Saturday, December 24, 2011

Smartphones Taking Bite Out of Point-and-Shoot Market, Says NPD

People will spend less coin on digital cameras this holiday season as they increasingly rely on smartphone Relevant Products/Services cameras to capture both spontaneous moments and vacation shots, a survey from the research firm NPD Group suggests.

While the results should not surprise, given the higher quality cameras increasingly built into popular phones -- the iPhone 4S packs an 8-megapixel model, up from 5 on the iPhone 4 -- the survey offers a quantified look at how much the smartphone market is eating into the low-end camera market.

Who Needs A Camcorder?

The percentage of photos taken with a smartphone by a sample group answering online questions rose from 17 last year to 27, while the share of photos taken by camera dropped from 52 percent to 44 percent.

In separate findings, NPD's Retail Tracking Service found that so-called "point-and-shoot" camera sales fell 17 percent in units and 18 percent in dollars for the first 11 months of 2011. The drop in pocket camcorder sales was slightly lower, 13 percent in units, but steeper in dollars, 27 percent, while flash camcorders declined 8 percent in units and 10 percent in dollars.

Just over 30 percent of respondents said they now use phones for taking photos while on vacation, and just over 50 percent said they use phones for casual photos. The numbers were similar for video Relevant Products/Services, with a higher number, about 55 percent, using their handy smartphones to capture spontaneous moments for posterity (or YouTube).

"Thanks to mobile Relevant Products/Services phones, more pictures are being taken than ever before," said Liz Cutting, executive director and senior imaging analyst at NPD, in releasing the results. "Consumers who use their mobile phones to take pictures and video were more likely to do so instead of their camera when capturing spontaneous moments, but for important events, single purpose cameras or camcorders are still largely the device Relevant Products/Services of choice."

The survey was taken Nov. 11-21 from a sample of adults over 18 and teens ages 13-17.

Big Potential

Manufacturers and carriers are increasingly seeing the value of good cameras as a selling point and differentiator. In June, HTC and T-Mobile released the MyTouch 4G Relevant Products/Services, with an 8-megapixel camera, promising no shutter lag -- a big drawback of many digital cameras. With its fast data Relevant Products/Services speed, the MyTouch is a good option for taking good pictures and sharing them quickly, T-Mobile said at the time.

"Smartphone cameras are getting good enough that people will only buy a digital camera if it is much better," said analyst Gerry Purdy of MobileTrax. The benefits of a dedicated, higher-end camera over a phone, he said are optical zoom, available only on select phones, large lens capture and better digital image capture chips.

"It's a trade-off of fidelity vs. convenience," Purdy said. "People want to have a really good camera for a wedding, but convenience is going to drive the popularity of camera phones, which are good enough for most situations."

A feat of strength: Festivus thrives online


One of many interpretations of Festivus.a

By Athima Chansanchai

When "Seinfeld" first introduced "Festivus" to mainstream America in 1997, the show's writers probably had no idea that 14 years later not only would it still be celebrated every Dec. 23, but that it would fit so well in an online world where "airing of the grievances" is pretty much a regular pastime.a

For those of you who haven't caught the episode in countless reruns, "Festivus for the rest of us" became a catchphrase after the show's fictional Frank Costanza (George's dad) introduced it as an all-inclusive, secular alternative to Christmas consumerism. See if this jogs your memory:a

The Festivus story, as told by Frank Constanzaa

The New York Times explained to viewers years later that the holiday had actually been around since 1966, invented by Dan O'Keefe, whose son Daniel was a writer on "Seinfeld."a

His son took some evolutionary leaps with his dad's idea: He added a plain aluminum Festivus pole, the "airing of grievances" (a chance for family members to expel the pent-up feelings towards other relatives) and "feats of strength," wrestling matches that end with the take-down pinning of the family patriarch.a

Others have contributed their own additions to the holiday over the years, which the wonderful World Wide Web has brought to us in full glory.a

At, revelers can peruse tips on airing grievances (including posting sticky notes to poles), party ideas and re-gifting suggestions. (Might we suggest some tech gadget reycling?) The Denver-based Festivus Film Festival (try saying that three times fast) celebrates indie films, though other than the name, it doesn't seem to have too many gimmicks associated with the holiday. On Facebook, you can see how your friends include Festivus in their status updates by checking this page. advertisement

On Twitter, Festivus tweets are the best example of grievance airing gone viral, with users encouraging each other to sound off (as if they need a holiday to do that) and brag about feats of strength. Feel free to do both or either in our comments! Happy Festivus ... for the rest of us!a

Dec 23: This sunday, many will be celebrating Christmas and Hannukah, Kwansaa is Monday but starting the 23rd, tis the season for Festivus. What is it? Rita Cosby finds out.a

More stories:a

A feat of legal strength Festivus poles now are for the rest of us Festivus:  the alternative holiday?

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a

Bobbie's Buzz: Must-have tech-cessories

TODAY style editor Bobbie Thomasa

By Bobbie Thomas

By the end of the month, there will be countless proud, new owners of smart phones, tablets, mp3 players and more, so TODAY style editor and's Bobbie Thomas looks ahead to the latest and greatest tech-cessories for the new year.a

Just your typeTouch screen devices are becoming a way of life in many parts of the country, but for those of us still tied to "old school" keyboards, The Sharper Image has developed a clever solution. Their iPhone Slideout Keyboard Case puts QWERTY-style, type-able buttons in the palm of your hand. Simply attach the case, pull out the keyboard and quickly knock out emails, texts and more. Just like the good ol' days! ($74.99;

Bling your budsWhile you may have seen crystal-encrusted headphones in stores, you probably haven't seen anything like Deos' earbud covers. Essentially decorative jewelry for your headphones, the covers come in an array of sparkling colors and styles and clip on to your favorite pair of in-ear buds.  You can move them from mp3 player to phone to computer, or just change them out to match your ensemble. Set by hand for long term adhesion, they can even protect your headphones from wear and tear ($30 and up;

Pillow for your padTablet users that lounge on the couch know that sometimes you need a little bit of support. Thankfully, there are a few great options to choose from. The Beanpad from B&H Photo is a cute and colorful bean-bag based stand that provides a comfy resting place for your iPad ($59.99; While another option, the Lounge Case by InCase, is a hard shell case with a soft, cushioned back. It will keep everything safe, secure and at just the right angle for browsing the web or catching up on reading before bed ($59.95; a

TODAY's style editor Bobbie Thomas shows off cool tech accessories you'll want to get for music players, iPads  and cell phones. a

More: The 9 best beauty stocking stuffers for under $15a

TODAY talent's favorite holiday hostess giftsa

Friday, December 23, 2011

Inti dan TelkomSigma Klarifikasi ke BRTI

Inti dan TelkomSigma Klarifikasi ke BRTI

Jakarta - PT Inti dan TelkomSigma mendatangi kantor Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI) untuk memberikan klarifikasi terkait masuknya mereka dalam daftar nama content provider (CP) dengan shortcode tak berizin.

