Saturday, August 27, 2011

'The Secret World's' secret weapon? Reality


Forthcoming online game "The Secret World" is setting itself apart from the pack by keeping itself rooted in reality. In fact, even its unreality is rooted in reality.a

By Winda Benedetti

"Everything is true" — or so goes the especially apt tag line for the forthcoming game called "The Secret World."a

Sure, this massively-multiplayer online role-playing game (set to launch in April 2012) is nothing but pure video gaming fiction. But it is setting itself apart from the pack (and generating plenty of buzz to boot) precisely because it is rooted in our very modern reality.a

At the Penny Arcade gaming expo taking place in Seattle this weekend, I had a chance to talk with "The Secret World's" lead content designer Joel Bylos from developer Funcom and he told me that "a huge amount of research" has gone into making this game as realistic as possible.a

It's an interesting choice, especially considering that "The Secret World" will be pitted against that behemoth of a massively-multiplayer online game — "World of Warcraft." And "WoW" has been an enormous and long-running hit with players (at least in part) because it transports them to a fantasy world extremely different from our own.a

But Bylos points out, "The market is flooded with fantasy stuff." And he believes players want something different.a

And so "The Secret World" is set not in some mystical medieval realm, on another planet or in outer space, but on our planet Earth with its familiar look and modern amenities.a

Cell phones. Email. This is how the characters communicate. Meanwhile, the game unfolds in real locations like New York, Maine, the UK and South Korea. And Bylos says that, to make sure they got the details right, Funcom sent researchers and artists to many of the actual locations.a

"We want these areas to feel like they belong in the real world," he said.a

And even when it comes to the not-so-real stuff found in "The Secret World" — this too is based on real-world research.a

The thrust of "The Secret World" is this: gamers choose to play as one of three factions who — when they aren't fighting each other — are busy fighting a host of monsters. The factions you can choose from: the Illuminati, the Templars and the Dragons.a


Meet the Draug - a mythological creature from Viking legend given new life in "The Secret World."a

Anyone even slightly familiar with history (not to mention the wild world of conspiracy theories) will recognize the names of these real or perhaps not-so-real secret societies. Meanwhile, not only have the game's creators drawn on long-running lore to create the factions and the frictions between them, Bylos says that every monster that players run across in the game is plucked from the tall tales, legends and mythologies of cultures from around the world.a

The developers, for example, pulled from Viking monster mythology to create the Draug — a kind of walking dead with the ability to swell to a large size. Bylos said the Akab — nasty winged and spiked creatures — are taken from Myan mythology, while the Revenants were taken from European folklore describing a kind of ghost or animated corpse.a

Meanwhile, one of the bosses Bylos showed off to crowds gathered at PAX this weekend — the Varangian — was drawn from a particular group of people in Russian/Baltic history. And he also showed off player-versus-player battlefields — and yes, these too are based on real and mythology-based locations: Stonehenge, El Dorado and Shambhala.a

Though it may sound difficult to build a fantastical game world that stays true to our own reality, Bylos said that having the real world as a guide has actually given the team more freedom. After all, they didn't have to spend their time trying to construct an entirely new world — with its own history, lore and laws — from scratch.a

Those attending the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle this weekend can catch Bylos and lead designers Martin Bruusgaard as they give live demos of "The Secret World." If you can't make it to PAX, check out these recently released "Secret World" screenshots for a look at how Funcom is spinning one fantastical yarn from the threads of reality.a

For more game news from the Penny Arcade Expo, check out:a

'Portal' creator plays with physics in 'Quantum Conundrum' Our first Halo hands-on Build your own Star Wars trilogy

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+. And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

Beredar, Foto Mengenaskan Steve Jobs Pasca Mundur

Beredar, Foto Mengenaskan Steve Jobs Pasca Mundur

Jakarta - Sebuah foto yang diklaim menunjukkan wujud Steve Jobs setelah mundur dari posisinya sebagai CEO Apple beredar di internet. Jobs nampak sangat tidak sehat.

Foto itu, seperti dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Sabtu (27/8/2011), beredar di situs gosip TMZ. Situs itu mengatakan foto diambil hari Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011, waktu setempat.

Jobs tampil dalam kondisi sangat mengenaskan. Ia terlihat begitu kurus dan lemah, mengenakan pakaian yang nampak seperti gaun berwarna hitam.

Entah asli atau tidak, foto itu telah menimbulkan kontroversi. Pengguna Twitter di Amerika Serikat, misalnya, banyak yang mengutuki TMZ karena mempublikasikan foto itu.

Foto itu konon diambil oleh Pacific Coast News, situs foto seleb, yang kemudian menjualnya secara eksklusif ke TMZ.

Jobs sebelumnya telah diketahui berhasil mengatasi penyakit kanker pankreas. Tidak diketahui seperti apa kondisi kesehatan mantan orang No 1 di Apple itu saat mengajukan pengunduran diri.

Belum ada konfirmasi dari pihak manapun terkait keaslian foto tersebut. Apple juga tidak menyampaikan kabar mengenai kondisi kesehatan Jobs. ( wsh / wsh )

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Beredar, Foto Mengenaskan Steve Jobs Pasca Mundur

Beredar, Foto Mengenaskan Steve Jobs Pasca Mundur

Jakarta - Sebuah foto yang diklaim menunjukkan wujud Steve Jobs setelah mundur dari posisinya sebagai CEO Apple beredar di internet. Jobs nampak sangat tidak sehat.

Foto itu, seperti dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Sabtu (27/8/2011), beredar di situs gosip TMZ. Situs itu mengatakan foto diambil hari Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011, waktu setempat.

Jobs tampil dalam kondisi sangat mengenaskan. Ia terlihat begitu kurus dan lemah, mengenakan pakaian yang nampak seperti gaun berwarna hitam.

Entah asli atau tidak, foto itu telah menimbulkan kontroversi. Pengguna Twitter di Amerika Serikat, misalnya, banyak yang mengutuki TMZ karena mempublikasikan foto itu.

Foto itu konon diambil oleh Pacific Coast News, situs foto seleb, yang kemudian menjualnya secara eksklusif ke TMZ.

Jobs sebelumnya telah diketahui berhasil mengatasi penyakit kanker pankreas. Tidak diketahui seperti apa kondisi kesehatan mantan orang No 1 di Apple itu saat mengajukan pengunduran diri.

Belum ada konfirmasi dari pihak manapun terkait keaslian foto tersebut. Apple juga tidak menyampaikan kabar mengenai kondisi kesehatan Jobs. ( wsh / wsh )

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Lenovo Tanggapi Bos Baru AMD

Lenovo Tanggapi Bos Baru AMD

Jakarta - Rory Read, President dan Chief Operating Officer (COO) Lenovo telah 'berganti kapal' dan kini menjabat Chief Executive Officer (CEO) AMD. Lenovo pun memberikan tanggapannya soal perubahan ini.

"Rory Read telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap keberhasilan kami selama dia menjabat sebagai president dan COO Lenovo. Dipilihnya Rory Read menjadi CEO AMD merupakan cerminan kuat dari cara industri ini melihat talenta Lenovo dan kinerja kami," kata Yang Yuanqing, CEO Lenovo.

Produsen PC asal China itu pun mengaku belum memiliki rencana dalam waktu dekat untuk mengganti Rory. Seperti disampaikan dalam keterangan yang diterima detikINET, Sabtu (27/8/2011), sementara kosong, fungsi COO akan dipegang Yang.

Bersamaan dengan itu Lenovo menyampaikan beberapa prestasinya. Produsen PC itu mengatakan telah menjual lebih dari 10 juta PC pada kuartal I 2011 (April - Juni 2011) dan menduduki posisi nomor 3 dunia. Pangsa pasar Lenovo di posisi 3 itu adalah 12,2 persen.

Yang mengakui Rory punya peran kunci dalam pencapaian kinerja Lenovo selama ini. Namun, Yang mengatakan pihaknya juga memiliki kombinasi tim, produk dan strategi yang tepat. "Berdasarkan itu, kami akan melanjutkan momentum pertumbuhan kami," kata Yang.

( wsh / wsh )

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'Portal' creator plays with physics in 'Quantum Conundrum'

Winda Benedettia

Kim Swift - one of the creators of the hit game 'Portal' - showed off her latest project for the first time at the Penny Arcade Expo. At first look, "Quantum Conundrum" certainly seems to have a lot to offer those who fell in love with "Portal."a

By Winda Benedetti

If you thought using portals to bend space and solve puzzles was some sublime brain-teasing fun, then the designer behind the beloved game "Portal" has something new she thinks you'll like.a

With the Penny Arcade Expo kicking off in Seattle today, I chatted with Kim Swift– one of the main designers behind hit games like "Portal" and "Left 4 Dead" – as she ran me through a demonstration of her newest project: "Quantum Conundrum."a

The game, due to be released early next year as a downloadable title on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network and PC, looks as though it will have a lot to offer those who fell in love with “Portal.”a

Like “Portal,” "Quantum Conundrum" is a first-person puzzle platformer. Here you play a kid who has been taken to his uncle's sprawling home-turned-laboratory. Your uncle has filled this enormous manor with rooms full of experiments. But of course, there’s a problem: he has gone missing and you need to find him.a

Players are given a glove called the Inter-Dimensional Shift Device (that's IDS for short). Using the IDS, you can shift dimensions, which changes the physical properties of the environment around you.a

As you try to make your way through room after room, you are presented with different environmental puzzles. If a doorway is too high to reach, for example, use the IDS device to shift to the “fluffy dimension.” Everything becomes ten times lighter than it was before which allows your young character to move objects that would otherwise be too heavy for him to lift. You can move an object and then jump up onto it to reach the previously unreachable passageway.a

Meanwhile, if you need to cross a chasm too wide to jump, you can use the ISD to shift to the “slow-motion dimension” where everything (except you) moves 20 times slower. Throw an object across the chasm, slow time so that the object pauses mid-air, and then jump onto that object and use it as a platform to reach the other side.a

