Saturday, October 22, 2011

Siri’s Phonetic name feature for sms/calling

Siri is an amazing Voice command software by Apple but no one expected it to be 100% perfect with different kind of names or pronunciations we have. But if you are getting tired of Siri not recognizing to some of your commonly used contact names then don’t worry as there is a feature in Siri with which you can assign a “Phonetic name” to the person in your address book. This way Siri will recognize the person when you pronounce his or her name.

To do this goto address book open the contact whose pronunciation of name doesn’t match spelling of name, then use option of “Add custom Field” and you will get list of options to add detail of your contact in address book. There you will see the new option of “Phonetic first/last name”. You can use these to type the spellings which it will be easier for Siri to understand and recognize the name. Now you will be able to use voice commands to call or sms this person with ease.

Do note that it is being reported that due to some bug, this option is not available on all iPhone 4S models. Even though OS version may be same on two iPhones, but it is still possible that one of them may have this feature and other may not have the Phonetic name field. For such people you just have to wait till Apple releases a bug fix.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


YouTube adds a secret “Jump to exciting portion” feature

There is an internet meme called “Wadsworth constant”, born out of reddit user comments that any video on YouTube doesn’t get interesting till 30% of time has lapsed. Apparently someone at YouTube office actually programmed that feature into the site to skip to 30% of the total time of video.

To use this feature just add &wadsworth=1 at the end of the YouTube url and the video will start to play from 30%. So, e.g. you wanted to watch a video with url:

then just change it to:

and it will work like a charm.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Indonesia Bermain Sebarkan Semangat Positif Game

Indonesia Bermain Sebarkan Semangat Positif Game

Bandung - Siapa bilang bermain game hanya menghabiskan waktu saja? Event Indonesia Bermain mencoba membuktikan bahwa kegiatan bermain penuh dengan semangat positif.

Gelaran Indonesia Bermain diadakan Sabtu-Minggu (22-23 Oktober 2011) di Sasana Budaya Ganesha, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung. Kegiatan ini digelar oleh Kummara, Agate Studio dan rekan-rekan.

"Setiap hal, baik game atau yang lainnya, pasti ada sisi negatif dan positifnya. Kami berusaha mengedapankan hal positif dari bermain," kata Eko Nugroho dari Kummara, saat membuka event tersebut.

Acara Indonesia Bermain diramaikan oleh berbagai permainan, baik digital maupun konvensional. Serunya, banyak permainan yang hadir adalah karya anak negeri sendiri.

Selain itu, terdapat sentra bermain keluarga yang bisa digunakan pengunjung, terutama anak-anak, untuk merasakan pengalaman bermain yang mengasyikkan.

Kompetisi bermain, boardgame dan digital game, juga diadakan dalam rangkaian acara ini. Termasuk kompetisi membuat ide game buatan sendiri.

Untuk yang lebih serius, tapi tetap dengan tema bermain, digelar rangkaian konferensi dengan berbagai materi yang membawa semangat positif bermain.

( wsh / eno )

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Virus Komputer Dompleng Kematian Kadhafi

Virus Komputer Dompleng Kematian Kadhafi

Jakarta - Tewasnya Muammar Khadafi begitu populer di dunia maya. Hal inilah yang dimanfaatkan para penjahat cyber untuk melancarkan aksinya.

Hal tersebut dilaporkan salah satu lembaga keamanan internet yang menemukan email palsu mengatasnamakan Agence France-Presse (AFP), portal berita asal Perancis. Dalam email tersebut, calon korban diiming-imingi konten foto penangkapan Khadafi yang berlumuran darah.

Dikutip detikINET dari AFP, Sabtu (22/10/2011), di dalam email tersebut terselip sederet baris kode jahat yang dirancang untuk menyerang komputer berbasis Windows.

"Hacker menyebarkan email palsu berisikan foto pembunuhan Khadafi yang didapat dari AFP. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menipu calon korban agar percaya dan meneruskan email tersebut ke pengguna lain," pungkas Graham Cluley, konsultan keamanan komputer dari Sophos.

AFP sendiri mengaku telah memposting sejumlah foto penangkapan Khadafi, tapi tidak disebarkan melalui email. Seperti yang dilakukan para peretas tersebut.

Hingga kini belum ada catatan resmi tentang korban yang tertipu, namun yang jelas program jahat itu dirancang untuk mencuri informasi serta mampu menggendalikan komputer korbannya.

( eno / eno )

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Sony Mulai Membuat PlayStation 4

Sony Mulai Membuat 'PlayStation 4'

Jakarta - Sony kabarnya sudah mulai mengembangkan konsol game terbaru penerus PlayStation 3. Tidak tangung-tanggung, 16 studio game saling bekerjasama menggarap konsol tersebut.

Ya, sedikit demi sedikit akhirnya kehadiran penerus PlayStation 3 mulai terkuak. Kali ini bukan seputar spesifikasi atau pun fitur yang dibawanya, tapi sejumlah pengembang yang sepakat menggarap konsol tersebut.

Dikutip detikINET dari develop, Sabtu (22/10/2011), sedikitnya 16 studio game yang berada di bawah Sony sepakat untuk turut mengembangkan 'PlayStation 4'.

"Kami ingin mendengar pendapat dari seluruh developer tentang desain hardware konsol terbaru," kata Shuhei Yoshida, President of Worldwide Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment.

Belum diketahui secara pasti kapan konsol tersebut akan selesai diproduksi, namun diperkirakan akan diperkenalkan pada musim libur Natal 2013. Sementara itu, Sony akan tetap fokus memasarkan PlayStation 3, Vita, dan Move.

( eno / eno )

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Virus Penyerang Nuklir Terlahir Kembali

Virus Penyerang Nuklir Terlahir Kembali

Jakarta - Stuxnet, virus yang akhir tahun lalu sempat menghebohkan karena menyerang fasilitas nuklir itu terlahir kembali. Kali ini program jahat tersebut memiliki tujuan yang berbeda.

Genetika Stuxnet ditemukan dalam virus Duqu (dibaca dyu-kyu) yang berhasil diciduk Symantec dari salah satu komputer di wilayah Eropa. Meski terlihat sama namun Duqu memiliki sifat yang berbeda dari 'orang tuanya'.

Duqu diduga kuat dibuat oleh orang yang menciptakan Stuxnet. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari kode yang digunakan untuk membuat tersebut, serta beberapa perintah penyerangan yang hanya ada di Stuxnet.

Namun perbedaan yang paling mencolok adalah, Duqu tidak dibuat untuk menyerang mesin nuklir yang ada di industri, tapi lebih fokus terhadap pencurian informasi serta kemampuan untuk mengendalikan mesin.

Berdasarkan keterangan di blog resmi Symantec yang dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (22/10/2011), virus Duqu baru ditemukan di sejumlah pabrik tertentu dan belum ada indikasi melakukan penyerangan masif. Meski demikian virus ini patut diwaspadai.

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Sprint ends unlimited 4G data for most devices


By Suzanne Choney

Sprint is ending its unlimited 4G data offering for customers who use mobile broadband devices like tablets, netbooks, USB cards or mobile hotspot devices. Smartphone customers are not subject to the change, which takes effect in November.a

But, as recently announced, customers who also use their smartphones as a mobile hotspot will have data usage for that service limited to 5GB of 3G (third-generation wireless) service, as well as to 5GB of combined 3G/4G usage "dependent upon device capability." Additional data use above 5GB will cost 5 cents per MB.a

Sprint's notice about the change is posted on one of its support Web pages, and customers who use Sprint's mobile broadband services are receiving direct notifications.a

On the website, Sprint says:a

If you have a mobile broadband device such as a tablet, netbook, notebook, USB card, connection card or Mobile Hotspot device, effective beginning with your next bill following notification, your on-network monthly data allowance will no longer include unlimited 4G.a

The carrier had already capped 3G data use to 3 GB, 5 GB and 10 GB a month, but had continued to offer the unlimited 4G, or fourth-generation wireless, service, which is now becoming more widely available on Sprint's network.a

Related stories:a

iPhone 4S shootout: AT&T vs. Sprint vs Verizon Is Sprint iPhone not sprinting? Sprint capping hotspot data plan at 5GB Are you overpaying for your data plan? Putting 4G to the speed test

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choneya

Kasus Sedot Pulsa Juga Rugikan CP

Kasus Sedot Pulsa Juga Rugikan CP

Jakarta - Tak hanya pelanggan telekomunikasi yang jadi korban kasus sedot pulsa, namun ada juga content provider (CP) yang merasa dirugikan atas kasus ini.

Salah satunya adalah PT Kami Kaya Kreasi (3K) yang punya produk Bizring, mobile advertising lewat ring back tone alias RBT-ads.

"Terus terang kami juga merasa dirugikan gara-gara kasus sedot pulsa ini. Meskipun kami tak pernah sekalipun menyedot pulsa pelanggan, kami tetap harus memulai lagi dari awal," ujar Tohang, Chief Financial Officer PT 3K saat dihubungi detikINET, Jumat (21/10/2011).

Layanan RBT-ads Bizring memang terpaksa memulai lagi dari awal. Sebab, terhitung 18 Oktober 2011, seluruh operator telekomunikasi mulai melakukan deaktivasi/unregistrasi semua layanan konten premium. Begitu pun dengan Bizring yang sejatinya tak mengenakan pulsa kepada pelanggannya saat berlangganan.

"Layanan mobile advertising RBT kami sudah di-reset ulang oleh Telkomsel, mitra ekslusif kami. Data pelanggan yang sebelumnya sudah mencapai 328 ribu di server kami juga sudah kami set ulang jadi nol. Kami berani diaudit untuk menunjukkan kalau kami ini bersih dan tidak curang," papar Tohang.

RBT-ads Bizring, dijelaskan olehnya, merupakan skema bisnis baru yang sebenarnya bisa menguntungkan semua pihak, mulai dari pelanggan pemilik nomor telepon, operator telekomunikasi, content provider, hingga pemasang iklan.

