Saturday, November 5, 2011

Eric Schmidt Says Google Not Dominating Search, Praises Bing

It’s common knowledge that Google is a giant company that heavily dominates the search industry market share along with it’s domination in many 0ther key products like Gmail and Google Reader to name a few. Google CEO Eric Schmidt, however, had to come out to Capitol Hill in September to answer a few questions from the Senate Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee about whether Google is anti-competitive. PC Magazine has posted his answers and he has quite a few interesting things to say.

Here are some of the key excerpts:

Google Is Not Dominant in Search: Sen. Richard Blumenthal asked Schmidt to explain why Google should not be characterized as a monopoly since it is “overwhelmingly dominant” and has only one rival. Schmidt said he disagrees that Google is dominant and said instead that the company has worked “very, very hard’ and been blessed with some good luck. Stats released by the likes of comScore and Hitwise give Google about 65 percent of the search market, but that doesn’t tell the whole story, he said. “I am confident that Google competes vigorously with a broad range of companies that go well beyond just Microsoft’s Bing and Yahoo, and that Google has none of the characteristics that I associate with market power.”

Let’s Hear It For Bing: In arguing that Google does in fact face competition in search, Schmidt said Microsoft’s Bing has “in two short years” reached the size the Google was at in 2007.

Mobile? Also Not Dominant: ”Google does not have a dominant position in the smartphone market. According to comScore, Android operates on only 34.1 percent while Apple’s iOS runs on 43.1 percent. Moreover, competition in the market for mobile software platforms is fierce,” Schmidt said.

Do you believe what he has to say? Here’s a bonus tidbit about Siri:

Siri is Cool: In backtracking on a quote in which he said Apple was not a competitive threat, Schmidt pointed to Siri, which he called a “significant development.” He went on to say that “Google has many strong competitors and we sometimes fail to anticipate the competitive threat posed by new methods of accessing information.”

The answers sound a little too diplomatic but the praise towards Bing is admirable. There’s a few more questions on the original article.


Apple Dipermalukan Perusahaan Tablet Kecil

Apple Dipermalukan Perusahaan Tablet Kecil

Madrid - Apple melancarkan berbagai gugatan hukum untuk melindungi gadgetnya. Tak dinyana, perusahaan raksasa ini kalah dalam pertarungan legal melawan sebuah perusahaan tablet kecil asal Spanyol.

Perusahaan bernama NT-K (Nuevas Tecnologias y Energias Catalan) tersebut digugat Apple dengan tudingan meniru desain iPad. Apple mendaftarkan gugatan bulan November 2010 dan dikabulkan pengadilan lokal.

Alhasil, tablet NT-K sempat dicekal. Dikutip detikINET dari DigitalTrends, Sabtu (5/11/2011), pengapalan tablet yang dibuat di China itu dilarang. Bahkan tablet NT-K masuk daftar hitam karena dianggap produk bajakan.

NT-K pun mengajukan banding yang akhirnya diterima. NT-K tak terbukti melanggar hukum. NT-K bersiap mengajukan gugatan balik karena pendapatannya turun setelah tabletnya sempat dilarang. Mereka ingin kompensasi dari Apple.

"Kami rasa Apple mencoba memblokir sebanyak mungkin tablet untuk masuk ke pasaran. Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan kecil dan rasanya tidak fair sebuah perusahaan sekaliber Apple menggunakan pengaruhnya yang dominan," keluh Pedro David Pelaez, pendiri NT-K.

Apple sendiri juga tengah bertarung sengit dengan sejumlah pabrikan tablet dan smartphone. Terutama dengan Samsung di mana gugatan hukum di antara mereka berlangsung di sejumlah negara.

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Game CastleVille Siap Sambangi Facebook

Game CastleVille Siap Sambangi Facebook

Jakarta - Perusahaan game Zynga mempersiapkan game terbarunya untuk Facebook. Setelah kesuksesan FarmVille dan CityVille, dalam beberapa minggu ke depan mereka akan menghadirkan CastleVille, sebuah game yang bersetting zaman kerajaan masa lalu.

Di CastleVille, pemain bisa memerankan sejumlah karakter. Mereka akan membangun kastil, merekrut teman, sampai berusaha menaklukkan musuh yang disebut sebagai Gloom, sebuah kekuatan misterius yang menyebarkan kesedihan di kerajaan.

"Anda akan membangun sebuah kerajaan yang bahagia dan di luar sana ada sebuah wilayah yang suram di mana banyak orang tersesat dan perlu ditemukan," kata Bill Jackson, Creative Director Zynga. Halaman Facebook CastleVille sudah live di sini.

Zynga berjanji akan membuat grafis di CastleVille tampak memukau. Terdapat beberapa efek khusus sehingga game terlihat nyata. "Kami sungguh ingin membuat dunianya tampak hidup," tutur Jackson.

Jackson merekomendasikan untuk memainkan game ini dengan headphone karena tata suaranya cukup bagus. Seperti dikutip detikINET dari AFP, Sabtu (5/11/2011), CastleVille akan tersedia di 17 bahasa.

Game-game buatan Zynga sampai saat ini masih sangat diminati di Facebook. Tercatat lebih dari 232 juta pemain memainkan game Zynga setiap bulannya.

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Situs Porno Catut Nama iPhone

Situs Porno Catut Nama iPhone

Jakarta - Memanfaatkan popularitas iPhone, nama gadget besutan Apple itu ternyata juga banyak digunakan pada situs porno. Hal ini dilakukan demi mendongkrak pengunjung situs tersebut.

Apple yang mengetahui hal ini pun tidak tinggal diam, merasa nama salah satu produknya dicatut tanpa ijin, perusaan asal California ini pun berniat mengajukan tuntutan agar situs tersebut ditutup.

Tuntutan tersebut diajukan melalui World Intellectual Property Forum (WIPO), yakni sebuah lembaga khusus yang memang berwenang menangai penyelewengan nama domain tertentu.

Dikutip detikINET dari pcmag, Sabtu (5/11/2011), tercatat ada 7 situs porno yang mencatut nama iPhone yakni iphonecamfo***.com, iphoneca***.com, iphonepor***.com, iphonese***.com, iphonexxxfo***.com, iphone**.com, dan porn4ipho***.com.

Penggunaan nama produk Apple sejatinya bukan kali pertama terjadi, sebelumnya Apple juga sempat melayangkan gugatan serupa pada Juli 2011 untuk beberapa situs yang mencatumkan nama iPod.

Kemudian pada bulan Mei 2011 Apple berhasil menutup beberapa situs yang menggunakan nama mereka seperti and

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Google Perbarui Algoritma Pencarian

Google Perbarui Algoritma Pencarian

Jakarta - Hasil pencarian Google kini semakin up to date. Ini karena Google memperbarui algoritma pemeringkatan dasar pada mesin pencariannya.

Google juga menambahkan perubahan terbaru yang berefek pada sekitar 35 persen pencarian Google. Salah satu karyawan Google, Amit Singhal dalam postingan blognya menyebutkan pembaruan algoritma ini dilakukan mengingat begitu pentingnya kecepatan penyampaian informasi di zaman sekarang.

