Saturday, May 28, 2011

WatchGuard Besut Next Generation Firewall

Jakarta - WatchGuard Technologies, penyedia solusi keamanan bisnis, membesut peranti next generation firewall WatchGuard XTM 2050 untuk pengamanan jaringan korporasi berskala enterprise dan datacenter yang membutuhkan firewall, kontrol aplikasi, serta sistem penangkal pencurian data, malware, dan pembobolan.

"Berbekal keahlian selama lebih dari 15 tahun di bidang firewall dan keamanan jaringan, WatchGuard merancang firewall XTM 2050 secara khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan persyaratan keamanan lingkungan enterprise yang senantiasa berubah," kata Elaine Loh, Director Area Sales, Southeast Asia, WatchGuard Technologies, Sabtu (28/5/2011).

XTM 2050 ini untuk pertama kalinya diperkenalkan dalam konferensi dan pameran TI global Interop di Mandalay Bay Convention Center di Las Vegas, 10-12 Mei lalu. Peranti ini dipasarkan dengan harga mulai dari US$ 39.995 dan baru tersedia melalui mitra WatchGuard dengan sertifikasi Expert dan Professional, mulai Juni 2011.

Peranti firewall ini menyediakan inspeksi keamanan terhadap seluruh trafik yang masuk dengan kecepatan tinggi, mendukung penyaringan paket data dengan throughput multi-gigabit dan memberikan pengendalian aplikasi.

"WatchGuard XTM 2050 menghubungkan kantor-kantor dalam korporasi melalui VPN dengan visualisasi Drag and Drop yang unik, menghubungkan orang-orang melalui VPN SSL dan IPSec," tandas Elaine.

Berikut adalah fitur dan spesifikasi utama dari WatchGuard XTM 2050:

  • Firewall berkecepatan 20 Gbps firewall, inspeksi konten utuh berkecepatan 10Gbps.
  • Densitas port yang tinggi dengan 16 port tembaga 1GB dan 2 port 10 GB SFP+ port Fiber.
  • Semua port bisa berupa External, Trusted, atau DMZ.
  • Catu daya, kipas pendingin, storage dan NIC dengan cadangan berlapis, hot-swap (bisa dibongkar pasang tanpa perlu mematikan peranti).
  • Tingkat ketersediaan tinggi (High Availability) dengan pilihan (aktif/pasif dan aktif/aktif)
  • Failover WAN dan VPN.
  • Application Control untuk mengawasi dan mengendalikan lebih dari 1.800 jenis aplikasi.
  • Integrasi dengan Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS, dengan pengamanan firewall berbasis pengguna.
  • WatchGuard System Manager untuk manajemen, pelaporan, monitoring, dengan log (pencatatan).
  • IPSec site to site dan remote user VPN
  • SSL remote user VPN.
  • Keamanan VOIP dan HTTPS tingkat lanjut.
  • Pengendalian bandwidth dan QoS secara ekstensif dengan traffic shaping.

( rou / rou )

Upgrade OS Blackberry Gratis dari Telkomsel

Denpasar - Telkomsel menggelar aksi cuma-cuma di hari ulang tahunnya yang ke-16 dengan memberikan layanan upgrade OS atau piranti lunak software sistem operasi BlackBerry secara gratis.

Layanan upgrade OS Blackberry gratis digelar serentak di 16 GraPARI yang tersebar di Area Jawa Bali, termasuk di tiga kota di Denpasar, Mataram, dan Kupang pada Sabtu (28/5/2011).

GM Sales and Customer Service Telkomsel Regional Bali Nusra, Syaiful Bachri mengatakan Telkomsel terus aktif memberikan update piranti lunak pendukung layanan data tersebut.

"Dengan adanya penawaran layanan BlackBerry Clinic dari Telkomsel, pelanggan tidak perlu lagi mengeluarkan uang hingga ratusan ribu rupiah untuk sekadar upgrade OS BlackBerry," kata pria yang akrab disapa Ari tersebut.

“BlackBerry Clinic berupa Upgrade OS yang diberikan Telkomsel menggunakan softwere resmi, sehingga pelanggan akan makin nyaman lagi ketika melakukan browsing, downloading file, ataupun update status di social network,” jelas Ari saat ditemui di kantornya.

( gds / rou )

Etisalat awarded ‘The Telecommunication Leader’ for Arab world

aaaaaPress release: Etisalat was crowned the Arab world’s “Telecommunications Leader” at the Arab Achievement Awards, which took place alongside the Arab Investment Summit, which was held in Abu Dhabi.

aaaaaAhmed Bin Ali, Group Senior Vice President Corporate Communications received the award on behalf of Etisalat from H.E. Juma Mohammad Al Kait, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.


aaaaaH.E. Juma Mohammad Al Kait, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Trade said: “Etisalat offers the very latest telecommunication technologies and services and thanks to its efforts the UAE enjoys a prominent place among the world’s most innovative and technology ready countries.”

aaaaaCommenting on this event, Mr. Ibrahim Moosa Jamel, Director of Operations â€" Education Cluster at Dubai Knowledge Village and the host of the Arab Achievement Awards 2011 said: “Etisalat is one of the leading providers of telecom services and the award is a positive reflection of its achievements. It’s work over the years in developing the communications infrastructure has contributed to enhancing UAE’s attractiveness as a business destination.”

aaaaaEtisalat continues to provide the best in class communications services in all countries of its operations it was the first to introduce new and advanced communications technologies in the UAE in addition to introducing the first third and fourth generation mobile networks in the Middle East and Africa.

aaaaaEtisalat has also extended its fiber-optic network to cover all of Abu Dhabi making it the first capital city in the world that is fully connected by fiber. It is expected that Etisalat will complete the deployment nationwide in 2011 which will make the UAE the first country that is entirely covered with the fiber.

aaaaaEtisalat has also successfully exported its expertise to all other countries in which it operates.

Angry Birds Bikin Open Source Lebih Sexy?

Jakarta - Selama ini, Linux tidak seberuntung MacOSX dan Windows dalam menjaring para gamers. Apalagi, sewaktu game populer Angry Birds (>Indonesia: Burung Marah) dirilis oleh Rovio Mobile di platform Iphone (iOS), Android, dan kemudian pada Mac dan Windows, boleh dibilang para pemakai desktop Linux hanya bisa berandai-andai saja, kapan game populer itu bisa dimainkan pada platform mereka.

Namun, penantian itu sudah berakhir. Kini games top Angry Birds dari Rovio bisa dimainkan online dan gratis di peramban Google Chrome, padahal peramban tersebut sangat mendukung platform linux. Lalu, apa konsekuensi manuver Rovio Mobile tersebut pada masa depan Linux (Open Source)? Apakah kedepannya platform Linux tidak lagi menjadi 'paria' dalam percaturan game komputer?

Manuver Rovio Mobile untuk Google

Bagi yang belum familiar dengan Angry birds, pada dasarnya game ini prinsipnya sangat sederhana. Namun kesederhanaan itulah yang menyebabkan ia disukai. Pada versi awal, Angry birds menjadikan berbagai tipe burung sebagai protagonis, dan babi-babi hijau sebagai antagonis. Yang harus kita lakukan sederhana, yaitu mengkatapel burung-burung tersebut, supaya mengenai babi-babi hijau, yang sering kali bersembunyi dibalik bangunan atau bungker.

Instalasi pada peramban Chrome sangatlah mudah, hanya tinggal menginstalasi melalui Chrome Web Store. Penulis sudah mencoba memainkan Angry Birds versi peramban Chrome pada Workstation Fedora Linux versi 13, dan game tersebut berjalan dengan sangat baik dengan kualitas grafis yang prima. Memang, game tersebut masih berupa versi beta. Namun tentunya ini adalah strategi marketing Rovio Mobile, supaya mengajak semakin banyak pemakai untuk menunggu pengembangan game berikutnya. Tentu saja, manuver ini sangat menguntungkan Linux/Open Source.

Karena hal ini akan menjadi teaser bagi user untuk mempertimbangkan platform Linux, dan developer game lainpun diharapkan tidak akan mau ketinggalan untuk develop game untuk peramban Chrome. Selama ini, salah satu superioritas platform Windows adalah dominasinya yang tak terkalahkan di bidang entertainment/game.

Setelah Angry Birds dapat dimainkan pada platform Linux, dominasi tersebut akan dipertanyakan. Sukses Angry Birds pada peramban Chrome adalah kesuksesan implementasi komputasi awan (Cloud Computing) dari Google itu sendiri.

Inspirasi dan sepak terjang Angry Birds

Jika kita melihat alur game Angry birds, maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa sang designer memang mengembangkannya berdasarkan lingkungan sekitarnya. Finlandia merupakan salah satu negara yang paling ketat dalam menentukan baku mutu lingkungan hidup, dan keberadaan burung adalah salah satu indikator bahwa lingkungan hidup tersebut sehat. Mudah ditebak, dalam suasana lingkungan yang hijau dan penuh kicauan burung, maka sang designer bisa mendapat ide Angry birds.

Rovio Mobile sendiri sudah bekerja sama dengan Google sebelum Angry birds versi peramban Chrome dirilis. Angry birds adalah game yang sangat populer pada platform Android, dan berbeda dengan platform iOS, pada Android game tersebut dibanderol gratis oleh Rovio Mobile.

Kedepannya, kita akan menyaksikan lebih banyak buah kerja sama dua perusahaan tersebut, karena Rovio Mobile nampaknya masih akan terus mengembangkan Angry birds dan game-game lain.

Hikmah Angry birds bagi perkembangan Linux/Open Source

Linux adalah sebuah plaform yang didirikan atas dasar idealisme. Berbeda dengan platform lain, Linux adalah platform yang sepenuhnya Open Source, dalam arti konsisten merilis semua souce code nya kepada publik. Bagi kalangan IT dan "Hard core computer scientist", Linux menawarkan fleksibilitas, efisiensi dan skalabilitas yang sukar ditandingi platform lain.

Hanya, keunggulan Linux tersebut akhirnya hanya dinikmati oleh kalangan yang sangat segmented, yaitu kelompok yang disebut diatas tersebut. End user, atau pemakai biasa seperti perkantoran, designer, mahasiswa (non) IT masih tetap setia dengan platform Windows dan MacOSX.

