Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dell Fokus Garap Pasar Enterprise

Dell Fokus Garap Pasar Enterprise

Jakarta - Dell mungkin lebih banyak dikenal sebagai produsen perangkat elektronik, terutama laptop dan desktop. Namun belakangan ini, vendor asal Amerika Serikat itu mulai fokus menggarap pasar enterprise solutions and services.

Sektor bisnis tersebut pun mulai menyumbangkan pendapatan yang besar bagi Dell. Revenue untuk enterprise solutions dan services mencapai USD 4,6 miliar di kuartal kedua 2011. Jumlah tersebut mewakili sekitar 35% dari seluruh revenue komersial Dell.

"Saat ini kami tidak hanya berfokus pada produk saja namun juga solusi. Permintaan terhadap portofolio server, storage dan services dari Dell semakin kuat," ucap Pieter Dylan, Director & Country Manager Dell Indonesia di Jakarta, Jumat (19/8/2011).

Untuk terus bertumbuh, Dell pun mengandalkan berbagai strategi. Misalnya membuat solusi yang efisien dan dan fleksibel di dalam era virtual seperti saat ini. Kemudian melakukan akuisisi pada berbagai perusahaan untuk memperkuat solusi portofolio dan data center Dell.

"Dalam dua tahun terakhir ini, Dell telah melakukan akuisisi pada lebih dari 15 perusahaan," tambah Pieter. Salah satu akuisisi yang saat ini sedang diupayakan adalah perusahaan Force10 Network.

Namun meski terus memperkuat diri dalam bidang solusi enterprise, Dell tetap tidak akan menganaktirikan bisnis produk consumer seperti laptop atau smartphone. Terlebih saat ini, Dell masih masuk posisi 3 besar produsen komputer terbesar di dunia.

"Tidak ada alasan untuk mengabaikan bisnis consumer ini. Terlebih Dell sudah dikenal sebagai brand yang premium," tukas Pieter. ( fyk / fyk )

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Apple Rekayasa Gambar Bukti Galaxy S?

Apple Rekayasa Gambar Bukti Galaxy S?

Jakarta - Apple kembali dituding merekayasa barang bukti dalam kasus hukumnya melawan Samsung. Setelah sebelumnya memberi bukti tablet Galaxy Tab 10.1 yang berbeda dari ukuran aslinya, kini mereka dituduh juga memperbesar gambar bukti ponsel Galaxy S.

Dalam dokumen yang diajukan Apple di pengadilan Belanda, tampak ukuran antara iPhone dengan Galaxy S sama persis. Padahal ukuran sebenarnya Galaxy S dengan iPhone berbeda.

Dalam hearing di pengadilan Belanda, pengacara Samsung mengklaim Apple melakukan manipulasi bukti. Di halaman 77 dokumen yang diajukan Apple, terdapat gambar yang jadi contoh kemiripan iPhone 3GS dan Galaxy S. Namun ukuran Galaxy S tidak akurat.

Dimensi Galaxy S adalah 122,4 x 64,2 mm sedangkan iPhone 3GS 115,5 x 62,1 mm. Nah, ukuran Galaxy S kemudian direduksi sekitar 6% sehingga tampak amat serupa dengan iPhone 3GS.

Sebelumnya di pengadilan Jerman, gambar bukti Apple juga menampakkan Galaxy Tab 10.1 diubah ukurannya agar sama dengan iPad 2. Sampai saat ini, belum diketahui apakah Apple sengaja melakukannya atau tidak.

"Saya kaget karena untuk kedua kalinya ada presentasi tak akurat produk Samsung muncul di fotografi bukti yang didaftarkan ke pengadilan. Hal ini tidak pantas dan mengurangi kredibilitas Apple," kata Mark Krul, pengacara di biro hukum WiseMen di Belanda yang detikINET kutip dari PCWorld, Sabtu (20/8/2011).

Perang antara Samsung vs Apple di pengadilan wilayah Eropa pun makin seru. Sebelumnya, pengadilan di Jerman sempat melarang Galaxy Tab 10.1 dijual di Eropa tapi kemudian mencabutnya. Apple meminta penjualan lini ponsel dan tablet Galaxy diblokir karena dianggapnya mencontek mentah-mentah iPhone dan iPad. ( fyk / fyk )

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Intel Upgrade Service available for Core processors

Intel had announced that they will release software based performance improvement updates for their processors. These will be sold via “Upgrade Cards” which will include pin number to install the update on processor. The performance updates are now available for second generation Intel Core processors. These include: Intel Core i3-2312M processor, Intel Core i3-2102 processor, and Intel Pentium G622 processor. With these upgrades processor frequency is increased which in turn gives you better performance and responsiveness. Here is a look at one of those benchmarks to give you an idea how much performance improvement is expected from this upgrade:

You can grab the Intel upgrade application and more info @ Intel official retail upgrade site

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Penemu WWW Dinobatkan Jadi Orang Paling Inspirasional

Penemu WWW Dinobatkan Jadi Orang Paling Inspirasional

Jakarta - Penemu WWW (World Wide Web), Tim Berners-Lee dianugerahi gelar sebagai orang yang paling inspirasional di usia 50-an. Pria asal Inggris ini mengalahkan aktor gaek Hugh Grant, Colin Firth dan sederet nama besar lainnya.

Adalah anggota dari klub yang menobatkan Lee menjadi sosok yang dianggap paling bisa memberikan pengaruh positif bagi masyarakat Inggris. Klub ini ialah sebuah komunitas online dengan percaya bahwa hidup itu dimulai di usia 50.

50 nama yang berisi orang-orang inspirasional dikumpulkan oleh sejumlah jurnalis yang kemudian menyerahkan keputusan pada pembaca situs dengan cara voting.

Respon yang didapat dari situs ini cukup banyak. Mereka menerima sebanyak 1.363 respon yang kemudian menempatkan Lee menjadi orang yang paling mampu memberikan inspirasi.

"Tim Berners-Lee, seorang pionir internet, ahli fisika luar biasa dan figur yang paling berpengaruh dalam 3 dekade terakhir. Menangnya Lee membuktikan bahwa kita yang berusia 50-an juga melek internet dan teknologi, " demikian pernyataan mereka, dilansir Guardian dan dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (20/8/2011).

Nama-nama lain yang masuk dalam 10 besar ini ialah pemenang Academy Award dan aktivis Colin Firth (posisi 2), pemain film Nothing Hill, Hugh Grant (posisi 3). Aktris Kim Cattrall ada di posisi 6, kemudian ada jurnalis senior Tina Brown yang duduk di posisi 9. ( sdj / fyk )

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Firefox 7 to use as much as 50% less memory

Mozilla continuing its fast track release approach had just released version 6, and have already plans for version 7 and version 8. The biggest aim for Firefox 7 release will be about the most common complain of Firefox: Its memory usage. In a blog post written by one of Mozilla’s programmers, he claims that Firefox 7 will have a solution that many users of the web browser will be happy to hear.

He says,

“Firefox 7 uses less memory than Firefox 6 (and 5 and 4): often 20 (percent) to 30 (percent) less, and sometimes as much as 50 {percent) less. In particular, Firefox 7′s memory usage will stay steady if you leave it running overnight, and it will free up more memory when you close many tabs.”

“This means that Firefox 7 is faster (sometimes drastically so) and less likely to crash, particularly if you have many websites open at once and/or keep Firefox running for a long time between restarts.”

This improvement in upcoming Firefox 7 is credited to MemShink, a new effort by Mozilla designed specifically to decrease Firefox’s memory usage. The MemShink team aims to improve focus only on memory usage of Firefox to improve it continuously. So, Firefox 7 is not the final frontier they are already planning updates linked to Firefox 8 which will improve its performance even more.

Feeling adventurous? Why not try the latest Firefox nightly build a go @

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Monitor 3D LG Diklaim Tak Bikin Mata Lelah

Monitor 3D LG Diklaim Tak Bikin Mata Lelah

Jakarta - LG kian serius menggarap pasar display 3G. Melalui seri LG Cinema 3G monitor D2342P, vendor raksasa asal Korea Selatan ini menjanjikan sebuah monitor 3D yang tak bikin mata lelah.

Ya seperti diketahui, meski gaungnya semakin nyaring, display 3G masih kerap dikeluhkan lantaran 'menyiksa' mata pengguna. Mata lelah, mual dan kepala menjadi pusing menjadi keluhan yang paling sering didengar.

Dikatakan Hady Winoto, Head of IT Product Manager PT LG Electronics Indonesia, LG D2342P sendiri ingin tampil untuk menjawab keluhan-keluhan tersebut. Dengan bentang layar 23 inch, perangkat ini coba menawarkan tampilan 3D dengan layar lebih cerah dan bebas kedipan (flicker free) bagi pengguna.

"Monitor ini sudah dibenamkan teknologi Film Patterned Retarder (FPR) yang menggunakan lapisan khusus pada layar monitor yang mereproduksi efek 3D. Alat bantunya hanya kacamata dengan lensa terpolarisasi (polarized lens), sehingga kedua mata menangkap sinyal dari monitor secara bersamaan," tukasnya kepada detikINET ditemui pada acara peluncuran di Grand Indonesia, Jumat (19/8/2011) malam.

Metode ini berbeda dengan teknologi shutter glasses yang diterapkan pada monitor 3D yang banyak beredar di pasaran. Sebab kerja teknologi shutter glasses mengandalkan kacamata berlapisan khusus, liquid crystal glasses.

Dengan dukungan daya baterai, kacamata ini menangkap pancaran sinyal dari layar monitor secara bergantian oleh mata kiri dan kanan pada ritme tertentu, sementara layar monitor menayangkan perspektif berbeda dari gambar yang sama. proses inilah yang menstimulasi otak memunculkan efek 3D.

"Di samping harganya yang jauh lebih mahal, penggunaan kacamata teknologi shutter glasses kadang menimbulkan rasa pusing akibat efek kedipan (flicker) dan gelombang elektromagnetik dari perangkat elektronik yang tertanam pada kacamatanya," imbuh Susanto, Product Manager of Monitor PT LG Electronics Indonesia.

