Saturday, October 8, 2011

AppBrain Stream: Facebook for apps

AppBrain is famous Android app sharing market and it has started a brand new feature called “Streams”, which makes your apps have a social life on the internet. AppBrain previously had a listing of apps installed on your phone which you could manually share with your friends. But now with these social streams you can see that what new apps your friends are trying out or what apps they have liked. The interface takes form of very much like Facebook where you see updates from your friends and their “App activity”.

Moreover instead of status updates you get the option to “Share an app..” to manually update your stream to tell friends about some cool app or share your mini views on it. Your installs or status updates will appear on home screen of connected friends.

Appbrain uses existing Google, Facebook and Twitter networks to find your friends network and add them in your stream. This social discovery of apps is very similar to what Facebook has done with its apps and games sidebar where you can always see new games and apps in use by your friends. And now you have something similar for your Android apps.

Check it out yourself @

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


HTC Sensation XL: Titan on Android OS

The HTC Sensation XL phone brings HTC Titan’s huge footprint with Android on top. If you have read about HTC Titan then specs don’t vary that much from it. It has same huge 4.7″ across screen, 480×800 pixel display, 16gb storage, 8mp camera with dual flash, 720p video capture, nearly same weight of 162 grams and the same single core 1.5 GHz Scorpion processor. The main differences: It runs Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) with HTC Sense UI 3.5 and comes with Beats audio.

There are things that are disappointing in this XL version e.g. you would expect new models to shift to dual core processors but HTC is sticking with bigger screen than more horsepower. Moreover with such a big screen, one would expect a resolution of 1280×720 which Samsung is boosting but HTC Sensation XL sticks to Titan’s 480×800 resolution. On WP7 it is understandable since that is a limitation of the OS, but with an Android running they could have improved. On such big screen, low resolutions would just turn grainy.

Like the HTC Sensation XE, the larger Sensation XL features Beats audio integration. The standard set comes with in-ear Beats headphones while the limited edition model comes with over the ear headphones. The other attractions to this set include the aluminum body in white color and the new cloud services by HTC as found in upcoming HTC Rhyme and HTC Explorer.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Nuance buys Swype for $100 million

Nuance communication is well known for their excellent speech recognition software: Dragon Naturally speaking; but what most people don’t know is that they also have lots of “keyboard” projects. They own the T9 typing style, they have their own Android Flex T9 keyboard, they previously bought Shapewriter which was main Swype competitor but now they have even bought Swype for $100 million. Hey! if you can’t beat them, just buy them out, right?

Its apparent that Nuance wants to be the only major gun in the competition of keyboards for mobile devices. It is being rumored that iPhone 4S will also purchase license from Nuance to bring the Swype to its phone officially.

I think after this step, Nuance next target would be to make Dragon Naturally speaking app for smartphones. Apple already has announced Siri, but as impressive it may be, it is still a 4S exclusive feature. While an app from Nuance could be made for Android, Windows Phone 7 and older iPhones as well.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


200 Ribu iPhone 4S Terjual dalam 12 Jam

200 Ribu iPhone 4S Terjual dalam 12 Jam

Jakarta - Terhitung, lebih dari 200.000 iPhone 4S terjual oleh AT&T dalam kurun waktu 12 jam. Dikatakan oleh raksasa telekomunikasi Amerika Serikat ini, total permintaan tersebut sungguh luar biasa.

iPhone 4S diluncurkan pada Selasa waktu setempat dan menjadi jawaban atas penantian pecinta iPhone setelah menunggu selama lebih dari 15 bulan. Dilaporkan, perusahaan telekomunikasi Amerika AT&T, Verizon Wireless dan Sprint sudah memulai pemesanan online pada hari Jumat lalu.

Meski angka penjualan iPhone 4S tinggi, namun sepertinya ia masih kalah dengan versi sebelumnya, iPhone 4 yang menjadi ponsel dengan penjualan tercepat dalam sejarah Apple. Kala itu, ia terjual sebanyak 1,7 juta unit dalam 3 hari pertamanya.

Sejumlah estimasi akan total penjualan iPhone 4S merebak, namun beberapa analis memprediksi Apple akan menjual sekitar 27-28 juta iPhone pada rentang bulan Oktober-Desember tahun ini. Meninggalnya mantan CEO Apple, Steve Jobspun disebut-sebut menjadi salah satu faktor tingginya permintaan akan iPhone 4S.

Dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Sabtu (8/10/2011), para analis mengatakan bahwa banyak orang-orang yang membeli iPhone 4S sebagai bentuk peringatan dan kenangan akan sosok Steve Jobs. Produk teranyar keluaran Apple ini sendiri dijadwalkan akan membanjiri pasar pada 14 Oktober nanti.

( sha / sha )

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RIM Caplok Perusahaan Software NewBay

RIM Caplok Perusahaan Software NewBay

Jakarta - Research in Motion (RIM) baru saja melakukan pembelian sebuah perusahaan layanan konten berbasis cloud yang berlokasi di Irlandia. Pembelian ini dikabarkan untuk mengejar ketertinggalan RIM dengan para pesaingnya dalam hal penawaran konten.

NewBay-perusahaan yang dibeli RIM-mengembangkan software untuk dipakai di ponsel maupun komputer. Dengan software ini, pengguna dimungkinkan untuk menciptakan dan berbagi konten digital seperti foto, video hingga pengudpatean situs jejaring.

Sejumlah jaringan besar dilaporkan telah lama menjalin kerjasama dengan NewBay, sebut saja T-Mobile USA, Deutsche Telekom, Telefónica O2, France Telecom Orange, US Cellular, ATT, Telstra dan Verizon.

Ia dikabarkan sudah memiliki lebih dari 80 juta pelanggan dengan layanan konten yang diberikan via kerjasama dengan jaringan raksasa tersebut.

Tidak disebutkan nominal yang digelontorkan RIM untuk membeli NewBay, namun media dan analis memprediksi RIM mengeluarkan uang USD 100 juta untuk pembelian perusahaan yang berbasis di Dublin ini.

Dikutip detikINET dari IrishTimes, Sabtu (8/10/2011), RIM akan tidak akan memindahkan lokasi pusat pengembangan software NewBay di Dublin. Pusat tersebut memiliki 200 pekerja dan ia akan menjadi fasilitas pertama RIM di wilayah Irlandia.

Seorang analis, Mike Abramsky mengatakan terjunnya RIM dalam ranah ini agak terlambat dibandingkan pesaingnya. "RIM terlambat datang di pasar ini dibandingkan dengan penawaran yang lebih dulu dilakukan Apple dengan iCloudnya, dengan Cloud Drive serta layanan dari Google," ujar Abramsky.

( sha / sha )

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Pemakaman Jobs Tenang dan Tertutup

Pemakaman Jobs Tenang dan Tertutup

Jakarta - Soal kehidupan pribadinya mendiang Steve Jobs memang selalu tertutup. Wajar saja jika pemakamannya pun digelar dalam acara yang tenang dan tertutup.

Seperti dikutip detikINET dari Wall Street Journal, Sabtu (8/10/2011), sumber yang tak disebutkan namanya mengatakan bahwa pemakaman Jobs digelar pada Jumat, 7 Oktober 2011 waktu setempat. Upacara pemakaman hanya dihadiri oleh keluarga terdekat Jobs. Tak disebutkan juga lokasi acara tersebut dan metode pemakaman apa yang dilakukan.

Pendiri Apple Inc ini meninggal pada Rabu, 5 Oktober 2011, di California, Amerika Serikat. Tak ada pernyataan resmi soal penyebab kematiannya, namun diketahui bahwa Jobs sedang dalam perawatan kanker pankreas sejak 2004.

Apple, melalui CEO Tim Cook, telah mengatakan ada rencana membuat 'perayaan kehidupan Steve'. Sementara belum ada tanggal gelaran itu, semua orang dipersilakan mengirim pemikiran, kenangan dan belasungkawa ke email

( wsh / wsh )

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VOTE: Star Wars vs. Warcraft

By Todd Kenreck

Two major massively multiplayer online games are about clash swords and sabers. Michael Pachter spoke with Todd Kenreck about whether Bioware can maintain the momentum of their new MMO.a

You can follow game editor Todd Kenreck on Twitter and on Facebook.a

{"contentId":"8214545","totalVotes":"23"} Who will come out on top?


More Star Wars newsa

 Killing Star Wars, one Ewok at a time Build your own Star Wars trilogy 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' video channel Check out player vs. player in 'Star Wars: The Old Republic'


Results with 2 short comments Total of 23 votes .vine-m.m-content_question_SlowPollThread .threadGrid.header .hcol1 .notVoted37198 {height:0px;}.vine-m.m-content_question_SlowPollThread .threadGrid.header .hcol1 .yesVoted37198 {height:100px;}.vine-m.m-content_question_SlowPollThread .threadGrid.header .hcol2 .notVoted37198 {height:47px;}.vine-m.m-content_question_SlowPollThread .threadGrid.header .hcol2 .yesVoted37198 {height:53px;} 65.2%'Star Wars: The Old Republic'15 votes 34.8%'World of Warcraft'8 votes Display Comments: All'Star Wars: The Old Republic''World of Warcraft' 'World of Warcraft'

Hordes of people will jump ship and go to swtor when it goes live. (pun intended) The question is, can bioware keep them.a

1 vote#1 - Sqrly - 10:24 pm EDT on Fri Oct 7, 2011'Star Wars: The Old Republic'

As a four yr WoW player, I must say I am extremely impressed with SWTOR after playing the beta test. Can't wait for December!a

#2 - Jag0072 - 11:59 pm EDT on Fri Oct 7, 2011

Ingin Jadi Raja , Epson Rilis 22 Proyektor

Ingin Jadi 'Raja', Epson Rilis 22 Proyektor

Denpasar - Epson memperkenalkan jajaran produk proyektor terbaru untuk pasar Indonesia. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, 22 model proyektor baru sekaligus dihadirkan vendor asal Jepang tersebut.

