Saturday, November 26, 2011

Canon Klaim Pimpin Bisnis Printer di Indonesia

Canon Klaim Pimpin Bisnis Printer di Indonesia

Cirebon - Meski mengalami pertumbuhan market share yang tidak terlalu tinggi dibandingkan tahun lalu, namun Canon mengklaim posisinya di bisnis printer masih berada di puncak.

Canon mencatat, maket share yang mereka raih pada kuartal ketiga tahun 2011 ini adalah 60%. Apabila dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu, kenaikannya tidak terlalu besar.

Dikatakan Monica Aryasetiawan selaku Division Manager Consumer System Product Division PT Datascrip, Jumat (25/11/2011), pada tahun 2010, pangsa pasar Canon di bisnis printer juga masih berkisaran angka 60-an%. "Masih sekitaran 60% juga,namun kami tetap memimpin,"ujar Monica kepada detikINET.

Ya, Canon mengklaim masih menjadi raja printer di Indonesia. Posisinya ini dibayang-bayangi oleh 2 vendor yang sama-sama kuat yakni HP dan Epson.

Mengenai jenis printer yang diminati pasar Indonesia, inkjet printer masih laris manis di sini dibandingkan laser. Salah satu faktornya adalah daya beli masyarakat.

Hal tersebut dikatakan Monica dalam acara Press Tour Canonpixma, yang digelar di Hotel Santika, Cirebon Jumat (25/11/2011). Dalam acara ini 8 model printer Canon teranyar dikenalkan yakni MG8270, MG6270, MG4170, MG3170,MG2170,iP4970 dan E500.

Deretan printer dari Canon tersebut memiliki keunggulan. Seperti pengayaan sofware (filter foto dan penggabungan sejumlah frame a), Intelligent Touch System yang memudahkan operasi layar sentuh, fine technology dan fastfront yang memungkinkan pengguna memasukkan kertas serta tinta dari depan.

( sha / fyk )

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Hanya di Indonesia BlackBerry Laris Manis

'Hanya di Indonesia BlackBerry Laris Manis'

Cirebon - Kepopuleran piranti BlackBerry dinilai saat ini dinilai hanya menggema di Indonesia. Di luar negeri agaknya BlackBerry sudah kalah saing dengan para rival beratnya.

"Indonesia memiliki pengguna BlackBerry terbesar. Hanya di sini BlackBerry laris. Kalau di luar kalah dengan HTC dan Apple serta piranti piranti lain berbasis Android" kata Hero Chandra selaku Marketing Executive Canon Prima PT Datascrip Indonesia pada detikINET.

Atas alasan itulah salah satu fitur cetak yang dihadirkan Canon pada jajaran printer seri MG-nya hanya bisa kompatibel dengan piranti berbasis Android dan iOS. Fitur ini memungkinkan user untuk mengkoneksikan gadgetnya ke printer dan melakukan proses percetakan dari situ.

"Pasar di Indonesia memang berbeda sendiri, dan Canon masih melakukan research untuk mendatangkan kompatibiltas printer seri MG pada piranti BlackBerry," tambah Monica Aryasetiawan selaku Division Manager Consumer System Product Division PT Datascrip, Jumat (25/11/2011).

Android memang berkibar. Menurut biro riset Gartner, pangsa pasar Android di dunia tembus 52,5%. Di posisi runner up adalah Symbian dari Nokia dengan market share 17%. Apple iOS bercokol di posisi tiga dengan 15%. Kemudian di posisi empat BlackBerry OS yang meraup market share 11%.

Namun sayang untuk kompabilitas Android masih belum bisa dipakai di printer Canon yang dijual di Indonesia. Sejauh ini baru pemakai piranti Apple yang dapat menikmati fitur tersebut.

Fitur cetak langsung dari gadget favorit ada di seri MG yang dikenalkan Canon dalam acara Press Tour Canon Pixma di Hotel Santika, Cirebon. Seri kelas mid-high ini terdiri dari MG8270, MG6270, MG4170, MG3170,MG2170 yang dipasarkan di Indonesia mulai Rp 1 juta-Rp 4 juta di Desember nanti.

( sha / fyk )

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Polisi Periksa 8 Saksi Terkait Insiden BlackBerry Diskon

Polisi Periksa 8 Saksi Terkait Insiden BlackBerry Diskon

Jakarta - Polisi melakukan penyelidikan terkait insiden ricuh BlackBerry diskon di Mal Pacific Place, di kawasan SCBD, Sudirman. Belum ada tersangka, semua saksi masih didalami keterangannya.

"Sudah ada 8 orang yang diperiksa, dari EO, satpam, dan panitia, juga pihak BlackBerry. Kita masih gali informasi," jelas Kapolres Jaksel Kombes Pol Imam Sugianto saat dihubungi detikcom, Sabtu (26/11/2011).

Imam menegaskan, polisi masih menyelidiki pemicu ricuhnya antrean BlackBerry itu. "Jadi belum ada tersangka, semua masih didalami. Pemicunya masih didalami," tambahnya.

Polisi fokus pada dugaan kelalaian dalam antrean BlackBerry diskon yang menyebabkan 90 orang dirawat secara medis ini. "Dari mana pemicunya, ada kelalaian atau enggak masih diselidiki," tegasnya.

Sebelumnya diberitakan ribuan orang rela mengantre dari pagi untuk membeli BlackBerry tipe Bellagio 9790 dengan harga 'murah' pada Jumat (25/11). Kendati pun ratusan polisi berseragam dan keamanan berjaga serta lima ambulans disiagakan, event promo itu tetap menelan korban di antaranya 3 orang patah tulang dan 90 orang sempat dirawat di ruang medis.

( ndr / fyk )

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Printer Canon MG8270 Cetak Foto Langsung dari Picasa

Printer Canon MG8270 Cetak Foto Langsung dari Picasa

Cirebon - Sejumlah fitur cukup baik dihadirkan Canon di printer all-in-one barunya. Fitur-fitur yang diboyong ini sepertinya berpotensi menjadi fitur menarik bagi pecinta foto.

Tengok saja, ia menggandeng Google untuk menyajikan penyimpanan foto berbasis cloud dan pencetakan langsung melalui salah satu produknya yakni Picasa.

Dengan 'perkawinan' printer dan Picasa, user dimungkinkan untuk tidak perlu lagi menenteng-nenteng media penyimpanan fotonya guna dicetak. Kenapa? karena ia bisa mencetak foto yang disimpan di Picasa untuk dicetak secara langsung.

Ya, sebelumnya pengguna dipersilakan untuk memiliki akun di Picasa dan menyimpan fotonya di album foto berbasis internet tersebut. Setelah itu, user tinggal mengkoneksikan printer yang sudah dilengkapi WiFi ini ke Picasa dan memulai proses percetakan.

Fitur yang diberi nama Online Album Photoprint ini diklaim Canon sebagai fitur yang tidak dimiliki oleh para pesaingnya dan menjadi salah satu keunggulan dari printer kelas mid-high ini. Bahkan ke depannya, kerja sama Canon dengan Google makin diperdalam.

Dalam gelaran Press Tour Canon Pixma di Hotel Santika, Cirebon, Jumat (25/11/2011), Hero Chandra selaku Marketing Executive Canon Prima PT Datascrip membeberkan bocoran mengenai 'rayuan' Canon pada Google yang kini sedang melalui tahap penjajakan.

"Kami sedang berunding dengan Google untuk menghadirkan konektivitas Google Docs yang juga berbasis cloud ke dalam printer Canon," ujar Hero. Diakui oleh Hero bahwa cloud memang memiliki potensi besar dan pihaknya pun merespon tren ini dengan mendatangkan fitur-fitur berbasis cloud.

MG 8270 akan hadir di pasaran di bulan depan dengan banderol harga Rp 3.999.999. Agaknya printer seri ini memang pantas disandingkan bagi mereka yang penyuka foto. Pasalnya, selain menghadirkan konektivitas ke Picasa, MG 8270 juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk mencetak foto dari roll film, mengubah negatif menjadi positif alias mendigitalisasi.

Untuk melakukan proses ini, ia mampu mencetak foto dengan ketajaman 300 dpi dengan kecepatan 30 detik. Disampaikan oleh Hero, format yang dihasilkan yakni dalam bentuk JPEG dan TIFF. Tentu saja dengan kemampuannya ini, pengguna bisa 'menggali' roll film lawas mereka dan mencetaknya tanpa perlu beranjak ke studio foto.

Tak hanya berkutat dengan 'daleman' printernya, Canon juga mempertegas 'hubungan' antara printer dengan penggiat foto melalui body luar MG8270. Canon mengatakan body 8270 memakai material yang sama dengan yang dipakai di kamera DSLR Canon kelas pro. "Bisa diraba, tekstur MG 8270 sama dengan yang ada di body kamera EOS 7D ke atas," pungkas Hero.

