Saturday, October 23, 2010

XL Ikut Buka SMS Donasi Wasior


Jakarta - Bencana banjir bandang di Wasior, Kabupaten Teluk Wondama, Papua hingga kini masih menyisakan penderitaan bagi para korban. Bantuan tentu masih sangat dibutuhkan untuk meringankan penderitaan mereka. Untuk itu, mulai 19 Oktober hingga 31 Desember 2010, XL Axiata ikut membuka program SMS Donasi Papua demi menggalang dana bantuan dari 38,5 juta pelanggan selulernya. "Dengan hanya mengirimkan SMS, pelanggan sudah bisa ikut membantu dan meringan beban para korban," kata Head of Corporate Communication XL, Febriati Nadira, dalam keterangan pers, Sabtu (23/10/2010).   Donasi Papua bisa dikirimkan melalui SMS dengan cara mengetik kata PAPUA lalu kirim ke nomor 5000 (pulsa akan terpotong Rp 5000) atau ke nomor 2000 (pulsa akan terpotong Rp 2000). Banjir Bandang yang datang secara tiba-tiba di Wasior telah merusak pemukiman warga di delapan kampung. Data dari Pemda TelukWondama menyebutkan, sedikitnya 150 orang meninggal, 123 orang hilang, 128 orang luka berat, dan 660 orang luka ringan. Kota Wasior hancur total, sehingga aktivitas masyarakat juga lumpuh sepenuhnya. Akses transportasi dari kota terdekat Manokwari hanya bisa melalui laut. Kini warga masih berada di pengungsian dengan kondisi yang serba kekurangan, baik bahan-bahan sembako, pakaian, penerangan, bahan bakar, obat-obatan, serta kebutuhan dasar lainnya. "Dana yang terkumpul seluruhnya akan disalurkan bagi korban atas nama pelanggan XL, melalui lembaga kemanusiaan mitra XL," tandas Ira, demikian ia biasa disapa.
( rou / rou )

Tom Mahlik of Naval Criminal Investigative Service to Speak at Security 500 Conference

Tom Mahlik, Deputy Assistant Director of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, will speak at the Security 500 conference, November 9 in New York City.

Mahlik s presentation is titled Saving America s Intellectual Property Soul. He will address how intellectual property theft costs American businesses and universities billions in revenue and market capital and brand equity, reduces our tax base and costs Americans jobs. Yet, there are solutions to prepare and prevent IP theft at your organization.

The Security 500 conference is the leading executive conference on managing and measuring the value of the security function within the organization. In addition to the conference program, attendees will receive <em>The Security 500 Report</em>, which ranks the 500 largest buyers of security products and services in the U.S. The conference begins with a lunch and concludes with a Networking Reception and the Security 500 Recognition Dinner. The conference is held in concert with Securing New Ground: The Business of Security Event featuring industry leaders including investors, dealers and integrators.

Find out more at


Friday, October 22, 2010

Gadget Masa Depan Sony Andalkan Android


Tokyo - Sebagai salah satu vendor elektronik raksasa, Sony ikut latah mengadopsi Android. Bahkan mereka sudah berencana membuat beragam produk berbasis sistem operasi buatan Google tersebut di masa depan. Saat ini, Sony telah resmi menjual 4 model televisi berbasis Android dengan platform Google TV di Amerika Serikat. Vendor asal Jepang ini berniat membuat lebih banyak lagi produk Android. "Kami sedang berpikir untuk menggunakan Android di lebih banyak produk elektronik consumer," ucap Yoshihisa Ishida, kepala divisi televisi Sony di Tokyo. Hanya saja, dia tak menjelaskan secara spesifik produk apa saja itu. Sony dan Google memang telah bekerja sama sejak Mei 2010 untuk membawa Android ke lebih banyak produk elektronik. Dikutip detikINET dari PCWorld, Jumat (22/10/2010), televisi Android yang sudah diluncurkan adalah permulaan inisiatif ini. Sejauh ini, Sony telah membenamkan Android di beberapa macam produk. Selain televisi, beberapa smartphone Sony Ericsson memakai Android. Bahkan disebut-sebut, Android berjasa menyelamatkan Sony Ericsson dari keterpurukan. Satu hal yang belum dijamah Sony adalah komputer tablet, padahal sudah banyak vendor merilis tablet dengan OS Android. Bisa jadi vendor asal Jepang ini juga tengah berancang-ancang membuatnya.
( fyk / rns )

More Than Half of Mid-Sized Companies Have Seen Increased Hacker Attacks Since Last Year

McAfee, Inc. released new research, finding that mid-sized organizations have seen increased attacks on their networks and systems since last year, according to the McAfee report The Security Paradox. The study found that more than half of midsize companies surveyed globally have seen more security incidents in the past year, 40 percent have had data breaches and 75 percent believe a serious data breach could put them out of business.