"Kami menargetkan jadi perusahaan penyedia solusi proyektor nomor satu di Indonesia. Kami pun meluncurkan 22 model sekaligus untuk menjangkau semua segmen konsumen," ucap Hirasaki Michiya, Presiden Direktur Epson Indonesia dalam rangkain press tour Epson di Bali, 7 - 8 Oktober 2011.

Berdasarkan data dari Future Research pada bulan April sampai Juni 2011, Epson masih menempati posisi runner up di pasar proyektor Tanah Air. Bertengger di posisi pertama adalah BenQ.

Epson sendiri secara global menempati posisi puncak vendor proyektor terbesar selama 10 tahun berturut-turut, menurut riset FutureSource Consulting. Karenanya mereka juga ingin coba menaklukkan pasar Indonesia.

Jajaran produk baru Epson menyasar konsumen di sektor pendidikan, pemerintahan, korporasi dan rumah tangga. Epson mengklaim 22 proyektor baru itu dibuat dengan mendengar input konsumen dan memudahkan mereka memilih produk paling sesuai.

"Di sekolah, kami mendengar keinginan murid, guru sampai kepala sekolah. Guru ingin proyektor mudah dipakai. Murid ingin proyektor lebih terang, jadi kami buat produk untuk memenuhi keinginan itu," kata Chris Herman Gunawan, Business and Corporate Division Manager Epson Indonesia.

Untuk edukasi dan bisnis, Epson antara lain mengandalkan proyektor EB S100 dan EB X100 yang dibuat khusus untuk pasar Indonesia. Bagi pebisnis, ditawarkan antara lain EB 1800 series dan EB 400 series.

Epson berharap dapat menguasai pangsa pasar proyektor Indonesia sebesar 40% pada tahun 2015. Target ini dianggap akan cukup membuat mereka memimpin dengan mantap.

( fyk / wsh )

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Sprint Details Agressive High-Speed LTE Roadmap

Sprint Nextel briefed investors Friday concerning the carrier's aggressive plans to begin operating a new high-speed wireless Relevant Products/Services LTE network Relevant Products/Services in selected markets across the United States beginning in mid-2012. The supporting architecture Relevant Products/Services is designed to accommodate all the traffic from the carrier's 3G Relevant Products/Services, 4G Relevant Products/Services and Direct Connect customers on new multimode base stations being built by partners Samsung, Alcatel Lucent and Ericsson.

"We have a single network architecture that we are taking advantage of to deliver all [wireless] capabilities to our customers on a single, flexible platform," said Sprint Senior Vice President Bob Azzi.

The hardware consolidation effort is expected to enable Sprint to dramatically reduce the number of cell sites it requires nationwide from more than 60,000 right now. "Work on 22,000 cell sites is currently under way [and] the balance will be started in the next few months," Azzi said.

The switch to multimode base stations is also expected to reduce power consumption costs as well as significantly cut the carrier's greenhouse gas emissions, Sprint said.

Ramping Rapidly

There are two key attributes of Sprint's next generation Network Vision platform, said Steve Elfman, president of network operations and wholesale at Sprint.

One is "having a multimode network platform that enables multiple technologies and spectrum to be deployed on a common platform at a lower cost structure," Elfman said. The other is having "an integrated device chipset that enables devices to function on multi-spectrum bands and multimode technologies."

Sprint has been working with Qualcomm and other partners to ensure that CDMA-LTE devices are available by the middle of next year. Approximately 15 Sprint devices are expected to hit the market throughout 2012, including handsets, tablets and data Relevant Products/Services cards.

What's more, Sprint now envisions a far more rapid LTE deployment scenario than when the carrier initially introduced Network Vision in the fourth quarter of last year. "We are building as we are speaking and we expect to be largely complete by the end of 2013," Elfman said.

By then Sprint projects that its LTE network will be within range of 250 million people. Overall, however, the carrier has a very aggressive rollout schedule to maintain, said Gartner Relevant Products/Services Research Vice President Phillip Redman. (continued...)

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Report: Steve Jobs funeral held Friday


Apple's home page, as it has been since Steve Jobs' death was announced Wednesday. a

By Suzanne Choney

The funeral of Steve Jobs was planned for Friday, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. The newspaper cited "a person familiar with the matter," who described the funeral as a small and private gathering.a

Jobs died Wednesday after a long battle with a rare form of pancreatic cancer, and much of the world has continued to mourn the loss of Apple's co-founder, leaving flowers, apples with one bite out of them, notes and cards of sympathy at the company's stores around the world.a

Apple's website home page continues to show a black-and-white photo of Jobs. Apple is also offering an email address — — for those who want to share their "thoughts, memories and condolences."a

Apple CEO TIm Cook, in a letter to the company's employees, said Apple is planning its own "celebration of Steve's extraordinary life for Apple employees that will take place soon."a

Jobs, who was 56 when he died, is survived by his wife, Laurene, and four children.a

Related stories:a

2.5 million tweets on Steve Jobs in 12 hours after death Church wants to protest at Steve Jobs funeral NYT: With time running short, Jobs managed his farewells Birth father of Steve Jobs has no comment How will you remember Steve Jobs? The Internet mourns, celebrates Steve Jobs



2.5 million tweets on Steve Jobs in 12 hours after death


Where 2.5 million tweets about Steve Jobs originateda

By Athima Chansanchai

Such was the outpouring of grief and gratitude following the announcement of Steve Jobs' death that even Twitter was overwhelmed, with an estimated 2.5 million tweets about him populating social media in the 12 hours after the news broke.a

Sysomos, which produces software that monitors and analyzes social media, kept track of the tweets in the hours after Jobs' death on Wednesday, and showed how it snowballed into an avalanche of messages about him.a

When Sysomos' Sheldon Levine first began tracking the activity, at 8:30 p.m. (ET) Wednesday, he used the company's software to find that nearly a quarter of a million tweets had already gone out about Jobs' demise, which broke about an hour earlier.a

Levine tracked the following terms: " 'steve jobs' OR stevejobs OR ripsteve OR ripjobs OR ripstevejobs OR #stevejobs OR #ripsteve OR #ripjobs OR #ripstevejobs OR #stevejobs."a

He also worked up a buzzgraph that depicted the following observation: a

It’s important that I point out at this time that while the tweets were starting to pour in about Jobs passing, a lot of those blog posts and news articles at that time were still from a bit earlier in the day and were likely talking about Jobs in relation to the Apple iPhone event from the day before. I actually pulled up a buzzgraph at this time as well to see what all the talk was currently about and found that I was right, it was too soon for it all to be about Steve’s death. The following buzzgraph shows that talk at this time was still focused around iPhones, but it changed as time went on.a

As the night wore on, the tweets picked up speed and frequency, as word spread about Jobs.a

By 9:30 p.m. (ET), half a million tweets had gone out. And 12 hours later, at 9:30 a.m. (ET) Thursday, Levine's tracking had emerged with a staggering number: 2.5 million tweets.a

By then, the buzzgraph "was now filled with words of people talking about their sadness of Jobs death an stories and accomplishments of his life." Take a look:a


Buzzgraph of Jobs 2.5 million tweetsa

And they're still pouring in. Here are some that just came in this morning, under "RIP Steve Jobs":a

— via The Next Weba

More stories:a

Stephen Colbert pays tribute to Steve Jobs Top 10 fake Steve Jobses of the Apple Age Steve Jobs' greatest products Remember when Steve Jobs prank-called Starbucks?

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a

Friday, October 7, 2011

Alokasikan Rp 5 Miliar, Pendidikan ICT Jadi Prioritas XL

Alokasikan Rp 5 Miliar, Pendidikan ICT Jadi Prioritas XL

Jakarta - Pendidikan berbasis teknologi komunikasi informasi (ICT) menjadi prioritas utama XL Axiata dalam program corporate social responsibility (CSR)-nya. Dari dana Rp 10 mililar-Rp 12 miliar yang dialokasikan, 40% di antaranya disiapkan khusus untuk pendidikan ICT ini.

Demikian dipaparkan Febriati Nadira, Head of Corporate Communication XL, seusai pengumuman pemenang program Indonesia Berprestasi Award (IBA) 2011 yang diselenggarakan operator seluler itu.

"Pendidikan berbasis ICT memang jadi prioritas kami selama ini. Untuk tahun ini saja, dana yang kami siapkan sekitar Rp 4-5 miliar atau 40% dari Rp 10-12 miliar total dana CSR kami untuk 2011," ucapnya di Hotel Intercontinental Plaza, Jakarta, Jumat (7/10/2011).

Sebenarnya, kata Ira -- demikian Febriati akrab disapa -- ada empat pilar utama yang jadi prioritas program CSR XL. Selain pendidikan berbasis ICT, prioritas lainnya ialah untuk program sosial ekonomi, budaya, dan lingkungan.

Namun demikian, pendidikan berbasis ICT jadi yang paling utama digeber karena sesuai dengan kompetensi XL sebagai perusahaan telekomunikasi berbasis teknologi terkini.

Untuk pendidikan berbasis ICT ini, XL menjalankan dua program utama, yakni program komputer untuk sekolah (KUS) dan internet sehat.

"Program KUS ini merupakan program 5 tahunan kami, sekarang sudah memasuki tahun ketiga. Dari target 300 sekolah di Indonesia, sekarang sudah jalan di 200 sekolah dengan seribu lebih komputer yang tersedia," papar Ira.

Tak hanya menyediakan dan memberikan pelatihan komputer di sekolah, XL juga memberikan pelatihan internet dan Bahasa Inggris. "Untuk mengoperasikan komputer dan internet, kemampuan berbahasa Inggris itu penting untuk membantu mereka nantinya."

Selain membantu ketersediaan komputer dan akses internet di sekolah-sekolah, XL juga bekerja sama dengan ICT Watch untuk menyosialisasikan penggunaan internet dalam hal positif untuk program Internet Sehat. Kata Ira, pihaknya membuka luas kerja sama CSR berbasis ICT ini dengan semua pihak terkait.