Susanto pun sesumbar jika keluhan akibat efek kedipan ini tidak akan ditemui lagi pada penggunaan LG Cinema 3D monitor. Sebab, seri monitor 3D andalan LG ini sudah mengantongi sertifikat uji resmi dari dua lembaga berskala internasional untuk jaminan bebas dari efek kedipan, TUV dan Intertek.

LG Cinema 3D monitor juga diklaim memiliki tingkat kecerahan untuk layarnya dengan kekuatan 100 nits. Tingkat kecerahan ini dikatakan lebih tinggi dua kali lipat dari yang ditawarkan monitor 3D konvensional dengan teknologi shutter glasses yang kecerahan layarnya hanya mencapai 44 nits. Pun demikian, asupan daya listriknya 55% lebih rendah ketimbang LCD monitor konvensional.

Sebagai pelengkap, LG turut membenamkan teknologi 2D to 3D Conversion, sambungan HDMI untuk menghubungkannya dengan perangkat 3D lain seperti konsol game maupun 3D blu-ray player.

"Selain itu pula, pengguna tak harus memiliki komputer berspesifikasi tinggi untuk bisa menikmati perangkat seharga Rp 3,4 juta ini. Sebab bekerja dengan semua kartu grafis dan tak perlu memori yang tinggi," lanjut Hady.

( ash / ash )

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Menkominfo Beralih ke Teknologi Netral untuk Wimax

Menkominfo Beralih ke Teknologi Netral untuk Wimax

Jakarta - Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring semakin menegaskan tak akan lagi mempermasalahkan perbedaan standardisasi Wimax. Tujuannya agar teknologi pita lebar dengan
batasan kode area itu bisa segera dikomersilkan.

"Pekan ini penentuan teknologi Wimax selesai. Ke depan tidak lagi membatasi teknologi," ujarnya di sela buka puasa bersama di rumah dinas menteri, di Komplek Widya Chandra, Jakarta, Jumat (19/8/2011).

Wimax sendiri sudah hampir dua tahun terkatung-katung tanpa kejelasan. Sejak pita broadband wireless access (BWA) selebar 30 MHz di spektrum 2,3 GHz dilelang
untuk 15 zona, seharusnya September 2011 ini Wimax sudah beroperasi secara penuh.

Namun Wimax belum jua beroperasi karenak para pemenang lelang mayoritas masih keberatan dengan standardisasi 16d yang diusung pemerintah. Hal itu diakui Tifatul sebagai kendala yang terjadi selama ini.

"Memang, di Peraturan Dirjen sebelumnya mengarahkan ke teknologi tertentu. Itu kan sebelum saya jadi Menkominfo. Nanti, akan ada perjanjian baru. Asalkan
industri pendukung siap penuhi TKDN (tingkat kandungan konten dalam negeri), saya berikan arahan untuk teknologi netral," kata Tifatul.

Langkah teknologi netral ini turut disambut oleh First Media, salah satu pemenang tender BWA Wimax. Menurut Dicky Moechtar, Wakil Dirut First Media, pihaknya akan mengikuti setiap kebijakan yang diterbitkan pemerintah.

"Sebenarnya Wimax kami sudah mulai jalan di 16d. Namun cakupannya masih sebatas di Karawaci, Bintaro, dan sekitarnya. Kami menggunakan 200 menara milik sendiri. Untuk memenuhi coverage Jabodetabek, kami masih membutuhkan 800 menara lagi," kata dia.

Untuk biaya menara, kata Dicky, First Media akan menggunakan skema penyewaan tower. "Untuk biaya per menara, investasi biaya sewanya bisa berkisar Rp 10-15
juta per bulan selama setahun. Bisa dihitung sendiri berapa operasionalnya," tandas dia.

( rou / ash )

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Google's Motorola Deal May Boost Android Ecosystem

Since Google announced its plans to acquire Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion on Monday, analysts, stockholders and developers have been discussing the implications, and the talk hasn't slowed as the weekend nears. Speculation has included the winners and losers in the deal; a closed Android operating system; and how the deal ultimately helps Microsoft.

Let's start with Google's motives for the purchase. While many analysts point to Moto's patent portfolio, Tina Teng, a senior wireless Relevant Products/Services analyst at IHS, suggested Motorola's product-development capabilities may have made it an attractive target for Google.

"Motorola has been closely following Google Android's operating-system release schedule," Teng said. "Whenever Google releases a new version of Android, Motorola almost immediately has a device ready with the latest revision of the software, reflecting the company's prodigious product-development capabilities."

Beyond Smartphones

Teng noted how Google previously has used new HTC and Samsung products to demonstrate the latest capabilities of the Android operating system. For example, the HTC MyTouch and Samsung Nexus S served to show off the operating systems' capabilities so other OEMs could follow the example. If the Federal Trade Commission approves the acquisition, Motorola will become the company to set the example.

"Motorola can serve as Google's product R&D department as Android spreads into new markets," Teng added. "Motorola has engineering expertise in a wide range of products where Android will be used, including set-top boxes and televisions. The addition of Motorola's engineering and intellectual property will accelerate Android's time-to-market in these areas and potentially revitalize the Google TV business Relevant Products/Services, which so far has met with little success."

Indeed, Google CEO Larry Page hinted at possibilities beyond smartphones in his Monday blog posting. Specifically, he noted how Motorola is a market leader in the home-devices and video-solutions businesses.

"With the transition to Internet Protocol, we are excited to work together with Motorola and the industry to support our partners and cooperate with them to accelerate innovation in this space," Page said.

A Stronger Ecosystem

Here's another angle: According to Strategy Analytics, more than 70 percent of consumers agreed that mobile Relevant Products/Services apps would be extremely important when purchasing their next handset. With the Motorola acquisition, the firm said, Google can now rival Apple's ecosystem.

Strategy Analytics' premise is that Apple built the iOS ecosystem on the strength of hardware and software releases that work together. Apple's development paradigm led to innovative apps and a platform that focuses more on experience than technical specifications. Although Google has innovated consistently with the Android platform, the firm noted, it has failed to effectively tie software upgrades to new hardware that developers could leverage to create new apps.

While other factors certainly played a critical role in the selection of Motorola as an acquisition target, Strategy Analytics said Google will be able to leverage the purchase of Motorola to address three critical flaws with Android: A subpar ecosystem for consumers and developers, APIs that are not specifically focused on improving usability, and fragmentation.

"Providing developers with an environment in which they can succeed will be critical to building long-term support -- support which is essential to consumer interest," said Josh Martin, director of apps research at Strategy Analytics. "If handled correctly, the acquisition of Motorola could help Google make Android into a platform that offers unrivaled revenue opportunities. But this acquisition is not without risk."

UK sets Aug. 25 to meet with social networks about riot role

Cheshire Policea

Perry Sutcliffe-Keenan, left, and Jordan Blackshaw both pleaded guilty to using Facebook in attempts to fuel riots in Cheshire. England. August 2011a

By Suzanne Choney

The British government has set Aug. 25 as the date it will meet with representatives from social networks Facebook and Twitter, as well as Research In Motion, which makes the BlackBerry, to talk about their use and role in the worst riots in Britain for decades, with more than 1,200 people arrested.a

Prime Minister David Cameron has blamed the riots on street gang members and opportunistic looters — and to some degree on the social networks that enabled flash mobs and looting to be coordinated. Cameron has vowed to explore curbs on the use of social media tools if they were used to plot "violence, disorder and criminality."a

This week, two men, ages 20 and 22, were sentenced to four years in prison for trying to organize riots by using Facebook, even though in one case, no one showed up for the event except for police officers who arrested the suspect. In the second case, the convicted man posted a link to a page called "The Warrington Riots" on Facebook, but said he was not looking to incite any additional activity, according to The Guardian.a

Facebook representatives will attend the meeting with officials from the Home Office, which includes Britain's office for security and counter-terrorism, and crime and policing group.a

In a statement shared in a BBC report, Facebook said it looks "forward to meeting with the home secretary to explain the measures we have been taking to ensure that Facebook is a safe and positive platform for people in the UK at this challenging time.”a

Canadian-based RIM has "suggested it will also be there," the BBC said, and RIM said in a statement that "we welcome the opportunity for consultation together with other companies in the technology and telecommunications industry."a

RIM's BlackBerry Messenger instant messaging program is thought to have been used by many rioters and looters to coordinate their plans.a

So far, Twitter, the U.S.-based short messaging blog, has yet to make a public peep about whether it will attend the session.a

— Via The Next Weba

Related stories:a

Facebook users jailed for 4 years over 'riot that never was' Teen charged for inciting riots using BlackBerry UK anti-tech crackdown? Not bloody likely Are London looters unloading on Craigslist? MP calls for BlackBerry Messenger suspension over UK riots

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Windows 8 will have its own app store


By Suzanne Choney

The next version of Microsoft's operating system, Windows 8, will include an app store so that software can be downloaded directly from the online store to the computer.a

Microsoft follows Apple's lead by doing this; Apple started its Mac App Store last January, and has showcased it as being the main way to buy its new operating system, OS X Lion.a

While word has been that the app store direction was where Microsoft was headed, a recent posting on the company's own blog confirmed it, with an ever-so-slight, but significant, inclusion of it in a long list of working Windows 8 groups. ( is a Microsoft-NBC Universal joint venture.)a

As one of our colleagues noted last spring, another website "beat Microsoft to the punch with its own Windows app store,," which "announced that it has attracted 100,000 users in just three months."a

There's no set release date for Windows 8 yet, but that will give Microsoft time to square away the name for its app store. While the blog lists it as App Store, capital "a," capital "s," it's treading on a sore spot with Apple, which has applied to trademark "App Store."a

Microsoft has filed a legal challenge with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, saying "the combined term 'app store' is commonly used in the trade, by the general press, by consumers, by Apple’s competitors and even by Apple’s founder and CEO Steve Jobs, as the generic name for online stores featuring apps."a

The Redmond company calls its Windows Phone app store the Windows Marketplace, which sounds more like a place to buy fish and fruit. But if it doesn't stick with "app store," there could be another name available with the demise of HP/Palm's webOS: "App Catalog."a

— Via Tech Cruncha

Related stories:a

Apple, Microsoft upgrades risk tablet overdose Microsoft gives first look at touch-friendly Windows 8 Sneak peek: Is this Microsoft's Windows 8 App Store? Apple sues over App Store trademark Microsoft fights Apple's 'App Store' trademark request

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Friday, August 19, 2011

Retweet dan Sexting Masuk Kamus Oxford

Retweet dan Sexting Masuk Kamus Oxford

Jakarta - Ratusan kata baru dimasukkan ke dalam kamus bahasa Inggris Oxford. Di antara 400 kata yang menambah perbendaharaan kata Concise Oxford English Dictionary, kata retweet, sexting dan cyberbullying masuk ke dalamnya.