Bisnis simbiosis mutualisme ini, menurut Tohang, sangat berpotensi bisa tumbuh pesat asalkan semua dilakukan secara fair dan transparan.

"Di dalam bisnis RBT-ads ini, kami tak memotong pulsa pelanggan. Justru malah kami yang memberikan bonus pulsa kepada pelanggan untuk SMS lintas operator jika bermitra sebagai channel mobile advertising kami," jelasnya.

Pelanggan yang nomor teleponnya tidak menggunakan nada sapa atau RBT, diajak bekerja sama oleh Bizring sebagai mitra untuk sarana beriklan. Sebagai reward atas penyewaan sarana itu, pelanggan diberikan beragam bonus, mulai dari SMS gratis lintas operator, talktime, pulsa data, serta undian berhadiah setiap bulannya.

"Pemasang iklan pun juga diuntungkan karena pariwaranya bisa langsung didengarkan oleh ratusan juta penelepon potensial. Jadi di sini metode bisnisnya saling menguntungkan semua pihak, bukannya merugikan pihak tertentu, dalam hal ini pelanggan pemilik nomor ponsel," jelas Tohang.

Dalam metode bisnisnya, Bizring ditegaskan oleh Tohang, sudah mengikuti aturan regulasi dan kode etik layanan konten premium. Layanan RBT-ads ini, lanjut dia, juga tak bersifat memaksakan pelanggan.

"Kami punya dua metode pendaftaran, lewat SMS (ketik 1 kirim ke nomor 2100) dan internet ( Semua langkah pendaftaran dilakukan secara sadar oleh pelanggan dan gratis, tak ada biaya sepeser pun. Kami juga memberikan default setting 'No'. Jadi semua sudah sesuai aturan," papar Tohang lebih lanjut.

Semua biaya untuk bonus dan reward lainnya bagi pelanggan, kata Tohang berasal dari pihaknya hasil kerja sama dengan pengiklan.

"Terus terang, kami baru merintis bisnis ini sejak Juni 2011 ini. Dan pengiklan kami baru satu perusahaan. Jadi biaya yang dikeluarkan, kami yang tanggung sendiri semuanya di awal," tandas dia.

Sejauh ini, Bizring sendiri telah dua kali melakukan pengundian berhadiah berupa motor Scoopy, sepeda, laptop, BlackBerry, PS3, dan lainnya. Menurut Tohang, proses pengundiannya pun transparan dan fair karena dilakukan di hadapan notaris, perwakilan dari Departemen Sosial, kepolisian, dan perwakilan dari Telkomsel.

( rou / wsh )

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Amazon Announces New Kindle Format

Amazon is releasing a new file format for Kindle e-books. Called Kindle Format 8, or KF8, the new format is based on HTML5 open standards, and is intended to help create the next phase of electronic publishing.

The company said in a statement that KF8 "enables publishers to create great-looking books in categories that require rich formatting and design, such as children's picture books, comics and graphic novels, technical and engineering books, and cookbooks."

Replaces Mobi 7

Several existing e-book formats, such as EPUB, Mobipocket, and Mobi 7 are all derived from HTML, but they are limited in the control they offer publishers in such areas as screen and text design.

The new format replaces the previous Mobi 7 format and adds more than 150 new formatting capabilities. These include fixed layouts, nested tables, call-outs, sidebars, support for scalable vector graphics, and such CSS selectors as line spacing, alignment, justification, margin, color, style and border.

For children's books, the format enables fixed layouts and Kindle Text Pop Up. Comics and graphic novels can be shown in high-resolution color with Panel Views, and the company said that engineering and technical books can be created more efficiently. Cookbooks or other titles that need rich design can use embedded fonts, call-outs, sidebars, drop caps, and text on background images.

The new format will be available soon in updates to KindleGen2 and Kindle Previewer 2 publishing tools.

The recently announced Kindle Fire tablet Relevant Products/Services is the first in Amazon's product line to support the new format, and the company said it will roll out support in new devices and updates to the free Kindle reading apps Relevant Products/Services for non-Amazon devices. The Kindle Fire, which goes on sale Nov. 15, was launched at the end of last month.

Think of a 'Service'

The initial Fire model is a 7-inch tablet, has Wi-Fi Relevant Products/Services but not 3G Relevant Products/Services, no camera or microphone, and only 8 GB of memory Relevant Products/Services. It comes with a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime, the membership service that includes streaming video and free two-day shipping. The company has developed a custom interface for Android Relevant Products/Services, which some observers have described as relatively easy to use.

There are reports that, within a few months, Amazon will also release a larger tablet, possibly with a 9-inch display. A common reaction among analysts is that a 7-inch display is an awkward form factor, being larger than a smartphone and harder to fit in a pocket, but not large enough for useful interaction. Some have suggested that, at $199, this Fire might be used as a second tablet for some tablet-lovers, or even as a fancier e-book reader.

In fact, it appears that Amazon's strategy is not exactly a head-to-head confrontation with Apple's iPad, but more of a sideways move that builds on its content strengths, a view which is supported by Amazon's releasing the new KF8 to advance e-publishing. In an interview with Bloomberg News Service, Amazon founder and head Jeff Bezos said his company doesn't "think of the Kindle Fire as a tablet. We think of it as a service."

'World of Warcraft' is going to the pandas


"World of Warcraft's" next expansion will let players live the virtual life of a kung-fu panda.a

By Winda Benedetti

"World of Warcraft" players — are you ready to get your kung-fu panda on?a

Game developer Blizzard will release its fourth expansion pack for "World of Warcraft" — an expansion that lets people play the massively popular online game as a race of giant humanoid pandas known as the Pandaren.a

Blizzard revealed the forthcoming "Mists of Pandaria" expansion Friday at its annual BlizzCon convention in California. And no, this is not a joke. a

But if it sounds like a joke that's because the panda race got its start as an April Fool's joke that Blizzard played on "Warcraft III" gamers a few years back. (You can read more about that here.)a

"Mists of Pandaria" will introduce the continent of Pandaria to "WoW" — a place inspired by real-world China, home of the real-world pandas — as well as a new martial-arts-focused Monk class.a

Yes, we're talking kung-fu pandas here. And here's the trailer to prove it:a

"Players have been asking to see the Pandaren in World of Warcraft since the game's launch, and we're excited to finally be able to give them a proper re-introduction to Azeroth," Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment, said in the official announcement. "In addition to the new playable race and class, Mists of Pandaria contains a huge amount of new content."a

Blizzard did not say when the new expansion would be available, but said it would also include the following new features:a

Level Cap Increased to 90 Pet Battles: Challenge other players' companion pets with your own collection in a new tactical mini-game.  New Zones: Explore the lush Jade Forest, treacherous Kun-Lai Summit, and other areas of Pandaria designed for high-level characters. Scenarios: Join up with friends to achieve a common goal, such as mounting a defense against invading monsters, in a flexible new type of Player vs. Environment challenge. Dungeon "Challenge" Modes: Master the ultimate five-player time trial to earn prestige rewards in a new dungeon mode. New Talent System: Customize your character to suit your play style with the newly overhauled and improved talent system.

The last "World of Warcraft" expansion — "Cataclysm" — was a hit selling 4.7 million copies in its first month. And though "WoW" has been losing players in recent months, it still boasts over 11 million subscribers.a

"WoW" players, what do you think? Is this expansion something you can't wait to get your paws on ... or a sign that "World of Warcraft" has jumped the shark ... er ... panda?a

Here are a few screenshots to help you decide:a

For more game news, check out:a

'World of Warcraft' is losing players, gaining content Battlefield 3: How far would you go to defend your country? Nintendo 3DS adds 3-D video recording, stop-motion, Hulu 'Assassin's Creed' games take a stab at Hollywood

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+.  And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

The Galaxy Nexus display lacks the Plus

Amid all the buzz surrounding the launch of Googles latest flagship smartphone, eagle-eyed technophiles have caught wind of the new phones lack of a ‘Plus’ on the screen spec sheet, which many ofĂ‚ Samsung’sĂ‚ latest creations proudly tout.

Its said the Galaxy Nexus will use PenTile technology, which means pixels will share RGB components with others around them. Super AMOLED Plus, on theĂ‚ otherĂ‚ hand, has all pixels with their own RGB components. The folks over at engadgetĂ‚ say this will lead to worse color renditions and reduced sharpness.

But lets hold on for a second here. How much does it matter in reality? You do after all, get a 4.65″ HD display and if previous Nexus products have kept you happy then you have no reason to worry. Also, the smartphone is not out officially yet, and this could easily be rectified by the time it hits stores.

Which brings me to an important question. Do the specs need to be on the cutting-edge, each one, every time? What do you think.

