Saturday, November 19, 2011

3 Tameng Menangkal Racun Twilight: Breaking Dawn

3 Tameng Menangkal 'Racun' Twilight: Breaking Dawn

Jakarta - Antusiasme terhadap film 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' pasti bakal membanjir. Namun awas, penjahat cyber telah beraksi mendompleng film tersebut.

Perusahaan keamanan Norton mengungkap, banyak pencarian di internet terkait kisah percintaan Edward Cullen dan Bella ini yang memberikan hasil berbahaya.

Saat diklik, link 'beracun' dapat secara otomatis menaruh virus, program keylogging (di mana penjahat dapat memantau apapun yang Anda ketik), dan software lain yang terinfeksi program jahat ke dalam smartphone, komputer, atau tablet Anda.

Jika sudah terinfeksi, masalah panjang pun bisa mendera korban. Hal paling parah yakni bisa menyebabkan rekening bank Anda ludes bagaikan korban vampir yang darahnya habis disedot.

Pencarian umum yang menghasilkan hasil beracun biasanya merupakan pencarian untuk foto, trailer, video klip, informasi casting dan rincian plot dalam serial tersebut.

Berikut hasil pencarian terkait film 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' yang dideteksi Norton beracun:

Berikut beberapa tips dari Norton agar pengguna dapat melindungi diri mereka dari ancaman online yang berkaitan dengan Twilight:

-. Hindari berita sensasional dari orang asing -- Penjahat cyber menggunakan kalimat sensasional untuk membuat Anda mengklik link beracun mereka. Jangan menganggap baik orang asing, lebih baik menghapus email dan mengacuhkan hasil pencarian dari orang dan situs yang tidak pernah Anda ketahui sebelumnya.

-. Jangan biarkan diri Anda terpapar risiko -- Pilihlah software keamanan online yang memiliki reputasi baik akan mengidentifikasi link berbahaya dan melindungi terhadap ancaman lain yang tidak terlihat.

-. Waspada terhadap serigala berbulu domba -- Ketika memperoleh hasil pencarian, cukup sulit untuk mengetahui teman atau musuh. Gunakan tool dari program keamanan untuk memastikan situs yang Anda dapatkan tidak diracuni sebelum mengkliknya.

( ash / eno )

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3 Tameng Menangkal Racun Twilight: Breaking Dawn

3 Tameng Menangkal 'Racun' Twilight: Breaking Dawn

Jakarta - Antusiasme terhadap film 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' pasti bakal membanjir. Namun awas, penjahat cyber telah beraksi mendompleng film tersebut.

Perusahaan keamanan Norton mengungkap, banyak pencarian di internet terkait kisah percintaan Edward Cullen dan Bella ini yang memberikan hasil berbahaya.

Saat diklik, link 'beracun' dapat secara otomatis menaruh virus, program keylogging (di mana penjahat dapat memantau apapun yang Anda ketik), dan software lain yang terinfeksi program jahat ke dalam smartphone, komputer, atau tablet Anda.

Jika sudah terinfeksi, masalah panjang pun bisa mendera korban. Hal paling parah yakni bisa menyebabkan rekening bank Anda ludes bagaikan korban vampir yang darahnya habis disedot.

Pencarian umum yang menghasilkan hasil beracun biasanya merupakan pencarian untuk foto, trailer, video klip, informasi casting dan rincian plot dalam serial tersebut.

Berikut hasil pencarian terkait film 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' yang dideteksi Norton beracun:

Berikut beberapa tips dari Norton agar pengguna dapat melindungi diri mereka dari ancaman online yang berkaitan dengan Twilight:

-. Hindari berita sensasional dari orang asing -- Penjahat cyber menggunakan kalimat sensasional untuk membuat Anda mengklik link beracun mereka. Jangan menganggap baik orang asing, lebih baik menghapus email dan mengacuhkan hasil pencarian dari orang dan situs yang tidak pernah Anda ketahui sebelumnya.

-. Jangan biarkan diri Anda terpapar risiko -- Pilihlah software keamanan online yang memiliki reputasi baik akan mengidentifikasi link berbahaya dan melindungi terhadap ancaman lain yang tidak terlihat.

-. Waspada terhadap serigala berbulu domba -- Ketika memperoleh hasil pencarian, cukup sulit untuk mengetahui teman atau musuh. Gunakan tool dari program keamanan untuk memastikan situs yang Anda dapatkan tidak diracuni sebelum mengkliknya.

( ash / eno )

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Kupas Tuntas Desain dan Teknologi Max Payne 3

Kupas Tuntas Desain dan Teknologi Max Payne 3

Jakarta - Rockstar baru saja memarkan sebuah video singkat yang memuat seluruh isi dalam Max Payne. Mulai dari desain, teknologi, hingga sistem permainan game tersebut diungkapkan.

Seperti yang sudah dibeberkan sebelumnya, dalam seri ini Max Payne digambarkan sudah memasuki usia senja, tapi bukan berarti keahlian mengembaknya berkurang. Dalam video bertajuk Max Payne 3 Design and Technology Series: Creating a Cutting Edge Action-Shooter, itu terlihat seperti apa sang jagoan.

Meski masih menganut sistem permainan dari versi terdahulu, namun Max Payne 3 memiliki banyak sekali penyempurnaan. Sang narator di dalam video itu pun membeberkan beberapa di antaranya.

Misalnya kemampuan membidik dan menembak. Meski mengambil sudut pandang orang ketiga, namun Max Payne 3 juga mengharuskan pemain agar menembak secara tepat. Di dalamnya Rockstar mengklaim memasukan unsur game First Person Shooter (FPS) dan animasi menembak seindah mungkin.

Lalu diceritakan juga soal gerakan dan animasi tiap karakter. Di sini dijelaskan setiap gerakan dipadukan dengan berbagai animasi agar terlihat alami. Semua itu dikemas dengan detail grafis yang luar biasa.

Fitur khas game ini masih tetap dipertahankan, Bullet Time. Dalam Max Payne 3 fitur ini semakin disempurnakan, setiap peluru yang keluar dari slongsong senjata terhempas secara real time. Di tambah lagi pemain bisa bebas menggerakan kamera saat peluru tersebut meluncur.

Lalu hal terakhir yang dipamerkan dalam video trailer tersebut adalah kemampuan Artificial Intelligence (AI). Menurut pengamatan detikINET, Sabtu (19/11/2011), game ini sepertinya bisa mengatur animasi tiap karakter secara unik dan berbeda-beda.

Respon musuh akan berbeda-beda tergantung pada senjata, lokasi, dan posisi musuh ketika melakukan adu tembak. Animasi berbeda pun didapat pada tiap-tiap kelompok musuh. Oh ya, ada beberapa jenis musuh di dalam sini, AI militer, tukang pukul dan geng bersenjata.

( eno / eno )

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4 Kiat Percepat Adopsi Cloud Computing

4 Kiat Percepat Adopsi Cloud Computing

Singapura - Berbagai perusahaan mulai memikirkan untuk menggunakan layanan cloud computing atau komputasi awan. Namun baru sebagian kecil yang telah mengimplementasikannya.

Itulah salah satu temuan yang terungkap dalam survei global bertajuk State of the Cloud 2011 oleh Applied Research. Dua pertiga organisasi masih berada dalam tahap diskusi, percobaan atau bahkan belum mempertimbangkan layanan sama sekali.

Berbagai isu menghalangi organisasi untuk segera mengadopsi komputasi awan. Seperti isu keamanan, staf IT yang belum siap untuk pindah ke cloud computing dan sebagainya.

"Untuk memastikan sukses penerapan cloud computing, departemen IT perlu hati-hati memilih aplikasi yang dipindahkan ke komputasi awan, mengawasi keamanan, ketersediaan dan cost sekaligus memastikan staf mereka diberi pelatihan," tutur Anil Chajravathy, Senior Vice President Storage and Abailability Management Group Symantec di Singapura.

Berikut 4 rekomendasi dari Symantec untuk memudahkan organisasi mengadopsi cloud computing:

- Jadilah yang berada di lini depan dalam komputasi awan: Bagian IT perlu mengambil peran proaktif dalam menerapkan komputasi awan. Terlalu banyak organisasi mengambil pendekatan konservatif yang lambat dalam melakukan perpindahan ke cloud. Staf IT perlu mendapat pelatihan dan persiapan yang cukup dalam mengontrol aspek penting seperti keamanan dan biaya.