In its third year, the <em>Security Paradox</em> report quantifies the cost of proactive vs. reactive security, examines mid-sized companies attitudes toward security and contrasts them with security realities. More than 83 percent said they were concerned or very concerned that their business could be the target of an intentional and malicious security attack, 51 percent had actually been attacked, and 16 percent of those who were attacked took more than a week to recover. Data loss was the number one consequence of the attack.

Additional research findings:

<li>Thirty percent of mid-sized organizations had to manage multiple network security incidents, of which 55 percent took up to five hours to investigate and remediate </li>
<li>Fifty-eight percent of worldwide respondents spent less than three hours per week working on, evaluating and researching IT security. Last year it was 65 percent. </li>
<li>Five percent of mid-sized organizations reported that they had suffered a data loss that had cost them more than $25,000 USD. Of these 25 percent were from China, 14 percent from France and 11 percent from India. </li>
<li>Forty-seven percent of all reported intellectual property losses were from EMEA-based mid-sized organizations </li>
<li>Eighty-eight percent of mid-sized organizations said they were concerned or very concerned about non-malicious/inadvertent security incidents </li>
<li>Sixty percent of worldwide mid-sized organizations admitted to knowing less than 75 percent of the pertinent regulatory and compliance requirements pertinent to their organization. </li>
"Keeping up with security threats is a significant distraction from running a mid-sized business," said Alex Thurber, senior vice president of worldwide channel operations for McAfee. "The explosion and sophistication of malware impacts mid-sized organisations who are struggling to grow their businesses against a backdrop of competitive pressures and a slow economic recovery. While the threats have grown, these companies resources to fight them have declined, creating a paradox


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Takut Bocor, Israel Larang Tentara Gunakan Facebook


Jakarta - Masih ingat ketika Israel membatalkan sebuah operasi militer gara-gara seorang tentara &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&quot; membocorkan &lt;/a&quot; detail operasi itu di Facebook? Kini, karena itu pula pihak Israel kemudian melarang semua tentaranya untuk memanfaatkan media sosial internet untuk berkomunikasi, terlebih untuk membicarakan hal-hal berbau militer. Seperti dilansir Bernama dan dikutip detikINET , Kamis (21/10/2010), pasukan Israel Defence Forces (IDF) dilaporkan telah memblokir beberapa situs populer. Diantaranya adalah situs jejaring sosial Facebook, situs mikroblogging Twitter dan situs layanan email gratis Gmail. Beberapa sumber terpercaya mengatakan bahwa situs yang diblokir adalah komputer yang memiliki koneksi internet yang berada di pangkalan militer, kantor dan di mana bahan atau dokumen penting disimpan. Sebelumnya tentara Israel dikabarkan pernah memposting foto-foto ke situs jejaring sosial yang berisi pelatihan sekitar tiga minggu sebelum Israel menyerang di Jalur Gaza pada tahun 2008. Tak hanya itu, tentara Israel juga pernah memposting beberapa foto peralatan militer miliknya. IDF sendiri dilaporkan telah membentuk sebuah tim khusus untuk mencegah adanya kebocoran informasi rahasia ke internet melalui jaringan sosial. Tim tersebut nantinya akan menelusuri setiap situs populer untuk mencari pelanggaran keamanan.
( feb / wsh )

More Than Half of Mid-Sized Companies Have Seen Increased Hacker Attacks Since Last Year

McAfee, Inc. released new research, finding that mid-sized organizations have seen increased attacks on their networks and systems since last year, according to the McAfee report The Security Paradox. The study found that more than half of midsize companies surveyed globally have seen more security incidents in the past year, 40 percent have had data breaches and 75 percent believe a serious data breach could put them out of business.

In its third year, the <em>Security Paradox</em> report quantifies the cost of proactive vs. reactive security, examines mid-sized companies attitudes toward security and contrasts them with security realities. More than 83 percent said they were concerned or very concerned that their business could be the target of an intentional and malicious security attack, 51 percent had actually been attacked, and 16 percent of those who were attacked took more than a week to recover. Data loss was the number one consequence of the attack.