"Sehabis Telkom, kita kedatangan juga dari PT Inti. Sama-sama klarifikasi layanan dia. Kesimpulan juga sama masih akan dipelajari lebih jauh," kata anggota BRTI M Ridwan Effendi kepada detikINET, Jumat (23/12/2012).

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, nama PT Inti dan TelkomSigma (Sigma Cipta Caraka) masuk dalam daftar aduan nama CP dengan shortcode tak berizin dari BRTI. Inti menggunakan shortcode A88 dan TelkomSigma menggunakan shortcode 3388.

Dalam kesempatan terpisah, keduanya mengklaim bahwa layanan dengan shortcode tersebut bukan digunakan untuk kepentingan SMS premium layaknya yang diselenggarakan CP pada umumnya.

TelkomSigma mengatakan bahwa 3388 digunakan hanya untuk IT platform layanan SMS banking dari infrastruktur SERA Systems yang disediakannya.

Sedangkan A88 dari PT Inti merupakan shortcode untuk infrastruktur sistem perangkat layanan Voice SMS bersama mitranya, XL Axiata.

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Menanti Makin Merakyatnya Teknologi Awan di 2012

Menanti Makin Merakyatnya Teknologi 'Awan' di 2012

Jakarta - Berbagai vendor pada tahun 2011 sejatinya terbilang gencar dalam mempromosikan kemampuan teknologi komputasi awan (cloud computing). Namun apakah hal itu benar-benar dapat diikuti dunia industri? Sepertinya masih sulit diprediksi.

Namun keyakinan yang sama muncul kala menyambut tahun 2012. Dimana teknologi awan diyakini akan memiliki peran penting dalam mengendalikan tren teknologi.

Menurut Steve Herrod, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) dan Senior Vice President Reasearch & Development VMware, pada 2012 penggunaan dan pengadopsian teknologi awan akan meningkat.

Hal ini didasari dari sebuah riset yang dilakukan Forrester pada Oktober 2011 lalu dimana menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak organisasi yang memilih menerapkan teknologi public dan private cloud dengan presentase 41%. Jumlah ini meningkat hampir 10% dibandingkan hasil riset tahun lalu (38%).

Public cloud sendiri, dinilai Herrord, sejatinya merupakan pilihan yang kurang disukai karena sebagian besar organisasi di seluruh kawasan melihat teknologi ini kurang aman untuk mengelola data dan aplikasi perusahaan.

Di kawasan Asia Pasifik, sebanyak 78% organisasi kini dinilai mempertimbangkan untuk menerapkan virtualisasi sebagai dasar yang penting bagi komputasi awan. Pengadopsian teknologi virtual yang tertinggi dilakukan oleh perusahaan asuransi (83%), kemudian diikuti oleh perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor perbankan atau keuangan (81%) dengan sebagian besar kini telah mengadopsi komputasi awan.

Perusahaan saat ini dikatakan memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai dampak positif dari penerapan komputasi awan terhadap perkembangan bisnis mereka. Dalam mengarungi perjalanan komputasi awan -- baik melalui model privat maupun hybrid, perusahaan kini semakin sadar bahwa tidak ada 'awan' yang pas untuk semua kebutuhan.

Dalam hal aplikasi, Herrord juga melihat adanya pergeseran tipe infrastruktur aplikasi yang dipakai. Melihat realita aplikasi berbasis website atau mobile modern, dengan pola penggunaan yang dinamis, dibutuhkan pendekatan arsitektural baru.

Dimana teknologi itu harus bisa fleksibel di setiap tier aplikasi itu sehingga saat pengguna mengaksesnya, infrastruktur aplikasi akan langsung menyesuaikan untuk memenuhi permintaan penggunaan.

Pendekatan pengembangan aplikasi ke depan akan memiliki ciri-ciri berikut:
-. Mengembangkan dengan menggunakan kerangka modern.
-. Memanfaatkan server aplikasi ringan yang dioptimalkan untuk platform infrastruktur yang akan memfasilitasi pemasangan teknologi tersebut.
-. Menyimpan sesi di cache data yang fleksibel sehingga Anda dapat menyesuaikan server aplikasi Anda dengan mudah dan sederhana.
-. Menggunakan teknologi pengiriman pesan berbasis cloud untuk mengintegrasikan aplikasi secara mudah.
-. Pada akhirnya, memperkenalkan layer akses terhadap data yang dapat disesuaikan mengingat ini merupakan elemen yang paling penting.

Pendekatan arsitektural juga dinilai dapat diterapkan dengan menggunakan virtualisasi. Pembuatan mesin virtual memungkinkan pengguna untuk membangun arsitektur secara sederhana dan menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk peningkatan kapasitas VM secara terus-menerus. Hal ini menekankan pada kesederhanaan dan komponen ringan yang dapat menyesuaikan dengan mudah.

Pengguna dapat memulai migrasi cloud dengan mencari aplikasi yang dapat berbagi beberapa atau bahkan semua dari kelima karakteristik berikut ini:
-. Aplikasi yang telah tervirtualisasi
-. Aplikasi yang mudah digabungkan dan modular dalam rancangannya
-. Aplikasi yang tidak memiliki banyak persyaratan untuk keperluan privasi dan keamanan
-. Aplikasi yang dapat menoleransi kondisi darurat
-. Aplikasi yang tidak dibebani oleh berbagai peraturan.
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3 Aplikasi Pembaca Layar Gratisan untuk Tunanetra

3 Aplikasi Pembaca Layar Gratisan untuk Tunanetra

Jakarta - Aplikasi pembaca layar (screen reader) adalah piranti lunak yang digunakan tunanetra untuk mengoperasikan komputer. Sayangnya, rata-rata screen reader komersial harganya selangit, sehingga banyak tunanetra yang hanya dapat merasakan versi demonya saja. Nah, kali ini penulis ingin berbagi informasi tentang beberapa pembaca layar gratisan yang dapat dimanfaatkan tunanetra tanpa perlu mengeluarkan biaya sepeser pun!

