Saturday, July 30, 2011

Simpanan Uang Apple Lebih Banyak dari Pemerintah AS

Simpanan Uang Apple Lebih Banyak dari Pemerintah AS

Jakarta - Barangkali, pemerintah Amerika Serikat (AS) perlu menjual Apple iPhone atau iPad. Keuntungan yang diperoleh dari penjualan gagdet tersebut membuat uang tunai Apple tercatat lebih banyak dibandingkan uang milik pemerintah AS.

Menurut data terakhir dari US Treasury Department, uang tunai yang kini dimiliki pemerintah Negeri Paman Sam adalah sebesar USD 73,8 miliar. Jumlah tersebut lebih rendah dibanding uang tunai Apple.

Seperti dilansir CNN dan dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (30/7/2011), Apple memiliki uang tunai sebanyak USD 76,2 miliar pada akhir Juni. Jumlah itu dihitung berdasarkan laporan keuangan terakhirnya.

Memang di kala pemerintah AS terus melakukan pengeluaran besar, Apple menikmati keuntungan luar bisa dari penjualan gadgetnya. iPhone, iPad sampai iPod, semuanya masih laris manis.

Dengan cadangan uang tunai berlimpah, terdapat spekulasi Apple akan melakukan langkah akusisi terhadap perusahaan lain. Namun mereka menyatakan akan berhati-hati dengan uangnya itu.

"Kami tidak akan membiarkan uang tunai kami hilang dengan membuat akuisisi yang bodoh," ucap CEO Apple, Steve Jobs, beberapa waktu yang lalu.

( fyk / fyk )

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Apple & Samsung Salip Nokia di Pasar Smartphone

Apple & Samsung Salip Nokia di Pasar Smartphone

Jakarta - Sudah sekitar 15 tahun Nokia berjaya sebagai produsen ponsel pintar atau smartphone terbesar sejagat. Namun kini, mereka harus rela turun tahta disalip oleh Apple dan Samsung.

Catatan dari Strategy Analytics menyebutkan Nokia kini menempati posisi tiga di segmen smartphone di kuartal 2 2011. Di posisi pertama adalah Apple dan diikuti oleh Samsung.

Nokia mendominasi pasar smartphone sejak tahun 1996. Namun tekanan hebat dari para rival membuat vendor ponsel asal Finlandia ini akhirnya terjungkal.

Menurut Strategy Analytic, apple menjual 20,3 juta iPhone di kuartal 2 2011. Sedangkan Samsung menjual sekitar 19 juta smartphone, diikuti Nokia dengan jumlah penjualan 16,7 juta unit.

Dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Sabtu (30/7/2011), Strategy Analytics mencatat total penjualan handset di kuartal tersebut mencapai 361 juta. Pertumbuhan pasar smartphone mencapai 76% ketimbang tahun sebelumnya.

Secara keseluruhan, Nokia masih vendor ponsel nomor satu dunia. Di pasar smartphone mereka boleh keteteran, namun masih cukup kuat di pasar feature phone.

( fyk / fyk )

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Cammster – Online webcam security service

Cammster is a simple web service with which you can setup a security system for your home using just a webcam. This website allows you to your connected webcam to take periodic pictures and sends you email alerts if it detects unusual levels of activity thus turning in to an effective low cost motion detection system for your home.

There is also option to send you SMS whenever motion is detected for immediate notice, but that service is payment based, email alerts on other hand are free. There is no additional software to be installed. Just register a free account using your email and you can start using this service. There is a sensitivity setup, which is good for setting up too many unwanted alerts. e.g. If you have fans running, then motion of paper or tissue fluttering will be alerted as well. So, using the sensitivity setup you can configure that how much motion must be registered to generate an alert event and it will take a snap to show you what motion was detected.

You can even configure multiple webcams by just opening as many windows / tabs of website as you want on configure different webcam in each window for complete security solution.

Use the service @

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Western Digital Ukir Laba USD 158 Juta

Western Digital Ukir Laba USD 158 Juta

Jakarta - Western Digital Corp. meraup pendapatan USD 2,4 miliar untuk kuartal keempat tahun fiskal 2011 yang berakhir 1 Juli 2011. Hasil ini membuat sang vendor piranti penyimpanan ini mengukir laba bersih USD 158 juta atau USD 0,67 per lembar saham, dari pengapalan hard drive sebanyak 54 juta unit.

Hasil quartal termasuk pengeluaran sebesar USD 35 juta yang terkait rencana akuisisi Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (Hitachi GST) yang diumumkan pada tanggal 7 Maret 2011, dan untuk akrual litigasi terkait.

Tanpa menghitung biaya yang terkait dengan akuisisi, laba bersih non-GAAP adalah sebesar US$193 juta atau US$0,81 per lembar saham.

Pada kuartal yang sama tahun lalu, WD mengumumkan pendapatan USS 2,38 miliar, laba bersih sebesar USD 265 juta, dan pendapatan per lembar saham sebesar USD 1,13 dan mengirimkan 50 juta unit hard drive.

Hasil 2010 termasuk USD 27 juta pengeluaran sehubungan dengan akrual litigasi. Tidak termasuk biaya ini, pengasilan bersih non-GAAP quartal lalu adalah sebesar USD 292 juta, atau USD 1,24 per lembar saham.

Dalam keterangannya yang dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (30/7/2011), WD menghasilkan USD 447 juta dalam bentuk tunai dari operasional selama kuartal bulan Juni, sehingga total uang tunai dan setara uang tunai yang dimiliki menjadi sebesar USD 3,5 miliar.

Untuk tahun fiskal 2011, WD membukukan pendapatan USD 9,53 miliar dan laba bersih sebesar USD 726 juta, atau USD 3,09 per lembar saham. Sementara jika dibandingkan dengan fiskal 2010 pendapatannya sebesar USD 9,85 miliar dan laba bersih USD 1,38 miliar, atau USD 5,93 per lembar saham.

Laba bersih 2011 termasuk biaya total USD 44 juta terkait dengan rencana akuisisi Hitachi GST dan akrual litigasi terkait. Tidak termasuk biaya ini, pendapatan bersih fiskal 2011 non-GAAP adalah USD 770 juta atau USD 3,28 per lembar saham.

Penghasilan bersih tahun 2010 termasuk biaya yang berhubungan dengan regularisasi litigasi sebesar USD 27 juta. Tidak termasuk biaya ini, pendapatan bersih non-GAAP fiskal 2010 adalah US$1,41 miliar, atau $ 6,05 per lembar saham.

"Kami percaya bahwa permintaan kuat didorong oleh meningkatnya penggunaan angkutan laut pada paruh kedua tahun ini seperti ketersediaan pasokan setelah gempa bumi di Jepang," kata John Coyne, President dan Chief Executive Officer WD.

"Dalam lingkungan pasar HDD yang menantang pada tahun fiskal 2011, industri melihat pertumbuhan volume satuan dari empat persen, sedangkan WD tumbuh enam persen dimana pelanggan terus menunjukkan preferensi proposisi nilai WD," tandasnya.

( ash / ash )

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Virtus Lepas Smart Wi-Fi dari Ruckus

ZoneFlex (cti)
Jakarta - PT. Virtus Technology Indonesia (VTI) merilisi jajaran akses internet nirkabel dari Ruckus Wireless. Produk-produk tersebut yakni Smart Wi-Fi systems -- ZoneFlex Wi-Fi access points, ZoneDirector WLAN Controller, dan FlexMaster Management System.

Sebagai bagian dari CTI Group, VTI melihat potensi besar untuk Ruckus Smart Wi-Fi diimplementasikan oleh penyedia layanan dari berbagai industri seperti operator telekomunikasi, kesehatan, pendidikan, hospitality (hotel, restoran, kafe dll).

"Indonesia adalah pasar yang sangat menggairahkan karena besarnya adopsi penggunaan perangkat internet bergerak. Sekitar 6,6 juta pengguna mengakses internet dari smartphone," kata Toto Alfin Atmojo, General Manager, Software & Networking Group VTI.

"Mengacu pada jumlah pengguna telepon seluler yang mencapai 165 juta dan internet sekitar 30 juta di Indonesia, potensi pertumbuhan smartphone dan Internet bergerak sangat besat," imbuhnya, dalam keterangan tertulis yang dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (30/7/2011).

Ia melanjutkan, Wi-Fi merupakan satu-satunya teknologi nirkabel yang dapat berkomunikasi dengan smartphone, komputer tablet dan memungkinkan layanan Internet bergerak seperti layanan berbasis 3G dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau dan akses internet secara lebih cepat.

"Kami melihat kebutuhan Wi-Fi dari penyedia layanan dan perusahaan lainnya akan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan teknologi infrastruktur jaringan lainnya,” tukas Toto.

Penelitian Boston Consulting Group, September 2010, mengungkapkan bahwa jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia mencapai 12 persen dari total penduduk yang mencapai 237 juta dan jumlah tersebut akan meningkat tiga kali lipat pada 2015.

Sementara itu firma penelitian Effective Measure, pada April 2011 merilis hasil penelitiannya yang menyebutkan bahwa 63 persen dari sekitar 30 juta pengguna di Indonesia mengakses internet secara bergerak dan merupakan tingkat penetrasi Internet bergerak tertinggi di kawasan Asia Tenggara.

Bill Pascuzzi, Ruckus Wireless Sales Director untuk Filipina dan Indonesia menilai, Wi-Fi menjadi komponen penting pada infrastruktur operator telekomunikasi dan perusahaan lain.

