Saturday, September 17, 2011

Samsung Balas Apple di Australia

Samsung Balas Apple di Australia

Jakarta - Sengketa hak paten di antara Samsung dan Apple seperti tidak ada habisnya. Tuding menuding dan saling menggugat masih terus berlanjut bahkan tampaknya kian meluas ke berbagai negara. Kali ini, klaim baru diajukan Samsung melawan Apple di Australia.

Pekan ini Samsung mengajukan klaim ke pengadilan di Australia yang menyasar iPhone dan iPad Apple. Di negeri Kanguru ini, Samsung berupaya memperjuangkan tujuh paten wireless yang diklaim sebagai miliknya.

Dilansir Cnet dan dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (17/9/2011), gugatan ini bahkan bertujuan membatalkan hak paten yang telah dipegang Apple dan digunakan untuk melawan Samsung.

Seperti diketahui, di Australia Samsung menemui kendala dimana penjualan Galaxy Tab 10.1 ditangguhkan sampai perkara hukum di antara mereka terpecahkan.

Bulan lalu, Samsung juga mengumumkan akan melakukan balasan terhadap Apple yang telah berhasil membuat Galaxy Tab 10.1 tidak boleh beredar di Jerman dan negara Uni Eropa lainnya.

Apple pun tak kalah gencar mengincar Samsung. Perusahaan inovator tersebut baru saja melancarkan 'serangannya' di Jepang. Tudingannya sama, yakni menuding Samsung telah melanggar hak patennya yang berkaitan dengan iPhone dan iPad.

( rns / rns )

Sumber detik com

VMware Dorong Pemulihan Bencana ke Layanan Awan

VMware Dorong Pemulihan Bencana ke Layanan Awan

Jakarta - VMware mengeluarkan solusi vCloud untuk memudahkan perusahaan kelas enterprise mencari, menggunakan dan mengelola berbagai layanan awan dari para penyedia layanan yang tergabung dalam VMware service provider program (VSPP).

Salah satu solusi tersebut adalah vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5 yang bisa dioptimalkan untuk pemulihan bencana.

4 mitra penyedia layanan VMware sendiri telah mengumumkan rencananya untuk memperkenalkan layanan pemulihan bencana berbasis awan yang dibangun di atas vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5 yang diumumkan pada 12 Juli 2011.

Keempat penyedia layanan tersebut -- FusionStorm,, iland dan VeriStor. Mereka segera menjadi penyedia pertama layanan yang menyederhanakan dan memangkas biaya kala pemulihan bencana di dunia IT.

Layanan berbasis awan ini dipasarkan dengan model bayar sesuai penggunaan (pay-per-use). Jika terjadi bencana, atau pelanggan ingin menguji proses pemulihan, vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5 akan mengotomatisasikan dan mengelola seluruh proses penanganan kegagalan.

Solusi ini juga diklaim akan mengembalikan sistem ke lokasi pelanggan secara otomatis ketika operasional sudah berfungsi kembali. Kemampuan tersebut dihadirkan oleh VMware vSphere Replication baru dalam vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.

VMware vSphere Replication adalah replikasi berbasis hypervisor yang pertama di industri, berguna untuk melakukan replikasi data lintas lokasi secara independent dari array storage yang ada.

Manfaat solusi ini adalah menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk membuat lingkungan storage yang sama antara lokasi utama dan lokasi pemulihan bencana, sekaligus menyederhanakan replikasi data antara data center pelanggan dan Awan publik.

"Para pelanggan VMware semakin membutuhkan awan yang aman, andal dan berkinerja tinggi yang kompatibel dengan aplikasi dan operasional data center mereka saat ini," kata Dan Chu, Vice President Cloud Services VMware.

"VMware dan mitra kami berada dalam posisi yang unik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut, terlihat dari jumlah pemesanan VSPP yang tumbuh sampai 174 persen tahun ini," pungkasnya dalam keterangan tertulis yang diterima detikINET, Sabtu (17/9/2011).

VMware dan jaringan mitranya mempercepat penerapan awan hibrida melalui:

-. Global Connect – satu Awan global untuk banyak penyedia layanan lintas geografis
-. VMware vCloud Connector 1.5 – Mempercepat transfer antar Awan privat dan publik
-. – Pintu gerbang menuju Awan hibrida kelas enterprise
-. Pemulihan bencana dengan vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5
-. VMware Cloud Infrastructure Suite – Fondasi untuk Awan hibrida Enterprise

( ash / ash )

Sumber detik com

Huawei Luncurkan Jaringan Komersial LTE TDD/FDD

Huawei Luncurkan Jaringan Komersial LTE TDD/FDD

Jakarta - Persaingan di antara vendor teknologi dan komunikasi kian sengit. Episode terbaru menghadirkan gebrakan Huawei dengan meluncurkan jaringan telekomunikasi komersial konvergensi LTE TDD/FDD yang diklaim pertama di dunia.

Dengan memanfaatkan solusi inovasi SingleRAN LTE, jaringan LTE TDD/FDD Huawei disebut-sebut mampu meningkatkan akses internet mobile dengan kecepatan download 134Mb/s dan upload 124.8Mb/s.

"Sebagai pemimpin ekosistem teknologi infomasi dan komunikasi yang terus berkembang, operator telekomunikasi di dunia selalu mencari cara baru agar jaringan mereka dapat lebih fleksibel, efisien dan efektif dalam menyediakan layanan data mobile yang modern bagi pelanggannya," kata Li Wen Zhi, CEO Huawei Indonesia.

"Ini merupakan bagian dari komitmen Huawei untuk memberikan infrastruktur jaringan dan teknologi terbaik bagi operator telekomunikasi di dunia seiring bersama-sama mendorong perkembangan telekomunikasi mobile," imbuh Li, dalam keterangannya, Sabtu (17/9/2011).

Peluncuran jaringan LTE TDD/FDD dikatakan menjadi tonggak baru dalam perkembangan teknologi Huawei. Pada bulan Mei 2011, perusahaan asal China ini sukses menghadirkan jaringan komersial LTE TDD pertama di dunia yang mendapat penghargaan 'Wireless Network Infrastructure Innovation' di ajang penghargaan Global Telecommunications Business (GTB) 2011.

Peluncuran jaringan komersial LTE TDD/FDD Huawei kali ini bekerja sama dengan Aero2, operator mobile broadband di Polandia.

Di kuartal kedua 2011, Huawei sendiri telah menghadirkan 130 jaringan komersil SingleRAN yang siap dikembangkan menjadi jaringan LTE, dengan 40 operator telekomunikasi telah mengumumkan kesiapan mereka menghadirkan layanan LTE.

( ash / ash )

Sumber detik com creates album of then-and-now photos


A photo showing part of Adamson Square in Carrollton, Ga. from the 1950s is compared to what it looks like now, with a photo from Google Street View.a

By Suzanne Choney

You know how neat it is to go into a town or city museum and see then-and-now photos of a place, mulling over markers of its history that remain or perhaps are no longer reflected in current photographs.a

Now, a website wants to do the same thing with photos from every place in the world — but it will take a global effort to make it work.a describes itself as a "virtual time machine of sorts that allows users to navigate familiar streets as they appeared in the past."a

The site makes it easy for anyone to upload a photo, and only two "tags," or identifying pieces of info, are needed: Location and year.a

"If enough people upload enough photographs in enough places, together we will weave together a photographic history of the world (or at least any place covered by Google Maps)," the site's founders say. "So wherever you are in the world, take a moment to upload a photograph and contribute to history!"a

It's not dissimilar to some recent photo-sharing efforts that have launched, including Historypin and DearPhotograph.a

There's also a free iPhone app for WhatWasThere that, using the phone's GPS, lets you see historic photographs that have been shared near your current location, and uses the phone's camera "for an augmented reality experience of the history that surrounds you." (My experience was the app is that it has potential but is sluggish.)a

One thing's for sure: It's going to take more than a village to get to a point where lots of people will want to use it. But if each of us starts contributing now, it could be quite amazing.a

— Via Gizmodo a

Related stories:a

Oh snap: Old photos hit Google Maps Dear Photograph site will make you call your mom This is the first crowdsourced military vehicle

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Storage Eternus DX60 S2 Fujitsu Sasar UKM

Storage Eternus DX60 S2 Fujitsu Sasar UKM

Jakarta - Fujitsu memperkenalkan sistem storage untuk entry level Eternus DX60 S2 terbaru yang diklaim bisa dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manajemen data perusahaan skala kecil dan menengah (UKM).

Fujitsu memang membangun sistem storage Eternus DX60 S2 ini khusus untuk UKM yang akan melakukan konsolidasi, menerapkan sentralisasi manajemen data, dan menjamin keandalan storage di kantor cabang.

Sistem ini juga bisa mendukung seluruh operasional TI, termasuk aplikasi bisnis dan database yang kritikal, virtualisasi server dan data warehouse untuk bisnis.

Kapasitas sistem storage yang akan mulai hadir 7 Oktober 2011 ini bisa dikembangkan sesuai dengan pertumbuhan bisnis UKM, hingga mencapai 72TB -- cukup untuk menyimpan rekaman siaran TV berkualitas DVD selama 72.000 jam, atau lebih dari delapan tahun secara non-stop.

Eternus DX60 S2 adalah model sistem storage untuk entry level dalam lini Fujitsu Eternus DX dan mulai saling terintegrasi mulai dari tipe untuk entry level hingga tipe data center kelas atas.

Raymon Firdauzi, Country Head Platform Product Fujitsu Indonesia mengatakan, sistem kelas entry level Eternus DX60 S2 ini adalah pusat dari program saluran penjualan storage Fujitsu, menyediakan sistem yang khusus dibuat untuk kebutuhan tertentu bagi UKM.