Sementara, Windows adalah satu-satunya platform yang menawarkan game paling lengkap pada desktop, dan hal ini menyebabkan pemakai Windows sukar beralih ke platform Linux/Open Source. Namun, strategi Google-Rovio Mobile untuk menyediakan Angry birds pada peramban Chrome adalah sebuah terobosan penting.

Mengapa? Sebab konsekuensi game 'dalam awan' adalah platform independen, dalam arti platform apapun yang digunakan tidak terlalu penting. Peramban Chrome tersedia dalam versi MacOSX, Windows, dan berbagai distro linux.

Hal ini menjadikan Linux memiliki potensi untuk mendapatkan 'limpahan' game. Diharapkan, semakin banyak developer yang mengembangkan game untuk peramban Chrome, sehingga Linux pun akan menjadi platform yang menarik bagi end user juga.

Arli Aditya Parikesit Tentang Penulis: Arli Aditya Parikesit,M.Si adalah Kandidat Doktor bidang Bioinformatika dari Universitas Leipzig, Jerman; Peneliti di Departemen Kimia UI; dan Vice Editor-in-chief Ia bisa dihubungi melalui akun @arli_ap di twitter.

( fw / fw )

Avaya Tawarkan Solusi Bagi Pekerja Mobile

Jakarta - Penyedia layanan komunikasi bisnis Avaya, telah mengumumkan langkah lanjut dalam pengembangan solusi komunikasi terpadu (

'PlayStation phone' reviewed: Future of mobile gaming?

Sony Ericsson's Xperia Play, also known as the PlayStation phone, was eagerly anticipated even before it saw the light of day. But is the handset powerful enough to live up to the hype? Gadget editor Wilson Rothman and games editor Todd Kenreck discuss.

Lumix G3, Kamera DSLR 16 MP dari Panasonic

Jakarta - Varian kamera digital baru dihadirkan oleh Panasonic pada Lumix G series mereka. Seperti apa produk bernama Lumix DMC-G3, yang diklaim sebagai DSLR berbobot ringan ini?

Jika dibandingkan dengan kamera DSLR di pasaran, Panasonic mengklaim body Lumix DMC-G3 lebih ringan dan kecil. Kendati demikian, kamera digital ini memiliki

Kementerian Perdagangan akan Datangkan Pendiri YouTube

Jakarta - Kementerian Perdagangan akan menghadirkan penemu Youtube untuk memberikan inspirasi kepada para pelaku ekonomi kreatif di>Indonesia. Rencananya, pendiri situs berbagi video itu bakal didatangkan pada penyelenggaraan Pekan Produk Kreatif>Indonesia (PPKI).

PPKI sendiri diselenggarakan pada 6-10 Juli 2011. Menurut Direktur Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Hesti Indah Kresnarini, pendiri YouTube itu akan hadir di seminar hari pertama tanggal 6 Juli 2011.

"Kita akan menghadirkan

Amazon Challenges Apple With New Mac App Store

Even before a court decides whether can sell apps Relevant Products/Services for Android devices and call it an app store, the biggest U.S. online retailer opened a second front this week by offering downloadable software for Apple's Macintosh computers.

That's a direct challenge to Apple's own Mac App Store, first announced in October at the company's Back To Mac event and opened Jan. 6 with 1,000 offerings, mostly games, compared to about 250 for Amazon's store.

Incentives Needed

The Mac offerings aren't new but were assembled without fanfare as a Mac Software Downloads section of the site on Thursday, with another section for games, but Amazon avoided calling it an app store -- a phrase Apple wants to trademark.

In March Apple filed suit against Amazon, alleging that its App Store for Android software is used illicitly to solicit developers. Amazon insists "app store" is a generic term.

Amazon told news media the "Mac download store features an install-less download process where the customer gets just the product without any unwanted extras, making for faster and easier purchases. Plus, downloads are conveniently backed up in your Games and Software Library where you can download an unlimited number of times for personal use."

The Mac download store's initial offerings include Office Mac for home ($115) and businesses ($199), Aspyr's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ($24.95), Individual Software's Logo Designer ($19.99), and H&R Block At Home Deluxe Federal and State eFile for 2010 ($31.98). Visitors can "celebrate the grand opening with a $5 discount on game or software products through June 1st."

Amazon, which had more than $34.2 billion in sales last year, will need to give loyal Mac customers an incentive to shop there.

The company kicked off its Android store by offering one free app per day for visitors, regardless of whether they buy anything.

Let the Battle Begin

"It's going to be interesting to see how consumers are going to react to this app store," said Michael Gartenberg of Gartner Relevant Products/Services Research. "Perhaps they'll try to undercut Apple's prices with promotions."

He said the emergence of the Mac download store "came as a little bit of a surprise. There was certainly no advance warning, it just kind of appeared, and now we're seeing Mac apps in direct competition, although they can't sell anything for the iPhone because that's a closed ecosystem."

After reporting more than a million downloads on the first day of the Mac App Store, Apple can probably expect some continued loyalty, but Gartenberg said Amazon's move is bound to be watched closely.

"It's something that if you're Apple, you don't want to ignore; you want to pay attention because Amazon has a lot of credit cards and it's fairly easy to purchase there," he said, referring to cards that award points toward gift cards for the site. "But their music sales haven't taken much business from iTunes. So [Apple] may not lose a lot of sleep, but they probably want to keep an eye on it."

Alaska Airlines outfits pilots with iPads, swears they're not for 'Angry Birds'

Photo courtesy Alaska Airlinesa

By John Cook, GeekWirea

Alaska Airlines plans to outfit all of its pilots with iPads by mid-June, becoming the first major airline to replace paper manuals with Apple's devices in the cockpit. The rollout means pilots will be swapping 25-pound flight operation guides for a device that weighs a little more than a pound.a

“We’ve been exploring the idea of an electronic flight bag for several years, but never found a device we really liked,” said Gary Beck, Alaska Airlines’ vice president of flight operations, in a news release announcing the plan. “When the iPad hit the market, we took one look at it and said this is the perfect fit.”a

The iPads will come with an app called GoodReader, which contains PDF versions of 41 flight systems and performance manuals, reference cards and other materials. They also include links and color graphics. The airline says the electronic flight bag will save about 2.4 million pieces of paper.a

Other advantages include reducing weight on the aircraft, leading to more fuel efficiency, according to the airline.a

And with some flight bags weighing as much as 50 pounds, the airline also said the iPad could reduce muscle injuries that occur when pilots attempt to carry the bulky flight manuals through the airport.a

As a Class 1 device, the iPad must be stowed during takeoff and landing — even by pilots — under FAA regulations. So don’t worry about your captain playing a game of "Angry Birds," at least not during the approach to the airport.a

John Cook of GeekWire can be followed on Facebook and Twittera

Also on Geekwire:a

Now leaving: The guy who led Microsoft's iPad rival ... before the iPad existed Are iPads mobile devices? A few experts weigh in Video: Halo Spartan blows up mini-fridge to pitch Windows

See 'Mark Zuckerberg' knife a pig

By Helen A.S. Popkin

In what may be NMAWorldEdition's fastest news interpretation ever, the Taiwanese animation outfit delivered its latest masterpiece less than 24 hours after the world learned of Mark Zuckerberg's ethics n' eatin' project.a

"The only meat I'm eating is from animals I've killed myself," the Facebook CEO for some reason wrote in an email to Fortune. As part of his personal challenge to be thankful for the food he eats, Zuckerberg says he's learning about sustainable living and animal farming.a

He's also killed a lobster, chicken, goat and pig.a

Want to see what that looks like? (Who doesn't?) Thanks to the computer-generating geniuses at NMA — which possibly pulled an all-nighter on this one — you (sort of) can!a

SPOILER ALERT: Cartoon Zuck seems to get his swerve from "Carrie"-era John Travolta, but maybe that's just a conicidence. And nice "Psycho" quotes, NMA! You're really growing as artists.a

Hat tip to Stephanie Snyder Freund for the heads up!a

More awesome animation n' stuff: a

Mark Zuckerberg kills what he eats Zuckerberg's stalker caught on video -- sort of The Facebook movie in one minute OK. But if Steve Jobs was a Ninja, it might look something like this ... WikiLeaks kerfuffle 'explained' in latest CGI video

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Join her self-righteous bloviating on Twitter and Facebook, won't you?a

MS May Show Windows Running on an ARM Tablet

Get ready for Windows tablets. According to a new report, next week Microsoft will show a tablet Relevant Products/Services-oriented version of its Windows operating system.

Citing three unnamed sources with knowledge of the plans, Bloomberg News said the device will contain Nvidia's ARM-based Tegra chip and have a touchscreen interface. Although the location for the demonstration isn't known, Windows President Steven Sinofsky will be presenting at the All Things D conference Relevant Products/Services in California next week, and Vice President Steve Guggenheimer is giving a speech to the Computex show in Taipei.

'A Misstatement'

At the Consumer Electronics Show in January, Microsoft announced it was developing a version of Windows for ARM-based devices. ARM chips are hugely popular in the world of mobile Relevant Products/Services devices, used in Apple's iPad Relevant Products/Services and Android tablets, among other products.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer may have jumped the gun earlier this week when he said machines running Windows 8 would come out next year. The company, eager to avoid having buyers wait till next year, then issued a retraction.

"It appears there was a misstatement," the software giant wrote to the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday. It said "we are eagerly awaiting the next generation of Windows 7 hardware that will be available in the coming fiscal year," and added that "we have yet to formally announce any timing or naming of the next version of Windows."

But Windows 7 doesn't run on ARM chips, so an OS for ARM devices would need to be a new version.

In a note to its clients, Citigroup has predicted that Microsoft could release a tablet version of its new OS before it comes out with the same OS for PCs. Citigroup analysts expect a beta version by September, with shipping to start in 2012 or early 2013.

'Room for Microsoft'

Whether the new tablet-oriented OS can put a dent in the tablet category currently dominated by Apple remains to be seen. Citigroup noted Microsoft still has to deliver a "competitive operating system," competitive pricing, and, most important, a compelling user interface.

Sarah Rotman Epps, an analyst with industry researcher Forrester Relevant Products/Services, noted that Microsoft's challenges also include convincing OEM partners to invest in Windows tablets when many of them are already releasing Android tablets.