( rou / ash )

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Merayakan Bermain: Saatnya Kembali Bermain

Merayakan Bermain: Saatnya Kembali Bermain

Jakarta - Artikel ini adalah bagian kedua dari rangkaian seri artikel: Merayakan Bermain. Artikel sebelumnya membahas potensi besar dari industri game dan bisa dibaca pada tautan berikut.

Pada artikel kali ini kita akan membahas aspek positif dari aktivitas bermain yang kita definisikan sebagai sebuah aktivitas yang dilakukan secara sukarela (tanpa paksaan), memiliki suatu objektif tertentu, didukung oleh suatu peraturan yang telah ditentukan dan diketahui sebelumnya, serta memiliki indikator pendukung.

Bagian 2: Saatnya Kembali Bermain

Pada tahun 1938 Johan Huizinga , seorang professor sejarah dan rektor Universitas Leyden Belanda memperkenalkan sebuah konsep homo ludens, yaitu sebuah konsep yang menekankan peran manusia sebagai mahluk bermain.

Konsep tersebut kemudian ia tuangkan dalam sebuah buku dengan judul yang sama “Homo Ludens”, yang kemudian menjadi salah satu referensi utama dalam memahami peran penting aktivitas bermain dalam kebudayaan manusia.

Sejak awal kehidupannya bermain menjadi sebuah aktivitas yang begitu lekat dengan kehidupan manusia. Setiap anak belajar berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitarnya melalui bermain.

Melalui bermain pula setiap anak kemudian belajar untuk berkreasi, berimajinasi, mengeksplorasi berbagai hal, dan membentuk kepercayaan dirinya. Dengan kata lain bermain adalah sebuah proses belajar, sebuah aktivitas yang begitu penting hingga komite hak asasi manusia PBB mengakuinya sebagai hak setiap anak.

Namun sebagaimana mungkin kita sadari, tidak semua anak mampu sepenuhnya menikmati hak bermain mereka.

Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi hal tersebut dan salah satunya adalah keenganan sebagian dari kita untuk menghadirkan aktivitas bermain di tengah keluarga.

Terbatasnya informasi mengenai aspek positif dari bermain, berbagai pandangan negative mengenai berbagai media permainan (games) yang ada, serta rushing life style, semakin membuat kita lupa esensi bermain yang sesungguhnya.

Begitu sulitnya kita untuk menerima bermain sebagai sebuah proses belajar, sebuah proses yang seharusnya bisa kita hadirkan dikeseharian kita, hingga banyak media permainan harus membubuhkan kata edukatif, kreatif, inovatif, serta berbagai kata positif lain untuk mampu menarik perhatian kita.

Apakah begitu sulit untuk bisa melihat berbagai aspek positif yang hadir dalam bermain?

Bermain memberikan kesempatan bagi anak-anak (juga kita) untuk mencoba berbagai hal baru dan meminimalisir rasa takut untuk berbuat salah. Sir Ken Robinson, seorang penulis serta pakar pendidikan ternama menyampaikan bahwa kedua hal tersebut adalah komponen utama untuk memacu kreativitas dan seharusnya menjadi landasan dasar dari sistem pendidikan kita (School Kill Creativity).

Sejalan dengan Sir Ken Robinson, Tim Brown, CEO Ideo (penulis best seller “Design Thinking”) memaparkan bagaimana bermain sesungguhnya memiliki potensi besar dalam mendukung proses berpikir kreatif dan adalah penting bagi setiap orang (dewasa) untuk kembali belajar bermain (Serious Play).

Pamela Meyer, penulis best seller “From Workplace to Playspace” menghadirkan berbagai fakta menarik bagaimana peningkatan kinerja bisa segera tercipta dengan adanya kesempatan untuk bermain (playspace).

Lewat sebuah karyanya yang fenomenal “Reality is Broken” Jane McGonigal membahas berbagai potensi luar biasa dari aktivitas bermain. Ia berargumentasi bahwa jika kita bisa menghadirkan kegembiraan, antusiasme, serta kreativitas yang sama di keseharian kita sebagaimana ketika kita bermain, maka kita akan mampu mnyelesaikan berbagai hal luar biasa.

Berbagai aspek positif bermain yang sesungguhnya ada kadang terhalang oleh berbagai persepsi negatif tentang bermain yang telah berkembang secara luas, dan kadang hal ini yang membuat kita sulit untuk benar-benar bisa melihat bermain sebagai sebuah proses belajar.

Segala hal yang berlebihan tentu akan berdampak kurang baik, ini berlaku untuk segala hal – termasuk untuk bermain. Namun karena karakteristik dasar dari bermain adalah menghasilkan rasa gembira, kita menjadi lebih mudah terlena ketika bermain dibanding ketika kita melakukan aktivitas lainnya.

Hal tersebut adalah sebuah fakta sederhana yang mesti kita terima, sehingga kita bisa segera menyadari solusi sederhana yang menyertainya. Segala efek negatif yang mungkin timbul dari aktivitas bermain sesungguhnya bukanlah akibat dari berbagai media yang menyertainya (games) atau industri yang ada dibelakangnya, tetapi mungkin akibat tingkat kedisiplinan diri kita.

Disiplin perlu kita hadirkan dalam bermain, baik untuk diri kita sendiri maupun keluarga (lingkungan) kita, di antaranya: disiplin dalam menentukan jenis media permainan, disiplin dalam menentukan porsi waktu, disiplin dalam menentukan lawan bermain, juga disiplin dalam menghadirkan diri kita sepenuhnya ketika bermain.

Jika kita mampu menghadirkan itu semua, maka bermain akan benar-benar hadir sebagai sebuah proses belajar yang menyenangkan yang kemudian bisa dinikmati oleh semua.

Eko Nugroho Tentang Penulis: 
Eko Nugroho adalah CEO & Co-Founder Kummara Creative Studio, Chief Organizer Indonesia Bermain. Bisa dihubungi lewat twitter @enugroho

( wsh / wsh )

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Siluet Steve Jobs Berpulang Ngehits di Internet

Siluet 'Steve Jobs Berpulang' Ngehits di Internet

Jakarta - Sebuah desain minimalis yang dibuat untuk mengenang kepergian Steve Jobs menjadi hits di internet. Desain berikut mencerminkan kedukaan mendalam ditinggalkan sosok legendaris teknologi tersebut.

Adalah seorang pelajar bernama Jonathan Mak (19) dari Hong Kong yang membesut desain yang menyentuh perasaan ini. Dalam karyanya, Mak memanfaatkan logo Apple berwarna putih dan menempatkan sosok Jobs dalam wujud siluet di 'gigitan'nya.

Sontak, desain berlatar belakang warna hitam ini pun meluas di internet. Ratusan postingan dan berbagai merchandise dibuat dengan memakai desain karya Mak, termasuk topi dan t-shirt yang dijual di eBay. Pun tak ketinggalan aktor Hollywood Ashton Kutcher memakainya sebagai gambar profile di Twitter.

Diceritakan, Mak awalnya membuat desain itu ketika Jobs mundur sebagai pimpinan Apple pada bulan Agustus. Karyanya menjadi populer saat Mak merepostnya hari Kamis kemarin.

Atas karyanya, Mak dibanjiri dengan tawaran pekerjaan di bidang desain. "Karya ini untuk mencerminkan bahwa Apple mengalami kekosongan semenjak kepergian Steve Jobs, ini adalah cerminan ketidakhadirannya," tutur Mak seperti yang dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Jumat (7/10/2011).

( sha / ash )

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Minim Anggaran, Game Seru pun Kandas

Minim Anggaran, Game Seru pun Kandas

Jakarta - Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, sejatinya merupakan salah satu game paling menarik untuk konsol game. Namun karena minimnya anggaran, game ini pun akhirnya tenggelam.

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, sebuah game action adventure garapan Ninja Theory yang mengangkat kisah mitologi China. Game ini pun sempat mendapatkan skor tinggi di beberapa situs pengamat game, sebelum tenggelam dan akhirnya diabaikan para gamer.

"Tak cukup hanya membuat game bagus, tapi juga harus dibarengi dengan informasi ke kostumer dengan intensif," kata Tameem Antoniades, Chief Desain Ninja Theory.

Antoniades juga menganggap bahwa game yang telah dihasilkan tim Ninja Theory sudah sangat bagus, namun karena minimnya dana untuk promosi game ini akhirnya tidak terjual seperti yang diharapkan.

"Kalau mau menghasilkan game besar, harusnya berani mengeluarkan anggaran yang besar," keluh Antoniades, saat wawancara singkat dengan gamasutra yang dikutip detikINET, Jumat (7/10/2011).

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West dirilis sejak Oktober 2010 oleh penerbit Namco Bandai. Namun hingga April 2011 game tersebut hanya terjual sekitar 730 ribu unit.

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Polisi & Kominfo Koordinasi Usut Pencurian Pulsa

Polisi & Kominfo Koordinasi Usut Pencurian Pulsa

Jakarta - Polda Metro Jaya akan berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) terkait pencurian pulsa oleh content provider. Polisi meminta Kominfo selaku ahli untuk mendalami kasus penyedotan pulsa ilegal ini.

"Kita akan berkoordinasi dengan Kominfo terkait hal ini. Karena mereka kan ahlinya di bidang IT," kata Direktur Reskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sufyan Syarief kepada wartawan, Jumat (7/10/2011).

Polda juga menggandeng Kominfo sebagai lembaga yang berfungsi sebagai pengawas perusahaan-perusahaan provider telepon selular. Kominfo seharusnya tahu betul regulasi provider.

"Bagaimana mekanismenya kan Kominfo yang tahu," kata dia.

Sementara itu, terkait laporan masyarakat mengenai adanya pencurian pulsa ini, Sufyan mengatakan pihaknya baru menerima dua laporan warga, baik yang resmi maupun tidak resmi.

