Saturday, January 22, 2011

Log In Flickr Kini Bisa via Facebook

Jakarta - Flickr telah menambah opsi baru bagi penggunanya untuk melakukan log in menggunakan akun Facebook. Tentu saja, langkah ini dibuat untuk membuat situs berbagi foto populer milik Yahoo lebih mudah diakses. Fitur baru ini sekaligus juga sebagai bagian dari upaya Flickr membuat lebih banyak opsi log in OpenID tersedia. Oktober silam, Flickr juga meluncurkan log in akun dengan dukungan raksasa internet Google. Dan sekarang, dengan menggandeng Facebook maka semakin lengkap Yahoo menyediakan lebih banyak OpenID, mengingat Facebook adalah jejaring sosial populer yang diakses banyak orang. Kini pengguna bisa memlilih, melakukan log in dengan ID Yahoo, Google atau Facebook. Tapi seperti dikutip detikINET dari Mashable, Jumat (21/01/2011), bagaimana pun, untuk menggunakan fitu r log in tersebut pengguna tetap memerlukan akun Yahoo yang terhubung dengan email utama Facebook. Selain menambah opsi log in , Flickr juga meluncurkan beberapa fitur baru. Salah satunya yang menarik yaitu, memudahkan pengguna membagi foto yang diunggah ke Facebook. Jika akun sudah terhubung dengan Flickr, pengguna hanya tinggal mengatur Facebook Connect pada pengaturan akun.
( rns / ash )

Friday, January 21, 2011

Installation wizard

1. Download the Jakarta Tomcat from the site
If you like the installation wizard, download Tomcat in zip package
or tar.gz.
2. After downloading the zip or tar.gz package, extract the file (apachetomcat-, put into the installation directory that you want
(as $ CATALINA_HOME), for example C: \ Tomcat5.
3. After extract it, run the file and wait until the server startup.bat
ready for use.
4. After starting the server, open a web browser and access to http://localhost:
8080, it will show the first page of Tomcat servers.
Directory Structure CATALINA_HOME
In the directory CATALINA_HOME (where TOMCAT installed) there
some sub-directories, among them:
● bin, where the script to run and turn on the Tomcat is located.
● conf, where the configuration files are located.
● lib, where the library files had the extension. jar is located.
● webapps, where, by default, you can put JavaServlet and JSP.
Tomcat Users
To perform administrative ressources, Tomcat provide your username
and passwords are stored in xml file. In the conf folder, the file tomcat-users.xml
contains a role, username and password user tomcat. To be able to perform administrative
whether or Tomcat Administration Tomcat Manager Tool, a user must have
role as a manager or admin. To make it add the following code
in tomato-users.xml file:

Tomcat Administration
Tomcat provides two tools to perform administration, namely Tomcat
Manager and Tomcat Administration.
1. Tomcat Manager Tool
Tomcat Manager tool serves to manage applications deployed in
server. Management includes the deploy / install the application to the server, mengundeploy /
remove an application from the server, me-reload/restart applications,
enable and disable applications. Tomcat Manager can be accessed
through URL http://localhost:8080/manager/html/, by entering
username and password manager.
The commands in the Tomcat Manager Tool
● Applications List
To view all applications installed on the server. URL:

Introduction to Web Programming

The web application implements a client-server technology. Process
application development done at the server side. There are three things required by
developers in this case, web server, web editor, and resources. Web server
introduced in this module there are two, namely the Apache Tomcat 6.0 and Apache Ant.
Surely it must be ensured first, that there were already running J2SE 5.0
in your Windows operating system prior to installation and configuration process
web server is done.
After the installation is done, the next thing is done
organizing source familiar with the web server, to surround the directory structure,
external dependencies, and configuration file build.xml.
Later in the trial development process, you can try to
make the source code directory, edit the source code and page, compile
application, carried out tests on applications, and finally making releases

ACCO Brands Leverages Oracle Fusion Middleware to Automate Communication Between Applications