"Selain memasukkan Eternus DX60 S2 dalam inisiatif-inisiatif promosi utama, kami akan memberikan dukungan melalui pelatihan khusus, program sistem demo dan memberikan kemampuan bagi mitra untuk menentukan sistem dengan cara build-to-order yang memangkas waktu penghantaran dan mengoptimalkan harga," tukasnya, dalam keterangan tertulis, Sabtu (17/9/2011).

Eternus DX60 S2 kini berkembang ke disk drive 24 RAID untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis yang senantiasa berubah. Sistem ini dilengkapi ekstensi host attachment melalui koneksi iSCSI dan SAS selain Fibre Channel untuk memaksimalkan investasi pelanggan pada sumber daya TI yang sudah ada.

( ash / ash )

Sumber detik com

FTC Seeks Changes to COPPA Rule

The Federal Trade Commission is proposing changes to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, which is mandated by the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA. The COPPA Rule governs the information that websites can request from visitors under the age of 13, and the agency is requesting public comments on the proposed changes.

The proposed modifications are in the area of definitions, parental notice, parental consent mechanisms, confidentiality and security Relevant Products/Services of children's personal information, and the role of self-regulatory "safe harbor" programs. The federal agency is looking to receive written comments no later than Nov. 28.

Modifying 'Personal Information'

The rule requires parental notice and consent for the collection of personal information from children under 13, requires the information be kept secure Relevant Products/Services, and prohibits children from being conditioned to participating in activities that require more personal information than is required.

COPPA specifies that websites and online services directed toward children under 13, or any site that knows they are collecting information from users under that age, must obtain parental consent before collecting, using or disclosing that information. In 2000, the FTC implemented its rule, based on the COPPA statute, and, after a review in 2005, reviewed the rule and kept it without changes.

In April of last year, the FTC sought public comment on the rule, because of rapid changes in the technology and how children now use the Net.

The technological and usage changes include geo-location information and tracking cookies or other persistent identifiers. The FTC proposes to modify the definition of "personal information" to include those components, and it also proposes to modify the definition of "collection" to allow children's participation in interactive communities without parental consent, as long as the site or service operators "take reasonable measures to delete all or virtually all children's personal information before it is made public."

Streamlining Parental Notice

To streamline parental notice, the agency is recommending that key information be presented to parents in a brief "just in time" notice, and not only in a privacy policy. It also is proposing new ways of obtaining parental consent, including scans of signed parental consent forms, video-conferencing, or use of government-issued ID checked against a database Relevant Products/Services, as long as the ID is deleted after verification.

It also wants to eliminate one of the forms of parental consent, known as "email plus," where the operator can obtain consent via email sent to the parent when the personal information is collected only for internal use.

The FTC also seeks to strengthen requirements for confidentiality and security, such that operators ensure any third-parties, including service providers, have "reasonable procedures" to protect a child's personal information, that they retain the information only as long as is reasonably needed, and that they properly delete it.

For "safe harbor" self-regulatory programs, the agency wants such programs to audit Relevant Products/Services their members annually and report the results of the audits.

How to stop pervs from stealing your naked pics

Duane Hoffman/msnbc.coma

By Helen A.S. Popkin

Scarlett Johansson's got her lawyer trying to purge her stolen nude pics from the Internet — yeah, good luck with that — and her people on the horn to the feds, to to put the hammer down on whoever ripped those self-portraits from her phone.a

Meanwhile, someone's shopping revealing pics allegedly plucked from the phone of Mila Kunis, in a hacker's haul that's rumored to contain a cameo from Justin Timberlake's junk, as well as sexy text messages between the two. And the FBI continues to investigate similar compromising content snatched from the electronic devices of Jessica Alba, Christina Aguilera, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga and Vanessa Hudgens.a

This isn't just a Hollywood trend, however. In at least three recent cases, men face criminal charges for infiltrating email and Facebook accounts of dozens of unfamous women. There, they found nude or semi-nude photos of their victims, and published those photos on porn sites or even the victims' own Facebook profiles.a

So what have we learned, kids? If you're going to take naked pictures of yourself — and let's face it, lots of you already have — do like your parents had the good sense to do with their racy Polaroids: Hide 'em good!a

Live PollHow well do you hide your naked pics?a

Meh. Ain't nothing nobody's never seen before.You can't trick me into telling!HOW DARE YOU!OtherVoteView Results159847Meh. Ain't nothing nobody's never seen before.48%159848You can't trick me into telling!16%159849HOW DARE YOU!12%159850Other24%VoteTotal Votes: 50a

Eventually, everyone will be naked on the Internet, and everyone who isn't will be dead, and not in a position to hamper employment prospects and whatnot.a

Until then however, if you're not a famous person whose career only benefits from naked scandals even if you star in "High School Musical," you have your immediate future to think about.a

It's not like naked pics and sexting are a gateway behavior to, say, working at Goldman Sachs. Some people disagree however, and even some people can make your life miserable.a

Punchline solutions, such as just keep your clothes on in front of cameras (or camera phones), are howlarious, but in the end, not helpful. To say "just don't do it," and mean it, is a denial of how we humans work. You're gonna do what you're gonna do ... especially if it involves being naked. So, as with everything you do naked, take precautions.a

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to steal your naked pics — more often than not, these are crimes of opportunity. Hackers looking to steal your intimate portraits use the same methods that have been the bread and butter of identity thieves for years. Here are the simplest tips to keep your naughty pics locked down. You already know them, you just don't do them. So let's review.a

Don't leave things laying arounda

Don't leave your naked pictures on your cellphone. Don't leave your naked pictures in your email, including the "sent" folder. Don't leave your cellphone or computer where others can access it, even for a short period of time. Don't loan out your cellphone or computer to anyone who snoops (Everyone snoops). Don't email or post your private pics on Facebook, even if you think you've got you the privacy controls figured out.

But in case you do ... a

Take your passwords seriously:a

Password protect your cellphone, computer and Wi-Fi.  Use random passwords — not something easily guessed, like your pet's name or 1234 or the always classic "password." Change your passwords regularly on your electronic devices, your email, Facebook and other online accounts. Don't use the same password on all your accounts. Chose random security questions and answers in case you need to verify your accounts. Avoid easily researched answers such as your mother's maiden name or your hometown.

Don't talk to strangersa

Don't open email or text attachments from strangers — these can download Trojan viruses that can access your files. Don't open suspect email or text attachments that appear to be from trusted sources until you've confirmed their origin. "Suspect" as in "OMG! LOOK AT THIS VIDEO I FOUND OF YOU!!!" or anything else that shows up with CAPS LOCK or claiming to have info you really need to see RIGHT NOW. Trusted sources get their accounts hacked too, and that hacker could be attempting to use their account to get into your computer. Don't respond to emails claiming to need your log-on, password, account number and/or other personal information, even if it appears to be from, say, Facebook, Google, your Internet or email provider. Phishing scam emails can appear deceptively authentic, but real companies never ask you such personal info via email.

Consider creative photo editinga

Don't be a Weiner, cut your head out of the picture. Make sure your face isn't reflected elsewhere in the photo, somehow! Don't include recognizable backgrounds, especially if you're a famous person whose lovely home has been featured in photos on the Internet. Probably best to put away those framed photos of you with your lovely wife and/or former U.S. president Bill Clinton, too. Oh! And don't run outside naked, not even for a minute. You never know when the Google Street View car is going by!

Remember! Naked pictures exist without the risk of discovery — you roll the dice, you take your chances.a

If all else fails, hey! The new Polaroid 300 Instant is back — and available at Target, according to Polaroid's website. Of course, you still run the risk of your naked Polaroids being discovered, but unlike the Internet, those photos do deteriorate over time (unless that thieving perv has a scanner). a

More on the annoying way we live now:a

Hacker posted women's nude photos on their own Facebook pages Facebook hacker posts stolen pics on porn site Dad sues Facebook over daughter's racy pics Google Street View captures naked guy in trunk Man steals $57K from neighbors using their Facebook info

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+. a

Steve Ballmer Akui Penjualan WP7 Loyo

Steve Ballmer Akui Penjualan WP7 Loyo

Jakarta - CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer mengakui bahwa penjualan ponsel Windows Phone 7 (WP7) yang semula tumbuh cepat, agak loyo hingga sejauh ini.

"Kami tidak menjual cukup banyak handset sebagaimana yang saya inginkan pada tahun pertama," kata Ballmer dalam sebuah pertemuan analis finansial.

Namun demikian Ballmer cukup puas mengetahui reaksi developer dan para partner yang digandengnya terhadap sistem operasi (OS) tersebut.

Dilansir TG Daily dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (16/9/2011), Ballmer menekankan bahwa Microsoft membuat kemajuan yang mantap dengan mengoptimalkan grafis DirectX dan browsing pada platform itu.

"Saya tidak mengatakan bahwa saya senang berada di tingkatan ini. Namun saya sangat optimistis akan lebih baik lagi. Kami hanya ibarat menendang ini untuk sampai pada tingkat selanjutnya," kata Ballmer.

Menurutnya, Microsoft telah menciptakan ekosistem ketiga yang sangat kuat yang menawarkan alternatif layak dari Android dan iOS, sambil terlibat kerjasama yang bagus dengan Nokia untuk mendukung ponsel WP7 Mango generasi terbaru.