"Algoritma itu harus bisa mendeteksi jika hasil pencarian itu berasal dari sumber yang mempostingnya sepekan lalu, sementara yang dibutuhkan pengguna adalah informasi tentang tayangan TV yang sedang terjadi sekarang misalnya," jelas Singhal seperti dikutip detikINET dari IT Pro Portal, Sabtu (5/11/2011).

Dengan algoritma baru, Google akan memprioritaskan hasil pencarian terbaru soal peristiwa yang sedang terjadi. Jadi ketika ada event sepak bola misalnya, Google akan memprioritaskan berita terbaru untuk ditaruh di deretan teratas hasil pencarian.

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TV Jadul Bisa Disulap Jadi Kotak Ajaib Internet

TV Jadul Bisa Disulap Jadi Kotak Ajaib Internet

Jakarta - Hanya dengan modal sejuta rupiah, televisi analog lama yang ada di rumah bisa disulap jadi kotak ajaib untuk internetan, steaming video, musik dan radio, social network, e-book, dan main game ala konsol Nintendo Wii. Caranya?

"Caranya cukup menyambungkan smart box SpeedUp TV ke sambungan Audio Video di TV analog di rumah," kata Rahmad Widjaja Sakti, Product Marketing Director MLW Telecom kepada detikINET, Jumat (4/11/2011).

SpeedUpTV merupakan smart box yang mampu menampilkan tayangan definisi tinggi lewat akses internet setelah dihubungkan ke pesawat televisi, baik konvensional maupun digital.

Selain bisa menjadi medium internet broadband, perangkat ini juga bisa menjadi konsol game ala Nintendo Wii dengan sejumlah games yang bisa dimainkan, seperti Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, dan lainnya.

"Smartbox kami ini dilengkapi smart motion remote yang dapat mendeteksi gerakan, sehingga membuat pengalaman bermain game dan bernavigasi internet jadi lebih seru. Persis seperti kita main Wii," jelas Rahmad.

SpeedUpTV merupakan satu dari dua produk andalan MLW Telecom di ajang IndoComtech 2011. Selain smart box ini, produsen ini juga menawarkan PC tablet Android yang diberi nama SpeedUp Pad.

"Komputer tablet yang kami hadirkan ini memberikan alternatif dan kebutuhan gaya hidup digital bagi konsumen dengan berbagai aplikasi, seperti musik, games, e-book, video player, browsing, GPS, dual camera, lengkap dengan teknologi 3G," kata Rahmad.

Kelebihan tablet PC ini, kata dia, dengan tersedianya kamera 0,3 dan 2MP di depan dan belakang serta menggunakan layar sentuh yang sangat sensitif yang diklaim lebih unggul. Produk berteknologi 3G ini ini memiliki daya tahan baterai standby hingga 5 hari sehingga sangat mendukung kebutuhan mobile para pengguna.

Tablet 7 inci (800x480 piksel) berprosesor Qualcomm 800MHz dengan OS Android 2.2 Froyo tersebut mendukung slot GSM, 512MB RAM, 512MB ROM, Wifi, GPS, Bluetooth, dan dipasarkan di harga Rp 2,5 juta.

Untuk memasarkan perangkat terbarunya, SpeedUp menggandeng Telkomsel sebagai mitra. "Perangkat yang dihadirkan SpeedUp sejalan dengan tujuan kami untuk menghadirkan layanan broadband beragam, beyond telecommunications," kata Gideon Eddie Purnomo, VP Channel Management Telkomsel.

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Google Reportedly Planning Cable Service

Stay tuned for Google Cable. According to new reports, the technology giant plans a paid cable-TV service.

A story in Friday's Wall Street Journal indicates the company's entry into providing television programming may grow from an already-committed project to launch a high-speed Internet service in Kansas City, both in Missouri and Kansas. According to the report, Google is considering adding television and phone service as well.

Discussions for Programming

The Mountain View, Calif.-based company is reportedly in discussions with Walt Disney Company, Time Warner and Discovery Communications about programming for the video Relevant Products/Services service, although no deal has been struck. Former cable TV executive Jeremy Stern, recently hired by Google, is said to be in charge of negotiations.

The cable effort would be separate from the company's Google TV. That product, which integrates Web content with existing TV programming in an HD Relevant Products/Services set, has specifically been positioned as a complement, not a replacement, to cable or broadcast TV.

In a recent posting on the official Google TV blog, for instance, Google Vice President for Product Management Mario Queiroz and Director of Engineering Vincent Dureau wrote that Google TV is about "bringing millions of new channels to your TV from the next generation of creators, application developers, and networks," such as the Google-owned YouTube. Google has committed $100 million to create original content for YouTube.

But Google is not alone among technology giants in eyeing the big glass eye. Amazon and Dish Network are said to be involved in developing streaming video content that would challenge Netflix. CBS CEO Les Moonves recently noted that Apple had approached that network Relevant Products/Services, among others, for an ad-supported Apple TV service that would split ad revenue. CBS declined, he said.

A New Apple TV?

A key issue, apparently, was that CBS prefers upfront payment for online licensing deals, which the Apple TV service was rumored to be. Instead, Apple was looking for revenue to be derived from how many people saw the ads, which is not unusual in an online context.

There have been reports for over a year that Apple has developed new technology for delivering TV programming to TV sets. In the best-selling new biography of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, author Walter Isaacson indicates that TV was among the new territories in which Jobs was exploring.

The book said Jobs felt his company had come up with a way to make connected, interactive TVs simpler, a non-trivial task, as Google has found out in creating Google TV. Recently, Google release a software Relevant Products/Services update to Google TV that, among other things, attempts to simplify the interface.

Jobs is said to have tapped Jeff Robbin, who led the effort to develop iTunes, for the TV challenge. There have also been reports that a new Apple TV could include Siri, the voice Relevant Products/Services-recognizing intelligent agent recently introduced as part of the iPhone 4S.

Rover spots the 'new thing' on Mars

NASA / JPL / Stuart Atkinsona

A close-up from NASA's Opportunity rover shows the line of light-colored rocks known as "Homestake" or "The Vein." Components of Opportunity's robotic arm are visible in the left foreground.a

By Alan Boyle

NASA's Opportunity rover has come across a light-colored line of rocks that could serve as solid evidence for Mars' watery past — and help set the stage for the next Mars mission, due for launch this month.a

The formation, nicknamed "Homestake" or "The Vein," showed up in pictures that the rover sent back from the rim of Endeavour Crater early this week. It looks like a few paving bricks, sticking edge up from the surrounding soil. Not all that impressive, but it caught the attention of the rover science team as well as the amateur observers who are following Oppy's every move.a

NASA / JPL-Caltech / Stuart Atkinsona

This stereo view from NASA's Opportunity rover shows the view looking out past Cape York to Endeavour Crater. Use red-blue glasses to see the 3-D effect. Click on the image for a larger view.a

Cornell astronomer Steve Squyres, the principal investigator for the Opportunity and Spirit rover missions, told the Planetary Society's A.J.S. Rayl that he and his colleagues have been keeping an eye on similar light-colored veins of rock for months during Opportunity's dash to the crater rim. Squyres said tracing the veins to find Homestake was a "real triumph of geology."a

"These are different from anything we've ever seen with either rover, a completely new thing on Mars, never seen anywhere," Squyres said. "And we're pretty charged up about it."a