- Tetapkan tingkat informasi dan aplikasi: Lakukan analisis dan tempatkan informasi dan aplikasi Anda berdasarkan tingkatan untuk menetapkan mana yang dirasakan nyaman ketika berpindah ke komputasi awan.

- Ukur risiko dan tetapkan kebijakan yang layak: Pastikan informasi penting hanya bisa diakses pengguna resmi dan informasi itu tidak meninggalkan perusahaan. Vendor komputasi awan perlu dipastikan memenuhi persyaratan Anda. Periksa vendor komputasi awan potensial untuk masalah operasional seperti kemampuan dalam disaster recovery.

- Mulai sekarang: Jangan mengambil pendekatan semua atau sama sekali tidak untuk cloud computing. Meskipun perlu waktu untuk menyiapkan perpindahan aplikasi bisnis yang penting, Anda bisa mulai dengan layanan dan aplikasi yang lebih sederhana.

( fyk / ash )

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Google Co-Founder Donates $500,000 To Wikimedia

Even as WikiLeaks remains silenced by a lack of funds, another wiki is getting support from high-tech places. Wikimedia, the parent company of Wikipedia, just raked in $500,000 from two heavy hitters.

The Brin Wojcicki Foundation, started by Google co-founder Sergey Brin and 23andMe co-founder Anne Wojcicki, awarded the half-million-dollar grant to the Wikimedia Foundation, which runs Wikipedia and its sister sites. The Wikimedia Foundation kicked off its eighth annual fundraiser on Wednesday.

"This grant is an important endorsement of the Wikimedia Foundation and its work, and I hope it will send a signal as we kick off our annual fundraising campaign this week," said Sue Gardner, executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation. "This is how Wikipedia works: people use it, they like it, and so they help pay for it, to keep it freely available for themselves and for everyone around the world. I am very grateful to Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki for supporting what we do."

Wikimedia Woos Donations

The Wikimedia projects reach more than 477 million unique visitors around the world every month, according to comScore, making Wikipedia the fifth most-popular Web site in the world. Wikipedia is available in more than 280 languages and offers more than 20 million articles contributed by a global volunteer community of more than 100,000 people. The San Francisco-based Wikimedia Foundation is an audited, 501(c)(3) charity.

Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group, is pleased to see the support for WikiMedia Foundation. In fact, he said, he donated money to the cause.

"It's a great thing to do. It has become one of the places where students and most of the rest of us now are getting much of our core information Relevant Products/Services. It is a crowdsourced kind of effort and it is not advertiser-supported," Enderle said. "The only way it survives, much like any public effort, is through public support."

WikiLeaks Silenced

By contrast, WikiLeaks, another wiki, has stopped publishing, at least temporarily. The controversial whistleblower Web site run by Julian Assange is having financial challenges. A video Relevant Products/Services on the home page of the site features Assange explaining the dire situation of the site he founded. During the past five years, he said, WikiLeaks has revealed millions of secrets that governments and corporations wanted to hide from people.

Banks started squeezing WikiLeaks in December 2010 after the site released 250,000 confidential cables to the public, a move that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called an attack on America and the international community. She said the leaks were a "tear in the fabric Relevant Products/Services" of responsible government, and the Obama administration was taking "aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information."

"WikiLeaks was branded a terrorist organization and it was locked down from anybody being able to use credit cards to make donations to the site," Enderle said. "I question the free-speech aspects of that. I don't think people should have been disallowed to donate to WikiLeaks. It's very difficult to donate to WikiLeaks now."

Firmware Update 2.1.1 untuk Canon EOS 5D Mark II

Firmware Update 2.1.1 untuk Canon EOS 5D Mark II

Jakarta - Firmware update untuk kamera full frame Canon EOS 5D Mark II sudah dirilis. Hasil update versi 2.1.1 ini pun memboyong sejumlah perbaikan.

Ada 2 perbaikan inti yang didapat pengguna kamera full frame tersebut dari 2.1.1, yakni:

1. Perbaikan bug yang menyebabkan hanya satu foto saja yang bisa diambil pada continous shooting mode atau AE bracketing continous mode.

2. Pengkoreksian wording di layar menu yang tampil dalam bahasa Belanda.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II sendiri adalah kamera full frame yang dibekali resolusi 21 MP dan rentang ISO 50-25.600. Ia merupakan kelanjutan dari kamera 'compact' full frame DSLR pertama di dunia, Canon EOS 5D.

Updatean firmware tersebut bisa diunduh di situs resmi Canon.

( sha / ash )

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Facebook Beberkan Praktik Pelacakan

Facebook Beberkan Praktik Pelacakan

Jakarta - Dalam sebuah wawancara, Facebook mengungkapkan pandangannya mengenai praktik pelacakan data. Seperti diketahui, jejaring sosial ini kerap dikritik terkait dengan masalah privasi. Untuk pertama kalinya, Facebook mengungkap detail spesifik tentang bagaimana mereka melacak dan mendapatkan data pengguna.

Dilaporkan Digital Trends dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (18/11/2011), pertama, Facebook menentukan jenis cookie yang berbeda untuk disisipkan pada browser pengguna, bergantung pada aktivitas mereka.

Misalnya, ketika seseorang mendaftar akun, dia akan mendapat session cookie dan browser cookie. Jika tidak, dia hanya mendapat browser cookie. Pelacakan data dimulai ketika pengguna pertama kali mengunjungi Facebook.

Setelah ini, kapan pun pengguna mengakses situs pihak ketiga yang memiliki koneksi dengan Facebook--seperti tombol Share atau Like, cookie akan memberitahukan Facebook mengenai waktu dan alamat situs yang diakses pengguna tersebut.

"Pelacakan ini juga termasuk karakteristik unik pada browser dan PC seperti alamat IP, resolusi layar, sistem operasi yang digunakan serta versi browser," kata Engineering Director Arturo Bejar.

Disebutkannya, Facebook terus memantau semua aktivitas kunjungan webpage pengguna selama 90 hari, menghapus entri lama dan menambahkan yang baru. Facebook bahkan bisa melakukan pelacakan jika seorang pengguna tidak login, serta mengetahui situs apa yang diakses si pengguna ketika mereka tidak mengakses Facebook namun Facebook mengklaim tidak pernah melakukannya.

( rns / ash )

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Amazon Pays $201.70 To Build $199 Kindle Fire

A teardown of the new Kindle Fire tablet Relevant Products/Services performed by IHS iSuppli researchers found that it costs Amazon $201.70 to make a device Relevant Products/Services that began retailing this week for $199. "Amazon makes its money not on Kindle hardware, but on the paid content and other products it plans to sell the consumer through the Kindle," said Andrew Rassweiler, senior director of teardown services for IHS.

However, the Kindle Fire hardware cost Relevant Products/Services breakdown released by the analyst firm Friday only tells part of the story. Amazon had not disclosed what it is costing the online retail giant to roll out the tablet from a software Relevant Products/Services perspective -- including software design, development and testing.

"We can safely assume that launching such devices from a software perspective requires a serious long-term commitment to morphing Android Relevant Products/Services into what Amazon is looking for," said Al Hilwa, director of applications software development at IDC.

According to Hilwa, a development team of a few hundred people would ultimately be needed to support an ongoing product such as the Kindle Fire, including the requisite maintenance as well as product evolution.

"I have no specific information Relevant Products/Services on this, but I have always imagined that the team working on iOS at Apple, end-to-end, well exceeds a thousand people," Hilwa said. "Doing the estimates for things like that is complex because of shared resources in an organization."

Display and Touch-screen Costs

IHS iSuppli noted that its preliminary cost calculations for the Kindle Fire only account for hardware and do not include additional expenses such as software, licensing, royalties, marketing or other expenditures. However, Rassweiler compared Amazon's strategy of selling its new tablet at a loss to the business models followed by wireless Relevant Products/Services carriers such as AT&T Relevant Products/Services or Verizon.

"They sell you a phone that costs them $400 to $600 or more to make for a price of only $200," Rassweiler said. "However, they expect to more than make up for that loss with a two-year service contract."

According to IHS, the new Kindle Fire's single most-expensive subsystem is its display and touch screen, which has a combined cost of $87 and accounts for 46.9 percent of the device's total bill of materials. Featuring E Ink's FFS technology, the displays are being manufactured by LG Display as well as E Ink Holdings. (continued...)

