Saturday, December 17, 2011

Facebook launches Timelines to everyone

It’s been long overdue, but Facebook has finally made it’s biggest overhaul to the profile system open to everyone in the form of ‘Timelines’.

The Facebook blog reveals that the feature has now gone live for everyone, but users will have the option to see the timeline for the next seven days and make changes to it before it goes live. This includes adding or removing events and selecting what should or should not appear on the site. One of the main new changes is the cover photo that appears on top of the profile picture along, which may seem redundant but actually serves a nice aesthetic purpose.

Have you made the change yet? Learn more about it here.

RIM delays next-gen Blackberry phones to late 2012

It’s no secret that Research in Motion has been having the worst year of their existence and need a miracle to save them as market share of their products come tumbling down every waking minute. Being a Blackberry user myself, I still agree that they do need something to bring them back up. The next-gen Blackberry 10 phones were touted to be that thing, but now looks like it’s a long wait to get them.

Business Insider reports that during an investor conference, the management of RIM let it loose that next generation Blackberry phones fitted with the newly named Blackberry 10 won’t be available until late 2012. Insiders previously had pegged the release to be the first quarter of 2012, so that’s a long delay right there which gives customers enough time to switch over to a different device and it would be too late for them to look back.

The reason for the delay apparently isn’t the development time for the new OS but the fact that they are waiting on the completion and delivery of the dual-core processors and connections to the faster LTE wireless networks. Whatever the reason may be, RIM looks to have lost a huge opportunity here. Stocks then came tumbling down predictably.

What do you think? Are you waiting or jumping ship?

Apple’s A5 chips supplied by Samsung from Texas

In a recent report by Reuters it was revealed that Apple’s current A5 processor, that’s used in both the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S, is supplied by Samsung’s factory in Austin, Texas, instead of South Korea.

Samsung uses its 1.6 million sq.ft. factory, almost as big as 9 football fields, to produce the majority of the A5 processor chips for Apple. Earlier in the year, when the iPad 2 was launched with the A5 processor, and even the A4 processor used in the original iPad and iPhone 4, all production was done in the South Korean factory by Samsung in-house. Parts were then sent to Foxconn in China to be assembled into final products.

Earlier this month, the Austin facility went into full force with all of the A5 processors now being supplied to Apple directly from Austin.

Outside of the supply chain, Samsung and Apple have been in a plethora of legal battles against each other over product design disagreements between the two giants.

Perhaps it’s possible that Samsung wants to concentrate their full production of the current and next-gen Exynos processors used in their smarthpones for their factory in South Korea, while leaving the Apple processor production in US itself. One byproduct of this could be that supply costs increase for Apple as the A5 processors now have to be shipped from US to China, instead of neighboring South Korea.

Nexus S Segera Cicipi Android Es Krim

Nexus S Segera Cicipi Android 'Es Krim'

Washington - Google mulai merilis sistem operasi Android 4.0 atau Ice Cream Sandwich, pertama kali untuk Samsung Nexus S. Update dipastikan akan segera meluncur secara bertahap bagi pengguna Nexus S di seluruh dunia.

Google mengumumkan para pemilik Nexus S versi GSM di Amerika Serikat akan pertama kali mendapatkannya. Sebelum mendapatkan update, Nexus S dipasarkan dengan OS Android Gingerbread.

Memang sebagai handset keluaran Google, Nexus S mendapat perlakuan istimewa. Selain itu, user dipastikan akan mendapat pengalaman memakai Android 4.0 secara murni, dalam arti belum dikustomisasi oleh interface dari pabrikan.

Seperti dikutip detikINET dari Cnet, Sabtu (17/12/2011), Ice Cream Sandwich sendiri dipakai perdana oleh Samsung Galaxy Nexus. OS terbaru ini memiliki berbagai kelebihan ketimbang pendahulunya.

Salah satu fitur yang cukup canggih di Ice Cream Sandwich adalah Face Unlock. Fungsi ini bisa berfungsi untuk membuka 'kunci' pengaman telepon hanya dengan memandang.

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China Wajibkan Pengguna Twitter Pakai Nama Asli

China Wajibkan Pengguna 'Twitter' Pakai Nama Asli

Jakarta - Di Twitter, kita diperbolehkan menggunakan nama samaran untuk akun. Lain ceritanya di China. Para pengguna microblogging di sana kini harus memakai nama asli sesuai kartu identitas penduduk.

Ya, ini adalah peraturan terbaru yang dikeluarkan pemerintah China terkait dengan internet. Weibo, situs mikroblogging serupa Twitter di China, diminta pemerintah negeri tirai bambu menyaring nama akun para penggunanya. Mereka yang tidak menggunakan nama asli, akan dilarang menggunakan Weibo.

Dilansir AFP dan dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (17/12/2011), peraturan baru ini diterapkan ke operator Weibo yang berpusat di Beijing, yang juga meliputi Sina sang pemilik layanan mikroblogging terpopuler di China ini.

"Semua website dengan operasional Weibo harus menerapkan dan meningkatkan sistem sensor," demikian salah satu poin dalam peraturan baru tersebut.

Dengan lebih dari setengah miliar penduduk China online, pemerintah China merasa perlu mengawasi internet untuk mempengaruhi opini publik di negaranya. China memang dikenal sangat ketat mengawasi media baik tradisional maupun yang modern seperti internet dan jejaring sosial.

Seperti marak terjadi di berbagai negara saat ini, warga China memanfaatkan jejaring sosial untuk meluapkan kritikan terhadap pemerintah. Namun di China, gerak-gerik mereka sangat terbatas karena media yang mereka gunakan untuk bersuara pun diawasi dengan ketat.