"VTI memiliki jaringan distribusi yang ekstensif, pengetahuan dalam integrasi jaringan dan dukungan after sales yang akan melengkapi Ruckus Smart Wi-Fi yang memungkinkan penyedia jasa dan perusahaan dari berbagai industri memanfaatkan meraih keuntungan dari pertumbuhan Internet bergerak," pungkasnya.

( ash / ash )

Belajar bahasa Inggris bareng British Council di handphone yuk, seru loh!! Tekan *321*12*1#

Qualcomm Incar Windows 8

Qualcomm Incar Windows 8

San Diego, AS - Microsoft menegaskan bahwa Windows 8 nanti bisa digunakan pada prosesor dengan arsitektur ARM. Ini berarti para pembesut chipset ponsel bisa mulai terjun ke industri komputer, salah satunya Qualcomm.

Hal ini ditegaskan oleh Steve Mollenkopf, Executive Vice President & Group President Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, dalam ajang Editors Day yang diikuti detikINET di San Diego, Amerika Serikat.

"Kami sudah memperkenalkan chipset Snapdragon yang berjalan pada Windows 8 pada pameran Computex lalu, dan saat ini kami sedang intensif mengembangkannya ke tingkat lebih lanjut," ujarnya kepada sejumlah media.

Windows 8 agaknya memang berbeda dengan seri sebelumnya. Windows kali ini dijanjikan bisa berjalan pada spesifikasi komputer rendah, serta kompatibel dengan beragam jenis perangkat keras. Sehingga membuka peluang baru bagi para pelaku industri teknologi.

"Kehadiran Windows 8 nanti memang membuka peluang bagi pelaku industri chip seperti kami untuk berekspansi ke pasar komputer. Dan kami upayakan chip tersebut sudah mulai tersedia tahun depan," tambah Mollenkopf.

Ke depannya prosesor komputer baik itu notebook atau desktop memang tidak cuma diramaikan oleh Intel dan AMD, namun para pembesut microchip lainnya yang memiliki lisensi dari ARM, seperti Qualcomm, Nvidia, dan Texas Instrument.

"Kami berbeda dengan vendor lainnya, karena kami akan membawa seluruh kecanggihan ponsel ke platform komputer," tandas Mollenkopf.

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Internet Explorer 6 users have low IQs, study says


By Helen A.S. Popkin

Way back in March — roughly 73.8 years in Internet time — Microsoft asked you to stop using Internet Explorer 6. But you were all, "No! Now pass me my All Bran. And pipe down! 'The Mentalist' is coming on."a

In an effort to get international usage of the 10-year-old Web browser down to just 1 percent, Microsoft launched a countdown campaign with website featuring an international map with percentage of use in various countries, links to Join the Cause, Educate Others and Tell Your Friends.  ( is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC Universal.)a

Alas, you were too busy updating your "JAG" fan fiction on Geocities and adding glitter gifs to your MySpace profile to try out content filters such as Shaved Bieber for Firefox, or make power pop quartet OK Go spell words via Google’s Play With Chrome project.a

via quickmeme.coma

So if you're still among the approximately 10.7 percent of the world on IE6 — notoriously buggy and incompatible with pretty much everything except malware — here's some science bound to make you embrace change. IE6 users have an average IQ score barely over 80, according to a recent study by Vancouver-based psychometric consulting company, AptiQuant.a

Psychometrics "is the field of study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement, which includes the measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and personality traits, and educational measurement." Of course you know that, at least if your browser of choice is  Firefox or Chrome (user IQ average around 110), Opera or Camino (user IQs average more than 120), or are familiar with a website called Wikipedia.a

To get those numbers, AptiQuant polled 101,326 people ages 16 and up from predominately English-speaking countries, including the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Subjects took an intelligence test on the AptiQuant website, which recorded their browser, operating system and geographic location via their IP address. (You can read more about the study's methodology here.)a

What if you use four different browsers? IE, Chrome, FF and Opera! Huh? What then? Super genius? Study doesn't say ... though you should probably get outside once in a while. At least get a standing desk. Just saying.a

Meanwhile, as you're crafting your IE jokes (i.e. shooting fish in a barrel), you'll want to note that IE users overall were significantly smarter in 2006. That doesn't mean those same IE users are losing brain power. (IE8 currently tops market share at 30.7 percent).  It seems that while pretty much everybody hates change (when's the last time you saw Steve Jobs not wearing a black mock turtleneck?), those with higher IQs more readily embrace  it. ("It," in this case, being Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.)a

"From the test results, it is a clear indication that individuals on the lower side of the IQ scale tend to resist a change/upgrade of their browsers," the study concludes. "This hypothesis can be extended to any software in general, however more research is needed for that, which is a potential future work as an extension to this report."a

More on the annoying way we live now:a

Adorable animals make the meme, Hipmunk almost proves Google+ promises heads' up before it dumps your fake account Monkey playing with iPhone heralds end of Man's reign

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+.a

Apple Fan Snaps Photo of Possible iPhone 5 Prototype

The iPhone 5 rumor mill got a boost Friday with what could be a sighting of an actual prototype by an eagle-eyed fanboy. A commuter in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Apple fan said he saw what may be an Apple employee Relevant Products/Services on a train using a device that doesn't match previous iPhones or an iPod touch, thin and with rounded edges.

Because 9to5Mac previously featured photos of an iPhone case believed to be intended for the refresh model, he sent a photo to the blog with the user's face blocked out. The device has a black back with the Apple logo.

Bigger Screen?

The cases obtained by 9to5Mac suggest a thinner design with a larger display and a larger home button for the popular smartphone Relevant Products/Services. The case suggests an "almost EVO-like" screen size, which would be a big change from the 3.5-inch iPhone touchscreen that has gone unchanged since 2007. HTC's EVO 4G for Sprint Nextel has a 4.3-inch display.

Apple is likely to be extremely careful with its prototypes after last year's embarrassing incident involving an iPhone 4 that was left in a California bar and sold to Gizmodo. Apple called the cops to get it back, but not before photos of the refresh were all over the tech media.

If there is a new iPhone due in September, Apple would be beyond the beta-testing stage and well into final testing, said consumer-devices analyst and Apple watcher Avi Greengart.

"They would be dotting the I's and crossing the T's," he said. "The assumption is, and Apple has confirmed, that there is a product transition coming this fall. The likelihood is that it's the iPhone."

Leaks Happen

He said that while Apple is always protective with its prototypes, mistakes happen.

"They are super careful each time around," he said. "The poor guy [who lost his iPhone 4] got an earful, but I don't think he was fired. He was supposed to use it outside; he just wasn't supposed to leave it in a bar."

Could Apple be deliberately flashing the devices around before launch to build buzz?

"Positively not," said Greengart. "There is no need to stoke buzz for the product because their whole MO is to have everything secret, which generates buzz." If anything, he speculated, it would make more sense to leak false information in order to find out where the leaks are.

Greengart believes the iPhone 5 will have a multi-core processor but not Long Term Evolution 4G capability, with a larger screen, but probably not as big as the EVO.

"They don't want it to be too big to comfortably fit in your hands," he added. "If they go to 3.7 inches or 3.9 and eliminate the bevel, you'll have a phone that fits in your hand and still gives you more space for web browsing and apps."

Apple Grows the Most in Global Smartphone Market

According to IDC, Apple solidified its number-four position in the worldwide mobile Relevant Products/Services-phone market by shipping 20.3 million iPhones and posting the highest growth rate among the market leaders in the second quarter. The device maker's shipment numbers also edged closer to those of number-three LG Electronics, which delivered 24.8 million units in the second quarter -- down 18.9 percent from the year-earlier period.

With Apple poised to unleash a new iPhone 5 in September, it will soon have an opportunity to challenge LG Electronics for the number-three position. Apple's ability to bring its smartphone Relevant Products/Services momentum to developing economies, where it's less successful, will help dictate the company's smartphone fortunes, IDC analysts said.

LG recently downgraded its mobile-phone outlook for 2011 by 24 percent due to the slow pace of its smartphone releases, competitive pressures, and soft demand for its feature phones. "The shrinking feature-phone market is having the greatest impact on some of the world's largest suppliers of mobile phones," said IDC Senior Research Analyst Kevin Restivo.

Samsung's Long-Term Prospects

According to Strategy Analytics, vendors shipped 110 million smartphones globally in the second quarter -- a robust 76 percent rise from the same period last year. Apple led the field with 20.3 million shipments, followed by Samsung (19.2 million) and Nokia (16.7 million).

"Samsung's Galaxy portfolio has proven popular, especially the high-tier S2 Android model," said Strategy Analytics Director Neil Mawston.

Although Apple posted 142 percent year-over-year growth in the second quarter, Samsung's smartphone sales are expected to surpass iPhone shipments in the long run. "Samsung's 500 percent year-over-year growth shows that, going forward, the top smartphone OEM position is Samsung's to lose," said ABI Research Senior Analyst Michael Morgan.

ABI analysts estimate that second-quarter Android shipments totaled 47 million for a 46.4 smartphone segment share. Samsung led the field with 34 percent of all Android shipments, followed by HTC (23 percent), and Sony Ericsson (11 percent).

Although robust smartphone sales in North America and Latin America helped drive growth in the mobile-phone market overall in the second quarter, mobile-phone sales in Western Europe declined from the previous quarter. "Feature phones continue to experience strong decline [and] inventory clearance from operators in advance of new product launches impacting smartphone growth," said IDC Research Manager Francisco Jeronimo on Friday.