Kalau boleh dibilang, screen reader adalah "mata" bagi tunanetra dalam mengoperasikan komputer. Dengan aplikasi tersebut, tunanetra dapat memperoleh informasi tentang teks yang tertera di layar monitor. Teks tersebut diubah menjadi suara menggunakan teknologi speech synthesizer, sehingga hasilnya dapat didengar oleh tunanetra.

Dengan demikian, sudah dapat dipastikan kalau akses informasi bagi tunanetra pun semakin terbuka. Berkat bantuan screen reader, mereka dapat browsing, bekerja, melakukan presentasi, bahkan menikmati hiburan menggunakan PC atau Notebook.

Namun, ternyata untuk memperoleh sebuah screen reader biayanya lumayan mahal. Yang paling murah harganya sekitar USD 399, dan yang kebanyakan dipakai harganya bisa melampaui USD 1.000. Untuk nilai sebesar itu, barangkali hanya institusi besar atau kalangan tertentu saja yang dapat membelinya, sementara individu tunanetra barangkali harus mengorbankan sepuluh atau dua puluh bulan gaji untuk dapat membelinya.

Sebagai alternatif, biasanya tunanetra menggunakan versi demo dari screen reader komersial. Versi demo tersebut memungkinkan tunanetra memakai screen reader selama 30 atau 40 menit. Setelah itu, screen reader akan non-aktif dan untuk mengaktifkannya kembali komputer harus di-restart. Tentu saja ini sebuah praktek yang kurang praktis.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa screen reader gratisan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi permasalahan di atas. Meski fitur-fiturnya tak selengkap screen reader komersial, namun sudah cukup untuk digunakan sebagai alat bantu aktivitas berkomputer sehari-hari.

Namun, penulis tak akan membahas secara terperinci mengingat hal tersebut akan memanjangkan artikel ini. Penulis hanya ingin mengenalkan saja, sehingga masyarakat dapat membagikan informasi ini pada yang membutuhkan.

Adapun kriteria yang penulis gunakan dalam memilih screen reader gratisan ini adalah sebagai berikut:

- Selalu update. Beberapa screen reader gratisan sudah tumbang, sehingga tidak lagi update, dan tentu saja tidak dapat digunakan pada sistem operasi terkini.

- Stabil. Screen reader gratisan ini berjalan mulus, setidaknya untuk komputer dengan spesifikasi terkini.

- Mendukung aktivitas berkomputer umum (Navigasi sistem operasi, aplikasi Office, dan internet). Penulis menjamin tunanetra sudah dapat menikmati hiburan atau bekerja di kantor dengan memanfaatkan screen reader gratisan ini.

1. Voice Over

Voice Over adalah screen reader bawaan yang dibuat untuk produk keluaran Apple, baik Mac maupun iDevice. Screen reader ini dapat langsung dipakai saat Mac atau iDevice diaktifkan.

Untuk aplikasi pihak pertama seperti program bawaan sistem operasi, Voice Over berjalan lancar tanpa hambatan. Dengan kata lain, tunanetra tak akan menemui kesulitan berarti dalam mengakses fitur dasar perangkatnya.

Mac (iMac, Macbook): Tekan shortcut Command+F5 atau aktifkan dari menu pengaturan (aksesibilitas).

iDevice (iPod, iPhone, iPad): Aktifkan di pilihan Setting > General > Accessibility. Bisa juga diaktifkan dari iTunes melalui pilihan Universal Access (setelah iDevice tersambung ke PC atau Notebook).

2. System Access To Go

System Access To Go adalah screen reader gratisan dari versi komersialnya, System Access. Untuk dapat menggunakannya diperlukan koneksi internet, karena screen reader ini tidak di-install, melainkan berjalan secara online.

Untuk menjalankannya, silakan buka situs Nanti akan terdengar suara yang akan memandu pengguna tunanetra dalam memasang System Access To Go.

System Access To Go dapat menangani dengan baik aplikasi bawaan Windows, dan beberapa aplikasi umum seperti Microsoft Office, WinAmp, dan Skype.

Nah, screen reader ini sangat berguna bila tunanetra bepergian ke sarana umum seperti perpustakaan atau warnet. System Access To Go tidak membutuhkan instalasi, maka komputer yang digunakan sebagai host tidak perlu diutak-atik.

Namun, barangkali akan sedikit sulit apabila komputer hostnya tidak memberi hak akses untuk mengeksekusi file EXE, karena System Access To Go perlu download dan mengeksekusi file aplikasi utamanya (besaran 3MB).

Kelemahan dari System Access To Go, tentu saja, terletak pada soal koneksi internet itu sendiri. Kalau koneksinya lambat atau putus, maka System Access To Go akan membisu seribu bahasa, dan hal itu tentu saja membuat tunanetra kehilangan kontak dengan komputernya.

3. NVDA (Non Visual Desktop Access)

NVDA adalah screen reader berlisensi open source yang dibuat oleh NV Access. Untuk mendapatkannya, silakan akses situsnya di

Meski gratisan, kemampuan NVDA boleh diacungi jempol. Selain memiliki fungsi yang hampir sama dengan System Access To Go, NVDA pun menyediakan fitur yang memungkinkan tunanetra mengoperasikan mouse (bila mouse digerakkan akan terdengar suara yang mengindikasikan posisi mouse).

NVDA tersedia dalam dua rasa, installer dan portable. Yang installer dapat diinstal pada PC, dan yang portable dapat di-copy ke flash disk dan dapat dijalankan tanpa perlu instalasi.

Lagi-lagi ini sangat berguna bila tunanetra bepergian ke sarana umum yang komputernya tidak dilengkapi screen reader, karena NVDA dapat langsung dijalankan (butuh hak akses eksekusi EXE).

Opini penulis

Dengan adanya artikel ini, diharapkan semakin banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang tahu bagaimana memberi akses tunanetra terhadap dunia informasi melalui komputer dengan biaya 0.000. Setidaknya hal ini berlaku untuk pengadaan screen reader sebagai sarana interaksi tunanetra dan komputer.

Dengan demikian, tunanetra yang tinggal di daerah terpencil atau kurang mampu pun sudah dapat berkomputer. Cukup sediakan komputer spesifikasi netbook dan pasangkan salah satu pembaca layar gratisan, dan tunanetra pun sudah dapat menggunakannya.

