times more international calling minutes, more than twice as many national SMS and up to five times more mobile data, at no extra charge. As part of the packs, customers still qualify for a free or discounted handset, once every year. Alternatively , customers can choose to take up to 135,000 free MORE reward points, that is equivalent to AED 1,350. To suit their personal usage needs, customers also enjoy the distinctive advantage of designing their own plans with add-ons, now at even more attractive rates.

Existing post-paid customers subscribed to MyPlan packs will automatically be upgraded to receive the extra minutes, SMS and data allowance. Based on customers subscription, they will receive the extra benefits without having to opt in manually. New post-paid customers can choose between Basic, Plus, Extra or Ultra packs and receive free welcome talk time of AED 125 on signing up for a new connection.

Commenting on the enhancement of the MyPlan post-paid packs, Matthew Willsher, Chief Marketing Officer at Etisalat, said: â€Ĺ“MyPlan packs provide customers with highly customised options designed to suit their everyday mobile telephony requirements. The new, improvised bundles and add-ons are very high on flexibility and value-for-money.

As per the pack subscribed to, customers are eligible to get a free or discounted smart phone. Willsher highlighted, â€Ĺ“Upon subscribing to the any MyPlan pack on a 12-month contract basis, customers can enjoy the latest mobile devices ever year for free or a reduced price. For example, new Ultra MyPlan customers can now choose to receive BlackBerry 9360 for FREE, the upcoming new BlackBerry Bold 9790 for FREE, or Nokia N9 for only AED199.

A full list of devices along with details of packs and prices are available on

â€Ĺ“Etisalats new packs also provide data-demanding customers with greater flexibility and convenience with add-ons of 1GB, 2GB or 5GB at very attractive rentals per month. In addition, customers get to enjoy mobile Internet at the countrys lowest out-of-bundle data usage rates at AED 1 per MB and at 50 fils per MB for add-on data, added Willsher.

MyPlan customers additionally enjoy off-peak international calling rates at more convenient hours (8PM to 8AM), from Saturday to Thursday and throughout the day on Friday.

Customers choosing international minute add-ons â€" 100, 300 or 600 minutes, over and above the standard packs, stand to benefit with as low as 75fils per minute for international calling. National calls and text messages outside of the subscribed packs will be charged at the regular rate of 30 fils per minute for local calls and 18 fils per text message. A one-time call set-up fee of 5 fils will be applied to local calls outside of the package.

Existing Wasel prepaid customers can migrate to the new MyPlan service and choose from a suite of convenient pack options. Current postpaid customers can also avail any of the new packs by visiting their nearby Etisalat Business or Sales Centers or by calling Etisalats customer-care at 101.

New postpaid customers can conveniently subscribe to Etisalats MyPlan packs for AED125, by visiting Etisalats website\online. Customers applying for new MyPlan connections will receive their new SIM cards in any location within the UAE. Alternatively, they can collect the SIM card by visiting any of Etisalats Business or Sales Centers. Customers redeem the initial subscription cost of AED125 by making local and international phone calls or text messages for free.

Customers subscribed to any of Etisalats discounted international calling plans such as Favorite Country Plan and Super Off-Peak Plan can also subscribe to MyPlan and enjoy the discounts and benefits offered in the new bundles.

Monday, January 9, 2012

LG to introduct Google TV at CES 2012

Press Release:

LG Electronics (LG) will introduce its highly anticipated Google TV at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas tomorrow. LG Smart TV with Google TV combines the familiarity of Googles Android OS with the convenience and comfort of LGs 3D and Smart TV technologies, offering consumers a new and attractive home entertainment option.

LG has constantly strived to provide consumers with wider choices in home entertainment that bring the highest level of sophistication and convenience, said Havis Kwon, President and CEO of LG Electronics Home Entertainment Company. Through Google TV, LG has merged Googles established Android operating system with LGs proven 3D and Smart TV technologies, offering consumers a new and enthralling TV experience.

LGs Google TVs most attractive feature is its ease of use, thanks to the combination of its Android-based user interface and the Magic Remote Qwerty designed by LG. LGs Google TVs user interface and main screen have been designed for convenient browsing and content selection. Multi-tasking is also possible, as the search, social networking and TV functions can be run simultaneously. The user interface can be accessed using the Magic Remote Qwerty which combines the user-friendly benefits of LGs Magic Remote with a QWERTY keyboard.

Equipped with LG’s own CINEMA 3D technology, Google TV provides a home entertainment experience that is immersive, comfortable and convenient. Based on LGs own Film Patterned Retarder (FPR) technology, CINEMA 3D glasses are battery-free, comfortable and lightweight. The glasses are also very affordable, making LGs Google TV ideal for viewing by a large group of family and friends when used in 3D mode. And with a single click of the remote, any 2D program or movie can be viewed in 3D, thanks to the built-in 2D to 3D conversion engine.