Stuart Atkinson, a British educator, author and amateur astronomer who has been working up wonderful imagery from the rover missions for years, produced more than a dozen pictures over the past few days documenting Opportunity's surroundings, and particularly what's happening with Homestake. The rover has already been taking a close look at the formation with its microscopic imager.a

NASA / JPL-Caltech / Stuart Atkinsona

Opportunity's microscopic imager looks at the Homestake rock formation and its surroundings in detail.a

So what is it? Squyres isn't willing to "hazard a guess" yet, but the speculation is that the rock could point the way to minerals that are linked to Mars' wetter, warmer past. Five years ago, the now-defunct Spirit rover churned up light-colored, silica-rich dirt that had to have been formed in the presence of water.a

The Opportunity team has also been looking for phyllosilicates, clay minerals that have already been detected through orbital observations. Such minerals are an important clue to Mars' geological history, since they form in water that's not as acidic as the water that gave rise to Spirit's silica. A less acidic environment would be more hospitable to life.a

It may be too early to say what Homestake is, but based on the buzz, it's likely to be something interesting.a


More buzz will be stirred up in the weeks to come over the Curiosity rover's upcoming $2.5 billion mission to Mars. The car-sized rover, also known as the Mars Science Laboratory, is due to be launched on Nov. 25 with Mars' Gale Crater as its objective.a

Gale Crater should be a candy store for geologists, because it boasts a 3-mile-high (5-kilometer-high) mound of phyllosilicates and sulfates. The composition of the soil at different elevations could help scientists document a billion years of geological and climate history. It could even point to particular eras when Mars was actually habitable by life as we know it. And if those conditions still exist underground ... well, that would be a vein of pure gold for astrobiologists.a

By the time Curiosity touches down on the Martian surface next summer, Squyres and his colleagues may well have unraveled Homestake's secrets, and the lessons learned from one rover mission will carry over to the next. Stay tuned...a

Tip o' the Log to Discovery News' Jason Major. Special thanks to Stuart Atkinson for sharing his processed images of Opportunity's views.a

Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's Facebook page or following @b0yle on Twitter. You can also add me to your Google+ circle, and check out "The Case for Pluto," my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.a

Star Wars star Mark Hamill is the voice of Batman's Joker

By Todd Kenrecka

For nearly 20 years the former Star Wars star has voiced the Joker in television, animated films, and the Batman Arkham games. Mark Hamill talks about why he enjoys playing one of the most famous villains of all time.a

Talk more more about Batman and the Joker with Todd Kenreck on Twitter and on Facebook.a

More Joker and Batman newsa

'Batman: Arkham City' is awesome Why we love Batman Why Batman's villains work so well

Friday, November 4, 2011

Mengalir ke Mana Uang Hasil SMS Komodo?

Mengalir ke Mana Uang Hasil SMS Komodo?

Jakarta - Content Provider (CP) Mobilink boleh saja telah menjalankan layanan SMS vote dukungan terhadap Pulau Komodo untuk menjadi salah satu dari 7 keajaiban dunia (new7wonders). Namun ternyata mereka mengaku tak menjalin hubungan dengan pihak New7Wonders secara langsung.

Dalam pertemuan dengan Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI), pihak Mobilink -- selaku CP yang menjalankan layanan ini -- mengakui bahwa menjadi penyedia layanan SMS Komodo.

"Namun mereka tidak berhubungan langsung dengan New7Wonders, melainkan ke P2K alias Pendukung Pemenangan Komodo," kata Heru Sutadi, anggota BRTI yang mengikuti pertemuan tersebut kepada detikINET, Jumat (4/11/2011).

Nah, kepada pihak P2K-lah Mobilink melaporkan segala hasil voting SMS Komodo yang dijalankan lewat layanannya. "Mereka (Mobilink-red.) mengakunya cuma mengumpulkan data. Tidak tahu datanya digunakan untuk apa oleh P2K," lanjut Heru.

Layanan SMS Komodo sendiri pada awalnya dikenakan tarif Rp 1.000/SMS, sebelum akhirnya pada tanggal 15 Oktober menjadi Rp 1/SMS. Hanya saja, konon ada sudah ada sekitar sejutaan orang yang mengirim SMS Komodo saat tarifnya masih Rp 1000.

Tentu kini banyak pihak pun bertanya-tanya, ke mana larinya uang hasil layanan SMS Komodo ini?

Menurut Heru, apa yang dijalankan Mobilink lewat layanan SMS Komodo-nya itu sama seperti layanan SMS premium biasa. Di mana hasil bisnisnya memiliki proporsi 60% untuk operator dan 40% bagian CP.

"Hanya saja, 40% bagian CP itu larinya ke mana saja kita tidak tahu, dan kita tidak telusuri lebih jauh," tukasnya.

Sebelumnya, Ketua Pendukung Pemenangan Komodo (P2K) Emmy Hafild enggan menyebutkan perihal perolehan dana dari SMS Komodo tersebut.

"Itu tidak bisa saya sebutkan karena bersifat confidential. Tapi nanti akan diaudit," ujar Emmy kepada wartawan saat menggelar jumpa pers terkait polemik Vote Komodo di kantor pusat PMI, Jl Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (4/11/2011).

Emmy meminta SMS berbayar tersebut jangan dijadikan polemik. Hal serupa juga terjadi dalam voting ajang pencarian bakat yang marak digelar.

"Kenapa SMS idol-idolan itu tidak dipertanyakan. Toh itu juga uang rakyat," imbuhnya.

Sebelumnya, pakar telematika dari UIN Abimanyu 'Abah' Wachjoewidajat menilai ada sejumlah kejanggalan dalam vote SMS dukungan pulau Komodo itu. Keganjilan itu menurut Abah, dimulai saat gembar-gembor di media jejaring sosial, Twitter bahwa SMS Komodo ke 9818 gratis, namun pada kenyataannya tidak gratis melainkan bayar Rp 1.000.

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Evaluasi SMS Premium, BRTI Targetkan Investigasi 200 CP

Evaluasi SMS Premium, BRTI Targetkan Investigasi 200 CP

Jakarta - Evaluasi yang dilakukan Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI) terhadap praktek bisnis layanan SMS premium terus berlanjut. Regulator menargetkan dapat menginvestigasi sekitar 200-an content provider (CP).

Menurut anggota komite BRTI, Heru Sutadi, sampai saat ini ada sekitar 205 CP yang terdaftar di BRTI. Nah, mulai hari ini, Jumat (4/11/2011), para CP tersebut dijadwalkan bergiliran melakukan pertemuan dengan BRTI untuk dilakukan evaluasi.

"Hari ini ada 4 CP. Minggu depan, mulai Senin atau Selasa ada 4-5 CP lagi yang akan kita panggil. Rencananya, 200 CP mau kita panggil semua," ujar Heru kepada detikINET, Jumat (4/11/2011).

Entah berapa lama akan dihabiskan untuk merampungkan target yang terbilang mentereng tersebut. Yang pasti, dalam pertemuan tersebut BRTI akan mengkonfrontir para CP dengan pihak operator dan LSM.