Di dunia pendidikan, kesempatan tunanetra untuk ikut belajar dengan memanfaatkan komputer pun semakin terbuka. Pihak sekolah tak harus mengeluarkan dana berlebih untuk menyediakan pembaca layar, karena aplikasi yang penulis sebutkan di atas sudah dapat menangani aplikasi yang umum digunakan untuk menuntaskan tugas-tugas sekolah.

Informasi ini juga dapat disosialisasikan pada pengelola sarana umum seperti perpustakaan atau warnet. Tentunya tidak terlalu sulit untuk memasang pembaca layar gratisan yang ukurannya relatif kecil. Jadi, andaikan ada pengunjung tunanetra yang datang, pihak pengelola dapat menghidupkan pembaca layar tersebut dan tunanetra pun dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas umum tersebut.

Hal terbesar yang penulis dan rekan-rekan tunanetra lain impikan, tentu saja, adalah terciptanya kesempatan akses informasi yang lebih besar bagi tunanetra. Screen reader gratisan diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu solusi dalam mewujudkan impian tersebut.

Catatan: Artikel ini ditulis pada Microsoft Word 2010 dengan memanfaatkan NVDA versi 2011-3.

Ramaditya Tentang Penulis: Eko Ramaditya Adikara adalah blogger tuna netra yang menggemari dunia digital dan teknologi informasi. Blognya bisa dibaca di

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TweetDeck Kurangi Crash di Update Terbaru

TweetDeck Kurangi Crash di Update Terbaru

Jakarta - Sejak TweetDeck dirilis, banyak yang mengeluhkan performa dan ketidakstabilan Twitter client ini. Oleh karena itulah Twitter membuat perbaikan untuk memperbaiki isu tersebut di update terbarunya.

Twitter baru saja merilis TweetDeck 1.1 untuk desktop sekaligus versi web berbasis Chrome. Bila dicermati, versi ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan versi 1.0.

Tak ada penambahan fitur baru di sini, yang mana mungkin mengecewakan bagi sejumlah pengguna. Namun Twitter menjanjikan bahwa dengan mengupdate ke versi ini, pengguna tidak akan mengalami crash yang sebelumnya sering terjadi.

Menginstal versi desktop sangat gampang, namun pengguna harus menguninstal versi 1.0 terlebih dulu. Dikutip detikINET dari Mashable, Jumat (23/12/2011), TweetDeck versi original sebelumnya tidak pernah menyandang status versi 1 hingga akhirnya ia diakuisisi oleh Twitter pada bulan Mei.

TweetDeck adalah salah satu Twitter client yang banyak dipakai. Perilisan versi terbaru ini menyusul desain baru TweetDeck yang dirilis beberapa minggu lalu. Selain memiliki logo baru, desain TweetDeck yang anyar juga lebih memudahkan pengguna dalam pemakaiannya.

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Nimbula Offers Service for Private Cloud Building

Companies wanting to move from a public to a private Relevant Products/Services cloud Relevant Products/Services have the option of a new service. This week, Mountain View, Calif.-based Nimbula announced its Cloud Migration Service.

Nimbula said its Migration Service is designed for those companies that start out in a public cloud infrastructure, such as Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), because they want to avoid initial capital investment or they need to address rapid growth, or both. After the initial growth phase, and once they have a handle on the workload required, an internal cloud is often planned in order to control expenses and to complement the public workload.

'A Seamless Migration'

Nimbula Director of Professional Services Nishan Sathyanarayan said in a statement that customers often look to a hybrid Relevant Products/Services deployment model, with both their own private cloud as well as public infrastructure. Through the technical design and migration plan offered by Nimbula, he said, "our customers can confidently execute a seamless migration into a robust and cost-effective private or hybrid cloud solution and balance their investment in public clouds."

Nimbula's key strategic focus is for enterprises to use public clouds when fast growth of applications is required. Once the workload and needs have become stable, Nimbula sees it making more sense to migrate to an internal cloud. If the app still has unpredictable bursts of activity, appropriately called cloudbursts, that component might be left in the public cloud.

The Nimbula service provides consultants to help customers design and build a commodity cloud in-house, without the normal investment required, by using existing resources wherever possible. Typically, this would incorporate x86 servers and Nimbula's cloud system software Relevant Products/Services, and the customer Relevant Products/Services does the actual implementation.

One of those offerings is the Nimbula Director Jumpstart package. The Jumpstart package includes deployment of a customized showcase or proof-of-concept environment for demonstration purposes, to build internal company support.

'Cloud Operating System'

The Director product is one entry in a new category known as a "cloud operating system," and it provides a view of an automated compute and storage Relevant Products/Services cloud, so that the operational and hardware complexity is separated from the virtual Relevant Products/Services data Relevant Products/Services center Relevant Products/Services management solution. A cloud operating system treats all resources, in private or in public clouds, as one system that is optimized for required workloads.

The company said that Director is used by both enterprises and service providers. Key uses by enterprises include deploying a private cloud for application development and testing, hosting of such apps Relevant Products/Services as Web 2.0 or e-commerce, or controlling use of public clouds through federation functionality in Director. Service providers use Director for implementing their own public clouds.

Nimbula's founders helped build Amazon EC2. Chris Pinkham, now Nimbula CEO, was vice president of engineering at Amazon Web services, and Willem van Biljon, now Nimbula vice president of products, was involved with the business Relevant Products/Services plan for EC2.

Hacker China Dituding Jebol Sistem Komputer Kadin AS

Hacker China Dituding Jebol Sistem Komputer Kadin AS

Jakarta - Peretas China dituding terlibat dalam aksi pembobolan sistem pertahanan komputer milik Kamar Dagang dan Industri Amerika Serikat yang terjadi tahun lalu. Sejumlah data penting para anggotanya pun diduga berhasil diintip.

Tuduhan itu dilontarkan Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) yang menemukan bahwa, salah satu server di China memiliki sejumlah data rahasia yang diduga dicuri dari lembaga tersebut.

Namun hal itu dibantah oleh pemerintah China. "Tak ada yang bisa dikatakan soal tuduhan tidak mendasar itu," kata juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri China, Liu Weimin.

Seperti dilaporkan WSJ dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (23/12/2011), meski sudah terjadi selama setahun namun aksi itu baru terendus baru-baru ini, dan belum diketahui data apa saja yang berhasil diciduk oleh pelaku.

