Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Apple blocks Samsung from selling Galaxy Tab in EU

The tiff between Apple and Samsung has crossed borders from USA to Europe with Apple being granted a preliminary injunction by German court to block sale of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in the EU. Foss patent reports:

“The leading German news agency, dpa, just reported that Apple has been granted a preliminary injunction against Samsung’s Android-based Galaxy Tab 10.1, barring with immediate effect all distribution of the product in the entire European Union except for the Netherlands on the grounds of an alleged infringement of Apple’s iPad-related [European] Community design no. 000181607-0001.”

Image Copyrighted by Slashgear

I must say that this is getting a bit ugly. Yes, Apple has a right to protect it’s patents but this seems like it’s going a bit too far. Don’t be evil Apple.

About Abbas Jaffar Ali

Abbas Jaffar Ali is the founder of and a blogger, geek and self-declared tech pundit who can't stop talking about technology. Find him on twitter as @ajaffarali


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