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Brewer to turn spent grains into energy

Alaskan Brewing Co.a

Alaskan Brewing Co. received a nearly half-million dollar grant to install a steam boiler fired entirely by spent grain.a

By John Roach

The U.S. government is giving a nearly half-million dollar grant to a beer maker in Alaska that aims to install a first-of-its-kind boiler that is fueled entirely by spent grain.a

All brewers are confronted with mountains of spent grains — mostly barley. Many get rid of the waste by routing it to farmers for animal feed, a noble service that can help grow a steak to accompany your fine ale.a

For the Alaskan Brewing Co. in Juneau, this has involved an added step, since the closest market for its grains is a long-distance, boat-ride away in Seattle.a

To keep the grains from decomposing during transport, the brewery first dries them in a machine that is heated by a biomass burner that uses about 50 percent of the spent grain as a fuel source.a

Now, with the help of the $458,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Energy for America program, the brewery is installing a machine that will use the dried grain to power a biomass steam boiler.a

"The new boiler will eliminate the brewery's use of oil in the grain drying process and displace more than half of the fuel needed to create process steam," the company said in an emailed statement.a

Brewers use process team, for example, to boil the sugary water called wort, created when sugars are extracted from the grains, a key step in brewing beer.a

The boiler will cut the brewery's overall energy use from oil, and corresponding carbon emissions, by more than 70 percent, according to Alaskan Brewing Co.a

The system also eliminates the need to ship the grain south to cattle around Seattle, Ashley Johnston, a company spokeswoman, told me.a

The grant is one of eight announced Thursday by the agriculture department, all of which are aimed at helping rural businesses to lower energy costs so that they can stay competitive and, potentially, hire more workers.a

In total, 52 projects received over $31 million in grants and loan note guarantees through the program this year. The grants can finance up to 25 percent of a project's cost.a

More on beer, energy and the environment:a

Beer brews up higher German beer prices The why of yeast's buzz-giving ways Yeast is a rising biofuel booster A cleaner environment … through beer Inventor turns brewery waste into natural gas Beer lovers told to beware of global warming Beer maker sees green from start to finish John Roach is a contributing writer for To learn more about him, check out his website. For more of our Future of Technology series, watch the featured video below.a




As the over-65 population expands, new gadgets and systems will allow seniors to live at home and receive improved healthcare. From sleep-sensing beds to robots piloted by grandchildren, we look at how "health surveillance" can improve quality of life.a



Google family portrait celebrates photography pioneer


By Rosa Golijan

If Louis Daguerre — a physicist, painter and photography pioneer  — were alive today, we'd be trying to squeeze 224 candles onto a birthday cake for him. But since that's not the case, we're instead celebrating the anniversary of his birth by watching the Google logo turn into a family portrait.a

You're probably aware by now that a Google doodle — a redesigned version of the Google homepage logo — is the highest honor the search engine can bestow on a significant date. Some of the more elaborate ones we've seen in recent memory include a Freddie Mercury birthday video, an animated interpretation of John Lennon's "Imagine," and a playable/recordable Les Paul guitar.a

The doodle honoring Daguerre is simpler than some of its animated and interactive predecessors, but it's quite fitting for the man who came up with Daguerreotype photography — a process which allowed photos exposures to take mere minutes, requiring subjects to sit still for only a tolerable amount of time. (Prior to Daguerre's innovation, taking a photograph could take eight hours!)a

Related stories:a

Google wishes scientist Marie Curie a happy 144th birthday 'Don't stop' Google doodles now, or ever, with Freddie Mercury Whoa! Google homepage is a playable Les Paul guitar

Want more tech news, silly puns or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.a

Friday, November 18, 2011

CP Diminta Segera Kembalikan Uang Pelanggan

CP Diminta Segera Kembalikan Uang Pelanggan

Jakarta - Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI) meminta seluruh penyedia konten (Content Provider/CP) yang tidak memiliki izin dari regulator untuk mengembalikan semua uang yang diambil dari pelanggan telekomunikasi terhitung sejak pertama kali menggelar layanan.

Menurut Anggota Komite BRTI Heru Sutadi, dari hasil evaluasi sementara terhadap pemanggilan empat CP, ditemukenali ada yang tidak memiliki izin dari BRTI.

"Kami minta kepada seluruh CP tersebut mengembalikan uang konsumen yang diambil sejak layanan pertama digelar," kata Heru kepada detikINET di Jakarta, Jumat (18/11/2011).

Selain meminta pengembalian uang konsumen, dalam waktu 1×24 jam para CP tersebut juga diminta untuk menghentikan layanan ke pelanggan.

"Sedangkan untuk operator yang bekerjasama dengan CP tak berizin tersebut sedang diputuskan bentuk hukumannya dalam pleno yang akan digelar setelah Ketua BRTI (Syukri Batubara) pulang dari menjalankan ibadah haji," katanya.

BRTI sendiri menargetkan dapat menginvestigasi sekitar 200-an CP dari 205 yang terdaftar di regulator. BRTI telah memanggil empat CP yakni Extend Media, Kreatif Bersama, Colibri, dan Mobilink.

Colibri adalah CP yang banyak dikeluhkan pelanggan hingga ada yang mengadukan ke pihak berwajib. Sementara Extend Media bermain di layanan mobile advertising yang memanfaatkan platform pop screen milik Celtick.

Platform ini ditanam di tiga juta kartu prabayar milik Telkomsel. Omzet dari kedua CP tersebut kabarnya mencapai Rp 50 miliar setiap bulannya, di luar angka normal yang diraih CP lain, yakni sekitar Rp 2-3 miliar.

( rou / eno )

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Stylish Elegan, HP DV6 Whitelinen

Stylish Elegan, HP DV6 Whitelinen

Jakarta - Ajang Jakarta Fashion Week 2011, dimanfaatkan Hewlett-Packard (HP) memperkenalkan kembali notebook premium terbarunya di lini Pavilion DV Series. Sesuai tema acaranya, notebook yang dipamerkan HP di ajang ini adalah notebook yang diklaim mengedepankan desain stylish dan elegan, Pavilion DV6 Whitelinen.

Theresia Ellytasari selaku Marketing Director Personal Systems Group HP mempromosikan notebook berwarna putih bermotif ini sebagai pilihan konsumen, terutama kaum hawa yang sangat mengindahkan estetika.

Notebook yang sejatinya telah resmi meluncur Oktober silam ini didapuk sebagai produk kelas atas terbaru HP yang dihadirkan dalam balutan warna putih bermotif nan elegan. Tak hanya tampilan luar yang gaya untuk mendukung penampilan pemakainya, bagian dalam Pavilion DV6 Whitelinen diklaim menunjang performa tangguh.

Diperkuat prosesor Intel Core i7, Pavilion DV6 Whitelinen dibekali OS Windows 7, layar LED 15,6 inch dan teknologi tata suara berkualitas tinggi.

Soal harga, HP membanderolnya USD 1.600 (sekitar Rp 14 jutaan). Maklum saja, mengingat notebook ini memang masuk dalam kategori produk premium. Disebutkan Theresia, harga ini sebanding dengan paduan keindahan dan ketangguhan dalam produk tersebut.

"Produk ini memang segmented. Dan soal harga memang premium, namun harga itu memang pantas. Notebook fashion HP dirancang dengan kolaborasi bersama desainer terkemuka," kata Theresia.

Disebutkannya, animo terhadap notebook bergaya fashion ini tinggi. Tentunya, memang menyasar kalangan high end. Namun Theresia tidak menyebutkan berapa unit yang sudah terjual.

"Segmennya, memang kebanyakan wanita dan remaja putri yang menginginkan gadget sekaligus menunjang penampilan. Tapi banyak juga konsumen pria yang membeli notebook ini. Soal angka, kita belum bisa ungkapkan sekarang," jelasnya.

( rns / ash )

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Notebook Stylish HP Berlenggak-lenggok

Notebook Stylish HP 'Berlenggak-lenggok'

Jakarta - Tak sekadar mengutamakan fungsi, desain menarik menjadi daya tarik tersendiri dalam memilih gadget. Itulah mengapa HP secara khusus melirik segmen ini, menghadirkan laptop dengan tampilan stylish.

Sederet notebook cantik dipamerkan Hewlett-Packard (HP) di acara Jakarta Fashion Week 2011. Keterlibatan HP di acara fashion tersebut dikatakan Theresia Ellytasari, Marketing Director Personal System Group HP, menunjukkan concern HP terhadap keindahan desain pada perangkat yang mereka ciptakan.