Berikut beberapa spesifikasi kunci printer all-in-one Canon MG8270:

- Colour inkjet printer, copier and scanner
- LCD 3,5 inch
- WiFi & LAN
- Online Album PhotoPrint
- ChromaLife 100+
- Intelligent touch system
- Ink Droplet Size (min.) 1pl

( sha / fyk )

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Playstation 3D TV has a big picture on a tiny screen

Sony's new 3D TV has great picture quality and the ability for two people to see two different images at the same time. In-Game's Todd Kenreck reports.a

Twitter, Live Streaming Create Alternative News Network for Occupy

"You can't evict an idea whose time has come," read one tweet carrying the hashtag #OWS this week.

Less than a second later came a message that "after @MikeBloomberg and the #NYPD raided #ows -- less than one-fifth of the 4,000 books from the peoples library are usable."

Another declared that "Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Back in Zuccotti Park."

Slinging Hashtags

That's just one of the hashtags -- a phrase accompanied by the pound sign that allows Twitter users to quickly identify trending topics of interest -- allowing members of the growing, nationwide Occupy movement to communicate. And more than two months after a tent camp first sprouted in downtown Manhattan's Zuccotti Park to complain about the inequality of American wealth, the tweets still move across the computer Relevant Products/Services screen almost too quickly to read, at speeds usually seen only when a new iPhone comes out.

The hashtag #Occupy gives news about the broader movement with protests in California and elsewhere. "Occupy protesters arrested and cleared from Charleston Park," reads one tweet, while a successor complains, "I lost a child to the Occupy Movement."

Just as social media fueled the mass protests in Cairo and London last summer, it is proving to be a crucial communication Relevant Products/Services and recruitment tool for the fledgling Occupy movement in the U.S., which lacks a defined agenda, a public figurehead or even so much as a post office box Relevant Products/Services. (The URL is currently unused, and up for sale.) p> The protesters have also relied on for complete coverage of events. The Nov. 15 NYPD crackdown that cleared the park of protesters, and resulted in over 200 arrests, was carried live as well.

"I think a couple of interesting things are happening," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Similarly to what we saw earlier this year during the 'Arab Spring,' OWS participants are leveraging mobile Relevant Products/Services tech to organize themselves and outwit/outflank authorities and police."

During the August London protests, Research In Motion, maker of BlackBerry devices, pledged its cooperation when it became clear that users of its messaging systems were coordinating the increasingly violent protests.

But more revolutionary than texting and tweeting, King said, is the video Relevant Products/Services coverage.

Alternative News

"Live streaming has turned YouTube and other online multimedia sites into what are essentially alternative news channels for OWS," King said. "Conventional political organizations -- ranging from major parties to alternative/fringe groups like the Tea Party -- have largely confined their messaging to traditional news channels, a point that makes their efforts initially appear to have more weight."

Citizen video bloggers, though, change the calculus.

"With increasing numbers of people garnering news/information Relevant Products/Services online, the ability of OWS and other groups to effectively leverage the Web for communications has helped them to avoid being subverted or defined by their opponents," King said.

"Maybe it's time to start calling alternative online news channels the 'Fifth' or, perhaps, 'Virtual,' Estate."

Friday, November 25, 2011

KPPU Analisa Kebijakan Penataan 3G

KPPU Analisa Kebijakan Penataan 3G

Jakarta - Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) masih menganalisa aspek kebijakan pembagian kanal 3G yang mengarah pada persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat antaroperator pemegang lisensi seluler 3G.

Direktur Komunikasi KPPU, A Junaidi, berharap dalam 30 hari ke depan analisa yang tengah dikumpulkan oleh tim kerjanya sudah bisa membuahkan hasil.

"Kami masih menganalisa apakah aspek kebijakan pembagian 3G ini sebagai essential facilities yang telah memenuhi prinsip persaingan usaha yang sehat dalam hal proses, besaran, dan jangka waktunya," paparnya kepada detikINET, Jumat (25/11/2011).

Junaidi menuturkan, dari hipotesis KPPU sementara ini, penataan frekuensi 3G yang direncanakan pemerintah merupakan implementasi dari kebijakan yang notabene merupakan ranah administratif pemerintah.

"Kami melihat sisi kebijakannya apakah cukup peraturan yang selama ini berlaku. Bila ada yang kurang maka kami akan memberikan saran kepada regulator," ujarnya lebih lanjut.

Aroma persaingan tidak sehat memang tengah terjadi dalam penataan frekuensi 3G belakangan ini.

Seperti diakui mantan anggota Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI) Kamilov Sagala, ada satu operator yang berupaya menghalang-halangi operator lain untuk mendapatkan sumber daya frekuensi.

"Penguasaan sumber daya frekuensi yang besar oleh penguasa pasar tidak dapat dibenarkan karena hal ini menjurus ke praktik monopoli yang dilarang oleh Undang-undang," ujarnya.

Hal itu diatur dalam UU No. 5/1999 tentang Larangan Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Tujuannya untuk mewujudkan iklim usaha yang kondusif melalui pengaturan persaingan usaha yang sehat, sehingga menjamin adanya kesempatan berusaha yang sama bagi pelaku usaha besar, menengah, dan pelaku usaha kecil.

Kamilov menambahkan, sektor telekomunikasi sebagai bagian dari sumber daya alam yang dikuasai oleh negara, diatur dan berlandaskan kepada UU No. 36/1999 yang membawa semangat reformasi dan semangat ekonomi kerakyatan.

"Undang-undang ini bersama undang-undang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Undang-undang No. 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen harus dilihat sebagai satu paket," cetus dia.

Seperti diketahui, penataan kanal frekuensi 3G di pita 2,1 GHz memang belum bisa terlaksana karena masih mendapat resistensi dari Telkomsel yang enggan berpindah dari kanal 4 dan 5 ke kanal 5 dan 6.

Malah sebaliknya, tak hanya menolak pindah, operator seluler yang kepemilikannya dikuasai Telkom dan Singtel itu balik meminta tambahan satu kanal lagi agar bisa menguasai kanal 4,5, dan 6 sekaligus.

Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring sebelumnya mengatakan penataan kanal frekuensi merupakan keharusan agar industri menjadi sehat dan bukan karena adanya desakan asing.

"Kami sudah memutuskan bahwa kanal 1 dan 2 dialokasikan untuk Hutchison CP Telecom (Tri), kanal 3 dan 4 untuk Axis, kanal 5 dan 6 untuk Telkomsel, kanal 7 dan 8 untuk Indosat, dan kanal 9 dan 10 untuk XL," katanya.

Sementara Direktur Utama Telkomsel Sarwoto Atmosutarno mengungkapkan penataan frekuensi seharusnya dilakukan menyeluruh, bukan hanya di 3G saja untuk pengembangan teknologi LTE (long term evolution).

( rou / rou )

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Lintasarta Kejar Peluang di Industri Multifinance

Lintasarta Kejar Peluang di Industri Multifinance

Jakarta - Peluang penyedia layanan ICT di industri multifinance dinilai menjanjikan. Sebab, berbagai layanan multifinance bisa ditingkatkan dengan adopsi kemajuan teknologi ini. Hal inilah yang tengah dibidik Lintasarta.

Menurut Avi Yunawan, VAS Marketing Manager Lintasarta, industri Multifinance dapat memanfaatkan berbagai kemajuan ICT seperti Corporate Mailer, Managed Service, Metro Ethernet, IPVPN, Mobile Connectivity, Frame Relay, Internet, SMS Broadcast, SMS Interactive, Contact Center, Cloud Computing, Data Center dan DRC.

Semua teknologi tersebut dapat di-outsource-kan kepada IT outsourcing partner. "Cost reduction adalah faktor utama perusahaan melakukan outsourcing," jelasnya, dalam keterangan tertulis yang dikutip detikINET, Jumat (25/11/2011).

Salah satu contoh teknologi baru yang sedang tren untuk di-outsource-kan adalah cloud computing. "Dengan cloud computing outsourcing, perusahaan dapat memperoleh keuntungan karena tidak perlu melakukan investasi, merubah complexity menjadi simplicity, fast development, dan pay as you go atau perusahaan hanya membayar berdasarkan penggunaan," lanjutnya.

Lintasarta sendiri juga memiliki jasa cloud computing dengan opsi layanan yang terdiri atas Private Cloud yang menawarkan eksklusivitas dengan on-demand cloud service, Hybrid Cloud yang menawarkan fleksibilitas layanan atau Public Cloud yang memungkinan IaaS hingga aplikasi bisnis dapat diakses melalui jaringan internet dalam bentuk service on demand.

Contoh lain solusi ICT yang dijelaskan Avi untuk industri Multifinance adalah credit approval online menggunakan teknologi SMS Broadcast dan SMS Interactive. Teknologi ini diklaim dapat mempermudah sekaligus mempercepat birokrasi administrasi persetujuan pengajuan kredit dalam waktu kurang dari 1 jam.

Wiwie Kurnia, Ketua Asosiasi Perusahaan Pembiayaan Indonesia (APPI) menambahkan, industri Multifinance di tahun 2012 memiliki peluang besar untuk terus maju karena tiga faktor utama.