"Yang resmi maksudnya datang ke Polda dan melaporkan langsung ke SPK, yang satunya lagi baru menelepon dan berkonsultasi saja," kata dia.

( mei / ash )

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Jepang Rancang Robot Pencuci Rambut

Jepang Rancang Robot Pencuci Rambut

Tokyo - Jepang merancang sebuah robot yang ditujukan untuk membantu kalangan lanjut usia dan mereka yang menderita cacat. Kemampuan robot berikut adalah membantu seseorang mencuci rambutnya alias keramas.

Adalah perusahaan elektronik Panasonic yang berada di balik pembuatan robot ini. Ia diklaim bisa menggantikan layanan yang diberikan manusia tanpa mengurangi kualitasnya.

Kekuatan robot ini terdapat di ke-24 jari-jarinya yang berteknologi tinggi untuk melakukan keramas. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk keramas biasa adalah sekitar tiga menit, sedang untuk penambahan layanan condotioner dan blow-dry, hanya butuh tambahan waktu lima menit.

"Kami akan mengembangkan teknologi yang berfokus pada layanan bagi kalangan lanjut usia dan cacat di Jepang. Kami juga akan mengekspor teknologi tersebut ke wilayah lain seperti Korea Selatan dan China," kata sang pengembang robot ini, Tohru Nakamura, seperti dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Jumat (7/10/2011).

Robot pencuci ini dilaporkan masih belum tersedia di pasaran dan harganyapun masih belum ditentukan. Panasonic akan membuka penjualan robot ini mulai tahun depan dengan target pengguna kalangan rumah sakit.

( sha / rou )

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Sony Seeks Full Control over Sony Ericsson

Sony reportedly is pursuing a deal to acquire total ownership and control of its mobile Relevant Products/Services-device joint venture with Ericsson.

Citing people familiar with the matter, The Wall Street Journal said Thursday that Sony intended to acquire full ownership of Sony Ericsson "to save on costs and better synchronize development of mobile devices."

An Ericsson buyout could potentially help Sony to achieve superior integration Relevant Products/Services of wireless Relevant Products/Services technology for which Ericsson holds key patents with Sony's other mobile products -- such as portable gaming machines, media tablets, e-readers and notebooks. Industry analysts value the deal in the $1.3 billion to $1.7 billion range, the Journal said.

Right now Sony has more to offer to the joint venture than Ericsson because of the way the mobile market has developed, said Gartner Relevant Products/Services analyst Carolina Milanesi.

"Radios and networks are more of a commodity to some extent than content and an end-to-end portfolio of products," Milanesi said. "With how the market is developing, it would be harder and harder not to control that end-to-end offering."

Innovating Quickly

By acquiring Ericsson's interest in their mobile-phone joint venture, Sony also would be able to more quickly launch other types of innovative products featuring wireless capabilities.

"Look at the fact that Sony launched the tablets and not Sony Ericsson, [and] remember also how long it took for Sony Ericsson to be able to use the Play brand," Milanesi said in an email Thursday.

What's more, gaining 100 percent control over the joint venture would give Sony the ability to offer wireless products at lower prices.

"I think that having one company in charge would make the company more effective," Milanesi said. "But this does not necessarily solve the issues that Sony Ericsson is facing in markets such as Western Europe."

Sony Ericsson's share of the global handset market was a mere 1.7 percent at the end of this year's second quarter, according to Gartner. The joint venture's handset shipments fell 31 percent year over year to 7.6 million units in the three months through June.

Still, Sony Ericsson attributed the shortfall in major part to the earthquake that decimated northern Japan in March of this year.

"We estimate that the impact of earthquake-related supply chain constraints on our portfolio was close to 1.5 million units," Sony Ericsson CEO Bert Nordberg told investors in July.

Riding the Android Relevant Products/Services Wave

Sony Ericsson has enjoyed some success in Europe and elsewhere abroad this year through the release of new Android-based handset models. Nordberg said smartphone shipments accounted for more than 70 percent of the joint venture's total sales during the second quarter of 2011 and that Sony had shipped a cumulative total of 16 million Xperia smartphones through the end of June.

"Android-powered handsets from the likes of Samsung, HTC, and Sony Ericsson have been able to drive strong volumes and to grab the biggest slice of share from the declining Symbian as Nokia moves to Windows Relevant Products/Services Phones," said IDC Relevant Products/Services analyst Francisco Jeronimo.

However, Google's acquisition of Motorola Mobility has raised questions at Sony Ericsson and other vendors about the possible drawbacks of their continuing dependence on the Android platform.

"Samsung, HTC, and Sony Ericsson may now look at other platforms as a way to diversify the risk of being so dependent on one platform," Jeronimo said.

How Steve Jobs changed travel

By Rebecca Ruiz, Senior editor,

The death of Steve Jobs has prompted countless people on the Internet to share their tributes to the visionary Apple founder and one-time CEO. From personal computing to phones to tablet devices to even Pixar, Jobs' influence has touched many industries and many lives. a

The travel industry is no exception. Many travelers now regularly use travel-related applications built for Apple products, streamlining and simplifying the process of say, riding the subway, consulting a guidebook or translating foreign languages. We'd also be remiss not to mention the convenience of having a phone that doubles as a camera. Now tourists — at least the ones slyly taking photos from their phone — aren't as easily picked out in a crowd. a

The list could go on, but instead, we asked our Twitter followers to tell us how they feel Steve Jobs' vision changed their travel experiences. Below are a few of their tributes. a

Please add to the list by writing to us on Twitter @msnbc_travel. a











Related stories: a

The jobs legacy: Ease, elegance in technology The Internet mourns, celebrates Steve Jobs Stars react to the news of Steve Jobs' death

Rebecca Ruiz is a senior editor at Follow her on Twitter.a

Silly video makers turn serious to honor Steve Jobs


By Rosa Golijan

Taiwan's New Media Animation news crew is known for summarizing significant events in highly satirical videos. But even those folks turned serious in order to honor the memory of recently deceased Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.a

The tribute video — which you can see below — is quite a deviation from NMA's prior Steve Jobs-related material. In prior animations, he has been presented as a Ninja-wannabe who carries deadly throwing stars, a crook who preys on children,  an evil Darth Vader type of character, and so on.a

But this time's different.a

This time NMA's animators created something solemn and honored the Thomas Edison of our generation in their own special way.a

Related stories:a

The Internet mourns, celebrates Steve Jobs At Apple's flagship store, the beat goes on Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies at 56

Want more tech news, silly puns or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.a

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Earth like water found in comet

Researchers have managed to find ice which contains the exact same water composition as that found in the oceans of the earth on the Hartley 2 comet. For years the notion that the oceans of our planet, which formed 8 million years after Earth was formed, came about due to comets that carried ice.

While ice is often found in many comets, what makes Hartley 2 so unique is the D/H ratio (of (1.558 ± 0.001) × 10âˆ'4) which proportionate to deuterium in water. Deuterium is a hydrogen atom with an extra neutron in its nucleus. And the ice in comet Hartley 2 contained this exact ratio of deuterium as that found in water on Earth. The comet Hartley 2 comes from the Kuiper belt which is little further away from Pluto.

Hartley 2, captured by NASA's EPOXI mission.

“We were all surprised,” said University of Michigan astronomy professor Ted Bergin to The Register, who helped make the discovery. “Life would not exist on Earth without liquid water, and so the question of how and when the oceans got here is a fundamental one,” said Professor Bergin. “It’s a big puzzle, and these new findings are an important piece.”

About Taimoor Hafeez

From auditing to editing, I now test and analyze the latest gadgets and games instead of the latest financial statements. Both jobs are equally intense and rewarding. In my free time you'll find me raiding in WoW or engineering in TF2.


Fitur Baru dan Perbaikan di Instagram v2.0.1

Fitur Baru dan Perbaikan di Instagram v2.0.1

Jakarta - Sejumlah keluhan dilontarkan oleh para pengguna Instagram setelah update-an terakhir yang mereka rilis beberapa saat lalu. Kini dengan versi terbarunya, yakni Instagram v2.0.1, aplikasi berbagi foto ini sudah melakukan perbaikan serta mengembalikan filter yang sebelumnya 'hilang'.

Ya, kini Instagram telah menghadirkan kembali filter bernama "Early Bird" dan "Brannan" yang sempat hilang di versi 2.0. Ditambah, perusahaan ini juga menambahkan fitur geotagging yang memungkinkan user untuk menge-tag lokasi foto meski sudah berada di lokasi yang berbeda. Berikut caranya:

1. Foto yang diimport dari library
Ketika user mengimport foto dari library untuk di-share di Instagram, maka akan ada daftar rekomendasi tempat-tempat di sekitar lokasi pengambilan foto. Daftar ini muncul apabila user merekam lokasi saat pengambilan gambar.

2. Foto yang diambil dengan Instagram
Apabila user mengambil foto dengan Instagram, maka Instagram akan menyimpan informasi lokasinya di ponsel.

Dengan upgrade-an tersebut maka user bisa memakai layanan Apple, Photo Stream untuk membrowsing semua foto Instagram beresolusi tinggi di world map. Dikutip detikINET dari DPreview, Kamis (6/10/2011), Instagram dalam V2.0.1 ini juga memperbaiki sejumlah bug.

Bug yang dimaksud salah satunya ditemui ketika pengguna akan menyimpan foto yang telah difilter ke camera library namun tidak berhasil meski settingan "save filtered photo" sudah diaktifkan. Instagram v2.0.1 kini sudah bisa diunduh di App Store.

( sha / ash )

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RIM’s executives hesitate from investing in own company

RIM’s top executives haven’t purchased any shares in their own company in over a year. Technically speaking, it’s RIM insiders who haven’t reported any share purchases since July 2010 where the company’s stock price has fallen over 60%, according to Bloomberg. Interestingly RIM top execs have sold stock 11 times over that time period.