Stalling Feature Phone Growth

Although global mobile-phone shipments rose 11.3 percent year over year to 365.4 million in the second quarter, feature-phone shipments declined four percent as more consumers in the U.S., Japan and Western Europe switched to smartphones. (continued...)

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Fugitive caught after taunting cops via Facebook

Utica Police Departmenta

By Rosa Golijan

When the Facebook page of a man wanted on multiple arrest warrants taunted authorities with messages such as "Catch me if you can, I'm in Brooklyn," officers were bound to capture the man quickly and in an entirely appropriate place — right in front of his computer.a

According to the NY Daily News, 29-year-old Victor Burgos still had his Facebook page open when a task force of U.S. marshals and NYPD detectives arrived at his Brooklyn apartment. The man was placed under arrest and taken to Oneida County where he is facing charges related to domestic violence and harassment of his ex-girlfriend.a

Before he was captured though, Burgos did more than just taunt officers via his Facebook page: He went as far as posting "a video showing him walking into an unidentified NYPD stationhouse believed to be in Brooklyn" on his website.a

There's no explanation as to what this man's motivation was and whether he genuinely believed that he could continue with his online antics without getting caught eventually. All Utica police sergeant Steve Hauck had to say about the incident is that "He told us via Facebook to come and get him and we did."a

Related stories:a

Facebook doesn't want you to use its secret iPad app How to turn off Facebook's creepy face recognition Amy Winehouse death video scams hit Facebook

Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on Facebook. Oh, and she can be found on Google+, too.a

Friday, July 29, 2011

Indosat Siapkan 1.695 Posko Mudik

Indosat Siapkan 1.695 Posko Mudik

Jakarta - Jalur mudik masih menjadi media bagi operator telekomunikasi untuk mencoba lebih dekat dengan pengguna. Tak terkecuali dengan Indosat yang telah menyiapkan sebanyak 1.695 posko mudik.

Dalam posko yang tersebar di Jawa, Sumatera dan Bali tersebut, Indosat menawarkan sejumlah kenyamanan seperti penjualan kartu perdana, voucher, snack gratis, arena bermain anak-anak hingga alat pijat.

Selain menyediakan ribuan posko mudik, operator yang identik dengan warna kuning itu juga siap memanjakan pengguna dengan beragam program promosi. seperti memungkinkan pengguna untuk menelepon ke semua operator dengan Rp 200 per menit dan bagi pemakai IM3, konsumen akan dibebaskan untuk menelepon dan mengirim SMS setelah mengirimkan 2 SMS.

Program lain yang dilancarkan Indosat adalah program donasi 5000 Alquran. Indosat akan membagi-bagi Al-Quran di masjid-masjid yang ada di 10 area dan 4 region. Indosat juga memiliki Indosat Retail Penuh Senyum di mana pengguna Indosat bisa mendapatkan beberapa minuman serta voucher belanja ketika isi ulang di mitra retail Indosat yaitu Indomaret, Yomart dan bright.

Untuk konten khusus selama Ramadhan, Indosat merilis konten-konten berkaitan dengan Ramadhan yang bisa diakses oleh konsumen, seperti aplikasi Al-Quran Ku, Info Mudik, Tanya Ustadz dan lain-lain melalui pengaksesan ke *888#.

( sdj / ash )

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HTC Prime Mantap Pilih Mango

HTC Prime Mantap Pilih Mango

Jakarta - Kehadiran dua smartphone terbaru HTC, Prime dan Ignite, sepertinya tinggal menunggu waktu. Keduanya disebut-sebut kian memantapkan hati untuk mengusung sistem operasi mobile Windows Phone 7.5 Mango.

Retailer bernama The Phone House sendiri sudah turut membocorkan tampilan kedua ponsel pintar tersebut, seraya memastikan kemunculan produk ini di pasaran akan terjadi dalam waktu dekat, tanpa memberi waktu lebih pasti.

Dikutip detikINET, Jumat (29/7/2011), Boys Genius Report berspekulasi jika OS Mango akan menjadi pilihan keduanya. Terlebih sebelumnya Microsot mengaku akan menggenjot dukungan terhadap Mango untuk eksisting handset. Selain itu, produsen software raksasa yang berbasis di Redmond, AS, itu juga mengungkapkan telah merilis update OS ini kepada sejumlah produsen.

HTC Ignite merupakan ponsel Windows Phone 7 yang sekilas memiliki desain sama seperti HTC Mozart, dengan layar 3,7 inch dan beresolusi 480x800 pixel. Bedanya, Ignite didesain dalam balutan cover berwarna silver.

Yang sedikit membingungkan, ponsel ini hanya memiliki prosesor 800 Mhz. Di lain pihak, Microsoft memberi kebijakan ponsel yang menggunakan OS WP7 minimal harus memiliki dapur pacu berkekuatan 1 Ghz.

Sementara HTC Prime juga mengadopsi OS WP7. Dilihat sekilas dari desainnya, Prime merupakan versi WP7 dari HTC Desire Z dengan keypad qwerty slide. Dengan warna dan bentuk yang sama, ponsel ini disebut-sebut sebagai kelanjutan HTC 7 Pro.

Sejatinya, ada satu produk lagi yang tengah dinanti pengguna dari vendor ponsel asal Taiwan ini, yakni HTC Pyramid. Berbeda dari dua produk terdahulu, Pyramid merupakan ponsel Android.

Desain perangkat ini terlihat seperti perkawinan antara HTC Desire HD, Incredible S dan HD7. Dengan layar selebar 4,3 inch, Pyramid dilengkapi kamera 8 megapixel diselubungi dengan cover berwarna silver.

( ash / fyk )

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Apple iCloud testing begins in Mac OS X 10.7.2

Apple had announced the iCloud service for streaming and syncing all content on Apple devices a while back. The service will start for Mac and iOS later in autumn, but with latest Mac OS X 10.7.2 release sent to developers, iCloud has been implemented in it to begin the developer testing.

The version does not appear to address any bugs or issues in Mac OS X Lion but instead adds iCloud to the Mail, Contacts & Calendars control panel. From there users will be able to choose what they want to be synced to the cloud and manage storage and backups.

Since Apple has badged the developer release as 10.7.2, it’s likely that Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1 will be an update for the rest of public with bug fixes and tweaks.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Inikah iPhone Versi Murah?

Inikah iPhone Versi Murah?

Jakarta - Untuk menandingi smartphone Android berharga murah, Apple dilaporkan membesut iPhone dengan harga lebih terjangkau. Konon sebutannya nanti adalah iPhone 4S dan akan muncul berbarengan dengan peluncuran iPhone 5.

Sebuah foto yang diklaim sebagai iPhone 4S pun muncul di dunia maya. Foto yang masih tampak kabur ini menampilkan ponsel mirip iPhone, namun dengan bahan pembuatan yang lebih murah.

Berselimutkan warna putih, iPhone 4S dibuat dari bahan casing plastik, kurang elegan jika dibandingkan dengan bahan iPhone 4 yang didominasi kaca. Hal ini ditujukan untuk menekan harga.

Kompromi lain demi harga murah adalah resolusi layar yang diturunkan. Disebutkan bahwa layarnya tidak akan memakai Retina Display melainkan akan sama dengan teknologi layar di iPod Touch.

Foto bersangkutan pertama kali muncul di situs asal Vietnam bernama Tinhte. Pengelola situs mengklaim mendapatkannya dari sumber terpercaya.

Beberapa pihak meragukan ponsel ini adalah iPhone 4S. Beberapa menduganya sebagai prototipe iPhone generasi terdahulu. Demikian seperti dilansir Recombu dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (29/7/2011).

Ponsel yang diduga iPhone 4S dari belakang

( fyk / ash )

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Pemenang Blog Award Sesi 14 - BRONZE

Pemenang Blog Award Sesi 14 - BRONZE

Jakarta - Tim Internet Sehat telah memilih dua blog pemenang Internet Sehat Blog & Content Award (ISBA) 2011. Setelah melakukan proses verifikasi dan penilaian, bersama ini kami menyampaikan bahwa blog berikut ini layak dan berhak mendapatkan penghargaan Internet Sehat Blog & Content Award (ISBA) 2011 untuk kategori BRONZE minggu ini, Kamis (28/07/2011):


"Tidak ada yg pasti dalam perang bisnis, yang terpenting ciptakan standar yang tinggi dan konsistenlah", demikian quote yang tertera di blog creasionbrand.

Sejalan dengan quote tersebut, blog ini memang tidak jauh dari dunia bisnis, marketing dan seluk beluk di dalamnya. Cocok dibaca bagi mereka yang enggeluti dunia marketing, pun masyarakat umum yang ingin menambah wawasannya mengenai ragam pemasaran.

Meskipun sebagian besar postingan berukuran cukup panjang, namun jangan khawatir kita akan dibuat bosan membacanya. Tulisannya cukup rapi dengan layout yang tidak merusak mata.

Contoh yang gamblang untuk tiap kasus membuat pembaca lebih 'enak' mengikutinya. Dalam blognya, penulis juga membuat sub-sub yang berisi kiat-kiat dan strategi marketing sehingga banyak manfaat yang bisa diperoleh ketika mengunjungi blog ini.

Masih hangat di perbincangan mengenai kesuksesan brand keripik Maicih dalam menggaet konsumen serta kesuksesan yang diraih Apple lewat produk-produk inovatifnya. Di sini penulis membabat habis strategi yang dilakukan kedua brand tersebut sehingga mencapai posisinya yang sekarang.

Bila pembaca ingin bergegas membaca postingan yang populer di blog ini, pembaca tak perlu kebingungan karena di bagian kanan blog pembaca bisa melihat kategori Popular Post yang dicantumkan. Sebuah blog yang inspiratif dan kaya manfaat.