Pertama, kemampuan Indonesia bertahan di tengah badai krisis Amerika dan Eropa dengan perkiraan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia di tahun 2012 sebesar 6,3% dan tingkat inflasi sebesar 5,7%.

Kedua, penduduk Indonesia yang berada pada usia produktif (20-50 tahun) memiliki jumlah yang sangat besar, ini merupakan pasar bagi perusahaan pembiayaan. Terakhir, kurangnya infrastruktur angkutan massal, mengakibatkan masyarakat lebih memilih untuk membeli mobil dan motor daripada menggunakan angkutan umum.

"Industri Multifnance di tahun 2012 diprediksi mengalami pertumbuhan hampir mencapai 20% dari sisi total aset. Sementara aset multifinance 2012 akan mencapai Rp 330 triliun sampai Rp 350 triliun," ungkap Wiwie.

( ash / ash )

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Perluas Ekspansi Game Online, Lyto Gaet UniPin

Perluas Ekspansi Game Online, Lyto Gaet UniPin

Jakarta - Dua pemain besar di ranah game online Indonesia -- penyedia voucher game UniPin dan publisher Lyto -- berkolaborasi. Kerjasama ini pun diklaim menjadi kerja sama terbesar di dunia game online Tanah Air.

UniPin adalah voucher game online yang memiliki jaringan di lebih dari 6.000 outlet Indomaret. Sementara, Lyto merupakan game publisher yang memiliki lebih dari 15 varian game yang berbeda termasuk Facebook Credits.

Tercatat game seperti Ragnarok, Cross Fire, Rohan, Getamped-X, Perfect World, Crazy Kart 2, Seal Online adalah beberapa nama game garapan Lyto yang cukup popular di kalangan pecinta game Indonesia.

Saat ini Lyto memiliki komunitas game online yang cukup besar, dengan kurang lebih 20 juta user.

Executive Director PT. 24 Jam Online selaku perusahaan yang menaungi UniPin, Ashadi Ang menjelaskan bahwa dengan adanya kerjasama ini diharapkan menjadikan UniPin dapat diakses dengan mudah oleh para gamer yang tersedia oleh Lyto.

"Kerjasama dengan Lyto akan menjadikan UniPin sebagai Satu Kartu Untuk Semua Game semakin mendekati kenyataan," jelas Ashadi.

Sementara CEO PT. Lyto Datarindo Fortuna, Andi Suryanto menambahkan bahwa dengan kolaborasi ini maka diharapkan dapat memberi kemudahan bagi para gamer, karena Unipin memiliki distribusi yang cukup luas dengan menggunakan channel mini market.

"Kelebihan ini tidak dimiliki oleh perusahaan payment gateway yang lain," tukasnya, dalam keterangan tertulis yang dikutip detikINET, Jumat (25/11/2011).

Saat ini UniPin tersedia dalam 4 varian, yaitu: 10.000, 20.000, 50.000 serta 100.000 dan telah tersedia di outlet Indomaret. Banyak varian game yang sudah bisa di Top Up melalui UniPin dari game publisher lain. Jadi, mulai 1 Desember 2011 para gamer sudah bisa Top Up game-game Lyto melalui UniPin.

( ash / ash )

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BlackBerry Bellagio Diantre Sehari Semalam

BlackBerry Bellagio Diantre Sehari Semalam

Jakarta - Perjuangan untuk mendapatkan BlackBerry Bold 9790 dengan diskon 50% cukup keras. Para pengantre bahkan banyak yang sudah hadir sejak Kamis siang, sehari sebelum acara diskon digelar.

Seperti dituturkan oleh Agus salah satu pembeli yang sudah menenteng Bellagio harga diskon. Dia mengaku sudah berada di tempat sejak jam satu siang pada hari Kamis.

"Banyak mas yang antre dari kemarin. Kami sempat kucing kucingan dengan petugas karena tidak boleh berada di dekat lokasi," tukas dia, kepada detikINET di Pacific Place, Jumat (25/11/2011).

Agus menyatakan sejatinya loket penjualan sempat dibuka pada pagi hari karena pengantre sudah banyak. Namun karena situasi makin kacau, penjualan sempat dihentikan.

Sampai sekarang, polisi masih berjuang menenangkan massa pengantre. Mereka berdesakan di depan loket penjualan.

"Ingat bapak ibu saudara menanti di rumah, keselamatan adalah yang paling utama," teriak petugas, demi menenangkan para calon pembeli yang sudah tidak sabar.

( fyk / eno )

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Anjing Pelacak Dikerahkan Tenangkan Pengantre BB Diskonan

Anjing Pelacak Dikerahkan Tenangkan Pengantre BB Diskonan

Jakarta - Belasan polisi tampak berdatangan ke arena antre BlackBerry Bellagio di mal Pasific Place, Jakarta. Tampak dua anjing pelacak milik kepolisian turut diterjunkan.

Ya, polisi dan anjing pelacak terpaksa dikerahkan karena massa sulit ditertibkan. Kedatangan mereka membuat situasi sedikit terkendali.

Saat ini antrean pembeli mulai masuk ke loket penjualan. Penjagaan sangat ketat dengan satpam dan polisi berada di tengah massa yang berjubel.

Hanya saja, di sana-sini masih terdengar teriakan ketidakpuasan dari pengantre BlackBerry berseri 9790 diskonan tersebut. Barangkali mereka merasa antreannya diserobot.

Diskon 50% BlackBerry Bellagio ini memang sangat diminati. Harganya yang semula Rp 4,6 juta menjadi hanya Rp 2,3 juta.

Namun massa tidak bisa tertib. Sehingga sampai sekarang kericuhan masih terjadi di lokasi penjualan perdana BlackBerry Bellagio tersebut.

( ash / ash )

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Robot Polisi Gantikan Tugas Sipir Penjara

Robot Polisi Gantikan Tugas Sipir Penjara

Pohang, Korsel - Robot dengan sensor yang bisa mendeteksi perilaku mencurigakan akan hadir di rumah tahanan di Korea Selatan (Korsel). Tugasnya, berpatroli mengawasi para tahanan yang mencoba kabur.

Dirancang menggantikan tugas sipir penjara, robot yang dikembangkan sekelompok ilmuwan di Korsel itu merupakan bagian dari proyek Kementerian Ekonomi Pengetahuan dan Kementerian Kehakiman Korsel yang menelan dana hingga satu miliar won.

Dilansir Telegraph, Jumat (25/11/2011), robot setinggi 1,5 meter dan berjalan di atas empat roda ini akan lebih sering digunakan di malam hari. Robot-robot ini bisa menghubungkan tahanan dengan petugas penjara melalui fungsi percakapan dari jarak jauh.

Terdapat sensor yang memungkinkan robot tersebut mendeteksi perilaku janggal para tahanan. Selain melaporkan para tahanan yang berniat kabur, robot ini juga bisa melaporkan jika ada tahanan yang akan melakukan aksi bunuh diri atau kekerasan.

"Kami hampir selesai menciptakan kunci sistem operasinya. Kini kami berusaha agar membuatnya terlihat lebih ramah," kata salah satu ilmuwan tim pengembangan robot, Profesor Lee Baik-Chul dari Kyonggi University.

Dia melanjutkan, saat pengembangan rampung, tiga robot akan diuji coba di rumah tahanan wilayah Pohang, Korsel.

( rns / rou )

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Occupy Flash, Meet Occupy HTML

Earlier this week, we ran the news about an anonymous movement called Occupy Flash that wanted all of us to uninstall Flash for our PC’s in favor of HTML5. It drew a lot of debate whether it’s feasible or not. But someone decided to launch a counter movement in support of Flash and here’s the result.

Their message is this:

Flash is mature. It’s supported by all major desktop browsers. It’s stable when used properly. If not, it crashes a lot, just like every other technology. It requires constant security updates, just like every other web technology. It doesn’t work well on most mobile devices, and for good reasons. It’s a content plugin, developed during the era of closed standards and unilateral corporate control of web technology. Websites that rely on Flash can present a unique (and often unparalleled) experience for the massive percentage of users on a desktop browser. Flash powers some amazing experiences that work consistently across all of the major browsers in a way that cannot be replicated without Flash technology.

The site looks exactly the same as that one, and I somewhat agree with this statement. Flash may be buggy and may cause issues with places, but it enables a lot of rich content and has worked out during the years. If it was broken, it would’ve been replaced with something better a long time ago. It wasn’t, and it still runs fine with a lot of major applications depending on it. Hell, you can’t even use fullscreen on video in HTML5 yet. Of course, HTML will catch up with Flash at SOME point but the point isn’t now. Flash is still here to stay for a couple of years at least.

What do you think?

Suara Dr Dre di HTC Sensation XE Bisa Dijiplak?

'Suara Dr Dre' di HTC Sensation XE Bisa Dijiplak?

Jakarta - HTC Sensation XE hadir dengan embel-embel Beats Audio, yang artinya ponsel ini disematkan kualitas suara racikan khas Dr Dre yang terkenal ngebass. Tapi bisakah kemampuan ini digunakan pada ponsel Android lain?