According to Gartner Inc., during the second quarter of this year, RIM’s global market share of smartphones through their BlackBerry brand has dropped down to 12% worldwide, from 19% during the same time last year as people flock to Apple and Google’s Android powered smartphones.

“The lack of insider purchases could portend a takeover, since executives cannot legally buy shares if they are in talks over a transaction,” said Richard J. Moroney, chief investment officer at Horizon Investment Services LLC.

RIM’s CEOs Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis together own 10.5% of the company’s stock. Neither they, nor any of the other board members were available for any comment when asked about the lack of share purchase.

“If they don’t see value in it at these levels, how am I supposed to see value, given all the uncertainty RIM faces?” said Moroney.

About Taimoor Hafeez

From auditing to editing, I now test and analyze the latest gadgets and games instead of the latest financial statements. Both jobs are equally intense and rewarding. In my free time you'll find me raiding in WoW or engineering in TF2.


Steve Jobs Pancing 10.000 Tweet per Detik

Steve Jobs Pancing 10.000 Tweet per Detik

Jakarta - Berpulangnya sang visioner Steve Jobs memancing reaksi online terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Ada 10.000 tweet bermunculan setiap detiknya, mengucapkan belasungkawa dan mengenang sang legenda dunia teknologi.

Lima topik yang berkaitan dengan tutup usianya pencipta iPhone dan iPad ini pun menghiasi trending topic, antara lain #RIP Steve Jobs, #ThankYouSteve, #iSad, STAY HUNGRY dan Apple II.

Menurut firma monitoring media sosial SR7, reaksi publik di ranah online ini mengalahkan peristiwa besar yakni penampilan Beyonce di MTV Video Music Awards saat dia mengumumkan tengah mengandung. Kabar kehamilan Beyonce kala itu mencetak rekor 8.868 tweet per detik.

Peristiwa besar lainnya yang membuat tweet di Twitter membludak adalah pertandingan World Cup Soccer wanita antara Jepang melawan Amerika Serikat Juli silam dengan 7.196 tweet per detik.

Tewasnya tokoh kunci di balik tragedi World Trade Centre Osama bin Laden pun menghebohkan jagad mikroblogging yang menghasilkan 5.000 tweet per detik.

Tak lupa, 5.530 tweet dihasilkan per detiknya saat terjadi gempa dan tsunami di Jepang Maret silam. Dan 3966 tweet per detik meramaikan perhelatan pernikahan Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton dari Inggris beberapa waktu lalu.

Dilansir Bignewsnetworks dan dikutip detikINET, Kamis (6/10/2011), menurut Twitter, sepanjang 2010, rata-rata tweet yang dihasilkan berkisar di angka 600 tweet per detik.

( rns / ash )

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$60 Aakash tablet launched in India

The Indian Ministry of Human Development has launched their promised ‘budget’ table, called the ‘Aakash’ tablet, which will be sold for Rs. 2,999 (AED 220/$60). The Indian government, however, will be selling the Aakash tablet to students at a discounted price of Rs. 1,700 ($35).

Created by the Canadian firm Datawind, the 7″ Aakash tablet uses a Connexant 366MHz CPU, 256MB of RAM and 2GB of internal storage. There’s a USB slot plus MicroSD card slot as well for extra storage. The screen has a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels with an estimated battery life of 3 hours. Aakash will be running Android 2.2 (Froyo) with WiFi 802.11 a/b/g and internet connectivity via GPRS.

Students show the Aakash tablet. Source: AP

The actual cost of the Aakash was originally slated to be roughly half of what it is right now, but even still, at this price point the tablet should be affordable by millions of people within India. Students, especially, and those living in rural areas will benefit greatly as the tablet will be able to connect to the internet as long as there’s a cellular signal. Ultimately, the Aakash achieves the primary objective of tablets, i.e. to provide cheap computing power and internet connectivity to the masses.

About Taimoor Hafeez

From auditing to editing, I now test and analyze the latest gadgets and games instead of the latest financial statements. Both jobs are equally intense and rewarding. In my free time you'll find me raiding in WoW or engineering in TF2.


Jobs, Mahasiswa Drop Out yang Merevolusi Jagat Teknologi

Jobs, Mahasiswa Drop Out yang Merevolusi Jagat Teknologi

Jakarta - Steve Jobs adalah mahasiswa gagal. Dia tidak pernah menyelesaikan kuliahnya. Namun meski mengalami masa-masa susah kala memutuskan drop out, Jobs menyatakan keluar dari kuliah adalah salah satu keputusan terbaiknya.

Tahun 1972, Jobs masuk kuliah di Reed College di Portland, Oregon. Dia memutuskan drop out setelah baru 6 bulan kuliah. Jobs merasa tidak cocok dan tidak mau menghamburkan uang orang tua untuk ongkos kuliah.

"Aku secara naif memilih universitas yang ongkosnya hampir semahal Stanford dan semua tabungan orang tua dihabiskan untuk biayanya. Setelah 6 bulan, aku tak bisa melihat manfaatnya. Aku tak punya ide apa yang ingin kulakukan dengan hidupku dan bagaimana universitas akan membantu menemukannya. Aku menghabiskan semua uang yang ditabung orang tua selama hidup mereka," kata Jobs dalam pidato upacara wisuda di Stanford University tahun 2005.

"Jadi aku putuskan drop out dan percaya semuanya akan baik-baik saja. Cukup menakutkan waktu itu, namun ketika melihat ke belakang itu adalah salah satu keputusan terbaik yang pernah kubuat," ucapnya seperti detikINET kutip dari Washington Post, Kamis (6/10/2011).

Masa-masa Susah

Jobs mengenang bahwa sesudah drop out adalah masa-masa susah. Jobs terpaksa menggelandang karena tak punya kamar. Ia tidur di lantai kos temannya. Dia menjual botol minuman untuk mendapat uang agar bisa makan. Namun Jobs mengaku menikmatinya.

Dia juga mengambil kelas seni kaligrafi untuk mengasah intuisinya dalam masa-masa awal drop out. Jobs mengaku pelajaran itu membantunya mendesain susunan tipografi di komputer Mac.

Sesudah DO, perjalanan hidup Jobs berliku-liku. Dia pernah ditendang dari Apple pada tahun 1984. Padahal, Apple adalah perusahaan yang didirikannya bersama Steve Wozniak. Namun ia kembali sukses dengan menjadikan studio film Pixar bertaji di industri film animasi. Dia kembali pada Apple tahun 1997, lalu menjadikannya begitu jaya.

Ya, meski berstatus mahasiswa DO dan berulangkali ditimpa kesulitan, Jobs akhirnya sukses besar. Ia merevolusi dunia teknologi dengan kehadiran iPod, iPhone dan tentunya iPad. Produk-produk tersebut laku keras dan memaksa kompetitor bekerja keras melawan sepak terjang Apple.

Inilah nasehatnya untuk para lulusan Stanford pada akhir pidatonya tersebut:

"Waktu Anda terbatas, jangan sia-siakan untuk menjalani kehidupan seperti orang lain. Jangan terjebak pada dogma, yang adalah hasil pemikiran orang lain. Jangan biarkan opini orang lain menenggelamkan suara di dalam Anda. Yang paling penting, beranilah mengikuti hati dan intuisimu yang entah bagaimana sudah tahu sesungguhnya Anda ingin menjadi apa,"

( fyk / ash )

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Samsung Siap Blokir iPhone 4S

Samsung Siap Blokir iPhone 4S

Jakarta - Baru saja diluncurkan, namun iPhone 4S sudah mendapat tantangan berat. Raksasa elektronik asal Korea Selatan, Samsung, berencana memblokir penjualan ponsel tersebut di beberapa negara.

Rencana Samsung untuk menghadang penjualan iPhone 4S bukan tanpa alasan. Apple dianggap telah melanggar beberapa paten teknologi WCDMA milik Samsung yang digunakan dalam iPhone 4S.

"Teknologi yang dilanggar Apple merupakan fitur penting dalam alat komunikasi, dan Apple secara nyata telah melanggar hak kekayaan intelektual kami," tulis pernyataan Samsung.

Seperti dikutip detikINET dari New York Times, Kamis (6/10/2011), Samsung berupaya memblokir seluruh penjualan iPhone 4S di wilayah Prancis dan Italia.

Rencana Samsung untuk memblokir iPhone 4S di kedua wilayah itu bisa saja terjadi. Sebab, peraturan di Prancis dan Italia memang memungkinkan sebuah perusahaan untuk mengajukan pemblokiran terhadap produk tertentu, bahkan ketika produk tersebut belum dirilis.

Belum bisa dipastikan apakah rencana pemblokiran ini bisa diberlakukan, namun yang jelas hingga saat ini Samsung terus melakukan pendekatan terhadap pemerintah terkait untuk mewujudkannya.

( eno / ash )

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Apple Loses Heart and Soul as Steve Jobs Passes

One of the world's most legendary technology icons passed away on Wednesday. Steve Jobs, former Apple CEO, died on Oct. 5, less than two months after he handed the reigns of the company he defined to his successor, COO Tim Cook. He was 56.

Although Apple did not disclose a cause for Jobs' death, the Apple guru had fought a long battle with cancer. Jobs beat the cancer in 2004, but had a liver transplant in 2009. He took a leave of absence in January before officially resigning in August.

"I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come," Jobs wrote in his resignation letter on Aug. 24. "I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee."

Family Asks for Privacy

Jobs' family released a short statement Wednesday evening. In it, the family said Jobs died peacefully surrounded by his family and thanked the public who loved Jobs for their support and kindness. The family also asked for privacy during this time of grief.

"In his public life, Steve was known as a visionary; in his private life, he cherished his family," the statement said. "We are thankful to the many people who have shared their wishes and prayers during the last year of Steve's illness; a web site will be provided for those who wish to offer tributes and memories."