Gebrakan HP di dunia fashion muncul pada 2008 ketika menggandeng desainer ternama Vivienne Tam untuk merancang HP Mini edisi khusus yang diberi nama HP Mini Vivienne Tam Edition. Kehadirannya disebut sebagai digital clutch pertama di dunia.

Bersamaan dengan gelaran koleksi busana musim semi 2010, persembahan Vivienne Tam di New York Fashion Week 2010, HP menghadirkan HP Mini 210 Vivienne Tam Edition terbaru bertema 'Butterfly Lovers'. Edisi ini menjadi salah satu gadget fashionable yang terpilih untuk mendukung aktivitas tokoh-tokoh di film Sex and the City 2.

Menunjukkan keramahan pada lingkungan, HP juga menghadirkan seri HP Mini 110 bertema konservasi lingkungan hidup, HP Mini 110 by Tord Boontje. Mini notebook hasil kolaborasi HP dengan desainer Tord Boontje dari Belanda ini menghadirkan permukaan 3D PC yang diklaim pertama di dunia. Teknologi ini memberikan efek yang unik pada motif flora dan binatang langka yang terdapat di atas palm rest dan touchpad notebook.

HP juga menghadirkan desain-desain elegan dan fashionable di seri-seri notebook kelas atas dan premiumnya, seperti seri notebook HP Pavilion series dan HP ENVY.

( rns / ash )

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With NeverWet you will never have to wash anything, ever

Those who suffer from ‘can’t-keep-anything-clean’ syndrome will soon have nothing to worry about. Ross Technology Corp., a company who focuses on steel products, has created a new spray called NeverWet that literally propels stuff off the object that has been sprayed on.

For example, something as thick and sticky as a chocolate syrup will smoothly glide of a shoe if NeverWet has been sprayed on it. The technology was at first designed to be used on steel products, but the folks at Ross quickly realized the potential applications for daily use. The product will be available sometime next year.

Now only if they were running a pre-order.

Anonymous Says Facebook Spam Not Theirs

New spam on Facebook, which displays pornographic and violent imagery, is not the work of Anonymous. That's the word in a new posting from the political hacktivist group.

There has been speculation by security Relevant Products/Services researchers that the spam was result of something called the Fawkes Virus, a reference to the Guy Fawkes masks that Anonymous members wear in their video Relevant Products/Services communiqués. Fawkes was famous for his role in the Gunpowder Plot that targeted England's King James I in the 17th century, and the Guy Fawkes masks figured prominently in a popular, anti-totalitarian movie set in an alternative modern England, called V for Vendetta.

'Highly Untrue'

But, in a posting on the Pastebin site where Anonymous members have been known to issue communications, AnonymousWiki reports that Anonymous involvement in this attack is "highly untrue."

Facebook has confirmed the spam attack over the last few days, but said it limited the damage. The highly offensive imagery was reported as part of various users' Facebook news feeds. The giant social networking site said that the spam attack exploited a browser vulnerability.

Security analyst Razvan Livintz had reported late last week that there were indications Anonymous intended to invade Facebook accounts with a sophisticated piece of malware, called the Fawkes Virus. Livintz said that the virus was written by Anonymous programmers, and pointed to a video posting on the Anonymous Central Web site that asserted these claims.

'Is This for Real?'

The voice Relevant Products/Services on the video, a computer Relevant Products/Services-generated voice as is the custom with Anonymous communications, noted that the virus can simulate "basic actions on Facebook accounts, such as sending a friend request or a message." A remote Relevant Products/Services administrator could then control Relevant Products/Services those accounts, and code could be executed, or data Relevant Products/Services removed, from infected computers.

The worm automatically sends out infected links with little or no action by the user. But Livintz, and the Pastebin posting, also noted that Operation Facebook was supposed to have taken down Facebook on Nov. 5, which, not incidentally, is Guy Fawkes Day in the U.K. Since Facebook did not fold on that day, the Pastebin posting cites this as evidence that the alleged operation was a fake, and Livintz asks, "Is this for real?"

Observers have noted that the porn-and-violent imagery attack at Facebook serves no obvious political purpose, which Anonymous actions usually do, and that it resembles similar porn-and-violent images spam attacks which have appeared elsewhere. It's also been noted that some Web addresses used to spread the Facebook worm relate to shopping, which is not a typical topic for the group.

"You must take all notices and information Relevant Products/Services claiming to be 'Anonymous' with a grain of salt," a posting on Pastebin from Anonymous noted earlier this year, as it disavowed a coming attack on the New York Stock Exchange that was initially attributed to the group.

Kimmel: It's 'National UnFriend Day' on Facebook

The Official Jimmy Kimmel Live Channel / YouTubea

By Suzanne Choney

It's "National UnFriend Day" according to comedian Jimmy Kimmel; the perfect opportunity to lose some folks from your bloated buddy list on Facebook. Too hard to decide how to pick and choose? Kimmel has devised a point system to help you out.a

"If any of your so-called friends make it to 50 points, unfriend them," he said on his show. Here are some of the point ratings:a

"If they change their profile picture more than once a month," 5 points. "If they took their profile picture in the bathroom mirror using a cellphone," 5 points. "If they've ever posted more than three photos of food, that's 5 points each." "If they've ever posted the phrase, 'OMG, my friends are the best,'" 5 points. The Official Jimmy Kimmel Live Channel / YouTubea

But those aren't the among the worst of unfriendable infractions, at least for Kimmel. "If they've uploaded an embarrassing photo of you from junior high and tagged you in it, that's 15 points," he said.a

And one of the ultimate offenses? "If they've used the phrase 'amazeballs,' that's 40 points."a

You can see Kimmel's full bit on this by going to his YouTube channel. But hurry: National UnFriend Day is quickly evaporating, as is your chance to winnow your list. And judging by his point system, we'll all be down to zero friends by the end of the day.a

Related stories:a

Facebook user or not, you're being tracked Facebook's porn and gore attack: Who gets the blame? It's safe to unfriend people on Facebook again

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Komputer Tablet & Smartphone Mengubah Dunia

Komputer Tablet & Smartphone Mengubah Dunia

Singapura - Perubahan di dunia teknologi memang berlangsung begitu cepat. Seperti kehadiran perangkat mobile canggih dalam dua kategori: smartphone dan komputer tablet, yang dinilai telah mengubah dunia.

"Kita sekarang memasuki era yang berbeda dalam hal internet dan konektivitas. Internet telah mengubah dunia selamanya, dan kini tablet serta smartphone juga telah kembali mengubah dunia," kata Angela Tucci, Chief Strategy Officer Symantec di Marina Bay Sands, Singapura.

"Tidak peduli di manapun kita berada, kita bisa belanja, bekerja, kita bisa bicara pada orang lain, nonton sebuah film. Hal ini memang fenomenal. Lima tahun lampau, kita belum bisa melakukannya," jelas Angela kepada detikINET dalam event Symantec Vision 2011, Jumat (18/11/2011).

Di satu sisi, manfaatnya sangat besar karena manusia bisa melakukan banyak hal di mana saja. Akan tetapi di sisi lain, popularitas smartphone dan tablet membuat penjahat cyber getol beraksi. Terutama dalam upayanya mencuri informasi pribadi.

"Anda memiliki suatu informasi berharga yang ingin dicuri penjahat cyber. Kami di Symantec tidak sekadar melindungi perangkat semata namun informasi di dalamnya," kata wanita berambut pirang itu.

Symantec selaku salah satu vendor anti virus terkemuka ingin fokus melindungi data sensitif seperti data rekening bank. Sebab informasi seperti itu sangat berharga di mata pengguna dan bisa berbahaya jika jatuh ke tangan orang lain.

"Perlindungan masa kini tidak hanya sekadar soal serangan virus tapi juga informasi, misalnya Symantec berupaya memastikan agar setiap informasi ada back up-nya. Informasi digital harus dipastikan terlindungi secara efektif, namun mudah juga untuk diakses," kata dia.

Angela juga meyakinkan bahwa informasi yang di-back up oleh Symantec benar-benar aman dan tidak diakses selain oleh pemiliknya. Perusahaan asal Amerika Serikat ini memiliki sistem dan policy tersendiri untuk memastikan hal tersebut.