Redwood Shores, Calif. â€" January 19, 2011 News Facts ACCO Brands (NYSE: ABD), one of the world’s largest suppliers of branded office products, has selected Oracle products and technologies including, !-- . --" Oracle Fusion Middleware , !-- . --" Oracle SOA Suite , !-- . --" Oracle WebLogic Server , !-- . --" Oracle GlassFish Server , !-- . --" Oracle JDeveloper , the !-- . --" Oracle E-Business Suite and !-- . --" Oracle Transportation Management . The ACCO Brands solution was built as part of an Oracle Transportation Management implementation with BPEL processes delivering Shipment/Confirmation information between the Oracle E-Business Suite and PicK ticket Management System (PKMS)/ Distribution Center Management System (DCMS). ACCO used Oracle Fusion Middleware, specifically Oracle JDeveloper and !-- . --" Oracle BPEL Process Manager , a component of Oracle SOA Suite, to develop business processes to orchestrate across the Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Transportation Management and PKMS/DCMS applications. The Oracle-based interface processes approximately 1,100-1,800 invoices within a 24 hour period. The design and development for the SOA-based BPEL interfaces was completed in approximately four months. The project was implemented at the three major distribution centers of ACCO Brands’ U.S. operations and provides benefits for more than 80 percent of all shipments from U.S. businesses. By running Oracle BPEL Process Manager on top of Oracle WebLogic Server, ACCO Brands has been able to view a process flow that spanned greater than 70K steps. The new SOA-based interfaces between the Oracle E-Business Suite and PKMS in the ACCO Brands solution have performed 400 percent faster with 20 percent more workload. ACCO Brands is also leveraging Oracle GlassFish Server for its !-- . --" online training site . Future functionality of the site will include the ability to e-mail preformatted key codes to customers and allow them to register for online training courses. Oracle University training helped the ACCO Brands technical team gain new knowledge of SOA technology components and the Oracle Fusion Middleware tutorials on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) helped immensely with developing customizations in BPEL and stabilizing the system. Supporting Quotes “Oracle’s out-of-the-box integration between the Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Transportation Management was the biggest reason for us to choose Oracle Fusion Middleware,” said Royce Heaney, VP Global IT, ACCO Brands. “Oracle JDeveloper is the most powerful IDE for SOA development and Oracle Fusion Middleware is definitely the easiest way to migrate to an extensible integration platform,” said Dheeraj Bhushan SOA & e-commerce team lead, ACCO Brands. Supporting Resources

!-- . --" Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

!-- . --" Oracle SOA Suite 11g

!-- . --" Oracle BPEL Process Manager

!-- . --" Oracle WebLogic Server

!-- . --" Oracle GlassFish Server

!-- . --" Oracle JDeveloper

!-- . --" Oracle E-Business Suite

!-- . --" Oracle Transportation Management

!-- . --" Oracle Application Grid blog About Oracle Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, please visit our Web site at" . Trademarks div class="legalese" Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Contact Info

Yuk, Main World of Warcraft di Linux!

Jakarta - "Tapi saya kan gamer. Gimana nanti kalau saya mau main game-game yang biasa saya mainkan di Windows? Nanti saya nggak bisa main WoW (World of Warcraft) lagi dong?! Terus, gimana kalau saya mau ngedit foto pake Photoshop?" Itulah yang dikatakan seorang kawan ketika dia mulai tertarik beralih ke Linux. “Aduh, saya nggak suka OpenOffice. Tampilannya nggak cantik gitu. Bagusan (Microsoft) Office 2010.” Keluh teman yang lain lagi. Dan banyak lagi yang mempertanyakan hal yang kurang lebih sama. Call of Duty, Bad Company 2, Starcraft, World of Warcraft (WoW) dan lainnya adalah game-game yang memang tidak ada versi Linux-nya. Game-game tersebut dibuat untuk dimainkan di lingkungan sistem operasi Windows. Lalu bagaimana jika seorang maniak salah satu game tersebut ingin bermigrasi ke Linux? Apakah dia bisa memainkan game kesukaannya tersebut dalam Linux? Jawabannya, bisa! Salah satu aplikasi powerful di Linux adalah Wine. Wine (Wine Is Not Emulator) adalah sebuah software gratis yang memungkinkan seorang pengguna Linux menjalankan software berbasis Windows. Wine tidak hanya dapat menjalankan game saja tetapi juga dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi seperti Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, .NET Framework dan masih banyak lagi. Saat ini terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 16045 software dalam database Wine dan karena sifatnya yang open source, daftar software ini terus diperbaharui oleh developer maupun oleh pengguna. Selain dapat digunakan dalam Linux, Wine juga dapat digunakan dalam lingkungan sistem operasi lain seperti FreeBSD, OpenBSD maupun OpenSolaris – yang berganti menjadi OpenIndiana. Selain Wine, ada beberapa software lain yang dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan aplikasi Windows dalam Linux semacam CrossOver yang merupakan software proprietary. Ada juga Cedega yang dibuat khusus untuk menjalankan game. Cedega adalah software yang memfokuskan pengembangannya pada implementasi API untuk DirectX. Selain itu ada pula Bordeaux yang merupakan program komersial. Bordeaux bahkan memungkinkan seorang pengguna mengakses program-program yang tersedia dengan biaya lebih murah tanpa harus melakukan proses lisensi dari Microsoft. Sebenarnya, ada banyak game alternatif yang dibuat untuk Linux dan memiliki kualitas tidak jauh berbeda dengan game-game untuk Windows. Di antara game-game untuk Linux yang terkenal adalah Tremulous, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Nexuiz, Battle For Wesnoth serta Frets on Fire. Dan dari sekian banyak game untuk Linux tersebut sebagian besar bisa didapat dan digunakan dengan gratis. Ngomong-ngomong, World of Warcraft 4.0.x dan Starcraft II saat ini masuk dalam top 10 platinum list database software Wine lho. Yuk, nge-game di Linux!
<table style="background-color: #d599d5; width: 537px; height: 21px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0""
<td" <img src="" alt="Saiful Muhajir" width="100" height="100" /" </td"
<td" Tentang Penulis: Ahmad Saiful Muhajir adalah penggiat dan pemerhati Open Source yang sebelumnya aktif di Jawa Tengah Open Source Center. Ia dapat dihubungi di atau melalui Twitter di akun @saifulmuhajir . </td"
( wsh / wsh )