Board Expresses Thanks

After resigning in August, Jobs remained on as Chairman of the Board of Apple, the company he co-founded in 1976. Jobs also co-founded and was the CEO of Pixar Animation Studios, which created some of the most successful animated films of all time, including Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, and Cars. Pixar merged with The Walt Disney Company in 2006.

"Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve," the board said in a statement. "His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts."

Apple's Heart and Soul

Apple CEO Tim Cook broke the news to Apple employees in an e-mail. The company, he said, is planning a celebration of Jobs' life and invited employees to share their thoughts, memories and condolences via e-mail. He promised to honor Jobs' memory Relevant Products/Services by dedicating himself to the work the icon loved. (continued...)

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At Apple's flagship store, the beat goes on

Stokes Young / via Instagrama

A message on NYC Apple Store's construction-clad exterior: "We're simplifying the Fifth Avenue cube. By using larger, seamless pieces of glass, we're using just 15 panes instead of 90."a

By Stokes Young, msnbc.coma

At Apple's flagship New York City store, it's (almost) business as usual.a

When customers at the Midtown Manhattan Apple store launch Safari on a demo machine, they see the home page — a picture of the company's founder and just these words: "Steve Jobs 1955-2011." Then, almost to a person, they type into the search bar, or click a shortcut, and start browsing the Web. Or click shortcuts to look at product specs and upcoming workshops at the store.a

It's as if they're noting the great innovator's passing, then immediately diving into the beautiful products that are his legacy.a

From the outside, the iconic glass cube Apple Store at 58th and 5th in Manhattan is shrouded in plywood, as the structure is being "simplified" with new, seamless glass, from 90 panels to 15.a

It's quiet outside, though a video crew from the iPad publication "The Daily" is looking for man-on-the-street sound bites about the passing of Apple founder Steve Jobs.a

Inside, it's loud and crowded. Customers check their Facebook feeds and watch YouTube on floor sample laptops.a

At one smooth, blond wood table, a workshop leader shows customers how to use email on an iPad.a

The short "Just for Kids" table is busy, too — the diminutive customers engrossed with with animated games playing out on shapely, vivid desktop monitors.a

iTunes music wafts over from the speaker table, where docked iPads play Maroon 5, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and even The Beatles' "Let it Be" — a whole shelf of vinyl or aluminum disks jammed into a slim, beautiful little world of tunes.a

There's an army of blue-shirted employees smiling greetings, offering help, explaining price differences, rolling carts of hardware across the large, smooth gray floor tiles.a

So tonight in Manhattan, you have to take a detour to visit the Apple Store downstairs. But once you're down there, the Genius Bar is open for business. There may still be a little wait for personal setup of a new purchase or checkout, though: business, at least tonight, looks to be pretty brisk.a

Related stories:a

The Internet mourns, celebrates Steve Jobs The Jobs legacy: Ease, elegance in technology Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies at 56

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passes away

Visionary leader and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has passed away at the age of 56. Jobs led a very public battle with cancer for almost a decade, unfortunately to which he finally succumbed to late Wednesday.

The unfortunate news was announced by Apple in statement, and also on the company’s website, which now features a tribute to the icon. It was then followed by statements from Tim Cook, his family, and Bill Gates.

Tim Cook wrote to his employees: Team,

I have some very sad news to share with all of you. Steve passed away earlier today.

Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.

We are planning a celebration of Steve’s extraordinary life for Apple employees that will take place soon. If you would like to share your thoughts, memories and condolences in the interim, you can simply email

No words can adequately express our sadness at Steve’s death or our gratitude for the opportunity to work with him. We will honor his memory by dedicating ourselves to continuing the work he loved so much. 

Steve Jobs’ family: Steve died peacefully today surrounded by his family.

In his public life, Steve was known as a visionary; in his private life, he cherished his family. We are thankful to the many people who have shared their wishes and prayers during the last year of Steve’s illness; a website will be provided for those who wish to offer tributes and memories.

We are grateful for the support and kindness of those who share our feelings for Steve. We know many of you will mourn with us, and we ask that you respect our privacy during our time of grief. 

Bill Gates: I’m truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs’ death. Melinda and I extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends, and to everyone Steve has touched through his work.

Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives.

The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come.

For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely. 

Steve Jobs’ charisma, genius, and the sarcastic and cocky way he handled matter will never be forgotten. Our respects to a true legend. May his family have the strength to face such tough times.

About Mufaddal Fakhruddin

Mufaddal Fakhruddin is an Editor for Tbreak, and has nothing cool or witty to say here. Just follow him at @mideastgamers or, would you kindly?


Bill Gates Bicara Soal Steve Jobs

Bill Gates Bicara Soal Steve Jobs

Jakarta - Microsoft dan Apple boleh saja memiliki persaingan yang sengit di industri IT. Namun hubungan bos keduanya, Bill Gates dan Steve Jobs, bisa dibilang akur-akur saja. Bahkan Gates mengaku beruntung sempat mengenal Jobs.

Gates pun merasakan duka yang mendalam lantaran kepergian teman sekaligus kompetitornya tersebut. "Bagi mereka beruntung dapat bekerja sama dengannya (Steve Jobs-red.), itu merupakan kebanggaan yang luar biasa," tukas Gates, dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Kamis (6/10/2011).

"Saya akan sangat merindukan Steve," imbuhnya.

Jobs dan Gates yang kini berusia 55 tahun merupakan dua sosok yang bisa dibilang sebagai legenda di dunia IT. Keduanya memiliki peran sentral dalam pengembangan personal komputer di tahun 70 dan 80-an. Uniknya, mereka bisa menjadi teman sekaligus lawan. Tentunya pesaing dalam arti yang positif.

"Dunia jarang melihat seseorang yang memiliki dampak yang mendalam seperti yang Steve miliki. Termasuk untuk dampak yang dihasilkan kepada generasi yang akan datang," lanjut Gates.

"Saya sangat sedih mendengar kabar wafatnya (Jobs-red.). Saya dan Melinda menyatakan rasa duka yang mendalam terhadap keluarga, teman-temannya, dan siapapun yang tersentuh dengan apa yang dikerjakan Steve," tandas Chairman dan pendiri Microsoft.

Jobs dilaporkan meninggal dalam usia 56 tahun. Ia menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya pada Rabu waktu Palo Alto, Calif, Amerika Serikat, lantaran masalah kesehatan.

( ash / fyk )

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Pendiri Apple Steve Jobs Meninggal Dunia

Pendiri Apple Steve Jobs Meninggal Dunia

Jakarta - Kabar mengejutkan datang sehari setelah Apple merilis iPhone 4S. Salah satu pendiri Apple Inc, Steve Jobs, dilaporkan telah meninggal dunia.

Dikutip detikINET dari Washington Post, Kamis (6/10/2011), kabar ini langsung datang dari Apple.

"Kami sangat berduka untuk mengabarkan bahwa Steve Jobs telah meninggal dunia hari ini," demikian bunyi pengumuman resmi Apple.

Sosok yang bernama lengkap Steven P. Jobs ini merupakan seorang visioner yang disanjung lantaran mampu menghadirkan gadget dan teknologi inovatif melalui Apple.

Beberapa waktu belakangan, Jobs memang sudah meninggalkan kesibukannya di Apple untuk menjalani pengobatan kanker pankreas yang dideritanya.

Namun sepertinya perjuangan sang legenda dunia IT itu harus terhenti setelah menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya pada Rabu waktu Palo Alto, Calif, Amerika Serikat di usia 56 tahun.

Selamat jalan, Jobs...

( ash / ash )

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Google Earth hits 1 billion downloads


Double-click to enlarge.a

By Suzanne Choney

Six years ago, Google Earth came to life as a rich, visual program that brought the world to us in a whole different way than we'd ever known, putting satellite imagery we wanted to see it, right on our computer desktops. Wednesday, the free program — now on our phones and tablets, as well as computers — reached 1 billion downloads.a

"We’re proud of our one billion milestone, but we’re even more amazed at the way people have used Google Earth to explore the world," wrote Google Earth and Maps vice president of engineering, Brian McClendon, on Google's LatLong blog.a

At Google's new OneWorldManyStories website, the company has collected stories from people worldwide about how they have used Google Earth "to follow their dreams, discover new and distant places, or make the world a better place," McClendon said.a

Among the latter: Roz Savage, who recently rowed by herself from Australia across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, believed to be the first woman to do so, all in the name of raising awareness about marine pollution.a

There's also Professor David Kennedy of the University of Western Australia, "who’s used Google Earth to scan thousands of square kilometers in Saudi Arabia and Jordan," McClendon wrote. "Professor Kennedy has discovered ancient tombs and geoglyphs dating back at least 2,000 years, all without leaving his desk in Perth."a

Also cited is architect Barnaby Gunning, who, after the 2009 earthquake near L’Aquila Italy, "encouraged his fellow citizens to start rebuilding the city virtually in 3-D. Their online urban planning will aid city planners and architects."a

The planet is getting to be a smaller place, in many ways. Google Earth adds to that feeling, but in the best sense of the word and the world.a

Related stories:a

Google+ tweaks privacy, notifications Cosmic Log: Sharing the Google Sky Google Earth opens new ‘Sky’ for stargazers

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Twitter users reacts to iPhone 4S announcement


By Rosa Golijan

On Tuesday Apple held its "Let's talk iPhone" event and unveiled the latest generation of its popular smartphone line, the iPhone 4S. And — like most other Apple product announcements — this news triggered a flood of reactions on Twitter. Here are some of the highlights.a

One of the key complaints seen during Apple's event revolved around the company's decision to come out with a marginally upgraded iPhone 4S instead of a fully redesigned iPhone 5. This reminded some folks of another entity's habit of introducing slightly redesigned product after slightly redesigned product:a


One Twitter user suggests that it's not the physical design that matters though:a


And TechCrunch writer Alexia Tsotsis suggests that there's a good reason for the iPhone 4S name:a


Forget about those complaints though. No matter how loud and common they were at the beginning of the day, by the time the Apple event was over something else took center stage: Siri, the personal assistant feature.a


Yes, some confused the iPhone 4S feature with a celebrity's child. But once that was out of the way, the almost reasonable concerns started popping up.a




It's not all bad news though. There are some situations in which Siri could be very useful:a



And most importantly? Siri could help resolve a question that's been plaguing us all for far too long:a


Related stories:a

Apple's iOS 5 available on Oct. 12, brings 200 new features Apple unveils the iPhone 4S Meet Siri, your personal iPhone assistant

Want more tech news, silly punsor amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.a

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Telkom Batal Caplok Operator Telko Kamboja

Telkom Batal Caplok Operator Telko Kamboja

Jakarta - Telkom memastikan mundur dalam rencana akuisisi perusahaan telekomunikasi asal Kamboja, CamGSM. Selanjutnya, perseroan fokus pada pengembangan bisnis domestik, baik organik ataupun unorganik.