In the tablet category, she pointed out, Apple "owns that world," although Research In Motion, Google Relevant Products/Services's Android, Hewlett-Packard, and others are trying to get a significant piece. But, Epps said, there is "absolutely room for Microsoft at this party."

A Forrester survey found that 46 percent of consumers would consider buying a tablet that runs Windows, compared to 16 percent for Apple's iOS platform and nine percent for Android. Epps pointed out that "consumers are familiar with Windows, and compatibility is very important to them."

The survey indicated that a big concern for buyers is that they want their tablet "to work with the stuff they already have," she said, like printing to existing printers.

"So far," Epps added, "we haven't seen any tablet that really does that."

Microsoft makes more money from Android than WP7

aaaaaAccording to a Citi analyst Walter Pritchard, Microsoft is currently making more money from Android than it is with its own mobile platform Windows Phone 7. True story.

aaaaaPritchard states that as a result of a case settlement with HTC, Microsoft is required to be paid $5 for every Android phone the Taiwanese company sells. To put that into the calculator, HTC has sold about 30 million Android smartphones, resulting in $150 million for Microsoft to pocket. Comparatively,  Microsoft has issued only 2 million Windows Phone licenses to date, with a license fee of $15 per device sold, equally to a much lesser $30 million.

aaaaaPritchard further stated that Microsoft is looking to sue even more manufacturers over infringement on the company’s intellectual property, and could be seeking anywhere between $7.50 to $12.50 for per device sold.

Deals of the day: WoW, Ninja Turtles, and more

By Rosa Golijan

Our "deals of the day" roundup is a selection of some of the better gadgets, gaming and app deals on the Internet right now — with a few strange odds and ends thrown in for fun. Here's what's worth considering today: "World of Warcraft: Cataclysm" for $18, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" collector's edition DVD for $30, "Tower Madness" for free, and more.a


15.6" Lenovo ThinkPad T520i Core i3-2310M, 2GB RAM, 320GB 7200RPM HDD for $701 (Normally $779) 14" Lenovo IdeaPad V470 439626U Core i5-2410M, 6GB RAM, 750GB HDD, 1GB GeForce GT 520M for $699 (Normally $849) 14" Lenovo ThinkPad T420i Core i3-2310M, 2GB RAM, 320GB 7200RPM HDD for $674 (Normally $749) 14" HP dm4x Core i7-2620M 2nd Gen, 6GB RAM, 640GB HDD, 1GB Radeon HD 6470M for $825 (Normally $950) 14" HP dv4t Core i3-2310M, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD for $549 (Normally $600) 13.3" HP dm3t Pentium ULV, 3GB RAM, 320GB HDD for $469.99 (Normally $599.99) HP Pavilion p7qe Quad Core i5-2400S Desktop, 6GB RAM, 1TB 7200RPM HDD for $550 (Normally $600) HP Pavilion p7z AMD Athlon II,  3GB RAM, 500GB 7200RPM HDD for $300 (Normally $350) OCZ Solid 3 SSD 2.5" 120GB SLD3-25SAT3-120G for $195 (Normally $223) 55" Samsung UN55D6300 1080p LED HDTV for $1,650 (Normally $1,788) Acer H7530D DLP Home Theater Projector for $800 (Normally $986) MartinLogan MLT-2 Home Theater System for $350 (Normally $600) V-Moda Crossfade LP XFLPR Over-Ear Headphones for $100 (Normally $146) TomTom XXL 540M 5-inch GPS for $100 (Normally $135) Kodak EasyShare M580 14MP Digital Camera for $80 (Normally $92) 15.6" Toshiba Satellite L650-ST3N02X Core i5-2410M 2.3GHz Dual-core Laptop w/4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, Webcam & Bluetooth for $649 (Normally $799) 14" Dell Inspiron 14R Core i3 Laptop w/3GB RAM, WeBcam for $399 (Normally $450) 14" Vostro 3450 Core i5-2410M 2.3GHz "Sandy Bridge" Laptop w/4GB RAM, 320GB HDD, Backlit Keyboard & Fingerprint Reader for $599 (Normally $879) Dell Vostro 230 3.2GHz Intel Dual-core Slim Tower w/4GB RAM, 250GB HDD & 23" Dell 1080p LED-backlit LCD Monitor for $418 (Normally $718) 27" HP 2711x 1080p LED-backlit LCD Monitor for $310 (Normally $400) 2TB Buffalo DriveStation Axis USB 2.0 External Hard Drive (HD-LB2.0TU2) for $85 (Normally $110) Logitech Z623 2.1 THX Speaker System for $108 (Normally $130) 42" Auria EQ4288 1080p LCD HDTV for $399 (normally $549) 32" Vizio M320VT 1080p LED-backlit LCD HDTV for $385 (Normally $580) Dell 1210S DLP Projector w/Dual VGA connector for $369 (Normally $449) Samsung Droid CHARGE 4G LTE (Verizon) Smartphone for $180 (Normally $300)


Portal 2 (Xbox 360 or PS3) for $40 (Normally $60) Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011 Top Shot Elite Bundle (Wii) for $40 (Normally $55) SOCOM 4 (PS3) for $44 (Normally $52) Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011 with Gun (Wii) for $40 (Normally $52) Metro 2033 (Xbox 360) for $27 (Normally $32) World of Warcraft: Cataclysm for $18 (Normally $29)


Sentinel 3: Homeworld (iOS) for $1 (Normally $3) Helicopter Pilot (iOS) for $0 (Normally $1) TowerMadness HD (iOS) for $0 (Normally $8) geoDefense (iOS) for $0 (Normally $2) Marine Sharpshooter by XMG (iOS) for $0 (Normally $2) NearBeer (iOS) for $0 (Normally $2) Abduction! 2 (Android) for $0 (Normally $2)

Miscellaneous odds and ends:a

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition (DVD) for $30 (Normally $40) SPN Films 30 for 30 Gift Set Collection, Volume 2 (DVD) for $40 (Normally $54) Ancient Aliens: Season One (DVD) for $12 (Normally $16) True Grit (Blu-ray/DVD) for $19 (Normally $40) Ghosts of Mars (Blu-ray) for $7 (Normally $9) X-Men Animated Series Season (DVD) for $12 (Normally $24)

Note: Today's deals were discovered via:a

Dealhack, AppBrain, LogicBUY, FatWallet, CheapCollegeGamers, 148Apps, SlickDeals, CheapStingyBargains, Dealzon, Brand Name Coupons and GamerHotlinea

Please read the detailed descriptions of each linked offer carefully before buying — is not responsible for the duration or integrity of individual deals.a

Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's a bit obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on Facebook.a


Friday, May 27, 2011

PayPal sues Google over trade secret theft

aaaaaPopular online payment service PayPal has sued Google over claims of ‘misappropriating’ trade secrets from the company.

aaaaaApparently, two former employees, now working at Google, were involved in leaking vital information of Paypal’s mobile-payment business. Paypal is currently working with major retailers to develop a new type of point of sale system.

aaaaaIn the lawsuit, Paypal claims that a former employee, Osama Bedier, stole confidential information and passed it over to Google. Another former employee, Stephanie Tilenius, violated her contractual obligations by recruiting Bedier.

aaaaaBedier “is now leading Google’s efforts to bring point of sale technologies and services to retailers on its behalf,” according to the complaint. “Bedier and Google have misappropriated PayPal trade secrets by disclosing them within Google and to major retailers.”

aaaaaPayPal also accused Bedier of non-disclosure of private talks between him and Google about a potential job at the search giant, while making negotiations to make PayPal a payment option on the Android Market – a breach of his fiduciary duty.

aaaaaGoogle had yesterday unveiled its own NFC-payment service called Google Wallet.

Computer errors free 450 high-risk prisoners

By Suzanne Choney

In California, where the state has been ordered to ease prison overcrowding by releasing some "low-level" prisoners, computer errors allowed for the release of 450 inmates considered to have a "high risk for violence." It's definitely not what the U.S. Supreme Court had in mind when it recently issued its ruling to throttle down the prison population.a

The inmates who were given their freedom were released as "unsupervised paroleees in a program meant to ease overcrowding," the Los Angeles Times reported. Additionally:a

More than 1,000 additional prisoners presenting a high risk of committing drug crimes, property crimes and other offenses were also let out, officials said.a

No attempt was made to return any of the offenders to state lockups or place them on supervised parole, said inspector general spokeswoman Renee Hansen.a

All of the prisoners were placed on "non-revocable parole," whose participants are not required to report to parole officers and can be sent back to prison only if caught committing a crime. The program was started in January 2010 for inmates judged to be at very low risk of reoffending, leaving parole agents free to focus on supervising higher-risk parolees.a

One of the big reasons behind the glitch: The computer program prison officials used to make assessments regarding early releases "does not access an inmate's disciplinary history," and it also "relies on a state Department of Justice system that records arrests but is missing conviction information for nearly half of the state's 16.4 million arrest records, according to the inspector general report," the Times said.a

A California prisons spokesman, Luis Patino, said while the disciplinary information is missing from the computer system's database, it is reviewed manually by the staff before prisoners are released.a

How's that been working for the state? With nearly 1,500 inmates outside of prison walls right now who shouldn't be, not well. Not well at all.a

Related stories:a

Nigerian hackers hit their own government An online bank scam worthy of a spy novel Hackers: 'Stupid Sony, so very stupid'

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Pre-caffeine tech: Oversharing is caring!