About Mohammad Qamar

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Five attractive TSA-approved laptop bags

By Jennifer Gaines, Techlicious.coma

Confession: I think checkpoint-friendly laptop bags are the anti-fashion. Because of this, I’ve chosen to forgo function and maintain style, but many of my more practical traveling companions would happily ditch fashion for the chance to move through the security line a bit faster.a

I talked to those practical travelers to ask them their opinions of checkpoint-friendly laptop bags, a.k.a. TSA-approved, and the response was overall very good. The frequent flyers who use these bags often say they typically get through the line without hang-ups. The most common complaints: cost and style.a

This takes us back to my function vs. fashion dilemma; I searched high and low for TSA-approved laptop bags that aren’t ugly, and the selection of ladies’ bags is quite dismal, I must admit. But here are a few that made the cut for style and function:a

Mobile Edgea

The Mobile Edge ScanFast Element is one of the most high-tech bags out there. It not only includes a section just for your laptop, making it TSA-compliant, but it also has a wireless security shield to keep your devices safe. Price: $68.10 on Amazon.coma


The Lodis Audrey Full Zip Computer Brief is one of the few checkpoint-friendly laptop bags I came across that was made of leather, so it immediately gets extra points. (Plus, it comes in red!) It has a designated laptop-only section that lays flat on the x-ray belt. Price: $265 on Lodis.coma


The Brenthaven Women’s Prostyle-XF Shoulder Case is a great option for working professionals who need a simple, functional bag but want the added luxury of some style. My favorite part: the two front pockets to store smaller items such as your cell phone and keys. Price: $149.95 on Brenthaven.coma

Skooba Designa

If you’re the sporty type, check out this lightweight Harmony Laptop Sleeve by Skooba, one of the first companies to ever design a TSA-approved laptop bag. All of Skooba’s checkpoint-friendly bags are designed and tested in collaboration with the TSA. Price: $19.60 on SkoobaDesign.coma

McKlein Companya

Artfully marketed as checkpoint-friendly, the McKlein Oak Grove Laptop Tote bag really just has a checkpoint-friendly component. But it’s stylish! A detachable laptop sleeve designed to make it through security is included inside the bag, so you still have the added step of removing it for scanning. Price: $119 on Amazon.coma

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NOTE: If you’re in the market for a checkpoint-friendly laptop bag, it’s a good idea to cross-check its components with the Transportation Security Administration guidelines for compliant laptop bags. That said, I should remind you that the airport security screening process can be random, so just because you have one of these bags doesn’t mean that you won’t be asked to remove your laptop. As many of the practical travelers told me, the bags usually do the job, but not always.a

More stories on Techlicious:a

Five to Fly: Top Airlines for In-Flight Wi-Fi Internet-Connected Door Locks Keep Tabs on Latch-Key Kids 10 Ways to Make Your Cell Phone Battery Last Longer

Jennifer Gaines is a Techlicious contributor and the senior travel editor for Spire. a

Friday, October 21, 2011

Belum Ada Titik Terang Soal Ganti Rugi Sedot Pulsa

Belum Ada Titik Terang Soal Ganti Rugi Sedot Pulsa

Jakarta - Seminggu berlalu sudah sejak Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI) mengeluarkan Surat Edaran (SE) soal deaktivasi/unregistrasi SMS premium, 14 Oktober 2011 lalu. Namun sampai hari ini, masalah ganti rugi pelanggan yang diperkirakan mencapai ratusan miliar rupiah belum jua menemukan titik terang.

"Belum ada update," singkat Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Humas Kementerian Kominfo, Gatot S Dewa Broto, saat dimintai keterangan oleh detikINET, Jumat (21/10/2011).

Menurutnya, langkah yang tengah dilakukan operator dan BRTI baru sebatas pelaporan dan evaluasi mengenai progress deaktivasi SMS premium saja. Demikian hasil rapat antara BRTI dan 10 operator yang juga dihadiri oleh Gatot, kemarin.

"Pada rapat kemarin, mereka (operator) melaporkan bahwa SMS broadcast penawaran sudah ditutup sepenuhnya. Unregistrasi SMS premium juga sudah dilakukan. Namun, masyarakat tetap masih dapat menggunakan SMS premium sejauh ada notifikasi dari operator," ujarnya.

"Soal refund belum disinggung, karena minggu depan BRTI mau ketemu dengan para CP (content provider) dulu," lanjut Gatot yang juga belum menerima laporan dari operator perihal jumlah pelanggan yang telah diunregister dari layanan SMS premium.

"Sikap BRTI tegas. Kalau operator tidak mampu menanganinya tentu akan diperingatkan. BRTI juga maklum, hak konsumen perlu dihargai karena ada UU Perlindungan konsumen. Refund belum disinggung karena datanya diklopin dulu," tandasnya.

Para operator sendiri, ketika dikonfirmasi, semuanya mengaku telah me-reset layanan SMS premium dari pelanggan. Bagi pelanggan yang benar-benar masih menginginkan layanan tersebut, operator memberikan pilihan untuk berlangganan kembali.

Sejauh ini baru Telkom Flexi yang berani menyebut angka jumlah pelanggan yang telah diunregister. Sedangkan operator lain, mengaku masih mengkoordinasikan jumlahnya secara internal.

"Jumlah pelanggan Flexi untuk SMS premium yang telah diunreg/deaktivasi sesuai dengan permintaan BRTI adalah sebanyak 740.000 pelanggan berdasarkan data pelanggan pada akhir September 2011. Itu belum termasuk RBT sebanyak 366.000 pelanggan," pungkas Eddy Kurnia, head of Corporate Communication Telkom.

( rou / fyk )

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Awas, Webcam Pakai Flash Bisa Diintip Orang

Awas, Webcam Pakai Flash Bisa Diintip Orang

Jakarta - Webcam bisa menjadi perangkat yang sangat bermanfaat untuk berkomunikasi dengan seseorang nun jauh di sana. Namun sebuah celah bisa memungkinkannya menjadi pengintai!

Baru-baru ini, mahasiswa Stanford Computer Science bernama Feross Aboukhadijeh menemukan celah di Flash Adobe. Dalam penelitiannya, dia mendapati bahwa celah di Flash itu potensial memungkinkan akses ke webcam tanpa izin si pengguna.

"Ini sama saja seperti membukakan pintu bagi orang lain untuk mengintip dunia Anda," tulis laporan yang dilansir Today in Tech yang dikutip detikINET, Jumat (21/10/2011).

Disebutkan Aboukhadijeh, hal ini bisa terjadi pada peselancar web yang menggunakan browser Safari dan Firefox. Namun sejauh ini, kerentanan tersebut hanya berdampak pada perangkat Mac.

Temuannya ini direspons oleh Adobe. Awalnya, Aboukhadijeh pertama kali melaporkannya ke Adobe namun lama tidak mendapat jawaban. Dia lantas memutuskan untuk mempublikasikannya ke publik. Langkah ini berhasil memaksa Adobe menjawabnya. Tak lama kemudian Adobe merilis pernyataan yang menyebutkan bahwa mereka saat ini tengah menambal celah itu.

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Desain Baru Gmail Bocor di Internet

Desain Baru Gmail Bocor di Internet

Jakarta - Video yang menguak desain baru Gmail bocor di internet. Sekilas, desain ini tampak lebih 'bersih' dan sederhana.

Dalam video yang tak sengaja diposting di YouTube oleh Google, terlihat warna putih mendominasi di sini, sehingga beberapa elemen seperti 'starred' dan 'important' terlihat menonjol. Di bagian paling atas juga terdapat banyak penambahan yang dilakukan Google.

Mengacu pada Jason Cornwell, designer di tim Gmail UX, tampilan baru tersebut sangat berbeda dari tampilan yang sudah ada.

Di wajah baru Gmail, Google turut menyajikan foto profile di samping nama pengirim. Langkah ini seakan mengikuti jejak Facebook yang meleburkan message, IM dan email.

"Conversation di Gmail telah didesain ulang agar lebih mudah dibaca dan menyerupai percakapan sesungguhnya," demikian ujar Cornwell seperti dikutip detikINET dari HuffingtonPost, Jumat (21/10/2011).

Interface baru yang dibuat oleh Google ini juga mampu otomatis menyesuaikan tampilannya dengan berbagai macam ukuran window dan pengguna juga bisa me-resize secara manual ukuran window 'Labels' dan 'Chat'.

Melakukan pencarian juga makin dipermudah dengan pengaksesan langsung dari box pencarian yang ada di atas inbox. Desain baru ini memang terlihat lebih mulus dan terkustomisasi, namun sekilas mirip dengan tampilan Facebook.

( sha / fyk )

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Steve Jobs: Android adalah Produk Curian

Steve Jobs: Android adalah Produk Curian

Jakarta - Steve Jobs dan Android memiliki sejarah hubungan yang tidak baik. Bahkan dalam sebuah wawancara, Steve mengatakan bahwa Android adalah produk curian.

Hal itu disampaikan Steve Jobs dalam sesi wawancara untuk kepentingan biografi Steve Jobs. "Saya akan menghancurkan Android, karena ia adalah barang curian," demikian ujar Steve pada Walter Isaacson, sang penulis buku "Steve Jobs".

Hubungan Apple-Google memanas tatkala mantan CEO Google Eric Schmidt mengundurkan diri dari posisinya di dewan direksi Apple terkait peluncuran Android. Diberitakan, Steve Jobs merasa dikhianati atas aksi Schmidt.

"Saya akan meluncurkan perang termonuklir atas ini," tegas Steve dalam biografinya seperti yang dikutip detikINET dari Cnet, Jumat (21/10/2011).

Pernyataan Steve tersebut tentu berhubungan dengan tuntutan hukum yang berkali-kali diajukan oleh Apple pada para partner Android. Misalnya Samsung dan HTC serta vendor lainnya.

Dilaporkan, kini Android besutan Google posisinya makin kuat di pasar. Menurut biro riset ComScore, sistem operasi Android dipakai di 43,7% smartphone di Amerika Serikat, lebih unggul dari Apple yang memiliki persentase 27,3%.

( sha / fyk )

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Produksi Kamera Sony Terhalang Banjir Thailand

Produksi Kamera Sony Terhalang Banjir Thailand

Bangkok - Sony Corp terpaksa menunda peluncuran sejumlah produk baru mereka di Thailand gara-gara pabriknya di negara itu terhantam banjir badang yang melanda.

Sebanyak 2 dari 3 unit produksi di Thailand terpaksa ditutup oleh Sony akibat banjir terbesar di Asia Tenggara itu. Akibatnya, terjadi penundaan perilisan untuk kamera mirrorless NEX-7.

Sesuai jadwal, NEX-7 harusnya sudah mulai dipasarkan pada November 2011 ini. Selain kamera tersebut, salah satu keluarga 'Alpha' yakni Alpha A65 mengalami nasib serupa.

"Sulit bagi kami saat ini untuk mengatakan kapan produksi di Thailand akan di-restart," ujar juru bicara Sony Geroge Boys.

"Bagaimanapun, kami sedang mempertimbangan apakah akan memindahkan produksi ke pabrik ke-3 kami di Thailand, atau wilayah lain yang masih beroperasi," tambahnya, seperti dikutip detikINET dari Engadget, Jumat (21/10/2011).

Sedang untuk produksi kamera compactnya, raksasa kamera terbesar setelah Canon Inc. ini sudah memutuskan untuk melakukannya di pabrik lain yang berlokasi di Jepang dan China.