Dicantumkannya kata-kata berbau situs jejaring dan teknologi tersebut merupakan langkah yang dilakukan Oxford untuk tetap update. "Beberapa subyek merupakan kata-kata berbau teknologi dan kata slang," tutur Angus Stevenson dari Oxord University Press.

Retweet sendiri adalah kata yang dipakai di Twitter untuk berbagi informasi. Texting lebih mengarah ke aksi pengiriman konten berbau pornografi melalui pesan singkat atau SMS serta cyberbullying adalah aksi penghinaan di dunia maya.

Kini, Concise Oxford English Dictionary telah memiliki lebih dari 240.000 kata. Selain kata-kata di atas, pada tahun ini pula Oxford English Dictionary Online menambahkan kata OMG dan LOL ke dalam daftar kata-kata berbahasa Inggris.

Dengan hadirnya kata-kata itu di kamus Oxford edisi ke-12, memperlihatkan pengakuan bahwa teknologi dan media sosial sangat berpengaruh dalam bahasa Inggris, demikian seperti dilansir detikINET dari Mashable, Jumat (19/10/2011). ( sdj / rns )

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WD Kenalkan Drive 1TB untuk Notebook

WD Kenalkan Drive 1TB untuk Notebook

Jakarta - Western Digital (WD) merampingkan drive WD Scorpio Blue menjadi 9.5 mm. Karena ramping, hardisk 2.5" berkapasitas 1TB ini sekarang makin cocok untuk notebook.

Seperti disampaikan dalam keterangan yang diterima detikINET, Jumat (19/8/2011), WD Scorpio Blue 1TB menggunakan dua piringan 500 GB.

Matt Rutledge, vice president and general manager of Client Storage, WD, mengatakan hardisk itu merupakan pilihan dengan kapasitas penyimpanan tertinggi untuk komputer portabel.

Dengan adanya hardisk kecil tipis berkapasitas besar itu, Rutledge mengatakan perangkat bergerak yang berukuran tipis tetap bisa memiliki kapasitas besar. Hardisk ini menurutnya juga cocok dipakai di penyimpanan eksternal dan digital media player.

Beberapa hal yang dikedepankan WD dari Scorpio Blue termasuk konsumsi daya yang rendah, operasional yang relatif senyap dan dingin serta adanya SecurePark untuk mengurangi keausan head.

( wsh / wsh )

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Google Tambahkan Fitur Cuaca di Maps

Google Tambahkan Fitur Cuaca di Maps

Jakarta - Fungsi Google Maps kini semakin banyak. Google menambahkan fitur baru berupa weather layer ke layanan pemetaan miliknya tersebut. Dengan fitur ini, pengguna bisa mengetahui kondisi cuaca terkini sebuah wilayah.

Dilansir Digital Trends dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (19/8/2011), fitur ini dapat diaktifkan melalui menu drop-down di kanan atas layar Maps, yang juga menyertakan layer lain seperti traffic dan transit. Weather layer ini hanya muncul ketika pengguna melakukan zoom out di wilayah yang dituju.

Informasi yang tampil sebagai pop up akan memperlihatkan kondisi cuaca di seluruh wilayah pada peta. Selain itu, akan tampil menu yang memungkinkan pengguna beralih di antara beberapa pilihan untuk melihat temperatur dan kecepatan angin.

Fitur ini sangat bermanfaat karena mengintegrasikan update cuaca sehingga pengguna tak perlu repot mengetik nama kota di kotak pencarian kondisi cuaca. Bagi mereka yang kerap berpergian, fitur ini sangat memudahkan karena mereka tinggal melihat pop up informasi cuaca yang muncul di sepanjang tempat yang dilalui.

Jika mengklik ikon spesifik, akan tampil prakiraan cuaca untuk empat hari ke depan. Data prakiraan cuaca didukung oleh situs Pop up informasi tersebut juga menawarkan tautan untuk melihat prakiraan cuaca per jam hingga sepuluh hari ke depan. ( rns / ash )

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48% of Google+ users never made a public post

Google+ had a shooting start with over 20 million users but according to many reports the service has started to stagnate. A Data mining visualization of Google+ shows that a large chuck of its users never used the service at all. It appears so that many people just wanted to join to see what all the hype was about, and then never bothered with it again. The visualization shows that the G+ activity is centered around a few group of people with tenuous links to other half. These core users might be the alpha testers who came and stick with the service while  for other new users, Google+ was just an overhead burden with already other social networks to handle.

I had same opinion about Google+. Although a commendable alternate to facebook, but with all my friends network on facebook and twitter, G+ was just a burden for me. Social networks were made for people to share their social life with other so that everyone remains in touch. But with so many networks with people checking in on 4square, posting photos on facebook, sharing status and thoughts on twitter etc. its actually quite a task to keep track of all those to really find out what your friend is up to. Google+ had just added one more of such overhead; so its no wonder that its hype is quickly phasing out.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Mozilla Firefox 6.0 released

Mozilla had previously informed that they would be having a fast track release approach for Firefox i.e. instead of waiting for months or years to release an update they will regularly update the browser to meet urgent needs and fix critical bugs. They have been true to that motto and have just updated to version 6. As expected from faster releases is that the new feature list isn’t all that impressive but if you are a developer or even a end user who likes to keep everything updated then be sure to get this latest version.

The changes included in Firefox 6.0 are as below (click here for complete change list):

The address bar now highlights the domain of the website you’re visiting Streamlined the look of the site identity block Added support for the latest draft version of WebSockets with a prefixed API Added support for EventSource / server-sent events Added support for window.matchMedia Added Scratchpad, an interactive JavaScript prototyping environment Added a new Web Developer menu item and moved development-related items into it Improved usability of the Web Console Improved the discoverability of Firefox Sync Reduced browser startup time when using Panorama Fixed several stability issues Fixed several security issues

Download the latest version of Firefox @

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


BenQ Berambisi Gusur Canon cs di Pasar Kamera

BenQ Berambisi Gusur Canon cs di Pasar Kamera

Jakarta - Sadar akan posisinya yang masih di bawah dalam persaingan kamera di Indonesia, BenQ berusaha untuk merangkak naik ke posisi yang lebih baik. Ambisinya adalah, merebut pasar kamera Indonesia dari produk-produk keluaran Jepang.

Pabrikan kamera asal Taiwan ini, diakui Liong Po Tjian, Assistant Director PT Galva Technologies selaku distributor BenQ di Indonesia, masih berada di 10 besar pemain kamera di Indonesia, akan tetapi mereka ada di posisi bottom (paling bawah). Harapan yang digaungkan pun untuk merebut posisi lima besar.

Apakah strategi yang dilakukan BenQ untuk mewujudkan ambisinya tersebut? "Kami menawarkan kamera dengan teknologi tinggi namun dengan harga yang miring," ujar Po Tjian ketika ditemui detikINET di sela-sela acara perilisan seri baru kamera BenQ di Hotel Novotel, Jakarta, Kamis (18/10/2011) malam.

"Bandingkan saja dengan kamera-kamera Jepang yang harganya tinggi-tinggi. Di sini kami menawarkan pada konsumen Indonesia bahwa dengan harga yang lebih murah mereka mendapatkan teknologi yang sama baiknya," pungkasnya. BenQ sendiri berharap mereka bisa merebut pasar kamera yang kini dikuasai produk-produk Jepang seperti Canon, Nikon dan Sony.

Di akhir tahun 2011, produsen yang masih konsisten dengan kamera berlensa single fix ini berharap pendapatan mereka bisa naik h‌ingga 20% dengan adanya moment-moment penting seperti Lebaran dan Natal. ( sdj / ash )

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SabakMoE, Tablet PC untuk Pendidikan

SabakMoE, Tablet PC untuk Pendidikan

Jakarta - Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional (Kemendiknas) bersama Telkom mengembangkan sistem pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi komunikasi (TIK) melalui konsep integrasi Device, Network, Application & Content (DNA).

Sebagai permulaan, Telkom pun menyerahkan seperangkat komputer tablet berikut konektivitas dan platform-nya sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap proyek yang dinamakan Sabak Ministry of Education (SabakMoE) ini.

"Program ini merupakan pemikiran strategis Mendiknas bahwa standarisasi pendidikan dan penyebarluasan pendidikan hanya bisa ditempuh dengan penggunaan TIK pendidikan. Itu sebabnya Telkom mengembangkan sistem pembelajaran elektronik berbasis SabakMoE ini," ujar Head of Corporate Communication and Affair Telkom Eddy Kurnia dalam keterangannya, Jumat (19/8/2011).

Istilah Sabak sendiri mengacu sarana tulis-menulis yang terbuat dari semacam batu tipis yang dibingkai dengan kayu dengan grip sebagai alat tulisnya. Sabak pun berevolusi dan kembali ke tangan siswa dalam bentuk komputer tablet (Sabak Elektronik) yang siap menjadi alat bagi siswa berselancar di dunia ilmu pengetahuan untuk meraih prestasi.

Kemendiknas dan Telkom akan mengembangkan tablet PC tersebut sebagai alat bantu proses pembelajaran bagi siswa yang terintegrasi dengan Learning Management System (LMS), yang berfungsi juga sebagai perangkat akses konten sumber belajar multimedia dan interaktif, perangkat akses ke sistem informasi pembelajaran, jadwal, silabus, kurikulum, tugas, penilaian, hasil penilaian, pelaporan hasil belajar, perangkat untuk berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi.