Then there’s the “reverse gravity dimension” which pretty much does what it sounds like it would do. When gravity reverses, you’ll be able to “drop” objects up to the ceiling where they can, for example, press important switches for you.a

But the game gets really interesting as you start using the different dimensional shifts together, playing with the room’s physical properties in all sorts of ways to solve the puzzles thrown in your path. And there is still another dimensional shift that has not yet been revealed.a

Swift — who previously worked at Valve Software on "Portal" and the "Left 4 Dead" games — left the company in 2009 for Airtight Games where "Quantum Conundrum" is being developed. She says she was excited to be given the opportunity to build her own team and helm her own project, but she acknowledges that — as the creator of "Portal" — expectations are high.a

"It’s definitely a lot of pressure," she told me. "If you mess up, people are going to point the finger. But honestly, I just like to make games that I’d want to play and I really like playing these tyes of games and I know other people like playing them too."a

Airtight/Square Enixa

In the "fluffy dimension" objects are 10 times lighter than usuala

Certainly from watching the demo, “Quantum Conundrum” feels very much like a sibling to Swift’s most famous game. Making your way from room to room, pressing switches to open doors, trying to figure out how to get past lasers – some of the elements and obstacles here will seem immediately familiar to those who’ve played the “Portal” games. But Swift doesn’t mind the comparison.a

“I can’t really change the games I like to make and I can’t change my own particular aesthetic,” she said. “I just think this is a genre that needs to be explored more in the industry.”a

In fact, “Quantum Conundrum” feels a bit like the kinder, gentler sibling to “Portal.” The look is more cartoonish and, from what I've seen so far, there is no malevolent artificial intelligence like GLaDOS out to get you in the game.a

Indeed, Swift said she hopes the game will appeal to a broad audience.a

“’Quantum Conundrum’ has a little bit of something for everybody — it’s got something for kids and it’s got enough of a challenge for a hardcore gamer,” she says. “One of the things I loved about working on ‘Portal’ is that we’d get emails from people saying, ‘I love to play first person shooters but my girlfriend won’t play them me. But I got her to play ‘Portal’ and she had a blast.’ I want to hearken back to that feeling — I want everybody to play.”a

For more game news, check out:a

'Aliens: Colonial Marines' will grab you by the chest Build your own Star Wars trilogy The 'Portal' movie we'd pay to see

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+. And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

Microsoft Previews Tablet with Quad-Core ARM Chip

Microsoft previewed a new quad-core media tablet Relevant Products/Services identified as a Windows Relevant Products/Services "Slate" at the Tech Ed 2011 conference in New Zealand on Friday. Microsoft principal architect Patrick Hevesi said the software giant is currently working with its OEM partners to produce next-generation tablets that make better sense from a business Relevant Products/Services perspective.

"We are seeing people bringing in iPads with a Bluetooth keyboard Relevant Products/Services, a mouse, a pen, and all this other stuff," Hevesi noted. The goal at Microsoft is to "find that middle ground" that will enable business users to have "all this other stuff [in a] hybrid form factor [that] is a lot more critical [to business users]," he said in a Tech Ed video interview.

For example, Microsoft is working with selected partners to bring "instant on" PC Relevant Products/Services capabilities to next-generation Windows tablets, Hevesi noted. What's more, Windows-powered mobile Relevant Products/Services devices are already available that offer eight to 14 hours of battery life.

Even better, Hevesi expects ultrathin notebooks and tablets running Windows to be able to operate for up to 24 hours from a single battery charge by late this year or early 2012. The new Windows slates also will sport "brilliant HD Relevant Products/Services screens in a very thin form factor" and be equipped with quad-core processors, he added.

TI's quad-core OMAP Chip

Several chipmakers are poised to launch quad-core chips based on the ARM architecture Relevant Products/Services that will offer support for Microsoft's next-generation Windows 8 operating system. For example, the 1.8-GHz OMAP4470 quad-core chip announced by Texas Instruments in early June will integrate ARM CPUs with enough moxie to run Windows-style applications and offer support for Microsoft's DirectX technology for gaming applications.

TI's chip will feature HD user interfaces for connecting the host Relevant Products/Services machine with as many as three high-definition screens simultaneously, and also integrate HDMI technology for supporting stereoscopic 3D. Mobile devices running TI's new chips are expected to arrive in the consumer marketplace in the first half of 2012. (continued...)

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Get support and info on Hurricane Irene network

By Helen A.S. Popkin

While it seems that there's no shortage of Hurricane Irene-related information available on the Internet, it can be extremely helpful to have that information — evacuation maps, Red Cross Safety Tips, what would it look like if Irene really slammed Manhattan — all in one place.a

A newly launched community-powered support network for Hurricane Irene serves as "a public service to give people a place to get Hurricane Irene news, share ideas on how to prepare for a hurricane and help one another with preparing," according to its landing page description.a

The Hurricane Irene network allows users to share ideas, report problems and give praise, and includes a handy set of links to evacuation maps and disaster preparedness information. It lives on the community platform for Get Satisfaction, a San Francisco-based company that helps businesses connect with customers through forums.a

Currently there are only 19 members in the Hurricane Irene network, but the potential value is there. Accessing Facebook and Twitter in the event of big news is the automatic reflex for many of us, whether we're looking for news or just to connect. The Hurricane Irene network, however, includes a host of resources and news in the same place where you can connect with others affected by the storm. And unlike our daily social networks, there's no need to endure what someone had for breakfast or their final thoughts on Kim Kardashian's nuptials to find the help you need.a

via The Next Weba

More on Hurricane Irene resources:a

How to track Hurricane Irene online Hey Irene, can you hear me now? Smartphones, tablets can be a port in the storm

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+.a

Apple hires JailbreakMe creator Comex

Yesterday we heard about the retirement of Apple figurehead and industry legend Steve Jobs, whose is leaving a glittering legacy behind for his successors to follow. How the new CEO Tim Cook will adapt and adopt is anyones guess, but Steve is a tough act to follow.

Today, however, prominent Jailbreaker Comex announced his plan to join Apple as an intern. What he will be up to at 1 Infinite Loop is all speculation at the moment but a smart money will be on Security of the very iDevices he is skilled at hacking.

Nicholas Allegra, commonly known as Comex, is the man behind JailbreakMe hacks. He broke the news through a recent tweet that he will be working at the company as an intern from next week.

Last month he released Jailbreak 3.0, which was a web-based Jailbreak. He is also notable in the community as a A-list hacker, and was the first to release a Jailbreak of iPad 2.  Sources say 12 percent of iDevices are Jailbroken, and that is a conservative estimate.

The news leaves the Jailbreak enthusiasts slightly apprehensive. Comex has been at the forefront of this war with the Cupertino giant, and has worked with people like Geohot. It wouldn’t be far wrong to say Apple has hired him in order to guide them in fixing security issues in the upcoming iOS 5 making the new iOS safer than ever and possibly even jailbreak-proof.

Lets see where this goes.

Via Engadget

About Mohammad Qamar

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Is this what Amazon's tablet will look like?

Techno Buffaloa

Amazon tablet mockupsa

By Athima Chansanchai

Although a recent fire sale briefly resurrected interest in the otherwise ignored HP TouchPad, the only major contender against the iPad remains a still mysterious offering from Amazon. Now, we're starting to see what it may look like.a

Techno Buffalo delivered some generic looking mockups that are based on writer Noah Kravitz's sources, who tell him the incoming Amazon tablets "will run Android but feature Intel-based innards."a

It remains to be seen if it'll materialize and cannibalize Amazon's own bestselling Kindle e-reader, or if those two devices will remain separate draws for buyers (as a recent Nielsen survey suggests).'s own Wilson Rothman thinks that when it does appear, it's going to give the iPad a run for its top spot, mostly because of its might as a retailer. It's a major factor that Kravitz agrees with: "Not only does Amazon have the name and reach to get an attractive piece of hardware into millions of hands at a competitive price, but they also have the content and retail inventories to sweeten the pot with all sorts of tie-ins."a

Whatever Amazon comes out with, it need something that will put it a level above Barnes & Noble's Nook Color, which not only already functions as an Android tablet, but has also made sizable gains against the Kindle, including usurping it from its No.1 selling e-reader perch in July, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Media Tablet and eReader Tracker.a

Business Insider add that there will probably be two models, one with a 10-inch screen and another with a 7-inch screen, which sounds very similar to what Samsung did with its tablets, although it rolled out the smaller version first, only to find that the bigger one was much more well received. But nothing has yet to emerge to fulfill the promise of the now almost mythological iPad killer.a

Until then, the iPad is the undisputed king of the tablet world, with one survey in May identifying 82 percent of 12,000 polled as iPad users.a

More stories:a

Why Amazon's tablet will threaten the iPad Amazon tablets expected by October Rumor: Amazon tablets may be cheaper than iPad Report: Amazon to release two tablets this year Amazon's working on an Android tablet?

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a


Friday, August 26, 2011

Sony Ericsson Neo v – cheaper version of Xperia Neo coming

Sony Ericsson came up with a variety of Xperia android devices, and one of the lesser successful handset was the Xperia Neo. Sony Ericsson hasn’t lost complete faith in its Neo so it is going to launch a slightly cheaper version of the set called Neo v. And it will come preloaded with Android Gingerbread 2.3.4.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo v will arrive in Q4 2011 with a 3.7in TFT Reality Display using the Mobile Bravia engine, a 1Ghz Snapdragon processor, a 5MP AF camera with 16x digital zoom (original Neo had a 8MP camera). It’ll also grab 720p HD video and has a front-facing VGA camera.

The Android Gingerbread 2.3.4 update will bring 3D sweep panorama, enhanced Facebook integration (including sharing songs straight from the FM radio app), support for USB peripherals, swipe text input and screenshot capture. although these features are promised for all other Xperia line-up which will be updated eventually after October.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


APJII Sambut Wimax Netral

APJII Sambut Wimax Netral

Jakarta - Implementasi Wimax dengan standardisasi teknologi terbuka diperkirakan akan bisa melayani 23 juta pelanggan dengan nilai bisnis sekitar Rp 5,75 triliun dalam setahun. Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) pun menyambutnya sembari menargetkan komersialisasi layanan ini sudah bisa digelar sejak awal 2012.