Sony Alpha 65 sendiri sebelumnya sudah dirilis di sejumlah negara. Selain kamera, lensa kit dan produk headphone juga terkena imbas penundaan produksi.

( sha / rou )

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AT&T Sees Blockbuster Smartphone Sales Ahead

AT&T Relevant Products/Services added 2.1 million mobile Relevant Products/Services subscribers in the third quarter of 2011 for a total of 100.7 million wireless Relevant Products/Services customers at the end of the period, the company told investors Thursday. Wireless revenue rose 2.8 percent year-over-year to $15.6 billion -- despite the fact that the year-earlier period had featured the launch of the Apple iPhone 4.

AT&T executives said its third-quarter mobile handset sales would have been even stronger were it not for the fact that customers delayed their smartphone upgrades until the release of Apple's new iPhone 4S. Financial analysts had initially expected the new iPhone to arrive in September.

Since last Friday's iPhone 4S launch, Apple's new model has been selling like gangbusters, said AT&T Senior Vice President Brooks McCorcle.

"We have activated more than a million iPhones since the launch through Tuesday, which makes it the strongest launch in our company's history," McCorcle said Thursday.

Even without the new iPhone 4S, AT&T said it activated 2.7 million iPhones in this year's September-ending quarter and succeeded in selling 4.8 million smartphones overall.

"We believe the best is yet to come," said Ralph de la Vega, the CEO of AT&T's mobility Relevant Products/Services and consumer markets unit. "We expect blockbuster smartphone sales in the fourth quarter," he said during Thursday's conference call.

A Smartphone Majority

AT&T said nearly half the company's third-quarter smartphone sales were non-iPhone devices. The carrier's Android Relevant Products/Services device sales during the three months through September more than doubled in comparison with AT&T's Android device sales in the same period last year.

AT&T added 505,000 connected devices to its network Relevant Products/Services in the third quarter of 2011, including 290,000 tablets.

With respect to the carrier's 68.6 million postpaid wireless subscribers, 52.6 percent were smartphone customers at the end of the third quarter, compared with 39.1 percent in the same period last year.

"But I think the way we need to think about smartphones in the future is the smartphone is going to equal the phone," de la Vega predicted. Smartphones will be at "100 percent in the next two or three years [because] these devices are so good and the costs are coming down so much." (continued...)

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'Assassin's Creed' games take a stab at Hollywood


"Assassin's Creed" hero Ezio may be on his way to Hollywood stardom.a

By Winda Benedetti

This news may not come as a huge surprise: the history-hopping, conspiracy theory-laden "Assassin's Creed" games are headed to the big screen.a

After all, the best-selling video game franchise — soon to see its fourth installment — is filled with the kind of action-filled cinematic moments, colorful characters and vivid locations that big Hollywood films are made of. And so Sony Pictures is in the midst of finalizing a deal to adapt the games and bring them to movie theaters, according to Variety.a

Sony Pictures landed the film rights in a bidding war that took place over the last several months beating out Universal Studios and others, according to Variety.a

The highly anticipated "Assassin's Creed: Revelations" is the fourth game in the series and due to launch on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Nov. 15. It's likely to be one of the year's biggest games. And just one look at the most recent trailer for the game makes it clear why Hollywood studios would be trying to out-bid each other to get their hands on the adaptation:a

Of course, the question remains: Just how badly might Hollywood fu ... er ... mess up this adaptation?a

Well, there is some good news: Ubisoft – the "Assassin’s Creed" developer/publisher – recently launched Ubisoft Motion Pictures as a way of keeping more creative control over these kinds of developments. So one can guess that, with a game property as big and beloved as "Assassin's Creed," they'll be making sure this adaptation doesn't go the way of, say, "Super Mario Bros."a

Then again, another Ubisoft game — "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" — found itself made into a film that was, well, meh ... for lack of a better word.a

With so many excellent games — "Mass Effect," "Uncharted," "Dead Island" and now "Assassin's Creed" — all in various stages of movie adaptation, I'm not sure whether I should feel hopeful or downright terrified.a

But surely, at least one of these game-to-film adaptations will finally be truly great. Right ... right?a

For more game news, check out:a

Harrison Ford channels Indiana Jones for 'Uncharted 3' 'FarmVille: The Movie' might happen ... no really 'Mortal Kombat' fights its way back to the silver screen 'Dead Island' zombie game coming to life on silver screen

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+. And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

Asus unveils Transformer Prime

At AsiaD, Asus boss Jonney Shih unveiled the next iteration of the company’s famous Transformer line of tablets.

Named Transformer Prime, the device does justice to the grandeur name by sporting NVIDIA’s Tegra 3 quad-core chip, a 10″ display, HDMI port, a 14.5 hour battery, SD card slot, and a shiny exterior that matches its newly introduced Zenbook notebooks. Oh and did we forget, it’s super thin measuring upto just 8.3mm thick.

Shih wasn’t clear if the Prime will feature Honeycomb or the recently launched Ice Cream Sandwich version of Android. And while on the matter, Shih said that users can expect Ice Cream Sandwich tablets by the end of the year.

There is no release date on the Prime yet, although Asus has set aside November 9 as the official announce date.

Image credit: Engadget.

About Mufaddal Fakhruddin

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.


MC Hammer demos 'deep search'

Jeff Chiu / APa

MC Hammer, Chief Strategy Officer for, poses for a photograph as a dancer performs near Pier 41 in San Francisco on Nov. 20, 2007.a

By Athima Chansanchai

In his latest move as a tech player, MC Hammer demonstrated a new tool that would enhance searches by giving results that would be logical follow-ups, right away.a

Hammer, whose real name is Stanley Burrell, made a presentation at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco earlier this week that showed an early peek into his WireDoo project. Still in development, it is a "deep search" service to give users more results related to the keywords. Using "car" and "homes" as examples of searches, he showed how results could yield info about insurance, mileage, community, schools, location, crime rates and shopping.a

The benefit, he says, comes from having it all come through in one query, cutting down on the time it takes to get relevant information. His tagline for now: "Search once, see what relates!"a

He said this "deep search" or "relationship search" (which makes some of us think it's a dating tool) is "not a competitive attempt to recreate search," but "you can always make things better." Here's the video of his presentation, so you can judge for yourself:a

Hammer, who had almost been forgotten as a D-lister whose heyday image is frozen mid-Hammer-Time rapping and dancing with parachute pants, has reinvented himself as a tech entrepreneur. (He also had a reality TV show which put him back in the spotlight.)a

Jim Wilson / Redux Picturesa

MC Hammer takes pictures with guests at the welcome party of the Web start-up Airbnb, in San Francisco, Aug. 16.a

In an example of resilience and resurrection from a 1996 bankruptcy, he has become a presence at tech events and an investor in sites such as and someone whose longstanding interest in technology has made him an investor in no less than 8 companies. In social media, he's considered something of an influencer, with 2.2 million followers on Twitter.a

— via InformationWeeka

More stories:a

Your Google searches just got more secure Facebook and Bing team-up for social search Google holds steady with 65 percent of US search queries Twitter keeps search deal with Bing, not Google

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Porsche designed BlackBerry

Remember the image that leaked on the web a few months back showing a BlackBerry designed by Porsche? This was the image if you don’t remember- not necessarily the best design but…we never really heard anything more on that.

Turns out that there may be more to this handset as weĂ‚ receivedĂ‚ the following invitation today

I have intentionally blurred the email address but an even being held together by Porsche and BlackBerry in the tallest tower in the world in theĂ‚ highestĂ‚ restaurant. Can’t wait to see what in unveiled but I wont be surprised to see something looking somewhat like the BlackBerry Knight pictured above.

About Abbas Jaffar Ali

Abbas Jaffar Ali is the founder of and a blogger, geek and self-declared tech pundit who can't stop talking about technology. Find him on twitter as @ajaffarali


Sejuta Email Peringatan Steve Jobs Banjiri Apple

Sejuta Email Peringatan Steve Jobs Banjiri Apple

Jakarta - Peringatan akan kematian Steve Jobs membanjiri email Apple. Apple mengatakan, lebih dari 1 juta email peringatan telah mereka terima semenjak hari beperginya sang jenius.

Jutaan email ini ditempatkan Apple di halaman khusus bertajuk "Remembering Steve". Dengan adanya halaman ini, orang-orang bisa berbagi kisah maupun perasaan mereka yang sebelumnya dikirim di

"Lebih dari sejuta orang membagikan kenangan, pikiran dan perasaan mereka tentang Steve. Satu kesamaan dari jutaan orang ini adalah mereka semua tersentuh oleh passion dan kreativitas Steve," demikian tulisan yang tertera dalam halaman ini.

Peringatan akan Steve diketahui dilakukan lewat berbagai cara. Diberitakan, beberapa toko Apple di Amerika ditutup selama beberapa jam pada hari Rabu waktu setempat.

Penutupan tersebut menyusul acara peringatan Jobs yang digelar di Stanford Memorial Church. Peringatan ini dihadiri oleh sosok-sosok teknologi, politikus, serta public figure seperti Bill Clinton, Bill Gates dan Bono dari U2. Demikian seperti yang dikutip detikINET dari PCMag, Kamis (20/10/2011).

( sha / rou )

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Duet Nyanyi Bareng Siri iPhone 4S

Duet Nyanyi Bareng Siri iPhone 4S

Jakarta - Hey, Siri
What can I help you with?

Do you love me?
How can I tell?

Hey Siri, you're very beautiful
Ok, can we get back to work now?

Demikian cuplikan lagu berbahasa Inggris yang dinyanyikan oleh musisi bernama Jonathan Mann berduet dengan fitur voice-assistant iPhone 4S Siri. Setiap kali Mann bertanya atau mengucapkan kalimat, Siri langsung meresponsnya.

Menariknya, perkataan Mann yang dijawab secara berselang-seling oleh respons Siri dilantunkannya dengan iringan musik, sehingga tampil menjadi sebuah lagu.