( fyk / rou )

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MWI Tuntut Transparansi Pembagian Airtime Rp 54,6 Miliar

MWI Tuntut Transparansi Pembagian Airtime Rp 54,6 Miliar

Jakarta - Masyarakat Wartel Indonesia (MWI) yang mewakili tujuh elemen komunitas menuntut transparansi pembagian jatah airtime tahap kedua untuk periode 2005-2006 yang jumlahnya mencapai Rp 54,6 miliar.

Demikian disampaikan oleh kuasa hukum MWI, R Arlond, dalam jumpa pers di Hotel Cipta, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta, Kamis (17/11/2011).

"Kami juga menolak tegas rencana pencairan dan pemotongan sebesar 40% dana airtime wartel melalui Asosiasi Pengusaha Wartel Indonesia (APWI)," ujarnya sore ini.

Menurutnya, dana airtime wartel tahap II yang berjumlah Rp 54,6 miliar itu merupakan hak sepenuhnya pengusaha wartel di seluruh Indonesia, dan bukan hanya anggota APWI.

"Tidak semua anggota pengusaha wartel itu tergabung dalam APWI. Jadi mereka tidak bisa mengklaim mewakili kami secara sepihak. Apalagi sampai dipotong 40% segala hak kami oleh APWI," sungut Taslim Zein, Sekjen Asosiasi Warung Telkom Indonesia (AWTI).

AWTI merupakan satu dari tujuh komunitas wartel yang bergabung dengan MWI menuntut transparansi pembagian jatah airtime tersebut. Kata Taslim, anggota wartel yang tergabung dalam tujuh komunitas yang bersatu dalam payung MWI itu berjumlah lebih dari 10 ribu wartel.

Taslim menjelaskan, alasan mereka bersatu dalam MWI yang baru berdiri sejak Maret 2010 lalu karena hak mereka sebagai pengusaha wartel kerap diabaikan. "Kami ingin semua orang tahu bahwa pengusaha wartel bukan dari APWI saja," keluhnya.

Seperti diketahui, airtime merupakan komponen tarif percakapan seluler yang dikenakan pada pengguna wartel. Menurut Kepmenhub No.46/2002, 10% dari komponen tarif airtime tersebut dikembalikan lagi kepada pengusaha wartel untuk mengembangkan usahanya.

Tercatat, dalam tahap pertama pembagian airtime periode 2002-2004, jatah yang menjadi hak pengusaha wartel berjumlah Rp 120 miliar. Dana tersebut, kata Arlond, sudah dicairkan oleh Telkom selaku pengelolanya dan kemudian dikembalikan ke pengusaha wartel melalui APWI.

( rou / rns )

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Is Desktop Flash Fading Away?

Last week, Adobe announced that it was abandoning mobile Relevant Products/Services Flash. Now, two new developments raise questions about whether desktop Relevant Products/Services Flash will eventually suffer a similar fate.

Adobe has submitted the code for its Flex framework, which is based on Flash, to the Apache Software Foundation. Flex, a Software Development Kit that is used to build cross-platform Rich Internet Applications for browser-based Flash as well as standalone apps Relevant Products/Services, is expected to be managed by the Apache Foundation as a new, open-source project. The SDK has been an open-source project, but under Adobe's management. The Apache Foundation still needs to vote on whether to make Flex a formal project.

HTML5 'Best Technology' for Enterprise

On its Official Flex Team Blog, Adobe Flex Product Manager Deepa Subramaniam wrote in the past week that the company was still committed to Flex, but that "the technology landscape for application Relevant Products/Services development is rapidly changing."

Over the long term, Subramaniam said, "HTML5 will be the best technology for enterprise Relevant Products/Services application development."

In its announcement last week, Adobe said it would no longer develop mobile Flash, and would focus on tools and related technology for HTML5. HTML5 does not require a browser plug-in, as Flash does, for browsers supporting the standards-based technology.

In the announcement on its Adobe Blogs, Interactive Development Vice President and General Manager Danny Winokur wrote that his company "will no longer continue to develop Flash Player in the browser to work on new mobile device Relevant Products/Services configurations."

In his statement, Winokur noted that HTML5 is now supported on all major mobile devices, "in some cases exclusively" -- a reference to Apple's devices, where Apple CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs decreed that HTML5 was superior to Flash. HTML5, Winokur added, is "the best solution for creating and deploying content in the browser across multiple platforms."

Long for This World?

The company is continuing to invest in Flash development for Macs and PCs, and work is continuing on Flash Player 12.

Meanwhile, Google announced this week that it will issue an extension for the Adobe Flash Professional developer tool, that will allow developers to publish to HTML5 directly from Adobe Flash Professional in one click. The new extension is based on its Swiffy tool, released in June, which converted only Flash SWF files to HTML5. (continued...)

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Facebook user or not, you're being tracked


By Helen A.S. Popkin

Heads up to all you Facebook haters out there regularly ripping on us self-absorbed "sheeple" trusting all our personal info to the Big Bro we call Facebook. If you’ve ever clicked on a Facebook profile or page — you know just to see what the big whoop is or whatever — Facebook follows you around the Internet too.a

Just exactly how and why Facebook does this was laid out in an exclusive report in USA Today. And while the info gathered through interviews with Facebook representatives may or may not surprise you, the story rattled Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W. Va., who now wants Facebook to explain these details directly to Congress.a

"Is this a violation to my privacy?" you may be asking yourself, and even if you’re not, Rockefeller, along with others in the U.S. government, continue to ask on your behalf. As Facebook nears a settlement after a two-year investigation by the Federal Trade Commission, Congress, along with the World Wide Web Consortium, are outlining privacy guidelines for all of cyberspace. a

Live PollDo you trust Facebook with your info?a

Yes, absolutely!No! Facebook is for suckers! I trust Facebook as much as any giant corporation. What's a Facebook? Other (explain in comments). VoteView Results168294Yes, absolutely!2%168295No! Facebook is for suckers! 37%168296I trust Facebook as much as any giant corporation. 55%168297What's a Facebook? 4%168298Other (explain in comments). 2%VoteTotal Votes: 373a

Here’s a few of the high points USA Today laid out about Facebook:a

The company compiles tracking data in different ways for members who have signed in and are using their accounts, for members who are logged-off and for non-members. The tracking process begins when you initially visit a page. If you choose to sign up for a new account, Facebook inserts two different types of tracking cookies in your browser, a "session cookie" and a "browser cookie." If you choose not to become a member, and move on, you only get the browser cookie. From this point on, each time you visit a third-party webpage that has a Facebook Like button, or other Facebook plug-in, the plug-in works in conjunction with the cookie to alert Facebook of the date, time and web address of the webpage you've clicked to. The unique characteristics of your PC and browser, such as your IP address, screen resolution, operating system and browser version, are also recorded. Facebook thus compiles a running log of all your webpage visits for 90 days, continually deleting entries for the oldest day and adding the newest to this log. If you are logged-on to your Facebook account and surfing the Web, your session cookie conducts this logging. The session cookie additionally records your name, e-mail address, friends and all data associated with your profile to Facebook. If you are logged-off, or if you are a non-member, the browser cookie conducts the logging; it additionally reports a unique alphanumeric identifier, but no personal information.

Of course,  most major websites you probably visit daily use cookies to keep track of info to provide a smooth user experience (such as remembering your login, your billing info, what you looked at last, etc.), as well as to gather your habits and preferences, which they feed the fat cash cow that is targeted advertising. For example, ever look at a cute outfit on Zappos, only to have an ad for that cute outfit or something similar follow on every website you to to from there? That's cookies for ya!a

As explained above, session cookies record your profile info when you’re logged on, and browser cookies used when you log off don’t use your name — just an alphanumeric identifier. Indeed, a Facebook spokesperson confirmed to USA Today, the social network could still figure out who you are using your logged-off cookie info, but as the company line goes, it never ever would. Because that would be wrong.a

"We've said that we don't do it, and we couldn't do it without some form of consent and disclosure," Facebook's engineering director Arturo Bejar, told USA Today.a

Oh, and the few times that sort of thing has happened, that was an accident. You know, "software bugs." a

"When we were made aware that certain cookies were sending more information to us than we had intended, we fixed our cookie management system," Facebook spokesperson Andrew Noyes told USA Today.a

Feds don't seem to be buying it, and neither are the privacy advocates who spoke to USA Today.a