SabakMoe bisa dikatakan sebagai alat akses Portal Rumah Belajar sebagai media pembelajaran interaktif siswa (Lembar Kerja Siswa) dan sebagai catatan portofolio siswa.

Keunggulan dari perangkat ini mampu mencari informasi dan menjadi media kolaborasi antar siswa maupun antar siswa dengan komunitas lainnya; dapat digunakan menyimpan ribuan buku elektronik (e-book) pelajaran maupun pengayaan siswa serta aplikasi belajar.

Selain itu, SabakMoE juga memberikan kemudahan bagi sekolah, dinas dan kementerian, di antaranya dalam menerapkan TIK di dunia pendidikan, memperbaiki indeks penerapan TIK Indonesia di dunia, alat bantu pemerataan kualitas pengajaran, menuju penjaminan standar mutu pendidikan, memudahkan sistem laporan dan evaluasi, transparansi dan akuntabilitas proses pembelajaran.

"Kami harapkan program ini dapat mendukung fleksibilitas kegiatan belajar siswa dan kegiatan mengajar guru," katanya

Komunitas IM2

Sementara di lain kesempatan, Indosat Mega Media (IM2) terus memperkuat loyalitas pelanggannya dengan cara menggelar gathering. Kegiatan kumpul-kumpul kali ini adalah nonton bareng film Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallows Part 2.

Acara ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan komunitas pelanggan IM2 yang tergabung IM2 Unity dan tergabung dalam fans page IM2 di Facebook dan Twitter. Sekitar 100 pelanggan IM2 turut ambil bagian dalam acara nonton bareng yang digelar di bioskop Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia ini.

"Kegiatan bersama dengan pelanggan seperti acara nonton bareng ini akan terus kami lakukan ke depannya sehingga hubungan antara IM2 dan pelanggan semakin kuat. Disamping sebagai apresiasi dari IM2 kepada pelanggannya, kegiatan seperti ini juga bermanfaat bagi IM2 untuk mendapatkan masukan dari pelanggan," ujar Bambang Narayana, PTH GM Marketing & Channel Management IM2.

Selain acara nonton, IM2 juga menggelar acara seru lainnya seperti sesi foto bergaya Harry Potter, quiz, dan games-games menarik lainnya. Satu bioskop dipenuhi oleh pelanggan IM2 yang datang dari wilayah Jabodetabek. Acara nonbar pun ditutup dengan berbuka puasa bersama. Kegiatan nonbar ini katanya akan menjadi event tahunan untuk komunitas sosial media dan pelanggan IM2.

Komunitas IM2 Unity adalah komunitas para pelanggan IM2 yang dibentuk guna mempererat hubungan IM2 dan pelanggan. IM2 Unity kerap menggelar acara-acara menarik seperti yang baru-baru lalu yaitu IM2 U-TAB Autorally, reli mobil dengan rute Jakarta-Pelabuhan Ratu ini diikuti oleh pelanggan IM2 yang menggunakan Tablet PC.
"Jadi, pelanggan yang amat bergembira menciptakan keterkaitan emosional untuk produk atau jasa, bukan hanya pilihan rasional, dan ini menciptakan loyalitas pelanggan yang tinggi," jelas Bambang.

Bagi pelanggan IM2 yang ingin bergabung dan terlibat dalam kegiatan IM2 Unity, dapat bergabung di akun facebook IM2 yaitu IM2 Broom, atau follow twitter IM2 di im2_broadband.

( rou / rou )

Sumber detik com

HP Will Spin Off PCs and Drop TouchPad, webOS Phone

Hewlett-Packard said Thursday that its board of directors has authorized the exploration of strategic alternatives for the personal systems group responsible for the company's personal-computer Relevant Products/Services sales. Possible options include a full or partial separation from HP through a spin-off or other transaction, the company said.

HP also plans to discontinue operations for its webOS-based TouchPad media tablet Relevant Products/Services and webOS phones. The company said it will continue to explore options to optimize the value of the webOS software it inherited when the technology giant bought Palm last year for $1.2 billion.

Additionally, Autonomy and HP said Thursday that the companies are holding talks about HP acquiring the British provider of enterprise Relevant Products/Services infrastructure software. The goal for HP is to further bolster the robust profitability of its enterprise software division.

The iPad Relevant Products/Services Factor

During HP's prior business Relevant Products/Services quarter ending in April, the company's enterprise software business grew 17 percent year over year due to strong growth in licenses and services, and the division achieved a 20.2 percent operating margin. By contrast, the operating margin at HP's personal-computing business only amounted to 5.7 percent, with strong PC Relevant Products/Services sales to businesses failing to compensate for a decline in sales to consumers.

Slowing consumer demand has had a negative impact on the PC market worldwide in recent quarters. "The slow overall growth indicates that the PC market is still in a period of adjustment, which began in the second half of 2010," said Mika Kitagawa, a principal analyst at Gartner Relevant Products/Services.

HP remained the global PC market leader in this year's second quarter as the technology giant accounted for 17.5 percent of all PC shipments worldwide. Though HP performed better than average in most regions, Kitagawa noted that HP was pulled down by its performance in Asia/Pacific, where HP's shipment growth was flat even as the market overall grew 8.4 percent.

On the consumer side of the North America PC market, HP's negative growth of 14.1 percent in the second quarter was slightly worse than the market average of negative 13.8 percent. However, HP did well in the North America professional market, where "HP shipments grew 15.3 percent," whereas the overall "average was only 1.8 percent," Kitagawa said in an e-mail. (continued...)

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Google Maps adds weather layer

By Suzanne Choney

Google Maps just got even more useful: Starting Thursday, the search giant added a "weather layer" to Maps that you can use to check out current temperatures and forecasts around the world.a

To add the weather layer when you're looking at a Google Map, just "hover over the widget in the upper right corner .... (and) select the weather layer from the list of options," said Jonah Jones, Google user experience designer on the company's blog. "When zoomed out, you’ll see a map with current weather conditions from U.S. Naval Research Lab. And, if you look closely, you can also tell if it’s day or night around the world by sun and moon icons."a

You can check out the weather layer here.a

Who knows — maybe Maps' weather info will take the place of stand-alone widgets and apps that now give us the same data, but clutter our digital desktops?a

Related stories:a

Google Maps mixup sends park-goers to private home Oh snap: Old photos hit Google Maps Google Maps on more than 200 million mobiles

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

So long TouchPad and Pre

Though never officially launcged in the Middle East, HP announced today that it will be shutting down most of it’s WebOS division basically killing off the TouchPad tablet that was released just over a month ago in the US and the Pre line of Smartphones.

HP bought Palm a year back for over a $1billion with which it acquired Pre and WebOS. Ex-HP CEO Mark Hurd famously said in the wake of the Palm acquisition that it hadn’t bought webOS “to be in the smartphone business” so lets see where WebOS is headed now.

HP is also looking at “strategic alternatives for its Personal Systems Group” which includes desktops, laptops and hard drives basically confirming HP’s intent to exit the hardware game and move in the direction of software and services. More on this when the conference call kicks in half an hour.

About Abbas Jaffar Ali

Abbas Jaffar Ali is the founder of and a blogger, geek and self-declared tech pundit who can't stop talking about technology. Find him on twitter as @ajaffarali


South Korean iPhone Owners Seek Damages from Apple

A legal firm representing more than 26,600 South Korean iPhone owners has filed a class-action suit against Apple for violating their privacy rights. The suit filed in Changwon District Court by the law firm Miraelaw on Wednesday asks the court to award damages of 27 billion won (US$26 million).

Though this is little more than spare change for Apple, which is currently sitting on cash reserves of more than $75 billion, losing the suit could embolden others to file similar lawsuits in other countries. The problem for Apple is that the Changwon court awarded a single plaintiff one million won in July after a similar privacy lawsuit was filed by Miraelaw.

"It is clearly illegal for Apple to indiscriminately collect location data Relevant Products/Services on iPhone users without consent," Miraelaw lawyer Lee Jae-choul told the Korea Times on Wednesday. "To protect consumers' rights, we filed a class-action lawsuit against information-technology giant Apple."

Fixing the Problem

Apple said iPhones were storing personal-location information for up to a year due to a software glitch. Last April, the design flaw raised the ire of privacy advocates in the United States, since the file in which location information was stored was both unencrypted and relatively simple for an unauthorized person to access.

"Anyone who finds a lost or stolen iPhone or iPad Relevant Products/Services or who has access to any computer Relevant Products/Services used to sync one of these devices could easily download and map out a customer Relevant Products/Services's precise movements for months at a time, [including] the businesses he frequents, the doctors he visits, the schools his children attend, and the trips he has taken over the past months or even a year," noted Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) in an April letter to Apple CEO Steve Jobs.

Responding to the letter, Apple said it doesn't track the locations of iPhone users and the data collected is used to maintain a database of the Wi-Fi Relevant Products/Services hot spots and cell towers around each iPhone, which helps users receive location information more quickly and more accurately than GPS technology used on its own. Apple subsequently addressed the concerns by pushing out an iOS update with changes to the location storage Relevant Products/Services.

A Slap on the Wrist

Among other things, Apple's iOS upgrade reduced the size of the location cache, which is deleted whenever the user turns off the iPhone's location service used by maps, geo-tagged photos, and other location-based apps. Additionally, the location data is encrypted and stored for no longer than seven days.

Still, earlier this month the Korea Communications Commission fined Apple for violating the nation's location-information laws. Though the slap on the wrist only amounted to three million won (US$2,800), the judgment may embolden other regulatory bodies to impose fines.

Meanwhile, Miraelaw is hoping more Korean iPhone owners will join the class-action suit before the end of this month. According to the Korea Times, Apple has sold more than three million iPhones in South Korea, which means less than one percent of the device users are currently represented in the suit.