( rns / ash )

Sumber detik com

Muppets do 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'

By Helen A.S. Popkin

With a wink and a nod, the Disney puppet masters behind the Muppets ongoing Internet comeback bring you a trailer for "The Muppets" movie, due out this Thanksgiving, that parodies the fake bootleg trailer for the Americanized version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (due out this Christmas).a

Rather than attempting to trick the Internet into believing this is somehow stolen footage — as was the shtick with the "Dragon Tattoo" viral marketing campaign that confounded some of the Internet back in May — "The Pig with the Froggy Tattoo" is straight up commercial, even pointing out its cross promotion with "The Green Album" Muppet tribute record. There's even a well-delivered joke about the inability to get rights to Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song," that made the "Dragon Tattoo" trailer so effective.a

That fake bootleg "Dragon Tattoo," with it's Karen O and Trent Reznor's "Immigrant Song" cover, is now popping up in movie theaters — not pretending to be bootleg anymore. But in case you haven't seen it, or don't remember, watch it (below) so you can get the joke (above).a

In fact, even if you do remember, watch it anyway. Fake bootleg or not, it's still pretty awesome.a

— via The Next Weba

More on the annoying way we live now:a

Fake 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' trailer is fake When Muppets battle OK Go, we all win Animation and animals rule the fall in kids' movies Muppets making a comeback online and off 

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+.a

Friday, September 16, 2011

Steve Ballmer Akui Penjualan WP7 Loyo

Steve Ballmer Akui Penjualan WP7 Loyo

Jakarta - CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer mengakui bahwa penjualan ponsel Windows Phone 7 (WP7) yang semula tumbuh cepat, agak loyo hingga sejauh ini.

"Kami tidak menjual cukup banyak handset sebagaimana yang saya inginkan pada tahun pertama," kata Ballmer dalam sebuah pertemuan analis finansial.

Namun demikian Ballmer cukup puas mengetahui reaksi developer dan para partner yang digandengnya terhadap sistem operasi (OS) tersebut.

Dilansir TG Daily dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (16/9/2011), Ballmer menekankan bahwa Microsoft membuat kemajuan yang mantap dengan mengoptimalkan grafis DirectX dan browsing pada platform itu.

"Saya tidak mengatakan bahwa saya senang berada di tingkatan ini. Namun saya sangat optimistis akan lebih baik lagi. Kami hanya ibarat menendang ini untuk sampai pada tingkat selanjutnya," kata Ballmer.

Menurutnya, Microsoft telah menciptakan ekosistem ketiga yang sangat kuat yang menawarkan alternatif layak dari Android dan iOS, sambil terlibat kerjasama yang bagus dengan Nokia untuk mendukung ponsel WP7 Mango generasi terbaru.

( rns / ash )

Sumber detik com

Mouse without borders – Multi PC control with one mouse / KB

Microsoft has released “Mouse without borders”, a personal project of one of their employees who got frustrated with the clutter multiple PCs and handling them made with multiple input devices. Many people use multi monitor setup, and they know how easy and blessing it is to use just moving your mouse to edge of screen takes you to other screen. But what if those two displays are connected to two different machines? This software brings the same functionality to two different machines over the standard network protocol. You can use your one keyboard and mouse move / type / use both the PCs at same time.

The features go beyond this by even allowing drag and drop between the two PCs. Copying files over a network is no magic, but its just easy this software makes it happen by putting a layer of easy drag and drop makes it a thing of beauty indeed.

Download the software @ Microsoft IT site

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Apple Store Palsu Serahkan Produk Abal-abal

Apple Store Palsu Serahkan Produk Abal-abal

Jakarta - 2 toko yang menjual aksesoris palsu Apple akhirnya setuju untuk menyerahkan barang-barang mereka. Kasus ini menyusul gugatan yang diajukan Apple terhadap toko tersebut yang dituding melanggar hak cipta Apple.

Apple Story Inc dan FunZone Inc adalah pihak yang digugat karena ketahuan menjual aksesoris seperti case, headset dan lain-lain untuk iPhone, iPad dan iPod. Kedua toko ini terletak di kawasan Chinatown, Queens, New York.

Sebelumnya Apple Store palsu tersebut bersikukuh mereka tidak melanggar merek dagang Apple namun akhirnya mereka sepakat untuk memberikan barang abal-abal di tokonya.

Apabila pengadilan menyetujui kesepakatan tersebut, maka pihak yang bersalah diberikan waktu 5 hari untuk menyerahkan semuanya, termasuk produk, label, kemasan, materi promosi dan lain-lain yang memakai trademark Apple.

Selain itu, sebagai bagian dari persetujuan, Apple Story juga sepakat untuk mengubah nama tokonya yang dinilai Apple menyerupai trademark "Apple Store". Pun juga dengan window display berbentuk iPhone akan dihilangkan.

Dikutip detikINET dari Cnet, Jumat (16/9/2011), Apple mengajukan tuntutan hukumnya setelah mengirimkan investigator untuk membeli produk abal-abal Apple senilai ratusan dolar dari kedua toko tersebut.

Pemalsuan yang melibatkan Apple juga terjadi sebelumnya di China di mana ditemukan puluhan toko abal-abal Apple.

( sdj / ash )

Sumber detik com

If This Then That – automate web tasks

“If this then that” is a fabulous web automation service where you create simple “recipes” of what triggers any following action automatically. There are lot of services available that you can link together using the service. e.g. you can create a trigger that whenever u create bookmark on delicious, then it gets tweeted; or if you favorite a video on youtube it gets posted on facebook; or when you post a picture on flickr it gets saved in your dropbox etc.

There are loads of services compatible with it from flickr, instagram, gmail, google calendar, evernote, readitlater,, youtube, facebook, twitter, gtalk, craigslist,, stocks, weather, tumblr, foursquare and many many more. You can quickly sign up and start creating your own recipes or formulas, as well as recipes created by others. You can start browsing them and find huge library of interesting automations that you can configure for yourself, creating the perfect synergy of services you always wanted.

Try it out @

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


NATO dan Taliban Perang di Twitter

NATO dan Taliban 'Perang' di Twitter

Kabul - Pasukan NATO dan Taliban masih berperang sengit di Afghanistan. Tidak cuma di medan laga, peperangan mereka ternyata mampir juga di situs mikroblogging Twitter.

Baru-baru ini, serangan bom di dekat Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat di Kabul mengakibatkan 11 korban jiwa. Lembaga Afghanistan International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) yang digawangi NATO pun mengomentarinya via Twitter.

"Pertanyaanya adalah seberapa lama teroris akan membuat orang Afghanistan yang tidak bersalah berada dalam bahaya?" demikian tertulis dalam akun Twitter @ISAFmedia.

Nah, seperti detikINET kutip dari AsiaOne, Jumat, pertanyaan tersebut memancing Taliban untuk perang kata-kata. Sebuah pihak yang mengaku mewakili Taliban membalas pertanyaan tersebut dengan nada keras via Twitter.

"Saya tidak tahu. Kalain telah membawa mereka dalam bahaya 10 tahun terakhir. Meruntuhkan pedesaan dan pasar-pasar. Namun masih berani berbicara tentang bahaya," tulis seseorang yang mengaku juru bicara Taliban.

ISAF kemudian membalas bahwa berdasarkan fakta di lapangan, 80% korban sipil adalah akibat aktivitas para pengacau. Tentu pengacau di sini maksudnya adalah Taliban. Kedua pihak ini kemudian melanjutkan perang kata di Twitter ini.

Juru bicara ISAF menyatakan mereka kini memang lebih giat memakai jejaring sosial. Sebab, Taliban dikatakan sering melempar informasi salah via jejaring sosial sehingga ISAF ingin meluruskannya.

( fyk / ash )

Sumber detik com

Operator Kompak Ajukan Tuntutan ke RIM

Operator Kompak Ajukan Tuntutan ke RIM

Jakarta - Para operator boleh saja terlibat persaingan sengit di industri telekomunikasi Indonesia. Namun untuk urusan mengajukan tuntutan ke Research In Motion (RIM) demi masa depan layanan BlackBerry yang lebih baik, operator beserta petingginya solid merapatkan barisan.

Dikatakan Kepala Humas dan Pusat Informasi Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Gatot S. Dewa Broto, para operator mitra RIM -- yakni Telkomsel, Indosat, XL Axiata, , Bakrie Telecom, Axis Telekom Indonesia, Hutchison CP Telecommunication dan Smart Telecom -- sangat solid dan kompak dalam menghadapi vendor asal Kanada itu.

Dalam suratnya kepada Kementerian Kominfo yang disampaikan pada awal September 2011, direksi para penyelenggara telekomunikasi mendesak Kementerian Kominfo dan BRTI untuk mengajukan sejumlah permintaan kepada produsen Blackberry itu, yakni:

1. RIM agar membangun server di Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk melokalisir trafik data domestik di Indonesia, sehingga terjadi penurunan latency, dan terjadi penghematam biaya yang jauh lebih murah.

2. Menyediakan monitoring tools untuk memantau kinerja RIM, dengan tujuan untuk meminimalisasi keluhan pelanggan jika ada masalah krusial tanpa harus tergantung RIM.

3. Menyusun Service Level Agreement yang transparan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja RIM sehingga jelas standar kualitas layanannya.

4. Meningkatkan kinerja terminal handset sehingga dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur tertentu.

5. Dan yang lebih penting adalah meminta RIM menyediakan ahli di bidang khusus (technical expert) resmi di Indonesia untuk mengatasi trouble shooting yang ada.

"Hal ini untuk memperjelas semuanya. Soalnya kan selama ini operator selalu ketiban pulung lantaran selalu disalahkan ketika ada gangguan dalam layanan BlackBerry. Padahal masalah tersebut bukan selalu berasal dari operator," tukas Gatot.

Belum jelas bagaimana tanggapan RIM terkait tuntutan para operator yang menjadi partner kerja mereka di Indonesia itu. Yang pasti, 5 permintaan tersebut sudah dilontarkan Kominfo dan BRTI dalam pertemuannya dengan vendor asal Kanada itu kemarin, Kamis (15/9/2011).