"Teknologi Wimax perlu berkelanjutan. Kebijakan pembukaan teknologi Wimax tersebut diharapkan memajukan penyelenggara jasa Internet di daerah, terutama terkait dengan persyaratan pembukaan 20% kapasitas untuk PJI yang tersebar di seluruh Tanah Air oleh operator," kata Wakil Ketua Umum APJII Sammy Pangerapan, dalam keterangan pers, Jumat (26/8/2011).

Berdasarkan data APJII, saat ini terdapat 328 penyelenggara jasa internet di seluruh Indonesia yang menjadi anggotanya. Namun yang aktif ada sekitar 170 perusahaan.

Dengan adanya ketentuan yang tercantum dalam dokumen tender, dan tercantum juga di lisensi, kata Sammy, maka diharapkan anggota APJII bisa memanfaatkan jaringan operator Wimax untuk memberikan layanan Internet ke masyarakat dalam skema business to business (B2B).

Selain masyarakat bisa menikmati layanan Internet murah berkecepatan tinggi hingga 256 Kbps, tambahnya, penyelenggara internet di daerah juga bisa ikut berkembang.

Menurut dia, dengan kapasitas yang ada dan dengan nilai total biaya hak penggunaan (BHP) frekuensi sebesar Rp 235 miliar, maka jumlah pelanggan yang bisa ditampung operator Wimax saat ini adalah sekitar 23 juta pelanggan dalam setahun, dengan penambahan 2 juta setiap bulannya.

"Ini adalah sejalan dengan program World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) yang menargetkan 50% dari penduduk di seluruh negara terhubung Internet," katanya.

APJII mengungkapkan saat ini penetrasi Internet di Indonesia berjumlah 50 juta pengguna dengan teledensitas 20%.

Terkait dengan harga BHP yang mahal, Sammy mengatakan biaya itu tidak mahal, karena berdasarkan perhitungan, biaya yang dikeluarkan operator untuk bayar lisensi per pelanggan per bulan adalah hanya Rp10.000 dengan average revenue per user (ARPU) adalah sebesar Rp250.000.

APJII berharap teknologi WiMax dengan standar terbuka tersebut dapat segera digelar dengan target penggelaran layanan komersial pada awal tahun depan.

Terkait dengan penentuan standar teknologi 16e, Sammy mengatakan yang dibutuhkan dalam penggelaran WiMax adalah yang berkelanjutan, adapun kalau 16d bisa terhenti di tengah jalan dan selanjutnya pelanggan juga yang dirugikan karena harus ganti alat.

"Sementara vendor asing juga tidak bisa terus menerus memproduksi alat 16d untuk memenuhi ketentuan kandungan 70% karena tidak massal sehingga biayanya juga sangat tinggi," tuturnya.

Sementara itu, anggota Dewan Pengawas APJII Marcellus Ardiwinata mengatakan sesuai dengan Pasal 32 ayat 1 UU No. 36 tentang Telekomunikasi, maka ketentuan teknis yang berlaku secara internasional dalam penyelenggaraan jasa telekomunikasi adalah teknologi terbuka.

( rou / ash )

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Nokia 101 – the next disposably cheap phone from Nokia

Nokia may have lost its market to Android and iPhone in US or Europe but its still king of mobile phone sales in non-smartphone category and in third world countries. Nokia 101 is one such phone which is about to debut within next week, in countries like India, Pakistan and Africa etc. This phone is a successor of their previous cheap yet very successful, Nokia 3310.

To meet the demands of third world countries the 101 still carries a FM radio and torch like 3310. But gets an upgrade in its screen by boosting a 128 x 160 resolution color display.  It has a MP3 player, a standard 3.5 mm audio jack, SD card support. Dual sim slot is another one of hot features required in these countries where people carry different connections for different rates and packages. It has a long battery life of 8.5 hours talk-time and 32 days on standby.

All these features will make it an attractive phone for the third world community, when it will be sold for a low price of 130 AED / 3000 PKR. It will be available in phantom black and coral red colors.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Petani Makin Akrab dengan Internet

Petani Makin Akrab dengan Internet

Jakarta - Internet memegang peranan penting bagi para petani di Amerika. Lantaran merasa terbantu dengan adanya internet, jumlah petani yang menggantungkan diri dengannya makin meningkat.

Apa fungsi internet bagi petani AS ini? Ternyata ia berperan cukup banyak. Para petani memakainya guna meningkatkan performa kerja, memperbaiki teknik pertanian, memasarkan hasil tani, berhubungan dengan konsumen dan retailer serta memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan regulator.

Pentingnya internet ini ditegaskan oleh Dan Errotabere salah seorang petani yang mengatakan bahwa internet menjadi bagian penting dalam bisnis pertanian. "Apabila powernya mati maka semua kegiatan pertanian terhenti. Semuanya kini serba listrik," tukasnya.

Ada beberapa perubahan yang dirasakan para petani dengan keberadaan internet. Mereka tak perlu lagi bertemu secara personal dengan penasihat pertanian dan tak perlu membeli buku pertanian.

Kini jumlah petani di negari Paman Sam yang terkoneksi dengan internet telah meningkat hampir 20%, mengacu pada laporan Departemen Pertanian Amerika.

Lebih dari setengah petani di Amerika kini memiliki akses menuju internet, demikian seperti yang dikutip detikINET dari YahooNews, Jumat (26/8/2011). ( sdj / ash )

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Ganti Bos, AMD Makin Serius Garap Konsol Game

Ganti Bos, AMD Makin Serius Garap Konsol Game

Jakarta - Meski memiliki nakhoda baru, namun dari sisi strategi bisnis AMD tidak mengalami banyak perubahan. Selain fokus mengembangkan chip komputer, raksasa microchip ini juga akan lebih fokus menggarap konsol game.

Rory P. Read akhirnya secara resmi menggantikan posisi sementara Thomas Seifert sebagai Chief Executive Officer AMD. Di depan para investor dan media, Read memaparkan strategi bisnis AMD dalam 100 hari ke depan.

"Membutuhkan waktu yang tidak sebentar mempelajari bisnis ini. Membangun pondasi yang kuat, lebih dekat dengan pengguna dan partner untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak informasi," kata Read.

Pada kesempataan yang sama, Read juga memaparkan ingin mempertahankan kesuksesan AMD dengan APU Fusion yang telah sukses dikapalkan sebanyak 12 juta unit dalam waktu beberapa bulan sejak diluncurkan.

Nah, sedangkan dari sisi produk, Read mengaku akan lebih fokus mengembangkan konsol game dan notebook berbasis Windows 8. Sedangkan untuk tablet, pada roadmap produk yang dibeberkan terlihat AMD bakal ikut bermain dalam industri tersebut. Demikian yang dikutip detikINET dari Zdnet, Jumat (26/8/2011).

AMD melalui jajaran chip grafis Radeon memang bukan pemain baru di industri konsol game. Beberapa tahun lalu, perusahaan asal AS ini telah dipilih untuk merancang chip Xbox 360 dan Nintendo Wii, serta dipastikan juga terlibat dalam pembuatan Wii U yang bakal dirilis tahun 2012 mendatang. ( eno / ash )

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Minim Edukasi & Kesadaran, Pembajakan Sulit Diredam

Minim Edukasi & Kesadaran, Pembajakan Sulit Diredam

Jakarta - Pembajakan software seakan tiada akhir di Indonesia. Kurangnya edukasi dan kesadaran disebut-sebut menjadi salah satu faktor mengapa tingkat penggunaan software ilegal ini masih saja tinggi.

Setidaknya, demikian yang dikemukakan produsen software raksasa dunia, Microsoft. Menurut mereka, kurangnya edukasi cukup berperan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara dengan peringkat pertama di Asia Tenggara dalam pembajakan software di tahun 2010 dengan tingkat pembajakan sebesar 87%, sesuai laporan Business Software Alliance (BSA).

Hal paling umum yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang di negara dengan ekonomi berkembang adalah membeli sebuah keping CD program dan menginstalnya pada sejumlah komputer, termasuk dalam jaringan PC di perusahaan, dimana software memiliki fungsi dan nilai yang sangat tinggi.

"Hampir separuh bagian (45%) dari total pengguna PC di negara-negara berkembang berasumsi bahwa menginstal software yang dipinjamkan oleh teman atau rekan kerja adalah sah," tukas Microsoft, dalam keterangannya yang diterima detikINET, Jumat (26/8/2011).

Minimnya edukasi juga berimbas terhadap pemikiran bahwa istilah pembajakan software hanya diartikan sebagai tindakan membeli dan menggunakan software bajakan atau palsu.

Padahal tidak membeli software bajakan pun tidak menjamin bahwa software tersebut original dan resmi. Seperti tindakan mislicensing dan misversioning yang juga melanggar aturan, namun sering tidak disadari pengguna.

Menurut Perwakilan dan Juru Bicara BSA Indonesia, Donny A. Sheyoputra, edukasi yang menyeluruh dari semua pihak, baik pemerintah, penegak hukum, para pemegang atau pemilik hak cipta atas software, maupun pemangku kepentingan lainnya, kepada pengguna software baik pribadi maupun pelaku usaha sangat dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang penggunaan software ilegal dalam segala bentuk dan jenisnya

"Selain edukasi, kesadaran dari pengguna juga sangat diperlukan untuk memahami resiko dan kerugian yang timbul dari penggunaan software ilegal tersebut. Di sinilah hukum memegang peran penting di Indonesia terkait dengan penindakan atas masalah pembajakan software," lanjutnya.

"Selain bertujuan melindungi para pemegang hak cipta atas software, penegakan hukum juga diharapkan dapat memberikan efek jera bagi mereka yang melanggar hak cipta sekaligus menekan tingkat penggunaan software ilegal," Donny menandaskan.