Google: 'Engaged in an arms race with malware'


The graph shows the number of sites involved in Social Engineering attacks compared to all sites hosting malware or exploitsa

By Athima Chansanchai

In declaring that, "Like other service providers, we are engaged in an arms race with malware distributors," Google has thrown down the gauntlet in the battle against malware distributors, and now it's compiled four years worth of data that shows how its crafty adversaries have continued stealthy efforts to infiltrate lives and wreak havoc.a

In a post yesterday on the Google Online Security Blog, Google Security Team members Lucas Ballard and Niels Provos laid out the highlights of the dense report, which "explores the evasive techniques that malware distributors employ" over about 160 million web pages hosted on approximately 8 million sites.a

It's an epic struggle that the search engine giant is thoroughly entrenched in, sending out "around 3 million malware warnings to over 400 million users whose browsers implement the Safe Browsing API." The Safe Browsing API enables apps to automatically checks URLs against a constantly updated database of suspected phishing and malware pages. This tool gives developers a weapon to warn users before clicking on links that appear in their site that could lead to malware-infected pages. It can also prevent users from posting links to known phishing pages. a

So users benefit, even when they don't see what is happening. The code blocks the triggering mechanism that leads to an attack. But Google has made its defenses visible to users in other ways, with alerts to users about malware infections of the computer, and in search results, some sites may be flagged, "This site may be compromised" or This site may harm your computer."a

In "Trends in Circumventing Web-Malware Detection," team members focused on "the four most prevalent detections techniques: Virtual Machine honeypots, Browser Emulation honeypots, Classification based on Domain Reputation, and Anti-Virus Engines."a

While probably only developers can really make the most of this report, it does also give users insights on how many different ways those with malicious intent are trying daily to take advantage of innocent users.a

To try to translate some of this to us ordinary folk: security experts can typically find malware by scrutinizing any new processes to an operating system; by making copies of browsers to pinpoint vulnerabilities; by flagging "domains as malicious weeks before they appear on public blacklists"; and by using more traditional anti-virus scans.a

The study confirms the team's hypothesis that "malware authors continue to pursue delivery mechanisms that can confuse different malware detection systems," but that "adopting a multi-pronged approach can improve detection rates."a


The graph shows how many compromised sites include content from cloaking sites.a

Social engineering is up, Google says. This malware distribution mechanism engages in tricking unsuspecting users into installing malware, which is usually disguised as an anti-virus product or browser plugin. But before panic sets in, the study cautions, "sites that rely on social engineering comprise only 2 percent of all sites that distribute malware."a

Another area where the study sees a rise in danger are drive-by downloads, which install malware after the exploit passes through a hole in a browser or plugin. IP cloaking is also another way malware distributors are getting through defenses, by showing one face (safe) to detection systems and another (malicious) to website visitors who stumble on the pages. a

In this spy vs. spy world, Google is constantly trying to anticipate and outsmart its foes, which come at it from many fronts. It's a war that has only added bad guys, at least when it comes to cloaking. From 2007 through 2008, 7.21 percent of sites had only a bad reputation signal. In 2009, this jumped to 36.5 percent and last year almost reached half at 48.5 percent. a

The one thing that seems to emerge from this is clear: Be vigilant. Do not open any site you think may be compromised, and don't download without scrutiny. a

More stories:a

Internet Explorer 9 safest Web browser? Google now checks your computer for malware Google adds downloading safety to Chrome browser

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bak Penyiar, Robot Denise Cuap-cuap di Radio

Bak Penyiar, Robot Denise Cuap-cuap di Radio

Jakarta - Dengan hadirnya DJ robot berikut, sebuah stasiun radio berharap ongkos yang dikeluarkan untuk membayar gaji penyiarnya bisa dipangkas.

Perkenalkan, Denise, robot cantik virtual yang mampu bekerja layaknya penyiar 'normal'. Ia diprogram oleh studio bernama Guile 3D Studio dan dibeli oleh penyiar Dominique Garcia yang bermukim di San Antonio, Amerika Serikat.

Robot yang dibeli seharga USD 200 ini sebenarnya diciptakan untuk menjadi asisten virtual. Tugasnya adalah menjawab panggilan telepon, mengecek email, melakukan pencarian di web dan membuat janji.

Akan tetapi, Garcia membuat robot ini menjalankan tugas lain, yakni menjadi seorang penyiar. Layaknya penyiar, ia akan cuap-cuap di radio.

Meski bisa melakukan tugas-tugas seorang penyiar, akan tetapi Denise butuh bantuan manusia untuk membuatkan script yang nanti akan ia bacakan. Penulis script ini nanti akan memberitahu pada Denise apa yang dikatakan di depan mic, termasuk membuatkannya joke dan laporan cuaca.

Dikutip detikINET dari MSNBC, Kamis (18/10/2011), kehadiran Denise bisa jadi sebuah penghematan hingga jutaan dollar bagi stasiun radio daripada harus mempekerjakan penyiar 'normal' secara full time. "Kamu tidak harus membayar biaya tahunan dan ia tidak perlu pergi ke mana-mana, seperti ke kamar mandi. Ia selalu ada," ujar Gracia.

Denise sendiri akan mulai mengudara pada 24 Agustus mendatang. ( sdj / fyk )

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Nokia CEO: Google-Motorola deal a “sign of danger”

Nokia’s controversial CEO, Stephen Elop, has heeded caution over the recent Google-Motorola partnership, saying he sees “signs of danger” for other Android manufacturers.

“If I happened to be someone, an Android manufacturer or an operator, anyone with a stake in that environment, I would be picking up my phone and calling certain executives at Google and saying ‘I see signs of danger,’” Elop told an business forum in Helsinki today.

Google gobbled up Motorola’s mobility division for a cool $12.5 billion this week, buying itself into a host of patents, which many believe, is a collective effort to combat Apple and Microsoft’s suing habits.

Nokia too is serving under a partnership with Microsoft, promoting it to dump its decade old mobile operating system, Symbian, for Windows Phone 7. Nokia is expected to release a WP7 device later this year.

About Mufaddal Fakhruddin

Mufaddal Fakhruddin is an Editor for Tbreak, and has nothing cool or witty to say here. Just follow him at @mideastgamers or, would you kindly?


Menyimak Masa Depan Karir Terkait Media Sosial

Menyimak Masa Depan Karir Terkait Media Sosial

Jakarta - Senior Manager, Social Media; Manager, Social Media & Marketing; Assistant Marketing Manager, Social Media; Team Lead, Social Media; Coordinator, Social Media; Social Media Specialist; Social Media Editor; Social Media Strategist; Social Media Consultant; Social Media API Programmer; Social Media Intern; Director of Social Media Marketing; Social Media Director

Daftar di atas adalah beberapa jabatan pekerjaan yang sedang dibutuhkan dan tercantum pada salah satu situs lowongan kerja dan karir ternama bagi para pekerja di bidang jejaring sosial,

Social Media Director adalah jabatan eksekutif terbaru yang merupakan bagian dari manajemen puncak perusahaan (C-level) dan mulai dikenal awal tahun lalu.

Seringkali dikenal sebagai Chief Social Media Officer (CSMO), mereka bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap content perusahaan di jejaring sosial termasuk mengawasi, mengembangkan kebijakan jejaring sosial bagi seluruh karyawan perusahaan serta mengembangkan infrastruktur jejaring sosial itu sendiri.

Philippe Borremans dan Rachel Sterne merupakan dua Chief Social Media Officer pertama di dunia. Borremans bekerja untuk Van Marcke Group, sebuah holding company bermarkas di Belgia dan bergerak di bidang konsultasi dan advokasi hukum. Sementara Rachel Sterne bekerja sebagai Chief Digital Officer kota New York, Amerika Serikat.

Statistik Pengguna Jejaring Sosial di Dunia

Lebih dari separuh pengguna internet di dunia sudah bergabung dengan salah satu jejaring sosial yang ada. Secara agregatif, satu pengguna memiliki 1.6 akun dan 39% diantaranya memiliki dua atau lebih akun. Hampir separuh pemilik akun tersebut mengakses akunnya setiap hari.

Negara sedang berkembang yaitu Filipina, Hungaria, Polandia, Brasil, Meksiko dan Indonesia merupakan negara dengan pertumbuhan pengguna jejaring sosial tertinggi. Hasil riset yang dirilis oleh Universal McCann sudah diduga oleh banyak pihak baik pengguna maupun pengamat jejaring sosial.

Peran Profesional Jejaring Sosial bagi Perusahaan

Peran jejaring sosial bagi perusahaan sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Pada artikel yang ditulis sebelumnya untuk media yang sama (“Kala Jejaring Sosial Rasuki Jiwa Perusahaan”) sudah dibahas mengenai perannya bagi perusahaan.

Hubungan antara jejaring sosial dengan aktivitas pemasaran perusahaan begitu dekat dan erat terutama dengan pemasaran melalui internet sehingga peran jejaring sosial lebih banyak “bermain” di ranah pemasaran ketimbang aktivitas fungsional lainnya di perusahaan.

Jejaring sosial tak pelak lagi sudah menjadi media (internet) yang sangat efektif untuk memperoleh pelanggan/konsumen baru, selain untuk mempertahankan pelanggan/konsumen yang sudah ada.

Semuanya bisa dicapai dengan memperkerjakan para profesional jejaring sosial yang mumpuni. Sumber daya manusia yang handal bisa diperoleh secara internal yaitu karyawan perusahaan itu sendiri maupun pihak ketiga yaitu perusahaan yang memang menyediakan layanan sumber daya manusia untuk mengelola akun perusahaan kliennya.

Burger King, Nike, National Geographic, Marriott Hotel, Starbucks dan Ford merupakan merk yang sudah memetik dan merasakan manfaat besar dari jejaring sosial dan seringkali dijadikan contoh kisah sukses penggunaan jejaring sosial untuk perusahaan.

Apa yang Dibutuhkan Dari Para Profesional?

Ada beberapa elemen kompetensi yang sebaiknya dimiliki oleh para profesional jejaring sosial.

Masa Depan Profesi ini

Pertumbuhan tingkat pengguna internet di berbagai negara terutama negara berkembang, pertumbuhan pengguna jejaring sosial, penambahan jumlah jejaring sosial, mobilitas dan produktivitas penduduk dunia yang semakin tinggi, biaya penggunaan internet yang makin terjangkau serta makin meningkatnya kesadaran perusahaan swasta maupun publik atas manfaatnya jejaring sosial merupakan beberapa faktor yang menjadikan masa depan profesi ini menjadi cerah dan menjanjikan.
Perusahaan yang menawarkan layanan pengelolaan akun sedang menjamur. Diperkirakan lembaga yang menawarkan jasa pendidikan dan pelatihan jejaring sosial juga akan meningkat.