By Helen A.S. Popkin

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg rolled back his own privacy settings and shared his latest personal project: "The only meat I'm eating is from animals I've killed myself." (We're totally not making this up.)a

Speaking of overshare, Facebook says it doesn't really know if those emails from the guy claiming to own half of the social network are fake.a

In actual news, two astronauts made history today as the final spacewalkers of NASA's 30-year shuttle program, completing construction of the International Space Station with the smooth addition of an extension pole.a

Oh hey! Want to see Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn face an uncomfortably direct question about the Stuxnet worm? Then check this out.a

Sony says it may or may not restore the PlayStation Network by May 31. It's hard to say.a

Gmail is rolling out a new People Widget for TMI on the people you're typing with.a

You now have the power to see how the people you follow see Twitter. (Not as meta as it sounds.)a

In what seems to be a long-needed foray into decent customer service, Flickr now stores your photos 90 days after you've deleted your account.a

 90 percent of Tumblr users join from blogs, 85 percent of those have book deals are still blogging a week later.a

As we head into the three-day Memorial Day weekend, please enjoy President Obama Drinks a Beer: A Photographic Essay. a

The end is nigh! Internet meme spotted in real world


By Rosa Golijan

While idly browsing the Web diligently scouring the Internet for important news this morning, I made the mistake of clicking a link which would make me quiver with dread. What could possibly be so frightening? Photo proof that Internet memes are taking over the real world.a

The photo in question was uploaded to Imgur — the photo-hosting service of choice for Reddit users — and pointed out by a commenter on the popular link-sharing site.a

In the image, we see a bored-looking bespectacled redhead who is holding up a sign proclaiming "I left the ocean. It's too current." Yes, that's right — it's a real-life version of "Hipster Ariel."a


The "Hipster Ariel" meme has been making its way around the Internet since about the beginning of 2011, according to trend-tracking site KnowYourMeme. The basic idea is to poke fun of the contemporary hipster subculture by using macro images — photos with superimposed captions — of an altered version of Disney's Ariel.a

Even though it's suggested that the photo of real-life "Hipster Ariel" was taken during ACen, an anime and manga convention, it is still slightly unnerving to see that this particular meme has crossed into the real world. After all, what other — far less innocent memes — might follow in its path?a

Related stories:a

Hillary Clinton too sexy for Situation Room Royal wedding's 'Frowning Flower Girl' rules Internet Heartbroken girl gets revenge by turning ex-boyfriend into Internet meme

Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on Facebook.a

'Sulap' iPhone 4 Jadi Putih, Remaja Digugat Apple

Jakarta - Beberapa waktu lalu, seorang remaja bernama Fei Lam coba berbisnis perangkat untuk 'menyulap' iPhone 4 biasa jadi warna putih. Kala itu, aksi Lam ditakutkan membuatnya berseteru dengan Apple. Dugaan itu akhirnya terbukti.

Apple melayangkan gugatan hukum pada Fei Lam, seorang remaja usia 17 tahun yang bermukim di New York, Amerika Serikat. Gugatan didaftarkan di District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

Perangkat yang dijual Lam bisa 'menyulap' iPhone 4 biasa jadi iPhone 4 putih yang terlihat otentik. Sebab, dia dilaporkan memiliki koneksi dengan pabrik FoxConn di China yang biasa membuat komponen untuk Apple.

Melalui koneksinya itu, Lam memesan bahan yang diperlukan untuk membuat iPhone 4 putih dari FoxConn, seperti panel depan dan belakang. Ada juga tombol home dan instruksi manual tentang bagaimana memasangkannya.

Semua bahan bisa ditebus sekitar USD 300 di website Lam. Kala itu, jualan Lam laris karena versi putih iPhone 4 belum dipasarkan. Menurut Apple, Lam mengantongi uang USD 130 ribu dari bisnis tersebut.

Apple pun menuduh Lam melanggar hak cipta dan membingungkan konsumen karena Apple sendiri memiliki produk iPhone 4 putih. Namun dalam waktu singkat, Apple dan Lam kabarnya mencapai kesepakatan damai untuk tidak melanjutkan proses hukum.

Sebagai bagian dari penyelesaian kasus, Apple meminta Lam tidak menjual lagi perangkat tersebut, membayar sejumlah denda, dan penggantian ongkos hukum. Demikian dilansir Mobiledia dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (27/5/2011).

( fyk / ash )

Microsoft Tarik Ucapan CEO Steve Ballmer Soal Windows 8

Jakarta - CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer sukses menarik antusiasme audiens forum developer Microsoft di Tokyo, Jepang, beberapa waktu lalu kala mengungkapkan rencana perusahaannya yang akan merilis sistem operasi terbaru, Windows 8, pada tahun 2012 mendatang.

"Kami tentu saja tengah bekerja keras untuk membuat versi lanjutan dari Windows. Windows 7 telah terjual lebih dari 350 juta unit pada tahun ini. Kami telah melakukan banyak hal di Windows 7 untuk meningkatkan kepuasan bagi pengguna. Kami punya

Kesuksesan di Web Pada Era LinkedIn

Jakarta -

Jangan Ragu Pasang 'Bio' di Social Media

Jakarta - Bagaimana orang lain memandang dan menilai kapabilitas kita, adalah bagaimana kita menilai diri sendiri. Beberapa tahun terakhir, untuk melamar pekerjaan, tidak semua orang harus pergi ke kantor pos untuk mengirim surat lamaran kerja berikut Curriculum Vitae. Hampir semuanya bisa kita lakukan dengan cara digital.

Sayangnya, belum semua orang sadar, untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik, penting sekali kita tahu bagaimana cara menjual kemampuan kita dengan maksimal di internet.

Coba periksa lagi, sudahkah anda memiliki akun di, dan menjalin relasi dengan orang-orang dari industry yang tepat? Atau mendesain kartu nama digital di –sekarang menjadi Atau menulis biografi (bio) singkat yang cukup representatif dan ‘menjual’ di semua akun online kita? Blog, facebook, twitter?

Jangan salah. Calon klien atau siapa pun yang bertanggungjawab pada saat perekrutan karyawan baru, saat ini tidak hanya akan membaca CV yang barangkali anda kirim via pos.

Untuk jenis-jenis pekerjaan berbasis digital, kerja kreatif, serta apa pun yang berhubungan dengan social media, selalu ada kemungkinan, bahwa seseorang akan mengintip bio yang anda tulis, status updates di facebook, serta isi kicauan anda di twitter.

Suatu hari, saya diminta mencarikan beberapa orang influencer yang diharapkan bisa membantu program online campaign sebuah brand besar. Hampir bisa dipastikan, mereka menginginkan orang-orang dengan ribuan –bahkan puluhan ribu—follower. Dari puluhan nama yang masuk, hanya beberapa orang yang dianggap ‘layak pakai’.

Kenapa begitu?

Salah satu pertimbangannya adalah, bukan hanya dari banyak atau tidaknya follower yang bersangkutan di twitter, atau berapa ribu orang kawan yang dia miliki di Facebook.

Seberapa popular pun anda, semua akan sia-sia ketika orang melihat bahwa anda tidak menghargai diri sendiri dengan pantas.

Twitter bio yang isinya hanya sekadarnya, misalnya ‘

Inovasi 'Dompet Digital' Google Dituding Hasil Curian

Jakarta - eBay dan unit online payment miliknya, PayPal, melayangkan tuntutan terhadap Google dan dua eksekutifnya atas tuduhan pencurian informasi rahasia perdagangan yang berhubungan dengan sistem pembayaran mobile.

Dua eksekutif Google tersebut, Osama Bedier dan Stephanie Tilenius, mantan pegawai PayPal dan kini memimpin peluncuran 'dompet digital' Google yang bekerjasama dengan MasterCard, Citigroup dan operator Sprint.

Dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Jumat (27/5/2011), perkara gugatan ini menyoroti dimulainya kompetisi di ranah

Wikipedia Ingin Jadi Situs Warisan Dunia

Jakarta - Genap berusia 10 tahun, Wikipedia, ensiklopedia online yang bisa diedit oleh siapa saja, tengah gencar berkampanye agar situsnya terdaftar sebagai World Heritage Site atau situs warisan dunia di UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

Organisasi non profit yang mengurusi situs ini, Wikimedia, telah mengumumkan sebuah petisi yang menyatakan bahwa Wikipedia adalah karya besar dari kejeniusan kreatifitas manusia dan juga memiliki nilai kemanusiaan universal.

Jika kampanye ini berhasil, Wikipedia akan menjadi 'benda' digital pertama yang masuk dalam daftar bergengsi keajaiban alam dan budaya dunia UNESCO, demikian keterangan yang dikutip detikINET dari Telegraph, Jumat (27/5/2011).

Ide mendaftarkan diri untuk status World Heritage Site awalnya diajukan awal tahun ini oleh Wikimedia di Jerman. Gagasan tersebut lantas didukung oleh Wikimedia di berbagai negara dan keluarlah petisi itu pada pekan ini.

"Ini tidak hanya kisah kesuksesan dalam sejarah internet, tetapi juga kisah keberhasilan bagi perubahan paradigma dalam perlakuan terhadap ilmu pengetahuan gratis," kata Jimmy Wales, Co-Founder Wikipedia.

Disebutkannya, Wikipedia siap bersaing dengan sejumlah World Heritage Sites UNESCO lainnya. Menurutnya, bagian yang tengah mereka coba upayakan adalah mempromosikan ide bahwa Wikipedia sebagai fenomena kultural.

( rns / ash )

Update Ovi Store 2.8 Telah Tersedia

Jakarta -

( fw / fw )

Sony Bersiap Luncurkan PlayStation 4

Jakarta - Sony mengatakan tengah mengembangkan

Inilah Ponsel Termurah dari HTC

Jakarta - Ponsel pintar besutan HTC memang identik dengan harganya yang tinggi, namun pabrikan asal Taiwan itu juga mengklaim memiliki produk berharga terjangkau, Wildfire S.

Wildfire S merupakan ponsel Android terbaru HTC yang diluncurkan bersama tablet HTC Flyer. Ponsel tersebut memiliki bentang layar berukuran 3,2 inchi dengan berbagai jensi warna eye catching.

"Wildfire S merupakan ponsel HTC yang paling terjangkau dan paling mudah digunakan. Tetapi fitur di dalamnya tetap diperkaya fitur khas HTC," ujar Darren Sng, Head of Product Marketting HTC Asia.

Wildfire S, dibanderol pada kisaran harga Rp 3 juta termasuk paket data unlimited gratis selama 6 bulan dari Telkomsel. Berikut adalah spesifikasi ponsel tersebut:

- Sistem operasi: Android Gingerbread
- Prosesor: Qualcomm 600MHz
- Layar: capacitive touchscreen, 3,2 inchi, 320 x 480 pixel.
- Dimensi: 101.3 x 59.4 x 12.4 mm
- Bobot: 105 g
- Kamera: 5MP
- Baterai: Li-Ion 1230 mAh

( eno / rou )

Wow, Kamera 200 Megapixel Dibanderol Rp 380 Juta

Jakarta - Penyuka kamera yang mampu menghasilkan foto beresolusi tinggi bakal terpuaskan oleh perangkat ini. Betapa tidak, kamera Hasselblad H4D-200MS ini mampu menghasilkan foto dengan resolusi 200 megapixel.