Pengguna dinilai masih kurang mempedulikan masalah keamanan dan fasilitas dalam penggunaan software original. Padahal penggunaan software yang sesuai kaidah diklaim akan memberi keuntungan pada penggunaan fitur, pilihan dan kapabilitas yang diperlukan, untuk memaksimalkan produktivitas.

"Selain itu juga akan melindungi sistem dari ancaman trojan, spyware dan bahaya-bahaya lain yang mungkin ditimbulkan dari penggunaan software palsu. Pengguna pun dapat menikmati akses luas pada software-software yang terbaru, pada pengembangan produk dan layanan dukungan teknis, serta masih banyak lagi," pungkas Microsoft.

( ash / fyk )

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The Sims Kokohkan Posisi di Facebook

The Sims Kokohkan Posisi di Facebook

Jakarta - Pasca hadir di Facebook, The Sims langsung meroket dan diburu para pecinta game. Tak ayal, game ini pun dinobatkan sebagai game di Facebook dengan pertumbuhan tercepat minggu ini.

The Sims Social, yang dibesut oleh Electronic Arts (EA), menggaet sebanyak 2,6 juta pengguna aktif harian di minggu awal perilisannya. Bahkan, pada 25 Agustus kemarin, terdapat 1,2 juta pengguna aktif harian.

Perolehan yang dicapai The Sims berkebalikan dengan game keluaran Zynga, Empires & Allies, yang terlebih dulu menapaki popularitas.

Di hari yang sama, Empires & Allies malah kehilangan sekitar 328.000 pengguna aktif harian. Sedang sub game dari Frontierville bernama Pioneer Ville juga harus rela kehilangan pengguna aktif harian sebanyak 220.000 user.

Dikutip detikINET dari Mashable, Jumat (26/8/2011), banyaknya pengguna yang memainkan The Sims membuat ia menjadi satu dari 10 aplikasi Facebook terpopuler.

Game-game yang membuntuti The Sims sendiri ialah game-game jagoan Zynga yakni CityVille, FarmVille, Empires & Allies, Texas Hold 'Em dan Pioneer Trail.

Sebelum didatangkan ke Facebook, The Sims telah merebut hati para pecinta game karena ia menyuguhkan kehidupan sehari-hari yang dimainkan karakter-karakter yang berperilaku layaknya manusia.

Kehadiran The Sims di Facebook yang diramaikan jutaan pemain diprediksi akan mengalahkan Zynga yang selama ini disebut-sebut sebagai 'raja' game di ranah media sosial. ( sdj / ash )

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1 Triliun Orang Berkunjung ke Facebook

1 Triliun Orang Berkunjung ke Facebook

Jakarta - Angka 1 miliar page views sepertinya tak lagi terdengar hebat bagi Facebook. Tahu apa sebabnya? Raksasa jejaring sosial ini baru saja membuat pencapaian yang sangat fantastis, yakni 1 triliun page views, wow!

Pencapaian baru ini diraih Facebook bulan lalu. Tentu saja, angka ini sangat menarik. Dibalik angka page view yang demikian besar, terselip indikasi betapa gilanya kepopuleran Facebook yang terus menanjak.

Catatan terakhir yang kita dengar menyebutkan bahwa situs milik Mark Zuckerberg ini memiliki 750 juta pengguna terdaftar, meski dilaporkan kehilangan sejumlah pengguna. Data bulan lalu menyebutkan bahwa 1 triliun page view yang didapatkan Facebook rupanya datang dari 870 juta unique visitor.

Itu artinya, seperti dilansir Digital Trends dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (25/8/2011), bahkan jika semua pengguna terdaftar mengakses Facebook di bulan Juli, masih ada tambahan sekitar 120 juta visitor.

Kelebihan jumlah visitor ini kemungkinan dikarenakan halaman Facebook yang ditampilkan di hasil pencarian dan non-user yang mengeksplorasi situs tersebut. Ini menjadi alasan kuat bagi para pengguna Facebook untuk mengecek ulang pengaturan privasi yang baru.

( rns / rou )

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Low-Cost Nokia Phones Target Emerging Markets

Nokia has taken the wraps off two low-cost mobile Relevant Products/Services handsets slated for introduction at $30 and $35 price points later this year, not including carrier subsidies. Based on Nokia's Series 30 operating system, the Nokia 100 and Nokia 101 feature a built-in color display, an FM radio, pre-loaded games, and even an integrated flashlight.

The new devices are squarely aimed at consumers in emerging markets who are looking for a phone that offers great features but is also dependable, noted Nokia Executive Vice President Mary McDowell.

"When paired with powerful and locally relevant services such as Nokia Life Tools, the Nokia 101 and Nokia 100 offer a unique experience that is simply unmatched in their markets at these price points," McDowell said Thursday.

For an extra five dollars, Nokia 101 buyers also will get a built-in MP3 player and headset, together with dual SIM-card capabilities. Calls routed between two different wireless Relevant Products/Services carriers within the United Kingdom and other mature markets don't cost extra, "but this is not the case in most countries," said IDC Research Manager Francisco Jeronimo.

Dual-SIM Phones

Nokia's dual-SIM phones will let handset users access to two different carriers from the same handset. One SIM card provides access to the user's principal wireless provider, while the second can accommodate a prepaid SIM card for a second operator offering lower calling prices in areas beyond the reach of the principal provider's network Relevant Products/Services.

Dual-SIM phones have become popular in southern Europe, where the cost savings can be substantial, Jeronimo noted. The Nokia SIM manager allows users to select which SIM card to use for a call or to send a text message.

"So there's no need to carry a second device, [which] is the main reason why people like dual-SIM phones," Jeronimo explained. "Another reason is related to personal and professional numbers when needed."

Nokia's low-cost handsets are also designed to enable a single device to be shared among multiple members of the same family. The Nokia SIM manager offers support for "up to five separate address books and stores personalization details for up to five different SIM cards," Nokia explained.

Brand-Name Leverage

Through its introduction of the low-cost Nokia 100 and Nokia 101, the handset market is clearly aiming to leverage its well-known brand to recapture a percentage of the so-called "white box Relevant Products/Services" sales that have been growing more popular in emerging markets. Gartner Relevant Products/Services noted last January that non-brand-name handset shipments exceeded 360 million in 2010. (continued...)

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Jim Carrey's pathetic midlife crisis is a meme

By Helen A.S. Popkin

Jim Carrey, clearly as nuts as he is talented, desperately needs to step away from the Internet. And he's needed to do that for quite some time.a

That isn't happening however, and now the 49-year-old grandfather who found it appropriate to announce the end of his 5-year-relationship with anti-vaccination harridan Jenny McCarthy on the same Twitter account he continues to use to batter us with his masturbatory musings and increasingly complex emoticons, is asking too much with this allegedly-a-joke-yeah-whatever-guy video love letter to Emma Stone, 22. If he insists on this behavior, all of us who are not Emma Stone might as well have fun with it!a

Jim Carrey, this is your meme.a

"Emma ... if were a boy, I'd marry you," laments Rachel  "And every day you would thank god that I was the appropriate gender for you. But I'm not. I'm a chick. " a

Jim ... Noël really dug you in the 90s, when she (and Emma Stone) was, like, nine. Now? "I wish you some young hot tail ... if only for one night ... tail you could've only got in the 90s. But not mine. No." a

Ace Ventura finds a way to say what Jim Carrey apparently needs to say.a

Seriously though, don't feel bad for Emma Stone. Not because she's Hollywood's It Girl at the top of her game. Because of this: a

F Yeah Ryan Goslinga

And mostly, this: a

F Yeah Ryan Goslinga

Keep 'em comin' kids! I expect 20 new image macros on my desktop by morning!a

More on the annoying way we live now: a

Top 10 Fake Steve Jobs of the Apple Age Twitter uses #earthquake to mock Nature's wrath, you When Muppets battle OK Go, we all win

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+.a

Facebook to add photo filters to mobile app


Popular iPhone app Instagram allows users to apply a variety of filters to their photos in order to alter their appearances.a

By Rosa Golijan

The folks at Facebook know that most people love to share photos. They also know that many of those people adore altering their snapshots with apps such as Instagram. Put two and two together and you get ... photo filters added to Facebook's mobile app.a

The New York Times' Nick Bilton reports that two Facebook engineers have shared some vague details about this new feature on the condition of anonymity:a

The new feature has been ready for some time, according to two engineers who work at Facebook, but Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, hopes his engineers and artists create more filters before releasing the new product. a


The engineers said Facebook will introduce almost a dozen photo filters, including some that are similar to Instagram like old-style camera lenses and grainy film. Facebook will also try to introduce new styles of filters with the hopes of drawing users away from other photo apps.a

There aren't any specific details regarding when we'll see the photo filters in the Facebook app, but Bilton suggests that the addition will happen in "the coming months."a

Related stories:a

Facebook date ends with supermarket robbery How to turn off Facebook's creepy face recognition Fugitive caught after taunting cops via Facebook

Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on Facebook. Oh, and she can be found on Google+, too.a

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nokia Tancapkan Trisula

Nokia Tancapkan 'Trisula'

Hong Kong - Entah apa yang menjadi alasan utama Nokia untuk memilih Hong Kong sebagai tempat meluncurkan versi terbaru dari sistem operasi Symbian. Namun yang jelas, Nokia telah menancapkan 'trisula', senjata bermata tiga di sana.

Yang pertama adalah sistem operasi symbian Belle. Lanjutan dari sistem operasi symbian Anna ini muncul sebagai pembuktian vendor asal Finlandia itu atas komitmennya terhadap pengguna symbian.

Performa Belle diklaim jauh lebih bagus ketimbang Anna, begitu juga untuk urusan tampilan. User Interface (UI) yang menarik dan atraktif serta bisa dengan mudah dimodifikasi menjadi nilai lebih.