Alongside Google TV, LG will continue to advance its own Smart TV platform based on NetCast, which will be available in more than 60 percent of LGs flat panel TVs scheduled for introduction over the year. With a growing collection of content and services, LGs Smart TV platform will continue to provide consumers with a unique user experience.

Will Apple Release a Lower-End iPad?

The new entry-level price of the major tablet Relevant Products/Services lines may be moving to $200 to $300. Not only are the quickly selling Amazon Kindle Fire and Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet in that price range, there are now rumors across the Web that Apple also will be releasing an entry level model this year for $299.

The new pricing could increase tablets' appeal for businesses as well as consumers. According to the NPD Group, almost 75 percent of small- and mid-sized businesses in the U.S. -- those with 1,000 or fewer employees -- plan to buy tablets over the next 12 months. Seventy-three percent of SMBs surveyed said they would do so, an increase from 68 percent in NPD's second-quarter results.

Free iPad?

The rumors are indicating that Apple will be releasing three models this year, for the emerging high-end, middle and low-end segments of the market. In keeping with its traditional strategy Relevant Products/Services, many observers expect that the $499 iPad entry price will become $399 on a lower end model in the next wave of releases, but if two new, lower models are released, the Cupertino, California technology giant might try to stave off the growing competition from the lowest-priced models.

The reports, based on information Relevant Products/Services from the Apple supply chain, have speculated that high-end and middle models will both have an A6 processor. The higher-end model is expected to have a newer, higher-resolution Retina Display of 2048 x 1536 and an 8-megapixel camera, while the middle-market version would have the same 1024 x 768 screen as the iPad 2 does. The lower end model is speculated as being Wi-Fi Relevant Products/Services only.

There has also been considerable discussion about the possibility of a lower end iPad being offered for free with a two-year contract from one of the carriers, as numerous other phones are currently bundled. This could allow Apple to grab momentum for its cheapest model, since sales would be driven by the marketing muscle of the giant telecommunications partner company.

Despite the rumors, some doubters are pointing out that chasing volume at the cost of profit margin is not typical of Apple.

Google's Tablet

But Apple may soon have little choice, as lower-priced tablets are gaining a foothold. The $199 Kindle Fire burned up the virtual Relevant Products/Services shelves this holiday season, according to Amazon, which said sales for the tablet, the Kindle Touch, and the Kindle e-reader were in the millions over the holiday season. No specific numbers have yet been given. The company said the Fire is the most given, most wishlisted, and best-selling product on the retailer's site.

RIM Slashes PlayBook Prices, Shakes Up Board

One of the biggest tablet stories of 2011 was the Hewlett-Packard TouchPad fire sale, which saw the failed device selling like hotcakes at $99. Now, Research In Motion is looking for something of a repeat performance in early 2012 with its latest pricing strategy .

Consumers who have been watching and waiting to see if RIM would slash the price of its struggling BlackBerry PlayBook are glad they did. RIM is offering its tablet devices -- regardless of whether consumers choose the 16 GB, 32 GB or 64 GB -- for just $299. That's down from prices of $499, $599 and $699, respectively.

The catch is you have to make the purchase through RIM's online store. This isn't the first time RIM has reduced the price on its PlayBook -- retailers cut PlayBook prices to $299 in September -- and industry watchers aren't sure it won't be the last. RIM wrote off $485 million in PlayBook inventory in the fourth quarter.

Too Little, Too Late?

It may be too little, too late for RIM with the Amazon Kindle Fire making waves and Apple reportedly readying to launch an iPad 3 and lower-cost iPad 2s. It may also be too little, too late for RIM's co-CEOs. Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie have given up their co-Chairman roles, according to the Financial Post, an Ontario, Canada-based business newspaper.

What went wrong?

The PlayBook went on sale April 19. But it debuted with fundamental features missing, including a contacts database, a calendar, a chat application and a 3G or 4G connection, not to mention native e-mail. If you want all those features, you have to tether your PlayBook to your BlackBerry -- if you have a BlackBerry. The PlayBook only makes available 3,000 applications, compared with the iPad's more than 160,000.

"If RIM had come out with a fantastic, enterprise -class tablet, could that have been a way to compete with the iPad? Yes. Did RIM come out with a fantastic, enterprise-class tablet? Hell no!" said Avi Greengart, an analyst at Current Analysis. "I was astounded that RIM launched the PlayBook without a native e-mail client, and to this day there is no native e-mail client on the device. They promised it would be updated at the beginning of the summer and it's still delayed."

What Can Save PlayBook?

E-mail clients aside, will consumers flock to the $299 PlayBook the way they did to the $99 Touchpad? Greengart doesn't think so. As he sees it, PlayBook doesn't do much beyond Web browsing -- and that on a 7-inch display. On the upside, the operating system seems stable. But, Greengart quipped, that may be because it's not doing much.