Sambangi Bandung, Iconia Manjakan Penggemar Hiburan

Bandung - Setelah diluncurkan di Jakarta awal Mei lalu, Iconia A500, tablet terbaru besutan Acer menyambangi Bandung. Gadget canggih ini dijanjikan bisa memanjakan para pencari tantangan dan penggemar hiburan di Bandung.

"Kebutuhan masyarakat akan perangkat mobile yang canggih semakin tinggi. Ini (Iconia - red) adalah tablet pertama di>Indonesia yang berbasis Android 3.0. Atau yang lazim disebut Honeycomb," ungkap Astrid Warsito, Public Relation Specialist, Acer Group>Indonesia di sela-sela peluncuran Iconia A500 di Istana Plaza, Bandung, Kamis (26/5/2011).

Sejak masuk ke pasar smart handheld pada 2010 silam, Acer memang fokus menggarap ceruk pasar ini. Beberapa

Skype Reports 'Small Number' of Users Locked Out

Skype reported Thursday that "a small number" of its subscribers have been unable to sign in to the global communications service since Wednesday evening. Still, even if the problem only affects a small percentage of Skype's 170 million connected users worldwide, it can cause some major headaches -- especially if small-business operators are impacted.

Skype's current sign-in problem follows on the heels of Microsoft's pending acquisition of Skype under an $8.5 billion deal announced earlier this month. The irony is that Skype said its current outage problems are predominantly limited to users equipped with PCs running versions of Microsoft's Windows.

"This predominantly affects people using Skype for Windows," Skype said in a blog on Thursday. "We have identified the problem and will issue a fix in the next few hours."

Quick To Blame Microsoft

Some Skype users were quick to lay the blame at Microsoft's feet, claiming the software giant had "broken Skype after owning it for literally days," tweeted Tim Redfern. "Looks like Microsoft completed their purchase of Skype, and broke it," added Tommy McCarthy in another Thursday tweet.

However, Microsoft's deal for Skype, which is subject to regulatory approval, isn't slated for completion until later this year. Still, many Skype users seem to be anticipating potential problems ahead -- with some no doubt recalling Microsoft's infamous Windows "blue screen of death" on malfunctioning PCs during the final decade of the 20th century.

So if Skype's report of an outage limited to a small number of users is accurate, this would be good news for Microsoft. The software giant plans to leverage Skype's huge client base and powerful consumer brand in today's post-desktop Relevant Products/Services-PC era in which stationary platforms no longer dominate the computing environment. For this strategy to succeed, Skype's brand needs to remain untarnished.

Local phone numbers, three-way video Relevant Products/Services conferencing, business administration, and making calls to real phone numbers are all things that people will pay for, noted Forrester Relevant Products/Services Research Vice President Ted Schadler. "Skype has never had the money to market these services," Schadler wrote in a blog. "Microsoft does."

And the more Schadler looks at the Microsoft/Skype deal, the more he likes it. "Microsoft gets a scaled network Relevant Products/Services and a valuable disruptive innovation Relevant Products/Services," he added later in a tweet. (continued...)

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5 ways to keep your cords tidy, organized in your bag


The Grid-It system, from Cocoon Innovations, offers a smart way to stay tangle-free in your suitcase.a

By Sean O'Neill, Budget Travela

Here are five ways to contain all the little items roaming around in your bags for your next trip:a

One Budget Travel reader uses stretch hair bands instead of using rubber bands, which tend to break, for binding electronic cords together. (Find them at dollar stores.)a

Toilet-paper tubes can have a surprising second-life as storage tools for digital gear. Wrap cell phone and digital camera cords, chargers, and other cables inside the cardboard tube. (A pro trick: Secure each plug end in a notch cut at the tube's rim.)a

A fancier way to stay tangle-free is to buy the Grid-It system, from $9. It's essentially a set of elastic bands that are woven into a solid surface and protected by a neoprene sleeve.a

Many travelers swear by Eagle Creek's packing cubes and half-cubes, which are zippered mesh compartments. Each container lifts out of your bag and is "squishable" to fit into tight spaces. Prices start at $10.a

Last but not least, clear plastic bags, such as by Ziploc, make it easier for you and the TSA to find stuff, of course. Many of our readers stow their electronic accessories and cords inside of such bags. One clever reader marked each bag with masking tape, on which he wrote the name of what is supposed to go inside the bag. That way, when re-packing his luggage, if he sees one of the Ziploc bags without an item inside, he'll be prompted to remember to find it in the room where he accidentally left it.a

More stories from Budget Travela

10 Islands to See Before You Die Confessions of a Cruise Ship Musician World's Most Beautiful Waterfalls

Mark Zuckerberg kills what he eats

John Schults / Reuters a

Yo! I just hit a marmot! Let's eat! a

By Helen A.S. Popkin

Nothing ingratiates 20-something billionaires to the public like self-righteous bloviating about one's new-found dietary practices ... and animal slaughter!a

In what may or may not be the latest attempt to show the world that oversharing is caring, Mark Zuckerberg rolled back his own privacy settings to email Fortune about his latest personal challenge. "The only meat I'm eating is from animals I've killed myself," the Facebook CEO apparently actually wrote, according to Fortune.a

"I just killed a pig and a goat," Zuckerberg posted May 4 on his private Facebook profile, a status update which "drew a stream of emotional comments, which were a mixture of confusion, curiosity, and outright disgust," Fortune reports. Perhaps they thought Zuck had run amok in FarmVille. Maybe, it was just, "Dude! Pig OR Goat!" Probably, like the hordes of PETA protesters heading his way, they were totally skeeved.a

But, hey! Since the killing began, "I'm eating a lot healthier foods. And I've learned a lot about sustainable farming and raising of animals," Zuckerberg told Fortune. "It's easy to take the food we eat for granted when we can eat good things every day."a

Zuck's blood lust for better health began last year, during a cookout epiphany in which he came to realize he was better than everyone else:a

I started thinking about this last year when I had a pig roast at my house. A bunch of people told me that even though they loved eating pork, they really didn't want to think about the fact that the pig used to be alive. That just seemed irresponsible to me. I don't have an issue with anything people choose to eat, but I do think they should take responsibility and be thankful for what they eat rather than trying to ignore where it came from.a

Get with it, nonbillionaires too busy picking your kids up from daycare to take out your own supper at novelty slaughter farms for a fee!a

Under the tutelage of Silicon Valley chef and Palo Alto neighbor Jesse Cool, Zuckerburg visits local farms such as the one where he helped the aforementioned pig and goat slip their mortal coils. "He cut the throat of the goat with a knife, which is the most kind way to do it," Cool told Fortune. One might think sleeping pills or old age would be the kindest way to meet one's maker, but then again one isn't a star chef who hangs out with dotcom billionaires, is one?a

Of course, don't get the impression Zuckerberg's killing 24/7, coding away with blood on his paws. He said that thanks to the new DIY diet, he's eating less meat. "This year I've basically become a vegetarian since the only meat I'm eating is from animals I've killed myself," Zuckerberg wrote Fortune, expressing as much understanding of vegetarianism as he apparently has of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.a

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Friends who come to dinner at Zuckerberg Manor to get their meal on don't eat nearly as much these days, Zuckerberg told Fortune. "I guess they feel like I don't have too much meat, so I should eat it myself," he said. That, or they don't want him killing more things.a

Zuckerberg's Extreme Urban Chicken Farming (yes, he's killed a chicken) is the latest personal challenge, something he says he's done every year in recent memory.  Last year he took up Chinese. In 2009, he wore a tie everyday. In 2012, he hunts humans.a

OK, probably not. Though if the Harvard dropout did take up "The Most Dangerous Game," he's likely smart enough not to post it on Facebook. According to Fortune however, Zuck has expressed an interest in hunting. And about that chicken kill — he reportedly ate its heart and liver and posted a picture of it on Facebook with a list of its fated dishes. He even saved the feet ... which he reportedly used to make stock, and not a beak bracelet or add it to a growing trophy collection of his many barnyard kills.a

He uses every part of the animal —that's the great thing about Zuck! (Think of it that way. You'll have less nightmares.)a

To be fair, slaughter and butchery is hot among the previously self-righteous vegan hipsters right now, so Zuckerberg is hardly alone in his practice or opinions. But you know what? Needle felting is all the rage, too ... and only half as creepy.  a

via Fortunea

More on the annoying way we live now:a

Facebook is coming for your children Hillary Clinton too sexy for Situation Room Bieber fans go on Grammy-fueled Wikipedia rampage

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Join her self-rigteous bloviating on Twitter and Facebook, won't you?a

Microsoft's Ballmer: Should He Stay or Should He Go?

Should he stay or should he go? That's the question surrounding Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.

David Einhorn, a hedge fund tycoon perhaps best known for his connections to Lehman Brothers, kicked off the debate. He accused Ballmer of being "stuck in the past" and suggested he step down, according to Reuters. Indeed, Einhorn had strong words about Ballmer, comparing his management style to Charlie Brown from the Peanuts comic strip.

"His continued presence is the biggest overhang on Microsoft's stock," Einhorn, president of Greenlight Capital, said at the Ira Sohn Investment Research Conference in New York on Wednesday.

Microsoft's Valuation Slide

Although some observers expect a battle that Ballmer won't back down from, other news reports suggest the Microsoft chief has something that will guarantee him success: Support from the board of directors. CNBC cited an unnamed board member who said Ballmer has the board's support.

Greenlight Capital is a Microsoft investor and owns about nine million shares of Microsoft stock. That equals .11 percent of the company's outstanding shares, according to Thomson Reuters data Relevant Products/Services. Although he feels Microsoft stock is undervalued, Einhorn nevertheless wants Ballmer to "give someone else a chance."

Microsoft has lost ground under Ballmer's watch. Last May, Apple officially overtook Microsoft as the most valuable technology Relevant Products/Services company in the world, thanks to its mobile Relevant Products/Services devices. And just last week, IBM surpassed Microsoft in value.