Birmingham City University di Inggris telah menawarkan program pasca sarjana berdurasi satu tahun di bidang Jejaring Sosial mulai dua tahun lalu.

Di Amerika Serikat, Rutgers University menawarkan program jejaring sosial, pemasaran mobile dan web analytics dalam program Mini-MBAnya.

Ketika perusahaan membutuhkan profesional jejaring sosial atau saat institusi kita bernaung mengimplementasikan jejaring sosial secara komprehensif, sudah siapkah kita?

Goutama Bachtiar Tentang Penulis: Praktisi Teknologi Informasi dan penikmat jejaring sosial. Dapat dihubungi melalui Twitter: @goudotmobi, email:, G+: dan

( wsh / wsh )

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Apple being sued for nearly $26 million in South Korea

It came to light in April that Apple was storing location data from its iPhone and iPad users, for up to a year. Apparently a “bug” allowed Apple to collect anonymous data on their servers even when the location services were turned off. A later update fixed this problem where Apple now says that they only store location data for up to 7 days on iPhones, also that the data is being encrypted and not being stored on users computers. However, the damage has already been done.

In May, Kim Hyung-souk, a lawyer, won 1 million Won ($932) in compensation after he filed a case against Apple for breach of privacy. Earlier this month the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) ordered Apple to pay a 3 million Won fine for violating South Korea’s location information laws.

“Oh Byoung-cheol, a professor of information technology law at Seoul’s Yonsei University law school, said that the KCC ruling is likely to bolster the plaintiffs’ allegations of illegality by Apple and that could have an impact on possible cases in other countries,” reported Associated Press.

Yesterday, a group of 26,691 people (and a further 921 minors for whom a guardian’s permission is required) filed a class action lawsuit against Apple for compensation of 1 million Won each ($932). If the case is successful, Apple will end up paying $25.7 million. Meanwhile the lawyers are asking more people to join the case between now and the end of the month, as the first hearing will take place between October and November.

About Taimoor Hafeez

From auditing to editing, I now test and analyze the latest gadgets and games instead of the latest financial statements. Both jobs are equally intense and rewarding. In my free time you'll find me raiding in WoW or engineering in TF2.


One Stop Telco Store Janjikan Omzet Berlimpah

One Stop Telco Store Janjikan Omzet Berlimpah

Jakarta - Konsep one stop telecommunications store yang digagas oleh Koperasi Telkomsel (Kisel) ternyata cukup diminati. Sejak dibuka dalam bentuk soft launching saja, toko yang menggandeng Research in Motion, Apple, dan Samsung itu telah berhasil membukukan omzet berlimpah.

"Sejak soft launching toko ini mampu menghasilkan transaksi senilai Rp 200 juta per bulan. Melihat potensinya, kami optimistis bisa meraih target omzet lebih banyak lagi di bulan-bulan berikutnya, berkisar Rp 500-600 juta," ungkap Direktur Niaga Kisel, Frits Marendeng, di Jakarta, Kamis (18/7/2011).

Top Up+, nama toko itu, telah digagas konsepnya sejak enam tahun lalu. Konsep yang menghadirkan segala kebutuhan telekomunikasi itu akhirnya direalisasikan sejak bulan Juli 2011 lalu dalam bentuk soft launching, dan dikomersilkan secara penuh sebulan sesudahnya, pertengahan Agustus ini.

"Top Up+ yang pertama kami hadirkan di di Mal Ambasador Lt. 3 Jakarta. Toko ini akan menjadi flagship store Kisel yang pertama dari lima toko yang akan dioperasikan dalam waktu dekat, yakni di Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan dan Makassar," lanjut Frits.

Di toko itu, Telkomsel menggelar sejumlah promo seperti iPhone 4 yang turun harga dari Rp.6.999.000 menjadi Rp.6.299.100 (16GB) serta Rp. 7.199.100 (32GB). Ada juga promo BlackBerry dan device Android dengan bonus spesial.

Koperasi Modern

Selain bergerak dalam industri telekomunikasi sebagai legacy bisnisnya, Kisel juga merambah bidang lain dengan menggaet mitra dari industri lainnya seperti perbankan.

"Dalam tahun ini saja kami telah menandatangani kontrak kerjasama dengan bank-bank papan atas, seperti BNI dan Bank Mega, yang menjadi sebuah momentum milestone dari rencana ekspansi Kisel untuk memberi pelayanan yang tidak terbatas kepada pelaku industri telekomunikasi," ungkap Frits.

Dengan memanfaatkan 60 titik kantor cabang yang tersebar di 33 propinsi di Indonesia, Kisel dipercaya untuk melakukan pekerjaan survey calon pelanggan kartu kredit Bank Mega di 5.000 check poin per bulan, delivery billing tagihan koran bagi 6.000 nasabah BNI, hingga pekerjaan survey lainnya.

"Saat ini Kisel telah mencatatkan pendapatan revenue Rp 2,7 triliun yang membuktikan bahwa Kisel memandu perkembangan bentuk usaha koperasi berskala nasional yang modern dan sehat," pungkas Frits.

( rou / wsh )

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Razer announces the world’s first true 7.1 surround sound gaming headset

Razer has announced their latest, and biggest gaming headset to date, the Tiamat 7.1 for true surround sound gaming. Built with 10 drivers, the Tiamat 7.1 is a circumaural headset, sure to bring life-like audio positioning. There are two 30mm drivers for Front and Center, two 20mm drivers for surround and one 40mm driver for subwoofer in each earpiece.

“The Razer Tiamat headset range is the pride of our audio engineering, the world’s first 10 driver headset, built to deliver the most powerful, clear and accurately produced positional audio gamers will ever need for the competitive edge,” said Robert “RazerGuy” Krakoff, President, Razer USA.  “Surprise the enemy trying to creep up for a stealth kill, when you can hear their footsteps loud and clear behind you.”

But wait, for those who enjoy the simpler things in life, there’s the Razer Tiamat 2.2 which is, obviously a stereo headset, but with 2 drivers for subwoofers, hence the “.2″ in the name.

The Razer Tiamat 7.1 will retail for $180 while the Tiamat 2.2 will retail for $100; both headsets will be available in Q4 of this year, right on time for the holiday gaming season!

Full Press Release

Middle East â€" August 18th, 2011 â€" Razer, the world’s leading high-end precision gaming brand, brings true pinpoint positional audio to hardcore gamers everywhere with the Razer Tiamat headset range â€" the world’s first discrete 7.1 surround sound and 2.2 stereo gaming headsets. Get the tactical advantage in combat when you can hear and react to every gunfire, explosion and voice realistically all around you. And with bass so powerful, the Razer Tiamat will blow you away. “The Razer Tiamat headset range is the pride of our audio engineering, the world’s first 10 driver headset, built to deliver the most powerful, clear and accurately produced positional audio gamers will ever need for the competitive edge,” said Robert “RazerGuy” Krakoff, President, Razer USA. “Surprise the enemy trying to creep up for a stealth kill, when you can hear their footsteps loud and clear behind you.” The Razer Tiamat headset range includes the Razer Tiamat 7.1 Surround Sound Gaming Headset and the Razer Tiamat 2.2 Stereo Gaming Headset.

The Razer Tiamat 7.1 packs a total of 10 discrete drivers, 5 in each circumaural ear cup to give you true pinpoint positional surround sound â€" a one-up on your enemies when you can hear everything around you with three-dimensional clarity. The 10 drivers represent the 7 surround sound channels plus subwoofer; 2 for center, 1 each for the left and right, surround sound left and right, surround back left and right, and 2 for the subwoofer. All drivers work in unison to produce a true surround sound experience. The Razer Tiamat 7.1 also gives gamers maximum customizability of their audio experience adjustable on a sleek control unit. You can precisely fine-tune the volume of every audio channel, position, and bass depth, as well as conveniently toggle between the headset’s 7.1 surround sound mode, 2.0 stereo mode or external speakers as long as they are also hooked up to the unit, so you’ll have the right setup for your entertainment at all times. The Razer Tiamat 2.2 is outfitted with a total of 4 discrete drivers, 2 dedicated especially to bass to give your head that rumbling sensation every time you calmly walk away from an in-game explosion. Both versions of the Razer Tiamat come with leatherette ear cushions to keep you comfortable during long-haul gaming marathons, and a precise, unidirectional noise-cancelling microphone so your battle chatter stays as sharp as your audio. About the Razer Tiamat 7.1

True pinpoint positional audio for the tactical advantage is the only way to go for victorious gaming, and that’s what the Razer Tiamat 7.1 was built for. 10 discrete drivers, 5 in each ear cup produce 360 degrees true surround sound so you can hear and react to everything around you with three-dimensional clarity. The versatile control unit lets you tweak every audio channel’s volume and positioning, as well as bass depth to your exact preference. With a single button press, toggle between the headset’s 7.1 surround sound, 2.0 stereo and external speakers when both are connected to the unit to have the right audio setup for your specific entertainment needs at all times. Packed with so many features in one device, the Razer Tiamat 7.1 is the ultimate beast of gaming audio. How true 7.1 surround sound is produced in the Razer Tiamat 7.1

Price: US $179.99 / EU €179.99 Availability: â€" Q4 2011 Worldwide â€" Q4 2011

Product Features: ï‚· True-to-life pinpoint positional 7.1 surround sound from 10 discrete drivers ï‚· All-in-one volume control unit for multi-channel adjustment, personalization and toggling between headset and speakers ï‚· Comfortable, snug fit for extended play ï‚· Retractable, noise-filtering unidirectional mic ï‚· Interchangeable ear cup covers ï‚· Replaceable soft-touch leatherette ear cushions ï‚· Braided fibre cable  About the Razer Tiamat 2.2 The Razer Tiamat 2.2 comes with 4 discrete drivers in the headset, 2 dedicated to bass to give gamers double the bass for double the impact. Chuck a grenade, launch a missile, detonate a nuke; everything from a simple explosion to an apocalyptic end-of-the-world type destruction is reproduced with amazing booming power. Throw in a sturdy build, exceptionally comfortable leatherette ear cups for wear over extended gameplay, and a precise unidirectional microphone for leading your team to victory – the Razer Tiamat 2.2 makes sure your epic gaming domination is aurally reproduced in all its glory.