Additional research findings:

<li>Thirty percent of mid-sized organizations had to manage multiple network security incidents, of which 55 percent took up to five hours to investigate and remediate </li>
<li>Fifty-eight percent of worldwide respondents spent less than three hours per week working on, evaluating and researching IT security. Last year it was 65 percent. </li>
<li>Five percent of mid-sized organizations reported that they had suffered a data loss that had cost them more than $25,000 USD. Of these 25 percent were from China, 14 percent from France and 11 percent from India. </li>
<li>Forty-seven percent of all reported intellectual property losses were from EMEA-based mid-sized organizations </li>
<li>Eighty-eight percent of mid-sized organizations said they were concerned or very concerned about non-malicious/inadvertent security incidents </li>
<li>Sixty percent of worldwide mid-sized organizations admitted to knowing less than 75 percent of the pertinent regulatory and compliance requirements pertinent to their organization. </li>
"Keeping up with security threats is a significant distraction from running a mid-sized business," said Alex Thurber, senior vice president of worldwide channel operations for McAfee. "The explosion and sophistication of malware impacts mid-sized organisations who are struggling to grow their businesses against a backdrop of competitive pressures and a slow economic recovery. While the threats have grown, these companies resources to fight them have declined, creating a paradox


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Julia, Robot Rumahan Yang Bisa Nyanyi dan Joget


Jakarta - Sebuah robot lucu berhasil menarik perhatian pada acara Taipei International Robot Show (TIROS) yang digelar di Taiwan. Robot yang dinamai Julia ini merupakan robot penghibur rumahan yang mampu bernyanyi dan berjoget. Julia rupanya dikembangkan sejak tahun 2007 oleh tim dari Advanced Control Lab di Universitas Nasional Taiwan. Dikutip detikINET dari Plastic Pals, Rabu (20/10/2010), Julia mampu merespon perintah suara dan dapat berinteraksi melalui layar sentuh di bagian depan robot yang dapat menampilkan berbagai fitur. Robot ini bisa diperintah untuk bergerak maju, mundur, berputar, berbelok, menyalakan aplikasi pemutar musik dan bahkan bisa untuk mengakses internet. Tak seperti robot lainnya yang kaku, robot Julia ini diaku bisa berinteraksi secara alami melalui pertanyaan dan jawaban yang diberikan. Sebagai bagian dari sistem, setiap rumah nantinya akan diupgrade dengan sensor yang bisa menjadikan rumah tersebut menjadi rumah pintar sehingga bisa berinteraksi dengan robot secara langsung. Robot Julia akan menggunakan jaringan sensor untuk memberikan informasi umum ketika ada orang di rumah dan melakukan tugas jaga ketika penghuni rumah sedang bepergian. Untuk alasan keamanan, Julia juga dilengkapi dengan beberapa sensor ultrasonik, laser untuk mendeteksi hambatan, dan fitur pemetaan.
( feb / wsh )

Smart Card Alliance Launches International Smart Card Training in Paris

The Smart Card Alliance, as part of its Leadership, Education and Advancement Program (LEAP), announced that its first international Certified Smart Card Industry Professional (CSCIP) preparation course and exam will be held this year at the CARTES &amp; IDentification event in Paris, France. The certification training course and exam will take place at the Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition center on December 6 and December 9, respectively.

CSCIP is the smart card industry&#8217;s only standardized certification program that recognizes professionals that have advanced levels of smart card industry knowledge and experience, and have passed a multi-part exam developed by leading smart card industry experts with the support of international industry associations. For CARTES, the CSCIP training documentation has been updated with content on international technology standards and global implementations to support the expansion of this international exam. The individuals that complete the classroom training and pass each section of the exam with receive a CSCIP designation. Currently there are more than 100 international LEAP members and 56 certified CSCIPs.

For more information, visit


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kampanye 'Plan 28', Ajak Orang Ciptakan Prototipe Komputer Jadul


Jakarta - Analytical Engine adalah sebuah mesin raksasa bertenaga uap yang memiliki prosesor memori dan mekanik. Mesin itu dirancang pada tahun 1837 oleh seorang insinyur dan ahli matematika, Charles Babbage. Namun sama seperti penemuan lain, prototip komputer ini tidak pernah berhasil dibuat. Namun John Graham-Cumming, seorang programmer dan blogger ilmu pengetahuan berharap dapat mewujudkan mimpi Babbage itu dengan sebuah kampanye. Dengan mengusung proyek bernama 'Plan 28', tim yang dibentuk Graham-Cumming ini akan membangun 'Babbages Analytical Engine' berdasarkan blue-print rancangan yang masih tersimpan di Museum Sains London. Meskipun itu berarti membuat prototipe komputer yang 13.000 kali lebih lambat dan hanya mempunyai kapasitas memori 1,7 kb. Dikutip detikINET dari Telegraph, Selasa (19/10/2010), kampanye yang diperkenalkan melalui situs &lt;a href=""&quot; Plan 28 &lt;/a&quot; tersebut sudah menarik 1.600 pendukung yang berjanji akan memberikan dana untuk proyek tersebut. "Ini adalah sepotong inspirasi peralatan," tukas Graham-Cumming yang juga seorang penulis Geek Atlas. "Seratus tahun yang lalu sebelum komputer tersedia, Babbage telah merancang mesin ini," tambahnya. "Perbedaan besar antara rancangan itu dengan mesin komputer yang ada sekarang ini adalah, prototip itu kini terbuat dalam sebuah kartu punch ," kata Graham-Cumming. Babbage dianggap sebagai bapak komputasi yang menjadi pelopor konsep komputer. Dia mulai merancang mesin analisis setelah membuat kalkulator dan terus mengasah rancangan itu hingga kematiannya pada tahun 1971.
( feb / rns )

Smart Card Alliance Launches International Smart Card Training in Paris

The Smart Card Alliance, as part of its Leadership, Education and Advancement Program (LEAP), announced that its first international Certified Smart Card Industry Professional (CSCIP) preparation course and exam will be held this year at the CARTES &amp; IDentification event in Paris, France. The certification training course and exam will take place at the Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition center on December 6 and December 9, respectively.