Mann lantas merekamnya dalam bentuk video yang kemudian dipostingnya di YouTube. Pantauan detikINET, Kamis (20/10/2011), video berjudul 'Duet With Siri' itu mendapat 565 komentar.

Mann, pria 29 tahun asal Berkeley, California, membuat kejutan dengan idenya tersebut. Dia mengaku saat pertama kali melihat kemampuan Siri, langsung terinspirasi melibatkannya dalam lagunya.

"Saya selalu mencari topik dan ide baru untuk lagu saya. Dan ini, bagi saya, benar-benar ide bagus," ujarnya.

Keseluruhan isi lagu yang dinyanyikan Mann dengan respons jawaban Siri yang berbeda-beda terdengar seperti perdebatan antara seorang pria yang memohon si wanita untuk menerima cintanya. Sedangkan Siri berlaku seolah jual mahal. Misalnya saja pada bagian lirik:

Will you please marry me?
I'm not capable of love

I love you
My End User Licensing Agreement does not cover marriage. My apologies.

I love you
You say that to all the virtual assistants

Sebagian besar orang yang melihat duet menyanyi Mann dengan Siri ini memberikan apresiasi possitif. Dalam dua hari sejak diposting, video Mann telah mencatat lebih dari 150.000 hit dan terus bertambah. Penasaran dengan bagaimana lagunya? Lagu Mann tersebut bisa disaksikan melalui tautan ini.

( rns / rou )

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Jegal iPhone 4S, Galaxy Nexus Andalkan Face Unlock

Jegal iPhone 4S, Galaxy Nexus Andalkan Face Unlock

Jakarta - Jika Apple punya fitur unggulan berupa perintah suara "Siri" di iPhone 4S, maka Google memiliki "Face Unlock" di Galaxy Nexus. Face Unlock adalah fitur pengenal wajah sehingga pengguna cukup memperlihatkan wajahnya ke kamera untuk membuka ponsel.

Face Unlock adalah satu dari berbagai kemampuan baru yang ditambahkan Google di Android versi 4.0 atau Ice Cream Sandwich. Ice Cream Sandwich pertama kali dipakai di Galaxy Nexus, ponsel yang baru saja diperkenalkan oleh Google bersama Samsung.

"Face Unlock menggunakan teknologi pengenal wajah yang canggih. Ice Cream Sandwich benar-benar mengetahui wajah kita," klaim Matias Duarte, Senior Director of Android User Experience yang detikINET kutip dari ComputerWorld, Kamis (20/10/2011).

Selain Face Unlock, ada lagi fitur baru bernama Google Beam. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan user mengirim data antara dua ponsel Android cukup dengan mendekatkan keduanya. Hal ini dimungkinkan berkat keberadaan chip NFC (Near Field Communication).

Dan meski tidak secanggih Siri di iPhone 4S yang bisa bertindak layaknya asisten pribadi, Galaxy Nexus juga memiliki fasilitas voice typing. User cukup berbicara ke ponsel untuk menulis SMS, email dan sebagainya.

iPhone 4S sendiri telah berhasil mencapai penjualan 4 juta unit hanya dalam 3 hari pemasarannya. Agaknya Google dan Samsung perlu bekerja keras untuk menandinginya.

( fyk / rou )

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Nokia awards $250,000 Innovative prize to a cloned game

Of all the things Nokia is not doing right, this has to be the dumbest of them all. They were hosting a “Calling all innovators” competition to attract developers to build some innovative apps for Nokia. But the innovative game prize of Quarter of a million they gave to “Sparkle“, which is not innovative at all. In fact it is a direct clone of Zuma, Puzz Loop, Luxor and many other games of same type where you throw balls of same color to rolling marbles to match and eliminate same color marbles in an effort to remove all marbles before they reach the end.

But the Irony just doesn’t end there, this “Sparkle” was not even a new game developed for the competition. This game was already available on PC, Mac, iOS, Android and even WebOS. They just released a symbian version. Nokia should really do their research before shelling down such prize money. They should ensure that the game is made exclusive to their OS and the game is really innovative to be worth the purpose of the prize.

This decision also indicate that maybe Nokia didn’t receive any good entries and they were forced to pick the best one amongst them irrespective of innovation or exclusivity issues. Which is kind of sad as it paints the gloomy future for Nokia if they keep stubborn about not shifting to Android.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Ponsel Mango Nokia-Samsung Segera Hadir

Ponsel Mango Nokia-Samsung Segera Hadir

Jakarta - Microsoft mengkonfirmasi akan segera merilis ponsel berbasis Windows Phone Mango hasil kerja samanya dengan sejumlah produsen ponsel kenamaan, termasuk Nokia dan Samsung.

President divisi Windows Phone Microsoft Andrew Lees, belum mau menyebutkan secara pasti tanggal perilisan ponsel itu. Ia hanya memastikan, ponsel Mango Nokia, Samsung, dan merek lainnya, akan segera hadir dalam beberapa minggu lagi.

"Harga yang turun dan pasar yang sedang berkembang menjadi kesempatan besar. Namun kami juga tak melupakan pasar yang sudah ada, di Eropa barat dan Amerika. Karena jika harga turun, akan semakin banyak orang tertarik ke pasar smartphone," papar Andrew seperti detikINET kutip dari Reuters, Kamis (20/10/2011).

Ranah smartphone saat ini didominasi ponsel iOS Apple dan ponsel lainnya yang berbasis Android. Keduanya melahap setengah porsi pangsa pasar. Sementara Microsoft lamban bereaksi terhadap kepopuleran perangkat mobile tersebut.

Beberapa analis berpendapat, Microsoft masih memiliki waktu untuk mengejar ketertinggalannya di ranah ini. Raksasa software itu bisa saja memanfaatkan situasi ketidakpastian di antara para pembuat handset setelah Google membeli Motorola Mobility. Seperti diketahui, pembelian Motorola oleh Google sempat memunculkan kekhawatiran bahwa Google nantinya akan memproduksi handset sendiri.

( rns / rou )

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Asus Transformer 2 Pakai Prosesor Quad Core

Asus Transformer 2 Pakai Prosesor Quad Core

Jakarta - Performa komputer tablet akan semakin gahar dengan memakai prosesor quad core. Asus tengah mempersiapkan Eee Pad Transformer 2 yang akan memakai prosesor empat otak dari Nvidia.

Seperti dikutip detikINET dari AllThingsD, Kamis (20/10/2011), Chairman Asus, Johnny Shih mengkonfirmasi pengembangan Eee Pad Transformer 2. Tablet ini kemungkinan besar akan memakai sistem operasi Android 4.0 atau Ice Cream Sandwich.

Prosesor quad core yang akan dipakai adalah Nvidia Tegra 3. Nvidia memang sudah berulangkali menyatakan prosesor quad core buatannya siap mempersenjatai komputer tablet di masa depan.

Johnny Shih tidak mau membeberkan kapan Eee Pad Transformers 2 bakal dipasarkan. Namun beberapa pihak menduga tablet itu akan segera tersedia, bahkan mungkin pada tahun 2011 ini.

Generasi pertama Eee Pad Transformer mendapat sambutan bagus di pasar dan masuk dalam deretan tablet terlaris. Tablet ini memang inovatif di mana ia bisa berubah bentuk menjadi laptop jika digabungkan dengan dock keyboard.

( fyk / rns )

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Western Digital Kenalkan WD TV Live Baru

Western Digital Kenalkan WD TV Live Baru

Jakarta - Western Digital (WD) memperkenalkan versi terbaru dari perangkat media streaming nirkabelnya WD TV Live. Perangkat ini memudahkan 'nonton internet' di layar televisi.

WD TV Live bisa terhubung ke internet lewat WiFi dan kabel ethernet. Secara teori, koneksi 802.11n yang digunakan cukup mumpuni untuk konten video online. Pada prakteknya ini akan tergantung seberapa bagus koneksi internet yang dipakai pengguna.

Seperti disampaikan dalam keterangan tertulis yang diterima detikINET, Kamis (20/10/2011), WD TV Libe menghadirkan layanan internet seperti YouTube, Facebook, Picasa Web Albums dan lainnya. Ada juga beberapa game sederhana seperti permainan arcade, kartu, teka-teki, kuis dan lainnya.

WD TV Live mampu mengantarkan konten dengan resolusi 1080 fullHD. Selain konten online, WD TV Live juga bisa menampilkan konten dari drive USB, kamera digital (video dan foto), perangkat penyimpanan dalam jaringan dan dari komputer PC atau Mac.

Jim Welsh, executive vice president dan general manager untuk WD’s Branded Products and Consumer Electronics groups, mengatakan WD bekerjasama dengan penyedia konten online untuk perangkat tersebut. Ia berharap kerjasama itu bisa memberikan pengalaman yang menarik bagi pengguna.

WD TV Live dijual dengan kisaran harga USD 112. Saat ini perangkat itu sudah mulai tersedia di toko-toko tertentu di Indonesia.

( wsh / wsh )

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Sony Postpones PlayStation Vita Launch Date

The launch of Sony's PlayStation Vita, handheld-gaming successor to the PlayStation Portable, was postponed Wednesday until Feb. 22 next year. It had been scheduled to launch before the end of this year.

Sony Computer Entertainment America said its next-generation mobile Relevant Products/Services gaming machine will launch at major retailers in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Europe in February. Announced last January, PS Vita integrates advanced hardware components such as a quad-core ARM Cortex A9 processor, a dedicated graphics processing chip and a 5-inch organic light emitting diode (OLED) multi-touch display sporting a resolution of 960x544 pixels. The handheld device sports dual analog sticks, dual cameras, and a front and rear touchpad.

Sony's goal is to give gaming aficionados an expanded universe of game play options as well as "new ways to connect Relevant Products/Services with the world around them," said Sony CEO Jack Tretton Wednesday at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco.

Sony has more than 100 PS Vita game titles in development globally that span many genres.

"I've had the chance to spend some time with several of these titles, and I think you'll be blown away by how each takes advantage of the technology packed into PS Vita to deliver amazing gaming experiences," Tretton wrote in a blog Wednesday.