Demikian disampaikan Direktur Keuangan Telkom, Sudiro Asno saat ditemui di Hotel Ritz Calton, SCBD, Jakarta, Rabu (5/10/2011).

"CamGSM dipastikan batal. Asumsi yang telah kita lakukan, nggak valid lagi. Kalau lanjutkan (kami) ragu, apa masih seperti yang dulu," jelasnya.

Berdasarkan pertimbangan manajemen, saat kajian dilakukan mulai dari awal, maka akan membuang-buang waktu. Ia pun tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa peserta tender lain sebagai pemegang atas penjualan saham CamGSM tersebut.

"Dan untuk sementara, kami fokus pada pasar domestik, juga unorganik," tegas Sudiro.

Rencana akuisisi perusahaan IT dalam negeri bisa saja dilakukan, sebagai pengganti batalnya CamGSM. "Bisa saja, akuisisi perusahaan," tutupnya.

( dnl / rou )

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Hadang SMS Sedot Pulsa, Indosat Siapkan Tiga Rencana

Hadang SMS Sedot Pulsa, Indosat Siapkan Tiga Rencana

Jakarta - Untuk menghadang fenomena SMS penipuan yang menyedot pulsa pelanggan, operator seluler Indosat telah menyiapkan tiga rencana: jangka pendek, menengah, dan rencana jangka panjang. Seperti apa rencananya?

Menurut Djarot Handoko, head of Corporate Communication Indosat, dalam rencana jangka pendeknya, Indosat mengambil lima langkah, yakni:

1. Kelanjutan dalam berlangganan ring back tone (RBT) akan didahulukan dengan reminder ke pelanggan dengan info 'How To Unreg'.

2. Perubahan Mekanisme: Selalu ada konfirmasi ulang bagi layanan yang diakses melalui UMB, WAP, dan SMS.

3. Tidak ada auto registrasi yang melalui UMB ataupun WAP.

4. Setiap notifikasi konfirmasi ulang selalu ada informasi 'How To Unreg'.

5. Rekonsiliasi data antara Indosat dan Content Provider (CP).

"Rencana jangka pendek ini sudah selesai kami laksanakan. Tinggal yang rencana jangka menengah dan jangka panjang," ungkapnya kepada detikINET, Rabu (5/10/2011).

Dalam rencana jangka menengah yang dieksekusi dalam 1-2 bulan ke depan, akan ada dua langkah yang ditempuh, yakni:

1. Akan ada WAP landing page yang disediakan oleh Indosat untuk konfirmasi terakhir jika pelanggan akan berlangganan layanan konten.

2. Single short code untuk Unreg.

Dan terakhir, untuk rencana jangka panjang yang mulai dilaksanakan pada 2012 mendatang, Indosat akan memberikan konsentrasi lebih di 'pull service' bukan 'push' berlangganan.

"Dengan melakukan landing page reconfirmation, no auto registration, reconcile all data with CP, kami telah berhasil mengurangi komplain pelanggan sampai 400% yang terkait kasus CP ini," pungkasnya.

( rou / wsh )

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iPhone 4S Terancam Samsung & HTC

iPhone 4S Terancam Samsung & HTC

Seoul - Vendor ponsel asal Asia dinilai punya peluang bagus mengejar supremasi Apple. Perkenalan iPhone 4S dianggap gagal memuaskan investor dan fans Apple, memberi kesempatan vendor Android meraup pangsa pasar smartphone.

Nilai saham Samsung, HTC dan LG naik setelah pengumuman iPhone 4S. Sedangkan nilai saham Apple sedikit jatuh. Trio Asia di atas bisa secara agresif mempromosikan model high end-nya menjelang musim liburan akhir tahun dan menyaingi iPhone.

"Apple tak lagi memimpin, layanan cloud-nya bahkan di belakang Android. Saat ini mereka hanya menjual berdasar loyalitas brand. User mungkin menunggu untuk membeli iPhone selanjutnya tapi kalau tak bisa menunggu, mereka mungkin beralih ke brand dengan spesifikasi lebih baik," kata K.C Lu, analis di Gartner.

iPhone 4S identik desainnya dengan iPhone 4, mengecewakan fans Apple yang sudah menunggu lebih dari setahun kehadiran iPhone anyar. Meski punya sejumlah fitur canggih, iPhone 4S dinilai tak memenuhi kriteria sebagai smartphone yang wajib dimiliki.

"Kecemasan utama Samsung adalah momentumnya akan melambat dengan kedatangan iPhone baru, namun sekarang tidak lagi begitu karena iPhone baru gagal menarik minat banyak orang," ujar Kim Young-chan, analis Shinhan Investment Corp, dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Rabu (5/10/2011).

( fyk / wsh )

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From 'Doom' to 'Rage,' first-person shooters grow up

id Softwarea

id Software pioneered the first-person shooter game genre with "Wolfenstein" and "Doom" 20 years ago. This week, the studio launches its latest first-person shooter "Rage." Will it live up to its ground-breaking predecessors? a

By Winda Benedetti

Back in 1994, when the game "Doom" first launched, people were shocked.a

They were shocked by the guns, the blood and the violence. They were shocked by the satanic imagery. They were shocked by the perspective that players were given — it was as if those who played the game were looking at this dark digital world through the game character's very own eyes.a

It was 1994 and the world at large had just been introduced to first-person shooter gaming.a

"When you look at it now it's almost kind of silly," says Tim Willits, creative director for id Software — the company that created "Doom." "But at the time there was this kind of shock and awe. 'Doom' was so different. Back in the early '90s most video games were about princesses and mushrooms, but 'Doom' had demons and blood and gore. And it was such a fast-paced game. It was the first game to make people motion sick."a

How times have changed.  These days, first-person shooters — the genre that id Software, with "Doom" and "Wolfenstein 3D" before it, brought screaming to the public's attention — are a gaming staple not to mention big gaming business. And these days, id Software finds itself trying to keep up with and to compete in the increasingly crowded game genre that it pioneered.a

That is, this week id Software released a brand new first-person shooter called "Rage." It's their first new game in years and one that finds a whole lot of expectations placed squarely on the Texas-based development company's shoulders.a

Can id Software live up to its past? Can it keep up with the future?a

I had a chance to chat with Willits as "Rage" launched this week and he conceded, "It's very tricky. The first-person shooter genre has moved in so many different directions."a

Nazis, demons and guns, oh my Id practically invented the first-person shooter (that's FPS for short). Sure, there were games that had employed the first-person viewpoint before the company launched in 1991, but id's World War II game "Wolfenstein 3D" — launched in May 1991 — thrust you the player seemingly right into the head of its Nazi-fighting protagonist, then put a gun in your hands and put an onslaught of enemies in your path.a

When "Doom" launched in 1994, it introduced the world at large to first-person shooter gaming.a

It was the birth of the first-person shooter as we recognize it today. But if the masses still hadn't heard of the genre at that point, they certainly did when the demon-filled sci-fi game "Doom" came roaring onto the scene three years later, terrifying some and thrilling many.a

"Doom" not only popularizing the FPS genre, it introduced the masses to multiplayer gaming and modding. (In fact, id Software hired Willits in 1995 after they saw some of the "Doom" levels he had modified during his free time in college.) And Id continued to break 3D and multiplayer gaming ground with the launch of "Quake" in 1996 and the "Doom," "Quake" and "Wolfenstein" sequels that would follow.a

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And now, as id Software celebrates 20 years of FPS development, they have delivered "Rage" — a brand new game that drops players into the boots of a mysterious survivor who finds himself on a post-apocalyptic Earth pitted against bandits, mutants and nefarious government forces.a

Willits says they've tried with 'Rage' to marry iconic id Software gaming with modern first-person shooter advances  in ways that will appeal to their old-school hardcore fans yet also please newer gamers who have, perhaps, never played an id game before.  a

"With 'Rage,' at its core, it still feels like an id Software game," he insists. "It's very fluid, very fast."a

Players, he says, will recognize "the microcosms of fun — the moments where you've got mutants coming at you, you're switching weapons, trying to find the best ammo, and you pull that trigger and get that instant feedback. The blood goes flying and you defeat the enemies in front of you.a

"That tight, hard, fast action shooter," he says, "that's the spirit of id."a

But with "Rage," Willits says they have also moved away from the "corridor shooter" aspect of their past games and moved into a more open world. They have added an inventory system, they have added vehicular combat.a

"We have all kinds of things we've never classically had in any of our titles," he says.a

One thing they've focused on more than ever: story.a

"In our past games, it was like, 'Hey, you have to drive the demons back to hell. If it moves, shoot it,'" he says. "But that's really not our mantra with 'Rage.' We really want people to feel connected to the experience."a

And so they worked with professional writers to build a bigger back story, create missions that are more geared around story elements and expand the game's universe.a

This focus on "Rage's" story is certainly an amusing turn of events for id Software considering company co-founder John Carmack famously said during "Doom's" development, "Story in a game is like story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."a