Price: US $99.99 / EU €99.99 Availability: â€" Q4 2011 Worldwide â€" Q4 2011

Product Features: ï‚· Optimized positional audio for immersive gameplay ï‚· Dual bass drivers for deep, thumping bass ï‚· Comfortable, snug fit for extended play ï‚· Precise, noise-filtering unidirectional mic ï‚· Slim, easy-to-use in-line remote ï‚· Replaceable soft-touch leatherette ear cushions ï‚· Braided fibre cable

About Taimoor Hafeez

From auditing to editing, I now test and analyze the latest gadgets and games instead of the latest financial statements. Both jobs are equally intense and rewarding. In my free time you'll find me raiding in WoW or engineering in TF2.


Google Makin Ragu Tanam Investasi di Indonesia

Google Makin Ragu Tanam Investasi di Indonesia

Jakarta - Pemerintah Indonesia sampai saat ini belum mendapatkan kepastian soal rencana investasi Google Inc di Indonesia. Pihak Google masih ragu untuk berinvestasi karena diminta membangun pusat data (data center).

Demikian disampaikan oleh Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Gita Wirjawan kepada detikINET, Kamis (18/8/2011).

"Mereka untuk sementara agak ragu untuk data center di Indonesia," jelas Gita.

Dikatakan Gita, Google secara spesifik meminta agar pusat datanya bisa di luar Indonesia. Memang Google enggan membangun pusat data karena alasan keamanan yang belum terjamin.

Sebelumnya Gita pernah mengatakan, Google Inc akan melakukan investasi yang lebih besar di Indonesia ketimbang Singapura, Malaysia, dan Thailand. Meski demikian, total investasi yang akan dikeluarkan belum bisa dipastikan.

Dengan adanya investasi Google itu, Gita meyakini akan membawa banyak keuntungan yang akan didapat oleh Indonesia. Gita menjelaskan, investasi dari Google akan menarik investasi dari pihak-pihak lain.

Namun ada beberapa kendala yang mereka inginkan untuk merealisasikan investasi di Indonesia, salah satunya pemasukan dari iklan (advertising revenue).

Kendala lain yang diminta pihak Google sebelum melakukan investasi di Indonesia adalah tersedianya jaminan keamanan untuk pusat data yang akan dibangunnya. ( dnl / eno )

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Aplikasi Game Ponsel Android Dengan Stik Playstation 3

Mainkan Game Ponsel Android dengan Stik Playstation 3

Sebuah aplikasi untuk ponsel Android yang dibuat oleh Dancing Pixel Studio memungkinkan penggunanya untuk menghubungkan stik Playstation 3 dengan ponsel mereka. Dengan demikian, keasyikan memainkan game bisa dijamin karena tidak semua bisa menikmati bermain game Android dengan menyentuhkan jari ke layar ponsel.

Aplikasi tersebut dinamakan Sixaxis Controller yang tersedia di Android Market dan bisa diunduh dengan harga Rp 14.117. Sang pembuat aplikasi beralasan bahwa ponsel keluaran terbaru dengan tampilan definisi tinggi bakal menghadirkan pengalaman bermain yang lebih baik sehingga perlu diimbangi dengan cara bermain yang juga nyaman. Selama ini, sebagian orang masih belum terbiasa bermain dengan menyentuh tombol virtual di layar sentuh ponsel.

Hanya saja, aplikasi ini tidak seperti aplikasi lain di Android Market yang tinggal diunduh kemudian bisa dijalankan begitu saja. Salah satunya persyaratannya adalah ponsel tersebut harus sudah di-root alias dioprek agar penggunanya bisa mendapatkan kontrol penuh ponsel itu meski dengan resiko garansi hangus. Pengembang aplikasi beralasan bahwa mereka menggunakan metode yang tidak baku dalam menghubungkan stik Playstation 3 dengan ponsel Android melalui koneksi bluetooth.

Untuk memastikan ponsel yang dimiliki bisa menjalankan aplikasi ini, Dancing Pixel juga merilis aplikasi Sixaxis Compability Checker yang bisa diunduh secara gratis.

VMware's Pricing Fiasco Exploited by Microsoft

Microsoft is working to get a toehold in the enterprise Relevant Products/Services market at VMware's expense. On Tuesday in a blog post, the software giant took a few jabs at VMware's revised pricing strategy.

VMware announced a new pricing model when it released vSphere 5 in July. The pricing drew the ire of customers. VMware has since made adjustments and worked to better explain those changes in the wake of the customer Relevant Products/Services backlash. But Microsoft isn't letting it slide.

In a blog post entitled Beware the VMware Memory vTax Part 2, Microsoft picked up where it left off with its attacks on the dominant player in the virtualization Relevant Products/Services market. Jeff Woolsey of the Windows Relevant Products/Services server and cloud Relevant Products/Services team posted a lengthy argument in an attempt to leverage VMware customer discontent.

VMware's Marketing Spin

"While VMware is delivering their best marketing spin to the situation, claiming they are 'customer focused,' trumpeting 'they listened,' and hoping that the furor will die down, VMware is continuing to misjudge the situation and engage in selective listening with their customers," Woolsey wrote. "Even after modifying the vSphere 5.0 memory Relevant Products/Services entitlements, the fundamental tax on memory still exists, which is an anathema to customers, and VMware is still receiving colorful feedback from their customers."

Woolsey pointed to a Twitter outcry with tweets carrying the #vtax hashtag, as well as industry reaction in technology news articles. Woolsey also noted negative customer comments in VMware's community forums before comparing the new pricing strategy to what Hyper-V has to offer. His conclusion: Hyper-V is customer-driven and free.

Hyper-V Lags Behind

Of course, there are challenges any time a vendor changes its traditional pricing scheme. Companies run into problems unless they actively discuss why the new pricing is better than the old model, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Relevant Products/Services, and many users were extremely confused by the new pricing.

"To its credit, VMware has improved the explanation and made some changes that make the new model more attractive, but this still created a competitive opportunity for Microsoft," King said. "It doesn't surprise me that the company is trying to make the most of it even if they aren't being entirely straightforward."

King recalled how Microsoft went to market with Hyper-V with a competitive message against VMware and plans to become the leading virtualization platform for x86. But it hasn't happened. VMware is estimated to have an 80 percent market share. By contrast, Hyper-V has been on the market for more than three years and hasn't gained much traction even though its solution is free.

"While usage of Hyper-V has increased, it hasn't displaced VMware. You see a lot of companies that are using both solutions together, but I haven't seen very many examples of sizable companies that have basically ripped VMware out and replaced it with Hyper-V," King said. "Those types of competitive migration example are very few and far between."

Larangan Penjualan Galaxy Tab 10.1 Dicabut

Larangan Penjualan Galaxy Tab 10.1 Dicabut

Jakarta - Tablet Galaxy Tab 10.1 sempat dilarang peredarannya di Uni Eropa oleh pengadilan Jerman. Namun sekarang, pengadilan memutuskan mencabut larangan tersebut untuk sementara sehingga Samsung bisa berjualan kembali di wilayah itu.

Pengadilan di Jerman meralat keputusannya sehingga pelarangan penjualan hanya berlaku di Jerman saja. Keputusan ini masih mungkin berubah lagi setelah Samsung dijadwalkan banding di pengadilan pada 25 Agustus.

Agaknya, perubahan ini berkaitan dengan rekayasa bukti gambar yang diajukan Apple untuk menunjukkan kemiripan antara Galaxy Tab 10.1 dan iPad 2. Ternyata, entah disengaja atau tidak, gambar Galaxy Tab 10.1 diperlebar dari ukuran aslinya sehingga sangat menyerupai iPad 2, padahal sejatinya tidak.

Selain itu, ada pertanyaan apakah pengadilan di Dusseldorf, Jerman, tersebut punya kekuasaan untuk melakukan pelarangan di seluruh Uni Eropa. Yang pasti, Samsung diuntungkan oleh perubahan keputusan ini.

"Terpisah dari keuntungan komersial yang didapat Samsung dalam perubahan keputusan tersebut, hal ini adalah situasi yang tidak menyenangkan bagi Apple," kata pakar paten, Florian Muller yang detikINET kutip dari BBC, Kamis (18/8/2011).

Apple dan Samsung bertarung di pengadilan terkait tuduhan lini ponsel dan tablet Galaxy meniru iPhone dan iPad. Pertarungan antara dua raksasa teknologi ini berlangsung di berbagai negara dari Amerika Serikat, Australia, Jerman, Belanda sampai Korea Selatan. ( fyk / rns )

Sumber detik com

Hair Wars! 'Mass Effect' heroine needs a color


Should the official FemShep of "Mass Effect 3" be a redhead? You get to decide.a

By Winda Benedetti

When you think of an alien-fighting, galaxy-saving heroine, do you imagine a blond? A brunette? Do you imagine her with jet black hair? Or (gasp) might you fancy her a ginger?a

BioWare continues to shine the spotlight on the much-loved, oft-ignored female version of the hero and star of the best-selling "Mass Effect" games – Commander Shepard. In a second round of Facebook voting, they're asking gamers to select the hair color for the official FemShep (as our lady commander is known) as they prepare to give her some public face time.a

If you haven't played the epic space-faring "Mass Effect" games, the deal is this: You play Commander Shepard – a badass hero out to save the galaxy from all manner of alien and non-alien threats. But while almost all of the official marketing materials for the game (box art, screenshots, etc.) show Shepard as a man, players actually get to choose which gender Shepard is at the start of the game.a

You can play as the famed ManShep or you can play as FemShep. Not only that, players get to thoroughly adjust the character's look as well – selecting hair color, skin color, nose shape, eye shape, etc.a

Despite not having any official presence in the game's marketing materials, FemShep has earned quite a following and BioWare has decided to give her more play as they gear up to launch "Mass Effect 3."  They have plans to put FemShep on the forthcoming game's box art (a first) and plan to release a trailer featuring her (also a first).a