"Nanti kita lihat tanggapan mereka dalam pertemuan lebih lanjut dalam waktu dekat," pungkas Gatot kepada detikINET.

( ash / fyk )

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Killing Star Wars, one Ewok at a time

By Todd Kenreck

Do you have those Star Wars special edition blues? Then murder some Ewoks, kill Han Solo and toss some Wookiees. In-Game's Todd Kenreck reports.a

Ambisi Intel Ciptakan Perangkat Hemat Energi

Ambisi Intel Ciptakan Perangkat Hemat Energi

San Fransisco - Intel telah memamerkan salah satu inovasinya dengan menciptakan sebuah prosesor komputer paling hemat daya. Prosesor tersebut bisa digunakan hanya dengan mengandalkan tenaga surya.

Dalam ajang Intel Developer Forum (IDF) yang digelar di Moscone Center West, San Fransisco 13-15 September 2011, Intel berhasil mengundang decak kagum para pengunjung dengan memamerkan prosesor hemat energi.

Prosesor tersebut dioperasikan hanya dengan mengandalkan sebuah baterai kecil penyimpan tenaga surya. Meski perangkat pendukung lainnya masih menggunakan sumber daya konvensional, namun hal ini tetap saja sebuah terobosan yang hebat.

"Prosesor ini hanya membutuhkan daya tak lebih dari 10 mili watt, dan ini bisa menjadi masa depan sebuah perangkat ultra irit dengan cakupan yang lebih luas," ujar Sriram Vangal, Principal Research Scientist Intel.

Meski irit listrik, namun performa prosesor ini cukup lumayan. Pada keadaan optimal tenaganya bisa terdongkrak hingga 10 kali lipat, dan sanggup memainkan game sekelas Quake Arena. Meski juga tak dipungkiri jika masih ada gejala lag di dalamnya.

Komponen hemat energi lainnya adalah memory RAM. Produk ini disebut Intel dengan nama Hybrid Memory Cube. Memory ini diklaim sangat hemat energi, dan pada demonstrasi yang dipertontonkan, total bandwidth yang dihasilkan mencapai 120GB/detik, jauh melampaui DDR3 dan DDR4.

"Ini semua membuktikan bahwa Intel akan terus mengembangkan chip yang tidak hanya hemat daya, namun juga tetap bertenaga," pungkas Justin Rattner, Intel Chief Technology Officer adn Director Intel Labs, seraya menutup perhelatan IDF 2011.

( eno / fyk )

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Can Yahoo-Bing-AOL Battle Google on Display Ads?

After Yahoo fired Carol Bartz, many wondered what the search engine firm would do next. Would Microsoft Relevant Products/Services make another bid for the beleaguered brand? Would AOL swoop in and snap up the search prince? Yes and, well, no.

Google probably never saw this one coming. If rumors hold true, AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft plan to join forces to sell ad inventory on one another's sites. The idea, of course, is to grab market share from the 800-pound gorilla named Google.

According to All Things D, execs from all three brands hooked up with top web publishers and ad buyers to spell out the competitive plan at a Manhattan dinner earlier this week. The goal: to convince everyone to play ball with the three Internet behemoths.

Display-Ad Battles

"The idea, according to people who attended the meeting: Microsoft, Yahoo and AOL have agreed to sell each other's 'Class 2 display' inventory -- graphic ads the companies can't sell on their own and would normally hand over to ad networks," Peter Kafka, author of the All Things D column, wrote.

"The theory is that if, say, AOL has a big order for a certain kind of ad impressions, it will fill it with its own inventory as well as with what's available from Microsoft and Yahoo."

It sounds like a promising plan, but so far AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft are mum on whether or not it's true. The companies have declined to comment on the reports that they are banding together to stop the bleeding from third-party ad network Relevant Products/Services opportunities on the display-ad front.

Material Impact?

Considering Google's longstanding dominance in the search market, a tag-team approach could be the only way to fight back against the company's efforts to creep into the display segment. Although the Bing and Yahoo search partnership has gained momentum -- mostly on the back of Bing -- Google nevertheless maintains about 76 percent of the search-engine market, according to eMarketer.

With the partnership, AOL, Bing and Yahoo would try to ward off Google's erosion of their display markets. Google already has about 9 percent of the market share in display, eMarketer reports, which totals about $1.1 billion in revenues. If Yahoo, AOL and Microsoft did team up, their combined revenue in the display space would total about $2.7 billion.

"I don't think it will have much impact. With Google's 76 percent, even combined this group is still a pretty insignificant player," said Zeus Kerravala, a vice president at the Yankee Group.

"If you put two guys with a broken leg together they aren't going to be able to walk as fast as someone else," Kerravala said. "That's kind of what we are looking at here. Google innovates much faster than those companies together on the search front, so I don't see it solving that problem either."

US data on 'bad doctors' closed to the public

By M. Alex reporter

The Obama administration has closed public access to its database of disciplinary action against doctors and other medical professionals, basically because reporters were getting too good at using it.a

The Department of Health and Human Services compiles a National Practitioner Data Bank to centralize reports on malpractice cases and licensing board actions against individual doctors and health care companies. The idea is to make it harder for practitioners who've been hit with disciplinary actions or malpractice judgments to move to other states and get new licenses. a

Four times a year, HHS has published a version of the database to the public. Because the database is supposed to be confidential, it's scrubbed of names, addresses and other information that patients, lawyers and reporters could use to identify who's in it. Still, because it provides a wealth of aggregate information, the quarterly summary has been a regular source of medical stories for a quarter-century. (As recently as June, the database was generating stories like this one, reporting that half of U.S. malpractice payments involve patients seen outside a hospital.)a

Or at least it did until this month, when HHS' Health Resources and Services Administration added this sentence to the databank's Web page:a

The NPDB Public Use Data File is not available until further notice.a

The Kansas City Star says it's largely to blame, reporting that HRSA took the action "shortly after it learned The Kansas City Star planned to use its reports" for a story on doctors who have frequently been accused of malpractice but who have escaped the attention of the Kansas or Missouri medical boards.a

An HRSA spokesman told the Star that while the agency was bound by federal law to keep the data confidential, reporters had been able to "triangulate on data bank data" to put names to reports.a

• Health news from msnbc.coma

Journalism and health care advocacy groups said they were troubled by what they characterized as a retreat from government openness by the Obama administration. a

Three of them — the Association of Health Care Journalists, Investigative Reporters and Editors and the Society of Professional Journalists — fired off a letter to the administration (.pdf) protesting removal of "a data resource that has been available for years to the general public, the media and researchers" and what they characterized as HRSA's "intimidation" of a Star reporter, citing a letter the agency sent to the paper (.pdf).a

HRSA told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch by e-mail that it is reviewing its procedures for "disclosing information in a form that does not permit the identification of any particular health care entity, physician, other health care practitioner, or patient." It said public access could resume after "a thorough analysis of the data fields" to ensure confidentiality.a

Canon upgrades 2 top point-and-shoots


Canon PowerShot S100a

By Wilson Rothman

While you can buy impressive Canon point-and-shoots for under $200, real photographers keep their eye on the pricier S series. It's compact but it has a larger sensor and pro-level controls. Today the S100 appears at the top of the totem pole, with an improved sensor and zoom lens, plus GPS. Meanwhile, in the super-zoom category, the SX30 is replaced by the SX40 in a less spectacular leap.a

Yes, the jump to the S100 from its predecessor, the S95, is far greater than the previous jump from S90 to S95. The $430 camera still has an f/2 aperture lens for low light and nice shallow depth of field, but now it's got a 5X zoom, from 24mm to 120mm. Its new CMOS sensor is not only an increase in megapixels, from 10 to 12, but a shift from CCD for improved performance.a


Canon PowerShot S100, in silver, with 3-inch LCD screen.a

The system is now capable of ISO 6400 (up from ISO 3200) for even better low-light shooting, and it has a high dynamic range (HDR) mode that can maximize the best parts of the different shooting modes to create one very good looking shot. The predecessor, the S95, was the first with HD video, but it was only 720p. The S100 has full 1080p HD.a

And let's not forget about the built-in GPS sensor, which not only tags images but can log your day's journey, and display it on map software that comes with the camera. a

There's even more going on in this camera, but hopefully I've made the main point, that anyone who's been holding out for a high-end point-and-shoot should probably take a look now.a


Canon PowerShot SX40a

At the same time, Canon also upgraded the sensor in its super-zoom SX line with the $430 SX40 HS. Though it takes a step down in megapixels, from 14 to 12, it gets an improved system that should do a lot better in low light. I was sad to see that the SX40 did not get GPS, as it would make sense for this camera. With an insane 35X zoom lens (24mm-840mm), the thing was basically built for a safari!a

The big question is, where's the other top point-and-shoot upgrade? The PowerShot G12 just turned a year old, and the G13 rumors are all over — some, such as TechRadar, even speculating that it might even be "canned," due to its similarity to the S100.a

More on cameras from's Gadgetbox:a

Nikon's D5100 and Olympus' PEN E-P3 are both amazing, and come with similar pricetags and target customers. But they're very different, making a choice between them tricky.a

Q&A: The camera conundrum: Point-and-shoot or SLR or ... cellphone? Smallest Olympus PEN camera weighs just over a pound Rugged TS3 camera has everything but machete

Catch up with Wilson on Twitter at @wjrothman, or on Google+. And join our conversation on Facebook.a


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sony, Toshiba and Hitachi merging LCD production

Japanese LCD manufacturers are facing tough competition right now from Samsung (Korea) and LG / Chimei Innolux Corporation (Taiwan) etc to keep competitive prices for their LCDs. Thus they have decided to merge their production center to remain competitive. Only the LCD manufacturing division will be merged together to produce LCDs for all 3 Japanese companies; for both their TVs as well as for smartphones / tablets. The jointly-owned company is now called: Japan Display K. K.

ight now, Sharp Corp is biggest individual production company of LCDs by producing 15% of total market requirement, and Samsung and Chimei sharing second place at 12% each. The number of LCD units in production by Sony, Sharp and Hitachi were individually not competitive enough to get the companies good profit. But now, Japan Display K.K. will jump up to become the largest maker of small to medium-sized LCD displays by having a combined market share of 22%.