How times have changedBut first-person shooter fans these days expect more, Willits says. Much more than they did back when id was making "Doom."a

"They want everything and the kitchen sink," he says with a laugh. "Games are so big, the production values are so huge that you really need to have physics and story and action and beautiful graphics. You need everything to be a triple-A, top-notch game and have a successful first-person shooter these days. It is very difficult. The competition is very steep."a

Indeed, these days the first-person shooter field is a crowded one. You've got your "Battlefields" and "Call of Duties," your "Bioshocks," your "Borderlands," your "Deus Exes" and even your "Portals." All of these games have taken the genre that started with "Wolfenstein" and "Doom" in new and interesting directions, blending role-playing, multiplayer and puzzling solving with first-person shooting in ways no one could have expected two decades ago.a

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This holiday alone, "Rage" will go up against two of the pinnacles of modern first-person shooting — "Modern Warfare 3" and "Battlefield 3."a

Launching a new intellectual property like "Rage" is certainly risky, but Willits believes that the game's fresh, new face (not to mention its historic pedigree) will help it stand out.a

"'Rage' does not follow that cookie cutter formula that you'll find in some other titles," he says. "And I do think that our gamers, our fans, want something new and different and exciting."a

More importantly, Willits says the folks at id Software truly don't mind all the first-person shooter competition.a

"Every title that is a blockbuster just helps gather more people to our genre and to our industry," he says. "And that, for us, is really exciting."a

For more gaming news, check out:a

'Shadowgun' aims to be the iPhone's 'Gears of War' 'Rage HD' tops iPad charts with mutant killing and killer graphics Halo Reclaimer Trilogy will go deep with Master Chief, Cortana 'Mortal Kombat' fights its way back to the silver screen

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+. And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

Yuk, Intip 10 Aplikasi Bawaan PS Vita

Yuk, Intip 10 Aplikasi Bawaan PS Vita

Jakarta - Tak lama lagi para gamer sudah bisa mencicipi PlayStation Vita. Hal tersebut diungkapkan langsung oleh Sony dengan memamerkan kemasan penjualan konsol tersebut berikut fitur di dalamnya.

Seperti dikutip detikINET dari ign, Rabu (5/10/2011), berikut adalah 10 fitur PlayStation Vita yang akan hadir di saat konsol tersebut dirilis.

Welcome Park
Sebuah aplikasi khusus yang berisikan pengenalan semua fitur dalam PlayStation Vita. Semua itu dikemas dalam bentuk mini games yang menarik.

Aplikasi jejaring sosial khusus untuk PlayStation Vita ini memungkinkan gamer berkumpul dengan 8 pemain sekaligus. Di dalamnya pengguna bisa berkomunikasi via teks, suara, dan bahkan bisa bermain bersama.

PlayStation Store
Seperti namanya, melalui fitur ini gamer bisa langsung mengakses PlayStation Store dengan cepat.

Group Messaging
Aplikasi ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk berbagi gambar, berkirim pesan, kepada gamer lainnya yang menggunakan PS3 atau PSP di dalam jaringan PlayStation Network.

Aplikasi pengambil sekaligus pengolah gambar dalam PlayStation Vita.

Fitur yang cukup mengasyikan dalam PlayStation Vita. Gamer bisa mencari pemain PlayStation Vita lain yang berada di sekitarnya, kemudian bisa mengajak untuk berbagi data, hingga menantangnya untuk bermain.

Fitur ini sama persis dengan yang ada di PlayStation 3.

Aplikasi pemutar musik khusus untuk PlayStation Vita.

Berisikan daftar teman pengguna yang online di jaringan PlayStation Network. Di sini gamer bisa saling melihat profile, game yang dimainkan, hingga log aktivitas pemain lain.

Internet Browser
Akses untuk berselancar di dunia maya.

Menurut Adam Grant Product Manager PlayStation, fitur-fitur tersebut secara otomatis tersedia di dalam paket penjualan PlayStation Vita di Eropa, namun tak tertutup kemungkinan juga untuk versi Amerika.

( eno / ash )

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Jepang Buat Casing Ponsel Pengawas Radiasi

Jepang Buat Casing Ponsel Pengawas Radiasi

Jakarta - Casing atau penutup smartphone yang bisa memonitor tingkat radiasi menjadi salah satu dari sekian banyak hasil pengembangan teknologi yang menarik perhatian pada perhelatan Ceatec, pameran electronic terbesar di Jepang.

Adalah NTT Docomo, operator nomor satu di Jepang yang memamerkan temuannya tersebut. Ketakutan publik atas dampak kebocoran senyawa radioaktif dari pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir (PLTN) Fukushima menjadi latar belakang mereka mengembangkan teknologi tersebut.

Seperti diketahui, gempa dan tsunami yang menghantam Jepang Maret silam telah turut merusak PLTN Fukushima. Dengan berbagai cara, pemerintah Jepang mengupayakan segala cara untuk setidaknya mengurangi tingkat radiasi.

Guna memudahkan siapa saja mengukur tingkat radiasi, NTT Docomo punya ide untuk mengaplikasikan alat monitoring radiasi tersebut di casing smartphone. Bagaimana cara kerjanya?

Dilansir Telegraph dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (5/10/2011), casing ini bekerja serempak dengan sebuah aplikasi yang memungkinkan pengguna menggabungkan hasil pembacaan radiasi dengan data GPS untuk menandai area yang memiliki kandungan radiasi tinggi.

Asisten Manager divisi pengembangan perangkat komunikasi NTT Docomo Kouki Hayashi mengatakan, para ilmuwan di perusahaannya masih mencari cara agar perangkat itu bisa digunakan dengan mudah dan efektif.

"Masih dalam tahap pengembangan. Namun satu contoh penemuan ini nantinya bisa dengan mudah digunakan, misalnya oleh seorang ibu untuk mengukur radiasi di taman tempat anaknya bermain atau di jalan yang dilalui putra putri mereka saat pergi ke sekolah," jelasnya.

( rns / ash )

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4 Kekecewaan di iPhone 4S

4 Kekecewaan di iPhone 4S

Jakarta - iPhone 4S memang lebih baik dari iPhone 4 di sektor prosesor, kamera sampai teknologi perintah suara canggih. Namun keputusan Apple untuk 'hanya' merilis iPhone 4S adalah kekecewaan besar bagi sejumlah kalangan.

Berikut 5 kekecewaan yang mungkin dialami mereka yang sudah menanti lama kedatangan iPhone baru, seperti detikINET kutip dari PCWorld, Rabu (5/10/2011):

1. Teknologi dan luas layar tidak berubah

iPhone 4S masih mengandalkan teknologi Retina dan bentang layar 3,5 inch, sama persis dengan iPhone 4. Mungkin teknologi layar Retina masih cukup baik, namun pesaing terutama dari vendor Android melakukan kemajuan amat pesat. Layar 3,5 inch juga dinilai kurang lega bagi smartphone masa kini.

2. Desain tidak baru

iPhone 4S memang berubah di sektor software dan hardware, namun desainnya sama saja dengan iPhone 4. Hal ini merupakan kekecewaan setelah berbagai spekulasi menyebutkan iPhone baru akan membawa desain revolusioner.

3. Tidak ada teknologi 4G

iPhone 4S adalah handset 3G, sama dengan pendahulunya. Padahal support 4G dipandang penting, terutama di kandangnya Amerika Serikat, di mana deretan ponsel Android sudah mendukung jaringan 4G. Bisa jadi nihilnya 4G membuat sebagian user berpikir dua kali sebelum membelinya.

4. Bukan iPhone 5

Berbulan bulan lamanya penggemar Apple berspekulasi tentang kedatangan iPhone 5 yang dikatakan membawa segudang fitur canggih. Namun pada akhirnya mereka hanya disodori iPhone 4S yang meski bertambah bagus, kurang begitu menarik karena desainnya sama persis dengan iPhone 4.

( fyk / ash )

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iPhone 4S Goyang Saham Apple

iPhone 4S 'Goyang' Saham Apple

Jakarta - Pengumuman iPhone 4S dalam gelaran yang baru saja selesai di Cupertino gagal menyenangkan investor Apple. Akibatnya, saham Apple turun.

Saham Apple dibuka pada angka USD 374,57 dan sempat 'goyang' menjadi USD 355. Saham ini turun sekitar 20 point setelah Apple tidak mengumumkan keberadaan iPhone 5 yang sebenarnya paling dinanti.

Alih-alih merilis iPhone 5, dalam acara perkenalan yang dilakukan di markas besarnya, Selasa waktu Amerika Serikat itu, Apple mengumumkan iPhone 4S yang secara bentuk hampir mirip dengan iPhone 4 namun dengan jeroan yang berbeda.

Saham Apple sebelumnya menunjukkan angka yang baik selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini. Pada bulan Juli ia melampaui angka USD 400 untuk pertama kalinya. Di bulan September apalagi, Apple mampu mencetak angka USD 422.

Meski saham Apple dilaporkan turun, namun posisi ini masih bisa dikatakan aman. Ia masih memberikan market cap sekitar USD 330 miliar.

Sekedar kilas balik, pada Januari 2010 lalu saham Apple pernah turun sekitar 2,5% selama Steve Jobs memperkenalkan iPad. Saham ini kemudian naik kembali saat Jobs mengatakan bahwa harganya dimulai pada USD 499, jauh di bawah perkiraan analis yang memprediksi harganya sekitar USD 1.000.

Turunnya saham Apple juga terjadi pada bulan Juni 2009 ketika Apple merilis iPhone 3GS. Pun juga ketika MacBook Air mengudara ia juga memunculkan kekhawatiran pada para investor sehingga sahamnya drop.

Investor dibuat senang dan berakibat pada naiknya saham Apple pada saat pengenalan iPhone. Kembalinya Steve Jobs dari cuti kesehatannya di bulan Maret 2011 juga turut berandil pada kenaikan saham Apple.

( sha / ash )

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