But first, they need to settle on her official look. To do so, they recently let gamers select between six FemShep variations featuring different facial structure, hair style and skin color. The blond with the long messy hair won the voting in a landslide.a

But (thankfully) we're not stuck with a blond commander. BioWare is now asking gamers to revisit that FemShep and vote on her official hair color. Will it be blond, brown, black or red?a


There are a few improvements I think could be made to DudeShep. How about we put it to a vote?a

And you'll never guess who's currently in the lead: GingerShep ... with more than 12,400 votes! OK, so my Msnbc co-hort Helen Popkin (notice the color of her hair) points out that the above Shepard isn't a true ginger. She's actually a Daywalker (to put it in South Park terms.) And while I'd call the ginger lead a surprise upset, Helen points out that the redhead is sure to win with gamers ... all thanks to Felicia Day.a

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If red isn't your color, let it be known the voting is far from over. You have until the Penny Arcade Expo opens Aug. 26 to register your vote by clicking "like" on the FemShep you, well, like. (Be warned, you first have to "like" the main "Mass Effect 2" page before you can vote.)a

But, you know, I have to admit ... I'm starting to have mixed feelings about this whole FemShep selection process. I'm happy that she is getting all of this much-deserved attention. And since we the players are given the power in the game to choose her features for ourselves, giving players the power to do so officially does make some sense.a

Still, all this public voting on her physical attributes is starting to get ... a bit creepy. She's an ass-kicking, galaxy-saving commander, for crying out loud — not some prissy runway model to be ogled and judged by the unwashed masses. The Shepard I've come to know and love doesn't care if you like her or not.a

I know, how about BioWare give us a chance to pipe in with improvements that could be made to the official DudeShep? I, for one, think his close-set eyes look creepy. And what's with that pointy nose? How about something a little more rugged?a

Of course, I'm not so incensed that I haven't cast my vote. GothShep all the way!a

(Thanks to The Escapist for the heads up.)a

For more game news, check out:a

You get to pick the female face of 'Mass Effect 3''Mass Effect 3' breaks out the guns for Gamescom'Borderlands 2' will unleash 'millions upon millions' of weapons'Battlefield 3' blasts off and blows up at GamescomWinda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+. And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.a

Twitter Makin Keras Hantam TwitPic dkk

Twitter Makin Keras Hantam TwitPic dkk

Jakarta - Layanan foto milik Twitter secara langsung bersaing dengan TwitPic dan sejenisnya. Namun bagi pengguna Tweetdeck atau aplikasi lain, upload foto selama ini masih mengandalkan layanan pihak ketiga.

Tapi hal itu tak akan terus-menerus jadi pilihan setelah Twitter membuka API (Application Programming Interface) layanan upload foto itu bagi pihak ketiga.

Artinya, para pengguna Twitter segera akan bisa menggunakan fitur berbagi foto yang ada di Twitter dari aplikasi pihak ketiga favorit mereka. Hantaman cukup keras bagi penyedia layanan seperti TwitPic atau yang lain.

Twitter memperkenalkan API (Application Programming Interface) media upload miliknya guna memungkinkan para developer menyertakan gambar, baik dalam format PNG, JPG atau GIF di tweet mereka.

Ketersediaan ini dirilis menyongsong kehadiran update iOS 5 yang akan meliputi pembaruan untuk aplikasi Twitter. Langkah ini jelas bertujuan agar para pembuat aplikasi dan pengguna bisa menyesuaikan dengan fitur berbagi foto terbaru di Twitter.

"Foto adalah alat yang sangat penting ketika seseorang berbagi informasi, konteks, lelucon atau momen personal di Twitter," terang Jason Costa selaku developer relations manager Twitter.

Melalui blog resmi Twitter, dia juga menyebutkan fitur berbagi foto kini telah tersedia bagi seluruh pengguna Situs mikroblogging ini pun siap membagi API media upload mereka. Tak hanya itu, dijanjikan Costa bahwa Twitter segera akan melengkapi Twitter untuk perangkat mobile dengan dukungan fitur unggah foto.

Layanan upload dan berbagi foto yang didukung oleh Photobucket ini mulai diperluas ketersediaannya sejak pekan lalu. Fitur baru Twitter tersebut secara langsung bersaing dengan aplikasi berbagi foto Twitter dari pengembang pihak ketiga seperti Twitgoo, Lockerz, TwitPic dan yFrog.

( rns / wsh )

Sumber detik com

Dari Twitter Sampai Google, Rayakan HUT RI

Dari Twitter Sampai Google, Rayakan HUT RI

Jakarta - Pekik kemerdekaan terdengar membahana di seluruh nusantara 66 tahun lalu. Di era digital seperti sekarang, seluruh dunia bisa tahu gegap gempita perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun Republik Indonesia (RI), melalui dunia virtual. Ya, dari Twitter hingga Google mengumumkan bahwa hari ini adalah hari bersejarah bagi bangsa Indonesia.

Jejaring sosial Facebook dan Twitter menjadi tempat pertama yang ramai disinggahi warga yang menyuarakan perayaan HUT RI. Terang saja, mengingat Indonesia adalah negara dengan pengguna Facebook dan Twitter terbesar kedua dan ketiga di dunia. Berbagai postingan, baik update status, foto maupun, aktivitas check in, menggambarkan antusiasme warga.

Namun agaknya, tema kemerdekaan lebih meriah mewarnai Twitter. Di situs mikroblogging tersebut, tepat pada 17 Agustus hari ini tercatat ada dua topik HUT RI yang bertengger di trending topic worldwide yakni Happy Birthday Indonesia dan #17agustos. Topik Happy Birthday Indonesia bahkan sempat memuncaki deretan trending topic.

Kemeriahan perayaan HUT RI di Twitter sedikit banyak terdorong dari gerakan 'Kerek Bendera'. Gerakan ini mengajak tweeps bersama-sama mengerek bendera secara virtual melalui tweet.

Telah disiapkan bendera yang siap dikibarkan di halaman mal FX, Jakarta. Agar bisa mencapai puncak tiang, dibutuhkan sekitar 1.781.945 tweet dengan hashtag #17an. Selain melalui Twitter, partisipan bisa juga mengirimkan SMS dengan format 17an#nama#L/P#pesan ke nomor 08568781717 atau 0817171744 atau 082114171717 pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2011 mulai dari jam 00.00 hingga jam 23.59 WIB.

Menariknya, setiap kali jumlah hashtag dan SMS mencapai jumlah tertentu bendera akan dikerek. Untuk mengecek sampai mana bendera berhasil dikerek, partisipan bisa mengeceknya di situs Semua tweet yang menyertakan #17an dan SMS akan ditangkap di

Selain gerakan 'Kerek Bendera' ada juga beberapa gerakan serupa lainnya yang disuarakan melalui Twitter, seperti yang dikelola Indonesia Optimis melalui akun @ID_optimis. Sedikit berbeda dengan 'Kerek Bendera', id-optimis mengajak partisipan melakukan check in bersama melalui Foursquare di Monumen Tugu Proklamasi.

Google, tak mau ketinggalan ikut meramaikan perayaan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Halaman pencarian Google, baik berbahasa Inggris maupun yang berbahasa Indonesia, menyuguhkan tampilan logo Google istimewa yang biasa disebut sebagai Google Doodle. Huruf 'L' pada kata Google diganti dengan gambar kartun panjat pinang. Wow, ini adalah kado istimewa dari Google bagi rakyat Indonesia. Selamat hari kemerdekaan republik tercinta. Merdeka!

( rns / rns )

Sumber detik com

South Korean iPhone Owners Seek Damages from Apple

A legal firm representing more than 26,600 South Korean iPhone owners has filed a class-action suit against Apple for violating their privacy rights. The suit filed in Changwon District Court by the law firm Miraelaw on Wednesday asks the court to award damages of 27 billion won (US$26 million).

Though this is little more than spare change for Apple, which is currently sitting on cash reserves of more than $75 billion, losing the suit could embolden others to file similar lawsuits in other countries. The problem for Apple is that the Changwon court awarded a single plaintiff one million won in July after a similar privacy lawsuit was filed by Miraelaw.

"It is clearly illegal for Apple to indiscriminately collect location data Relevant Products/Services on iPhone users without consent," Miraelaw lawyer Lee Jae-choul told the Korea Times on Wednesday. "To protect consumers' rights, we filed a class-action lawsuit against information-technology giant Apple."

Fixing the Problem

Apple said iPhones were storing personal-location information for up to a year due to a software glitch. Last April, the design flaw raised the ire of privacy advocates in the United States, since the file in which location information was stored was both unencrypted and relatively simple for an unauthorized person to access.

"Anyone who finds a lost or stolen iPhone or iPad Relevant Products/Services or who has access to any computer Relevant Products/Services used to sync one of these devices could easily download and map out a customer Relevant Products/Services's precise movements for months at a time, [including] the businesses he frequents, the doctors he visits, the schools his children attend, and the trips he has taken over the past months or even a year," noted Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) in an April letter to Apple CEO Steve Jobs.

Responding to the letter, Apple said it doesn't track the locations of iPhone users and the data collected is used to maintain a database of the Wi-Fi Relevant Products/Services hot spots and cell towers around each iPhone, which helps users receive location information more quickly and more accurately than GPS technology used on its own. Apple subsequently addressed the concerns by pushing out an iOS update with changes to the location storage Relevant Products/Services.

A Slap on the Wrist

Among other things, Apple's iOS upgrade reduced the size of the location cache, which is deleted whenever the user turns off the iPhone's location service used by maps, geo-tagged photos, and other location-based apps. Additionally, the location data is encrypted and stored for no longer than seven days.

Still, earlier this month the Korea Communications Commission fined Apple for violating the nation's location-information laws. Though the slap on the wrist only amounted to three million won (US$2,800), the judgment may embolden other regulatory bodies to impose fines.

Meanwhile, Miraelaw is hoping more Korean iPhone owners will join the class-action suit before the end of this month. According to the Korea Times, Apple has sold more than three million iPhones in South Korea, which means less than one percent of the device users are currently represented in the suit.