Fitur yang paling ditonjolkan pada HTC Sensation XE memang sebagai ponsel sekaligus pemutar musik yang mantap. Untuk itulah ponsel ini dijual dengan earphone Beats besutan Dr Dre dan aplikasi khusus yang ditanamkan di dalamnya.

Berbicara mengenai aplikasi, apalagi dalam platform Android yang serba terbuka, bukan tidak mungkin aplikasi andalan ponsel berbanderol Rp 6 juta itu dihadirkan ke dalam ponsel lain. Contoh, saudara tuanya -- HTC Sensation -- yang secara spesifikasi tidak terlalu jauh tertinggal.

"Secara teori memang bisa. Kalau memang nanti ada developer yang me-rooting, lalu memasukannya ke dalam custom rom hal itu bisa saja terjadi. Tapi pasti, kualitas suaranya tetap beda," kata Satrio Wibowo, Technical Support Engineer HTC Indonesia.

Lebih lanjut Satrio menjelaskan beberapa nilai plus yang hanya ada di Sensation XE, salah satunya adalah penggunaan chip khusus.

"Kalau chip memang ada, tapi bukan Dr Dre yang buat itu tetap dari HTC. Cuma kami kembangkan lagi sesuai dengan rujukan dari Dr Dre, jadi suaranya lebih optimal untuk Beats Audio," tegas Satrio, usai peluncuran HTC Sensation XE di Grand Melia, Kamis (24/11/2011).

HTC Sensation XE baru akan melenggang di pasar Indonesia mulai awal Desember 2011, dalam paket penjualannya pengguna sudah mendapatkan earphone khusus buatan Dr Dre dan paket data gratis selama 1 tahun dari XL. Ketika dijajal detikINET di saat peluncurannya, produk ini memang terbukti mampu memberikan dentuman hebat kepada para penggunanya.

( eno / fyk )

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Liquid Net, Solusi Broadband yang Mengalir

Liquid Net, Solusi Broadband yang Mengalir

Jakarta - Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) memperkenalkan Liquid Net, sebuah cara baru penyediaan broadband yang bisa dipakai para operator selular. Metode seperti ini dijanjikan bisa mengalirkan bandwidth sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lokasi yang berbeda.

Pertumbuhan pengguna internet memang luar biasa. Bahkan menurut NSN jika dirata-ratakan sehari setiap pengguna mengkonsumsi sekitar 1 GB data melalui perangkat bergerak seperti ponsel atau tablet.

Namun sayangnya, kebutuhan bandwidth yang kian meningkat itu tidak dibarengi dengan infrastruktur yang memadai. Hal ini ditandai dengan mengecilnya jalur bandwidth disejumlah tempat yang memiliki banyak pengguna, semisal daerah perkantoran, mall, atau kampus.

"Sebenarnya operator masih bisa mengoptimalkan jaringan yang ada, sebab kebutuhan bandwidth akan berbeda di setiap tempat," jelas, Ariesonada Marsono, Solution Manager NSN di Four Season hotel, Kamis (24/11/2011).

Nah, mensiasati hal itu, NSN mengklaim memiliki solusi yang mereka sebut Liquid Net. Sebuah metode yang memungkinkan operator membangun jaringannya dan melakukan adaptasi sendiri untuk memenuhi kapasitas dan cakupan berdasarkan kebutuhan di masing-masing lokasi.

"Misalnya di BTS A kapasitasnya sudah penuh, maka Liquid Net bisa mengalihkannya ke BTS lain tanpa menggangu kenyamanan pelanggan. Kami menyebutnya dengan Active Antena System," tambah Ariesonada.

NSN juga mengklaim bahwa teknologi yang mereka usung sudah siap digunakan untuk teknologi jaringan yang akan datang. "Produk kami sudah siap dipakai untuk jaringan GPRS hingga LTE, tapi saat ini masih kami uji coba, kemungkinan baru bisa dipasarkan pertengahan 2012," tandas Ariesonada.

( eno / fyk )

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Five great games to play with the whole family

Sony/Insomniac Gamesa

The family that games together, stays together. This holiday, Ratchet & Clank and crew can help show you how.a

By Winda Benedetti

It's official. The holidays are upon us. And you know what that means: In the coming weeks you and your kinfolk will have ample time to sit cooped up together in one house for way too long.a

It’s during these desperate times that you will search for something to keep the people related to you amused (and from strangling each other). And in these moments, a video game can be the perfect rescue.a

Much like the board and card games of yore, video games can be a great way to pass the time with the entire family. They can offer everyone a chance to connect, a chance to laugh and, most importantly, a chance to totally crush one another in bit of friendly competition.a

The members of your extended family don't play games, you say? Pshaw! They simply need a gentle and amusing introduction. Here are five video games to play with the whole fam damily.a


1. Kinect Sports: Season Two — Xbox 360 (Kinect required) $50Here's a good way to burn off all the calories from the turkey or figgy pudding that you and your fam just packed away ... and all without actually having to brave the freezing weather outside.a

With this follow-up to last year's "Kinect Sports" game, Microsoft delivers another solid package of sporty mini-games that the whole gang can jump into using the motion-and-voice-sensing powers of Kinect.a

This time around you'll play mini-games based around the real-world sports of golf, darts, tennis, baseball, skiing and football. With Kinect watching your every move, you'll pantomime the actions you'd really use when playing these games — swing your arms to swing a bat in the baseball game, lean side-to-side to ski your way down a digital snow hill, etc.a

It's nothing but good fun for everyone ... and you might even break a sweat.a

Extra! Extra! Sports mini-games for the family have been a staple of motion-controlled gaming for years now. If you don't have an Xbox 360, grab "Wii Sports Resort" for the Wii or "Sports Champions" for the PlayStation 3. Since both games are a year or more old, you'll find them at some nicely discounted prices.a


2. Dance Central 2 — Xbox 360 (Kinect required) $50You know what they say: The family that dances together stays together. That, or maybe it's the family that laughs together stays together. I dunno, but either way, both apply when it comes to this game.a

The great thing about "Dance Central 2" is that you can have two left feet and still enjoy this game in which you pit your dance skills (or lack thereof) against those of friends and family. Like the original "Dance Central," this sequel uses the Kinect motion controller to read the movements of your entire body as you try to follow choreographed dance routines performed by a colorful array of characters on the screen.a

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You'll perform some sweet moves with names like "Say What," "Hot Feet" and "Mad Dash" to songs from Daft Punk, Lady Gaga, Sir Mix-A-Lot and yes ... even Justin Bieber. And, believe it or not, you may actually improve your dance skillz along the way.a

The game's developer has made numerous improvements to this sequel — the most important one being that two players can dance at the same time. Also, the game now features a beefed-up "break it down" mode for teaching players each move. You can now select specific dance moves to work on, view each move in slow motion, and even record yourself dancing and see how you do compared to your on-screen instructor.a

Leave your ego at the door, toss back some eggnog (spiked for the grown-ups) and put this game into your Xbox 360. The whole family will soon be doing the "Board Walk" and the "Beauty Step" ... and having a blast the entire time.a

Extra! Extra! If dance games are up your family's alley but you don't own an Xbox, check out "Everybody Dance" for the PlayStation 3 and "Just Dance 3" for the Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360.a

Magic Pixel Gamesa

3. Carnival Island — PlayStation 3 (Move controls required) $40If the members of your family aren't big video game players — or if they're simply not the dancing kind — then try easing them into things with this collection of motion-controlled, carnival-themed mini-games.a

Everyone's been to a circus or a fair, and this PS3 game simply brings the midway to your living room. Using Sony's Move motion controls, you can compete against each other at games based on familiar real-world midway games such as skee-ball, ring toss and basketball shoot. Up to four people can play "Carnival Island" at one time and it features more than 35 games and attractions in total.a

Yes, seasoned gamers will note that this is not the deepest or most impressive video game you'll find out there. But it does a really great job showing off the accuracy of Sony's Move controls and it's an easy one for everyone from junior to Gramps to jump right into.a

Extra! Extra! If motion-controlled mini-games are up your family's alley but you don't own a PS3, consider the similarly carnival-themed "Carnival Games: Monkey See, Monkey Do!"  for the Xbox 360 or "Wii Play: Motion" for the Wii. a


4. "Family Game Night 4: The Game Show" — Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii, $40Speaking of easing your family members into the world of video gaming with something familiar, "Family Game Night 4: The Game Show" takes traditional gaming, crosses it with motion-controlled video gaming and tosses in some easy-to-pickup game show action to boot.a

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Here traditional games like Connect 4, Yahtzee and Scrabble are given the motion-control twist. For example, Connect 4 becomes a motion-controlled basketball game in which you must toss your colored-pieces into vertical and horizontal lines of four as fast as you can, trying to beat your opponent both with throwing accuracy and strategy.a

Again, this is the kind of video gaming that shouldn't seem too intimidating to the non-gamers joining you for the holiday.a