Two Models Coming

PS Vita also will integrate a range of social-networking capabilities. The company said last August that Vita users will have the option to download free social-networking apps Relevant Products/Services to their machines from Facebook, FourSquare, Skype and Twitter.

"With PS Vita, you can enjoy the best handheld-gaming experience available and stay connected to the people and interests you care about," Tretton wrote.

Two models of PS Vita are set for introduction next February in the United States. The 3G Relevant Products/Services/Wi-Fi Relevant Products/Services version, with built-in GPS Relevant Products/Services capabilities and SIM card slot, will have a suggested retail price of $300, while a second version offering Wi-Fi exclusively will be priced at $250.

Both PS Vita models integrate a gyroscope, an accelerometer and an electronic compass, and with all three components having three-axis sensing capabilities. On the downside, the new machine's two cameras offer a maximum resolution of just 640x480 pixels. (continued...)

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Microsoft freezes some Xbox accounts after hacks reported

Matt LiebowitzSecurityNewsDailya

Microsoft has frozen some Xbox Live accounts after online gamers reported they were hacked, and that their credit cards were used to purchase content for another video game.a

The gaming website Eurogamer was alerted to the issue Oct. 11 from a reader who said the credit card associated with his gaming account was drained to purchase a content pack for "FIFA 12," the popular soccer game made by Electronic Arts for the Xbox 360.a

Several posts on an Xbox forum point to the same problem. "Account somehow moved to another console on 2nd October, Fifa 12 achievements and 7200 points purchased and spent immediately off my linked card," read a post Oct. 4 on the forum.a

Another post the next day read, "This just happened to me too JUST NOW!! Sitting on my sofa checking email and got a confirmation note that I had purchased 6000 points for ~ $75. Called them right away, they locked the account, but not before whomever did it bought 2000 points worth of 'PREMIUM GOLD PACKS.'"a

Microsoft responded to the hacking claims, telling SecurityNewsDaily, "We do not have any evidence the Xbox Live service has been compromised." The Microsoft representative admitted that "a limited number of members have contacted us regarding unauthorized access to their accounts by outside individuals." Microsoft said it is working with these affected customers to "resolve any unauthorized changes to their accounts."a

Microsoft is freezing the accounts of affected customers for 30 days to investigate the claims. Users on the Xbox forum are encouraging others to change their passwords.a

EA Sports' communications manager, Steve Frost, directed SecurityNewsDaily to two EA forums which feature tips on how to stay safe and include examples of what a phishing site looks like compared with the real gaming websites.a

This incident comes a week after Sony, no stranger to cybercrime itself, froze 93,000 online accounts after the gaming giant detected mass unauthorized login attempts on its Sony Entertainment, Sony Online Entertainment and PlayStation Networks.a

For more from SecurityNewsDaily, check out:a

8 Ways to Protect Your Email Account Gaming App Teaches Kids Social Networking Safety Best Gaming Laptop Comparisons and Reviews

Etisalat makes 5.13 billion in nine months

Press release: Etisalat today announced a Group net profit after federal royalty of AED 5.13 billion for the nine month period ended 30 September 2011.

Etisalat Group recorded a 9% growth in third quarter stand-alone revenue, resulting in year-to-date Group revenues of AED 24.01 billion, an increase of 3% over the same period of the prior year. Revenue earned from international operations contributed 26 percent to overall revenue and increased 18 percent on the same period last year. Operating margins also remained resilient, with operating profit before federal royalty of AED 9.94 billion, representing a margin of 41%.

Commenting on the Group’s Q3 results, Etisalat Chairman Mr Mohammad Omran said: “Our performance has improved due to our ongoing initiatives to add new revenue streams and optimise our costs.”

Mr Omran added: “Etisalat has shown a positive operational performance trend in the local UAE market during the last quarter, while delivering continued revenue and earnings growth in our international operations. We are confident that we will see this trend continue as the year goes on.”

Commenting on Etisalat’s capital spending, Mr Omran stated thatEtisalat incurred AED 3.0 billion in capex to date, of which more than 50% has been spent overseas to capture value in the Group’s high growth markets.

“On behalf of all board members, we are also pleased to have appointed our new Group CEO, Mr. Ahmad Abdulkarim Julfar, who will be leading the Corporation towards realizing its strategic goals and synergies.”

Etisalat maintained its strong capital base supported by a robust cash position of AED 10.5 billion as of 30 September 2011. The Group remained well funded with sufficient liquidity to service debt and finance capital expenditure across its global footprint. As a testament to this, the Corporation’s investment-grade credit ratings were reaffirmed by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch during their annual credit rating review.

About Mufaddal Fakhruddin

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.


Asus launches PCI Express 3.0 compatible motherboard

Press release: ASUS ROG Maximus IV GENE-Z/GEN3 and P8Z68/GEN3 Series motherboards are the first motherboards in the industry with genuine compatibility for PCI Express 3.0 support. Lab-tested to confirm quality, reliability and performance for users wishing to upgrade to PCI Express 3.0 in the future, the new motherboards ship with upgraded hardware and native UEFI BIOS support for next generation Intel 22nm processors. These motherboards are not only primed for today’s PCs that use PCI Express 2.0 hardware, but all future upgrades as well.

Compatibility Assured: ASUS ROG Maximus IV GENE-Z/GEN3 and P8Z68/GEN3 Series motherboards are pre-tested for PCI Express 3.0 compliance PCI Express 3.0 is the next generation specification that boosts performance 2x from 16GB/s to 32GB/s over the same 16x physical connection. However this requires an upgraded set of components; including a motherboard with PCI Express 3.0 switching IC and a layout design that has completed compatibility testing to measure performance quality and link reliability, a next generation Intel 22nm CPU and a compatible UEFI BIOS. At the moment, only ASUS has committed itself to this assured QA process before shipping its motherboards, in order to guarantee consumer confidence in its products.

Existing ASUS motherboards receive a UEFI BIOS upgrade to support future Intel 22nm processors Current non-SLI LGA1155 motherboards from ASUS can also take advantage of PCI Express 3.0. The list below details the minimum UEFI BIOS version that adds support for next generation Intel 22nm processors.

About Mufaddal Fakhruddin

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.


Amazon Prime adds PBS, prepping for Kindle Fire


By Todd BishopGeekWirea

Popular PBS shows such as Nova, Antiques Roadshow, Frontline, and documentaries by Ken Burns will be added to the streaming content available to Amazon Prime subscribers under a distribution deal announced this morning between PBS and

Amazon has been beefing up its Amazon Prime catalog in advance of the upcoming release of the Kindle Fire, aiming to persuade users of the device to pay for the $79/year subscription service after a one-month free trial that comes with the device.a

The addition of current and archived PBS programs will boost the library of Amazon Prime streaming videos to more than 12,000 by the end of the year, the company says.a

PBS programs have previously been available for individual purchase via the Amazon Instant Video streaming service, but the new deal means they’ll be available at no additional cost to members of the Amazon Prime service for viewing on the Kindle Fire, computers and other devices. PBS shows will roll out on Amazon Prime over the next several months.a

Shows will include NOVA, Masterpiece and Antiques Roadshow. Ken Burns documentaries on the service will include The Civil War, The National Parks, Baseball, Jazz and Prohibition. Current affairs shows such as Frontline and Washington Week will be available for streaming the day after they air. Also added to the Amazon Prime catalog will be 200 episodes of The French Chef with Julia Child.a

The company is believed to be selling the $199 Kindle Fire at a loss, with the goal of making up the difference by boosting its sales of online content, subscriptions, and merchandise through its e-commerce store.a

Also on GeekWirea

Amazon exclusive with DC Comics angers booksellers, comic book fans Apple's Cook confident vs. Kindle Fire, sees tablet market eventually bigger than PCs Microsoft idea: Search the Internet like a celebrity

Follow Todd Bishop of GeekWire on Facebook and Twitter.a

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nexus S Kebagian Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Nexus S Kebagian Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Jakarta - Para pemakai handset Android 2.3 atau Gingerbread boleh berharap dapat mencicipi Android 4.0 atau Ice Cream Sandwich. Google menyatakan sedang bekerja untuk melakukan update di Samsung Nexus S dan perangkat Android Gingerbread lainnya.

"Kami sedang dalam proses merilis Ice Cream Sandwich untuk Nexus S. Secara teori update ini juga bisa bekerja di perangkat 2.3 yang lain," kata Martias Duarte, Director of Android Operating System User Experience.

Sebagai ponsel buatan Google bersama Samsung, Nexus S memang mendapat perlakuan istimewa dalam soal update OS. Sedangkan handset yang lain tergantung pada kebijakan masing-masing vendor.

Ice Cream Sandwich sendiri dipakai perdana oleh Galaxy Nexus yang baru diperkenalkan di Hong Kong. OS terbaru ini memiliki berbagai kelebihan ketimbang pendahulunya.

Sayangnya belum ada ancang-ancang kapan update Android 4.0 akan dilakukan pada Nexus S maupun ponsel Gingerbread yang lain. Demikian seperti dilansir Tech Radar dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (19/10/2011).

( fyk / wsh )

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Nexus S Kebagian Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Nexus S Kebagian Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Jakarta - Para pemakai handset Android 2.3 atau Gingerbread boleh berharap dapat mencicipi Android 4.0 atau Ice Cream Sandwich. Google menyatakan sedang bekerja untuk melakukan update di Samsung Nexus S dan perangkat Android Gingerbread lainnya.

"Kami sedang dalam proses merilis Ice Cream Sandwich untuk Nexus S. Secara teori update ini juga bisa bekerja di perangkat 2.3 yang lain," kata Martias Duarte, Director of Android Operating System User Experience.

Sebagai ponsel buatan Google bersama Samsung, Nexus S memang mendapat perlakuan istimewa dalam soal update OS. Sedangkan handset yang lain tergantung pada kebijakan masing-masing vendor.

Ice Cream Sandwich sendiri dipakai perdana oleh Galaxy Nexus yang baru diperkenalkan di Hong Kong. OS terbaru ini memiliki berbagai kelebihan ketimbang pendahulunya.