The PlayBook 2 is expected as soon as February. Updated hardware may turn heads, but Greengart said the problem with PlayBook is software .

"If RIM does do a major update to the software and a major push around getting applications available for this device -- and does doing that concurrently with the new hardware -- it would be great," Greengart said. "But simply releasing a thinner, faster piece of hardware or even a larger screen sizes at this point, which is something they should have done in the first place, isn't going to help."

Sunday, January 8, 2012

LG unveils stylish new 3D glasses for 2012

LG Electronics (LG) announced today that its newest collection of 3D glasses, including a pair designed by renowned eyewear designer Alain Mikli, will be introduced in the first quarter of 2012. The new 3D glasses — the F310, the clip-on F320 and the Alain Mikli F360 — are lighter and more comfortable to wear while upgraded design features such as curved lenses and clean frame structure have transitioned 3D glasses from burdensome requirements to stylish fashion accessories.

Compared to active shutter glasses, LGs 3D glasses are far more comfortable to wear and much more affordable, making it possible for large groups and entire families to watch 3D programs and movies together,” said Havis Kwon, President and CEO of the LG Home Entertainment Company. LG is addressing two of the biggest barriers to 3D acceptance head-on and were confident consumers will react favorably to our strategy in the coming year.”

The F310 is characterized by a distinctive design that combines soft lines within a slim frame. Unlike many previous 3D glasses, the lenses have been curved to better accommodate the shape of the wearers face, as well as to improve the overall CINEMA 3D viewing experience. The F310 weighs a mere 13.5 grams, making it 20 percent lighter than LGs previous design.

Another new item for 2012 includes the clip-on F320. Clip-on 3D glasses are unique to 3D TVs based on Film Patterned Retarder (FPR) technology, which is at the heart of CINEMA 3D TV. Compared to the previous generation clip-on 3D glasses, the F320 weighs 25 percent less at 5.5 grams.

Developed in collaboration with Alain Mikli, the F360s half-rim frame design is sportier and only weighs 16 grams. The lenses of the F360 have been curved and cover most of the wearers face, deepening the immersive CINEMA 3D experience. The stylish F360, as well as all 3D glasses from LG, can also worn in theaters showing 3D movies since both CINEMA 3D and theaters utilize the same FPR and RealD technologies.

LGs share of the global 3D TV market increased from 7.6 percent during the first quarter of 2011 to 14 percent by September. FPRs unobtrusive technology played a key role in the companys success in 3D TVs, as uncomfortable and expensive glasses have been identified in numerous studies as being the number one reason consumers have been reluctant to adopt 3D in the home.

LG plans to continue the success it saw this year by sponsoring a series of 3D film and gaming events in 2012 in order to introduce the CINEMA 3D experience to thousands of participants and visitors.

Facebook Messenger untuk Windows Resmi Dirilis

Setelah terlanjur "bocor" di Internet, akhirnya Facebook merilis secara resmi messenger untuk Windows buatannya. Sebelumnya saat sedang diuji coba, link file instalasi aplikasi chatting ini terpublikasi dan akhirnya banyak pengguna yang mencoba meng-install-nya.

Facebook khawatir ada pihak yang memanfaatkan "kebocoran" ini dengan memberikan link download palsu, yang filenya berisi virus. Mengantisipasi hal tersebut, Facebook pun mempublikasikan link resmi untuk meng-install Facebook Messenger. Yang menarik, ternyata alamat URL untuk download aplikasi yang dipublikasikan Facebook tersebut, sama dengan alamat URL yang dipublikasikan sebelumnya.

Facebook Messenger sebelumnya tersedia telah untuk perangkat mobile. Setelah bekerja dengan baik di ponsel pintar, Facebook kemudian membuat aplikasi ini untuk PC atau laptop berbasis Windows.

Facebook Messenger adalah aplikasi chat mirip Yahoo Messenger atau Skype. Hanya saja, untuk masuk ke dalam Facebook Messenger tentu harus login menggunakan akun Facebook yang telah dimiliki, bukan alamat e-mail. Anda bisa memulai instalasi dengan men-download file instalasinya dari link ini  download.

Setelah instalasi selesai, Anda bisa membuka aplikasi dan login menggunakan akun Facebook Anda. Aplikasi ini tampilannya mirip fitur chatting yang ada di sebelah kanan bawah setiap Anda membuka Facebook dari browser di komputer. Anda bisa menggunakan aplikasi ini tanpa harus membuka browser dan masuk ke situs Facebook.

Kelebihan Facebook Messenger adalah Anda akan mendapat pengalaman yang sama ketika Anda membuka Facebook dari browser. Jika ada yang mengirimkan permintaan pertemanan pun akan muncul notifikasi. Anda juga bisa mengirimkan pesan pribadi melalui aplikasi ini.