'Senjata' kedua Nokia adalah tiga tipe smartphone terbarunya. Yakni Nokia 600 atau yang dijuluki the loudest, Nokia 700 (the smallest) dan Nokia 701 (the brighnest). Ketiganya memiliki satu kesamaan yakni menggunakan OS Symbian Belle untuk pertama kali.

"Setelah dua bulan lalu pengguna Symbian kita berikan pengalaman menarik menggunakan Symbian Anna, sekarang kita bawa mereka lebih jauh untuk bisa merasakan apa yang kita rasakan. Yakni sebuah pengalaman baru dan menyenangkan dalam bertelekomunikasi," kata Vice President Nokia Ilari Nurmi, di Hong Kong Convention & Exibition Center (HKCEC), Rabu (24/8/2011) malam.

Terakhir, adalah sebuah perangkat headset stereo bluetooth yang sudah dibenamkan teknologi Near Field Communication (NFC) di dalamnya. Perangkat yang diberi nama Essence Nokia Headset Stereo Bluetooth ini cukup praktis.

Layaknya perangkat yang menggunakan teknologi bluetooth, ia tampil minim kabel. Teknologi NFC-nya memungkinkan perangkat ini bisa tersambung dengan perangkat yang memiliki teknologi NFC juga. Cukup ditempelkan maka perangkat tersebut akan terkoneksi.

Untuk kualitas suara, detikINET dapat kesempatan mencoba dan merasakan kualitas suara yang jernih dengan detil perangkat musik yang dimainkan. Pengalaman yang tidak akan didapatkan oleh headset biasa.

"Kita punya teknologi yang mampu menghilangkan 98 persen noise. Sehingga suara yang dihasilkan benar-benar jernih," terang Heikki Koivu, Vice President Nokia di tempat yang sama ketika mendemonstrasikan perangkat tersebut.

( afz / ash )

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4 Wajah Steve Jobs di Apple

4 Wajah Steve Jobs di Apple

Jakarta - Apple memang bukan Steve Jobs semata. Perusahaan ini punya banyak talenta bagus dan puluhan ribu pekerja. Akan tetapi hengkangnya Jobs dari posisi CEO diyakini berdampak besar bagi perusahaan asal Amerika Serikat ini.

Apple adalah perusahaan dengan 45 ribu pekerja, termasuk desainer produk, teknisi dan marketing hebat. Produk mereka digdaya, iPad 2 di sektor tablet, iPhone di pasar smartphone dan Mac di PC terus mencetak penjualan besar.

Namun patut dicatat, semua produk itu lahir di era kepemimpinan Jobs. Kala dia hengkang, Apple akan kehilangan '4 wajah' Steve Jobs. Apa saja? Berikut daftarnya, dikutip detikINET dari Business Insider, Kamis (25/8/2011):

1. Penguasa Sesungguhnya

Banyak perusahaan besar terjebak dengan birokrasi njlimet atau perkelahian internal untuk mengambil dan melaksanakan keputusan. Ini tak terjadi kala Jobs memimpin Apple. Dia mendapat respek, dia tahu apa yang dilakukan tiap bagian di perusahaan dan tak takut melakukan perubahan. Beberapa CEO mungkin sepintar atau berkemauan kuat seperti Jobs, tapi tidak ada yang meraih respek sekuat dia, yang berhasil membuat Apple jaya dari kondisi suram.

2. Perencana Produk

Jobs terobsesi dengan simplisitas. Misalnya, dia menolak mouse Apple punya dua tombol dan bersikeras iPhone tak harus bisa melakukan banyak hal sekaligus. Alhasil, fitur di iPhone tidak sebanyak kompetitor. Mungkin hanya Jobs yang bisa mengeksekusi seni semacam ini dengan baik sehingga produk Apple selalu laku.

3. Magnet Apple

Banyak orang ingin bekerja untuk Apple saat ini. Di satu sisi mungkin karena rekor kesuksesan Apple yang bagus. Namun di sisi lain juga dengan adanya Jobs di sana sebagai seorang tokoh teknologi populer.

4. Ikon Kebudayaan Pop

Ketika Jobs bicara, khususnya kala mempresentasikan produk, media massa di seluruh dunia seakan dengan patuh menyimak tiap perkataannya. Ya, dia mungkin setara dengan selebritis. Mampukah Tim Cook selaku CEO baru Apple mendapat perhatian seperti ini? Rasanya tidak.

Apple barangkali masih menjadi perusahaan raksasa dalam waktu lama tanpa kehadiran Jobs. Namun mungkin perhatian pada perusahaan ini tidak lagi sebesar ketika Jobs masih ada di pucuk pimpinan.

( fyk / wsh )

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Etisalat launches new BusinessOne Super 100mbps package

Etisalat announced today the launch of their fastest broadband package, the BusinessOne Super Unlimited 100mbps. You can get download speeds of 100mbps, while upload speeds go up to 25mbps. And if you get a 1 year contract before September 16th, the first month is free for new and existing customers. Installation charges of AED 200 are also free for new customers.

Speaking of value, we did a quick call to the Etisalat toll free number and asked the rep about the monthly price of this package. According to the lady, there are two tiers of this package: a monthly rental and a yearly contract. The monthly fees for the BusinessOne 100mbps package is AED 3,595, while the fees on the yearly contract is AED 2,995.

About Taimoor Hafeez

From auditing to editing, I now test and analyze the latest gadgets and games instead of the latest financial statements. Both jobs are equally intense and rewarding. In my free time you'll find me raiding in WoW or engineering in TF2.


Solusi Manajemen Daya Honeywell Dipilih Krakatau Steel

Solusi Manajemen Daya Honeywell Dipilih Krakatau Steel

Jakarta - Krakatau Steel dikabarkan telah menggunakan solusi manajemen daya dari Honeywell. Tujuannya? Apalagi kalau bukan penghematan biaya.

Penerapan solusi sistem manajemen daya Honeywell Process Solutions dilakukan oleh Krakatau Daya Listrik (KDL), anak usaha dari Krakatau Steel Group (PT KS).

Sebagai produsen baja dengan kapasitas maksimal 2,45 juta ton per tahun PT KS memiliki tingkat konsumsi energi yang besar. KDL bertugas sebagai pemasok utama daya listrik di PT KS.

Dengan memanfaatkan Manajemen Energi dari HPS, KDL berharap bisa lebih efektif dalam mengawasi dan mengelola konsumsi daya tanpa mempengaruhi produktivitas.

"Menyediakan daya untuk produksi dengan skala sebesar itu bukanlah tugas yang mudah, karena kami seringkali terbentur biaya tinggi," Wisnu Kuncoro, President Director, KDL, dalam keterangan yang diterima detikINET, Kamis (25/8/2011).

Menurut Wisnu, dengan solusi HPS pihaknya bisa memantau pemakaian energi. Pada gilirannya, hasil pantauan ini bisa digunakan untuk membantu mengurangi biaya-biaya.

"Seringkali belanja untuk energi dianggap sebagai biaya tetap karena jumlahnya yang sangat besar dalam belanja operasional," kata Tony Cosgrove, VP Sales, Asia Pacific, Honeywell Process Solutions.

Dengan solusi seperti HPS, Cosgrove mengatakan pihak KDL bisa memiliki kendali penuh pada rantai pasokan daya mereka. Hal ini tentunya membuat belanja energi lebih terkendali.

Cosgrove berharap pihaknya bisa menjalin hubungan lebih kuat dengan grup besar Krakatau Steel. Ia pun ingin menjalin kerja sama dalam proyek yang lebih besar di masa yang akan datang.

( wsh / wsh )

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Fujitsu launches new ‘back-to-school’ Lifebook SH531

Fujistu announced today the launch of their new Lifebook SH531 notebook targeted towards students who’re starting their colleges and universities. The 13.3″ notbook weighs a decent 1.9KGs and is powered by the 2nd generation Intel Core i3 and i5 Sandy Bridge processors.

Being targeted towards students, the Lifebook SH531 understandably has an anti-spill keyboard. There are also various connectivity options such as the mandatory WiFi, Bluetooth, eSATA and the new Intel Wireless Display Technology for the Lifebook SH531 to connect to an external display. Another cool feature is the CompuTrace BIOS which can track the laptop if it’s stolen or lost.

Chandan Mehta, Director Product and Portfolio Management, Fujitsu Technology Solutions says: “In the past, choosing an affordable notebook was always a trade-off between functionality and price. We are changing that with the LIFEBOOK SH531, an obvious choice for school, home, or small business users who are shopping for an attractively-priced notebook with a full feature set.”

Battery life is expected to be north of 6 hours, which is decent enough. The Lifebook SH531 will be starting from AED 2,499 and is available across all major electronic retailers in the region.

About Taimoor Hafeez

From auditing to editing, I now test and analyze the latest gadgets and games instead of the latest financial statements. Both jobs are equally intense and rewarding. In my free time you'll find me raiding in WoW or engineering in TF2.


Lemahnya Fasilitas Monitoring Jalur Mudik

Lemahnya Fasilitas Monitoring Jalur Mudik

Jakarta - Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia (Kemenhub) melalui dirjen perhubungan darat mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah melansir layanan untuk monitoring trafik jalur mudik yang dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat.

Tertarik atas fasilitas tersebut saya langsung melakukan tes, ternyata hasilnya mengecewakan sebagai berikut:

1. Situs sangat berat dibuka dan jika terbuka pun ternyata banyak obyek yang tidak relevan dengan trafik ditampilkan di sana, hal ini akan membebani server (contoh berita yang tampil tidak langsung berhubungan dengan 'Road Traffic' tetapi lebih kepada berita umum).

2. Saat masuk pada fungsi monitoring jalan (video streaming) juga sangat berat, lama untuk terbuka. Secara kebetulan saya pantau beberapa uji coba ternyata aksesnya selalu menggunakan URL yang sama.

Ini membuktikan layanan Info Mudik hanya menggunakan beberapa server tetapi tidak secara clustering, parallel, grid atau banyak lagi teknologi yang dapat digunakan secara multi server (beberapa server).