"They have been confronted with the same issue now several times and every time they call it a bug," Arnold Roosendaal, a doctoral candidate at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, told USA Today in an email. He’s one of a couple of researchers who found evidence that Web pages with Facebook plug-ins track users more than Facebook previously admitted. "That's not really contributing to earning trust."a

Still, with 800 million users and growing, any "trust" issues Facebook may have aren't driving anyone away, either.a

Read the full report at USA Todaya

More on the annoying way we live now: a

Facebook's porn and gore attack: Who gets the blame? Fidel Castro's niece trolled in Twitter debut Facebook event declines get a little less rude

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+.a

Nook Tablet review: Great hardware, stiff competition

Wilson Rothman / msnbc.coma

By Wilson Rothman

Barnes & Noble has a problem. It's not software. It's not hardware. It's Amazon. a

The B&N Nook Tablet, successor to the underground hit Nook Color, is a terrific tablet, with a vibrant screen, a speedy CPU and a nice offering of books and other media. If you buy it, especially for reading, or streaming from your Netflix video or Pandora music accounts, you'll likely be quite happy. For $250, it's hard to find a nicer media-focused 7-inch Android tablet.a

But there's a war on. a

Amazon didn't have a tablet when people were snapping up Nook Colors (or is that "Nooks Color"?). Now that it does, Amazon has priced its own 7-inch Kindle Fire deliberately low, at $199, and tied in a ton of no-extra-charge videos and books from the $80-per-year Amazon Prime. Amazon doesn't stop there: It also piles on new-release videos to buy or rent, a cloud-based music player that you can upload your own music to, an MP3 store and an Android app store that has already been powering phones for half a year. a

My point? Amazon is a multibillion-dollar powerhouse that is using a 7-inch tablet as a beachhead in an all-out media war against Google and Apple, and it has no intention of letting a brick-and-mortar retailer with no big media play stand in its way. Barnes & Noble can compete surprisingly well on books, magazines, children's interactive storybooks, comics and still more formerly printed media. But for video and music, it must cozy up to partners that are in no shape to fend off Amazon either, and that will likely prove to be Barnes & Noble's Achilles' heel.a

The two hot new tablets are pretty evenly matched, yet each has its own discreet charms and issues.'s Wilson Rothman compares the two.a

OK, doom-and-gloom forecast aside, let's talk about what all of this means right now.a

HardwareThere are a few reasons why the Nook Tablet is superior to the Kindle Fire. The screen is the same, and I didn't really notice a speed difference. But the battery life on the Nook Tablet is noticeably better than the Kindle Fire's. During an overnight test, both starting from fully charged, the Kindle flashed the 15 percent alert, while the Nook Tablet was still at 42 percent.a

Wilson Rothman / msnbc.coma

Nice volume buttons!a

The Nook has physical buttons for volume control, and has a nice big home button you can actually press, unlike on the Kindle.  a

The final big differentiator is internal storage, but that's not a clear-cut thing. While the Nook Tablet has 16GB of internal storage, versus the Kindle Fire's 8GB, users can only access 1GB of the Nook's storage to put your own content. And because the only way to get a non-streamed movie on there at the moment is to rip a DVD and copy it over yourself, that means there's really only room for one movie. If you want more storage, however, you can expand it — something the Kindle Fire won't allow. A 32GB microSD card will cost you less than $40.a

ReadingBarnes & Noble has built a reading experience that surpasses the competition in several ways. Thanks to the Nook Color, the company now has an impressive library of kid's books. If you have kids, but you're indisposed, the books will read themselves aloud. And traveling or ultra-busy parents might enjoy the fact that they can even record their own voices. I have to say, while this is an initiative I applaud, the Nook Tablet's 7-inch screen is pretty small for children's content. Kids' books are giant for a reason, and the iPad's 10-inch screen is the bare minimum size for enjoying kid content. a

B&N also sells many "enhanced" e-books: cookbooks with over an hour of video, new releases with audio introductions, all-time bestsellers with never-before-seen photos and other documentation.a

On top of that, the company is very busy making deals with magazine and comic publishers in order to claim the largest collections of both. a

When it comes to text, whether it's plain old type or something that's literally trying to jump off the page, B&N is doing great.a

Amazon's biggest counterattack on the reading front comes in the form of the Kindle Owner's Lending Library, a service that lets you borrow a book per month for free, including some bestsellers. (B&N would be quick to reply that it, too, offers freebies — via email and in person, if you show up at its stores and hop on the Wi-Fi.)a

Music & videoThings start to get weird when we get into the other forms of media. Since Barnes & Noble can't sell you movies or music directly, it relies heavily on partnerships. One chief partnership is Netflix, which comes out looking amazing on the Nook Tablet. B&N spends some time talking about the "HD entertainment" available for the Tablet — to be clear, the screen's resolution isn't physically "high definition" so I was a bit skeptical. But then I saw what the hullabaloo was about: Compared to the Kindle Fire, the playback of many Netflix shows on the Nook Tablet is waaaay better, because it's coming from an HD source. a

So even though the Kindle Fire and the Nook Tablet have essentially the same screens, the content getting streamed from Netflix (and, apparently, Hulu) is better quality. (This higher quality can also be seen on the iPad's Netflix app, by the way.)a

If you're not using Netflix or Hulu, it's currently a challenge to watch movies on the Nook Tablet. B&N will be partnering with video rent-or-buy options in the future, but it doesn't have anything like that at launch. If you are savvy enough to buy a DVD and rip it on your computer, you can copy it to the Tablet's internal drive via USB, then find it by fishing through the not-so-great Gallery menu. a

For music, it's more straightforward. You just copy your own files over, and they show up in the music player. If you don't have any music of your own, you can sign up for a free service like Pandora or Grooveshark, or get a subscription with Napster, Rhapsody or Mog.a

What Amazon does, by contrast, is give you a chance to upload tons of your own music to the cloud, and then stream it as you wish on your tablet. Maybe you'd find that extraneous, but that, plus a thriving MP3 store, represent a big music advantage. a

Apps & gamesAlthough the Nook app store has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a packet of add-ons for the Nook Color, it will be hard for B&N to keep up with Amazon now that Amazon has its own device. The future will likely mean an awful lot of apps built to run on the Kindle Fire, and while that means they'll be well suited to run on the Nook Tablet as well, Amazon may try to buy off the best stuff as "exclusive." a

While that plays out, Barnes & Noble has a bigger issue, and that is that it's hard to search for apps on the Nook Tablet. Book titles keep popping up, and there's no apparent way to filter just the apps.a

On the gaming front, the Kindle is already pulling ahead. Both have Rovio, maker of Angry Birds, but Amazon has Electronic Arts, PopCap, Gameloft and others lined up, too. Even though the Nook Tablet hardware is allegedly better for playing heavy-duty titles, there were none to try out, just the old bird-in-slingshot stuff that any phone can handle these days.a

Web browsing and emailDon't make too big a deal about browsing and email on either of these devices. The 7-inch screen makes much of the the Web hard to look at, despite the completely adequate browsers found in both devices. And for email, both use off-the-shelf apps that are functional but light on frills. a

How it boils downIt's something of a tragedy, I feel. I spent much of my Kindle Fire review talking about how it threatens the iPad, and now, though the Kindle Fire and the Nook Tablet are fairly evenly matched, and in some ways I like the Nook Tablet better, I have spent much of its review telling you why it will also take a hit thanks to Amazon.  a

But since these are first and foremost e-book devices, the best choice is still the one that aligns with your preferred shopping experience. If you spend a lot of time in Barnes & Noble, the Nook is right for you. If you are an Amazon Prime customer, then Kindle Fire is a no-brainer. a

And if you are undecided on these matters, write down your five favorite contemporary authors, and see how much of their material turns up in either store. You need to land wherever you find the most content that suits your own personal taste, otherwise the rest of the drama matters for naught.a

More on the Nook and Kindle war:a

Kindle vs. Nook: $99 e-ink touch readers face off Tablet war 2011: Nook vs. Kindle vs. iPad Q&A: Kindle Fire vs. Nook Tablet vs. iPad Kindle Fire review: Yes, it's that good Kindle Fire success is Google Android failure

Catch up with Wilson on Twitter at @wjrothman, or on Google+. And join our conversation on Facebook.a

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gmail For iOS Returns To Apple Store

Good news for all Gmail users who have been using shitty third-party applications to do something that Google should have allowed to do a long time ago – access Gmail through an iOS official app. When Google earlier announced and released their official native Gmail app for iOS, they quickly took it down from the Apple store citing “a bug which broke notifications and displayed an error message.” Looks like the bugs have now been fixed.