Sebagai salah satu contoh, China tidak mengizinkan akses Facebook dan Twitter. Sebagai gantinya, China membuat Facebook dan Twitter versi mereka sendiri, yang mudah dikontrol pemerintah.

( rns / rns )

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RIM's Stock Dives as BlackBerry 10 Launch Is Delayed

If Research In Motion were a ship, it would be springing one leak after another, while trying to reach port just over the horizon. On Friday, stock prices of the beleaguered mobile Relevant Products/Services-device Relevant Products/Services maker fell as much as 10 percent, as the company said that the launch of its next-generation smartphone Relevant Products/Services, the BlackBerry 10, will ship in the latter part of 2012 instead of the previously-announced first half.

In its third-quarter report released Thursday, RIM said revenue was 24 percent up from the previous quarter, but, year-over-year net income was down 71 percent. About 14 million BlackBerry smartphones were shipped, meeting expectations, as well as about 150,000 PlayBook tablets. Total subscribers, now about 75 million customers, is up 35 percent from last year.

LTE Chip

RIM said the BlackBerry 10 delay was because the dual-core LTE chipset in the new phones will not be ready until the middle of June. Market observers attributed the stock price hit to the newly announced delay.

RIM has not specified which chip it has chosen, but some industry observers have noted that a Qualcomm chip, the first one to actually integrate Relevant Products/Services LTE capabilities and possibly the one selected, will be available to other device makers by early 2012.

Others have questioned whether this next-generation smartphone line, which is seen as critical to getting RIM back into a healthy market position, should be entirely based on high-speed Long-Term Evolution data Relevant Products/Services compatibility, especially since the overwhelmingly majority of RIM's sales are outside the U.S., where the transition to LTE/4G Relevant Products/Services is not as advanced.

The BlackBerry 10 delay is only the latest in a string of strikes and misses that have befallen the Waterloo, Ontario-based company, once a leader in mobile devices. Earlier this month, for instance, a federal judge ordered the company to change the name of its new BBX operating system because of a trademark dispute with a New Mexico-based company. BBX, which was unveiled in October, is being renamed the BlackBerry 10 OS.

Troubles Keep Coming

BBX was the name RIM gave to the QNX operating system, which it acquired when it bought the developer in 2010. Under pressure to update its operating system to compete with the fast moving competition offered by Apple's iOS and Google's Android Relevant Products/Services, it launched the QNX-based PlayBook tablet Relevant Products/Services in the spring of this year. (continued...)

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Operator Jadi Kandidat Tersangka Pencurian Pulsa Rp 1 Triliun

Operator Jadi Kandidat Tersangka Pencurian Pulsa Rp 1 Triliun

Jakarta - Operator telekomunikasi dijadikan kandidat tersangka pencurian pulsa konten premium yang mengakibatkan kerugian masyarakat pengguna sedikitnya sebanyak Rp 1 triliun.

Demikian terungkap dalam rapat dengar pendapat (RDP) tadi malam, Jumat (16/12/2011), antara Panja Pencurian Pulsa dan Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI).

"Bagaimana bisa BRTI bekerja sama dengan operator mengungkap kejahatan pencurian pulsa, padahal merekalah (operator) the candidate suspect," cetus Ketua Harian Panja Pencurian Pulsa, Tantowi Yahya, dalam RDP.

Panja dalam rapat panjang hingga larut malam, mendesak BRTI agar mau jujur mengakui kelalaiannya dalam mengatur, mengawasi, dan memberi perlindungan terhadap industri, dengan membuka semua pihak yang terlibat dalam kasus pencurian pulsa ini.

Maiyasyak dan Fayakhun, anggota Komisi I dalam Panja, tak henti-hentinya menginterogasi BRTI yang terlihat tak siap dengan pertanyaan tajam yang datang bertubi-tubi.

"Tanpa keterlibatan operator, tak mungkin pencurian pulsa ini terjadi. Pihak yang memotong pulsa langsung adalah operator, bukan CP. Jadi tolong buka semua PKS (perjanjian kerja sama) antara CP dan operator. Tak mungkin BRTI tidak mengetahui hal ini," cecar mereka

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'Avatar' iTunes 'Extras Special Edition' out Tuesday

20th Century Foxa

By Suzanne Choney

If you still can't get enough of "Avatar," you may like what's coming to iTunes on Tuesday: An iTunes "Extras Special Edition" of the movie that includes scene deconstruction, so you can see how the movie went from performance capture to the final scenes.a

"Fans can experience the global box office sensation like never before as they control scene deconstructions in simultaneous views," said Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment and Lightstorm Entertainment, in a press release.a

"This new feature will also enable consumers to interact with the performance capture and visual effects levels in 17 of the film’s scenes. For the first time ever, Green Screen X-ray gives users an interactive look through the visual effects levels to see the original green screen footage behind a pivotal scene."a

The iTunes Extras Special Edition also includes an original screenplay by James Cameron, "Cameron’s scriptment (a novella with some scenes broken out into dialogue), a gallery of 1,700 images and more."a

Pre-orders are being taken starting Friday; with the special edition costing $14.99 for standard definition; and $19.99 for high-def.a

If you've been waiting for the "Avatar" sequel, this one might hold you over, giving you another fix of Pandora — at least for awhile.a

Related stories:a

In-Game: 'Avatar' record beaten by 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3' 'Avatar' theme park coming to Disney World Cosmic Log: 'Avatar' director targets spaceflight

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Automatic Updates Coming To Internet Explorer

Microsoft Relevant Products/Services intends to begin delivering automatic updates of its Internet Explorer browser beginning next year to ensure that as many machines as possible running Windows Relevant Products/Services XP, Vista and Windows 7 are protected from the latest malware schemes of cyber criminals.