"Diharapkan lewat pertemuan ini kami bisa melakukan evaluasi layanan, contact center, keluhan, undian yang diselenggarakan, dan apa peran operator dalam bisnis SMSpremium ini," imbuh pria yang sudah dua periode menjabat di BRTI tersebut.

Termasuk di antaranya, kerugian yang ditimbulkan atas aksi CP nakal dan membuat watch list terhadap CP-CP yang dituduh sebagai maling pulsa ini.

"Ya harapannya itu, kita ingin cari tahu masalahnya ini (pencurian pulsa via SMS premium-red.) ada di mana sih?" tukas Heru.

Sejauh ini, BRTI sendiri mencatat ada 160 dugaan kasus penipuan lewat SMS yang telah diadukan ke pihak kepolisian. Jika dalam evaluasi ini ditengarai ada CP yang tidak terdaftar di BRTI, maka operator diperintahkan untuk segera memutus kerja sama dengan penyedia konten tersebut.

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Google+ Lebih Terintegrasi dengan YouTube

Google+ Lebih Terintegrasi dengan YouTube

Jakarta - Jejaring sosial Google+ kian terintegrasi dengan YouTube berkat beberapa tambahan fitur ke situs berbagi video tersebut yang ditambahkan Google.

Beberapa waktu lalu, Google menyatukan kemampuan memutar video YouTube di Hangout Google+. Kini Google membuatnya lebih terintegrasi dengan menawarkan ikon YouTube di kanan atas interface Google+.

Sekali memasukkan nama video, topik atau band dan penyanyi favorit akan muncul pada pop-up window, memperlihatkan sederet daftar video terkait yang mungkin menarik minat pengguna.

Dilansir Mashable dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (4/11/2011), berbagi video YouTube dengan siapa saja di dalam Circle lebih mudah karena adanya akses ke playlist terkait dan memposting langsung dari postingan mereka.

Selain integrasi yang lebih dalam dengan YouTube, Google juga mengumumkan extension Google+ Chrome yang baru. Sebelumnya, extension browser Chrome di Google+ memungkinkan pengguna menambahkan tanda +1 di halaman sebuah web. Sekarang, mereka juga bisa membaginya dengan teman-teman di Circle langsung dari interface drop-down. Pembaruan ini juga memungkinkan pengguna melihat notifikasi dari Google+ langsung dari browser Chrome

Bagi mereka yang tidak menggunakan browser Chrome, Google menawarkan versi terbaru Google Toolbar untuk Internet Explorer yan juga memiliki dua fitur ini.

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Nokia Siapkan Tablet untuk Melawan iPad?

Nokia Siapkan Tablet untuk Melawan iPad?

Jakarta - Sementara pasar tablet PC terus menjadi perebutan para pembesut gadget sejak kesuksesan iPad, Nokia masih menimbang-nimbang untuk ikut terjun di ranah ini. Namun Nokia kini perlahan mulai memantapkan niatnya merilis komputer layar sentuh tersebut.

Kabar terbaru yang dilansir Business Week dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (4/11/2011), CEO Nokia Stephen Elop baru-baru ini mengeluarkan pernyataan yang kuat mengindikasikan bahwa vendor ponsel asal Finlandia itu tengah mempersiapkan sebuah tablet untuk diluncurkan.

Tidak puas hanya dengan memperbaharui jajaran produk smartphonenya lewat sejumlah handset Windows Phone, Elop mengatakan bahwa perusahaannya saat ini mulai melirik pasar tablet dan mempertimbangkan bagaimana kemungkinan mereka bisa bersaing dengan iPad.

"Ada kesempatan bagi tablet baru untuk datang. Kami melihat kesempatan. Tidak diragukan lagi, itu akan mengubah dinamika pasar tablet," kata Elop. Namun dia tidak membeberkan lebih rinci mengenai rencananya itu.

Nokia sempat diketahui mematenkan tablet yang bentuknya mirip dengan N8. Itu artinya, meski selama ini terkesan tidak berminat terjun ke pasar komputer tablet, nyatanya mereka memang pernah mempertimbangkan secara serius pembuatan komputer berbasis layar sentuh.

Nokia sendiri sebenarnya, tidak asing dengan perangkat tablet. Nokia mengklaim sudah memperkenalkan tablet internet ke dunia pada 2007 dengan merilis Nokia N810 dan N800. Namun memang, kepopuleran tablet baru terlihat setelah Apple merilis iPad di 2010.

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HP Updates Windows Tablet PC for Professionals

Having recently reaffirmed its commitment to the PC Relevant Products/Services side of its business, Hewlett-Packard is poised to launch an updated tablet Relevant Products/Services PC running the professional edition of Microsoft Relevant Products/Services's Windows Relevant Products/Services 7 operating system. Called the HP Slate 2, the machine will enable business professionals to maintain seamless continuity with the entire range of content residing on the machines used by their managers and fellow workers.

The decision to refresh the original Slate tablet launched by HP last year demonstrates that the company continues to see growth opportunities in the professional segment of the tablet market. About 6 percent of all tablet shipments during the second quarter of 2011 went to commercial users -- up from 3 percent in the prior two quarters of 2010, said IDC Vice President Loren Loverde in an e-mail Thursday. "Apple had about 80 percent of that in the past two quarters," she said.

HP experienced strong growth in the U.S. PC market during this year's third quarter -- when the company's PC shipments increased 15.1 percent year over year and its market leading share totaled 28.9 percent, said Mika Kitagawa, a principal analyst at Gartner Relevant Products/Services.

"Moving to a Windows-based tablet is a good direction for HP," Kitagawa said in an e-mail Thursday. "But I am not sure how the product will help [boost the] overall revenues and profitability [at HP's Personal Systems Group], as the market is expected to be small at this point."

Right Mix of Features

HP's new 1.5-pound tablet will enable mobile Relevant Products/Services workers to create, edit and review business documents, spreadsheets, presentations and other types of Windows-compatible files while on the go. The HP Slate 2 also ships with the requisite mSATA SSM technology for delivering faster Windows 7 boot times.

Slate 2 integrates a 1.5GHz Atom Z670 processor from Intel Relevant Products/Services, 2GB of DDR2 SDRAM, a solid state drive with a maximum capacity of 64GB and an SD expansion card slot. The tablet sports an inward-facing VGA webcam and outward-facing 3-megapixel camera/camcorder.

The device Relevant Products/Services's 8.9-inch capacitive multi-touch display, which ships with a new Swype-enabled keyboard Relevant Products/Services, offers support for both pen and touch input. According to HP, touch-screen resolution varies between 1024x600p and 1024x768p, depending on the specific application in use. (continued...)

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Kodak di Ambang Krisis

Kodak di Ambang Krisis

Jakarta - Perusahaan kamera berusia 131 tahun, Kodak sedang berada di ambang krisis. Kini untuk melanjutkan nafas, Kodak menggantungkan diri pada penjualan paten atau harus menambah hutang.

Eastman Kodak Co melaporkan pencapaiannya yang suram di kuartal ketiga dengan penurunan pendapatan sebesar 10% dari kuartal kedua. Hasil minor yang dialami Kodak salah satunya disebabkan karena bisnis printer dan kamera digitalnya tidak terlalu sukses.