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Indosat Siap Eksekusi BlackBerry

Jakarta - Indosat menyatakan siap untuk membantu mitra bisnisnya, Research in Motion (RIM) untuk menerapkan solusi filtering di akses jaringan BlackBerry, sembari menunggu kepastian soal relokasi server ke regional ASEAN. "Kami menunggu mereka (RIM) selesai. Kita sih tinggal eksekusi saja," kata Presiden Director & CEO Indosat, Harry Sasongko, usai Indosat Awards, di eX Plaza, Jakarta, Rabu (19/1/2010). Menurutnya, Indosat saat ini masih menjalankan bisnisnya seperti biasa, meskipun sudah ada rencana untuk memindahkan jalur koneksi keluar dari Kanada. Head Division Public Relations Indosat Djarot Handoko menambahkan hingga saat ini bisnis masih berjalan seperti biasa sembari menunggu server RIM baru di wilayah ASEAN. "Kami belum tahu di negara mana server akan ditempatkan oleh RIM, namun sepanjang di ASEAN biayanya pasti jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan koneksi ke Kanada seperti selama ini," ucapnya. Dia menjelaskan infrastruktur bandwidth masih tetap disediakan oleh masing-masing operator meskipun server nantinya telah dipindahkan. Regulator memang meminta PT RIM Indonesia sebagai penyedia infrastruktur bandwidth. Indosat menyambut positif permintaan pemerintah tersebut, namun selama belum menjadi keputusan dan dilaksanakan oleh RIM maka kewajiban tersebut masih dipegang operator yang bermitra. "RIM dipastikan akan melakukan kesepakatan dengan masing-masing operator terkait sambungan ke server di ASEAN," tandasnya.
( rou / fw )

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lenovo Dirikan Divisi Khusus Tablet dan Ponsel

Jakarta - Untuk menunjang pertumbuhan produk tablet dan ponselnya, Lenovo membuat divisi khusus yang nantinya fokus mengurusi kedua produk tersebut.  Perusahaan yang berpusat di Beijing, China ini menyebutkan divisi mobile internet dan digital home yang baru didirikannya akan khusus membuat tablet, smartphone dan barang elektronik di rumah yang terkoneksi internet. Keputusan Lenovo sepertinya memang tepat. Pasalnya, pangsa pasar untuk kedua produk ini -- terutama tablet -- memang tengah mengalami pertumbuhan pesat. Firma riset teknologi Gartner memperkirakan, sebanyak 55 juta unit tablet PC akan dikapalkan di tahun ini, dengan iPad masih mendominasi. Namun, masih menurut Gartner yang dilansir Big News Networks dan dikutip detikINET , Selasa (18/01/2011), masih ada celah bagi para kompetitor untuk berlomba mengambil keuntungan penjualan yang tersisa, sekitar 10 hingga 15 juta unit. Di ajang Consumer Electronics Show 2010 beberapa waktu lalu, banyak vendor memperlihatkan produk tablet mereka. Salah satunya tentu saja termasuk tablet andalan Lenovo berbasis Android bernama LePad. Keunikan LePad, ketika dikombinasikan dengan keyboard dock , tablet ini menjadi seperti netbook dengan sistem operasi Windows 7 Microsoft. LePad dijadwalkan segera hadir di China pada kuartal pertama 2011.
( rns / ash )

SYSTIME Achieves Oracle PartnerNetwork Advanced Specialization for Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management