Then there's Google Relevant Products/Services. Despite Microsoft's Bing search alliance with Yahoo, Google continues to dominate the search market.

Looking at sheer numbers, Microsoft's stock has dipped 58 percent since the early part of the century while IBM, Apple and Google stocks have exploded.

Don't Fix What Ain't Broken

Michael Disabato, managing vice president of network Relevant Products/Services and telecom for Gartner Relevant Products/Services, isn't sure the notion of a Ballmer exit is a worthy debate. As he sees it, Microsoft has made some strong moves under Ballmer's watch.

"Microsoft brought out SharePoint -- arguably one of their best products -- and they brought out Windows 7, which is probably the best operating system they've developed," Disabato said. "Windows Phone has a better shot at becoming popular than Windows Mobile ever did. Wall Street shouldn't be running these companies."

Wall Street valuations are not a reason to get rid of CEOs, Disabato said. If Ballmer started to perform incompetently and consistently launched poor products, he added, that would be a reason to call for his resignation.

"Ballmer has fixed Windows -- and I can't even believe I'm saying that," Disabato said. "Wall Street can complain about the stock price. Let's see what the technicians have to say about the products."

20 videos about "Star Wars: The Old Republic"


By Todd Kenreck

Jedi, Sith, bounty Hunters, smugglers and troopers battle it out in this highly-anticipated Star Wars game. For your viewing pleasure here are 20 videos all about the massively multiplayer online game "Star Wars: The Old Republic" in one big, fat, massive auto-playlist; so sit back, enjoy, and click right here.a

Google Wallet Could Transform Mobile Payments

After heavy speculation this week -- and even over the past year -- Google Relevant Products/Services is teaming up with some heavy hitters in credit cards and mobile Relevant Products/Services phones to launch the long-awaited Google Wallet.

Citigroup, MasterCard, First Data, and Sprint Nextel joined Google in its New York offices Thursday to offer the press an official demo of a Google app that essentially works to transform a smartphone Relevant Products/Services into a wallet. The demo showed how consumers can tap, pay and save using a phone and Near Field Communication (NFC). Google Wallet is currently in field testing, with no official release date.

"Google Wallet is a key part of our ongoing effort to improve shopping for both businesses and consumers," Rob von Behren and Jonathan Wall, the founding engineers for Google Wallet, wrote in a blog. "It's aimed at making it easier for you to pay for and save on the goods you want, while giving merchants more ways to offer coupons and loyalty programs to customers, as well as bridging the gap between online and off-line commerce."

More Than a Wallet

Google Wallet will initially support both Citi MasterCard and a Google Prepaid Card. But Google said consumers can fund the prepaid card with almost any credit card. In practice, consumers can tap their phone to pay wherever MasterCard PayPass is accepted. Google Wallet will also sync a consumer's Google Offers account, which can be redeemed via NFC at SingleTap merchant venues or by showing the bar code to a cashier at checkout.

Google Offers is a beta service that competes with Groupon. The city-specific service offers deals on products and services. Although the number of participating merchants is limited at launch, Google said many merchants are working to integrate their offers and loyalty programs with Google Wallet.

"Because Google Wallet is a mobile app, it will do more than a regular wallet ever could. You'll be able to store your credit cards, offers, loyalty cards, and gift cards, but without the bulk," von Behren and Wall wrote. "When you tap to pay, your phone will also automatically redeem offers and earn loyalty points for you. Someday, even things like boarding passes, tickets, IDs and keys could be stored in Google Wallet."

Accelerating Development

Like most everything else it does, Google said it's building an open commerce ecosystem around Google Wallet. The company is planning to develop APIs that will allow integration with partners. At launch, Google Wallet will only be compatible with the Nexus S 4G by Google smartphone, which is exclusively available on Sprint.

"Google Wallet with its myriad promotional and loyalty capabilities is very powerful for merchants, advertisers and consumers. One question is how many consumers will be able to use the system in the near term?" asked Greg Sterling, principal analyst at Sterling Market Intelligence.

"It appears that there's a substantial installed base of merchants -- approximately 100,000 -- that are ready for the system, but it could take several years for this to become mainstream. However, the announcement today will do for mobile payments what the iPhone did for smartphones: Dramatically accelerate the development of the market."

Nigerian hackers hit their own government

By Helen A.S. Popkin

A group of Nigerian hackers is currently attacking government websites.a

Earlier today, NaijaCyberHacktivists announced via Twitter the takedown of the National Poverty Eradication Programme website, including a link to its work:a

" down..NAPEP has been hacked! Poverty Alleviation SCAM! You enrich your pockets at the mercy of the poor."a


The image placed on websites hacked by NaijaCyberHackistsa

On Wednesday, the hackers infiltrated the website for the Niger Delta Development Commission, an agency set up to develop the region, posting a nine-

h letter protesting the N1 billion ($6.6 million) budget for President Goodluck Jonathan‘s upcoming inauguration.a

The website was momentarily restored, but completely unavailable at the time of this post, apparently the victim of a denial-of-service attack.a

Nigeria is both lousy with unemployment and rich in raw technology talent. That's a big reason those 419 scam emails are still rampant on the Internet. So named for the Nigerian Criminal Code article dealing with fraud, 419 scams offer easy money or love, or an offer not to kill you, if you just provide access to your bank account.a

People still fall for these scams, even though websites inreasingly block Nigerian ISPs. Now, however, the country's poverty seems to have inspired some of its computer-saavy citizens to use their talent to challenge the government.  a

The new NaijaCyberHacktivists letter, posted on the Poverty Eradication Programme website homepage, references the N1 billion inauguration budget, as well as a Nigerian Freedom of Information Bill set for review May 29. Should the inauguration budget remain and the FOI not pass, NaijaCyberHacktivists promise cyberattacks will expand from government websites, to all financial institutions, networks and telecommunications companies. a

As the recent crippling attacks on U.S. financial institutions, and the ongoing attacks on Sony networks by other hacktivist groups illustrate, NaijaCyberHacktivists plan of action may be doable.a

Here is the letter currently posted on the the Poverty Eradication Programme website:a

A letter from HELLa

Mr Presidenta

With great sadness in our heart we bring you this message.The Nigerian General Elections of April 2011 have come and gone. But, yet again, like all important functions of the Nigerian political system, they have provoked violent uprisings in parts of Nigeria - this time, mostly in the Northern States of Nigeria - and they have left a legacy of blood and tears, and of inter-group animosity and hate.Nigerians have endured it all - usually assured by political self-seekers and false prophets that such problems are temporary birth pangs of a new country. But the events of the past April, and of recent months, have at last blown away all this self-deception and we are saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!a

To worsen the matter, the FG is to spend N1b on Jonathan inaugurationa

An inauguration is simply an induction into office, the formal transfer of power to an individual AND NOT a costly long-running festival nor a series of open-ended events organized into convoluted books and chapters.a

We, NaijaCyberHactivists are therefore joiningvoice with other well-meaning Nigerians and WE SAY "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"! WE ARE WATCHING and we promise thata

1.) If the FG decides to go on with the N1b budget2.) If the FOI Bill is not passed before May 29a


1.) Launch an attack against ALL financial institutions2.) Launch an attack against the epayment bodies in the country3.) Take down the Networks4.) Cripple the telecommunication companies5.) Take down all government sites.a

Related: a

WikiLeaks: Bradley Manning's forgotten Facebook page An online bank scam worthy of a spy novel Hackers: 'Stupid Sony, so very stupid'

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Join her on Facebook and/or Twitter, won't you? a


Japan, Germany, Serbia, named safest place to surf the web by Kaspersky

aaaaaPress release: Kaspersky Lab, a leading developer of secure content and threat management solutions, presents statistics for IT threats in the first quarter of 2011. All the data was obtained from consenting participants of the Kaspersky Security Network which brings together millions of users of Kaspersky Lab’s products from 213 countries around the world.

aaaaaAccording to the company’s research, in the first quarter of 2011, the number of web-borne attacks blocked stood at 254,932,299. Notably, 89% of all web resources used for hosting malware were detected in just 10 countries. The United States still tops this list â€" between January and March 2011, the share of malicious hosting sites in the US increased by 1.7 percentage points. The bulk of the malicious content is located on compromised legitimate sites. The number of malicious hosting sites continued to fall in China and Germany, with the volume of web attacks originating from the two countries falling by 3.33 and 3.28 percentage points respectively compared to the final quarter of 2010.

aaaaaThose facing the highest risk of infection via the Internet were users in Russia and Oman. Nearly every second computer (49%) in those two countries became the target of a web attack during the first three months of the year. Other high-risk countries included Iraq, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. The safest countries for Internet surfing were Japan, Germany, Serbia, the Czech Republic and Luxembourg.

aaaaaDuring Q1 2011, Kaspersky Lab’s solutions successfully blocked 412,790,509 attempted local infections of users’ computers connected to the Kaspersky Security Network. The Top 10 list of countries where users’ computers were exposed to the highest risk of local infections consisted entirely of Asian and African countries. First place in the ranking is occupied by various malicious programs detected with the help of cloud-based technologies. These technologies work when a malicious program first enters circulation and the antivirus databases do not have signatures or heuristic tools to detect it; at this time, information about this malware may well exist in the cloud.

aaaaaThe main point of interest in the Top 10 vulnerabilities detected on users’ computers was the presence of just a single Microsoft product vulnerability in 8th place. Vulnerabilities in Adobe products occupied a total of five positions in the list, including 1st and 2nd places.

aaaaa“The statistics collected from computers belonging to KSN subscribers show that users’ computers in the developing countries are at the highest risk of both local and web-borne infection. With local infections, the groups within the maximum and high risk brackets consist exclusively of developing countries. In the countries that fall into the maximum risk bracket, local threats are blocked on over 60% of all computers that have Kaspersky Lab’s security products installed on them, while the corresponding figure for the high risk bracket is 40-60%. IT penetration is increasing rapidly in these countries, and levels of IT security awareness may not always advance at the same pace,” explains Yury Namestnikov, Kaspersky Lab expert and author of the quarterly report.

aaaaa“However, the most advanced Trojans such as TDSS, Sinowal and Zbot, etc., primarily target users in developed countries, including the US, Germany, the UK, Italy, France and Spain. It is the digital wallets of users living in these countries that the cybercriminals are really after.”