Para ahli mengatakan, Kodak terlalu lama berpindah dari bisnis film tradisional ke kamera digital.

Pada bulan Juli, Kodak mengumumkan bahwa mereka menjual atau melisensi sekitar 1.100 paten digital imaging atau sekitar 10% dari 'perpustakaannya'. Hanya dari penjualan inovasi inilah Kodak bergantung.

"Kodak harus melakukan sesuatu, entah apakah itu menggalang dana atau melengkapi penjualan. Jika tidak, maka mereka tidak bisa bertahan," ujar seorang ahli dari Cross Reserach, Shannon Cross.

Kodak kehilangan kesempatan besar di tahun 1992 saat permintaan mantan Vice President Don Strickland untuk merilis kamera digital tidak mendapat ijin. Kala itu Kodak takut bila bisnis filmnya mengalami kanibalisasi.

Strickland pun mengundurkan diri dari perusahaan di tahun 1993. "Kami telah mengembangkan kamera digital pertama di dunia dan Kodak bisa saja merilisnya di tahun 1992. Sebuah kesempatan besar terlewatkan," ujar Strickland seperti yang dikutip detikINET dari BBC, Jumat (4/10/2011).

( sha / ash )

Sumber detik com

Google removes review calling man a pedophile and thief

By Suzanne Choney

Toni Bennett read the review on Google Places about his computer business. And then he read it again. And again. And he still couldn't believe it: An alleged customer named "Paul" posted these comments:a

"Robbed My RAM and Touched 9 Year Old What a scam artist, he stole RAM from my computer and replaced it with smaller chips hoping I wouldnt notice and also I later found out touched my 9 year old inappropriately. A Violator and a rogue trader. DO NOT DO TRADE WITH THIS MAN!"a

Eighteen months later, the comments are no longer there. Google recently agreed to remove them, Bennett told the BBC. And it wasn't a moment too soon: the IT consultant from Bridgnorth, in Shropshire County, England, was on the verge of suing the search giant for defamation after repeated, failed efforts to have the comments removed.a

Bennett even went to the police for help, "but he said that while they acknowledged the allegations against him were false, they were powerless to intervene," the BBC said.a

"It's mad, it's just mad that someone can do this and it's so anonymous that someone can put on something about a crime against a child — you can't get any worse than that ... And they can get away with it," Bennett told the news organization.a

Since the posting appeared in April 2010 on Google Places, a service that helps consumers search for local businesses, Bennett estimates he has lost 80 percent of his local clients.a

Google would not comment to the BBC about the case; it normally does not publically discuss individual cases. But Google did cite its policies and guidelines for business review postings, saying in a statement that "We have rules against things like hate speech or impersonation, but we're not in a position to arbitrate disputes.a

"However, we've built a free system that allows business owners to claim their listing, which means that they can then respond to reviews and share their side of the story."a

The sting of the accusations remain for Bennett, who remembers his reaction when he first read them: "I was absolutely gobsmacked."a

His request to remove the information was not only one in Britain; in a recent report about takedown requests, Google said in the United Kingdom, the "number of content removal requests we received increased by 71 percent" from January to June of this year, compared to the previous reporting period of July to December 2010.a

Related stories:a

Google search results now fresher and warmer Google 'takedown' requests up 70 percent in U.S. Google gobbles up restaurant review company Zagat Google Places stops using competitors' reviews

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Demi Kanal Ketiga 3G, Telkomsel Harus Geser

Demi Kanal Ketiga 3G, Telkomsel Harus Geser

Jakarta - Kementerian Kominfo dan Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI) sepakat, untuk menata frekuensi 3G di pita lebar 2,1 GHz, jalan satu-satunya adalah dengan menggeser posisi kanal yang ditempati Telkomsel.

"Sudah di tangan pak menteri kebijakannya. Rekomendasi BRTI sudah diberikan. Kami semua tetap pada keputusan pleno meminta Telkomsel pindah agar penataan frekuensi 3G bisa beres akhir tahun ini," kata M Ridwan Effendi, anggota BRTI kepada detikINET, Jumat (4/11/2011).

Hasil rapat pleno BRTI memutuskan Telkomsel yang kini menempati kanal 4 dan 5 diminta geser ke kanal 5 dan 6 agar Hutchison CP Telecom (Tri) bisa berada di kanal 1 dan 2, sedangkan Axis Telecom di 3 dan 4.

Posisi sekarang adalah Tri berada di kanal 1, Axis (3), Telkomsel (4 dan 5), Indosat (7 dan 8), XL (9 dan 10). Sementara kanal nomor 2, 6, 11, dan 12 kosong. Telkomsel, yang menggunakan satu kanal jatah Tri harus rela bergeser.

"Dalam rapat pleno terakhir pun tetap dengan keputusan yang lama plus beberapa skenario untuk kanal ketiga. Sedang dipersiapkan seandainya kanal 11 dan 12 jadi ditetapkan menteri sebagai kanal ketiga," jelas Ridwan.

Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring sendiri telah berulang kali menargetkan penataan kanal 3G antaroperator telekomunikasi bisa selesai akhir tahun ini. Dengan selesainya penataan kanal 3G diharapkan bisa menghentikan kisruh yang selama ini terjadi.

Menurutnya, sesuai dengan penataan yang dilakukan pemerintah maka Telkomsel harus pindah kanal. Setelah penataan 3G, pemerintah akan mulai melakukan penataan kanal ketiga masing-masing operator.

"Telkomsel harus patuh, karena yang melakukan penataan adalah pemerintah. XL saja tahun lalu bisa pindah tanpa ada masalah, biaya yang mereka keluarkan pun tidak besar," kata Tifatul.

Direktur Utama Telkomsel Sarwoto Atmosutarno sebelumnya sempat menyatakan enggan untuk pindah kanal karena sudah terlanjur berinvestasi. Jika pun dipaksakan pindah, ada konsekuensi penurunan kualitas layanan dan harus mengeluarkan dana yang besar.

"Kami bukan memaksakan kehendak, tetapi frekuensi harus dikelola oleh operator yang benar-benar serius memanfaatkan spektrum untuk kepentingan masyarakat. Kanal yang sudah ada saja belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal oleh satu operator, lantas minta tambahan. Regulator harus bijaksana dan memikirkan kepentingan masyarakat," keluhnya.

Sikap penolakan Telkomsel disesalkan Direktur Axis Telekom Indonesia Syakieb A Sungkar. Ia mengaku heran apabila ada operator lain yang menilai pihaknya dibilang tidak serius dalam mengembangkan 3G.

"Kami sudah membeli peralatan untuk mengembangkan 3G, tetapi sekarang tak bisa digunakan karena alokasi frekuensi belum ada dari pemerintah. Rencananya tahun ini kami membangun 9.000 BTS 3G untuk memperkuat 4.000 Node B yang telah ada. Kok dibilang tidak serius," tanya dia.

Direktur Eksekutif Lembaga Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Informasi (LPPMI) Kamilov Sagala menilai Telkomsel seharusnya lebih mengutamakan kepentingan industri dan patuh terhadap regulasi.

"Telkomsel seharusnya legowo bergeser dari kanal 3G demi menata frekuensi industri. Jangan hanya karena punya pelanggan besar lalu bersikap egois dan mau menang sendiri," sesal dia.