"Automatic updates are a very good idea based on every piece of security Relevant Products/Services research I've seen," said White Hat Security CTO Jeremiah Grossman. "Keeping software Relevant Products/Services up to date -- particularly Web browsers -- is critical for online security."

The new service will be available initially to those Windows customers who have activated the automatic update feature in Windows. The plan is to introduce automatic IE upgrades gradually -- with the first Windows users to see the new offering located overseas and then scaling up delivery over time.

"This is an important step in helping to move the Web forward," noted Ryan Gavin, the general manager of Internet Explorer business Relevant Products/Services and marketing at Microsoft.

"We will start in January for customers in Australia and Brazil who have turned on automatic updating via Windows Update," he wrote in a blog Thursday.

Increased Protection

According to Microsoft's latest security intelligence report, the biggest online threat that Windows users face comes from socially engineered malware targeting outdated Web browsers and other aging software. Making the move to the most current products and services helps PC Relevant Products/Services users increase their protection against the most prevalent online threats, the software giant said.

One of the popular features of Google's Chrome Web browser has long been its seamless, out-of-sight upgrades under the hood. Earlier this year, Mozilla likewise indicated that it would emulate Google's browser upgrade strategy Relevant Products/Services by early 2012 and now Microsoft intends to follow suit.

On desktop Relevant Products/Services PCs, notebooks and netbooks, IE currently holds a 52.6 percent share of the global browser market -- down from 58.8 percent in December of 2010, according to Net Applications. By adding automatic updates, however, Microsoft stands a better chance of hanging on to the IE users it already had locked in. (continued...)

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Battery life is price you pay for Verizon Galaxy Nexus

Courtesy of Laptopa

By Mike ProsperoLaptopa

We just put the wraps on our review of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, the first phone to run Android Ice Cream Sandwich, and came away impressed with its sleek new software, large 720p display, fast camera, and blazing 4G LTE speeds over Verizon Wireless’ network. However, as we discovered with the Galaxy Nexus, as well as other phones that use Verizon’s LTE network, there’s a price to be paid for all that speed: Battery life.a

Courtesy of Laptopa

As you can see from the above results, the Verizon Galaxy Nexus lasted only 3 hours and 40 minutes on our Laptop Battery Test. This test involves continuous web surfing over 4G with the screen brightness at 40 percent. GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Auto Sync are all turned off. When we ran our battery test on the unlocked Galaxy Nexus on T-Mobile’s network, the device saw 5 hours of runtime. That’s a difference of nearly 1.5 hours.a

The Galaxy Nexus for Verizon delivered even less endurance than the HTC Thunderbolt, the first 4G LTE phone from the carrier that established a reputation for short battery life. Because 4G LTE radios use more power, the phones that use them tend to last significantly shorter than the smartphone average. But as you can see some Verizon phones at least last longer than the 5-hour mark.a

advertisement advertisement We really like the Verizon Galaxy Nexus, but its below-average battery life kept it from earning an Editors’ Choice Award in our review. If you do pick up this phone, make sure you keep the brightness down and follow our other tips for making your Android phone last longer.a

For full Laptop review of Verizon Galaxy Nexus with Android Ice Cream Sandwich, click here.a

More from Laptop:a

Top 10 iPhone Alternatives Samsung Galaxy Nexus Review (Verizon Wireless) 5 Tips for Longer Android Battery Life

Chrome 15 overtakes IE 8 for top browser spot


By Athima Chansanchai

If you're reading this on Chrome, you're part of a wave that has ditched Internet Explorer or Firefox and helped vault Google's browser to the top Web browser spot worldwide.a

We've been watching for a while now as reports have shown a consistent rise in Chrome's popularity. We saw how in one report, it's already gone past Firefox, knowing it was just a matter of time before it usurped one of the longest reigning dynasties in the browser world, IE.a

But wait, there is a caveat to this: Chrome 15 beat IE 8, specifically, this one week at the end of November, with 23.6 percent of the worldwide market, compared to IE 8's at 23.5 percent. With all the versions of IE floating around, IE is still No. 1 in the world, but Chrome is right behind it.a


Ireland-based StatCounter — which posts Web analytics based on aggregate data it collects from a sample exceeding 15 billion pageviews per month (including 4 billion in the U.S.), collected from the StatCounter network of more than 3 million websites — released a statement about Chrome 15's ascension, humbling the initial enthusiasm of any Google devotee when it also made it clear that in the U.S., reports of IE's demise are still premature. According to StatCounter, It was still able to capture 27 percent of browser action last week, compared to 18.1 percent for Chrome 15.a

Live PollWhich Web browser are you using?a

IE. Why mess with a classic?Firefox. Mozilla all the way!Chrome. So far it's working for me.Safari. Ok, I'm old school, alright?!VoteView Results171054IE. Why mess with a classic?0%171055Firefox. Mozilla all the way!0%171056Chrome. So far it's working for me.100%171057Safari. Ok, I'm old school, alright?!0%VoteTotal Votes: 1a

( is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC Universal.)a

Different companies will issue different stats on just how much of a lead IE still has on Chrome, with companies such as NetMarketShare showing IE's year-long steady free fall, but still at about 52 percent a month ago. a

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Chrome has made a steady rise as IE declines, but Firefox still stands in its way. But not by much. And by StatCounter's measure, in the world outside the U.S., Chrome already brushed past Firefox in November, when it wrested the No. 2 spot with 25.69 percent of the worldwide market (up from 4.66 percent in November 2009) compared to Firefox's 25.23 percent. a

Will 2012 be the year that sees the fall of IE everywhere, including the U.S.? Take our poll and let us know which browser you're using.a

More stories:a

IE 6 deep-sixed in Microsoft browser overhaul Internet Explorer still sliding as Chrome rises Chrome inching up to No. 2 browser Internet Explorer 9 safest Web browser? Internet Explorer’s downward spiral continues; Chrome shines

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a

Friday, December 16, 2011

Transformasi Contact Center yang Terintegrasi Social Media

Transformasi Contact Center yang Terintegrasi Social Media

Jakarta - Dulu, hanya segelintir orang dalam perusahaan yang menggunakan email. Sekarang semua orang memakainya. Hal yang sama terjadi dengan multimedia. Perpindahan dari komunikasi sinkronus ke asinkronus benar-benar telah mencapai massa kritis melalui banyak kanal multimedia. Banyak orang tidak lagi memanfaatkan telepon, tetapi mentweet atau memposting ke sebuah blog.