About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Nvidia launches Win 8 developer program

Windows 8 developer conference revealed the new Windows 8 as the first OS that will run on both x86 and ARM architect. This will bring the huge library of windows applications natively to both the platforms. PCs are based on x86 chips while the smartphones and tablets are dominated by ARM processors. Nvidia has jumped the Windows 8 bandwagon by announcing their full support for development of games on it. Both the tablet and desktop developers can join this program to get the best benefits out of new Windows 8 features and their usage with Nvidia’s processors like Tegra, Geforce, Quadro and Tesla.

This developer program will give developers nvidia support, tools and resources to easily develop games and apps for Windows 8 based devices. Nvidia has ATI as rival in dekstop and console GPU race and Qualcomm as rival in tablet market. So, if their program gets more developers interested they will be killing two birds with one stone by rallying strong developers in their support on both forefronts.

Interested developers can sign-up @

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Pemenang Blog Award Sesi 21 - BRONZE

Pemenang Blog Award Sesi 21 - BRONZE

Jakarta - Tim Internet Sehat telah memilih dua blog pemenang Internet Sehat Blog & Content Award (ISBA) 2011. Setelah melakukan proses verifikasi dan penilaian, bersama ini kami menyampaikan bahwa blog berikut ini layak dan berhak mendapatkan penghargaan ISBA 2011 untuk kategori BRONZE minggu ini, Kamis (15/09/2011):

Menulis kapan saja tentang apa saja, itulah motto dari pemilik blog yang beralamatkan di Dengan berpedoman pada semangat "membantu mengabarkan yang benar dan membenarkan kabar yang tidak benar", lelaki yang hobi bersepeda akhir pekan ini menyebut dirinya sebagai online ghost writer.

"Kreatif sekali PMI membuat iklan tv dengan latar internet dan media sosial," pikir saya ketika menyaksikan awal iklan tersebut, itulah salah satu kutipan dari artikel penulis yang berjudul "Iklan Google Chrome dan Kedahsyatan Internet".

Postingan lain yang tidak kalah menarik, "Tong Kosong Nyaring Kultwitnya" menggambarkan opininya akan salah satu topik hangat yang sedang menjadi trending topic di Twitter.

Postingan yang ditulis tidak hanya melulu soal teknologi. Masih banyak kategori lain yang sayang jika dilewatkan seperti Bola & Piala Dunia, Buku, Cerita Lainnya, Humor, News dan Politik, Religi dan tidak ketinggalan hobi penulis di akhir pekan yaitu sepeda.

Dengan bahasa santai dan bersahabat namun tetap sopan, penulis mencoba berbagi ide, opini dan pengalamannya melalui blog yang menggunakan latar putih ini.

Sederhana namun menarik, itulah kesan dari penggunaan layout pada blog. Penasaran? Kunjungi blonya di

Jika Anda adalah pelaku atau penggiat pertanian atau sekedar hobi bertani, Saung Tani, begitu web blog ini dinamakan, wajib Anda kunjungi. Pembaca akan disuguhkan dengan pengetahuan, pengalaman dan wawasan dalam dunia pertanian oleh sang pengelola blog.

Blog yang beralamat di ini juga dimaksudkan sebagai sarana untuk membangun dan mengembangankan budaya menulis, berdiskusi secara cerdas, sehat dan produktif bagi para penyuluh dan pelaku atupun penggiat di bidang pertanian.

Artikel yang diposting sangat beragam, tidak hanya membahas bagaimana cara bertani seperti dalam artikel "Teknologi Budidaya Tanaman Tomat" yang membahas tentang bagaimana menanam tomat yang baik agar panen dengan sempurna atau "Pengolahan Limbah Perkebunan Sebagai Pakan Ternak" yang membahas pengelolaan limbah sisa perkebunan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pakan berserat untuk ternak dan masih banyak lagi.

Tapi juga membahas isu-isu seputar para penggiat pertanian seperti dalam artikel "Sekali Lagi Tentang Batas Usia Pensiun Penyuluh Pertanian,Perikanan dan Kehutanan", "Menggali Potensi : Sebuah Harapan Bagi PERHIPTANI", "Standard Kompetensi Penyuluh Pertanian" dan postingan lainnya yang sayang jika dilewatkan.

Jika pembaca ingin ikut berpartisipasi, pembaca dapat mengirim tulisan berupa berita, opini, hasil kajian, review/tinjauan dunia pertanian dalam arti luas, pengembangan penyuluhan maupun agribisnis, yang akan pengelola posting dengan ketentuan dan syarat tertentu.

Tidak hanya itu, pembaca juga dapat berkonsultasi langsung seputar pertanian atau memberi masukan dan saran untuk pengembangan web blog ini.

Dengan gabungan latar putih, tulisan hitam dan layout yang sederhana, web ini memberikan kenyamanan bagi pembaca. Bahasa yang digunakan resmi, sopan namun tidak kaku. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi...?

Internet Sehat Blog & Content Award (ISBA) 2011 adalah sebuah penghargaan sepanjang tahun yang diberikan kepada pengelola Blog, Wiki, Forum, Portal dan berbagai jenis layanan konten lainnya, baik perseorangan ataupun berkelompok, yang dengan segenap daya kreatifitasnya telah menuangkan ide, gagasan dan pikirannya dalam bentuk tulisan secara online.

Tulisan tersebut tentunya yang harus dapat memberikan ide ataupun mengarahkan pembaca untuk melakukan tindakan yang positif dan bermanfaat, bagi dirinya ataupun masyarakat sekitarnya di Indonesia.

Goal dari program ini adalah untuk men-generate tumbuhnya konten-konten lokal sehingga semakin banyak generasi muda Indonesia yang aktif menulis di blog. ISBA 2011 diinisiasi oleh ICT for Partnership (, didukung oleh XL Axiata (, Norton Symantec (, dan detikINET (

Ingin seperti mereka? Simak cara-caranya di

( wsh / wsh )

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REVIEW: 'Gears of War 3' loves itself too much

By Todd Kenreck

The conclusion to the trilogy has great gameplay, a desolated landscape, but fails to deliver on a desperate and dark story. In-Game's Todd Kenreck gives it an 8 out of 10.a

More video game newsa

'Resistance 3' is gritty, dirty, and deadly 'Dead Island' is dead on Breaking down Batman

AMD 7000 series GPU details out

New details have come out from Nordic Hardware about the next generation of AMD graphics card coming out later this year. First off, let’s take a look at the mid-range cards that will be replacing the HD 6800 series.

The first major change everyone will notice is the long awaited move from a 48nm die to 28nm, bringing along with it the obvious benefits of lower power consumption and lesser heat. The increase in texture units and Radeon cores was to be expected, as was the resulting increase in bandwidth. While these upgrades seem incremental, the juicy bits were reserved for their flagship models.

The Tahiti chips will be based on the new PCIe Gen 3.0 interface, providing a significant boost to the already high bandwidth. Further improvements come in the form of AMD’s Graphics CoreNext GPU architecture and the new XDR2 memory from Rambus which is supposedly twice as fast as GDDR5 if their claims are correct. Many will remember Rambus causing a huge rucus a decade ago with suing various memory manufacturers and arguable claims of their ram being faster than DDR3, and of course their excusivityUnfortunately the Thaiti chips are expected to be out early next year, so we’ll all have to guess how well they would have performed when Battlefield 3 is out next month.

So far no exact release dates or prices have been announced, but we’ll keep you updated as more concrete details filter in.

About Taimoor Hafeez

From auditing to editing, I now test and analyze the latest gadgets and games instead of the latest financial statements. Both jobs are equally intense and rewarding. In my free time you'll find me raiding in WoW or engineering in TF2.


Penjualan BlackBerry PlayBook Melempem

Penjualan BlackBerry PlayBook Melempem

Jakarta - BlackBerry PlayBook sepertinya susah meraih kesuksesan di tengah para pesaingnya. Diketahui, angka penjualan per unitnya jauh tertinggal dengan komputer tablet keluaran Apple, iPad.

Menurut survey yang dilakukan oleh Bloomberg, pada kuarter terakhir lalu RIM hanya mengapalkan satu Playbook untuk setiap 19 unit iPad yang dikapalkan Apple.

Dikutip detikINET dari Bloomberg, Kamis (15/9/2011), RIM hanya menjual sebanyak 490.000 unit PlayBook di kuarter pertama, sedangkan iPad sudah terjual sekitar 9,25 juta unit dalam periode yang sama.

"Hal ini menunjukkan bawa prospek perusahaan RIM hanya akan bergantung pada generasi baru BlackBerry," ujar Charlie Wolf, analis dari Needham & Co di New York.

Jumlah unit PlayBook yang akan dipasarkan oleh RIM di tahun ini juga jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan pemasaran iPad dan Galaxy Tab.

Dilaporkan, RIM hanya akan memasarkan 1,5 juta tablet, sedang Apple akan memasarkan 39,2 juta iPad dan Samsung akan mengapalkan 7 juta Galaxy Tab-nya.

PlayBook dikenalkan oleh RIM pada bulan April di Amerika dan Kanada dengan harga USD 500.