( rou / rou )

Sumber detik com

Customer Analytics Come To Real Stores

If you run a physical store -- remember them? -- you may have looked longingly at the kinds of analytics that your Web site, or your online competitors, may have enjoyed for years. Now, a new company is making a data Relevant Products/Services analytics platform available for the real world, taking advantage of the fact that most store visitors carry a mobile Relevant Products/Services phone with Wi-Fi Relevant Products/Services enabled.

On Thursday, Palo Alto, Calif.-based Euclid Elements announced its new platform, emerging from a stealth development period funded by venture capital. "To put it simply," said co-founder and CEO Will Smith in a statement, "we're Google Analytics for the physical world."

Wi-Fi Within 60 Yards

The Euclid platform uses sensors to map shopper traffic patterns in retail spaces, by tracking the position of customers' smartphones.

The data includes numbers of unique visitors over given time periods, numbers of people walking by when the store is closed, new vs. repeat visitors, customer Relevant Products/Services loyalty and frequency, the effectiveness of promotions in creating loyal customers, metrics between stores, average dwell time, and window conversion rates -- how many walked by vs. how many walked in.

The sensors pick up Wi-Fi signals within 60 yards, and use that information Relevant Products/Services as markers for the customers. The service runs about $200 monthly. The data can be used to help determine merchandising displays, the effectiveness of in-store specials, store layout and traffic flows, staffing and other aspects.

The company said that the installation is quick and easy. Installation of sensors, it said, takes a couple of minutes, and then stores just need to log into their Web dashboard to view analytics. The company said that the data is secure, in that it is always hashed, encrypted, and sent over secure connections.

No Personal Data

Euclid said that no personal shopper data is collected, and that all data is anonymous and aggregated. The company added that no information is collected about the owner or user of the mobile device Relevant Products/Services, or about any content that is transmitted or received by the device.

But all customers are automatically opted-in. Customers can opt-out and delete data from the service, and have their phone's identifier removed from the company database. However, it's not clear if the store is required or encouraged to notify customers that their phones are being tracked and an opt-out is available.

Euclid cites Philz Coffee, a chain of coffeehouses in the San Francisco area, as one of its early customers. The chain's president, Jacob Jaber, told news media that the system allows him to see, for instance, that customers spend 43 minutes on average at his Berkeley store, but only about 15 minutes at a store in San Francisco.

Armed with that information, Jaber is considering more products, such as a wider variety of food, in his Berkeley store, and perhaps creating more room for lounging in the San Francisco store.

AOL still has 3.5 million dial-up subscribers

America Online's home page.a

By Suzanne Choney

Not everyone in the U.S. has high-speed Internet via cable or DSL. America Online, the most venerable of dial-up Internet service providers, still has 3.5 million customers that use the company's dial-up service.a

While high-speed broadband and Wi-Fi seem like they've always been the norm for most of us, they haven't. And for many Americans, they still aren't.a

In a June 2009 study on home broadband adoption, Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project said that 63 percent of adult Americans had high-speed Internet connections at home, up from 55 percent in 2008.a

At that time, Pew said 7 percent of Americans were dial-up Internet users, "a figure that is half the level it had been two years ago." More than half said they didn't see changing that in the future. When Pew asked "what it would take for them to switch to a broadband connection at home," these were the responses:a

32 percent said the price would have to fall. 20 percent said nothing would get them to change. 17 percent said it would have to become available where they live. 16 percent said "don't know." 13 percent gave "some other reason."

During its heyday nearly a decade ago in 2002, AOL had 26.7 million dial-up subscribers. In 2009, the year Pew did its study, AOL had 6.3 million dial-up subscribers.a

The new subscriber figures were cited in America Online's third-quarter earnings release.a

"For those who don’t have access to broadband, don’t want it, or don’t need it, AOL is still better than no Internet access," wrote Dan Frommer on SplatF. "Over the past decade, monthly AOL bills haven’t changed that much, on average: From about $18 in 2001 to $19.30 in 2006 to about $17.50 now."a

It's good to know that kind of a constant, especially during tight budget times like these.a

— Via SplatFa

Related stories:a

AOL buying Huffington Post for $315 million AOL Mail down all day - did anyone notice? AOL: You've got irrelevancy?

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Apple Doesn’t Fear Kindle Fire, Thinks ‘Android Fragmentation’ Will Help

After the iPad pretty much dominated the tablet market by every margin, lots of different companies tried their hands at alternative tablets and none of them really made much of a dent in Apple’s market share (the only two worthy ones are Samsung Galaxy Tab and Blackberry Playbook). But the problem was that all of them were priced exactly like the iPad and customers chose the proven one. Amazon, however, is soon debuting their own tablet Kindle Fire which is priced way below what the iPad sells for – just $199. While analysts unanimously agreed that this is the biggest threat to the iPad, Apple seems to disagree.

Business Insider reports an interesting tidbit from analyst Ben Reitzes when he got to meet with Apple CEO Tim Cook and CFO Peter Oppenheimer. When asked about the Kindle Fire, they had something else to say about it than expected:

While the pricing at $199 looks disruptive for what seems to be the iPad’s most important rising challenge, the Amazon Fire â€" it is important to note that it could fuel further fragmentation in the tablet marketâ€"given it represents yet another platform. While compatible with Android, the Apps work with Amazon products. The more fragmentation, the better, says Apple, since that could drive more consumers to the stable Apple platform. We believe that Apple will get more aggressive on price with the iPad eventually but not compromise the product quality and experience.

The more you think about this, the more you can see where Apple is coming from. Their message has always been that the iOS is a very centralised and stable platform that’s easy to use without any customization required, and this will probably only go to re-inforce it. However, there’s no denying the fact that there will be a considerable new opponent in the market that is bound to get customers who previously couldn’t afford a tablet.

There’s still a lot to hear from Amazon’s side especially since no one has used the product, so let’s wait and watch this unfold.

Deals of the day: 'Superman,' Samsung and more

Warner Home Videoa

By Rosa Golijan

Our "deals of the day" roundup is a selection of some of the better gadgets, gaming and app deals on the Internet right now — with a few strange odds and ends thrown in for fun. Here's what's worth considering today: "Superman: The Motion Picture Anthology" on Blu-ray for $56, a 12-month Xbox Live Gold subscription for $38, discounted Samsung gear and more.a