Cara pemrograman yang diterapkan jelas menggunakan metoda lama dalam melayani massive usage computing. Tentu cara yang sekarang ini selain memberatkan server tetapi juga merugikan masyarakat karena sulit membuka info trafik.

3. Banyak gambar yang ternyata dari video awal sampai habis gambarnya tidak bergerak, kelihatan gambar beberapa mobil yang diam terus di tengah jalan tidak bergerak.

Hal ini membuat saya ragu apakah benar teknologi streaming yang digunakan ataukah sekedar video transfer. Banyak yang mengira video streaming itu adalah video transfer padahal itu sangat berbeda dalam karakter dan fungsi.

4. Kita tahu kelak yang membutuhkan info ini adalah mereka yang sedang mudik itu berarti mereka akan mengakses situs ini menggunakan ponsel. Ternyata saat dicoba dari ponsel (dengan OS Android) tidak ada menu info trafik apapun yang terbuka, semuanya kosong tidak ada pilihan jalan seperti halnya bila situs tersebut diakses dari PC. Hal ini menjadi tanda tanya bagi saya, apakah jangan-jangan layanan ini belum siap secara detil?

5. Semua gambar tidak menampilkan jam perekaman. Padahal bila ada tentu sangat bermanfaat bagi publik sehingga mereka dapat mempertimbangkan informasi yang ditampilkan berdasarkan jam.

Contoh bila kamera pada suatu titik ada masalah pada jam 10 maka diakses jam 12 sekalipun informasi yang tampil adalah yang jam 10 (saat sebelum bermasalah) perbedaan 2 jam keadaan trafik bisa berlainkan.

Tetapi karena gambar tidak menunjukan jam maka pengakses akan mengira jalan yang lancar itu keadaan jam 12 padahal itu data jam 10, tentu hal ini justru bisa menjebak pemudik pada kemacetan tanpa dapat mempertimbangkan jalan alternatif.

6. Tidak dapat terbayangkan saat sekarang di mana mungkin belum ada yang mudik saja layanan ini sudah berat untuk diakses, bagaimana kelak saat diperlukan mendekati lebaran dan saat arus balik. Sungguh memprihatinkan.

Saya yakin fasilitas baru ini menghabiskan uang negara yang tidak sedikit. Patut disayangkan layanan yang seharusnya dapat membantu publik ini sepertinya akan menjadi sia-sia karena justru tidak dapat dimanfaatkan publik saat genting dibutuhkan (saat mudik).

Seharusnya layanan seperti ini dibuat dan diuji jauh hari sebelum ini sehingga lebih dapat diuji coba lebih intensif, lebih dimaksimalkan dan lebih berguna.

abah-pas-photo  Tentang Penulis: Abimanyu Wachjoewidajat atau biasa disapa Abah adalah dosen Technopreneurship Fakultas Sains & Teknologi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. Ia bisa dihubungi via Facebook : dan Twitter: @me_abah

( eno / eno )

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Facebook Siap Tantang Instagram

Facebook Siap Tantang Instagram

Jakarta - Persaingan di ranah filter foto sepertinya akan dimulai oleh dua pemain populer, Instagram dan Facebook. Pasalnya, situs berpenghuni 750 juta orang ini akan meluncurkan aplikasi mobile baru yang ditujukan untuk merebut penggemar Instagram.

Instagram boleh jadi sekarang menjadi aplikasi foto terfavorit bagi konsumen produk Apple. Ia menawarkan filter foto bergaya jadul, seperti hasil kamera jenis lomo. Kini, Facebook tengah menggarap aplikasi serupa yang juga mengunggulkan hasil foto old style.

Fitur ini sebenarnya telah siap, namun para teknisi Facebook sepertinya kurang puas dan masih akan menambahkan filter-filter baru sebelum resmi meluncurkannya ke publik.

Ambisi Facebook terhadap Instagram sepertinya sudah dimulai sejak lama. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan usaha pengakuisisian pihaknya terhadap perusahaan berkaryawan empat tersebut, akan tetapi tidak berujung keberhasilan.

Setelah usahanya gagal, Facebook pun menggodok software baru untuk berkompetisi dengannya. Baik co-founder Instagram, Kevin Systrom maupun Facebook enggan berkomentar mengenai langkah-langkah tersebut.

Melihat ke depan, persaingan di ranah foto diprediksi akan semakin ramai. Dikutip detikINET dari NYTimes, Kamis (25/8/2011), bahwa telah ditemukan kode program di iOS 5 yang menunjukkan seri filter foto yang akan terintegrasi langsung dengan platform mobile Apple.

Instagram sendiri pada awal bulan Agustus telah dipakai oleh tujuh juta user dengan lebih dari 150 juta foto, padahal ia hanya didalangi oleh empat karyawan. ( sdj / rns )

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Challenges of an Apple without Jobs

Justin Sullivan / Getty Imagesa

By Wilson Rothman

People like to make fun of the fact that Steve Jobs takes personal credit for Apple's successes, and where Apple's legion of "fanboys" unfairly attribute him credit. Obviously, a company with tens of thousands of employees can't chalk up every good idea to one individual, but an Apple without Jobs is a totally different company.a

Future success or failure depends on the strength of the new leadership, not to mention the greater forces of the universe, but it's clear it will face challenges.a

What Jobs brings to the tableThere are four major factors that can be considered cumulatively as the Jobs effect: Imagination, continuity, destructiveness and focus.a

Lots of sci-fi directors can come up with cool ideas for gadgets, but even in well-funded research facilities, you rarely see such spark. Jobs never let reporters into the research labs, but when he took to the stage, he generally revealed working ready-to-ship products that were more impressive than anything in his rivals' R&D centers. Jobs helped his company understand the difference between what is currently possible and what should be possible — his imagination didn't just empower the industrial design team, but the engineers tasked with the much harder challenge of making the devices actually work.a

It's said that when the iPhone was unveiled, engineers from those rival companies thought Apple was lying: Anything that could do such beautiful multitouch interaction couldn't possibly get workable battery life. Today, of course, many phone makers have figured out how to balance those two things, but it took a few years of catch-up.a

The funny thing about Jobs' imagination is that, though some products such as the iPhone or iPad seemed pretty far out, they were logical next steps. You could say that disruptive continuity is a key part of Apple's strategy. It's like the reverse of Occam's razor: All things being equal, what's the most extreme possible thing that could come out of the current state of affairs? If everybody is buying iPods, Jobs reasoned, soon everyone will put their music on phones instead. Likewise, if more people buy iPhones than Macs, why not make a Mac that's more like an iPhone? These may seem counterintuitive, but it's the kind of reasoning Jobs used all the time.a

But I call it disruptive continuity because unlike its competitors, Apple under Jobs has never been afraid to cannibalize its own business. The iPhone eats more and more into iPod sales every quarter. The iPad is a low-priced alternative to a Mac. One of the things Jobs rivals will never be able to stomach is his ability to make his own products obsolete. The message of OS X was "The original Mac OS is dead." When Apple moved to Intel chips, they stopped writing software for the old PowerPC chips. iPods with FireWire stopped working, original iPhones just couldn't be updated. Did customers get angry? No! They just did what Jobs told 'em to do.a

As many who follow U.S. politics know all too well, a healthy democracy does not reward imaginative, counterintuitive thinkers. Apple has not functioned as a democracy — in fact, it's a lot closer to Rome under Caesar. Because to get this kind of thing done, there needs to be a person who silences debate, and says "This is what will happen." If the buck starts with Jobs, it also stops there, as well.a

Apple's battlefield statusApple is a success story for the ages, to be sure, but Jobs isn't leaving the company tied up neatly with a big red bow. In fact, things are a bit of a mess.a

Sure, the iPhone brings in more profit than all other phones combined, but it's a distant No. 2 behind Android, and that's just in smartphone rankings. The next few months will determine Apple's ability to regain ground against Google, not to mention Google's ability to show off its own innovation in order to keep people from the iPhone.a

The iPad, too, is a runaway hit, with around 30 million sold in 16 months. But there's a big difference between a successful device and a dominant platform. If the tablet war will produce a single victor, like the PC battle of the '80s and '90s, it's still impossible to pick a sure winner. Android tablets aren't a huge threat at the moment, but Microsoft (a co-owner of with NBC Universal) is going to fight tooth and nail not to lose its Windows users. Even at its nadir, Windows' share of the personal computer market is still somewhere between 80 and 90 percent.a

When it comes to cloud services, Apple is in a very delicate place. Though it has the largest army of paying customers for media and apps, it has nowhere near the membership of Facebook or Google's Gmail (and now, increasingly, Google+). A true long-term survival strategy requires hundreds of millions of people, literally addicted to your free services. Apple is only this fall launching its iCloud program, with free email, photo sharing and other perks. It's a promising start, but by definition currently has a public user base of exactly zero.a

Plans for now and laterWhat the new leadership at Apple can be fortunate about is that, in the near term, nothing needs to be invented. The iPad really is the heir to the PC, and the iPhone's evolution is clear enough. Until the iCar and iHouse prototypes are ready, the company knows what it must focus on.a

But market share battles are not what Apple is good at. A company that innovates at the cost of its own customer base isn't necessarily built to spread itself far and wide, damn the cost. But maybe that's what should define the post-Jobs era.a

Maybe it's time for Apple to behave like Microsoft or other companies, and start defending its turf. This week brought news of a low-cost iPhone in the works, and bolstered rumors of the iPhone turning up at Sprint and T-Mobile. That kind of thinking isn't typical of Apple or Jobs, the autocrat who maintained the AT&T exclusivity in the United States while Android became a bestseller at the other three nationwide carriers.a

Maybe there is a need for a low cost 7-inch iPad, a notion that Jobs has publicly abhorred. It may not be the best for many iPad apps, but it would be great for movies and books, and could possibly sell at a salivatingly low price point.a

Fortunately, Apple inherits not just Jobs' work ethic, but a technology company that's built like none other in this era: They design their own hardware and software, granting them advantages in efficiency and economies of scale that allow them to reap huge profits while keeping costs lower than any other. This won't change anytime soon — no one currently working at Apple would likely try to repeat the mistake of the late 1990s, when Mac software was permitted to run on (gasp) non-Apple hardware.a

As long as the leadership manages to stay on top of the market share battles, I have no doubt that Apple will be in reasonable shape for the time being, and might even make decisions that let it grow in ways that Jobs would not have foreseen or accepted.a

The question is, will Apple have the ability to see what comes after the iPad? We know from Apple patents that they're thinking well ahead of the next year or two, and they reputedly have a list of future products that haven't yet been submitted for patent protection. For Apple's own sake, let's hope that fanboy talk is true.a

The danger is that eventually Apple becomes more like Sony. The company once synonymous with technological innovation has been cripplingly complacent since the demise of its co-founders, Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka, two men who combined to serve a role much like Jobs'. With no great visionary at the helm, Sony let a little white computerized music player lay waste to one of the strongest brands in history. Remember the Walkman? Yeah, it's kinda like an iPod, only with cassette tapes.a

More on Steve Jobs' resignation from Apple:a

Jobs' resignation marks storied career Apple's Jobs steps down, says can no longer serve Cook has the skills to lead Apple, observers say

Catch up with Wilson on Twitter at @wjrothman or on Google+, and join our conversation on Facebook.a

Steve Jobs steps down as Apple CEO

A dark day for Apple?