Sayangnya belum ada ancang-ancang kapan update Android 4.0 akan dilakukan pada Nexus S maupun ponsel Gingerbread yang lain. Demikian seperti dilansir Tech Radar dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (19/10/2011).

( fyk / wsh )

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Nexus S Kebagian Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Nexus S Kebagian Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Jakarta - Para pemakai handset Android 2.3 atau Gingerbread boleh berharap dapat mencicipi Android 4.0 atau Ice Cream Sandwich. Google menyatakan sedang bekerja untuk melakukan update di Samsung Nexus S dan perangkat Android Gingerbread lainnya.

"Kami sedang dalam proses merilis Ice Cream Sandwich untuk Nexus S. Secara teori update ini juga bisa bekerja di perangkat 2.3 yang lain," kata Martias Duarte, Director of Android Operating System User Experience.

Sebagai ponsel buatan Google bersama Samsung, Nexus S memang mendapat perlakuan istimewa dalam soal update OS. Sedangkan handset yang lain tergantung pada kebijakan masing-masing vendor.

Ice Cream Sandwich sendiri dipakai perdana oleh Galaxy Nexus yang baru diperkenalkan di Hong Kong. OS terbaru ini memiliki berbagai kelebihan ketimbang pendahulunya.

Sayangnya belum ada ancang-ancang kapan update Android 4.0 akan dilakukan pada Nexus S maupun ponsel Gingerbread yang lain. Demikian seperti dilansir Tech Radar dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (19/10/2011).

( fyk / wsh )

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Quo Vadis Steve Jobs: The Creator of Values

Quo Vadis Steve Jobs: The Creator of Values

Jakarta - Artikel ini ditulis dengan rasa berduka, karena Jobs adalah salah satu idola saya. Majalah Time merilis edisi obituari Steve Jobs, hanya kurang dari 24 jam setelah mengumumkan berita duka cita kematian beliau.

Walter Isaacson, penulis authorized biography dari Jobs, menulis feature article untuk menghormatinya. Direncanakan, authorized biography Jobs akan terbit pada tanggal 24 Oktober ini.

Namun, segera setelah Jobs meninggal, banyak suara ‘sumbang’ yang mengkritisi sepak terjangnya. Adil dan proporsional kah kritik-kritik tersebut? Mari kita simak di kajian kritis ini!

Jobs adalah ‘The Creator of Values’

Menurut Nietzche, manusia yang paling hebat adalah dia yang menjadi ‘The Creator of Values’. Apakah ini?

Para ‘Creator’ adalah dia yang berhasil mendefinisikan nilai-nilai moral, di mana para pengikutnya akan mengadopsi nilai-nilai tersebut.

Seorang ‘Creator’ adalah independen, dalam arti dia tidak ‘disetir’ oleh ‘values’ dari orang lain, walaupun sangat mungkin dipengaruhi olehnya. Seorang ‘Creator’ tidaklah harus menciptakan sesuatu dari ketiadaan, namun dapat juga mengolah sesuatu dari yang telah ada.

Steve Jobs adalah ‘The Creator of Values’, yang merupakan dimensi kemanusiaan tertinggi menurut Nietzche. Jobs berbeda dengan seorang Napoleon Bonaparte, karena dia tidak peduli dengan kekuasaan. Jobs juga tidak pernah tertarik menjadi seorang ‘Pahlawan’ seperti Hercules, Jendral Rommel, atau Jendral Patton, karena dia selalu tampil apa adanya.

Dia hanya sibuk mengerjakan apa yang dia sukai, yaitu mengembangkan dunia IT yang sangat ia cintai. Jobs adalah ‘Creator of values’ yang sesungguhnya.

Produk Apple seperti Macintosh, ipod, iphone, dan ipad, telah menjadi ‘trend setter’ yang diikuti oleh dunia IT secara khusus, dan retail secara umum.

Kontroversi Steve Jobs

Beberapa media barat menyamakan Steve Jobs dengan Henry Ford. Padahal, penyetaraan itu menyiratkan suatu kontroversi. Steve Jobs dikritik pedas dengan kasus FoxConn, di mana pekerjanya underpaid dan kerja dalam kondisi yang buruk, sementara Henry Ford jauh lebih ekstrim lagi. Henry Ford adalah tokoh kontroversial, karena dia diduga berkolaborasi dengan Nazi Jerman.

Jobs dituduh juga sebagai ‘pelit’, karena berbeda dengan Bill Gates dan Warren Buffet yang philantropis, Jobs tidak pernah dikenal sebagai dermawan. Tuduhan itu tidak adil, karena Jobs sendiri tidak pernah diklarifikasi secara langsung.

Jika kita asumsikan Jobs mengetahui kasus FoxConn, media sama sekali tidak pernah mengangkat tindakan apa yang dilakukan Jobs untuk memperbaiki keadaan. Boleh jadi Jobs sudah melakukan tindakan perbaikan, namun tidak pernah dipublikasi.

Kasus absennya Jobs dari daftar para philantropis pun juga sama sekali bukan justifikasi bahwa dia ‘pelit’. Sudah jamak dalam dunia philantropis, bahwa sumbangan bisa diberikan secara anonim. Hal ini bisa saja dilakukan oleh Jobs, walaupun kita tidak akan pernah tahu.

Di tanah air, salah satu contoh yang jamak adalah nama anonim ‘Hamba Allah’ , pada daftar penyumbang di Masjid atau tempat lainnya.

Salah satu hal menarik yang tidak pernah diangkat media, adalah komitmen Jobs untuk memperbaiki regulasi transplantasi organ di California. Jobs, yang menerima transplantasi liver dari negara bagian lain, sangat menyadari dan bersyukur bahwa kekayaan dia memudahkannya untuk mencari transplantasi liver ke negara bagian lain.

Privelese ini tidak dimiliki oleh sebagian besar warga California, yang memang tidak mampu. Oleh karena itu, Jobs membujuk Gubernur California saat itu, Arnold Schwarzenegger, untuk menggolkan undang-undang yang mempermudah pemohon transplantasi untuk memperoleh prioritas.

Ketidakadilan yang banyak dirasakan oleh aktivis Open Source, adalah luputnya kematian Dennis Ritchie, pencipta bahasa C dan Co-devoloper Unix, yang sangat minim disorot media. Hal ini karena Jobs dan Ritchie meninggal pada saat yang bersamaan.

Di dunia akademik, tidak ada satu orangpun yang berani mendebat pengaruh Ritchie, karena banyak aplikasi scientific yang dikembangkan menggunakan Bahasa C ataupun turunannya seperti C++ dan Java, dan juga kuatnya pengaruh UNIX/UNIX-like(Linux) pada para akademisi/ilmuwan. Namun di dunia retail/komersial sangat jarang yang mengetahui siapakah Dennis Ritchie.

Kasus ini juga terjadi dengan beberapa peraih Nobel, contohnya John Nash, yang meraih Nobel Ekonomi dan kisah hidupnya sudah difilmkan. Dibandingkan Direktur Bank of America atau Direktur Deutsche Bank, jelas tidak banyak yang mengenal seorang Nash di dunia perbankan/finance. John Nash masihlah seorang Guru Besar biasa, yang mengajar di perguruan tinggi sampai sekarang ini dan tidak pernah menjadi selebritis.

Kembali lagi, mengapa seorang Jobs bisa jauh lebih populer daripada Ritchie, hal itu tidak lepas dari kegagalan popularisasi sains di negara barat. Popularisasi Sains bukanlah masalah negeri kita saja, namun juga terjadi di negara barat.

Jobs sepertinya menyadari betul, bahwa popularisasi adalah sesuatu yang esensial. Oleh karena itu, hampir apapun yang diproduksi Apple menjadi hit, karena dibungkus oleh usaha popularisasi ke publik.

Sayangnya memang, prakarsa popularisasi ini hanya menjadi milik korporasi tertentu, dalam hal ini Apple, dan hampir absen di dunia akademik/penelitian. Itupun, tidak semua korporasi IT yang mampu mengintegrasikan produknya dengan budaya pop sebaik Apple.

Memang dalam hal ini, peran media sangat diharapkan untuk lebih mempopulerkan sains kepada publik, agar Dennis Ritchie ataupun ‘suhu-suhu’ IT lain juga mendapatkan penghormatan yang sepantasnya.

Steve Wozniak, co-founder Apple selain Steve Jobs, juga sering luput dari liputan media. Padahal, peran Wozniak dalam mendirikan Apple tidak kalah pentingnya dengan Jobs sendiri.

Steve Jobs dan Penilaian Moral

Sangat tidak adil, jika menilai pengaruh seorang tokoh hanyalah berdasarkan pertimbangan moral yang kaku, yang bisa jadi ‘tidak bebas nilai’.

Steve Jobs adalah seorang manusia biasa, yang sudah pasti memiliki banyak kekurangan. Tidak ada seorangpun yang sempurna di dunia ini, termasuk Steve Jobs.

Namun, sebagai penghormatan anumerta, ada baiknya kita lebih mengutamakan apa saja sumbangan positif dia pada dunia yang fana ini. Berprasangka baik dalam konteks ini akan memberikan keadilan bagi Steve Jobs, terutama bagi keluarga besar Apple yang dia tinggalkan.

Saya setuju dengan beberapa media barat, bahwa terlepas dari moral judgement yang disuarakan beberapa kalangan, Steve Jobs sangat pantas untuk disandingkan dengan entrepreneur besar seperti Henry Ford dan Thomas Alfa Edison.

Dalam semangat Nietzchean, mereka adalah ‘The Creator of Values’ sejati. Adieu Steve...

Arli Aditya Parikesit Tentang Penulis: Arli Aditya Parikesit,M.Si adalah Kandidat Doktor bidang Bioinformatika dari Universitas Leipzig, Jerman; Peneliti di Departemen Kimia UI; Vice Editor-in-chief; dan Koordinator Media/ Publikasi NU Jerman. Ia bisa dihubungi melalui akun @arli_ap di twitter, dan di google+.