Insomniac Gamesa

5. "Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One" — PlayStation 3, $60If your extended family does have some game experience — enough to handle your basic game controller — then "Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One" is the perfect game for some quality holiday bonding.a

Games starring Ratchet, the big-eared Lombax, and Clank, the tiny robot, have been PlayStation staples for years, but this is the first R&C title to include cooperative multiplayer gameplay. That means up to four players can jump in at one time and work together as they take these colorful characters on yet another sci-fi adventure.a

Young kids will love the bright world and the zany sense of humor, casual players will love having friends in the game to help them out and more seasoned players will love the high quality of the platforming and puzzle-solving found here.a

As Galactic President Qwark says in the game, "We must set aside our petty squabbles and act as a singular unit!" If that doesn't sound like family bonding ... I don't know what does.a

Extra, extra! If this kind of mad-cap, four-player adventure is up your fam's alley, then other good options include "Disney Universe" (for the Xbox 360, Wii and PS3) and "Kirby's Return to Dream Land" for the Wii.a

For more game news, check out:a

Kinect gets a makeover for PCs Five reasons to leap into 'Super Mario 3D Land' Five tips for getting the most out of 'Skyrim'

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+. And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

Raksasa Teknologi Sudah Terbang ke Awan

Raksasa Teknologi Sudah 'Terbang ke Awan'

Jakarta - Cloud computing dipercaya terus berkembang dengan jumlah penggunanya yang kian bertambah. Sejumlah raksasa teknologi dunia pun telah mengembangkan layanan ini untuk menangkap peluang yang lebih besar.

Dijelaskan Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Manager Microsoft Innovation Center Institut Teknologi Bandung (MIC-ITB), komputasi awan merupakan komputasi berbasis internet.

Seluruh sumber daya, informasi, dan perangkat lunak sudah disediakan oleh provider. Pelanggan bisa memanfaatkan layanan cloud computing ini sesuai kebutuhan dan bisa diakses via desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, smartTV, serta perangkat lain.

Pelanggan, baik perorangan maupun perusahaan tidak perlu membeli perangkat keras maupun lunak serta sumber daya lain seperti yang dilakukan cara konvensional.

Pengguna layanan komputasi awan cukup membayar berdasarkan layanan yang diinginkan dan kebutuhannya. Pengguna tidak dibebani biaya investasi pengadaan perangkat keras maupun perangkat lunak seperti yang terjadi selama ini.

Sejumlah perusahaan IT dunia pun dilaporkan sudah 'terbang ke awan'. IBM misalnya, pada Maret 2011 mengumumkan investasi USD 38 miliar untuk membangun pusat data yang disebut dengan IBM Asia Pacific Cloud Computing Data Centre di Singapura.

Adapun Fujitsu menanamkan modal hingga USD 1,1 miliar dolar untuk mengembangkan layanan cloud computing sekaligus melatih 5.000 spesialis teknologi komputasi awan hingga akhir 2012. Investasi ini untuk infrastruktur komputasi awan Fujitsu Infastructure as a Service.

Begitu juga dengan Google yang mengoperasikan sistem Cloud Chrome OS dan Intel dengan visi Intel's Cloud 2015 melalui layanan Intel Cloud Builder. Sedangkan Microsoft telah merilis layanan komersial SaaS dengan Office 365 dan platform komputasi awan, Windows Azure Platform.

Komputasi awan sendiri memiliki tiga segmen layanan, yakni perangkat lunak, platfom, dan infrastruktur dengan tujuan dan produk yang berbeda untuk kepentingan bisnis maupun individu.

( ash / fyk )

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Microsoft and Yahoo! merger back on track?

According to an inside source of theirs, New York Times reports that Microsoft has signed an NDA with Yahoo! to look into their books.  Back in 2008 Microsoft made an offer of $45 billion to Yahoo! in the hopes of competing against Google’s ever increasing market share. At the time Yahoo! was still in a very strong position, which led to Jerry Yang rejecting the offer. Three years later, with their share value half of what it was back then, Yahoo! is open to offers from potential buyers for a complete takeover.

This time around, though, Microsoft doesn’t seem to be looking for an outright takeover either. Instead, they seem to want to help a consortium of companies with the bidding, namely Silver Lake and the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board. The deal then becomes that Microsoft gets to keep their existing partnership with Yahoo! whereby Bing provides all their search results. Part of this deal will also include Microsoft trying to integrate Skype services into Yahoo!.

For now, both Microsoft and Yahoo! have declined to comment on this move, but it’s only a matter of time before Yahoo! gets bought out and Microsoft ends up with a decent deal to expand their product services through Bing and Skype. Whatever the case, Google is still reigning supreme.

Robot Curiosity Siap Lacak Kehidupan di Mars

Robot Curiosity Siap Lacak Kehidupan di Mars

Jakarta - Badan antariksa NASA akan meluncurkan robot angkasa terbarunya yang dinamakan Curiosity. Robot ini akan segera menyambangi Mars dengan misi utama menemukan apakah benar kehidupan pernah eksis di planet merah tersebut.

Robot berharga USD 2,5 miliar ini akan mengangkasa dari pangkalan Cape Canaveral Air Force Station pada Sabtu (26/11) waktu Amerika Serikat. Curiosity diklaim sangat canggih.

"Mesin ini tidak hanya yang paling kapabel secara teknis yang pernah dikirim ke planet lain, namun juga yang paling mumpuni secara ilmiah," kata Aswin Vasavada, ilmuwan di Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA.

Curiosity mulai didesain tahun 2004. Selama 23 bulan setelah mendarat di Mars, ia akan menganalisis sampel yang diambil dari permukaan Mars dengan daya jelajah lebih luas dibanding robot sebelumnya.

Curiosity akan membawa perangkat laboratorium paling maju dibanding robot sebelumnya yang pernah menjelajahi Mars. Dia dua kali lipat lebih panjang dan lima kali lebih berat dibanding robot eksplorasi Mars lainya, Spirit dan Opportunity.

Dikutip detikINET dari DailyMail, Kamis (24/11/2011), Curiosity dilengkapi dengan enam roda serta kamera sehingga tim di bumi bisa menentukan arah perjalanannya. Ia memiliki lengan robotik untuk mengambil sampel dan menganalisisnya.

Tujuan misi ini adalah menginvestigasi apakah pernah ada kondisi di Mars yang memungkinkan adanya kehidupan di masa lalu. Curiosity akan mendarat Kawah Gale yang dinilai sebagai lokasi tepat. Yaitu berupa wilayah pegunungan dan dipercaya memiliki dataran rendah dengan endapan dan lumpur yang mengandung air, dan bisa jadi ada tanda kehidupan.

( fyk / ash )

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China Overtakes U.S. as World's Largest Smartphone Market

It's no surprise to analysts, but it's newsworthy all the same. China has overtaken the United States for the first time to officially become the world's largest smartphone Relevant Products/Services market. So says Strategy Analytics.

The market research firm reports that smartphone shipments reached a record 24 million units in China during the third quarter of 2011. Smartphone shipments reached just 23 million units in the United States.

"China's rapid growth has been driven by an increasing availability of smartphones in retail channels, aggressive subsidizing by operators of high-end models like the Apple iPhone, and an emerging wave of low-cost Relevant Products/Services Android Relevant Products/Services models from local Chinese brands such as ZTE," said Tom Kang, director at Strategy Analytics. "Nokia currently leads China's smartphone market with 28 percent share, while HTC heads the United States smartphone market with 24 percent share."

Apple, Samsung Chasing Hard

Handset shipments grew 20 percent annually to reach record levels in China in the third quarter of 2011, according to Strategy Analytics. Competition is increasing rapidly from local Chinese brands ZTE and Huawei. What's more, the firm reports, Samsung and Apple are chasing hard.

If China Telecom launches a CDMA iPhone 4S early next year, Strategy Analytics expects Apple's share to spike further. HTC and Sony Ericsson were the big share gainers this quarter as their Android models captured shelf-share in major cities of east and south China.

In terms of the Asia Pacific, China is first in handset shipments, followed by India, Japan and South Korea. Together, these countries account for 70 percent of the region's market by volume.

"The United States remains the world's largest smartphone market by revenue, but China has overtaken the United States in terms of volume," said Neil Mawston, executive director at Strategy Analytics, noting that China is now at the forefront of the worldwide mobile Relevant Products/Services computing boom.

"China has become a large and growing smartphone market that no hardware vendor, component maker or content developer can afford to ignore."

Android Rising

China's status as the world's largest smartphone market explains the rise of Android, which is predicated in large part on lower-cost smartphones.

"While there are plenty of people in China who can afford very high end smartphones, there are plenty more who cannot," said Avi Greengart, an analyst at Current Analysis. "Android has done extremely well at the low end, particularly from native Chinese companies that are selling literally tens of millions of Android smartphones into that market. So this is not at all surprising."

But, as Strategy Analytics noted, Apple has set its sights on China. Apple has mentioned in several of its investor calls that it is slowly growing its retail business there. Greengart noted that Dell, too, is focusing on China with its smartphone brand.