Perusahaan-perusahaan yang mengoperasikan contact center punya kebutuhan khusus untuk memilah dan mengintegrasikan secara ketat kanal-kanal multi-media tersebut, memilih yang tepat dan mengintegrasikannya dalam operasi mereka.

Untuk mengembangkan cakupan dan kinerja contact center dan karenanya menawarkan 'pengalaman pelanggan' yang sangat dibutuhkan tentu saja menjadi peluang yang medannya senantiasa berubah.

Dari sudut pandang Avaya -- visi Avaya adalah menawari para pelanggannya Arsitektur yang didasarkan pada STANDAR -- seperti SIP. SIP adalah protokol standar terbuka, dan telah menjadi bagian dari e-IMS stack, menawarkan dukungan IP multi-media.

Dengan menggunakan arsitektur SIP yang berbasis terbuka, Avaya telah mencapai interoperabilitas yang lebih ketat di antara orang, sistem dan informasi sehingga 'Memampukan Kolaborasi yang Efektif dan Kontekstual'.

Kolaborasi Efektif dan Kontekstual dicapai melalui solusi multimedia Avaya Aura Contact Center (AACC). AACC adalah solusi multimedia dan suara yang sensitif konteks, berbasis konferensi untuk mengantisipasi, mengotomasikan dan memercepat interaksi pelanggan.

Ia memampukan usaha untuk 'mengarahkan berdasarkan konteks' kontak-kontak masuk berbasis-teks dalam cara seperti cara panggilan suara diarahkan. AACC membentuk solusi 'satu kotak' yang tidak hanya mencakup pengarahan panggilan suara yang masuk, tetapi juga kemampuan untuk mengintegrasikan banyak kanal-kanal multimedia ke dalam contact center termasuk video dan outbound (yang keluar).

Intergrasi yang mulus dengan satu antrian yang terpadu memberi perusahaan manajemen pengalaman yang sangat dibutuhkan yang dapat ditawarkan ke kumpulan para pelanggan-akhir mereka.

Untuk lebih meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas operasi contact center, Avaya Aura Contact Center menawarkan layanan web Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) untuk memfasilitasi integrasi antara proses-proses bisnis dan Contact Center.

Lebih jauh lagi, adopsi dari SIP dalam arsitektur/solusi ini, juga membantu perusahaan untuk mengurangi atau meniadakan kebutuhan akan arsitektur lapisan CTI sehingga mengurangi biaya dan kompleksitas memasang dan memelihara lapisan CTI tambahan.

Selain kemampuan tertanam untuk menawarkan laporan Real-time dan Historical, solusi menawarkan High-Availability maupun arsitektur redudansi-Geo. Selain itu, ia punya kemampuan untuk menskala perusahaan kecil dan menengah ke kebutuhan Enterprise dan Penyedia Jasa skala besar.

Dengan solusi/arsitektur AAC Avaya yang mampu menangani banyak kanal; Social Media menjadi salah satu kanal tambahan yang sekarang terintegrasi dengan ketat.

Dari sudut pandang Social Media, Avaya memiliki strategi yang sangat jelas dan solusi yang tersedia di sekitar ruang ini, yakni solusi Avaya Customer Connections Social Media Manager solution.

Avaya Social Media Manager (SMM) memindai dan memproses kejadian-kejadian dari sumber-sumber social media eksternal seperti face-book, twitter dll, mengumpulkan interaksi yang mengandung potensi dari kanal-kanal tersebut, menganalisis interaksi dengan menggunakan engine cerdas secara efisien dan otomatis memrosesnya untuk diintegrasikan lebih jauh ke dalam solusi contact center Avaya yang ada.

Social Media Manager meringankan beberapa tugas manual dengan mendayagunakan sumberdaya manusia yang mahal untuk urusan respon social media di mana interaksi manusia adalah yang paling efektif. Ia melakukan Traffic and Sentiment Analysis dengan skor sentimen positif dan negatif yang terpisah dari kemampuan work-flow dan fleksibilitas penciptaan Widget.

Melalui sistem penambangan otomat, analisis teks, dan mengarahkan item-item kerja social media, Social Media Manager Avaya akan memungkinkan para pengguna berfokus pada interaksi social media yang bermakna melalui Contact Center Infrastructures yang ada sehingga para agent ditawari pandangan terkonsolidasi dari interaksi para pelanggan akhir mereka.

*) Penulis, Endang Rachmawati merupakan Country Director Avaya Indonesia.

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Apple Lepas Simpul Ketergantungan dari Asia

Apple Lepas 'Simpul' Ketergantungan dari Asia

Jakarta - Apple dikenal sangat bergantung pada pabrikan di Asia, baik dalam mendapatkan komponen maupun merakit gadget populernya. Kini produsen iPhone itu perlahan melepas 'simpul' ketergantungannya dengan mulai menerima komponen penting untuk gadgetnya dari pabrik yang lokasinya lebih dekat dengan perusahaannya, yakni di Texas, AS.