Satu lagi blog yang mengulas mengenai dunia teknologi dan seluk beluknya, termasuk tips-tips yang dibutuhkan oleh pemula di dunia ini. Memasuki blog, pembaca tidak akan dibuat bingung oleh direksi blog karena tatanan blog tergolong rapi dengan tidak banyak penggunaan warna dan 'tempelan'.

Pengunjung akan langsung bisa meluncur ke tujuan yang dikehendakinya dengan melihat kategori-kategori yang telah dibagi menjadi 8 kanal: blogging design, freebies, news, open source, opinion, software, wp plugins dan wp themes.

Beberapa postingan yang dibuat oleh pemilik blog di antaranya ialah mengenai penambahan game flash pada blog, memasang tombol Google +1 pada blog, dan masih banyak lagi kiat-kiat bermanfaat yang didapat dari blog ini.

Dengan bahasa yang gampang dimengerti, pembaca tidak akan bingung mengikuti instruksi yang diberikan penulis lewat blognya ini. Tak ingin ketinggalan berita teknologi atau kiat terbaru? Singgah saja di blog teknologi yang mendefinisikan dirinya sebagai blog terbuka dan mengusung misi membentuk komunitas pecinta teknologi di tanah air ini.

Internet Sehat Blog & Content Award (ISBA) 2011 adalah sebuah penghargaan sepanjang tahun yang diberikan kepada pengelola Blog, Wiki, Forum, Portal dan berbagai jenis layanan konten lainnya, baik perseorangan ataupun berkelompok, yang dengan segenap daya kreatifitasnya telah menuangkan ide, gagasan dan pikirannya dalam bentuk tulisan secara online. Tulisan tersebut tentunya yang harus dapat memberikan ide ataupun mengarahkan pembaca untuk melakukan tindakan yang positif dan bermanfaat, bagi dirinya ataupun masyarakat sekitarnya di Indonesia. Goal dari program ini adalah untuk men-generate tumbuhnya konten-konten lokal sehingga semakin banyak generasi muda Indonesia yang aktif menulis di blog. ISBA 2011 diinisiasi oleh ICT for Partnership (, didukung oleh XL Axiata (, Norton Symantec (, dan detikINET (

Ingin seperti mereka? Simak cara-caranya di

( wsh / wsh )

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6 Bulan, XL Raup Laba Rp 1,6 Triliun

6 Bulan, XL Raup Laba Rp 1,6 Triliun

Jakarta - PT XL Axiata Tbk (EXCL) berhasil mencetak perolehan laba bersih Rp 1,6 triliun sepanjangan semester I-2011, naik 18% dibandingkan laba pada periode yang sama tahun lalu.

Direktur Utama XL Hasnul Suhaimi mengatakan, laba bersih ini didorong oleh peningkatan pendapatan usaha perseroan sebesar 8% sepanjang semester I-2011 menjadi Rp 9,1 triliun.

"Peningkatan pendapatan kami terutama diperoleh dari pendapatan layanan data, yang meningkat sebesar 47% year on year dan memberikan kontribusi sebesar 21% terhadap total pendapatan pemakaian pelanggan kami," jelas Hasnul dalam siaran pers, Jumat (29/7/2011).

Hasnul melihat adanya potensi besar di bisnis layanan data terkait perubahan perilaku pelanggan dari penggunaan layanan tradisional (layanan percakapan dan SMS) menuju layanan data sehingga di masa mendatang, XL akan lebih fokus dalam mengembangkan bisnis layanan data dengan cara memperkuat departemen layanan data secara keseluruhan.

Selama 12 bulan terakhir, XL telah menambah BTS sebanyak 4.084 BTS (2G/3G) di seluruh Indonesia, di mana 1.220 merupakan 3G BTS ( 3G BTS meningkat sebesar 53% dari 2.301 BTS Juni 2010 menjadi 3.521 BTS Juni 2011).

Total BTS (2G/3G) XL pada akhir Juni 2011 berjumlah 24.971 BTS. XL memutuskan untuk mempercepat penambahan infrastruktur jaringan untuk layanan data dengan pertimbangan semakin meningkatnya pengguna ponsel 3G di pasar dan juga trafik 3G yang dihasilkan. Belanja modal tunai akan perseroan mencapai sekitar Rp 6 triliun di mana lebih dari separuhnya akan dialokasikan untuk layanan data.

Pada kuartal II-2011, XL mencairkan fasilitas pinjaman dalam rupiah sebesar Rp 500 miliar serta fasilitas pinjaman dolar AS yang baru diterima di Juni 2011 sebesar US$ 59 juta.

Selain itu, selama semester I-2011, XL melakukan pembayaran pinjaman dipercepat sebesar Rp 900 miliar dan juga pembayaran pinjaman yang sudah jatuh tempo sebesar US$ 24,1 juta menggunakan arus kas internal, sehingga saldo pinjaman menurun dari Rp 11,4 triliun di Juni 2010 menjadi Rp 9,9 triliun di Juni 2011 dengan rasio Utang Bersih (utang berbunga dikurangi Kas)/EBITDA sebesar 1,0x.

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Will we see a "Mass Effect" MMO?

By Todd Kenreck

 With a "Star Wars" online game already on its way; is there room enough for two massively sci-fi online games. In-Game's Todd Kenreck reports.a

Trend Micro Tak Mau Tolerir Eks Hacker

Trend Micro Tak Mau Tolerir Eks Hacker

Tokyo - Banyak perusahaan antivirus dan keamanan jaringan komputer yang membajak hacker sebagai tenaga ahli mereka. Namun kebijakan ini tidak berlaku bagi Trend Micro. Setidaknya di bawah pimpinan Eva Chen.

"Tidak, kami tak akan mentolerir eks hacker di perusahaan kami. Kalau saya sampai tahu ada pegawai Trend Micro bekas hacker, saya akan menyuruhnya pergi," kata Eva Chen, President & CEO Trend Micro dalam sesi wawancara terbatas di Tokyo, Jepang, 27-28 Juli 2011.

Eva beralasan, orang yang pernah menjadi hacker punya kebiasaan buruk yang tak bisa ditolerir, meski hacker itu sudah menyatakan tobat.

"Menjadi hacker itu habit. Tak peduli seberapa berbakatnya dia, kami tetap tak bisa menerimanya. Sebab, jika ada eks-hacker di perusahaan kami, itu sama saja kami membiarkan perusahaan kami terancam dari dalam," ketus dia.

Eva sendiri lebih memilih karyawannya yang memang punya intelegensia tinggi nan berbakat namun tidak macam-macam.

"Sewaktu saya di Amerika, 1987, pegawai yang pertama kali kami rekrut satu orang. Dia masih 19 tahun tapi sudah bekerja di Oracle. Anak ini benar-benar jenius. Alhasil, setelah kami tanya dia sekolah di mana, kami pun meminta dia untuk mengajak teman-teman sekelasnya untuk bergabung bersama kami," kata Eva tanpa menyebutkan jati diri orang yang dimaksud.

Ketidaksukaan Eva terhadap hacker, ditegaskan olehnya, bukan berarti dia ingin menjadi musuh dari para hacker. Namun dia lebih menganggap hacker itu sebagai 'lawan tanding'-nya.

"Kompetitor utama kami bukan Symantec, McAfee, Juniper, atau lainnya, tapi hacker. Kita musti memprediksi semua kemungkinan langkah mereka berikutnya," kata dia.

"Kami tak ingin mengulangi kesalahan Sony yang memusuhi hacker. Anda tahu bagaimana jaringan PlayStation Network mereka lumpuh, itu karena Sony menuntut hacker. Alhasil, kawan-kawan hacker itu menuntut balas. Itu sebabnya, jangan pernah macam-macam sama hacker," Eva menandaskan.

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Oracle Acquires CRM Knowledge Provider InQuira

As the enterprise Relevant Products/Services CRM Relevant Products/Services battle continues to heat up, Oracle is countering the latest iteration of Microsoft Dynamics CRM with a strategic acquisition. Just days after announcing Oracle CRM on Demand Release 19, the technology behemoth has snapped up InQuira.

InQuira is a provider of knowledge-management software that supports web self-service and agent-assisted service. The privately held company headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area boasts more than 85 blue-chip customers, including Yahoo, 3M, Sprint Nextel, McAfee, Nationwide, Juniper Networks, and Pitney Bowes.

"The acquisition of InQuira provides Oracle with a complete knowledge-management suite integrated with self-service support, online customer Relevant Products/Services forums, and agent-assisted CRM," said Anthony Lye, senior vice president of Oracle CRM. "We expect InQuira to be the centerpiece for Oracle Fusion CRM Service. With InQuira, Oracle will provide an integrated suite of proven solutions that deliver a comprehensive and highly personalized experience for every customer, across all channels."

Innovative InQuira

Oracle sees a need for companies to provide a high-value, differentiated customer experience online and in the contact center Relevant Products/Services. It's betting InQuira's solutions will improve customer service and satisfaction by helping them find more relevant answers to questions online or from a service agent guided by a scalable knowledge-management platform.

InQuira has proven its worth in the CRM marketplace with record-breaking growth in customers and revenue in 2010. In May, InQuira won the Technology Services Industry Association Recognized Innovator Award for innovation Relevant Products/Services in knowledge management.

The company continues to push out new products, most recently InQuira On Demand, an on-demand subscription pricing-based version of its InQuira for Web Self Service and InQuira for Contact Centers. The offering includes packaged integration Relevant Products/Services with leading CRM applications such as Oracle CRM on Demand.