"China is, without a question, a huge and important market for almost any major manufacturer. HTC sells phones in China," Greengart said. "China has all sorts of unique challenges as well, but in terms of volume, it's no shock or surprise to anyone that as phones get smarter they are getting smarter all over the world, not just in the West."

Obama Gabung Google+

Obama Gabung Google+

Jakarta - Setelah Twitter dan Facebook, Barack Obama kini merambah ke Google+. Tampaknya, Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) ke-44 ingin kian memaksimalkan jejaring sosial menjelang Pemilu Presiden AS 2012.

Profil Obama yang baru saja mendapat tanda 'verified account' dari Google, muncul untuk pertama kalinya pada Rabu pagi pekan ini. Memang, akun ini tidak dikelola oleh sang Presiden sendiri, melainkan oleh tim suksesnya untuk pencalonan kembali Obama di Pemilu Presiden.

"Selamat datang di halaman Google+ Obama 2012. Kami masih akan menyukseskan kampanye Pemilihan Presiden. Beritahu kami tentang ide Anda dan apa yang ingin Anda lihat. Kami bisa menggunakan ruang ini untuk membantu Anda tetap terhubung dengan informasi terbaru seputar kampanye," demikian bunyi kalimat di halaman profil Obama.

Di sisi lain, seperti dilansir Mashable dan dikutip detikINET, Kamis (24/11/2011), kehadiran Obama di Google+ bisa menjadi promosi tersendiri bagi Google. Hadirnya orang nomor satu AS itu juga seolah menjadi 'cap persetujuan' penting bagi keberadaan jejaring sosial yang terbilang baru berdiri tersebut.

Seperti diketahui, Obama sebelumnya juga aktif menggunakan Twitter dan Facebook. Langkahnya memanfaatkan jejaring sosial telah menuai simpati dan dukungan terutama di kalangan generasi muda yang paling banyak menggunakan layanan ini.

( rns / ash )

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Do you expect Wi-Fi to be everywhere?

By Athima Chansanchai

Let's face it, while we may tolerate dropped calls from time to time as a circumstance of traveling or other obstacles, heaven forbid there be no Wi-Fi at your destination, or en route. It's something we've grown to expect since we can get it at the airport, coffee shops and certainly on visits to family during holiday weeks like this. a

Live PollDo you expect Wi-Fi to be nearly everywhere you go?a

YES. And it should be a given nowadays instead of a paid perk.YES. And it's ok if I have to pay to get it.NO. I don't think it's that ubiquitous. Besides, I still connect through Ethernet.VoteView Results169104YES. And it should be a given nowadays instead of a paid perk.75%169105YES. And it's ok if I have to pay to get it.10%169106NO. I don't think it's that ubiquitous. Besides, I still connect through Ethernet.15%VoteTotal Votes: 501a

A recent study projects a four-fold increase in global, public Wi-Fi hotspots to 5.8 million by 2015, mostly due to consumers who want it for their smartphones and tablets.a

Devicescape, a company that has more than 4 million hotspots around the world in its Virtual Wi-Fi Network, summed it up this way in a study of 1,040 users:a

While carriers promote Wi-Fi as a cost-saving measure for their users, the reality is that Wi-Fi is everywhere, and in most cases, it is free. Wi-Fi offers unlimited bandwidth, and can be accessed for free in many public places like parks, schools, cafés and retail stores. It is also becoming easier to use, thanks to evolving Wi-Fi applications and smartphone hardware that makes the process of locating and logging onto Wi-Fi networks a seamless and often passive activity done automatically by the network operator.a

All these points contribute to an overwhelming majority of respondents (83.1 percent) who expect their service provider to offer a Wi-Fi network through a bundled package.a

And, if given a choice, mobile consumers would rather transmit data via Wi-Fi than use cellular networks, such as 3G: "86 percent of respondents believe that data runs better on Wi-Fi, and an even larger percentage — 88 percent — perceive it to be a less-expensive alternative to 3G."a

Meraki, a company focused on cloud networking, released a study in June that found:a

The average iPad consumes over 400% more Wi-Fi data than the average Android, iPod, and iPhone. Between 2010 and 2011, mobile platforms overtook desktop platforms in percentage of Wi-Fi devices. iOS and Android together now account for 58% of Wi-Fi devices, compared to 33% just one year ago.

With those kinds of numbers, it's no wonder Wi-Fi seems to be all the rage. Take our poll and tell us if you think Wi-Fi is a privilege, or a right.a

More stories:a

Public Wi-Fi hotspots expected to grow fourfold by 2015 More smartphone users turning to Wi-Fi NASA mission to test ultimate space Wi-Fi

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a

HTC Tidak Melanggar Paten Apple

'HTC Tidak Melanggar Paten Apple'

Jakarta - Pembuat smartphone asal Taiwan HTC, dinyatakan tidak melanggar paten Apple. Demikian keputusan terbaru yang dikeluarkan International Trade Commission (ITC) Amerika Serikat (AS).

Putusan ini membalikkan putusan awal yang dikeluarkan Hakim di AS, terkait dengan paten HTC yang dibelinya dari S3 Juli silam. Paten ini memiliki kekhususan pada teknologi kompresi audio.

Saham HTC sempat jatuh 4,9 persen setelah ITC, yang memiliki kewenangan memblokir impor produk, menyatakan bahwa investigasi soal perkara paten di antara HTC dan Apple ditutup.

S3 adalah salah satu di antara sejumlah perusahaan lainnya yang memiliki masalah sengketa hak paten dengan Apple. Google sendiri telah menjual sejumlah patennya ke HTC sehingga pembesut smartphone tersebut bisa menuntut Apple atas isu hak paten yang tengah dalam proses.

Dilansir Telegraph dan dikutip detikINET, Kamis (24/11/2011), Samsung yang memasok chip untuk beberapa produk Apple, juga menjadi subjek sejumlah sengketa paten Apple.

Sembilan paten yang dibeli HTC, yang dibeli Google dari Motorola, Palm dan perusahaan lainnya setahun lalu, berkaitan dengan sistem operasi Android Google.

( rns / rns )

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Samsung Promises Galaxy Nexus Volume-Bug Fix

We're working on the problem, we'll get back to you soon.

That was the message from Samsung Electronics after reports that its hot new smartphone Relevant Products/Services, the Galaxy Nexus, had a somewhat unusual glitch: The volume control Relevant Products/Services tends to have a mind of its own when operating on 2G networks in Europe.

Deliveries Frozen?

Announced last month and launched last week in the United Kingdom, the 4.65-inch, Super AMOLED touchscreen, 1.2-gigahertz dual processor Galaxy Nexus initially had a November U.S. release date via Verizon Wireless, but it has now been pushed off to December, Samsung told Business Insider.

Samsung U.K. released a statement via Twitter on Tuesday, saying: "Regarding the Galaxy Nexus, we are aware of the volume issue and have developed a fix. We will update devices as soon as possible."

That statement is nearly identical to one given to the Web site Android Relevant Products/Services Police by Google, whose Android 4.0, also known as Ice Cream Sandwich, is the operating system powering the device Relevant Products/Services.

Citing information Relevant Products/Services from app developer and tech blogger Steve Troughton-Smith, Slashgear on Wednesday said at least one major retailer warned that Samsung has temporarily halted Nexus shipments while the manufacturer assesses whether the volume bug is a hardware or software Relevant Products/Services problem.

The company handling public relations for South Korea-based Samsung in the United States had not replied to e-mail inquiries as of publication time.

The user forum XDA Developers has a long thread about the Nexus problem, informing participants that "Every Samsung Galaxy Nexus handset seems to be affected by this problem.

'Majority of users, however, are not reporting the problem due to not using 2G networks....2G networks working on GSM 900 are majority of Europe, Africa, Australia, Middle East and large part of Asia. In U.K., the GSM 900 is used by O2, Vodafone, giffgaff, Tesco Mobile."

An online poll on the site found that, as of Wednesday afternoon (Eastern Time), 122 Nexus users had experienced the volume problem, 68 had not, 13 did not initially have it but do now and 9 had the problem before, but no longer do.

Potential Fallout

Is this a major problem for Samsung?

"The question is whether Samsung can resume shipments in time for holiday selling," said wireless Relevant Products/Services analyst William Ho of Current Analysis. "Those who are set on a Nexus will likely wait unless the fix cannot be accommodated in buyers' time frames. The challenge is when competitors' products are available, Samsung has no immediate product." He was referring to the Galaxy Nexus only since Samsung has many other phone models.

Among the unique features of the Galaxy Nexus is a facial recognition application Relevant Products/Services that allows users to unlock the device simply by smiling, without a password to remember. Touch To Beam uses near-field communication Relevant Products/Services to allow users to share media, apps Relevant Products/Services or information by holding two enabled devices together. It's also equipped for voice Relevant Products/Services-input texting and Google+ social networking.