A couple of hours ago, Apple’s iconic CEO announced his resignation via a press release. The company has moved quickly to announce Tim Cook as his replacement. Jobs himself published the following letter

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.


Like the rest of the world, we too wonder how the Cupertino giant will cope with life without Jobs at the head, who has become almost an industry legend after taking control of Apple at a difficult time and turning it into arguably the most valuable technology corporation in the world today. Apple have confirmed he will stay on as Chairman of the board.

Expect him to still have major influence on critical decisions.

About Mohammad Qamar

Officially Derezzed. Subscribe to tbreak at Twitter @mideastgamers to keep yourself up to speed!


Tak Lagi Jadi CEO, Jobs Masih di Apple

Tak Lagi Jadi CEO, Jobs 'Masih' di Apple

Jakarta - Meski sudah tak lagi menjabat sebagai CEO, Steve Jobs dipastikan masih bakal memperkuat Apple. Namun dengan posisi yang baru, yakni sebagai Chairman of the Board Apple.

Hal itu pun sudah dinyatakan secara resmi oleh jajaran direksi Apple. Termasuk dengan menunjuk Tim Cook sebagai CEO Apple berikutnya, menggantikan Jobs.

"Jobs selanjutnya akan menjadi Chairman of the Board, sedangkan Cook akan segera bergabung ke jajaran direksi, efektif secepatnya," tulis pengumuman resmi Apple, dikutip detikINET dari Guardian, Kamis (25/8/2011).

Art Levinson, Chairman Genetech yang mewakili direksi Apple mengatakan, Jobs memiliki visi yang luar biasa dan mampu menyelamatkan serta menuntun Apple sebagai perusahaan TI paling inovatif dan paling bernilai di dunia.

"Steve memiliki kontribusi yang tak ternilai untuk suksesnya Apple, dan ia telah menarik dan menginspirasi karyawan kreatif Apple serta segenap eksekutif kelas dunia," lanjutnya.

Sebagai chairman, Jobs pun diyakini tetap akan berkontribusi kepada produsen iPhone dan iPad itu. "Baik dalam pemikiran-pemikirannya yang unik, kreativitas, serta inspirasinya," Levinson menandaskan.

Pun demikian tetap saja, ada kekhawatiran bahwa posisi baru Jobs sama seperti Bill Gates yang saat ini menjabat chairman Microsoft. Yakni cuma sebatas formalitas dan lebih kepada memberi efek psikologis, sebab tidak terkait langsung kepada jalannya perusahaan.

Jobs memang tak menyebut alasan pengunduran dirinya sebagai CEO di surat resign yang ia tulis. Namun kemungkinan besar hal itu lantaran sakit keras yang diderita legenda hidup Silicon Valley tersebut.

Sebab seperti diketahui, Jobs belakangan pun sudah 'cuti' dari kesibukannya di Apple hingga berbulan-bulan karena harus menjalani perawatan transplantasi hati akibat kanker pankreas yang dideritanya.

( ash / rns )

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Soal Wimax, Kenapa Kominfo Melunak?

Soal Wimax, Kenapa Kominfo Melunak?

Jakarta - Melunaknya sikap Kementerian Kominfo dalam penggunaan standardisasi teknologi Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) di frekuensi 2.3 GHz alias Wimax ditegaskan tanpa ada tekanan atau campur tangan pihak lain.

Hal ini sejatinya patut menjadi perhatian lantaran di awal-awal merintis Wimax, Kominfo keukeuh dengan standar 802.16d (16d) untuk Fixed atau Nomadic Wimax dengan teknik modulasi Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM).

Alasan yang sering diutarakan adalah untuk membangkitkan serta melindungi manufaktur dalam negeri karena penyedia perangkat global lebih banyak bermain di 16e untuk Mobile Wimax.

Hanya saja sebelum anggapan negatif itu mengemuka, Kominfo langsung mengeluarkan bantahannya. "Penetapan pilihan tersebut tidak karena tekanan pihak-pihak tertentu baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri dan juga bukan karena Kementerian Kominfo memiliki kepentingan tertentu," kata Gatot S. Dewa Broto, Kepala Pusat Informasi Kementerian Kominfo.

"Keputusan ini semata-mata adalah untuk melaksanakan kebijakan Menteri Kominfo Tifatul Sembiring agar penyelenggaraan BWA ini dapat tetap direalisasikan bagi pemenuhan layanan internet dengan tarif yang murah dan pemenuhan TKDN (Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri) yang proporsional dengan tetap mengacu padaa peraturan yang berlaku," tegasnya, Rabu (24/8/2011).

Untuk itu, lanjut Gatot, dengan tujuan untuk tidak melanggar ketentuan yang berlaku dan juga untuk tidak dianggap inkonsisten dengan kebijakan semula maka keputusan tersebut pada awal mulanya sudah dikonsultasikan dengan pihak-pihak yang memiliki kewenangan terkait.

Selain itu, Kominfo juga mengaku secara intensif sudah beberapa kali mengadakan pertemuan formal dengan para penyelenggara BWA tersebut.

Untuk kelanjutan proses kebijakan ini maka Kominfo akan segera menetapkan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika tentang Penggunaan Netral Teknologi Pada Pita Frekuensi Radio 2.3 GHz Untuk Keperluan Layanan Pita Lebar Nirkabel (Wireless Broadband).

Rancangan Peraturan Menteri Kominfo tersebut akan dipublikasikan dalam satu dua hari ini. Kepada pihak manapun yang berkepentingan langsung atau tidak langsung dengan substansi RPM ini diundang partisipasinya untuk menyampaikan tanggapannya secara terbuka.

Proses berikutnya setelah pemenuhan kewajiban komitmen antara pilihan Opsi 1 atau Opsi 2 adalah berupa pelaksanaan untuk mengikuti ULO (Uji Laik Operasi) dan setelah melalui proses ULO dan dinyatakan lulus, kemudian pengajuan permohonan untuk memperoleh izin penyelenggaraan.

Setelah izin penyelenggaraan disetujui maka kepada para penyelenggara BWA telah diizinkan untuk melakukan kegiatan komersial kepada para pelanggannya.

"Namun jika hanya masih memegang izin prinsip (yang kesemuanya ini akan berakhir pada sekitar tanggal 6 November 2011), maka dilarang untuk melakukan kegiatan komersial," pungkas Gatot. ( ash / wsh )

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New Mobile Malware Attacks Focus on Android Devices

Android is now big enough to own some dubious distinctions. A new report indicates that Google's open-source platform has moved into third place as "the most attacked platform for mobile Relevant Products/Services malware." If one counts the number of new malware attacks, Android takes first place, followed by Symbian and Java ME.

The report from security Relevant Products/Services firm McAfee said the malware targeted at Android devices increased 76 percent since the last quarter. It also noted several other malware milestones, including the first appearance of fake Mac antivirus Relevant Products/Services software and a "significant" increase in rootkits.

'Record-Breaking Numbers'

In spite of the fake Mac software, a direct result of Macs' increased popularity, McAfee said it expects fake antivirus software in general to decrease over time.

At the rate of increase for malware, the firm said, there might be a record 75 million unique samples in its "zoo" collection by the end of this year, based on results so far.

Vincent Wafer, senior vice president of McAfee Labs, said the year so far has seen "record-breaking numbers of malware, especially on mobile devices," and directly in proportion to the devices' increase in popularity. One of the most favored techniques is infecting apps so users download and spread the malware themselves.

Other trends, he said, include attacks that are stealthier and more sophisticated, which could mean some attacks go unnoticed for a substantial period of time. Stealth attacks have increased more than 38 percent over last year.

Acts of Cyberwar

There's also been an increase in attacks by hacktivist groups, which intend to send a message, rather than seeking personal gain. McAfee noted that there were at least 20 such attacks globally in the second quarter alone, with most attributed to Lulz Security, known as LulzSec, and some to the Anonymous hacker groups.

Anonymous' lesser activity is attributed to a split in the group in early May, with the Anonops network Relevant Products/Services going down after the web-site coadministrator undertook what an Anonymous press release described as a "coup d'etat."

LulzSec was born at the beginning of May, but other groups have also formed with names like Team Web Ninjas, The A-Team, and Teamp0ison, and group-against-group online battles are common. The hacktivist attacks, the report said, make clear that "many companies, both large and small, are more vulnerable than they have suspected." There were also acts of what the report described as cyberwar on the U.S. Oak Ridge National Laboratory and on South Korea's National Agricultural Cooperative Federation.

Interestingly, the report found that spam is at "historic low levels," in part because of the breakup of a major botnet ring, but McAfee expects a sharp rise in the near future.