"Knowledge-driven enterprise service, support and sales processes have become a 'must' in today's world of information overload and business Relevant Products/Services complexity," said Mike Murphy, CEO of InQuira. "Investments in established technologies like CRM and new social Relevant Products/Services channels add transactional capabilities but create new challenges for organizations to drive a consistent knowledge experience across multiple customer touch points." (continued...)

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OK Go bends to your will, thanks to Google Chrome

By Helen A.S. Popkin

Nothing says "I'm bored at work!" like a video dance message spelled out by the smushed body bits of power pop quartet OK Go and contemporary dance troup Pilobolus, as experienced in Google Chrome. a

The video for the band's new song "All Is Not Lost" is the latest in Google’s Play With Chrome project, and uses a preset alphabet so users can make the performers spell out a message at the end of the kaleidoscope-like performance. Here's where you go to play with the video (you have to use the Google Chrome browser) and make a message you can email.a

Google Chromea

Previous Play With Chrome coolness includes Arcade Fire's "We Used to Wait." The song's video combines Google Chrome and Google Earth for viewers to watch as if it were filmed on the streets where they grew up (or whatever location viewers chose to enter).a

It's a natural progression for OK Go, which inadvertently started its viral precedent with the charming breakout video, "Here It Goes Again," performed on treadmills. (Of course there's the Rube Goldberg goodness of "This Too Shall Pass," but "White Knuckles" is still my favorite — it features dogs and also a goat!)a

Of course, by mentioning the unavoidable pressed parts earlier, I'm no doubt invoking the wrath of protective fan girls who've previously called me out for expressing my worry over OK Go's escalating video adventures, but dude! You, me and OK Go know the spandex unitarded bodies of Midwestern hipsters smashed against glass (or whatever) is the "Lake Titicaca" of visual effects. Your inner 2nd-grader is amused, and you will be too.  a

As for OK Go, I merely share a similar concern with Urlesque's Christine Friar, who wrotes of the band's toast-composed "Last Leaf" video, "Come on, these guys are gonna have to run out of viral ideas at some point, right?"a

More on the annoying way we live now:a

Arcade Fire HTML5 video is awesome — but no Flash killer OK Go's 'New Leaf' video is toast Adorable animals make the meme, Hipmunk almost proves

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+.a

Google+ growth slowing down

Google+ entered with bang, no doubt. The social networking site, a direct competitor to the present juggernaut Facebook, got everyone (and their grandmother) curious, with the Internet witnessing once again the massive rush of threads with users asking (aka begging) for invites to get onto the site. The social site collected million of users within days, with Google saying that it has about 10 million users already.

However, according Experian Hitwise, Google+ has been slowing down in traffic, with users spending less and less time on the website. To put that in numbers: for the week ending July 23, Google+ had a total of 1.79 million visits. That’s a 3 percent down from the 1.86 million visits registered in the previous week. As for the avg. time spent on site, that took a slight hit as well, with a user spending a total of 5 mins and 15 seconds per visit, as compared to 5 mins and 50 seconds for the previous week.

Google declined to comment on Experian Hitwise’s numbers, only saying that the stats did not factor in traffic from mobile websites and of users who visit Google+ via another Google service like Gmail.

About Mufaddal Fakhruddin

Mufaddal Fakhruddin is an Editor for Tbreak, and has nothing cool or witty to say here. Just follow him at @mideastgamers or, would you kindly?


Amid Loss, Sprint Rents Spectrum To LightSquared

Sprint Nextel reported a loss in its second-quarter earnings Thursday, but the wireless Relevant Products/Services carrier hopes investors will pay more attention to a new deal for wireless 4G broadband.

Sprint added nearly 1.1 million new subscribers in the quarter, most of them prepaid subscribers. The company also posted its best-ever postpaid churn of 1.75 percent and the lowest prepaid churn in almost six years at 4.14 percent. But the rest of the news wasn't as good.

Second-quarter revenue was $8.3 billion, with operating income of $79 million. That's a net loss of $847 million and a diluted loss per share of 28 cents for the quarter. But the company has $4.3 billion in cash reserves.

Competing with Giants

Sprint CEO Dan Hesse focused on the positive: "Sprint's second-quarter results, including our 14th consecutive quarter of improved customer Relevant Products/Services-care satisfaction, our best-ever postpaid churn, more than one million net wireless subscriber additions and wireless service revenue growth, validate that our focus on providing simplicity, value and an unmatched customer experience is working."

Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at Gartner Relevant Products/Services, said Sprint's losses demonstrate how tough it is for smaller carriers to compete in today's market. As he sees it, Sprint remains challenged to go head-to-head with much larger competitors, which is one of the reasons it's so strongly opposing AT&T Relevant Products/Services's acquisition of T-Mobile.

"Sprint has to find ways to differentiate itself from the competition and give consumers a reason to use its services," Gartenberg said. "That means coming out with cool devices. That means focusing on price, which is part of what they are doing. When you are not the dominant player, it can be difficult."

LightSquared Revenue

Seeking to build on its strengths in hopes that service will drive a revenue rebound, Sprint also announced a 15-year deal with LightSquared, an integrated LTE 4G wireless broadband and satellite network Relevant Products/Services. The agreement includes spectrum hosting and network services, 4G wholesale, and 3G roaming.

LightSquared will pay Sprint to deploy and operate a nationwide LTE network that hosts L-Band spectrum. LightSquared can sell its 4G broadband capacity through this spectrum-hosting relationship with Sprint, other wireless carriers, and retail partners.

"This spectrum-hosting agreement with LightSquared allows Sprint to more efficiently use its Network Vision platform," said Steve Elfman, president of network operations and wholesale for Sprint. "In addition to improving our cash flow, it provides additional options and flexibility in how we meet our customers' future capacity needs."

Over the period of the deal, LightSquared will make payments to Sprint that total about $9 billion for spectrum hosting and network services as well as LTE and satellite purchase credits currently estimated to be worth about $4.5 billion. The agreement also provides Sprint the opportunity to purchase up to 50 percent of LightSquared's expected L-Band 4G capacity.

Search engines outrank porn as fertile ground for malware

Blue Coat Systemsa

An illustration of Shnakule, the largest malware delivery network.a

By Athima Chansanchai

Avoiding porn sites won't keep you safe from malware, as infections are most likely to begin with image search results, according to one Web security company.a

In a report released earlier this month, Blue Coat Systems dove into the labyrinth world of its bread and butter — cybercrime — and found a plethora of vulnerable areas that many stumble into on a daily basis, unaware of the sneaky tendrils that do everything from stealing identities to using hijackingemails to send out spam and scams.a

One of the most surprising findings was how porn really doesn't hold as prominent a place in the malware world as it used to, like back in the days when pornadoes (porn pop-up windows) could send you into a cold-sweat tailspin, especially if you were at work and too embarrassed to tell the IT guy you just "stumbled" upon all kinds of XXX, y and z.a

Blue Coat researcher Chris Larsen's infographic (below) highlights some of the report's findings. These jumped out at us:a

Almost 40 percent of malware hijackings start at search engines, especially within image results strewn with malware mines, what Blue Coat calls "Search Engine Poisoning."  Email and pornography are a distant third and fourth. (Though the report noted "spikes of up to 110,000 new pornography sites in a single day." And this also serves as a precaution against getting too comfy with all those titillating images: "Pornography remains as the last 'old school' lure. New adult web sites aregenerated daily, which makes real-time web content analysis and threat detection a requirement.") The largest malware network that routes users to often malicious destinations is called Shnakule (don't even ask us how to pronounce that), with "2,000 unique host names per day with a peak of more than 4,300 per day" during the first half of 2011. Blue Coat warns, "It also proved the most adept at luring users in, with an average of more than 21,000 requests and as many as 51,000 requests in a single day. Shnakule is a broad-based malware delivery network whose malicious activities include drive-by downloads, fake anti-virus and codecs, fake flash and Firefox updates, fake warez, and botnet/command and controls. Interrelated activities include pornography, gambling, pharmaceuticals, link farming, and work-at-home scams." "Image searches are the most dangerous activity users can engage in on the web."

This fact is also an alarming part of the report: "...Malware delivery networks are now hiding inlegitimate sites that are typically allowed by acceptable use policies."a

And finally, if you're searching online for pirated material, do so at your own risk. This activity "ranks at the top of the list for possible malware delivery. Stolen user identities put phishing near the top of the list, plus spam for rich media, fakecodec updates, and fake-warez."a

Blue Coat Systemsa

Infographic based on Mid-Year Security Reporta

While Google does now issue some warnings about malware, it only checks for one particular type, so vigilance is a must. a

Larsen passed on these tips to us:a

SEP attacks tend to lead to Fake AV (Anti-Virus) scanners, so if your browser window ever tells you that you're infected, it's a fake. Similarly, if your browser is telling you that you need to update Flash or need a new video codec, it's probably fake. As your computer is booting into Windows, before you've loaded the browser, windows popping up telling you that you need to update something are very likely to be legit. Stay patched on the "big 5" infection vectors: OS, Browser, Flash, PDF, Java (most exploit kits are not using unpatched zero-day vulnerabilities to attack; they rely on the principle that some percent of their visitors will not be fully patched). Don't search for Porn or Cracked/Pirated software & movies. A high percentage of these are malware lures. Run a good AV. Run a good Web-malware filter (like K9).