CSCIP is the smart card industry&#8217;s only standardized certification program that recognizes professionals that have advanced levels of smart card industry knowledge and experience, and have passed a multi-part exam developed by leading smart card industry experts with the support of international industry associations. For CARTES, the CSCIP training documentation has been updated with content on international technology standards and global implementations to support the expansion of this international exam. The individuals that complete the classroom training and pass each section of the exam with receive a CSCIP designation. Currently there are more than 100 international LEAP members and 56 certified CSCIPs.

For more information, visit


Monday, October 18, 2010

Mabes TNI Diminta Bentuk Tim Cek Dugaan Kekerasan Warga Papua di Youtube


Jakarta - Mabes TNI dan Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) diminta tanggap atas beredarnya video dugaan penganiayaan atas warga Papua oleh pria yang memakai seragam TNI di youtube. Jangan sampai hal itu menjadi bumerang bagi TNI. "Terkait dengan beredarnya video oknum aparat TNI, saya kira Kemhan dan Mabes TNI harus bentuk tim investigasi untuk menyelidiki video itu," kata Ketua Komisi I DPR Mahfudz Siddik di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (18/10/2010). Dia menjelaskan, tentu langkah itu sejalan dengan keinginan TNI yang ingin menegakkan HAM. Salah satu cara, bisa ditunjukkan dalam kasus ini. "Ini sesuai dengan statemen panglima yang menyatakan TNI akan berkomitmen untuk penegakan HAM baik militer atau non militer," ujarnya. Menurut Mahfudz, kalau benar kasus para pelaku yang dianiaya tersebut merupakan anggota separatis, seharusnya sudah masuk pro yustisia. "Diserahkan penanganan atau interogasinya pada polisi," imbuhnya. Dia juga meminta agar masyarakat tidak serta merta menyalahkan TNI. "Ini isu sensitif oleh gerakan-gerakan separatisme. Pelanggaran HAM adalah alat pressure kepada pemerintah. Jadi jangan sampai membuka celah baru untuk serangan opini pada pemerintah dengan tindakan-tindakan melanggar HAM, karena isu ini bisa dimanfaatkan oleh mereka dan jaringan internasionalnya," tutupnya. Video yang menyudutkan anggota TNI muncul di Youtube. Dalam tayangan video berdurasi 1 menit dan berjudul 'Indonesian army attacking West Papuan civilians in highland region' itu terlihat sejumlah orang yang memakai seragam TNI melakukan kekerasan pada warga Papua. Panglima TNI Laksamana Agus Suhartono mengaku belum mendengar mengenai video itu. Namun dia akan melakukan pengecekan.
( mad / fw )

Thieves Steal Laptop at ASIS and We Have the Video

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nokia dan Motorola Bersekutu Kembangkan 4G


Jakarta -
Nokia dan Motorola selaku vendor infrastruktur telekomunikasi, sepakat berbagi teknologi 4G. Mereka pun akan bekerja sama dalam beberapa area teknologi nirkabel generasi baru ini.
Kesepakatan lisensi antara Motorola dan Nokia meliputi jaringan 4G LTE ( Long Term Evolution ), LTE Advanced, serta WiMax. Kedua perusahaan tersebut akan bersekutu mengembangkan teknologi, setelah sebelumnya sudah bekerja sama dalam lisensi properti intelektual.
"Kami puas mengembangkan kesepakatan dengan Nokia dengan memasukkan teknologi 4G, kami yakin kesepakatan ini akan membantu perkembangan inovasi industri telekomunikasi," ucap Kirk Dailey, Corporate VP of Intellectual Property di Motorola Mobility.
Teknologi 4G memang berkembang cepat. Vendor infrastruktutr seperti Nokia-Siemens kini menghadapi tantangan kuat dari kompetitor asal China seperti Huawei. 
Namun tetap ada pandangan sinis soal 4G karena sampai saat ini pun, koneksi 3G masih banyak yang tersendat. Demikian seperti detikINET kutip dari Inquirer, Minggu (17/10/2010).

( fyk / fw )

Thieves Steal Laptop at ASIS and We Have the Video