On their blog, Google announces that the app was taken down due to the bug and is now available on the App store. Some of the new features of the application is the ability to auto complete e-mail addresses and also advanced search functions that the third party applications couldn’t implement.

I’m sure it makes many Google users happy to be using a native application instead of visiting the browser again and again.

Megapixel Besar Bukan Jaminan Kualitas Foto Bagus

'Megapixel Besar Bukan Jaminan Kualitas Foto Bagus'

Jakarta - Ukuran megapixel bukanlah faktor utama saat membeli kamera, termasuk jika ingin menghasilkan foto dengan kualitas bagus. Demikian dikatakan Yase Defirsa Cory, selaku Marketing Executive PT DataScrip, distributor resmi Canon Indonesia.

"Selama ini konsumen, apalagi di pasar kamera low-end banyak yang menjadikan megapixel itu segala-galanya, padahal kualitas foto itu yang utama dan inilah yang ingin kami edukasi ke masyarakat," tambah Yase di Palalada, Grand Indonesia, Rabu (16/11/2011)

Kualitas foto yang bagus didapat dari beberapa faktor, seperti ukuran sensor dan resolusi sensor yang dimiliki sebuah kamera, termasuk berdasarkan image processingnya.

"Ukuran pixel dan sensor yang lebih besar semakin meningkatkan efisiensi pengumpulan cahaya sehingga hasil foto yang diperoleh menjadi semakin sempurna," demikian prinsip yang dipegang Canon. Dengan ini, noise yang terjadi pada foto yang diambil dengan pemakaian ISO yang tinggi akan bisa diminimalisir.

Untuk itulah di camera full frame terbaru Canon yakni EOS-1D X, Canon menurunkan besaran megapixelnya dari model sebelumnya. Di model kamera full frame EOS-1Ds Mark III, ia dibekali dengan sensor CMOS 21 MP dan Digic III, sedang di EOS-1D X ia dibekali 18 MP.

Penurunan tersebut diiringi dengan 'senjata' prosessor dual Digic 5+ sehingga hanya ada sedikit noise di ISO tinggi. Dengan perubahan ini, maka kualitas foto yang dihasilkan, diklaim sangat baik.

( sha / ash )

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Jiplak Tampilan Situs Lain, Bolehkah?

Jiplak Tampilan Situs Lain, Bolehkah?

Jakarta - Seorang blogger Indonesia tengah dibuat pusing lantaran kreasi themes blog besutannya dipermasalahkan Facebook. Memang ia tidak mengambil untung dari kreasinya yang mirip tampilan Facebook itu. Namun apakah hal ini diperbolehkan di mata hukum?

Kisah berurusannya Ainun Nazieb -- nama blogger tersebut -- dengan Facebook ini bermula ketika ia coba berkreasi membuat themes untuk blog yang tampilannya mirip dengan Facebook. Tema yang ia pilih adalah 'Smells Like Facebook'.

"Awal membuat themes ini untuk pribadi, lalu dirilis untuk umum. Tapi bukan untuk dijual, jadi banyak yang download," ujarnya.

Hanya saja, kreativitas Nazieb berbenturan dengan Undang-undang Hak Cipta. Hingga pada akhirnya, dirinya dihubungi oleh pihak yang mengaku sebagai kuasa hukum Facebook untuk mengklarifikasi masalah ini.

Menurut praktisi hukum Donny A. Sheyoputra, perwajahan atau layout adalah salah satu kreasi intelektual yang dilindungi menurut Undang-undang Hak Cipta. Artinya, perbanyakan atau pengumuman atas ciptaan berupa perwajahan atau layout ini hanya bisa dilakukan atas ijin pencipta atau pemegang hak cipta.

"Seorang pemegang hak cipta berhak melarang pihak lain agar tidak melakukan pelanggaran atas hak cipta yang dimilikinya, baik hak ekonomi maupun hak moral karena sifat hak cipta adalah eksklusif," ujarnya kepada detikINET, Kamis (17/11/2011).

"Jadi dalam hal ini, terlepas dari ada atau tidaknya maksud/kepentingan ekonomi si pelakunya, hal ini akan kembali pada si pemegang hak cipta. Jika ia mengizinkan, maka silakan saja. Namun jika tidak, ya harus dihormati. Nah, jadi dalam hal ini kata kuncinya adalah izin dari pemegang hak cipta," tukas penggagas Donny Sheyoputra Law Office, kantor hukum yang juga menerima pendaftaran HKI tersebut.

Pun demikian, mantan Kepala Perwakilan Business Software Alliance (BSA) Indonesia itu tak ingin langsung menilai, apakah dalam hal ini yang dipermasalahkan dalam kasus blogger vs Facebook itu adalah perwajahan atau layout tadi. Sebab cuma sebagai pihak luar, sedangkan yang tahu masalah tersebut hanya para pihak terkait.

"Bisa saja aspek HKI (Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual-red.) yang dipermasalahkan, juga trademark-nya atau merek? Jadi kita tidak boleh memperkeruh suasana dengan menerka-nerka," lanjut Donny.

Pidana, Perdata, Damai

Terkait dengan konflik yang timbul karena kasus hak cipta sendiri, penyelesaiannya pun dijelaskan Donny bisa bermacam-macam. Bisa secara pidana, perdata, atau dengan melibatkan alternatif penyelesaian sengketa yaitu mediasi, negosiasi, atau arbitrase.

"Itu tadi adalah hal kedua tentang penyelesaian sengketa. Nah, hal ketiga adalah bahwa ciptaan dilindungi tanpa harus lebih dulu didaftarkan ke Ditjen HKI," imbuhnya.

Perlindungannya bisa otomatis karena menganut sistem deklaratif. Artinya otomatis diberikan saat ciptaan itu lahir dalam wujud yang kongkret, bukan sekadar abstrak dan sebatas ide.

"Jadi misalnya layout Facebook, maka tanpa harus didaftarkan pun ada perlindungannya," kata Donny.

"Tapi dari semua itu, yang harus diingat adalah penyelesaian sengketa bisa dengan cara damai. Mungkin mereka (pihak yang dituntut-red.) tidak berniat jahat, hanya karena keterbatasan pengetahuan," ia menandaskan.

Edukasi vs Mengejar Klien

Konsultan HKI pun diimbau untuk dapat mengemban tanggung jawab sosialnya dengan ikut mengedukasi masyarakat. Jangan sekadar mengejar klien dan keuntungan dengan menerima kasus-kasus semata. Namun sama-sama meningkatkan kecerdasan masyarakat.

Jadi risiko terjadinya kasus seperti ini dapat dihindari. Karena secara nyata masyarakat tidak akan siap jika harus berperkara dengan raksasa seperti Facebook.

"Tiap tahun banyak muncul konsultan HKI baru yang dilantik. Tentu saja mereka ingin sukses dalam mengelola dan membuka kantor jasa masing-masing. Tapi ya itu, misi sosialnya jangan dilupakan," pungkas Donny.

( ash / rns )

Sumber detik com

Intel’s ‘Knights Corner’ brings 1 TFLOPS from 50 cores on one chip

Intel has announced details of their next generation high-performance platforms, starting off with the Intel Xeon E5 processors. This new family of “Knights Corner” co-processors are the first in line to be developed on Intel’s new Many Integrated Core (Intel MIC) architecture, breaking the 1 Teraflop barrier.

The Knights Corner project came from Intel’s failed Larrabee microarchitecture that lost steam in face of Nvidia’s Tesla GPUs. Most of the supercomputers in the Top500 list use Intel Xeon’s (85%) or AMD Opteron processors in tandem with the Nvidia Tesla GPUs. However, with the Tesla GPUs involved, scientists have to write special codes where the processing is offloaded onto the GPUs. “With Knight’s Corner, the programming model that you’re using is the same programming model that you’re using on an AMD or a Xeon,” says Karl W. Schulz, associate director for application collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin’s Texas Advanced Computing Center. “You get good parallelism right out of the box, which is convenient,” he told Wired.

Intel's Technical Computing Group chief Raj Hazra holds a 1 teraflop Knights Corner chip.

Schulz is building a 10 petaflop supercomputer, called Stampede, which will be completed in 2013 and go head-to-head with the current Japanese, Fujitsu made “K Computer” 11 petaflop champion.