Redwood Shores, Calif. â€" January 18, 2011 News Facts Oracle and SYSTIME, a leading global business and technology service provider and Oracle Platinum partner of Oracle® PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced that SYSTIME has achieved OPN Advanced Specialization status for Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management. To achieve Advanced Specialization status, Oracle partners are required to meet a stringent set of requirements that reflect the companies experience and depth of expertise in the area of specialization. Specialized partners are required to have a minimum of 50 certified implementation specialists per pillar (i.e. JD Edwards Financials, JD Edwards Distribution, etc.). By achieving this distinction, SYSTIME has been recognized by Oracle for its expertise in delivering services specifically around JD Edwards through competency development, business results and proven success in the global marketplace. SYSTIME has been working with Oracle’s JD Edwards team since 1994, helping customers globally successfully adopt technology solutions to address their business challenges and make their business better. SYSTIME is the largest specialist provider of JD Edwards services worldwide #P9_1463" name="P9_1464" 1 . This Advanced Specialization status will help SYSTIME show differentiation in the marketplace and deliver greater value to customers. Supporting Quote Judson Althoff, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Alliances and Channels and Embedded Sales, Oracle said “The Advanced Specialization status reaffirms SYSTIME’s leadership in supporting the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne product line. It is an outstanding achievement for SYSTIME to achieve Advanced Specialization for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management.  They are a trusted advisor to the JD Edwards community at large and we have a successful track-record working together. We appreciate their commitment to Oracle and look forward to more joint successes in the marketplace.” “We are extremely proud to achieve Advanced Specialization for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management. This achievement will enhance the collaboration between Oracle and SYSTIME, and will strengthen our existing relationship,” said Vishal Grover, President and CEO, SYSTIME. “This accolade reaffirms our leadership in the JD Edwards community. Most importantly, this recognition gives customers the added assurance that they will be engaging with the leader in the JD Edwards space. SYSTIME’s continued investment in building capabilities around JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and Oracle Fusion Middleware will give customers access to the best talent in the global marketplace, resulting in superior business outcomes.” div style="margin-top:25px;margin-bottom:-5px;" div class="horidotted dottedspacer" !--spacer-- Supporting Resources

!-- . --" Oracle PartnerNetwork Advanced Specializations

!-- . --" Oracle PartnerNetwork About Oracle PartnerNetwork Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) Specialized is the latest version of Oracle's partner program that provides partners with tools to better develop, sell and implement Oracle solutions. OPN Specialized offers resources to train and support specialized knowledge of Oracle products and solutions and has evolved to recognize Oracle's growing product portfolio, partner base and business opportunity. Key to the latest enhancements to OPN is the ability for partners to differentiate through Specializations. Specializations are achieved through competency development, business results, expertise and proven success. To find out more visit !-- . --" . About SYSTIME SYSTIME is the world’s largest solution provider in the Oracle JD Edwards marketplace. SYSTIME helps customers to make their business better by adopting technology solutions to address their operational challenges. SYSTIME is the only Oracle partner globally to achieve an Advanced Specialization in JD Edwards #P26_4171" name="P26_4172" 2 , and over three decades has helped clients implement and manage JD Edwards and other business solutions in 77 countries. With SYSTIME, clients are assured of a transparent, responsive partner committed to their success. SYSTIME is an Oracle Platinum Partner, and part of the CMS group. For more information on SYSTIME, visit !-- . --" About Oracle Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's largest business software company. For more information about Oracle, please visit our Web site at !-- . --" Trademarks div class="legalese" Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Contact Info

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Menkominfo Berharap Server BlackBerry Dibangun Tahun Ini

Jakarta - Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring berharap Research in Motion (RIM) bisa segera mengambil keputusan dan mau membangun node jaringan untuk regional network aggregator BlackBerry wilayah Asia di Indonesia. "Kami tentu berharap pembangunannya bisa dilaksanakan tahun ini juga," kata dia di sela rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi I DPR di Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (17/1/2011). Harapan pembangunan server telah disampaikan Kementerian Kominfo saat bertemu dengan perwakilan RIM tadi pagi. Menurut Tifatul, RIM akan mempelajari dan mempertimbangkan pembangunan jaringan tersebut serta memberikan keputusan dalam waktu dekat. "RIM akan membuka node regional network aggregator di Asean. RIM mengakui Indonesia sebagai pangsa pasar terbesarnya di Asia. Mereka bilang akan mempertimbangkan pembangunannya di Indonesia," kata Tifatul. " Nah , kalau repeater atau relay server ini jadi dibangun di Indonesia, tarif BlackBerry bisa turun, tenaga kerja lokal bisa terserap, dan kita juga lebih mudah untuk melakukan lawful interception," lanjut menteri. Plt Dirjen Sumber Daya Perangkat Pos dan Informatika Muhammad Budi Setyawan berharap RIM bisa memenuhi keinginan pemerintah Indonesia soal pembangunan server lokal. "Mereka expect 10 juta pelanggan BlackBerry di Indonesia. Tentu ini jadi pertimbangan mereka. Wong di Indonesia, anak SD saja banyak yang sudah pakai BlackBerry. Harapan kita mereka mau bangun supaya paling tidak tarif bisa lebih turun karena cost operator berkurang dan lawful interception lebih mudah," tandas dia. Mengenai kewajiban RIM untuk dikenakan lisensi penyelenggara jasa internet, Tifatul mengaku tak mau buru-buru memaksakan. Menurutnya, kewajiban itu akan ditagih setelah masalah terkait filtering internet di BlackBerry terlaksana. "Sabar saja, tunggu saatnya. Satu-satu akan kita tagih setelah mereka membereskan masalah yang sekarang ini," pungkas menteri.
( ash / rou )