Ia memiliki layar yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan iPad sehingga membuat mantan CEO Apple Steve Jobs menjuluki tablet tersebut dengan 'tweeners'. Ia terlalu besar untuk menjadi sebuah smartpone namun terlalu kecil untuk menjadi sebuah tablet.

Ukuran yang terbilang 'nanggung' ini kelihatannya menjadi salah satu faktor melempemnya PlayBook di pasaran.

Akan tetapi bukan hanya RIM saja yang terengah-engah mengejar ketertinggalan dengan iPad. Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya piranti TouchPad milik Hewlett-Packarad juga akhirnya distop produksinya karena tidak berhasil menggaet hati konsumen.

( sdj / wsh )

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Yahoo, AOL dan Microsoft Keroyok Google

Yahoo, AOL dan Microsoft 'Keroyok' Google

Jakarta - 3 perusahaan internet: Yahoo, AOL dan Microsoft dilaporkan tengah menjalin kerjasama untuk meningkatkan pendapatan yang didapat dari penjualan iklan.

Kerjasama yang terjalin di antara mereka juga dimaksudkan untuk lebih kompetitif saat berhadapan dengan sang pesaing tangguh, Google.

Dari hasil diskusi yang mereka gelar di New York, Selasa lalu, perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut sepakat untuk menjual iklan di masing-masing situs. Mereka juga setuju untuk lebih menyederhanakan proses transaksi iklan dengan para pengiklan atau media buyer.

Dilaporkan bahwa mereka kehilangan banyak pundi-pundi akibat menjalankan proses transaksi iklan dengan bantuan pihak ketiga atau ad network (perusahaan yang mengubungkan pengiklan dengan situs yang menjual space iklan). Nantinya, ketiga perusahaan itu akan berbagi pendapatan.

Pundi-pundi yang mereka hasilkan juga tidak membaik akibat para pengiklan lebih memilih untuk membelanjakan anggaran iklannya di mesin pencari Google. Menurut data dari eMarketer, Google memang mendominasi pasar iklan dengan meraih market share sebesar 76%.

Hasil lain yang didapat dari negosiasi tersebut ialah bahwa mereka juga setuju untuk menjual space iklan 'kelas ke-2' alias space 'sisa' yang terdapat di bagian bawah halaman. Dikutip detikINET dari NewYorkTimes, Kamis (15/9/2011), rencana tersebut diharapkan bisa dimulai di akhir tahun ini.

( sdj / wsh )

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iPad Success Floating Other Tablets To Sales Boom, IDC Says

Could Apple's utter domination of the tablet Relevant Products/Services market actually be good for the competition in the long term?

Market research firm IDC Relevant Products/Services believes so, raising its forecast of tablet shipments for the year to 62.5 million units, up from 53.5 million units, based on global media tablet shipments rising 88.9 percent on a sequential basis and 303.8 percent year over year in the second quarter to 13.6 million units.

That demand was heavily fueled by the release of Apple's iPad Relevant Products/Services 2 in February, which saw shipments reach 9.3 million units, or a whopping 68.3 percent share of the worldwide market, up from 65.7 percent the previous quarter.

Solid Pace

"Media tablet shipments grew at a solid pace in the second quarter, led by continued strong demand for Apple products," said Tom Mainelli, IDC's research director for mobile Relevant Products/Services connected devices. "We expect shipment totals to continue to grow in the third and fourth quarter, as additional vendors introduce more price-competitive Android Relevant Products/Services products into the market and Apple works to maintain its dominance in the category."

Putting more iPads in the hands of consumers and businesses is building a market that will ultimately be more open, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Relevant Products/Services.

"Right now, tablets are virtually an 'all-Apple' market," King said. "But as people and companies become more used to tablets -- both their inherent benefits and limitations -- that familiarity creates opportunities for others.

"We've seen this happen with other products that began as specialty items, PCs and smartphones among them. It seems counter-intuitive but sometimes a successful trailblazer can help pave the way for those who follow."

IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Media Tablet and eReader Tracker also noted that Research In Motion entered the media tablet market in the second-quarter with its PlayBook, picking up 4.9 percent share of the market. But the share of tablets running Google's Android from a variety of manufacturers slipped to 26.8 percent, down from 34 percent the previous quarter.

Android Slippage

In the second half of the calendar year, Android will further lose share, dropping to 23 percent, but will gain some momentum in the fourth quarter, IDC predicts. And nearly a million of Hewlett-Packard's discontinued TouchPad tablets, which run webOS, will ship into the channel by year's end, boosting that operating system's market share to 4.7 percent in the third quarter, IDC said. That device is being sold at the bargain price of $99.

IDC said the second quarter saw a 9 percent "seasonal dip" in eReaders, to 5.4 million units, although year-over-year growth was 167 percent. The most popular eReader was Amazon's Kindle with a 51.7 percent share of the market, compared to 21.2 percent for Barnes & Noble's Nook, with 21.2 percent.

Since eReaders make great holiday gifts, shipments will grow substantially through the coming Christmas season, IDC said, reaching a total of 27 million units for the year, up from the 16.2 million the company previously projected.

BlackBerry App World 3.0 Sudah Bisa Diunduh

BlackBerry App World 3.0 Sudah Bisa Diunduh

Jakarta - Research In Motion (RIM) akhirnya resmi meluncurkan versi terbaru toko aplikasinya, yakni BlackBerry App World 3.0. Sebelumnya ia memang sudah tersedia, namun masih dalam versi beta.

Dalam versi ini sejumlah perubahan terlihat, dari mulai desain home screen yang lebih mulus, ikon-ikon baru serta pengaturan aplikasi yang lebih mudah.

Berikut fitur-fitur baru yang terdapat di BlackBerry App World 3.0 seperti yang dikutip detikINET dari Technorati, Kamis (15/9/2011):

1. New Design - Desain baru Blackberry App Word yang lebih mulus ini lebih memudahkan user untuk menemukan aplikasi dan konten terbaru.

2. New Channels - Aplikasi, Games dan Themes kini memiliki channel sendiri sehingga user lebih gampang menemukan apa yang mereka cari.

3. My Account - Memudahkan user dalam mengelola akun Blackberry ID (BBID) mereka dan melakukan pembayaran dengan akses langsung dari home screen.

4. My World - My World memberikan user tampilan streamline aplikasi dan status mereka. Mereka juga bisa melihat aplikasi mana yang telah di-install atau di-uninstall, termasuk mengelola konten dan layanan berlangganan. Dan apabila update terbaru hadir, maka user akan segera mendapatkan notifikasi.

5. Social Sharing - User dimungkinkan untuk langsung berbagi aplikasi favorit ke BBM (Blackberry Messenger), Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS dari layar aplikasi.

6. App Details Screen - Dengan cepat, user bisa mendapatkan ringkasan, review, rating, hingga screen shot suatu aplikasi.

7. More Search Options - Bar pencarian (Search Bar) kini tersedia di halaman muka dengan hasil pencarian ditampilkan di Channel serta My World. User juga dimungkinkan untuk menyaring pencarian sesuai nama aplikasi, harga, rating, dan lain-lain.

Pengguna BlackBerry kini bisa mengunduh BlackBerry App World 3.0 tersebut secara gratis. Ia bekerja di BlackBerry OS 5.0 ke atas.

( sdj / wsh )

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Sony will launch PlayStation Vita in Japan with 26 games


Sony says 26 games and apps will be available when the PlayStation Vita launches in Japan this December.a

By Winda Benedetti

Sony has announced that it will put its brand new handheld game machine — the PlayStation Vita — on sale for the first time starting Dec. 17.a

That's good news for gamers in Japan — which is where Sony will first launch its powerful and unusual gadget which comes with touch-enabled screens on both the front and the back sides. North American and European gamers, however, will have to wait a bit longer to find out when, exactly, they can get their hands on Vita.a

Sony unveiled the Vita's Japanese launch date early Wednesday as the Tokyo Game Show got under way. The company also announced that 26 games will be available for the machine on the day it launches and that an additional 74 games are in the works. And Sony claims this launch line-up is the biggest for a new game machine ever.a

How many of these games and which ones in particular will be available in North America and other territories when Vita launches here (expected sometime in 2012) remains in question.a

Certainly Sony seems determined to prove it can send its new machine out the door with plenty of games to help it fly off shelves — no doubt taking a cue from mistakes made by its competition.a

When the Vita launches, it will go head-to-head against Nintendo's new 3DS handheld game machine in a competition for portable gaming dollars. Earlier this year, Nintendo launched the 3DS with less-than-successful results. Nintendo executives have admitted that they launched the machine without a strong enough line-up of games. That, in part, caused the device to sell well under the company's expectations.a

"Army Corps of Hell" is one of the 26 games that will be available for PlayStation Vita when it launches in December.a

Among the 26 titles arriving for the Japan Vita launch is Sony's highly anticipated game "Uncharted: Golden Abyss" as well as the newly revealed horror game "Army Corps of Hell" and action role-playing game  "Lord of Apocalypse" both from Square Enix. "Dark Quest" from Ubisoft and "Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3" from Capcom will also be available.  (For the full list of Vita launch titles and games in the works see this Sony press release).a

Though my initial impressions of the Vita have been positive, some have suggested that the Vita launch might just be a "car wreck"– strong game line-up or not. The point being, it remains to be seen whether enough people still want to drop up to $300 on a dedicated gaming device during an age of smartphones packed full of cheap game apps.a


Japanese 3DS owners will be able to buy a peripheral that adds an additional thumb pad to the game machine.a

The Vita will sell here in the United States for $249 and $300 (for the 3G enabled version).  But Nintendo found that it had priced its 3DS too high at $250 and, after less than five months on the market, it slashed the price to $170 on Aug. 12.a

The price slashing seems to have helped at least temporarily. Last week, Nintendo announced that it sold 185,000 3DS units in the U.S. in the 19 days following the price cut — which is a whopping 260 percent increase over "the comparable 19-day time period in July."a

But whether the increased sales will be sustained over time remains to be seen.a

During its own press conference in advance of the Tokyo Game Show, Nintendo attempted to further woo Japanese gamers by revealing some new forthcoming 3DS games of its own — "Mario Tennis" and "Monster Hunter 4" among them. It also revealed that it will launch a peripheral in December that snaps onto the 3DS and adds an additional thumb stick — a curious stab at the PlayStation Vita competition. The Vita offers two thumbsticks of its own — sure to be a popular feature with hardcore gamers.a

Whether this 3DS peripheral will be made available in the U.S. remains to be seen.a

For more game news, check out:a

Apple doesn't want you to play this smartphone game Sony unveils deep games, new apps for Vita Seven things to love about PlayStation Vita Grizzled, troubled Max Payne returns in new game, new trailer

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+.  And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

Ivy Bridge Bikin Prosesor Intel Kian Melesat

Ivy Bridge Bikin Prosesor Intel Kian Melesat

Jakarta - Intel siap menghadirakan generasi ketiga dari jajaran seri Core i. Ada beberapa perubahan yang membuat proseor tersebut melesat lebih kencang dari pendahulunya.