Back in 1996, the ASCI Red was the first supercomputer in the world to break the 1 teraflop barrier. Created using 72 server racks, the ASCI Red was used from 1997 to 2005 by the US government to maintain their nuclear arsenal. Now all of that power is available in the palm of your hands.

“It’s a reminder of how fast this industry moves,” says James Reinders, a parallel programming evangelist at Intel, who also spent two years working on ASCI Red. “I spent a lot of my life with a lot of my co-workers designing ASCI Red … to think that I can hold that in my hand now, it’s humbling.”

KTT ASEAN Jadi Ajang Unjuk Gigi Operator

KTT ASEAN Jadi Ajang Unjuk Gigi Operator

Jakarta - KTT ASEAN yang berlangsung di Nusa Dua, Bali, tidak hanya jadi pertemuan para petinggi sejumlah negara. Namun juga menjadi ajang unjuk gigi para operator seluler untuk mengawal perhelatan yang rencananya bakal kedatangan Presiden AS Barack Obama tersebut.

Tercatat, tiga besar operator seluler Tanah Air sudah berlomba-lomba menegaskan komitmennya menyiapkan jaringan telekomunikasi berkualitas tinggi selama KTT ASEAN berlangsung.

Pertama, Indosat yang mendapat peran menjadi mitra telekomunikasi resmi dalam acara yang juga disebut sebagai 19th ASEAN Summit 2011 tersebut.

Anak perusahaan Qatar Telecom ini menyiapkan mobile dan indoor BTS untuk kebutuhan layanan telekomunikasi seluler serta layanan uplink satelite services yang digunakan untuk menyiarkan kegiatan ASEAN Summit ke stasiun televisi di dalam dan luar negeri.

Indosat juga menyiapkan fasilitas koneksi jaringan untuk pengiriman live video antara Westin Hotel dan Bali Nusa Dua Conference Center serta layanan internet untuk US TVPool di Seminyak.

"Indosat berkomitmen untuk selalu menghadirkan teknologi inovatif guna memberikan pelayanan dan solusi komunikasi terbaik dalam mendukung kesuksesan acara ASEAN SUMMIT, termasuk tim terbaik yang akan memastikan kehandalan layanan Indosat selama 24 jam," tukas Director & Chief Wholesale and Infrastructure Officer Indosat, Fadzri Sentosa, dalam keterangannya yang dikutip detikINET, Kamis (17/11/2011).

Selanjutnya ada XL Axiata yang juga siap mendukung kesuksesan penyelenggaraan acara yang berlangsung hingga 19 November 2011 tersebut.

XL telah melakukan beberapa penambahan BTS 3G dan meningkatkan layanan seluler mulai dari Bandara Ngurah Rai sampai Nusa Dua dan Denpasar. "Perbaikan kapasitas jaringan XL di Bali, terutama jaringan 3G, dilakukan sejak 2 bulan terakhir," ujar GM Sales East II, Djie Yannes.

XL sendiri saat ini telah memiliki lebih dari dua jutaan pelanggan di Bali, sehingga diklaim sebagai operator dengan jumlah pelanggan terbesar di Pulau Dewata. Adapun jaringan XL di Bali didukung oleh 1.100 BTS (2G/3G).

Operator seluler besar lainnya yang juga tak ketinggalan eksis di KTT ASEAN adalah Telkomsel. Tak tanggung-tanggung, operator yang identik dengan warna merah ini meningkatkan kapasitas jaringan dengan menggelar 30 BTS tambahan dan dua compact mobile base transceiver (combat).

Dimana 20 BTS 2G dan 3G indoor ditambahkan di kawasan Nusa Dua, sedangkan 10 BTS makro tambahan di wilayah Kabupaten Badung. Penambahan BTS ini dikatakan bakal meningkatkan kualitas layanan di Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) serta 18 hotel di wilayah Nusa Dua yang menjadi tempat peristirahatan para delegasi negara peserta KTT.

Khusus BNDCC, Telkomsel telah mengupgrade kapasitas dari repeater menjadi BTS 2G dan 3G. Kualitas layanan komunikasi dari Bandara Ngurah Rai hingga Istana Tampak Siring juga dijamin berkat dukungan 14 BTS di sepanjang jalur tersebut. Sementara untuk dua combat alias perangkat BTS bergerak ditempatkan di Hotel Grand Hyatt Bali dan Pura Uluwatu.

GM Network Operations Telkomsel Regional Bali Nusra Ustriklanov Z. Titus menyatakan bahwa dalam event internasional ini, misi Telkomsel adalah ingin menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa layanan telekomunikasi di Indonesia sejajar dengan negara-negara maju.

KTT ASEAN ke-19 yang mempertemukan para pemimpin negara-negara di Asia Tenggara berlangsung pada hari pertama. Keesokan harinya diadakan KTT ASEAN + 3 yang diikuti negara-negara anggota ASEAN ditambah Cina, Jepang, dan Korea Selatan.

Sementara East Asia Summit (EAS) atau KTT Asia Timur yang berlangsung pada hari terakhir akan diikuti oleh kepala pemerintahan dari Australia, China, India, Jepang, Korea Selatan, Selandia Baru, Rusia, dan Amerika Serikat.

( ash / rou )

Sumber detik com

Kindle Fire Rooted in just two days

Amazon started shipping their US-only and closed Android based tablet, the Kindle Fire just a couple of days back and it has already been rooted by a member of the XDA Developers forums using SuperOneClick. Detailed instructions can be found here but, as with most devices, proceed with caution.

Let’s see what rooting the Kindle Fire brings to the table but my guess would be the Android Market will be making an appearance pretty soon as Amazon only allows access to it’s Market on the Kindle Fire for the moment.

Nokia's First Tablet To Run Windows 8

Armed with Microsoft Relevant Products/Services's Windows Relevant Products/Services 8 operating system, Finnish handset giant Nokia hopes to go to battle next year in the growing tablet Relevant Products/Services market.

The move would deepen cooperation between the American software Relevant Products/Services giant and the world's biggest cell phone maker that began with an estimated $1 billion deal to install Windows Phone 7 on Nokia's newest smartphones.

Nokia's CEO is former Microsoft executive Stephen Elop.

French Connection

Word of a Nokia tablet emerged from an unlikely source Wednesday, when the head of Nokia's French division, Paul Amsellem, told Les Echos, a business magazine, that the Windows 8-based tablet will hit the market in June.

Whether a slip or a leak, the comments also shed light on when the next version of Windows will hit the market; Microsoft has not announced a date.

A device Relevant Products/Services that recreates the feel of a PC on a tablet and allows access Relevant Products/Services to PC data Relevant Products/Services and applications could be a missing link in the market, said ABI Research tablet expert Jeff Orr.

"Today, Microsoft offers Windows 7 and Windows Phone 7 software platforms for different device form-factors, but the synergies between the two are few," he said.

"Compounding the issue is the dominance of ARM-based processor designs in media tablets; a segment that Intel Relevant Products/Services x86 architecture Relevant Products/Services has admittedly been absent [from] for the first product wave."

While Windows 7 won't work on ARM processors, Microsoft intends to make it happen for Windows 8, Orr said.

"At the Microsoft BUILD conference in September, Samsung tablet PCs were given to attendees with an early developer preview of Windows 8. This first glimpse into Windows 8 on a tablet was powered by an Intel Core i5 dual-core processor similar to those found in mid-range laptop Relevant Products/Services and desktop Relevant Products/Services PCs," Orr said.

"How well Windows 8 performs on an ARM-based device remains a well-guarded secret."

Most tablets are powered by mobile Relevant Products/Services operating systems, but Orr noted that Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 is licensed for handsets only.

Looking Beyond 'Tweeners'

"For Microsoft, media tablets are currently a 'tweener' device between OS initiatives of Windows 7 and Windows Phone," Orr said.

Nokia likely won't be alone in selling a Windows 8 tablet next year: Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Samsung -- who currently sell Windows 7 tablets for business users -- will be looking to target general consumers with a new tablet, he said.

"What exactly does Nokia bring to the party that today's Windows tablets are lacking? Only Nokia can answer that question."

In response to Amsellem's comments, Nokia downplayed the news.

"The remarks were taken out of context," a spokeswoman told The Guardian. "A simple example was taken to mean more than intended. Nokia does not comment on speculation or rumors, and at the moment we are all concentrating on the Lumia 800 which went on sale this week."

The Lumia is the latest Windows 7 smartphone Relevant Products/Services.