Facebook scam threatens to delete your account

By Suzanne Choney

A new Facebook phishing scheme is about as nasty as they come: The perpetrators threaten to delete users' Facebook accounts unless they hand over various account details within 24 hours.a

While some of you might welcome such a deletion, most of us would not. Sophos Security is warning about the scheme, which was shared on Hoax-Slayer.a

Facebook users may get emails that purport to be from Facebook, saying that the user is violating the social network's policy regulations by annoying or insulting other Facebook users. And, the email says, unless certain personal and financial information (including credit card numbers) is submitted within 24 hours, the user's account will be done away with.a

"The emails are entirely bogus," says Lisa Vaas on Sophos' Naked Security blog. "The scams are, in fact, designed to steal credit card numbers and social media accounts, likely in order to further spread scams and bilk victims."a

As pointed out by Hoax-Slayer, scammers can use the ill-gotten information to hijack a user’s Facebook account. Then, posing as the account holder, the criminals can send out more scam messages and spam to a victim’s Facebook friends, bolstered by the trust users place in their friends.a

Once a criminal has gained access to a victim’s account, they will likely lock out the original account holder by changing account passwords and email addresses. With the credit card information, fraudsters can conduct identity theft and other malicious financial activity.a

Hoax-Slayer warns users not to click on any links in the email itself. "Those who fall for the ruse and click the link will be first taken to a fake Facebook 'Account Disabled' web form that asks them to provide Facebook login details and part of their credit card number." Here's an example of the fake form:a



Fake Facebook form that's part of the gimme-your-info-or-I'll shut down your account scheme.a

"Once the victim has completed this bogus form, he or she is then taken to a second fake form that asks for webmail login details," Hoax-Slayer notes. Then, once that info is provided, the user "is taken to a third bogus form that asks for a username and — again — the first 6 digits of the user's credit card number."a

As Facebook itself says on its security page:a

Spammers and scammers sometimes send phony emails that have been made to look like they’re from Facebook or another reputable website. These emails can be very convincing, and the "From:" field can even be spoofed to include "Facebook” or “The Facebook Team.”a

If an email looks strange, don’t click on any of the links in it, and delete it from your inbox immediately. Be especially wary of emails that ask you to update your account, tell you to open an attachment, or warn you to take some other urgent action.a

"All these phishing scams boil down to a naked grab for your account details," wrote Vaas. "Remember, neither Facebook nor other reputable social media sites would ask for this information. The mere request is a surefire way to suss out bogosity."a

Related stories:a

Nigerian criminals pose as FBI in new email scam Facebook's porn attack: Lawmaker wants answers Facebook's porn and gore attack: Who gets the blame? How not to become a victim of 'sextortion'

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Leaked Black Friday ad reveals Apple discounts

9to5 Maca

By Rosa Golijan

Each year, the day after Thanksgiving — better known as Black Friday — brings us a little gift from Apple: A one-day sale on popular gear. This year is no different and — if a leaked ad turns out to be real — the discounts are very similar to prior offerings.a

The folks at 9to5 Mac have gotten their hands on what they believe is a list of Apple's Black Friday 2011 deals. We wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be correct in that assumption as the leaked price breaks are on par with what we've seen in prior years.a

The leaked ad suggests you'll be able to save $101 on an iMac, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air. It lists discounts of $41-$61 on an iPad (depending on capacity), $11 on an iPod Nano, and $21-$41 on an iPod Touch (depending on capacity).a

There are also various deals on accessories such as $11 savings on the iPad 2 Smart Cover, Apple Wireless Keyboard, and Apple Wireless Magic Trackpad. Many third-party products will also see little price breaks.a

Whether this leaked ad turns out to be the real thing or not, it's worth noting Best Buy has confirmed that it will offer a $45 discount on the 16GB Wi-Fi-only iPad 2.a

Related stories:a

Kohl's parodies Rebecca Black in 'Black Friday' commercial The best tech deals this Black Friday Walmart's Black Friday deals will make gamers smile

Want more tech news, silly puns, or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.a

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kingston Digital announces new entry in SSDNow V series

Press Release:


Kingston Digital Europe Ltd, an affiliate of Kingston Technology Company Inc., the independent world leader in memory products, today announced the next generation of its entry-level, budget SSDNow V series. The Kingston SSDNow V200 brings value and performance to consumers who are looking for an inexpensive upgrade option to boost their current computer’s performance and extend the life of their investment.

The new Kingston SATA Rev 3.0 (6Gb/s) SSDNow V200 is nearly twice as fast as the previous  SSDNow V100 SSD* (figure 1). It is also up to 20 percent less in price than its predecessor SSDNow V100 drive making it one of the best price/performance SSD solutions in the marketplace1. With better performance and a lower cost, the value-driven SSDNow V200 is perfect for cost-conscious consumers who are looking to upgrade to Flash-based, hard-drive solutions for the first time.

The SSDNow V200 is available in 64GB, 128GB and 256GB capacities as either a stand-alone drive or as an upgrade kit to make installation easy. The desktop bundle kit includes the SSD, cloning software, DVD with step-by-step installation video, cables (SATA data and power), and 3.5″ hard-drive mounting brackets and hardware. The notebook bundle includes the SSD, DVD with step-by-step installation video, cloning software and a 2.5″ external enclosure for easy OS and data transfer from HDD to SSD during cloning.

Kingston® SSDs are backed by a three-year warranty and 24/7 live technical support. For more information visit

Kaspersky: Kata Siapa Linux dan Mac Bebas Virus?

Kaspersky: Kata Siapa Linux dan Mac Bebas Virus?

Jakarta - Persepsi tentang Linux dan Mac yang konon digembar-gemborkan bebas dari ancaman virus dan malware coba ditepis Kaspersky Lab. Keduanya belum tentu aman dari serangan, meskipun jumlahnya tak sebanyak sistem operasi (OS) lainnya.

Menurut riset Kaspersky Lab hingga September 2011 kemarin, ada lebih dari 1.000 serangan malware yang menghampiri Mac OS dan 3.351 serangan terhadap Unix based.

Untuk serangan terhadap Unix based, jumlah terbesar menghampiri Linux dengan angka 2.825. Sisanya, OSX 137, Solaris 3, SunOS 122, Unix 213, dan FreeBSD 51.

"Memang masih kecil jumlahnya, namun serangan itu nyata adanya," kata Gun Suk Ling, Director Corporate Sales Kaspersky Lab untuk Asia Pasifik, di Hotel Le Meridien, Jakarta, Rabu (23/11/2011).

Ia pun berpendapat, serangan yang dialami Mac dan Linux memang belum terlalu berpengaruh. Namun dampak dari serangan itu, bisa berimbas pada platform OS lainnya.

"Salah satu contoh dampaknya adalah penyebaran virus multiplatform. Mac dan Linux efektif untuk menyebarkan virus ke OS lain saat transfer data, misalnya. Virus dan malware yang mengendap di kedua OS itu bisa ikut terbawa," jelas dia.

( rou / ash )

Sumber detik com

The average degrees of separation between any two Facebook users is 4.74

A new study by Facebook has found out that the average degrees of separation between any two Facebook users around the world is 4.74. What this means is that if you pick any random Facebook user around the world, chances are that you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows that particular user. So there you have it, the degrees of separation between you and your favorite actor/singer/author/artist is on average less than 5 people.

The study was conducted with the aid of the Laboratory for Web Algorithmics of the Universita degli Studi di Milano, who developed algorithms for Facebook to be able to detect the number of degrees between each pair on Facebook. 4.74 degrees is the average only when it comes to connect two people around the world, and the number actually goes down to 3 when it comes to people within the same country

Facebook actually goes more indepth with the analysis of this information, so for more information, check our their article on this.

Quite fascinaing, isn’t it?

Ratusan Aplikasi Windows Phone 7 Siap Lahir di ITB

Ratusan Aplikasi Windows Phone 7 Siap Lahir di ITB

Jakarta - Microsoft Innovation Center Institut Teknologi Bandung (MIC-ITB) bekerja sama dengan Microsoft Indonesia, Navcore Nextology dan Nokia menargetkan membuat kurang lebih 200 aplikasi mobile berbasis Windows Phone 7 berstandar global.

Ratusan aplikasi ini akan dihasilkan dalam workshop bertajuk MIC-ITB Code Camp 2011 | Windows Phone 7 yang diikuti oleh 230 praktisi teknologi informasi, mahasiswa, dan para penggiat teknologi mobile.

Pelatihan pembuatan aplikasi mobile dengan peserta yang diklaim terbesar di Indonesia ini berlangsung di ITB pada 22-24 November 2011di sela ajang Digital Media Festival 2011.

"Workshop ini pembelajaran praktis yang atraktif tentang perkembangan teknologi mobile terbaru," kata Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, MIC-ITB Manager di ajang ITB Digital Media Festival, dalam keterangannya, Rabu (23/11/2011).

Ratusan aplikasi yang dihasilkan dari workshop ini ditargetkan mampu menembus Windows Phone Marketplace yang diharapkan bisa berkembang, terutama setelah kehadiran Windows Phone 7 Mango Series.