Saat ini Kamar Dagang dan Industri milik Amerika Serikat dihuni oleh ratusan anggota yang sebagian besar mewakili industri penting dari Negara Adidaya tersebut.

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Social media powers these Christmas tree lights

By Suzanne Choney

Some wags may think this is the best use of social media ever: Helping to light up a 30-foot Christmas tree in Toronto's Union Station.a

"The tree takes positive Christmas chatter in social media and uses the data to light up the 30,000 LED lights strung around it," explains Sheldon Levine of Sysomos on the company's blog:a

Each color of light represents Christmas spirit coming from a different social channel. White lights represent social networks like Twitter and public Facebook statuses, red for blog and forum posts, green for online news and blue lights for messages sent through text [directly to] The more social media spirit that comes in at one time the brighter the tree shines. As well, there are a few Easter egg words (#santa, #snowflake, #magic) that you can send to the tree to make it do some pretty fancy light patterns.a

Toronto-based Sysomos, which does social media analytics (and data mining), used a list of 50 Christmas keywords (like Santa or elf) captured "from social media talk across Canada. We then analyze the sentiment of the messages pulled in. From there all the positive mentions get sent through an API to a machine designed to turn the social media Christmas data into a spectacular light show," Levine wrote.a

The project was funded by north-of-the-border superstore Canadian Tire.a

The YouTube video above explains the process, and if you want to watch as the tree changes lights, check out the LiveStream video below. And if you don't have a tree yet, put the live stream on the largest size possible, sip some eggnog — and enjoy.a

Watch live streaming video from canadiantire at

Related stories:a

The nerdiest Christmas trees ever Getting new tech? Safely ditch the old 'Facebook' top search term (again) for 2011

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a


900 Juta Komputer Tablet akan Banjiri Dunia

900 Juta Komputer Tablet akan Banjiri Dunia

Jakarta - Dunia sedang menghadapi era komputer tablet. Menurut berbagai riset, perangkat mobile berbasis layar sentuh ini akan terus tumbuh pesat penjualannya.

"Jumlah penjualan komputer tablet diestimasi mencapai 900 juta pada tahun 2016," tukas Pieter Lydian, Country Manager Dell Indonesia di Menara BCA, Kamis (22/12/2011).

Estimasi penjualan yang hampir mencapai 1 miliar unit tersebut berdasarkan analisis dari biro riset Gartner. Salah satu faktor pemicunya adalah semakin banyaknya generasi muda yang melek teknologi.

Riset terpisah oleh IDC menyebutkan bahwa pada tahun 2012 mendatang, komputer tablet bersama smartphone akan berjaya. Kombinasi penjualan keduanya akan melampaui pengapalan komputer PC.

"Perangkat mobile juga akan membukukan pendapatan besar dari sektor aplikasi karena diproyeksi ada 86 miliar kali download aplikasi," sebut Lydian mengutip data IDC.

Bagi para vendor industri sendiri, tahun 2012 dipandang menjanjikan. Sebab pertumbuhan ekonomi diproyeksi akan cukup baik.

"Saat ini memang terjadi krisis Eropa namun sepertinya akan segera ada solusi dalam waktu dekat. Karenanya tahun depan ekonomi diprediksi membaik," ucap Lydian.

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AT&T Growth Plans Pressured by Verizon Spectrum Deals

With its bid for T-Mobile officially over, AT&T Relevant Products/Services faces a spectrum crunch exacerbated by the slowness of regulators to approve its earlier spectrum deal with Qualcomm, even as the wireless Relevant Products/Services carrier is forced to part with advanced wireless solutions spectrum.

AT&T's loss of AWS spectrum is a break-up provision in the merger contract it signed with T-Mobile's parent company, Deutsche Telekom, last March. T-Mobile's AWS spectrum windfall, courtesy of AT&T, will provide coverage in 128 U.S. cellular markets, including Los Angeles, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle.

Rival Verizon Wireless has already made several moves to take advantage of AT&T's AWS spectrum loss. Cox Communications said last Friday that it has agreed to sell Verizon its 20 megahertz AWS spectrum licenses covering 28 million points of presence (PoP) in exchange for $315 million.

"These agreements provide Cox customers with key enablers to mobility Relevant Products/Services, such as access Relevant Products/Services to Verizon Wireless' 4G Relevant Products/Services LTE network Relevant Products/Services and iconic wireless devices," said Cox Communications President Pat Esser.

Though AT&T is facing a spectrum crunch, "it doesn't strike me that ATT will capitulate to Verizon Wireless," said Lisa Pierce, Gartner Relevant Products/Services's managing vice president of unified Relevant Products/Services communications and network services.

"The loss of T-Mobile will spur ATT's LTE-related capital expenditure spending -- to rapidly implement LTE, LTE-Advanced and VoLTE -- especially on the 700 megahertz band," Pierce said in an e-mail Thursday. "This likely shift is welcome news to ATT's key network suppliers."

A Full LTE Blitz

AT&T's cash reserves will take a hit when AT&T posts a pretax accounting charge of $4 billion at the end of the fourth quarter to reflect the T-Mobile deal's break-up considerations. Still, AT&T had over $10 billion cash on hand at the end of the third quarter of 2011.

"Our strong cash flow gives us the flexibility to invest in our business Relevant Products/Services, to retire debt and to continue to return substantial value to shareholders," AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson told investors last October. (continued...)

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Obama on dancing games: 'I get graded F'

President Barack Obama goes shopping for his girls and picks up the video game "Just Dance 3.". In-Game's Todd Kenreck reports.a

Man proposes using Internet meme flashcards

Crazy Monkey Studioa

Screenshot from the Meme Proposal videoa

By Athima Chansanchai

Internet memes aren't just for chuckles around the virtual water cooler — they can also be vital accessories in a moment that lasts a lifetime: the marriage proposal. Since everything that can be documented is documented, why not point cameras at this once intimate moment between two people, for others to have and to hold, for ever and always?a

The "Meme Proposal" between two young people, Tim and Audrey, takes place just outside a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur on Nov. 30, shot and edited by professional film crew Crazy Monkey Studio. And reminiscent of "Love Actually" (nice call, Gizmodo!), young Tim stands outside a glass door, looking in at his girlfriend Audrey, who's sitting with her friends eating dinner.a