'Aliens: Colonial Marines' will grab you by the chest


By Winda Benedetti

Gearbox Software and Sega have released the first gameplay trailer for the forthcoming game "Aliens: Colonial Marines" and one thing's for sure: It will make you clutch your chest in fondly remembered terror.a

The game, due to launch for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC next spring, is set after the events of the "Alien 3" movie. According to Gearbox, the set-up goes like this:a

Aliens: Colonial Marines begins with an ostensibly abandoned ship, the U.S.S. Sulaco, recovered in orbit around LV-426. Players lead a group of highly trained United States Colonial Marines as they board the deserted craft to uncover the fate of the crew. They will have to fight to survive unspeakable horrors and their own anxieties as they chase down the truth behind a galaxy-spanning deception that places humanity at the mercy of the most murderous and deadly species in the universe.a

Sega has vowed that "Aliens: Colonial Marines" will be "the definitive 'Aliens' gaming experience.' By which they mean, they promise this "Aliens" game won't suck.a

While I do hesitate to let my expectations rise too high for a game based on a film property, this sneak peak certainly indicates that "Colonial Marines" is doing much to capture the cold, otherworldly look, desperate feel and face-hugging, chest-bursting scares that so thrilled us in the "Aliens" films. Here, take a look:a

Certainly, the fact that Gearbox is at the helm is a good sign. OK, so their last game — "Duke Nukem Forever" — wasn't so hot, but they rocked "Borderlands" and the "Brothers in Arms" games. So fingers crossed.a

For more game news, check out: a

'Aliens: Infestation' to bring face-hugging fun to Nintendo DS 'Borderlands 2' will unleash 'millions upon millions' of weapons Ben Affleck aims to direct film with first-person-shooter flare The 'Portal' movie we'd pay to see

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+. And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

Shoes redefine 'power walking'

Instep Nanopowera

Researchers are developing prototype shoes that harvest energy as their wearers walk around. The energy captured is enough to power portable gadgets such as cell phones.a

By John Roach, contributing writer at

Going on a power walk could soon do more than blow off steam; it could recharge your cell phone and other portable electronics, according to engineers working on a new way to harvest the mechanical energy in the human gait.a

The concept is called reverse electrowetting. It uses a micro-fluidic device consisting of thousands of micro-droplets that move past a novel nanotechnology-based thin film. This motion of the droplets is converted into an electrical current.a

"The normal way of using the harvester would be couple it with a tiny, rechargeable battery not unlike the ones which we have in cell phones," Tom Krupenkin, an engineering researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, explained to me on Tuesday.a

"That thing would accumulate the energy you generate while walking and would provide you this energy whenever you need it."a

He and colleague Ashley Taylor reveal the details of how this works this week in the journal Nature Communications and are now at work commercializing the technology with electricity harvesting shoes though their company Instep Nanopower.a

Power walkersThe market for the technology, according to Krupenkin, is huge. Potential customers range from military personnel who now carry 20 pounds of batteries in the field to keep their gadgets running to people in developing countries who have inadequate access to electrical grids for recharging their cell phones.a

These users would likely just plug their devices into a tiny USB port in their shoes, happy enough to have a charge that they are not too bothered by wires snaking around their bodies. In countries like the U.S., though, wires coming out of footwear could be a fashion faux pas that's a step too far.a

"I wouldn't like that idea myself," Krupenkin noted.a

To get around the problem, he and Taylor envision equipping their footwear with tiny mobile hotspots that are powered by the electricity-generating shoes. The hotspot doesn’t charge your phone, but rather allows you to keep your phone in a low power state using technology such as Bluetooth.a

The lion's share of cell phone battery drain, Krupenkin noted, is due to transmitting and receiving data over long range RF communications. The mobile hotspot does this task, allowing the phone to use the power sipping technology.a

Relieved of having to communicate over long distances, "the battery of that device would last much, much longer," Krupenkin said. "Like a cell phone battery that lasts literally for a month instead of a day or two."a

Technology improvement?The idea of harvesting energy from moving bodies isn't new, though most attempts such as vibrating plates or piezoelectric materials only produce a few milliwatts of power. A person wearing the electricity harvesting shoes, the researchers say, could generate up to 20 watts of electrical power.a

Other ideas such as a backpack that generates electricity as it bounces up on down while a person walks along produces several watts, but "you have to carry a very heavy backpack," Krupenkin said.a

"Our technology is you have to carry your own weight anyway and your own weight is very substantial … but unlike the backpack, it is not extra weight, it is the weight that you have."a

In concept, he noted, the shoes would not be noticeably different from what people wear around today. Of course, he added, taking a concept from the lab to the street is a bigger challenge than just inventing a new technology and proving that it works.a

"Footwear is a very complex blend of art, engineering, biology, and things like that," Krupenkin said. "Creating good footwear is tricky and requires special knowledge and experience,"a

The researchers are hoping to pair their power harvesting technology with a footwear company that has this expertise. That means people itching to get their hands on these shoes will have to wait at least a couple of years.a

More stories on energy harvesting devices:a

Backpack generates its own electricity Flowing blood could power cell phones Device generates a real power walk Smart, power-producing material could spawn microbots Army lightens load with solar power


John Roach is a contributing writer for

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ZOTAC gets energy efficient with GTX450 ECO

Press release: ZOTAC International, a leading innovator and the world’s largest channel manufacturer of graphics cards, motherboards and mini-PCs, today debuts the new GeForce® GTS 450 ECO Edition with enhanced energy-efficiency. The new ZOTAC GeForce GTS 450 ECO Edition delivers best-in-class energy efficiency with a 33-perecent reduction in energy consumption.

“ZOTAC understands the importance of energy-efficient graphics performance for users that demand the latest 3D features with a performance kick,” said Carsten Berger, marketing director, ZOTAC International. “With the ZOTAC GeForce GTS 450 ECO Edition, we were able to improve energy-efficiency and eliminate the external power connector without sacrificing any GPU features.”

The ZOTAC GeForce GTS 450 ECO Edition is the perfect graphics card for home theatre aficionados with superior home theatre-friendly features including hardware video decode acceleration for high-definition Blu-ray and Adobe Flash HD content, audio bitstreaming of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. NVIDIA 3D Vision readiness enables the ZOTAC GeForce GTS 450 ECO Edition to output Blu-ray 3D content via HDMI 1.4a for stunning 3D video playback.

It’s time to play with the ZOTAC GeForce GTS 450 ECO Edition.


About Mufaddal Fakhruddin

Mufaddal Fakhruddin is an Editor for Tbreak, and has nothing cool or witty to say here. Just follow him at @mideastgamers or, would you kindly?


Kominfo Resmi Bebaskan Wimax

Kominfo Resmi Bebaskan Wimax

Jakarta - Tarik ulur soal standardisasi teknologi yang harus digunakan untuk teknologi Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) alias Wimax berakhir. Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) akhirnya membebaskan para penyelenggara BWA di pita frekuensi 2.3 GHz untuk memilih standar teknologi yang ingin digunakan.

Keputusan ini ditetapkan Dirjen Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika (SDPPI) Muhammad Budi Setiawan di Gedung Sapta Pesona Jakarta, Rabu (24/8/2011), dalam sebuah rapat yang membahas kelanjutan penggelaran layanan pita lebar nirkabel atau jaringan tetap lokal berbasis packet switched yang menggunakan frekuensi 2.3 GHz untuk keperluan layanan pita lebar nirkabel.

Rapat tersebut dihadiri oleh para perwakilan direksi dan atau komisaris dari para pemegang izin BWA. Yaitu Telkom, First Media, Berca Hardayaperkasa, Indosat Mega Media (IM2) dan PT Jasnita Telekomindo serta sejumlah anggota BRTI dan beberapa pejabat Kementerian Kominfo.

Berikut keputusan yang telah diambil:

1. Kepada para penyelenggara BWA hasil seleksi/lelang tahun 2009 tersebut diberikan pilihan (bukan paksaan) sebagai berikut: Opsi 1 adalah dengan tetap menggunakan tehnologi sesuai Dokumen Seleksi tahun 2009, dengan nilai BHP IPSFR Tahunan sesuai hasil seleksi lelang tahun 2009. Opsi 2: untuk menggunakan teknologi BWA lainnya dengan konsekuensi wajib menerima nilai BHP IPSFR dari penyesuaian nilai harga seleksi lelang tahun 2009.

2. Pertemuan tersebut tidak memberikan opsi tawar-menawar nilai BHP IPSFR Tahunan, karena pilihannya hanya take it or leave it dan hal tersebut merupakan murni keputusan dari penyelenggara BWA.

3. Ada 3 penyelenggara BWA yang langsung memilih opsi 2 berikut konsekuensi penambahan harga BHP IPSFR, terdapat 1 (satu) penyelenggara BWA yang masih tentatif akan memilih opsi 2 lantaran harus melakukan konsultasi internal. Sementara 1 satu penyelenggara BWA lainnya menyatakan akan tetap dengan opsi 1 dengan berbagai pertimbangan yang ada.

Alhasil, dengan keputusan ini penyelenggara BWA dibebaskan dalam memilih standar teknologi yang ingin mereka gunakan. Sebab sebelumnya, terdapat tarik ulur antara pihak yang berkepentingan.

Seperti diketahui, teknologi Wimax yang digaungkan di Indonesia terdiri dari dua standar yang berbeda. Pertama, menggunakan 802.16d (16d) untuk Fixed atau Nomadic Wimax dengan teknik modulasi Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM). Kedua, 802.16e (16e) untuk Mobile Wimax.

Indonesia awalnya keukeuh mengadopsi 16d dengan alasan untuk membangkitkan manufaktur dalam negeri karena penyedia perangkat global lebih banyak bermain di 16e.

Namun akhirnya, pemerintah melunak dan membalikkan keputusan tersebut sehingga artinya dengan keputusan yang baru ini, penggunaan standar teknologi Wimax 16e telah mendapat restu pemerintah. ( ash / wsh )

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