If your computer does ingest malware, Larsen advises: "Once you're infected, you're in the classic 'desktop antivirus' world — those are the companies that understand how to disinfect computers. I recommend running a periodic system scan from a different AV vendor than your main AV, to see if it can pick up something the main one missed. (Not a good idea to run multiple AVs on one system though.)"a

— via TechCruncha

More stories:a

Google now checks your computer for malware Careful! Converting currency on Google can lead to malware Mac malware keeps a churnin' — tips to help Unpatched WordPress blogs distribute malware

Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the Google+ stream.a

Thursday, July 28, 2011

GoMbox – view full size photos from Google images fast

Google images is a great tool to find the images you are looking for. But it does have annoying multiple steps after which you get to the full size version of the image. GoMbox is a Google Chrome extension that makes reaching the full size image a breeze. Once this extension is installed, just click on a thumbnail in image search results and directly the image’s full size version is displayed in a lightbox on the page. This saves you from the trouble of opening multiple tabs to open the result website and then clicking “view fullsize image” to actually view the image. This extension instead directly showing you the full image without leaving the google images site. Save or close the image to return to your rest of search results.

Grab the extension @ Chrome extensions

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Apple patents key-free touch sensitive keyboard design

A new Apple patent application has surfaced revealing an entirely flat, touch-sensitive keyboard that may  come in future MacBooks. We’ve already seen similar touchscreen keyboards on real world products including the Acer Iconia 6102 and the Toshiba Libretto W100, but the Apple patent application details several different ways of building the flat surface keyboard. Apple explains that the flat keyboard would detect inputs using a combination of piezo-electric sensors and capactive sensors. It also describes versions of the design with seisometers and accelerometers added into the mix to better detect the way the user is interacting with the surface.

One method suggests it could be constructed from a solid material such as metal or plastic with keys machined, stamped or micro-perforated onto it to allow the user to press or tap a flat key. The more radical approach though would be to use a piece of glass with the interface provided as graphics on a display screen beneath the surface. The keyboard would have LED backlighting for lowlight situations.

There is no announcement that when a product based on this will be see light of the day. But for now they have lots of work to do, as the biggest problem with touchscreen keys is the lack of sense of touch. You can tap around your keyboard all day long with looking at the keys but you can never do that with a touch screen keyboard. Plus the instant key registration by just touch is another reason for lots of typing errors rather than the thinking time spent in pressing a mechanical key. Apple does plan a haptic feedback mechanism would be included to let you know you’d actually hit a key but how that will work is not known in detail. I see this as a long shot from actual commercial product for now. The touch keyboards may have become dominant on mobile phones due to lack of space and aim to provide larger view area, but same is not true for laptops or desktops. Lets see if Apple can really come up with an innovative design that really changes how we use keyboard today.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


Huawei Unjuk Teknologi Mobile dan Fixed Broadband

Huawei (ist)
Jakarta - Huawei, salah satu penyedia solusi informasi dan teknologi komunikasi terkemuka menampilkan rangkaian produk dan solusi mobile broadband (MBB) dan fixed broadband (MBB) terbaru di pameran 'Mobile and Fixed Broadband Indonesia Roadshow' di Jakarta. Huawei ingin meningkatkan komitmen pada perkembangan konsumen di Indonesia.

Huawei menampilkan solusi MBB dan FBB dalam sebuah kontainer demo berdesain khusus di Hotel Sultan, Jakarta. Pameran berlangsung tanggal 27 Juli – 29 Juli 2011. Selain teknologi bergerak, juga menampilkan solusi fixed broadband untuk membantu bisnis mendapat manfaat dari pertumbuhan National Broadband Network.

“Dengan adanya National Broadband Network, serta teknologi-teknologi terbaru yang dapat memfasilitasi bisnis menjadi lebih efisien dan mencapai kinerja yang lebih baik, akan secara efektif merancang kembali tatanan bisnis di Indonesia di masa mendatang” kata Li Wenzhi, CEO Huawei Indonesia dalam keterangan yang diterima detikINET.

Segmen MBB pada roadshow ini hadir dengan tema “Smart Mobile Broadband for Transformation” dan menampilkan beberapa solusi mobile broadband Huawei terbaru. Misalnya perangkat S7 Android Tablet, modem berkecepatan tinggi, konsep Smart&Single Huawei, Akses Mobile Broadband (LTE) dan lainnya.

Akan ditampilkan juga produk dan solusi FBB Huawei. IPTV, intelligent video operation dan perangkat pemeliharaan (Ivideo), ODN canggih (IODN) dan konsep ABCD Huawei (ARPU, Bandwith, Cost dan Delivery) akan didemonstrasikan di kontainer demo khusus.

Teknologi broadband yang lebih modern dinilai dibutuhkan untuk mentransformasi industri layanan telekomunikasi dan TI di Tanah Air.

Nintendo abruptly slashes price of 3DS game machine to $170


After only five months on the market, the $250 Nintendo 3DS is about to get a whole lot cheaper.a

By Winda Benedetti

In a stunning move, Nintendo has announced that it will be gutting the price of its almost-brand-new Nintendo 3DS game machine by a whopping $80.a

The Nintendo 3DS – a handheld gadget that plays video games in 3-D – only just arrived in U.S. stores on March 27 priced at $250. But starting Aug. 12 it will cost $170, Nintendo announced early Thursday morning.a

The price-slashing revelation came on the heels of Nintendo releasing their financial earnings report for the months of April, May and June – a report that showed that a mere 710,000 3DS devices sold worldwide during that time.a

Nintendo also revealed a net loss of 25.5 billion yen ($324 million) in the April-June period, worse than the 25.2 billion yen loss a year earlier. And for the fiscal year through March 2012, Nintendo expects net profits of 20 billion yen, which is down 82 percent from its previous estimate of 900 billion yen.a

In its report, Nintendo blamed the sales decline on "the slow start" for the Nintendo 3DS system and "few hit titles for both the Wii console and Nintendo DS family of systems."a

Nintendo certainly hopes the 3DS price cut will help turn things around.  The company says it still expects to sell 16 million 3DS gadgets worldwide by the end of the fiscal year next March.a

“For anyone who was on the fence about buying a Nintendo 3DS, this is a huge motivation to buy now,” said Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime in a press release issued early Thursday morning.a

Many analysts and game pundits thought the Nintendo 3DS price was too high when it launched. And many gamers have said that a lack of inspiring games available at launch have left them less-than-eager to pony up for the device.a

And so in addition to the price cut, Nintendo has promised to roll out a series of games sure to make the 3DS more appealing. "Star Fox 64 3D" will arrive Sept. 9 followed by "Super Mario 3D Land" in November, "Mario Kart 7" in December and "Kid Icarus: Uprising" during the holiday season.a

But the price cut raises a couple of big question. For starters, how do early adopters feel about this? More than 830,000 of the devices have already sold in the U.S. at the original $250.a

Live PollWill you buy a Nintendo 3DS for $170?a

Yes, this is just what I've been waiting for.No, it's still too expensive.I'm waiting for the good 3DS games to launch.Why buy a dedicated game gadget when I've got my smartphone?I'm holding out for the PlayStation Vita.VoteView Results155066Yes, this is just what I've been waiting for.21%155067No, it's still too expensive.25%155068I'm waiting for the good 3DS games to launch.11%155069Why buy a dedicated game gadget when I've got my smartphone?18%155070I'm holding out for the PlayStation Vita.25%VoteTotal Votes: 28a

Nintendo is clearly aware that the people who have already bought a 3DS are their most loyal customers. In an attempt to appease those customers, they have announced that those who have already purchased the game machine will be given 20 free downloadable games from the online Nintendo eShop.a

You'll have to be sure to connect to the eShop via Wi-Fi before midnight August 11 to take advantage of the deal. Among the 20 games you'll then get for free are ten NES Virtual Console games (games such as "The Legend of Zelda" and "Donkey Kong Jr.") as well as an additional ten Game Boy Advance Virtual Console games (among them "Mario Kart: Super Circuit" and "Metroid Fusion").a

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Does this make up for spending $80 more than new 3DS owners will spend starting next month? Early 3DS adopters, please tell us in the comments below.a

And another question this raises: In the face of Nintendo's experience, will Sony feel pressured to drop the price on its forthcoming PlayStation Vita game gadget? The Vita – which launches later this year or early next year – is a very different machine. But still ... like the 3DS it's a handheld device, and like the 3DS it could have trouble selling – especially since Sony has announced that the basic model will run $249 with a more expensive 3G model running $299.a

Are consumers still willing to spend that much money on dedicated gaming devices in the era of smartphones packed with game apps?a

Of course, the biggest question remains: Will the price cut finally send Nintendo 3DS machines flying off the shelves? Looks like we're about to find out.a

(The Associated Press contributed to this report.)a

For more Nintendo news, check out:a

Will new 3-D video service boost Nintendo 3DS sales? Mario, Master Chief take out Angry Birds, mob style Nintendo DS continues to outsell newer 3DS Six things to love (and hate) about the Nintendo 3DS Can Mario and Luigi rescue the Nintendo 3DS?

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things right here on Twitter or join her in the stream right here on Google+. You can check out the In-Game Facebook page right here.a

BBM6 released for BlackBerry

Press Release:

BBM (BlackBerry® Messenger), one of the largest mobile social networks in the world is now enabling a new and revolutionary social experience. Research In Motion (RIM) today announced the availability of BBM version 6 (BBM 6), which provides support for “BBM connected” apps, allowing users to easily interact with each other from within the BBM connected app.

BBM connected apps integrate the popular functionality of the BBM service and offer users the ability to interact with their friends from within the app itself. For example, with a BBM connected game app, users can invite their BBM friends to join them in a game and then chat with one another in real time while the game is being played â€" without ever leaving the game app.