Tengok saja, prosesor A5 yang menjadi otak iPhone 4S dan iPad 2, diproduksi di pabrik seluas 1,6 juta kaki persegi di Austin, Texas, AS. Memang, pabrik ini milik Samsung yang notabene masih perusahaan asal Asia. Namun setidaknya, komponen-komponen tersebut kini didatangkan dari tempat yang lebih dekat.

Salah satu komponen penting yang didatangkan dari dalam AS itu dibuat Samsung di pabrik senilai USD 3,6 miliar yang sebagian besar menangani line produksi chip non-memory. Produksinya sudah dimulai sejak awal bulan ini.

Dilansir Reuters dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (16/12/2011), narasumber internal yang enggan disebutkan namanya menyebutkan perusahaan asal Korea Selatan itu mulai memasok prosesor A5 untuk Apple tahun ini dari pabrik di Texas.

Hampir semua produksi chip non-memory dari pabrik tersebut didedikasikan untuk Apple. Samsung juga memproduksi chip NAND flash memory di pabriknya tersebut.

Apple seperti biasanya menolak berkomentar dengan mengatakan laporan ini tidak menjelaskan detail hubungan kemitraan dengan pemasok yang dimaksud. Juru bicara Samsung pun mengambil sikap yang sama dan menolak membocorkan spesifikasi chip yang dibuat pabrik di Texas.

Namun juru bicara tersebut mengonfirmasikan, pabriknya memproduksi sederet line chip, salah satunya A5. Chip prosesor A5 yang mendapat lisensi dari ARM Holdings asal Inggris, dirancang Apple di California.

Chip ini memulai debutnya di iPad 2 Maret silam dan kini dipakai juga di iPhone 4S. Chip berukuran 120 milimeter persegi ini diklaim dua kali lebih cepat dari pendahulunya, A4 yang juga dibuat oleh Samsung.

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Timeline Ajak Facebooker Arungi Masa Lalu

Timeline Ajak Facebooker Arungi Masa Lalu

Jakarta - Semua postingan masa lalu pengguna Facebook kini bisa dimunculkan kembali. Facebook telah menghadirkan fitur baru bernama Timeline yang dapat menghadirkan sejarah penggunaan Facebook seseorang.

Fitur Timeline dimunculkan untuk menghadirkan postingan status, foto, link dan sebagainya yang dibuat pada masa lalu. Lengkap pula dengan waktu ketika postingan tersebut dilakukan.

Timeline diperkenalkan bos Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg pada September lalu. "Kami pikir ini adalah langkah penting untuk membantu Anda menceritakan kisah tentang hidup Anda," tukas Zuckerberg, dikutip detikINET dari Economic Times, Jumat (16/12/2011).

Dalam blognya, Facebook menyatakan user bisa menunggu sampai mendapatkan notifikasi untuk dapat menggunakan Timeline. Namun bagi yang ingin mencoba sekarang juga, bisa mengunjungi link ini.

User berkesempatan mencoba fitur Timeline selama 7 hari sebelum mengaktifkannya dan bisa dilihat oleh user yang lain. Selama masa itu, mereka bisa memodifikasinya sesuai dengan keinginan.

Di satu sisi banyak yang menyambut fitur Timeline dengan gembira. Namun tak sedikit pula yang mengkritiknya, karena membuktikan Facebook ternyata menyimpan semua hal tentang usernya.

"Kami tahu telah melakukan sharing sebanyak ini, namun aneh juga rasanya menyadari mereka terus menyimpan informasi ini untuk kemudian bisa ditampilkan pada banyak orang," ucap Ben Werdmuller, seorang user Facebook yang juga CEO perusahaan layanan video Latakoo.

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Chrome 15 Takes Top Spot for Browsers

There's a new top dog among browser versions. Recent statistics show Google's latest Chrome browser has taken the No. 1 spot, bumping out the most popular version of Internet Explorer from Microsoft Relevant Products/Services.

According to data Relevant Products/Services released Thursday, Chrome 15 now captures 24.55 percent of the world market, edging out IE8's 22.9 percent. Mozilla's Firefox 9.0 is at 14 percent, and IE9 is in fourth at 10.4 percent. Those rankings, covering the last half of November and the first week in December, are of particular release versions. \

When taken as a brand, with all versions combined, IE is still tops with 39.5 percent market share, Chrome is second at 26.5 percent, and Firefox takes a close third at 25.3 percent. As newer versions cycle in and older ones drop out, the brand rankings could begin to reflect the latest version rankings.

The Updating Mechanism

This is the first time since IE8 was released in early 2010 that it has not been in the top spot, and this is the first time any browser not developed by Microsoft has had the lead. In the U.S., IE8 still leads, at 27 percent for the week of December 5, compared with Chrome 15's 18.1 percent.

A key factor in the browser horse race appears to be the updating mechanism. Google released Chrome 16 Wednesday, which will automatically replace most users' Chrome 15 via the update mechanism. The auto-updating has been a feature of the browser since Chrome's introduction three years ago.

Mozilla has gotten some flak over its frequent update plan for Firefox, which involves user consent every six weeks to receive the latest incarnation. Firefox had previously had "silent updating," but that was dropped a year ago in favor of user notification and consent. Now, it will move back to automatic updating, expected to roll out in mid-2012.

"One of the negative side effects," wrote Mozilla developer Brian Bondy in October on his blog, "is that minor annoyances with software Relevant Products/Services updates suddenly become much more noticeable. Most users don't want to think about software updates nor version numbers and now they are being forced to do so every six weeks."