TV remote wasn't always so ... remote

L5 Technologya

The L5 Remote app for iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad; it costs $59.95.a

By Suzanne Choney

Some of us don't have the remotest idea how to work today's remote controls, other than using the power, volume and channel buttons. That's testimony to how complicated remotes have become since they first landed in our hands some 60 years ago, and why products like universal remotes have become universally disliked.a

This tool of convenience has turned many into frustrated flingers of said devices. But it wasn't always this way.a

At Technologizer, Harry McCracken provides a fun overview of the remote's history, sharing a Zenith ad from 1951 showing its appropriately named "Lazy Bones" controller.a

"No jumping up, not one knob to touch or retune!" boasts the ad. Of course, this is why we're all out buying the Wii today, because we stopped jumping up to change stations or the volume and became BarcaLounger lizards and now need to do something about that.a

McCracken notes that the TiVo remote, aka" Mr. Peanut" because of its Mr. Peanut-like shape and look, was probably the "most iconic new-and improved remote control of its era," largely because  of its "user-friendly consumer-electronics interfaces in general," with the buttons being "thoughtfully arranged and well-labeled ... There’s a lesson there for everyone who’s attempted to radically rethink the remote over the years."a

Now, of course, we can use our smartphones as remotes. And some of us can just use our minds — not to turn the set on, but to keep it off.a

Related stories:a

Can your iPhone replace your remote controls? Secrets of Verizon iPhone tests revealed New app lets you schedule text messages

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Vermont Department of Taxes Upgrades to Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management 2.2

Redwood Shores, Calif. â€" May 25, 2011News Facts Oracle, working with CGI, has completed the first upgrade to Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management 2.2 with the Vermont Department of Taxes. Already live on the previous version of Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management, the Vermont Department of Taxes uses the solution to optimize all aspects of the revenue collection process and quickly respond to tax law and regulatory changes. The State of Vermont, like many other states, is facing unprecedented pressure to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the midst of declining tax revenues and economic pressure. Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management provides the state with the means to become cost effective, increase focus on collection, upgrade its technology base and provide a platform for future expansion of tax types. Working with CGI and Oracle, the Vermont Department of Taxes replaced its 30-year-old, customized system with Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management to help more efficiently and effectively administer taxes on behalf of its constituents. The new version of Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management provides out-of-the-box core tax processing features to support registration, forms processing and penalty and interest determination. It also enables tax agencies to complete implementations more quickly and with less risk, while providing functionality for highly specialized tax calculations based on a number of configurable criteria. The State of Vermont purchased an earlier version of the software in Q2FY08. Supporting Quotes “Tax authorities often struggle to create integrated views of taxpayer activity, streamline collections, audit taxpayer service operations and adapt to constant change and complexity in the tax laws they administer. Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management provides the Vermont Department of Taxes with an integrated solution to enable near-term functional improvements, while providing the adaptability and flexibility needed to address future challenges as well,” said Andre van der Post, global director, Tax Solutions and Strategy, Oracle Tax Global Business Unit. “By combining our expertise with Oracle’s, we have provided the Vermont Department of Taxes with a single, modern technology infrastructure for processing mission critical tax return and financial information,” said Jonathan F. Light, vice president, Consulting Services, CGI. “Working with Oracle and CGI, we have successfully upgraded to Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management 2.2. This solution provides us with a more flexible and effective tax management system, enabling us to efficiently and effectively bill, collect and manage funds,” said Tom Buonomo, director, Vermont Department of Taxes.Supporting Resources Oracle Enterprise Taxation ManagementAbout OracleOracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, visit oracle.comTrademarksOracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Contact Info

Free iPhone app checks PlayStation Network status

PSN Statusa

By Rosa Golijan

The PlayStation Network hasn't been entirely stable while Sony's dealing with the aftermath of a major security breach, but thankfully you can always easily tell when the service is available by glancing at your iPhone.a

All you need to do is download a free app called PSN Status and ... well, that's it.a

The app doesn't really do anything beyond displaying the status of the PlayStation Network — along with a frowning or smiling emoticon, depending on how things are — and offering you the option to share the info via your social media service of choice.a

Related stories:a

Hackers: 'Stupid Sony, so very stupid' The real cost of Sony's PlayStation Network fiasco PSN members: Here's how to get free identity protection

Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on Facebook.a

Sepeda Curian Ditemukan via Twitter

Jakarta - Selain sebagai wadah bersosialisasi virtual dan berbagi informasi, Anda mungkin tidak menyangka jika jejaring sosial seperti Twitter punya manfaat yang lebih personal, misalnya membantu menemukan sepeda yang hilang.

Dilansir Sydney Morning Herald dan dikutip detikINET, Kamis (26/5/2011), Elaine Ellis, wanita 30 tahun asal Boulder, Colorado, Amerika Serikat (AS), kehilangan sepedanya pekan lalu. Padahal, dia sudah mengunci sepeda seharga USD 500 itu dengan rapi. Namun pencuri berhasil merusak kunci yang dipautkan pada tembok dan besi itu.

Jika kebanyakan orang segera melapor polisi saat mengalami pencurian, lain halnya dengan Ellis. Hal pertama yang dilakukannya adalah memposting tweet yang menginformasikan sepedanya telah hilang dengan menyertakan foto sepeda dan tempat pencurian terjadi.

Ellis yang merupakan manager sebuah media sosial dengan jumlah follower lebih dari 3.000 orang, hanya perlu waktu kurang dari lima jam untuk menemukan sepedanya. Rupanya, usahanya ini tak sia-sia. Salah seorang followernya menemukan si pencuri dengan sepeda milik Ellis dan melaporkannya ke polisi.

Alhasil, keberadaan si pencuri, pria berusia 41 bernama David Carroll Oldham pun terlacak oleh polisi. Dia segera dibekuk untuk kemudian diproses secara hukum.

( rns / ash )

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Google Maps on more than 200 million mobiles

By Suzanne Choney

Google Maps for mobile recently hit a milestone: More than 200 million installs, and cell phone customers are quickly becoming the dominant users of the program.a

Marissa Mayer of Google shared the stats at this week's TechCrunch Disrupt conference, saying that mobile users now account for 40 percent of Maps' audience. By June, mobile devices will represent the majority of Maps' audience.a

With a growing appetite for Maps on mobile, Google last week unveiled a more desktop-like Maps experience for iPhone and Android device users. The upgrade includes seeing  your current location on a phone, for example, and searching for what's nearby using "suggest" and "auto complete," as well as having clickable icons of popular businesses and transit stations.a

And local is the key, to Google Maps success on cell phones: Mayer said 40 percent of searches are seeking local info, making 411 more of anachronism than the phone book.a

Related stories: a

Google Maps updated for Android, iPhone 10 best Android features that the iPhone lacks Secrets of Verizon iPhone tests revealed

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Pre-caffeine tech: Harry Potter, troll hunters, e-Readers!

via Buzzfeeda

By Helen A.S. Popkin

This week has seen loads of e-book news. Barnes & Noble and rival Kobo launched touchscreen e-ink readers to compete with Amazon's Kindle, while a new Kindle, the 3G cellular version cheapened by ads and "special offers," also quietly debuted. All the while, rumors of Amazon's iPad-threatening tablets keep percolating up.a

Join our own Wilson Rothman at 11 a.m. PT/2 p.m. ET for a live online chat about e-Readers. We'll discuss which new e-readers, if any, are worth buying, and the ins and outs of investing in a library of e-books, not to mention magazine and newspaper subscriptions.a

In other news, Skype's not working right now, but here's how to fix it.a

OK, tell me if you've heard this one: Sex offender walks into an Apple store, logs on to his Facebook page, gets arrested.a

Speaking of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg says his social network isn't a monopoly ... so, you know, no need to regulate, Mr. Feds Guys!a

Also in Facebook news —looks like it's about to partner with streaming music service Spotify.  a

Here comes a new TV show in which famous-for-no-apparent-reason stars (Kim Kardashian, Snooki, etc.) confront people who say mean things about them on the Internet.a

This should not be confused with foreign film, "The Troll Hunter."a

Speaking of trolls, 4chan founder Chris Poole assures the infamous image boards site and his new venture,, will remain separate.a

Stop press! Angry Birds is no longer the top paid app in the Apple App store!a

In closing: Check out Jennifer Ofenstein's AWESOME Harry Potter quilt. Buzzfeed tells us it took here nearly two years to complete, and now she is releasing the patterns for others to use, one at a time.a

People watch 3 billion videos on YouTube per day

aaaaaOn it’s 6th anniversary, like most tech companies, Google dished out some stats cake for its birthday boy YouTube.

aaaaaAccording to the search giant, the popular video hosting website streams over 3 billion videos every day, causing mind-boggling strain on its severs and creating giant global warming holes in the sky-thingy. Okay, the last bit was made up. Anyway, this represents an increase of 50% over last year.

aaaaaThe company also said that over 48 hours, again, hours, of footage gets uploaded every minute, again, every minute, on the website, which is an 100% increase over last year (it better be!).

aaaaaThat’s nice, YouTube. Here’s a treat, from us to you:


Skype's not working right now, here's how to fix it


By Rosa Golijan

Popular telephony service Skype currently has some issues working properly and is more likely to crash than a rogue bumper car, but there's a little trick you can use to make it behave long enough for a few chats. Here's what you need to know.a

The Next Web reportsthat the Skype website as well as Skype desktop clients are causing headaches right now. The website refuses to load — or loads extremely slowly — while the desktop clients simply refuse to allow users to sign in.a

(Before you start cracking jokes about Skype's outage being connected to its recent dealings with Microsoft, I am obligated to remind you that is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC Universal. Now back to your regularly scheduled quips.)a

A tweet on the official Skype Twitter account confirms that there are some issues with the service and another one explains that a fix is on the way:a



While you wait for Skype to fix things though, you can still use the service if you're willing to do a little bit of work. The Next Web has helpfully provided instructionson a trick which will let you sign in through your official Skype desktop client of choice:a