BBM 6 launches today and a selection of BBM connected apps are already available on BlackBerry App Worldâ„¢.

“BBM 6 marks the beginning of an even greater social experience for BlackBerry smartphone users,” said Alistair Mitchell, VP, BBM Platform & Integrated Services at Research In Motion. “It also represents an incredible opportunity for developers to leverage the viral nature of the BBM service and we have already begun working with various developer partners who will be bringing their BBM connected apps to BlackBerry App World this week, offering users highly engaging app experiences.”

Some of the additional functionality users can expect to see with BBM connected applications include the ability to:

• Share app experiences with friends – When a user discovers a great new BBM connected app, they can instantly let their friends know about it. Users can simply select a BBM contact directly within the BBM connected app they are using.

• Have a BBM chat within apps – Users can simply pull up their BBM contact list directly from within the BBM connected app and start chatting. For example, the functionality can enable everything from enhanced social game play to collaboration through productivity apps.

• Discover apps through friends â€" Users can also discover new apps by viewing the list of apps that are posted to a BBM friend’s profile. They can also click on an app within the list, and instantly download it from BlackBerry App World.

The BBM 6 software will be available later today at A selection of BBM connected apps will also be posted on BlackBerry App World this week, with many more expected over the coming months.

Quotes/Partner Highlights:

“One of the keys to viral game sales is to allow users to easily invite their friends to join them in playing the games they love,” said Keith Pichelman, CEO, Concrete Software. “Integrating BBM into Pocket Ants has allowed the game to do just that.” (Concrete Software)

“RIM is a fantastic partner. We’re thrilled to be working with them to provide a better experience to millions of foursquare users around the world by integrating foursquare with BBM,” said Holger Luedorf, VP of Mobile and Partnerships for foursquare. (Foursquare)

“The Huffington Post, a leader in implementing social features to reach and interact with its network of readers and bloggers, integrates the BlackBerry Social Platform to create a place where our users can continue to engage in up-to-the-minute news stories, blogs, and analysis,” said Paul Berry, CTO of the Huffington Post Media Group. “As a BBM connected app, we make it simple for our readers to easily share and discuss the news. BBM 6 allows The Huffington Post to continue to reach its audience in a new way when they are on the go, and without having to compromise on the quality of their experience.” (Huffington Post)

“Unvired Workflow for SAP enables approval of SAP workflow requests directly from the BlackBerry smartphone. Unvired leverages the BlackBerry message list and BBM to provide a familiar BlackBerry user experience,” said Srinivasan Subramanian, CEO, Indience InfoSystems Pvt Ltd. “The BBM platform has been smartly integrated to enable employees to collaborate seamlessly. If the user has some queries while approving the workflow, they can BBM their colleague or Manager, transfer a screenshot of the workflow item and clarify. They can then approve or reject the workflow request. The BBM chat can also be emailed to maintain an audit trail. The BBM integration with Unvired ensures quick turnaround and collaboration between employees, not just for workflow but other usages like checking discounts for a customer, escalating a customer grievance and much more.” (Indience InfoSystems Pvt Ltd)

“Jingu users are engaging with BlackBerry Messenger in an exciting new way,” said Pankaj Gogia, Founder, Jingu Apps. “With BBM 6, ease of use is greatly enhanced with capabilities like updating your BBM profile picture directly from within the application. Jingu is dedicated to creating social networking applications built on the BlackBerry Messenger Social Platform that leverage the new capabilities of BBM 6 and bring enriched and vastly immersive experiences to end users.” (Jingu Apps)

“Players have always been able to play Backgammon King against real opponents but playing against your friends took a lot of time and effort,” said Troy Johnson, Director Strategic Initiatives, Magmic. “Your BBM contacts are your friends and BBM 6 is making it incredibly easy to share Backgammon King with them and invite them to play in real-time. The ease of access to our product, the ease of sharing and the ease of player engagement are each major breakthroughs. Combine those attributes of BBM 6 with Magmics’ industry leading in-game chat design and you have an incredibly entertaining experience. Trash talking your best friend over a game of backgammon has never been easier and more fun. It’s no exaggeration to say, for Backgammon King, BBM 6 is a real game changer.” (Magmic)

“PowWow uses BBM 6 integration to enable real time social event coordination,” said Kathryn Lahrs, Founder, Lahrs Apps. “Users are directly invited and notified of events that are created with our application. With PowWow, the latest information is available and BBM chats can quickly be started if any further communication is desired. Through BBM 6 PowWow users can share their location information, which is displayed in BlackBerry Maps. There is also an option to check your contact’s availability directly from their calendars and to create an event with this information; this is a very useful tool in event planning and saves time in the process.” (PowWow)

“I don’t know anyone who doesn’t immediately react to the ‘chime’ of BBM,” said Margaret Glover-Campbell, VP Marketing & PR of Poynt Corporation. “Being able to leverage BBM 6 to share search results provides a tremendous advantage to our BlackBerry smartphone user base who can now easily and quickly coordinate their social activities. The ability to share the app download directly within BBM is also exciting for us, given the immediacy and viral nature of the platform. From a development perspective, we see tremendous possibilities for future integration around connecting people while they’re on the go.” (Poynt)

“Following sports is inherently social â€" fans are extremely passionate, and like to trash talk, comment, and generally share their opinions on whatever they’re watching,” says Dale Fallon, VP Digital Products, Score Media. “By integrating BBM 6 functionality right into the ScoreMobile experience, we enable our users to enjoy the game with their friends even when they’re not together. In a nutshell, BBM 6 integration allows sports fans to be social without having to leave the ScoreMobile app.” (ScoreMedia)

“Telmap, a global location-based services leader, is very focused on serving all users’ needs by constantly enriching and optimizing their on-the-go experiences,” said Motti Kushnir, Telmap Chief Marketing Officer. “The integration between BBM 6 and the Telmap Mobile Location Companion significantly enriches conversations and interactions through BBM with users’ real-time locations. Telmap views this integration as an important pillar of our vision to provide a richer, more comprehensive experience to our users. We work hard to integrate our application with popular and useful platforms like BBM, to ensure added value to users who can now add location information to their interactions with friends.” (Telemap)

“BBM 6 is the underlying mobile social network making Wikitude on the BlackBerry platform a very unique experience. An augmented reality (AR) browser with millions of interesting places is already a very compelling and new proposition, but bringing it to life with millions of people who can chat, meet and share in an AR environment has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with one another. With BBM 6 and Wikitude preloaded on upcoming BlackBerry smartphones our AR browser will be truly going social for the very first time,” says Andy Gstoll, CMO of Wikitude. (Wikitude)

Opportunities for BBM App Developers BBM app developers can submit their applications to the BlackBerry Partners Fund Developer Challenge. The competition for social apps â€" “Most Addictive Social apps using BBM Social Platform” â€" is now open for submissions until September 23, 2011. For more information please visit:

Additional information about the Hackathon is available at:

Quick Links • BBM 6 download on BlackBerry App World • BBM web site: • BBM connected apps videos: o Wikitude: o Score Mobile: o FourSquare: • BBM Social Platform SDK for developers:

About Abbas Jaffar Ali

Abbas Jaffar Ali is the founder of and a blogger, geek and self-declared tech pundit who can't stop talking about technology. Find him on twitter as @ajaffarali


Keteledoran, Ancaman Terbesar di Cloud

Keteledoran, Ancaman Terbesar di Cloud

Jakarta - Bukan virus ataupun hacker yang jadi kekhawatiran terbesar saat memilih terjun menggunakan infrastruktur public cloud, namun kedisiplinan dalam menjaga keamanan sistem jaringan sendiri yang perlu dikhawatirkan.

"Selama kami menjaga jaringan cloud, serangan terbesar yang pernah kami hadapi bukan virus maupun hacker, namun keteledoran para pengguna dalam menambal lubang sekuriti mereka," kata Raimund Genes, Chief Technology Officer Trend Micro, dalam sesi wawancara terbatas selepas Direction 2011, di Tokyo, Jepang, Kamis (28/7/2011).

Kekhawatiran itu khususnya ditekankan kepada pengguna sistim operasi Microsoft. Sebab, menurutnya, Microsoft sering mengeluarkan patch (tambalan) setiap kali ada lubang keamanan yang terdeteksi ancaman.

"Sering kali para pengguna Microsoft lupa untuk mengupdate patching level mereka. Itu yang kerap terjadi. Perlu kita ketahui, banyak sekali jalan masuk untuk menembus sebuah sistem, terlebih jika mereka menggunakan akses public cloud," Raimund mengingatkan.

"Bayangkan jika sebuah Rumah Sakit yang menggunakan sistim Microsoft tiba-tiba muncul 'blue screen of death' saat mendiagnosa atau sedang melangsungkan operasi. Jangan sampai itu terjadi," tegasnya lebih lanjut.