'Update Fatigue'

On his blog, Mozilla Foundation Chairman Mitchell Baker wrote earlier this fall that users were alerted to Firefox updates "to make sure people are aware and in control of what's happening in their environment." But, he said, users are complaining of "update fatigue," because the "notifications are irritating."

The frequent updating has reportedly led to users of various browsers having to update browser-based apps Relevant Products/Services on some cycle as well. But auto-upgrades are feeding the browser race, and Microsoft said Thursday it will start auto-upgrading IE in January, for users who have opted for auto-updates. Enterprises will still be able to control updates.

Previously, Microsoft had requested permission before updating, but now users will automatically receive the latest version available for that operating system version. The auto-updating for IE will start in Australia and Brazil first, and then roll out to other markets on a schedule to be announced.

Ancaman Cyber yang Patut Diwaspadai di 2012

Ancaman Cyber yang Patut Diwaspadai di 2012

Jakarta - 2012 belum juga datang, namun ancamannya di dunia cyber sudah harus diprediksi sejak dini. Simak, apa saja yang perlu diwaspadai jika belajar dari beragam jenis serangan yang pernah terjadi di 2011 ini.

Pencurian data, penyerangan virus, atau aksi peretas yang membobol suatu situs mungkin sudah biasa, dan mungkin akan selalu terjadi. Namun ada beberapa modus penyerangan baru yang harus diwaspadai.

Menurut prediksi Symantec, ada beberapa modus penyerangan yang mungkin akan terjadi di 2012 antara lain, serangan di kalangan enterprise.

Tak dipungkiri lagi jika peretas sudah mengincar industri tertentu sebagai targetnya. Data yang diambil bukan main-main, bisa yang bersifat sangat rahasia, seperti rencana bisnis perusahaan tersebut. Konon jenis data seperti ini cukup laris diperjualbelikan di komunitas 'bawah tanah'.

Prediksi itu kian diperkuat dengan ditemukannya virus Duqu, yang memang dirancang untuk mencuri informasi data penting perusahaan. Dan bukan tidak mungkin, jika di 2012 akan beredar kembali varian virus seperti ini.

Ancaman berikutnya mengancam pengguna smartphone. Berdasarkan data Gartner, penjualan smartphone akan mencapai 361 juta unit di akhir tahun 2011, jauh melebihi penjualan PC di periode yang sama.

Jumlah pengguna smartphone yang begitu besar itulah yang kemudian dijadikan target selanjutnya para dedemit maya untuk mengambil keuntungan, misalnya, memata-matai pengguna, mencuri data, hingga mencuri sejumlah rupiah melalui SMS Premium.

Gerakan aksi bawah tanah para peretas kini juga kian mengganas. Menurut data Symantec, penyerangan yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok peretas kini sudah memiliki tujuan pasti yang berujung urusan bisnis.

Target biasanya adalah perusahaan besar yang sudah memiliki 2.500 karyawan, dengan total penyerangan sebanyak 36,7% setiap harinya di sepanjang 2011. Sedangkan perusahaan di bawah itu hanya mendapat serangan 11,6% pada periode yang sama.

Nah, selain itu, para peretas juga diprediksi akan semakin giat melakuakn penyerangan melalui kepopuleran sosial media, seperti Facebook.

"Aksinya sama, biasanya dengan modus phising. Lalu ada lagi modus yang menyebarkan link melalui pemendek url, inilah yang sulit dihindari, karena kita tidak tahu ke mana link tersebut merujuk," ujar Raymond Goh, Director System Engineering Symantec.

Aksi peretas memang seakan tidak ada habisnya, dan lagi-lagi pengguna yang lengah akan menjadi korban. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut ada baiknya Anda lebih waspada dengan tidak menginstal sembarang aplikasi, membuka situs yang tidak jelas, serta memagari sistem dengan patch terkini atau aplikasi khusus dari pihak ketiga.

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Komputer untuk Wanita yang Gemar Memasak

Komputer untuk Wanita yang Gemar Memasak

Jakarta - Sebagai komputer all-in-one, HP TouchSmart 520 tidak hanya mudah digunakan tapi fitur di dalamnya juga makin memanjakan para wanita yang gemar memasak.

Sekilas HP TouchSmart 520 mungkin terlihat sama dengan komputer all-in-one lainnya. Memiliki layar touchscreen 23 inch, spesifikasi kelas menengah dengan Intel Core i5 atau i7, lalu beberapa fitur yang memang didedikasikan untuk keluarga.

Namun menurut Jane Ritonga, MDM Consumer Desktop PC HP PSG Indonesia, komputer ini memiliki nilai lebih jika dibandingkan dengan para pesaingnya. Misal, dengan hadirnya fitur RecipeBox.

"RecipeBox ini berisikan resep-resep masakan dari berbagai situs, selain itu pengguna juga bisa menambahkan sendiri resep masakan yang diinginkan," katanya, saat meluncurkan HP TouchSmart 520 di Plaza Senayan.

RecipeBox ini memang dirancang HP sebagai tempat menampung resep masakan dari berbagai situs di internet. Fungsinya mirip dengan bookmark di browser, cari situs penyedia resep yang diingkan, kemudian di drag and drop ke kotak tersebut. Mudah bukan?

Selain RecipeBox, fitur lain yang diunggulkan pada komputer senilai Rp 12 juta-an ini adalah Magic Canvas.

Bentuknya seperti tempelan kertas pada lemari es atau papan yang berfungsi sebagai pengingat. Bedanya, pada fitur ini pengguna bisa meninggalkan pesan berupa video atau dengan animasi lain yang cukup memikat.

Fitur lainnya yang jadi andalan produk ini adalah HP Link Up, yang bisa menghubungkan 2 komputer melalui WiFi. "Jadi Anda bisa mendengarkan musik pada TouchSmart lalu mengerjakan tugas Anda yang ada di notebook pada waktu yang bersamaan," tambah Jane.