Windows Vista and Windows 7a

1.    Close Skype.a.    Right-click the Skype icon in the system tray (at the bottom right of the screen)b.    Choose Quit.2.    Ensure that “Show hidden files and folders” is switched on.a.    Click Start, type run and press Enter.b.    Type control folders and click OK.c.    Select the View tab and ensure relevant entry is enabled.3.    Locate the shared.xml file.a.    Click Start, type run and press Enter.b.    Type %appdata%\skype and click OK.c.    Delete the shared.xml file.4.    Restart Skype. The shared.xml file will be recreated.a

Windows XPa

1.    Close Skype.a.    Right-click the Skype icon in the system tray (at the bottom right of the screen)b.    Choose Quit.2.    Ensure that “Show hidden files and folders” is switched on.a.    Click Start and then Run…b.    Type control folders and click OK.c.    Select the View tab and ensure relevant entry is enabled.3.    Locate the shared.xml file.a.    Click Start and then Run…b.    Type %appdata%\skype and click OK.c.    Delete the shared.xml file.4.    Restart Skype. The shared.xml file will be recreated.a

Mac OS X1. Quit Skype.2. Go to the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Skype/3. Delete the file shared.xml (it will be recreated once you open Skype again, this is fine).4. Start Skype.a

Please note that the ~ sign means your home folder. You can find your home folder by opening Finder and selecting Go > Home from the menu bar or pressing Command (Apple), Shift and H keys at the same time.a


Related stories:a

Skype Android app updated: Security fixes and 3G calls Skype in the classroom encourages collaboration across oceans Skype buys Qik Android videochat developer

Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on Facebook.a

SparxUp Seminar, Gamelan, dan IDBYTE Segera Digelar di Jogja

Jakarta -
Akhir pekankali ini, kota Jogja akan kebanjiran tiga acara di dunia

Panasonic brings three new cameras to the ME market

aaaaaPress release: Panasonic has added three new models of digital still cameras to the award winning LUMIX series of cameras – the TZ-20 an ultimate travel companion, the rugged FT3, and the smart touch FX78, it was announced today.

aaaaaThe LUMIX DMC-TZ20 is an ideal travel companion with its versatile ultra wide-angle to telephoto lens which is capable of recording high quality videos.

aaaaaThe DMC-FT3 is specially geared for active outdoor use, incorporating more powerful features in even more rugged design. The new 12.1-megapixel DMC-FT3 further strengthens its toughness to be waterproof to 12m with shockproof to 2m, freezeproof to -10 degrees C and dustproof reliability. The built-in GPS function, compass, altimeter, and barometer are added functionality on the FT3.

aaaaaThe DMC-FX78 features a Smart Touch operation on the 3.5-inch large LCD screen. The touch screen controls all functions of the camera including – Touch AF, Touch Zoom or Touch Shutter during recording and various playback functions including, new Art Retouch and Beauty Retouch mode.

aaaaa“Panasonic cameras are designed to meet the varied needs of the consumer. The new line up of LUMIX cameras with their unique functionality will definitely meet customer demands. The cameras are versatile, trendy and the image quality is of the highest caliber, be it still or videos,” commented Hitesh Ojha, Hitesh Ojha, Senior Manager, Sales and Marketing â€" AV Categories, Panasonic Marketing Middle East FZE.

aaaaaDMC â€" TZ20


aaaaaThe lens system in the DMC-TZ20 is totally redesigned with new mechanical structure, optical system combining advanced technology such as Nano Surface Coating for even higher optical performance while maintaining the compactness of the unit.  Furthermore, the newly developed high quality LEICA DC VARIO-ELMAR lens with ultra wide-angle to powerful 16x optical zoom covers even wider shooting situations.

aaaaaA newly adopted 14.1-megapixel MOS sensor and the advanced image processor Venus Engine FHD feature high speed, high sensitivity image recording to realize 1,920 x 1,080 full-HD movie recording and high speed burst shooting in high picture quality. It also compiles the Intelligent Resolution technology to perform the optimum signal processing depending on the part of a picture to give a whole image outstandingly natural clearness with fine details.

aaaaaThe powerful 16x optical zoom increases its power to 21x equivalent with the Intelligent Zoom function taking advantage of the Intelligent Resolution technology maintaining the picture quality even using digital zoom. The Sonic Speed AF, which boasts approx. 49% higher speed compared with the predecessor, and a quick start-up time give the DMC-TZ20 super fast response that helps to catch even the most fleeting photo opportunities.

aaaaaThe built-in GPS (Global Positioning System) function is upgraded for DMC-TZ20. The number of landmark information is increased to more than 1,000,000 and the speed of search is accelerated.  The newly incorporated 3.0-inch large 460,000-dot Smart Touch Intelligent LCD allows Touch AF, Touch Zoom or Touch Shutter during recording and various playback functions with high visibility.

aaaaaThe realistic, less-distorted 3D image produced by DMC-TZ20 with the new 3D Photo mode can also be enjoyed on a VIERA HDTV or other MPO-compatible 3D equipment. The newly added LUMIX Image Uploader realizes direct, instant image sharing via Facebook (photo) or YouTube (movie) with any PC on the spot to let users enjoy communication with photos and movies they take. With a host of technologies advanced further, more compact, pocket-sized hybrid powerhouse performer DMC-TZ20 offers exquisite beauty in photo and movie recording and ultimate convenience and fun tailored for the energetic world travelers.

aaaaaDMC â€" FT3


aaaaaEmpowered by a newly developed 12.1-megapixel Hi-Speed CCD sensor, the DMC-FT3 is compatible with high-speed, large-capacity signal processing required for 1920 x 1080 full-HD movie recording in AVCHD and high speed continuous shooting.

aaaaaThe camera comes with a LEICA DC VARIO-ELMAR lens in folded optics boasts not only high quality image but also rugged design. Starting at the 28mm wide angle, and zooming up to a useful 4.6x in telephoto, this camera gives you the flexibility for virtually all shooting scenes – especially underwater, where movement is often restricted and the angle of view becomes important for composing your shots.

aaaaaThe advanced image processing LSI, the Venus Engine FHD, assures high picture quality in both photo and movie recording. It also compiles the Intelligent Resolution technology to perform the optimum signal processing depending on the part of a picture to give a whole image outstandingly natural clearness with fine details.

aaaaaThe powerful 4.6x optical zoom increases its power to 6x equivalent with the Intelligent Zoom function taking advantage of the Intelligent Resolution technology maintaining the picture quality even using digital zoom. The Sonic Speed AF and a quick start-up time give the DMC-FT3 super high speed response that helps to catch even the most fleeting photo opportunities.

aaaaaThe newly added LUMIX Image Uploader realizes direct, instant image sharing via Facebook (photo) or YouTube (movie) with any PC on the spot to let users enjoy communication with photos and movies they take. The realistic, less-distorted 3D image produced by DMC-FT3 with the new 3D Photo mode can also be enjoyed on a VIERA 3D HDTV or other MPO-compatible 3D equipment.

aaaaaTake DMC-FT3 out for your outdoor adventures anywhere in any season – diving, snorkeling, surfing, climbing, skiing, snowboarding, or camping – and bring back tremendous record of memory in stunning photos or in full-HD.

aaaaaDMC â€" FX78


aaaaaThe DMC-FX78 comes not only with the high basic performance, but also with a host of entertainment features that adds fun to photography such as new Beauty Retouch, Art Retouch and My Photo Album.

aaaaaThe newly added LUMIX Image Uploader realizes direct, instant image sharing via Facebook (photo) or YouTube (movie) with any PC on the spot to let users enjoy communication with photos and movies they take. The 3D image produced by DMC-FX78 with the new 3D Photo mode can also be enjoyed on a VIERA 3D HDTV or other MPO-compatible 3D equipment.

aaaaaA new LEICA DC VARIO-SUMMARIT lens 24mm ultra wide angle 5x optical zoom (equivalent to 24mm to 120mm on a 35mm camera) with F2.5 brightness has been developed to fit in the compact lens unit enhancing the slimness of camera body. The lens especially excels not only in shooting dynamic landscapes with its wide angle of view but also in capturing moving subjects even in low-lit situations such as indoors or at night with its outstanding brightness.

aaaaaIncorporating a newly developed 12.1-megapixel Hi-Speed CCD sensor, the DMC-FX78 is compatible with high-speed, large-capacity signal processing required for 1920 x 1080 full-HD movie recording in AVCHD and high speed continuous shooting. And the advanced image processing LSI, the Venus Engine FHD, assures high picture quality in both photo and movie recording.

aaaaaIt also compiles the Intelligent Resolution technology to perform the optimum signal processing depending on the part of a picture to give a whole image outstandingly natural clearness with fine details. The powerful 5x optical zoom increases its power to 6.5x equivalent with the Intelligent Zoom function taking advantage of the Intelligent Resolution technology maintaining the picture quality even using digital zoom.

Ratusan Napi Dipaksa Main World of Warcraft

China - Para narapidana di sebuah penjara menghabiskan banyak waktunya untuk bermain game online World of Warcraft (WoW). Asyik bukan? Namun ternyata mereka main game bukan karena keinginan sendiri tapi dipaksa oleh sipir penjara.

Ya, 'keunikan' penjara di China ini dibeberkan oleh Liu Dali, seorang mantan napi. Ia berkisah, sipir penjara Jixi di utara China memaksa tahanan main WoW di malam hari untuk mendapat kredit di game yang nantinya bakal dijual oleh para sipir.

Padahal para napi sejatinya sudah lelah. Pasalnya, di siang hari mereka juga harus bekerja menambang batu atau membuat barang-barang tertentu.

Liu Dai -- bukan nama sebenarnya -- berkisah pada harian Inggris The Guardian, bahwa sekitar 300 napi dipaksa memainkan game WoW. Jika seorang napi tidak mampu mencapai jumlah kredit yang ditargetkan, ia bakal dipukuli.

"Kami bekerja secara bergiliran selama 12 jam. Saya dengar mereka (sipir penjara-red) bisa memperoleh sampai ribuan yuan per hari," ucap Liu Dai, seperti detikINET kutip dari Herald Sun, Kamis (26/5/2011).

Jutaan gamer di seluruh dunia rela membeli kredit di game online untuk mempersingkat waktu permainan. Liu yakin praktek pemaksaan pada para napi untuk main game ini marak di berbagai penjara di China karena mampu menghasilkan uang dengan cepat.

( fyk / ash )