Ivy Bridge sudah mengusung proses fabrikasi 22nm, ini berarti prosesor akan lebih ramping namun juga memiliki jumlah transistor lebih banyak dari seri Core i sebelumnya. Alhasil, selain hemat daya komputer pun lebih bertenaga.

"Ivy Bridge memiliki arsitektur Sandy Bridge yang telah disempurnakan. Intergrasi GPU telah diperbaiki, share cache prosesor juga telah disempurnakan," jelas Mooly Eden, vice president and general manager of the PC Client Group.

Eden juga menjelaskan bahwa motherboard Sandy Bridge bisa juga digunakan untuk prosesor ini, sehingga diharapkan para pengguna yang ingin mengupgrade komputernya tidak mengeluarkan anggaran yang berlebihan.

Performa grafis yang ditanamkan pada prosesor ini juga cukup lumayan. Sudah mengusung directX 11, dan bisa memainkan game sekelas HAWK 2 tanpa masalah.

"Dengan Ivy Bridge Anda tidak hanya bekerja dengan komputer, namun juga akan jatuh cinta pada komputer," tandas Eden, yang mengundang tawa para peserta IDF 2011 di Moscone Center West, San Francisco Rabu (14/9/2011).

( eno / rns )

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Ultrabook, Era Baru Komputer Jinjing

Ultrabook, Era Baru Komputer Jinjing

San Fransisco, AS - Intel mengenalkan Ultrabook sebagai standar baru komputer jinjing yang hemat energi. Ada beberapa fitur menarik di dalamnya, termasuk fitur anti maling.

Ultrabook merupakan penggabungkan antara performa dan kapabilitas komputer jinjing dengan beberapa keunggulan tablet PC. Tak heran, jika akhirnya Intel mengklaim bahwa standar baru ini dapat mengubah pengalaman pengguna terhadap notebook pada umumnya.

Selain untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan meningkatnya mobilitas pengguna, Intel juga menyadari betul bahwa era baru komputer jinjing ini perlu juga menyoroti soal potensi keamanan, baik penyerangan malware, phising, hingga aksi pencurian komputer secara fisik.

"Ultabook dilengkapi banyak fitur untuk mencegah terjadinya pencurian data," kata Mooly Eden, Vice President & General Manager PC Client Group Intel.

Untuk menghadirkan fitur ini, Intel mempercayakan kemampuan penyedia anti virus McAffe yang telah diakusisinya beberapa waktu lalu.

"Fitur keamanan dalam Ultabook diperkuat oleh McAffe, kami percaya karena mereka sudah lama bekecimpung di bidang keamanan internet," tambah Eden, yang selalu tampil khas dengan topi hitam.

Menghadang Pencuri

Pada sebuah demonstrasi yang diperagakan di tengah ajang Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2011 yang berlangsung di Moscone Center West, San Francisco, Amerika Serikat, Rabu (14/9/2011), Intel menampilkan simulasi sebuah pencurian data melalui internet.

Sebuah Ultrabook yang telah dipasangi aplikasi keylogger digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi internet banking, sedangkan komputer lain berperan sebagai penjahat yang memata-matai aksi calon korbannya.

Berkat fitur enkripsi data yang ditanamkan pada chip ultrabook, si penjahat terbukti tidak mampu mencuri data calon korbannya. Tak cukup sampai di situ, produk ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur keamanan jarak jauh.

"Jika komputer tercuri, Anda bisa mengirimkan sebuah 'pil' yang bisa mengunci dan menghapus data komputer tersebut," tandas Eden.

Belum dipastikan kapan Ultrabook akan dirilis, namun kehadiranya bisa dipastikan tidak akan lama lagi. Sejumlah vendor seperti Acer, Asus, Lenovo dan Toshiba pun sudah memperagakan produk tersebut di tengah IDF 2011.

( eno / ash )

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Facebook Responds to Google Plus with Friend Lists

Taking a page from Google Plus, Facebook is doing what most social-media industry watchers expected: giving members the ability to segregate their friends based on specific circles. Facebook calls it Friend Lists.

Facebook has made it possible to create lists for years, but members have complained that it took too long to organize lists and keep them up to date. Google Plus makes it simple with a drag and drop function in Circles. Facebook had to respond.

"Want to see posts from your closest friends? Or perhaps you'd like to share a personal story with your family – without also telling all your co-workers," Facebook's Blake Ross wrote in a blog post. "With improved Friend Lists, you can easily see updates from and share with different lists of friends."

Facebook's Take on Friends

Facebook isn't copying Google Plus tit for tat. Instead of Circles, Facebook is working to make lists easier and more useful with three improvements: Smart lists, Close Friends and Acquaintances lists, and Better Suggestions. Of course, you don't have to use the lists if you don't want to and if you've already got lists in place that you are happy with you are free to keep them.

With Smart lists, you'll see lists that create themselves and stay up to date based on profile information your friends have in common with you -- like your work, school, family and city.

"For instance, if you list Boston College as a school you've attended and your friends John and Sarah do too, then you would instantly have a smart list called 'Boston College' with John and Sarah on it," Ross said. "This means that if you're having a grad party or a college reunion, you can easily share photos with just your college friends, without bothering other people you know."

Restricting Your Boss

On the Close Friends and Acquaintances front, Facebook will let you see your best friends' photos and posts in one place, and see less from people you're not as close to. And Better Suggestions let you add the right friends to your lists without a lot of effort.

So what about your boss or the few other people you like but just don't want to share with on Facebook? Ross explained that you can now add these folks to your "restricted" list and they will only see your public posts. You can still send them messages or tag them in a post.

"Unlike your Smart lists for your work, school, family and city, we don't create Close Friends and Acquaintances lists for you," Ross said. "Since these types of relationships are unique, it's important for you to decide who goes in your Close Friends, Acquaintances or Restricted lists -- if you use them at all."

Apple doesn't want you to play this smartphone game


"Phone Story" - banned from the App Store -- tells the not-so-happy stories associated with smartphone production. The above portion of the game takes a look at the many suicides committed by workers who manufacture our phones. a

By Winda Benedetti

It seems there's a smartphone game about smartphone manufacturing that one of the most famous smartphone makers doesn't want you to play.a

The game app — called "Phone Story" — was available in Apple's App Store for a few days before Apple yanked it from its virtual shelves on Tuesday.a

Created by indie developers Molleindustria, "Phone Story" is a collection of four mini games designed to show the horrible human and environmental costs of smartphone manufacturing and sales.a

As Molleindustria explains:a

Phone Story is a game for smartphone devices that attempts to provoke a critical reflection on its own technological platform. Under the shiny surface of our electronic gadgets, behind its polished interface, hides the product of a troubling supply chain that stretches across the globe.a

The games give players a look at coltan mineral mining in the Congo (a mineral vital to phone production), at the horrible manufacturing conditions at Foxconn, the suicides that plague the phone production process and at the planned obsolescence of our gadgets before ending on a not-so-cheery look at the gadget-induced eWaste polluting our planet.a

This isn't the first time Molleindustria has created a game designed to make players ask themselves some uncomfortable questions. This group previously released a Web game called "Operation: Pedopriest" about the Catholic Church's cover-up of sexual abuses committed by priests. It also released "Faith Fighter" — a fighting game that takes a satirical look at the religious wars — and "Leaky World" — a game based around the ongoing WikiLeaks controversy.a


"Phone Story" takes a look at the toxic waste our devices leave behind.a

Though Apple initially approved "Phone Story" and posted it to the App Store on Sept. 9, the company yanked the game Tuesday. On its website, Molleindustria said Apple told them the game violates the following guideline codes:a

15.2 Apps that depict violence or abuse of children will be rejected 16.1 Apps that present excessively objectionable or crude content will be rejected 21.1 Apps that include the ability to make donations to recognized charitable organizations must be free 21.2 The collection of donations must be done via a web site in Safari or an SMSa

Apple slapped Molleindustria with the last two violations because the developers have vowed to redirect all the money they make on the game to non-profit organizations working to stop the events depicted in the game (the first group being SACOM - Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior).a

But the developers insist, "We contest the violation 21.1 and 21.2 since it's not possible to make donations through Phone Story. Molleindustria simply pledged to redirect the revenues to no-profit organizations, acting independently."a

And Molleindustria hasn't given up trying to get the game reinstated to the App Store. The developers say they are considering producing a new version of the game "that depicts the violence and abuse of children involved in the electronic manufacturing supply chain in a non-crude and non-objectionable way."a

Though, how one goes about making the abuse of child laborers not objectionable remains to be seen. After all, the objectionable nature of such a thing is very much the point.a

Meanwhile Molleindustria has just released a version of the game to the Android Market for $1. (It should be noted that Android phones are no less a part of the problem than iPhones. The Android Market, however, is far less strict in its app approval process.)a

The game's developers urge those who buy and play their game to "keep Phone Story on your device as a reminder of your impact."a

(Thanks to Kotaku for the heads up.)a

For more game news, check out:a

These games really push our buttons Wikileaks game asks you to connect dots and stop leaks Grizzled, troubled Max Payne returns in new game, new trailer Will you pay $50 for Call of Duty Elite?