17.3" Dell Inspiron 17R Core i5-2430M, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD for $530 (Normally $630) 15.6" Lenovo Y570 08622UU Quad Core i7-2670QM, 8GB RAM, 750GB HDD, GeForce GT 555M, Blu-Ray for $899 (Normally $1,149) 15.6" Toshiba Satellite P750-ST4NX2 Quad Core i7-2630QM, 6GB RAM, 500GB HDD, GeForce GT 540M for $949 (Normally $1,029) 15.6" Lenovo Z570 1024AUU Quad Core i7-2670QM, 8GB RAM, 750GB HDD, Blu-ray for $749 (Normally $999) 15.6" Lenovo G570 43345JU Core i5-2410M, 8GB RAM, 750GB HDD for $599 (Normally $849) 15.6" Dell Inspiron 15R Core i3-2310M, 4GB RAM, 500GB 7200RPM HDD, Blu-ray for $500 (Normally $640) 15.6" Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E520 Core i3-2350M, 6GB RAM, 500GB HDD for $522 (Normally $599) 14" Dell XPS 14z Core i5-2430M, 6GB RAM, 500GB 7200RPM HDD for $943 (Normally $1,000) 21.5" HP Omni 220q 1080p, Quad Core i7-2600S All-In-One Desktop, 8GB RAM, 1TB 7200RPM HDD, 1GB Radeon HD 6450A, Blu-ray for $880 (Normally $980) 18.5" Lenovo C325 30793AU AMD E450 All-in-one Desktop, 4GB RAM, 500GB 7200RPM HDD, Radeon HD 6310 for $499 (Normally $749) 55" Samsung UN55D7000 1080p 3D LED HDTV with Samsung BDD5500 Blu-ray Player + 2 Pairs of 3D Glasses for $1,900 (Normally $2,082) 50" Panasonic Viera TC-P50ST30 3D Plasma HDTV w/ Panasonic DMP-BDT110 Blu-ray Player for $819.99 (Normally $975) LG LSB316 Sound Bar with Wireless Subwoofer for $229 (Normally $239) Sennheiser HD 558 Open Circumaural Headphones for $124 (Normally $145) Altec Lansing MZX126W Headphones for $10 (Normally $18) Plantronics .Audio 480 Virtual Phone Booth Headphones for $8 (Normally $29) HP Deskjet 3050 e-All-in-One Wireless Printer for $50 (Normally $71) 1TB Iomega 34337 Home Media Network External Hard Drive for $80 (Normally $200) 2TB Buffalo Technology LinkStation Live Network Attached Storage for $143 (Normally $230) 16GB Team Diamond TG016GD603I USB 2.0 Flash Drive for $15 (Normally $17) 4.1" Nokia N810 Portable Internet Tablet for $127 (Normally $400) advertisement


Xbox 360 Live 12-Month Gold Subscription Card for $38 (Normally $49) D-Link DGL-4500 GamerLounge Xtreme-N Gaming Router for $73 (Normally $80) Creative Labs Sound Blaster World of Warcraft USB Headset for $60 (Normally $79) Goldeneye 007 Reloaded (Xbox 360, PS3) for $54 (Normally $57) Sonic Generations (PS3, Xbox 360) for $37 (Normally $46) Cyberbike: Magnetic Edition (Wii) for $180 (Normally $200)


InfeCCt (Android) for $0 (Normally $1) Office Jerk (Android) for $1 (Normally $5) Go (Android) for $2 (Normally $4) Crazy Duck Hunter (iPad) for $0 (Normally $1.99) Drift Mania Championship (Android) for $0 (Normally $1) Soul (iOS) for $0 (Normally $0.99) Muffin Knight (iOS) for $0 (Normally $0.99)

Miscellaneous odds and ends:a

Superman: Motion Picture Anthology (Blu-ray) for $56 (Normally $86)

Today's deals were discovered via:a

Dealhack, AppBrain, LogicBUY, FatWallet, Laptopaholic, 148Apps,SlickDeals, CheapStingyBargains, Dealzon, Brand Name Coupons, GamerHotline, HDTVaholic and Tabletaholic.a

Please read the detailed descriptions of each linked offer carefully before buying — is not responsible for the duration or integrity of individual deals.a

Want more tech news, silly puns, or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.a


Thursday, November 3, 2011

HP Tepis Anggapan Tinta Printer Original Mahal

HP Tepis Anggapan Tinta Printer Original Mahal

Jakarta - Para pengguna printer sering memilih pemakaian tinta isi ulang berharga murah ketimbang kartrid original. Alasan mereka untuk menghemat biaya. Namun menurut Hewlett Packard (HP), pemakaian tinta isi ulang dengan sistem suntik bisa merugikan.

Menurut HP, harga yang dibayar pengguna justru lebih mahal dari tinta original. Ini karena hasil print out tak konsisten sehingga user mungkin perlu mencetak berulangkali. Karena indikator tinta tidak berfungsi saat memakai tinta isi ulang, pengguna juga tidak bisa memperkirakan kapan tinta habis.

"Kami pun menghadirkan solusi teknologi HP Ink Advantage yang bisa mencetak hingga 600 lembar dengan harga terjangkau," kata Imelda Setijadi, Inkjet Web Solutions (IWS) Retail & Stationery Director, Imaging & Printing Group HP Indonesia.

Solusi Ink Advantage dapat digunakan pada seri printer anyar HP seperti Deskjet K209a, K010a, K110a All-in-One, K209g All-in-One dan Photosmart K510e All-in-One. Kartrid bisa dibeli mulai harga Rp 80 ribu. Tinta hitam putih dapat mencetak hingga 600 lembar dan tinta warna hingga 250 lembar.

Diestimasi biaya untuk satu lembar cetakan dengan menggunakan tinta Ink Advantage di kisaran Rp 100. Hasil cetakan diklaim lebih baik dan tetap konsisten kualitas warnanya.

HP pun coba meramaikan ajang Indocomtech 2011 dengan penawaran diskon. Peminat bisa menukarkan printer lamanya dengan harga hingga Rp 150 ribu untuk membeli printer HP yang dibekali teknologi Ink Advantage.

( fyk / ash )

Sumber detik com

Rumor: Redesigns for Apple Products in 2012

Looks Apple is into the “reboot”business too, as rumors have appeared which suggest that Apple is preparing redesigns for all its product lines in 2012. This means that we will soon get new designs for the likes of iMac, iPhone and iPad.

The report comes from Digitimes via unnamed sources. The report also suggests that the iPad will be the first report to undergo an overhaul. It is said that Apple has been asking suppliers to provide parts for two different iPad prototypes. However, there is still no word on how the new designs will look like or function, and what is the extent of the changes.

So if you needed another reason to skip the iPhone 4S (as cool as Siri is), and wait for iPhone 5, here it is.

Source: Digital Times via Neowin

About Serge


HP returns to making Tablets

Turns out, despite abandoning the TouchPad, HP is not done yet with tablets, as it recently announced a new tablet, branded “Slate 2″, which means that its a continuation of its Windows 7 Tablet ‘Slate 500′.

The 8.9″ device features 1024×600 N-Trig display and a Swype Keyboard. Its hardware consists of 1.5GHz Atom Oak Trail, 64GB mSata drive, and a TPM chip. The device includes two cameras, a rear 3MP camera, and a front camera for video conferencing. The device also includes a bluetooth keyboard dock, a black cover, and 6 hour battery. Oh, and it also includs a Stylus.

Not a high end tablet really, but the price is appropriate, at 699 Dollars. The relase date is expected to be in November.

Looks like HJP is rejuvinaitng its tablet department, as CEO Meg Whitman, says that we will see “plenty of tablets” from them when Windows 8 is ready


Source: The Verge via Neowin

About Serge


Mungkinkah GTA V Punya 3 Jagoan?

Mungkinkah GTA V Punya 3 Jagoan?

Jakarta - Beragam spekulasi muncul paska dirilisnya video trailer pertama Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V. Salah satu tebakannya adalah game tersebut bakal memiliki lebih dari satu tokoh utama.