Dengan ketiga fitur itu Jane optimistis produknya bisa bersaing dengan merek lain meski harga yang ditawarkan terbilang premium.

"Harganya sepadan-lah dengan fiturnya, itu yang saya sebutkan hanya sebagian, kalau saja jelaskan semua mungkin waktunya tidak akan cukup," canda Jane.
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2012 Networking Challenges Forecast by Ixia

Next year promises to arrive with a full slate of computer Relevant Products/Services networking challenges that will require the rapid deployment of cutting-edge test solutions by equipment manufacturers, service providers and enterprises, according to the top networking industry trends for 2012 predicted by Ixia.

Among other things, the global provider of converged IP network Relevant Products/Services test technologies observed that the virtualized servers in next-generation data Relevant Products/Services centers will generate more traffic than 10 gigabits per second (Gbps) connections can handle. And the rising prevalence of distributed denial of service attacks means that enterprises will need to deploy unified Relevant Products/Services threat management devices.

Cloud providers will need to verify that their infrastructures are ready to offer high availability for all customers -- and at different quality-of-service levels for various tiers of service. Other network testing challenges highlighted by Ixia include the ongoing wireless Relevant Products/Services transition to 4G Relevant Products/Services LTE as well as the need to ensure the coexistence of IPv6 and IPv4 Internet address blocks within the enterprise Relevant Products/Services space.

"The competitive pressure placed on network equipment manufacturers (NEMs), service providers, and enterprises to satisfy the ever-changing, ever-increasing requirements of end-users drives new network technologies and deployments," said Ixia CEO Atul Bhatnagar.

Peaceful Coexistence

Last February, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority allocated the last freely available block of IPv4 addresses. Unfortunately, the new IPv6 address blocks are not backward compatible with IPv4.

"The vast majority of the world's Internet content is addressable via IPv4," said Michael Howard, a principal analyst at Infonetics Research. "It's clear that the IPv4-to-IPv6 transition will be a long but very manageable process."

Still, the peaceful coexistence of IPv6 and IPv4 on the Internet means that IPv4 hosts and routers also must be able to run without modification and still be able to communicate with both IPv4 and IPv6 nodes. So in advance of rolling out IPv6 on their corporate networks in the second half of 2012, IT Relevant Products/Services managers will need to conduct private Relevant Products/Services and public tests to ensure this evolution is transparent to all networks users, Ixia said. (continued...)

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Best written video games of 2011

It all begins with an idea and a story; we reveal the best writing of the year for video games. In-Game's Todd Kenreck reportsa

Pre-caffeine: iPhone apps, Etsy exobiology!

via BoingBoing.neta

By Helen A.S. Popkin

Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning. Here's everything that you need to know before taking that first sip of coffee today: a

The government's proposal to ban drivers from using cellphones in any way — even with hands-free help — is dividing police and lawmakers alike, who agree on one thing: Any such ban would likely be hard to enforce.a

Meanwhile, a conservative Florida organization's opposition to the reality show "All-American Muslim" has stirred up a storm of controversy that's got Lowe's, a Muslim rights group, travelwebsite Kayak, actor Kal Penn and the hacktivist group Anonymous all choosing sides.a

Come the revolution, the proletariat will no doubt want to get a move on rounding up not only the politicians and corporate fat cats responsible for the U.S. economic decline, but Hollywood's aristocracy as well. Gwyneth Paltrow has a new iPhone app that can help!a

In other iPhone news, a map meant to provide driver's education to students around the country has been pulled by Apple from the App Store after a campaign by the U.S. senator and the Coalition for a Secure Driver's License.a

Today, Verizon Wireless will (finally) offer the Samsung Galaxy Nexus — the first Google phone with Android 4.0, aka Ice Cream Sandwich.a

Google just announced a series of new features and they all center around Hangouts.a

A new service, available for developers now, and scheduled for public launch in early 2012, lets website developers put turn-by-turn controls into their pages for free, including "full-color moving maps, audio directions and even automatic rerouting, if the driver misses a turn."a

Here's how the military could spy anywhere on earth.a

Here's how Amazon's Kindle could spy on you.a

In closing: A collection of Etsy products inspired by exobiology ... because Science is awesome!a

— compiled by Helen A.S. Popkin, who invites you to join her on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+. a

Thursday, December 15, 2011

FO Putus, Jaringan Indosat Kolaps

FO Putus, Jaringan Indosat Kolaps

Jakarta - Jaringan fiber optik (FO) Indosat putus di area Sumatera Bagian Utara (Sumbagut). Pelanggan pun mengeluh karena tak bisa telepon, SMS, dan mengakses BlackBerry, sejak tadi sore.

"Memang benar, ada fibre cut di lima lokasi, tapi tidak mati total. Tetap masih bisa call terbatas dalam area regional Sumut," kata Presiden Direktur dan CEO Indosat, Harry Sasongko saat dihubungi detikINET, Kamis (15/12/2011).

Sementara Head of Corporate Communication Indosat, Djarot Handoko, menjelaskan FO yang putus adalah jaringan yang menuju Medan. "Imbasnya (kolaps) di beberapa area lokasi di sebagian wilayah Sumbagut, salah satunya Batam," kata dia.

Indosat hingga saat ini masih menginvestigasi penyebab putusnya jaringan FO tersebut. Djarot bilang, pihaknya menyiapkan back-up system sembari melakukan perbaikan. Sementara Harry menargetkan, jaringan bisa kembali normal dalam waktu beberapa jam.
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Etisalat announces iPhone 4S plans

Etisalat announced today price plans for the most amazing smartphone from Apple, the new iPhone 4S. Offered on the nation’s widest 3.5G network, Etisalat’s iPhone 4S plans will offer multiple options to meet requirements of both, Wasel prepaid as well as postpaid customers.