And to the soundtrack of Christina Perri's "A Thousand Years" (which is itself on the soundtrack of the "Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1" soundtrack), Tim produces big flashcards that use memes to illustrate his point that though he may have been apprehensive about marriage for awhile, he is ready to take the plunge with his soulmate. (We like the old school cards, vs. using a tablet slideshow, by the way!) We won't spoil the surprise for you, but let's just say everyone grabs a Kleenex by the end:a

On the Vimeo page, Crazy Monkey Studio gives a little background for what we just saw: a

For the first time, we got to shoot a proposal and it was real fun. It was a covert mission (ok la [sic] ... more like a paparazzi mission). We went to venue a day before to scout the place, discuss how to hide those cameras and look at how to be invisible.a

On that day, we were all dressed in black. Talked using walkies. Used wine bottles, glasses, cutleries, vases and flowers as cover. We sat around the restaurant as guests but with our cameras on. And yes, we achieved total invisibility. Audrey walked into the restaurant, sat with her friends and never noticed us.a

Not until the prime time when Tim revealed himself with meme place cards that was part of his proposal. That was when all the cameras (all four in total) started rolling. a


And, it turns out, Tim is some kind of big blogger type in Asia, judging from his blog and a post about attending the a recent blog awards event — the Oscar equivalent for Asia-Pacific bloggers — with his "Shorty" (Audrey). She also blogs, and recounts all the details of the proposal on her blog.a

I've been to a lot of weddings. I mean a lot. Several a year, for about 15 years now. And for the most part, they're first marriages. But after so many friends have already tied the knot, it's easy to forget that first blush (and rush) of hope for rest-of-your-life happiness that comes with the marriage proposal.a

I hope you're never so jaded that a video like this doesn't pull at your heartstrings at least a little.a

More stories:a

UC Davis cop pepper sprays famous works of art Jim Carrey’s pathetic midlife crisis is a meme  Geeky marriage proposal filmed with light pens

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Indonesia Pasar Alami untuk NFC

'Indonesia Pasar Alami untuk NFC'

Jakarta - Teknologi Near Field Communication (NFC) diyakini akan cepat berkembang dalam berbagai layanan berbasis ponsel. Indonesia pun dipercaya akan menjadi pasar yang alami untuk layanan-layanan NFC.

NFC sendiri adalah teknologi konektivitas nirkabel berbasis teknologi Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) yang menggunakan induksi medan magnet untuk memungkinkan komunikasi antar perangkat elektronik dalam jarak yang dekat.

Teknologi NFC tentunya dapat membuat hidup lebih mudah dalam melakukan transaksi, seperti pertukaran konten digital, cukup dengan menghubungkan perangkat elektronik ke perangkat elektronik yang memiliki teknologi NFC dengan sentuhan. Pengguna juga bisa membeli tiket apapun hanya dengan mengaktifkan NFC pada ponsel.

Menurut Sashidar Thothadri, Regional Sales Manager South-East Asia & India Telecom Business Unit Gemalto, NFC merupakan evolusi alami untuk pembayaran, transaksi atau transfer uang, karena kemudahan yang diberikan NFC menjadikannya sebagai pilihan yang alami untuk konsumen.

"Ada beberapa faktor yang membuat Indonesia menjadi pasar yang alami untuk NFC. Rendahnya penetrasi internet membuat internet bergerak menjadi platform de facto untuk mengakses internet, membuat ponsel pintar jadi perangkat kunci yang digunakan orang-orang Indonesia," tukasnya kepada detikINET, Kamis (22/12/2011).

"Sebagai pasar terbesar nomor 4 di dunia berdasarkan besarnya populasi dan tingginya teledensitas, Indonesia adalah pasar yang alami untuk layanan-layanan NFC," lanjut Sashidar.

Indonesia diyakini memiliki ekosistem yang cukup untuk mendukung NFC. Mulai dari segi handset, infrastruktur, hingga kesiapan para pemangku kepentingan.

"Dengan demikian saya percaya kami akan melihat penggunaan luas dari NFC di Indonesia dalam jangka dekat dan menengah," tegasnya.

Gemalto sendiri adalah penggiat bisnis keamanan digital yang juga berkolaborasi dengan pemain telekomunikasi untuk menyuplai kartu SIM dan berbagai layanan yang terkait dengan OTA (Over the Air), layanan-layanan pengelolaan utama untuk telepon selular, perbankan dan layanan personalisasi jarak jauh.

Gemalto juga memiliki portofolio layanan dalam bidang M2M (Machine to Machine), NFC (Near Field Communication), m-Commerce, m-Advertising dan produk-produk jejaring sosial.

Baru-baru ini Gemalto menjadi bagian dari konsorsium yang dipilih oleh IDA (Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore) untuk menyediakan layanan-layanan berbasis NFC di Singapura. Gemalto akan menyediakan dan mengoperasikan layanan-layanan TSM yang menghubungkan tiga operator telepon selular Singapura ke platform TSM interoperable.

Ini memungkinkan bank, provider pembayaran dan layanan untuk menggelar layanan-layanan NFC inovatif bergerak untuk pelanggan telepon selular di Singapura.

Teknologi NfC sendiri kini mulai dilirik produsen ponsel sebagai nilai tambah produk mereka. Sebut saja seri BlackBerry terbaru, Nokia, dan deretan perangkat Android sudah mulai mengusung teknologi wireless terbaru tersebut.

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Intel’s Atom powered smartphones and tablets shown off

Intel has been behind the curve when it comes to mobile processors in smartphones and tablets. While their success in the desktop and mobile processors for laptops is undeniable, other manufacturers like ARM, Texas Instruments and Nvidia have taken up huge chunks of this incredibly growing market.

Recently Intel provided reference design smartphones and tablets to various manufacturer with their ‘Medfield’ processor powering Android Gingerbread. ”We expect products based on these to be announced in the first half of 2012,” said Stephen Smith, vice president of Intel’s architecture group to Technology Review who were lucky enough to check out the prototype in person.

“The phone was powerful and pleasing to use, on a par with the latest iPhone and Android handsets. It could play Blu-Ray-quality video and stream it to a TV if desired; Web browsing was smooth and fast. Smith says Intel has built circuits into the Medfield chip specifically to speed up Android apps and Web browsing.” Apparently the Medfield was optimized to improve the browsing experience on Android smartphones, as well as running apps faster.

As far as the Medfield powered tablet is concerned, it was seen running Android Ice Cream Sandwich. While the screen size was slightly larger than the iPad 2, it was just as thin and light. “They can use as much or as little of the reference design as they like,” says Smith.