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Holocaust survivors ask Facebook to ban denial pages

This is just one of the Holocaust "hoax" or "denial" pages that are on Facebook.a

By Suzanne Choney

Holocaust survivors have issued a "plea" to Facebook to "deny access to their powerful social networking platform to anyone promoting" the notion that the Holocaust should be denied or that it was a hoax.a

The survivors, affiliated with the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, which also operates the highly regarded Museum of Tolerance, recently made the request of Facebook. The letter they wrote is shared on the center's website:a

We, the undersigned, are Holocaust Survivors who saw our parents, children and loved ones brutally murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust. We are writing to you to protest Facebook’s policy that categorizes Holocaust denial as “free speech,” rather than the shameless, cynical and hateful propaganda that it is...a

Do not permit Holocaust denial any platform on Facebook to preach its inherent message of lies and hate. By allowing this hate propaganda on Facebook, you are exposing the public and, in particular, youth to the anti-Semitism which fueled the Holocaust. Please correct this terrible error in judgment before our generation passes away.a

According to the Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization, a "senior VP of Facebook offered to 'keep the dialogue open' on the matter but restated his company’s position: '… we also think it's important to maintain consistency in our policies, which don't generally prohibit people from making statements about historical events, no matter how ignorant the statement or how awful the event.”a has contacted Facebook for comment. We will update the story if and when we hear back.a

This is not the first time that the issue has come up. More than two years ago, CNET wrote about Facebook taking action to remove two Holocaust denial groups from the site, while leaving three others in place.a

A Facebook spokesman told CNET then that: "We are monitoring these groups and if the discussion among members degrades to the point of promoting hate or violence, despite whatever disclaimer the group description provides, we will take them down. This has happened in the past, especially when controversial groups are publicized."a

Earlier this year, Facebook agreed to remove a page that called on Palestinians to take up arms against Israel, after the Israeli government appealed to Facebook.a

On the page, Palestinians were urged to take to the streets after Friday prayers May 15 and begin an uprising. "Judgment Day will be brought upon us only once the Muslims have killed all of the Jews," a quote from the page said.a

For Holocaust survivors, who have had to endure a lifetime of pain, Facebook's denial/hoax pages are more salt rubbed into their considerable wounds.a

“I cannot ... emphasize enough how wrong Facebook's policy on Holocaust denial is," said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, in a statement.a

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"A review of denial sites currently active on Facebook confirm that it is not mere (free) speech but that it constitutes at its core a platform for bigotry and hatred of Jews, dead and alive. That is how notorious Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites continue to manipulate Facebook’s social networking service in multiple languages."a

Related stories:a

Facebook drops uprising page after Israel protest Facebook works to remove anti-gay hate speech Peres: Use Facebook to fight bigotry

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.a

Galaxy Phone May Rocket Samsung To No. 1 Globally

Fueled by the overseas success of its newest Android smartphone Relevant Products/Services, the Galaxy S II, South Korean handset maker Samsung Electronics may be on its way to the top slot in global smartphone sales, a researcher estimates.

Neil Mawson of Strategy Analytics suggested Samsung sold between 18 million and 21 million smartphones in the second quarter, compared with 20.3 million iPhones sold by U.S.-based Apple and 16.7 million devices by Finland's Nokia.

Three-Way Battle

"Apple, Samsung and Nokia are in a close, three-way battle," Mawson told Bloomberg news. "Samsung's Android portfolio is selling strongly in most regions. Samsung and Apple will be at similar levels in smartphones by the end of the year."

The data Relevant Products/Services show a boost for Samsung, who was locked behind its rivals in the first quarter, having sold just 10.8 million devices, Mawson told the news agency. It was in fourth place behind Nokia, Apple and Research In Motion. When factoring in all phone devices, the analyst said, Samsung could have a 20 percent share of global shipments this year compared with Nokia, which is looking to boost its sales with help from Microsoft's Windows Relevant Products/Services Phone 7 operating system.

The Galaxy S II, successor to the popular device that has variants on all four major U.S. wireless Relevant Products/Services carriers, sold about three million units in the first 55 days, according to reports not confirmed by the company. CNET UK reported the sales may be as high as five million. The phone was due to be released this month in the U.S., but no dates have been announced.

The first dual-core smartphone from Samsung, with a 1.2-gigahertz ARM Cortex-A9 processor, the smartphone has a 4.27-inch Super AMOLED display with one gigabyte of RAM and an eight-megapixel camera. It runs Android 2.3, Gingerbread. The Sprint Nextel version will be called the Samsung Within, while AT&T Relevant Products/Services's model will be called the Attain, and on Verizon Wireless the Galaxy S II will be called the Function.

Big Plans Ahead

Samsung's sleek Galaxy phones are styled similar to Apple's iPhone with a large multi-touch display and no keyboard -- so similar, in fact, that the companies have been locked in litigation over patent infringement.

Considering the wide range of products produced by Samsung Electronics, from TVs, computers and semiconductors to appliances, its competitive edge in the smartphone arena against companies like Nokia that only make phones is impressive, observers say.

"Samsung is active in many different sectors, and in 2007 the South Korean vendor became the second-largest handset vendor in the world," analyst Alex Spektor of Strategy Analytics told us. "However, Samsung long lagged behind smartphone giants like Nokia, RIM and Apple."

That all changed in 2010 with the release of the Galaxy S "superphones," he said. "Samsung has leveraged its global distribution network Relevant Products/Services and carrier relationships to drive huge volumes from consumers looking for an iPhone-like experience on an alternative platform."

Software Vendors Scramble To Fix Mac OS X Lion Issues

Apple's latest Mac OS X Lion upgrade is forcing software vendors, including Adobe Systems, Google and Microsoft, to revamp their Mac software to ensure compatibility with the 250 new features added to Lion, including multi-touch gestures. One of the problems is that Apple changed the way Lion interprets gestures, which means third-party software developers are scrambling to make changes before Lion usage reaches critical mass.

According to Apple, more than one million Mac users downloaded and installed the new Mac operating system on its first day of availability last week. With Mac users snapping up Lion faster than any other OS release in Apple's history, Google's next browser upgrade for Macs is important.

"Chrome usage across all Macs is at 9.64 percent," said Net Applications Vice President Vince Vizzaccaro on Wednesday. By contrast, Chrome's share of the global browser market stands at 13.1 percent.

Chrome's Multi-Gesture Changes

With Mac OS X Snow Leopard, a three-finger swipe, left and right, was used to navigate between pages. In Lion, the same function is now performed by a two-finger swipe, while the three-finger swipe is used to navigate through desktop Relevant Products/Services work spaces.

Google's current focus is on adding "two-finger gesture support for Lion [as well as] multi-profile user-interface improvements," wrote Google Chrome blogger Jason Kersey. With two-finger gestures enabled, users will be able to swipe left or right with to move a page backward or forward. However, it will be several weeks before the changes become available in an upgrade for Mac users.

The user-interface changes include adding a profile choice to the menu bar and updating the profile avatar and menu when the information changes. Additionally, Google Native Client has been disabled for Mac OS X 10.6.7 and earlier using a 64-bit kernel.

Office for Mac Issues

Although Microsoft worked with closely with Apple to ensure its Office for Mac 2011 productivity suite would be compatible with Mac OS X Lion, it has cautioned Mac users about issues with Communicator, Outlook and some minor features. "Rest assured we will have updates available through our Automatic Updates channel in the near future," Microsoft's Office for Mac team wrote in a blog.

Communicator for Mac crashes when a user sends an instant message or starts an audio/visual call. "We will fix this issue in an upcoming update to Communicator for Mac," the team promised.

Microsoft Outlook is unable to import from Apple Mail on Lion. "We're reviewing this and don't yet have a plan to fix it," the team wrote. "However, if your mail is already in Outlook, then this issue won't affect you."

Office for Mac 2011 fails to take full advantage of many of the latest features added to Lion, and minor compatibility issues remain to be addressed. "The smaller Office issues are fairly minor or cosmetic, things like windows that might not align as they did in Snow Leopard, and we will continue to work together with Apple to fix these in our next regular updates," the team wrote.

Ex-Microsoftie Muglia Joins Juniper as Software Chief

Bob Muglia is joining the ranks of Juniper Networks. The former president of Microsoft's $15 billion server and tools business Relevant Products/Services is taking on the newly created role of executive vice president of Juniper's Software Solutions Division.

Muglia will oversee Juniper's end-to-end software strategy and lead the newly formed division, reporting directly to Juniper CEO Kevin Johnson. Juniper has a well-planned strategy in mind to tap Muglia's talents. By centralizing its software business under Muglia's leadership Relevant Products/Services, Juniper hopes to sharpen its focus on systems and software as the two core engines of corporate growth.

"We are excited to have a leader of Bob's caliber coming on board to lead Juniper's software initiatives, and I'm confident that his vision, management savvy, and technical expertise will bring tremendous value to our organization," Johnson said. "As we continue to execute on our growth strategy centered on systems and software, we look forward to Bob playing a central role in extending our leadership position in network Relevant Products/Services-powered software solutions."

Muglia's Mutual Respect

Juniper considers its software business a key differentiator for the company, and one that drives customer Relevant Products/Services adoption of its various solutions. With Muglia at the helm of the new division, the company plans to drive even greater momentum in its software business.

Over the past 23 years, Muglia has served in leadership positions across all of Microsoft's business groups, including developer, Office, mobile Relevant Products/Services devices, Windows Relevant Products/Services NT, and online services. As president of the server and tools business, he was responsible for infrastructure software, developer tools, and cloud Relevant Products/Services platforms, including products such as Windows Server, SQL Server, Visual Studio, System Center, and the Windows Azure platform. During his tenure, revenues increased 50 percent.

"I have long respected Juniper for its disruptive approach to solving the toughest networking problems and for its networking vision that is simple, open and programmable," Muglia said. "I am thrilled to be joining Kevin and his team and look forward to contributing to the company's continued success and momentum in the marketplace."

Juniper's Software Bet

Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Relevant Products/Services, said software and services are going to provide the differentiating factor for hardware vendors moving ahead. Although commoditization is an issue that networking industry players have been able to largely skirt, he said, now is the time for Juniper to make some moves in those areas as well. (continued...)

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