Update: We have managed to find unit prices for Plan 1, Plan 2 and Plan 3. However, exactly what these plans include is still not available

Monthly Costs (AED) 16GB Unit 32GB Unit 64GB Unit Plan 1 99 2000 2849 3249 Plan 2 249 1449 1849 2249 Plan 3 449 free 399 799


Commenting on the new iPhone 4S device and plans, Matthew Willsher, Chief Marketing Officer at Etisalat, said, “As our customers’ data consumption increases, so does their demand for speedy networks that support bandwidth-hungry software and apps on their mobile devices. As compared to iPhone 4, the new iPhone 4S supports twice the download speed with HSDPA, of up to 14.4 Mbps. We assure our customers that on Etisalat’s nationwide HSPA+ network, they will be able enjoy an enhanced mobile data experience with the new iPhone 4S, anywhere in the country.”

Etisalat’s postpaid customers can subscribe to any of the iPhone 4S voice and data plan options on a one-year contractual basis. These plans are value-packed with free minutes, SMS and data per month, suited to varying customers’ requirements. Customers have the opportunity to get the iPhone 4S – 16GB for free, upon subscribing to ‘Plan 3’ (refer for more details). In addition, customers subscribing to iPhone 4S plans receive up to 4GB data; up to 800 local minutes or 200 international minutes of voice calls; and up to 200 SMS. Customers also enjoy the flexibility to choose as well as switch their preference between receiving free local or international talk time, bundled with their iPhone 4S plan.

Wasel prepaid customer purchasing the device can enjoy free data usage of 500 MB for the first three months. From the fourth month onward, the data will be available for as low as AED50.

Customers can subscribe to the new iPhone 4S plans and receive their devices from any of Etisalat’s Business Centers and Outlets across the UAE. Furthermore, customers can easily upgrade to any iPhone 4S plan of their choice, as and when required. For more information on price plans for iPhone 4 S, customers can visit

iPhone 4S, the most amazing iPhone yet, is packed with incredible new features including Apple’s dual-core A5 chip for blazing fast performance and stunning graphics; an all new camera with advanced optics; full 1080p HD resolution video recording; and Siri(TM), an intelligent assistant that helps you get things done just by asking. With the launch of iPhone 4S also comes the launch of iOS 5, the world’s most advanced mobile operating system with over 200 new features; and iCloud(R), a breakthrough set of free cloud services that work with your iPhone, iPad(R), iPod touch(R), Mac(R) or PC to automatically and wirelessly store your content in iCloud and push it to all your devices.

iPhone 4S has the same beautifully thin glass and stainless steel design and is first phone to intelligently switch between two antennas to send and receive. Apple’s dual-core A5 chip delivers up to twice the processing power and up to seven times faster graphics than iPhone 4, all while maintaining incredible battery life–now up to 8 hours of 3G talk time.

Google Zeitgeist 2011 UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia reports

Google’s annual Zeitgeist report shows the search trends of the millions of users who use Google everyday. Today Google released the search results for UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

While social networking sites are still up there, local interests are still some of the most obvious queries. Of course, there are a few odd one’s in there, like Saudi children being fascinated by Sponge Bob, or Egyptians looking for Forbidden Love Stories, or UAE’s subcontinental population wanting to catch up on the Cricket World Cup.

To see the worldwide results, please visit Zeitgeist 2011 after December 15th 12:00 GMT (1600 UAE time).

Berkeliling Menyusuri Markas Besar Apple

Berkeliling Menyusuri Markas Besar Apple

California - Selain Facebook dan Google, Apple dipandang sebagai perusahaan teknologi yang jadi tempat kerja idaman. Selain kesejahteraan sangat baik, para karyawan juga dimanjakan dengan kenyamanan di dalam kantor. Lalu seperti apa sejatinya daleman kantor Apple?

Sama seperti kantor Facebook dan Google, kantor Apple terlihat cukup nyaman. Sayangnya, Apple kabarnya tak mau terang-terangan mempublikasikan kantor mereka. Namun ada juga yang berhasil menjepret kantor pusat Apple di California.

Hanya saja tak seperti kantor Facebook dan Google yang terkesan sangat ceria, desain kantor Apple lebih formal. Tak banyak warna ceria terpancar di dalamnya. Barangkali ini tidak lepas dari prinsip mendiang Steve Jobs, pendiri Apple, yang mengutamakan kesederhanaan.

Apple sendiri sedang bersiap membangun kantor pusat baru dengan desain futuristik, layaknya kapal piring terbang. Kantor yang rencananya siap digunakan tahun 2015 ini digadang-gadang jadi kantor terbaik di dunia.

Seperti apa suasana di kantor Apple? Simak foto-foto dari OfficeSnapshot berikut ini.

Lobi depan kantor Apple. Tampak komputer yang digunakan adalah Mac.

Salah satu meja di kantor Apple yang didesain menurut logo perusahaan tersebut. Terlihat cukup menarik.

Meja kerja karyawan yang berlokasi di dekat jendela. Di balik jendela, tampak pemandangan taman menghijau.

Salah satu meja karyawan yang memancarkan kesan santai.

Meski tidak sesemarak kantor Google atau Facebook, beberapa bagian kantor Apple tetap didesain ceria.

Suasana meeting karyawan Apple.

Di kala senggang, karyawan juga dapat melakukan berbagai permainan.

Salah satu meja kerja karyawan. Tampak ponsel iPhone juga tergeletak di sana.
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Samsung Galaxy Tab (Full Kit) - Beli
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