Berdasarkan hasil riset Appcelerator dan IDC, pengembang aplikasi diklaim lebih tertarik mengembangkan aplikasi mobile berbasis Windows Phone dibanding sistem operasi sebelumnya.

Sebanyak 38 persen dari 2.160 pengembang aplikasi di seluruh dunia yang disurvei menyatakan sangat tertarik mengembangkan aplikasi di Windows Phone.

Otomatis, meningkatnya kebutuhan pasar terhadap aplikasi dan game terbaru merupakan peluang bagi para pengembang, termasuk developer pemula, untuk mengenalkan produknya di pasar.

Di workshop ini, peserta diajarkan metode pengembangan aplikasi dan game yang efisien dalam biaya dengan memanfaatkan cloud computing.

"Peserta juga diajarkan bagaimana menjual aplikasi dan game yang dihasilkan," imbuh Ary.

Saat ini, jumlah aplikasi mobile masih di kisaran ratusan ribu dan diperkirakan terus berkembang seiring makin merakyatnya smartphone.

Apple dengan App Store yang dikenalkan sejak tahun 2008 sudah mengoleksi 500 ribu aplikasi hingga Oktober 2011. Adapun Android Market yang dirilis pada tahun 2008 telah mengoleksi 300 ribu aplikasi. Windows Phone Marketplace yang dikenalkan Oktober 2010 sudah mengolekasi 40 ribu lebih aplikasi dari 10 ribu perusahaan pengembang di seluruh dunia.

Ary menandaskan, pengembang aplikasi dan game Indonesia memiliki kemampuan untuk bersaing dengan aplikasi dan game dari luar negeri. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari semakin banyaknya aplikasi dan game dari pengembang Indonesia yang beredar di pasar.

( ash / rns )

Sumber detik com

Old NeXT biography shows Steve Jobs in what he does best

BackPocketCOO has unearthed an old biography that shows a remarkably handsome Steve Jobs leading a bunch of roughly dressed employees into his next big venture, aptly titled NeXT.

The video, which starts with Jobs plucking carrots,  is 20 mins long, so make sure you are settled in.

MicroSDHC Transcend Class 10 Tembus 20MB/Detik

MicroSDHC Transcend Class 10 Tembus 20MB/Detik

Jakarta - Transcend mengeluarkan kartu microSDHC Class 10 seri Ultimate. Sebagai versi 'pamungkas', kecepatan membaca media penyimpanan digital ini diklaim bisa sampai 20MB/detik dan 17MB/detik untuk menulis.

Tentu saja, kecepatan itu terbilang ngebut di antara perangkat media penyimpanan lainnya. Hal ini salah satunya lantaran embel-embel 'class 10' yang menempel di perangkat tersebut.

Seperti diketahui, selain dibedakan dengan merek, besar kapasitas dan model, SD Association juga membagi SD dan SDHC card dalam beberapa kelas. Ada yang kelas 2, 4, 6, dan 10. Biasanya tanda kelas ini tertulis di media penyimpanan tersebut.

Nah, kelas-kelas inilah yang membedakan kecepatan data yang dihantarkan. Intinya, semakin tinggi kelasnya, semakin cepat pula data yang dihantarkan.

Tak pelak, transcend sesumbar bahwa MicroSDHC Class 10 Ultimate besutannya memiliki kecepatan superior. Sebagai tambahan, perangkat ini juga telah dilengkapi dengan mini card reader.

Berikut spesifikasinya:

Ukuran: 11mm x 15mm x 1.0mm (microSD)
32.7mm x 16.0mm x 7.8mm (P3 reader)

Op. Voltage: 2.7V~3.6V (microSD)
5V (P3 reader)

Op. Temperature: -25°C(-13°F) ~ 85°C(185°F) (microSD)
0°C(32°F) ~ 70°C(158°F) (P3 reader)

Daya Tahan: 10,000 insertion/removal cycles

Berat: 0.4 gram (microSD)
2 gram (P3 reader)

( ash / eno )

Sumber detik com

Analyst: Apple will surpass HP as the leading PC vendor

Research firm Canalys believes Apple will surpass HP as the top PC vendor by mid-2012 – but only when the iPad sales are counted in as well, which the firm does (they think it is a ‘personal computer’).

Apple’s market share (with the iPad counted in) grew from 9% to 15% year-over-year. Without the ‘magical’ tablet, Apple passed the 5% mark only recently. The iPad will face stiff competition from Kindle Fire and Nook tablet, Canalys says, due to their extremely competitive price points.

“Apple has seen its PC market share expand from 9% to 15% in just four quarters, though iPad shipments in its core market â€" the United States â€" are likely to come under pressure in Q4 due to the launch of the Fire and Nook at extremely competitive price points,” said Canalys Analyst Tim Coulling. “HP and Apple will fight for top position in Q4, but Apple may have to wait for the release of iPad 3 before it passes HP.”

In terms of worldwide sales, Canalys predicts PC shipments to reach 415 million by end of 2011, a 15% year-over-year raise thanks to tablet sales. Separately, tablets is expected to reach 59 million in sales by the end the year, with Q4 volumes to exceed 22 million.

Sharing Pengalaman Unik, Raih Mouse Cantik

Sharing Pengalaman Unik, Raih Mouse Cantik

Jakarta - Punya pengalaman menarik dan unik selama menggunakan produk-produk Microsoft? Yuk, sharing dengan detikINET. Siapa tahu bisa membawa pulang touch mouse yang cantik.

Produk-produk Microsoft memang telah lama menjadi tools yang diandalkan di dunia teknologi. Pastinya banyak pengalaman dan cerita menarik dari Anda yang telah menggunakan produk-produknya, baik itu software ataupun IT peripheral lainnya.

Berikan sedikit cerita singkat dan menarik Anda bersama Microsoft dan kami akan memilih 5 orang dengan cerita terbaik untuk mendapatkan 2 unit Arc Touch Mouse, 2 unit Explorer Touch Mouse, 1 unit Touch Mouse Microsoft

Caranya mudah. Cukup isi form yang ada di link ini.

Berikut persyaratannya:

1. Pendaftar mengisi form dengan lengkap
2. Pendaftaran ditutup pada tanggal 30 November 2011
3. Pengumuman pemenang pada tanggal 5 Desember 2011
4. Pemenang akan dihubungi oleh promosi detikcom
5. Info: subject:microsoftdetikinet

Program bertajuk 'My Microsoft Experince' ini merupakan hasil kerja sama antara detikINET dengan PT Microsoft Indonesia.

( ash / ash )

Informasi pemasangan iklan
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Long-Denied Facebook Phone Could Be Coming Soon

After years of denying rumors that it is out to create a Facebook-branded smartphone Relevant Products/Services, the social-media kingpin is now reportedly admitting that an HTC-created handset is in the making -- though as much as 18 months from release.

Reports Tuesday said the device Relevant Products/Services would be nicknamed Buffy, a monicker that grew from the codename "Slayer," which could either be a juxtaposition of social and layer or a reference to the widely held goal of "slaying" Apple's top-selling iPhone. Buffy, of course, is the sexy cheerleader who slayed vampires in a 1997-2003 WB TV series, based on a 1992 film of the same name.

Tweaking Android Relevant Products/Services

The Wall Street Journal's tech blog All Things D reported that the phone will be powered by a tweaked-up version of Google's Android operating system, to integrate Facebook features such as friend requests, comments and likes as well as support HTML5 as an applications platform.

The Journal cited "sources familiar with the project." Facebook Chief Technical Officer Bret Taylor has led the project, the report said.

As recently as January, Facebook was shooting down rumors that such a device was in the works.

While Facebook and Taiwanese-based HTC would not comment on the report, a Facebook spokesman hinted that deals could be in the works with other manufacturers, telling All Things D: "Our mobile Relevant Products/Services strategy is simple: We think every mobile device is better if it is deeply social. We're working across the entire mobile industry; with operators, hardware manufacturers, OS providers, and application Relevant Products/Services developers to bring powerful social experiences to more people around the world."

New Territory

Selling a phone would mark a departure for the wildly successful social network Relevant Products/Services founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, which claims 721 million active users and has prided itself on having no inventory of physical products. The company's income derives from ads and selling virtual Relevant Products/Services products, such as birthday cakes, as well as selling access Relevant Products/Services to application- and game-makers.

The question is, other than die-hard Facebook addicts and fans, why would anyone need a Facebook phone when they can easily access the network directly or through apps Relevant Products/Services on any other smartphone, some of which -- like HTC's ChaCha -- have dedicated Facebook buttons for instant sharing?

"I guess it all depends how integrated the device is when accessing social-media sites and connections," said wireless Relevant Products/Services analyst Kirk Parsons of JD Power and Associates. "If there are a couple of new ways to access info that makes it either easier, or cooler -- or both -- they may succeed, but given that the launch is at least 12 to 15 months away, it would need to be ground-breaking to make a dent or gain share in an already crowded smartphone segment."

All Things D said Facebook also considered working with South Korea-based Samsung on the phone project.