Meski singkat, tapi video trailer tersebut memang memiliki banyak arti, khususnya bagi mereka para pemain seri GTA. Di dalamnya sudah cukup terlihat cikal bakal game ini.

Berdasarkan video tersebut GTA V akan memiliki beberapa tempat yang bsia dikunjungi, pantai, area pegunungan, perkebunan dan beberapa tempat eksotik lainnya.

Sedikit banyak sistem permainan yang diusung juga sudah mulai tergambar, hanya saja belum diketahui siapa yang akan jadi tokoh utama.

Dikutip detikINET dari joystiq, Kamis (3/11/2011), GTA V tampaknya akan memiliki lebih dari satu karakter yang bisa dimainkan.

Pertama, gamer sudah ditunjukkan dengan sosok karakter yang diduga sebagai Tommy Vercetti, yakni tokoh utama pada seri GTA III dan Vice City.

Kemudian dalam video tersebut juga tampak seorang pemuda mengendarai mobil sport berwarna merah yang sedang dikejar oleh polisi. Kemudian tampil karakter lainnya yakni pemuda berkulit hitam yang juga sedang diburu polisi. Sekilas karakter ini mirip terlihat pada akhir Carl Johnson, tokoh utama dalam San Adreas.

Jika memang memiliki beberapa karakter utama, bisa jadi GTA V memiliki sistem permainan baru anggap saja modus multiplayer. Pemain bisa bahu-membahu dengan gamer lain untuk menuntaskan sebuah misi. Wow... semoga saja benar demikian.

( eno / ash )

Sumber detik com

Menelisik Grand Theft Auto V

Menelisik Grand Theft Auto V

Jakarta - Rockstar akhirnya merilis video trailer pertama Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V. Meski sangat singkat, namun video tersebut coba mengungkapkan seperti apa game ini nanti.

Video berdurasi sekitar satu menit itu kini sudah bisa disaksikan di YouTube, dan jika dilihat dengan teliti, ada beberapa hal yang menarik dari video tersebut.

Pertama dari segi grafis. GTA V sepertinya sudah mengalami perubahan yang cukup signifikan dari sebelumnya, efek perubahan waktu juga terlihat lebih baik dalam game ini.

Selanjutnya mengenai kendaraan. Sudah biasa jika seri GTA pemain bisa mengendarai mobil butut hingga mobil mewah berharga mahal. Namun dalam trailer ini ditampilkan juga pesawat jet yang bisa dikendalikan.

Jika melihat dari tata letak kota dalam video tersebut, game ini sepertinya akan kembali ke San Andreas seperti yang dirumorkan sebelumnya. Tapi kali ini pemain juga bisa pergi ke versi virtual Los Angeles.

Aksi kejar-kejaran pun tampaknya akan semakin heboh dalam GTA V. Tak ketinggalan juga sejumlah misi kecil menarik, rumah mewah yang bisa dibeli, hingga sejumlah tempat menarik yang bisa dijelajahi.

Namun yang masih menyisakan pertanyaan dalam video tersebut adalah siapa yang akan jadi tokoh utamanya? Pada detik ke 40 tampak sosok yang sudah tidak asing bagi para pemain GTA, seperti Tomy Vercetti yang sudah berumur. Mungkinkah?

( eno / rns )

Sumber detik com

Bill Gates Bunuh Tablet Dua Layar Microsoft

Bill Gates 'Bunuh' Tablet Dua Layar Microsoft

Jakarta - Awal tahun 2010, Microsoft sejatinya punya proyek komputer tablet dua layar yang dijuluki Courier. Tablet yang tampak inovatif ini akhirnya dihentikan oleh pendiri Microsoft, Bill Gates. Apa alasannya?

Menurut laporan media Cnet, kala itu ada dua proyek tablet yang sedang dikembangkan petinggi Microsoft. Tablet pertama adalah Courier oleh J. Allard, sosok yang dikenal sebagai godfather Xbox. Sedangkan tablet lainnya dikembangkan Steven Sinofsky, Head of Microsoft Windows.

CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer, bingung memilih tablet mana yang akan dipilih untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Sulit memang karena dua tokoh di atas adalah orang penting di Microsoft dan kedua tablet tersebut sama-sama bagus.

Ballmer akhirnya minta saran, siapa lagi kalau bukan pada Bill Gates. Gates pun bertemu dengan Allard untuk melihat seperti apa kebolehan Courier. Pada dasarnya, tablet itu ditujukan untuk hiburan dan tidak mendukung aplikasi andalan Microsoft seperti Office atau Exchange.

"Ini yang membuat Bill 'alergi'," ungkap seorang sumber internal yang detikINET kutip dari The Register, Kamis (3/11/2011).

Rupanya, Gates ingin tablet itu mendukung Office dan berbagai aplikasi Microsoft lain. Dan OS Courier, meski berbasis Windows, memiliki user interface yang sungguh berbeda.

Akhirnya proyek Microsoft Courier dihentikan meskipun saat itu, iPad sudah mulai dipasarkan Apple dan akhirnya sukses besar. Microsoft memilih fokus membuat tablet Windows 8 yang mungkin baru akan keluar di tahun 2012.

( fyk / ash )

Sumber detik com

T-Mobile Offers Premium BlackBerry Torch -- But at a Premium

T-Mobile will soon offer a premium BlackBerry device Relevant Products/Services, the Torch 9810, at a premium price, $249 with a two-year contract. That's $200 more than AT&T Relevant Products/Services charges for the Research In Motion smartphone, which it started selling in August.

Emphasizing the traditional appeal of BlackBerry devices to business users, T-Mobile is giving them first crack at the Torch: they can order it today while other customers must wait until Nov. 9. The $249 price is after a $50 mail-in rebate card and with a two-year voice Relevant Products/Services and data Relevant Products/Services contract.

Fast Processor, Fast Data Speed

Compatible with T-Mobile's high speed HSPA+ data network Relevant Products/Services, which the carrier calls 4G Relevant Products/Services, the Torch is powered by the latest-version BlackBerry 7 operating system and packs a 1.2 gigahertz processor, with 3.2-inch TFT VGA capacitive touch-screen display and full QWERTY slide-out keyboard Relevant Products/Services and 5-megapixel camera with LED flash and 720p high-definition video Relevant Products/Services recording. AT&T is not marketing its version of the Torch 9810 as 4G compatible.

The 9810 is an update of the Torch 9800 released in August 2010, which debuted on AT&T a year later. The processor is more powerful than the original 624 megahertz processor of its predecessor and the 768 megabytes of RAM exceed the original 512 megabytes. It also has more storage Relevant Products/Services for apps Relevant Products/Services and media, eight gigabytes instead of four, and ships with the updated operating system.

It comes in one color, a zinc-gray color finish, and the Torch 9810, like all BlackBerry devices, includes access Relevant Products/Services to BlackBerry Messenger, personal and corporate e-mail, and social networking applications and access to BlackBerry App World for premium applications and games.

The offering comes at a time when German-owned T-Mobile is in limbo, waiting to see if federal regulators will approve its merger deal with AT&T. Meanwhile the two companies continue to compete, with the AT&T price for the Torch 9810 an example of the bigger carrier's power to offer better deals because of its large volume of sales. (continued...)

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