( wsh / wsh )

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RIM Unveils BlackBerry BBX

Press Release:

BlackBerry DevCon Americas 2011 â€" October 18, 2011 â€" At BlackBerry DevCon Americas 2011, Research In Motion (RIM) (NASDAQ: RIMM; TSX: RIM) today unveiled BlackBerry BBX, its next generation mobile platform that takes the best of the BlackBerryĂ‚® platform and the best of the QNXĂ‚® platform to connect people, devices, content and services.

In addition, RIM announced a series of developer tool updates, including WebWorks for BlackBerry smartphones and tablets, the Native SDK for the BlackBerry PlayBook and a developer beta of BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 with support for running Android applications. RIM also provided direction for developers on how to best develop and monetize their BlackBerry applications for today and for the future.

“With nearly 5 million BlackBerry apps downloaded daily, our customers have made BlackBerry one of the most profitable platforms for developers,” said Mike Lazaridis, President and Co-CEO at RIM. “At DevCon today, we’re giving developers the tools they need to build richer applications and we’re providing direction on how to best develop their smartphone and tablet apps as the BlackBerry and QNX platforms converge into our next generation BBX platform.”

BlackBerry BBX BBX is the next generation platform for BlackBerry smartphones and tablets. It combines the best of BlackBerry and the best of QNX and is designed from the ground up to enable the powerful real-time mobile experiences that distinguish BlackBerry products and services.

The BBX platform will include BBX-OS, and will support BlackBerry cloud services and development environments for both HTML5 and native developers. BBX will also support applications developed using any of the tools available today for the BlackBerry PlayBook â€" including Native SDK, Adobe AIR/Flash and WebWorks/HTML5, as well as the BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps â€" on future BBX-based tablets and smartphones. BBX will also include the new BlackBerry Cascades UI Framework for advanced graphics (shown for the first time today), and bring “Super App” capabilities to enable many advanced capabilities including deep integration between apps, always-on Push services, the BBMâ„¢ Social Platform, and much more.

BlackBerry WebWorks Developers who want to support both existing smartphones (running BlackBerry 6 and BlackBerry 7 OS) and BlackBerry PlayBook tablets can monetize apps on both platforms today with BlackBerry WebWorks, which supports apps built on HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. The latest release, BlackBerry WebWorks SDK 2.2 (supporting both smartphones and tablets), is now available and includes updates for the new PlayBook OS SDK, PlayBook Simulator and more. The BlackBerry WebWorks APIs are supported by the Ripple Emulator, a standalone, high-fidelity browser-like emulation tool that allows developers to test and debug their applications on multiple platforms and devices without having to compile or launch simulators. Starting today the Ripple Emulator is available in beta and can also be downloaded from RIM’s WebWorks Developer site at:

Native SDK – Content Rich, Fast and Smooth Running Applications RIM also announced today the immediate availability of the Native SDK for the BlackBerry PlayBook (1.0 gold release). The Native SDK allows developers to build high-performance, multi-threaded, native C/C++ applications and enables developers to create advanced 2D and 3D games and other apps with access to OpenGL ES 2.0 and Open AL, as well as device specific APIs. Applications developed with the Native SDK will run today on the BlackBerry PlayBook and will be forwardly compatible on BBX-based tablets and smartphones. The Native SDK includes support for C/C++ POSIX library and compliance, device events like gesture swipes and touch screen inputs, access to code management systems using industry standard Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) and advanced debug and analysis tools. QNX Momentics Tool Suite, an Eclipse-based integrated development environment, is included. It provides memory profiling, application debugging, and memory usage statistics to help developers debug sophisticated programs, including hardware accelerated OpenGL applications.

The Native SDK makes the development and porting of game applications to the BlackBerry PlayBook an extremely attractive proposition for developers. Well known game publishers, developers and major game engine companies have already started to bring their game titles and applications to the platform.

Scoreloop, the largest and fastest growing cross-platform social gaming ecosystem on mobile, is now available in beta for the Native SDK through BlackBerryĂ‚® Beta Zone. The Scoreloop SDK provides everything a developer needs to easily integrate social capabilities into their native PlayBook applications and includes support for Leaderboards, Game Challenges, Awards & Achievements, and Player Profiles. Scoreloop’s fully customizable and cross-platform technology empowers developers to add as many or as few features as they want, from a simple leader-board to more extensive player achievements. It makes mobile games more social and profitable.

BlackBerry Cascades – Create Visually Stunning Interfaces RIM today showcased BlackBerry Cascades, a rich user interface framework coming to a future release of the Native SDK. Cascades unleashes a new breed of design centric mobile applications and provides developers with an exceptional feature set for creating visually stunning interfaces with custom layouts, animations, effects and 3D graphics. These features, combined with a strong set of built-in core user interface components, will make it easy to build beautiful native applications with innovative user interfaces for the current BlackBerry PlayBook and future BBX-based tablets and smartphones. Cascades is scheduled to be made available in beta later this fall.

Adobe AIR 3.0 Support Adobe Flash enables developers to produce visually stunning, highly functional applications for the BlackBerry PlayBook that can integrate with the underlying OS and will be supported on future BBX-based tablets and smartphones. The BlackBerry PlayBook now supports the recently announced Adobe AIR 3.0 runtime. Among the supported features are Encrypted Local Store that gives developers the ability to use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt and securely store sensitive information on the device, as well as store passwords, keys or credit card information safely within the app; StageText that allows developers to take advantage of native text controls and the native interaction behaviors of those controls; Multitouch and Gestures built into applications to provide great usability; and more.

PlayBook OS 2.0 â€" Developer Beta RIM introduced today the Developer Beta version of the BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0. The Developer Beta includes the BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps and the BlackBerry Plug-In for Android Development Tools (ADT), allowing developers to quickly and easily bring Android applications to BlackBerry PlayBook tablets. The BlackBerry Plug-In for ADT (an Eclipse plug-in) extends a developer’s existing Eclipse Android development environment to support the PlayBook, and includes the BlackBerry PlayBook Simulator for developers to test and debug their apps before submitting them to BlackBerry App Worldâ„¢. Developers can also test and debug their apps on a PlayBook running the BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 – Developer Beta.

Android developers can also repackage Android apps for the BlackBerry PlayBook online by using the BlackBerry Packager for Android Apps. The web tool guides developers through a step-by-step process, allowing them to test their apps for compatibility with the PlayBook, and repackage and sign their apps for submission to BlackBerry App World, all without downloading any tools.

BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps and the associated tools allow Android developers to easily expand their market to include BlackBerry PlayBook users, and hence increase their apps’ market potential.

The BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 – Developer Beta also supports Adobe Air 3.0 and Adobe Flash 11, as well as WebGL, a new web technology that brings hardware-accelerated 3D graphics to the browser without installing additional software. Developers will be able to generate rich, interactive 3D graphics within their BlackBerry WebWorks application.

For more information about the BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 – Developer Beta and BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps and associated tools, visit For more information about the BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 – Developer Beta and BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps and associated tools, visit:

Increased Developer Productivity with Open Source Libraries on the BlackBerry PlayBook OS RIM also announced the BlackBerry Open Source Initiative to port popular Open Source libraries to the BlackBerry PlayBook platform. Libraries already available include physics engines like Bullet Physics and Box2DX, scripting languages like Lua, multimedia libraries like OpenAL and SDL, gaming frameworks like Cocos2DX and general-purpose libraries like Boost and Qt. Also available under an Open Source license are a range of code samples that developers can use to get started quickly, as well as GamePlay, a new 3D native gaming framework. RIM will continue to expand its involvement in the Open Source community to help increase developer productivity on the BlackBerry platforms. For more details on RIM’s Open Source activities, visit

About Abbas Jaffar Ali

Abbas Jaffar Ali is the founder of and a blogger, geek and self-declared tech pundit who can't stop talking about technology. Find him on twitter as @ajaffarali


Galaxy Nexus vs iPhone 4S, Mana yang Unggul?

Galaxy Nexus vs iPhone 4S, Mana yang Unggul?

Jakarta - Galaxy Nexus menempati kasta tinggi di jajaran smartphone. Handset berbasis sistem operasi Android Ice Cream Sandwich ini akan berhadapan dengan lawan beratnya, iPhone 4S yang juga baru diluncurkan oleh Apple. Bagaimana perbandingan spesifikasi keduanya?

Dari segi prosesor, Galaxy Nexus tampak lebih unggul. Ia memakai prosesor Cortex A9 1,2 GHz dual-core dengan chipset TI OMAP 4460. Sedangkan iPhone 4S mengandalkan prosesor 1 GHz dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 dengan chipset Apple A5.

Di sektor kamera, giliran iPhone 4S yang lebih baik di atas kertas. Resolusi kamera di iPhone 4S mencapai 8 megapixel dan mampu merekam video HD 1080p. Sedangkan Galaxy Nexus menggandeng kamera 5 megapixel yang juga mampu merekam video HD 1080p.

Beralih ke sektor layar. Galaxy Nexus tampak lebih hebat, memakai teknologi Super Amoled HD resolusi 720x1280. Sedangkan iPhone 4S layarnya beresolusi 640 x 960 dengan teknologi Retina. Bentang layar pun lebih luas Galaxy Nexus seluas 4,65 inch dibandingkan 3,5 inch.

Sebagai nilai tambah, iPhone 4S mengunggulkan fitur perintah suara, Siri. Dengan kemampuannya memahami berbagai macam pertanyaan sekaligus berfungsi sebagai asisten pribadi, Siri banyak dipuji.

Sedangkan Galaxy Nexus juga memiliki fitur Near Field Communications (NFC) yang tidak dipunyai iPhone 4S. Fitur tersebut antara lain bisa digunakan sebagai dompet digital melalui Google Wallet, layanan pembayaran digital dari Google.

Baik iPhone 4S atau Samsung Galaxy Nexus sama-sama menawarkan fitur dan spesifikasi menggiurkan. Mana yang lebih unggul? Semua itu tentunya kembali lagi pada kebutuhan konsumen sebagai calon pengguna.

( fyk / eno )

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