“This is our first offering that’s truly a single chip,” says Smith. The 32nm process is smaller than the currently popular 40nm process used by ARM processors, which means the Medfield runs much cooler and with lesser energy draw than its current competitors.

We will probably start production prototypes from various manufacturers as early as next month during CES, with large scale retail units out in the next 6 to 7 months. Could, the Medfield powered Android Ice Cream Sandwich tablet be the one hinted by Eric Schmidt as Google’s tablet of choice coming out in the next 6 months?

Darth Vader Volkswagen ad tops Youtube most-viewed 2011 ads

Nowadays, companies make sure that every ad they make has the potential to go viral online. Most of them fail in their efforts but some of them pick up like fire and become highly viewed videos. Youtube today revealed their top 10 most viewed video ads and commericals for 2011 and a perfectly viral ad stands tall on top.

The number 1 ad was the Volkswagen commercial starring a six year old kid dressed as Darth Vader and trying to use the Force on anything he can find. That is, of course, until he reaches his dad’s Volkswagen. Watch the ad below.

Aside from that, here are the top 10 ads most of which were made for the internet. Tells you something about where advertising is heading in the future.

1. VW – The Force 2. T-Mobile – Royal Wedding 3. Chrysler – Imported From Detroit 4. DC Shoes – Ken Block’s Gymkhana Four: The Hollywood Megamercial 5. smartwater – Jennifer Aniston goes viral 6. Team Hot Wheels – The Yellow Driver’s World Record Jump 7. Old Spice – Scent Vacation 8. Apple – Introducing Siri on iPhone 4S 9. Samsung – Unleash Your Fingers 10. adidas – D Rose: adiZero Rose 2 The Bull

Aplikasi iPad Ajari Pengguna Kuasai DSLR

Aplikasi iPad Ajari Pengguna Kuasai DSLR

Jakarta - Tidak seperti kamera di kategori compact, kamera DLSR memiliki banyak konsep seperti aperture, shutter speed, focal lenght hingga ISO. Untuk itulah aplikasi iPad berikut dirilis guna memudahkan mereka yang baru saja beranjak memegang kamera jenis DSLR.

Aplikasi untuk piranti iPad ini akan menyajikan tutorial untuk memaksimalkan pemakaian kamera profesional. Dinamakan Master Your SLR Camera, ia adalah perwujudan dari buku tradisional yang disajikan dengan multimedia menarik.

Pengembangnya -- Open Air Publishing -- menjanjikan pada pemilik iPad bahwa dengan aplikasi yang bisa didapatkan di iTunes ini mereka akan mendapatkan rahasia fotografer profesional, seperti bagaimana pengaturan lighting atau pencahayaan.

Aplikasi yang dibanderol dengan harga USD 10 ini juga berisi video tutorial, slide show interaktif, glossary dan tool-tool lainnya untuk mengajari pengguna pemula DSLR.

Sejumlah kasus yang sering dihadapi oleh fotografer pun turut dipecahkan di sini. Pengguna akan diajari cara-cara menghindari foto blur, pencahayaan redup, distorsi dan lain-lain.

Dikutip detikINET dari ITProPortal, Kamis (22/12/2011), sejumlah fotografer ahli berada di balik pembuatan aplikasi ini seperti David Becker dan finalis Pulitzer, Mary F. Calvert.

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Google activating 700k Android smartphones every day

Google’s platform chief, Andy Rubin, made a post on his Google+ profile that there are 700,000 Android smartphones being activated everyday.

That’s a ridiculously large number, especially considering that just in Feb Eric Schmidt reported the daily activation number as 350k. In July this figure jumped to 500k activations every day.  In a mere 10 months the number of Android devices being activated daily has literally doubled. But what exactly does activation of an Android handset mean?

For those inquiring minds Andy wrote, ”…and for those wondering, we count each device only once (ie, we don’t count re-sold devices), and “activations” means you go into a store, buy a device, put it on the network by subscribing to a wireless service.“

WD TV Remote, Aplikasi Ponsel untuk Kendalikan TV

WD TV Remote, Aplikasi Ponsel untuk Kendalikan TV

Jakarta - Menambahkan fungsi remote control pada ponsel mungkin bukan hal baru, namun Western Digital (WD) mengklaim ada beberapa fitur menarik dari aplikasi mereka ini.

Saat ini aplikasi WD TV Remote tersedia untuk perangkat berbasis iOS dan Andorid. Selain menyediakan semua fitur standar remote kontrol, WD TV juga memiliki fitur tambahan seperti gesture pad, yang berfungsi sebagai alat navigasi di layar.

Kemudian aplikasi tersebut juga menyediakan papan ketik qwerty virtual membantu penggunanya untuk menulis teks dan fungsionalitas pencarian.

"WD TV mempersonalisasi pengalaman hiburan bagi konsumer lebih baik dari media player manapun," ujar Chris Bull, director of marketing for WD’s Connected Home Solutions group, dalam keterangan yang diterima detikINET, Kamis (22/12/2011).

WD TV Remote rencananya akan bisa segera didownload secara gratis dari App Store dan Android Market. Sayangnya, aplikasi ini hanya kompatibel dengan dengan perangkat WD TV Live dan WD TV Live Hub.

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Researchers Develop Self-Healing Electronic Circuits

Self-healing electronic circuits. That 21st-century concept, which could extend the usable lifespan of electronic devices and batteries, has been accomplished by a team of researchers at the University of Illinois.

The researchers, who had previously created self-healing polymers, have now implemented a similar approach for circuits. Microcapsules, with diameters as small as 10 microns, reside above a gold circuit line and, when a crack appears in the circuit, the microcapsules rupture and release liquid metal that repairs the break. The research is described in a paper published in the journal Advanced Materials.

'You Can't See It'

According to the researchers, the break lasts only for about a hundred microseconds before it is healed.

"It's so fast that you can't see it," said co-team leader and aerospace engineering professor Scott White in a video Relevant Products/Services released by the university. "You need special equipment to even detect that there was failure" and a healing process, he added.

The team reported that 90 percent of test samples were restored to 99 percent of their original conductivity with this technique.

Materials science and engineering professor and co-team leader Nancy Sottos told news media that there are an unlimited number of applications, especially for mission-critical systems. She noted that multilayer integrated circuits and batteries cannot readily be opened and repaired, and currently it's more efficient -- but more costly in time and money -- to simply replace the circuit or battery. With this self-healing technique, devices and batteries could potentially last much longer.