Monday, January 17, 2011

Oracle Recognized as a Leader in Comprehensive Integration Solutions by Independent Research Firm

Redwood Shores, Calif. â€" January 14, 2011 News Facts Oracle has been named a Leader in Forrester Research, Inc.’s November 9, 2010 report “The Forrester Waveâ„¢: Comprehensive Integration Solutions, Q4 2010.” (1) Forrester evaluated 15 vendors against 137 criteria, categorized into three main groups: Current Offering, Strategy and Market Presence. According to Forrester, Leaders deliver the “best overall combination of architecture, integration server, application development, business process management (BPM), and business-to-business (B2B) support features.” The report also states, “Oracle delivers a well-integrated CIS solution. The Oracle solution, which enables rapid development of integration-related functionality, includes Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite as its key components.” Oracle achieved the highest score for overall strategy and very strong scores in four out of five product evaluation areas, including architecture, integration server, application development framework, and business process management. About Oracle BPM Suite 11g and Oracle SOA Suite 11g Components of !-- . --" Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g , !-- . --" Oracle BPM Suite 11g a name="P10_1285" and !-- . --" Oracle SOA Suite 11g provide modern application infrastructure that significantly improves the agility and intelligence of business applications while enabling organizations to exploit new hardware and software architectures for efficient IT execution and cost savings. Supporting Quote “To solve complex integration challenges, organizations are demanding a truly unified CIS solution,” said David Shaffer, vice president, product management, Oracle Fusion Middleware. “With shared user interface and runtime components across Oracle BPM Suite 11g, Oracle SOA Suite 11g and other Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g components, we are able to provide lower total cost of ownership and better performance to help our customers address the most complex integration projects. We believe that our position in this report is recognition of those capabilities and our commitment to providing comprehensive and unified integration solutions to our customers.” Supporting Resources

!-- . --" The Forrester Wave: Comprehensive Integration Solutions, Q4 2010

!-- . --" Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

a name="P18_2369" !-- . --" Oracle SOA Suite 11g

!-- . --" Oracle BPM Suite 11g a name="P19_2417"

Join the Oracle Fusion Middleware online communities:  !-- . --" Facebook  and  !-- . --" Twitter (1) The Forrester Waveâ„¢: Comprehensive Integration Solutions, Q4 2010 About Oracle Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world’s most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, visit" Trademarks div class="legalese" Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Contact Info

Sunday, January 16, 2011

iPad dan iPhone Bakal Gunakan Chip Dual-Mode?

Jakarta - Setelah iPhone resmi hadir untuk CDMA, sebuah isu kembali berhembus. Agar lebih efisien, Apple dikabarkan ingin beralih ke chipset dual-mode dari Qualcomm. Saat ini, iPhone dan iPad menggunakan chipset dari Infineon untuk komunikasi nirkabelnya. Namun menurut kabar yang beredar, dikutip detikINET dari Engadget, Sabtu (15/1/2011), Apple akan beralih ke Qualcomm. Tujuannya, Apple tak ingin harus membuat dua jenis perangkat untuk jaringan yang berbeda. Seperti yang dilakukan saat ini, dengan adanya iPhone versi GSM dan iPhone CDMA. Konon, Qualcomm tak lama lagi akan menyediakan chipset dual-mode yang bisa berjalan pada kedua jaringan. Hal ini tentu akan lebih memudahkan dari sisi produksi. Diperkirakan, chipset dual-mode ini akan digunakan pada iPhone dan iPad generasi berikutnya. Gosip lainnya, iPad yang akan datang juga akan memiliki dukungan untuk media penyimpanan tambahan SD Card.
( wsh / wsh )