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+. And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

IT Admins Catch a Break: No Critical Issues in Patch Tuesday

Microsoft Relevant Products/Services has issued five security Relevant Products/Services bulletins to address 15 vulnerabilities. In a rare occurrence, none of this month's vulnerabilities are rated critical. But that doesn't mean IT Relevant Products/Services admins get a free ride in September, especially with the DigiNotar issues.

"Despite the number of patches Microsoft issued today, it's important to not let the out-of-hand advisory Microsoft updated last week slip through the cracks," said Joshua Talbot, security intelligence Relevant Products/Services manager at Symantec Security Response.

"The advisory essentially revokes Microsoft's trust of various DigiNotar certificates. This update should probably be kept at the top of IT admins' to-do lists -- even before any of today's patches -- as there are attacks occurring in the wild leveraging the compromised certificates."

DigiNotar Outfall

Indeed, in light of the current DigiNotar certificate issues -- including the latest threat by the certificate hacker to exploit the Microsoft Windows Relevant Products/Services Update service -- the handling of potentially compromised digital certificates is currently top of the list for most IT pros this period.

"Many IT professionals are already busy dealing with replacing their server certificates and also updating user browser and OS software to revoke trust in compromised certificates, so this Patch Tuesday is a welcome break," said Paul Henry, a security and forensics analyst at Lumension Relevant Products/Services.

Mozilla is aggressively dealing with the issue and has sent communication to all certificate authorities with root certificates in Network Security Services requesting immediate action. Henry said that seems to imply that other CA's could face the same demise seen at DigiNotar if they are not cooperative and forthcoming.

Pay Close Attention

Although none of the patches released Tuesday are rated critical, security researchers are urging users to pay close attention to the Office Uninitialized Object Pointer Vulnerability. Talbot said it seemed to be fairly easy to exploit the memory Relevant Products/Services corruption issue and leverage extremely common Word files to attack users' computers.

"Microsoft is also patching two vulnerabilities that are already in the public realm, but neither are of too great a concern," Talbot added. "The first is the HTML Sanitization Vulnerability, which is simply an information disclosure issue. The other is the Insecure Library Loading Vulnerability, which is part of the ongoing DLL issue that the company has been working on correcting for more than a year now. We've yet to see any exploits targeting one of these vulnerabilities."

A First-Time Event

The start of the second half of 2011 has seen more than 40 high-profile breaches. Yet in terms of security bulletins there are no surprises in September's patch release. That's because Microsoft accidentally released the bulletins four days early in a gaffe that caused some confusion for Microsoft and its customers.

"In what might be a first-time event, Adobe released a batch of 13 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures before the Microsoft patch," said Andrew Storms, director of security at nCircle. "It's a definite improvement over their previous late-afternoon releases, but it's still a 'classic' Adobe patch in that we have very little information about the bugs being fixed in the patch. The bad news is that most of them could result in the worst kind of security outcome -- remote Relevant Products/Services code execution."

Windows 8 tablet strategy still risky


Reference design Windows 8 tablets from Qualcomm, Texas Instruments and Intela

By Wilson Rothman

Windows 8 is impressive, an opportunity for Microsoft to regain its footing in the shifting, post-PC world. But how will it fare against the iPad? If Microsoft's OS can't run on a wafer-thin piece of glass and metal, for 10 hours or more, it's not going to get very far.a

( is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC Universal, but that has no impact on our coverage of Microsoft or its competitors.)a

Hardware/software loveMicrosoft doesn't build hardware, and as such, is at a crucial disadvantage to Apple, whose ability to design software and hardware in conjunction allows it to produce slimmer designs, unparalleled interface response and better battery life.a

Yes, better battery life. On a laptop, anything over four hours will do, but a tablet needs to be a cool, skinny thing that runs for 10 hours at a stretch. And battery life isn't just about run-time. You put down an iPad on Tuesday, and pick it up again on Friday, and it's battery meter will show roughly the same level. It's what the system is doing when you're not using it that's more important, and unfortunately that depends even more on how the hardware is designed, from the battery to the radios.a

Microsoft went out of its way to show how much more efficient Windows 8 is than its predecessor, but that may be like saying a station wagon is more fuel-efficient than an SUV. How does the station wagon perform against the Prius? That's the question.a

The Windows team is building a platform to run on third-party hardware. That is firmly embedded in Microsoft's constitution. So don't expect a Microsoft tablet, even if it makes more competitive sense. For business reasons, the Windows approach limits Microsoft's control over the end product. So the real question becomes, do you believe Dell, HP or even the more impressive Samsung has what it takes to beat Apple at the tablet game?a

PCs vs. tablets?Microsoft made a decision to migrate Windows to the tablet, rather than using their phone OS. They argue that people want a full PC, but they also knew that traditional Windows would be permanently damaged if the company put their secondary phone OS on tablets. But that's what Apple did, growing its iPhone OS to run on the iPad. The result is this funny dichotomy: Do you want a slimmed-down but fully functioning PC in tablet form? Or do you want a grown-up, blown-up phone in tablet form?a

It will be very beneficial for Microsoft to leverage its desktop-PC developer base for the creation of tablet apps — that's exactly what they are doing — but unless the entire experience can be tablet friendly, bringing full Windows to thin touchscreen devices is a risk.a

Beyond the more intense hardware requirements I briefly mentioned above, there's a potential for interface confusion. On a real PC running Windows 8, if you wander out of the cool touchscreen Metro interface, and get into the classic Windows interface — a very likely scenario — you can just use a trackpad or mouse and keyboard to work.a

But if you're tooling around on your 10-inch touch tablet and you're suddenly face to face with traditional Windows, you're gonna get mad. At least, I'm gonna get mad. And what functionality will that provide? There are lots of things I do on a computer that I don't want to do on a tablet. You may say you want it all, but even if you do want full PC functionality, are you ready for the interface compromises that the current build of Windows 8 appears to present?a

Microsoft has a better shot at gaining significant tablet share than HP's failed webOS, or RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook, or really at this point any of those Android tablets vying for second place. And Microsoft has the chance to gain share in tablet even if the Windows Phone OS doesn't take off. But they also have the chance to blow it, if they can't walk this fine line between full PC functionality and slim tablet experience.a

More on Windows 8 from's Technolog:a

Windows 8 does what Apple doesn't How to get Windows 8 right now - at your own risk Microsoft previews 'bold' new Windows 8 Hands-on preview of new Windows 8 features Windows 8 boots super fast, says Microsoft

Catch up with Wilson on Twitter at @wjrothman, or on Google+. And join our conversation on Facebook.a


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Android coming soon to Intel processors

If you thought Windows 8 was the only OS coming up with capability to run on both x86 and ARM processors then you are wrong. Intel and Google have unveiled their partnership to allow Android to run on x86 processors i.e. in future normal laptops and PCs can be installed with Android OS too. Although the Android OS is not meant for mainstream desktop PCs but would see positive response on Intel Atom processor based netbooks and ultrabooks. On other hand this will give Intel to get in on the tablet market too by introducing their atom processors for use in tablets as well as smartphones.

Android will be made fully compatible with x86 architect in first quarter of 2012. While the very first Intel chip smartphone / tablet may appear in first half of 2012. This partnership will be a win-win condition for both the companies; Google’s OS gets more product coverage and Intel gets to enter tablet market as the sales of PCs and Laptops slow down.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Preview Windows 8 Bisa Diunduh Gratis

Preview Windows 8 Bisa Diunduh Gratis

Jakarta - Sistem operasi Windows 8 baru saja diperkenalkan Microsoft. Produsen software raksasa ini pun mempersilakan para developer untuk men-download preview Windows 8. Asyiknya, masyarakat luas bisa juga mencobanya.

Microsoft memposting link download Windows 8 di website Windows 8 Developer Preview. Namun ini masih versi pra beta sehingga para pengunduh yang ingin mencoba harus bersiap jika banyak bug atau ketidakstabilan. Ya, versi ini masih jauh dari sempurna.

Terdapat 3 versi Windows yang bisa diunduh. Yang terbesar berukuran 4,8 GB, yaitu versi 64 bit yang dilengkapi tool untuk para developer. User harus mengkopinya terlebih dahulu ke DVD atau flash disk untuk diinstal ke PC.

Preview ini mensyaratkan spesifikasi minimal RAM 1 GB (2GB untuk versi 64 bit) dan harddsk kosong 16 GB (20GB untuk versi 64 bit). Microsoft sendiri memperingatkan preview tersebut belum stabil dan risiko ditanggung sendiri jika ingin mencobanya.

"Software ini mungkin tidak stabil, tidak beroperasi secara benar atau tidak bekerja selayaknya versi finalnya," demikian peringatan Microsoft, seperti dilansir ComputerWorld dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (14/9/2011). Berminat? Silakan kunjungi link ini.

( fyk / ash )

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