She pointed out that autonomous healing techniques can take care of a break that occurs in the "miles and miles of conductive wire" in a military aircraft or a spacecraft. No human intervention is required. The other strength of the technique is that it is localized, so that the microcapsules do their job only at the point of the crack, rather than throughout the entire circuit.

'What's Really Cool....'

Chemistry professor Jeffrey Moore, a co-author of the paper, noted in a statement that this approach "simplifies the system." Instead of having to build in redundancies or a sensory diagnostics system, he said, "this material is designed to take care of the problem itself."

White said that "what's really cool" about this self-healing system is that it's "the first example of taking the microcapsule-based healing approach and applying it to a new function." Previously, he said, this approach and similar ones were focused on structural repair, but this is directed at "conductivity restoration," and shows that the overall self-healing concept can be applied to other needs.

The next targets include using the microcapsules to control conductivity. In particular, the researchers want to apply the technology to batteries, in order to improve their safety and longevity.

The research was funded by U.S. Department of Energy, and key team members Moore, Sottos, and White are affiliated with the University of Illinois' Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology.

Asus Dituding Hasbro Curi Nama Transformer Prime

Asus Dituding Hasbro Curi Nama Transformer Prime

Los Angeles - Produsen mainan yang memiliki franchise seluruh karakter robot Transformer, Hasbro, menuding Asus telah mencuri salah satu hak ciptanya dengan menghadirkan tablet PC Asus Transformer Prime.

Keberatan itu diajukan melalui kuasa hukumnya di Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat. Menurut Hasbro, Asus ingin memanfaatkan kepopuleran Transformer agar lebih mudah memasarkan produk tersebut.

"Hasbro akan terus melindungi produknya dan menindak tegas siapapun yang menyalahgunakannya, dan Asus telah melanggar hak kekayaan intelektual demi keuntungan mereka sendiri," tulis pernyataan Hasbro, yang dikutip detikINET dari Cnet, Kamis (22/12/2011).

Hasbro mengklaim bahwa nama Transformers dan Optimus Prime sudah termasuk dalam perlindungan hak cipta, dan tidak bisa digunakan secara bebas tanpa seizin pemiliknya.

Asus Transformer Prime sendiri merupakan tablet PC 10,3 inch yang digadang bakal sukses di pasaran. Meski tak bisa berubah sebagai robot, namun menurut Hasbro penggunaan nama itu sudah termasuk salah satu bentuk penyalahgunaan.
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Google says there are 700,000 Android activations a day

By Suzanne Choney

Andy Rubin, Google's director of mobile platforms, says there are "now over 700,000 Android devices activated every day," sharing the news on Google's social networking site, G+. (Rubin put the words "Bureau of Android Statistics" under his name on the site.)a

"... and for those wondering, we count each device only once (ie, we don't count re-sold devices), and 'activations' means you go into a store, buy a device, put it on the network by subscribing to a wireless service" for Android on a phone or tablet, he added, a few minutes after his original post.a

The numbers are more than double those reported by Google a year ago, when the company said there were 300,000 Android devices being activated daily.a

Google's wireless competitors, including Apple, don't share such activation stats. But in order to give you a bit of context, we crunched a daily sales number for Apple's iPads and iPhones. Based on the last Apple quarterly report, approximately 315,000 were sold every day during the quarter ending Sept. 24.a

Android's share of the smartphone market has continued to climb. Last month, The NPD Group said Android was on 44 percent of all smartphones purchased in the U.S. in the third quarter, an increase of 11 percent from the second quarter. Apple's iOS "held relatively steady versus last quarter, rising one percentage point to 23 percent; RIM OS, fell to third position, declining from 28 percent to 22 percent."a

Rubin's comments on G+ have drawn lots of "yays" from Android users, and some "nays" from those frustrated by the different versions of Android operating systems on phones, and the inability to update the operating system depending on the version and the phone they have.a

Rubin's G+ post served as a means for users to vent. One, named Gaurang Dave, wrote: "I too am an Android user and huge fan of the operating system ... but my only issue is the OS upgrade ... I just bought a new device couple of months ago ... and now am sure that there is no way I can update the OS ... unless I root it and risk bricking my phone ... Andy please fix this ... and find a way so that user(s) can easily upgrade their phone(s)."a

Related stories:a

Android Market hits 10 billion downloads It's Android or Apple for 71 percent of US smartphone users Android 4.0 review: The Sandwich has a few cool treats 300,000 Android phones activated every day

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Ini Dia Patung Perunggu Steve Jobs

Ini Dia Patung Perunggu Steve Jobs

Budapes, Hungaria - 'Steve Jobs' menyapa warga Budapes, Hungaria. Ya, tentu saja itu hanyalah dalam bentuk patung perunggu yang dibuat sebuah perusahaan software Graphisoft.

Kini pengerjaan patung seberat 220 kg tersebut sudah selesai dan telah resmi diperkenalkan ke publik. Ia ditempatkan di kompeks industri IT di Budapes.

Latar belakang dari pembuatan patung ini adalah lantaran merasa hutang budi si punya hajat -- Graphisoft -- kepada bos Apple yang telah tiada tersebut. Alhasil, rasa penghormatan dalam bentuk patung pun diwujudkannya.

Graphisoft memang pernah disokong oleh Apple ketika tengah goyah di periode 1980-an. "Kala perusahaan kami masih muda dan memiliki keterbatasan, Apple memberi bantuan modal dan komputer," tulis Graphisoft, dikutip detikINET dari PC Mag.

"Jobs merupakan sosok yang sangat percaya dengan teknologi, dan ia menawarkan bantuan finansial dan marketing kepada perusahaan Graphisoft," imbuh Akos Pfemeter, Direktur Global Marketing Graphisoft.

Lalu bagaimana kira-kira bentuk dari patung Steve Jobs tersebut. Ini hasilnya yang merupakan karya pematung Erno Toth yang dilansir Reuters.

Inilah sang pematung -- Erno Toth -- yang membuat patung Steve Jobs.

Patung Jobs diabadikan lewat karya sang inovator, iPad 2.

Toth coba membuat patungnya seidentik mungkin dengan gaya keseharian Jobs. Mulai dari kacamata hingga baju turtle neck khas Jobs turut dilekatkan di patung perunggu itu.

Dari gambar inilah ide pembuatan patung Steve Jobs itu berasal.

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