Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tantang Ultrabook, Laptop AMD Lebih Tipis

Las Vegas, AS - Ultrabook memang sangat memikat lantaran memiliki tubuh yang ramping. Seakan tak ingin tertinggal, AMD pun memiliki produk sejenis yang diklaim lebih tipis.

Produk tersebut diberi nama Ultrathin, yang sudah dipamerkan pada ajang Consumer Electronic Show (CES) 2012 di Las Vegas, Amerika Serikat.

Di dalam Ultrathin AMD membenamkan chip bernama sandi Trinity dengan prosesor dan kartu grafis yang sudah terintegrasi. Spesikasinya pun tidak main-main.

Prosesor yang digunakan merupakan pengembangan dari arsitektur Bulldozer, sedangkan GPU merupakan keturunan dari Radeon HD 7970, tapi dengan konsumsi daya yang lebih rendah.

Pada platform Ultrathin chip Trinity diklaim hanya mengkonsumsi sekitar 17 Watt, sedangkan versi notebook sedikit lebih tinggi dengan 35 watt.

Dikutip detikINET dari Arstechnica, Jumat (13/1/2012), AMD belum bisa memastikan kapan produk ini akan mulai tersedia di pasaran. Tapi dipastikan harganya akan lebih rendah dari Ultrabook termurah sekali pun.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Kalau Cuma Jualan, Google Tak Perlu Diberi 'Karpet Merah'

Google diminta tidak cuma sekadar buka kantor dan berjualan hosting saja untuk menggaet kalangan usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM). Namun juga berinvestasi langsung dengan membangun server dan membuka lapangan kerja di Indonesia.

"Jangan hanya membuka kantor, menggoda UKM lokal menggunakan hosting-nya. Itu namanya berjualan saja. Kalau cuma jualan, jangan terlalu dibesar-besarkan dan diberi karpet merah yang bagus," ujar Anggota Komite Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI) Heru Sutadi, di Jakarta, Rabu (11/1/2012).

Meski BRTI sejatinya mengapresiasi program ini, namun lembaga ini khawatir keberadaan server Google yang tidak di Indonesia bisa menimbulkan rahasia UKM disadap. "Ini harus dipahami masalah bahaya keamanan informasi nasional," katanya.

Heru juga menyayangkan, pola komunikasi Google dalam peluncuran program Bisnis Lokal Go Online atau Get Indonesian Business Online (GIBO) yang tidak menyertakan Kementerian Kominfo walaupun temanya mendukung UKM.

"Ini seperti mengadu domba antar instansi pemerintah. Kementerian teknis karena kritis melihat persoalan sering tidak dilibatkan," sesalnya.

Di lain kesempatan, Menteri Perindustrian MS Hidayat berpendapat apa yang dilakukan Google saat ini cukup membantu UKM agar bisa memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk menunjang bisnisnya.

"Saya mengapresiasi kehadiran Google untuk memberdayakan kemampuan UKM di Indonesia. Perekonomian kita ditopang oleh UKM yang kemampuan dan modalnya masih kurang," kata dia.

Apple might take legal action against Steve Jobs action figure manufacturers

We have spoken earlier of the Steve Jobs action figures with the freakishly uncanny resemblance to its subject. The action figures, made by Chinese company ‘In Icons’ are scheduled for release inĂ‚ February, but apparently Apple aren’t about to let that happen.
The Telegraph reports that Apple are unhappy with action figures (wonder why), and are threatening legal action against In Icon unless they cease manufacturing and distributing the doll. Apple claims that the manufacturer’s are illegally using the likeness of Steve Jobs, which they claim to own. Apple has already sent a letter to In Icon, whereby claiming the use of anything resembling the company’s logo or a person’s name or likeness is illegal, and counts as a criminal offence.
This is not the first time that such an issue as risen. Strangely enough, there was a previous attempt to create a Steve Jobs figure in 2010 by the Company Mic Gadget, but it was successfully stopped by Apple.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Google Berharap Buka Kantor di Indonesia pada Q1 2012

Raksasa internet Google mengaku telah memikirkan masak-masak soal pembangunan kantor perwakilannya di Indonesia. Jika tak ada aral melintang, kantor Google Indonesia diharapkan sudah berdiri pada Q1 2012.

"Mudah-mudahan representatif office Google di Indonesia sudah bisa dibuka pada Q1 atau Q2 2012," tukas Krishna Zulkarnain, Country Marketing Manager Google untuk Indonesia kepada detikINET.

Krishna menjelaskan, Google sejatinya sudah mematok target pembangunan kantor di Indonesia pada tahun 2011 lalu. Hanya saja, ada sejumlah proses yang harus dijalankan sehingga rencana tersebut menjadi molor.

"Sejauh ini tidak ada hambatan, kami sudah melalui proses tersebut dengan lancar. Jadi tunggu sampai Q1 atau Q2 lah, semoga bisa buka," lanjutnya.

Ranah internet Indonesia sendiri dinilai Google sebagai pasar yang seksi. Terlebih Indonesia memiliki populasi penduduk hingga 230 juta jiwa, dimana 45 juta di antaranya adalah pengguna internet. Itu belum ditambah dengan pengguna seluler yang sudah menembus angka 200 juta.

Artinya masih banyak peluang yang bisa digarap sang raksasa mesin pencari itu di Tanah Air. Dan peluang untuk melakukan penetrasi terbuka lebar.

Google sendiri baru saja menegaskan penetrasinya di ranah online Indonesia lewat program Bisnis Lokal Go Online atau Get Indonesian Business Online (GIBO) yang menyasar usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM).

Managing Director Google Southeast Asia Julian Persaud mengatakan, tujuan utama Bisnis Lokal Go Online ini adalah untuk membuat website dan mendorong UKM aktif secara online dalam waktu satu tahun ke depan.

Adapun 100 ribu UKM pertama yang mendaftar dapat memiliki website, domain, dan hosting gratis selama satu tahun. Pada tahun berikutnya UKM tersebut akan mendapatkan potongan harga dan hanya dikenakan biaya maksimal Rp 150 ribu per tahunnya.

Sementara terkait tuntutan untuk pembangunan server di Indonesia, Google mengakui hal itu juga masuk dalam evaluasi perusahaan. Jika sudah tertuang dalam aturan resminya, Google siap menjalankan.

Namun mereka juga harus bersikap realistis, yakni dengan mengevaluasinya dari sisi hitung-hitungan di atas kertas. Apakah bakal menguntungkan atau tidak bagi Google nantinya?

HTC Radiant LTE picture leaked

A picture of an HTC phone was recently leaked, and while the phone in question looks very similar to the HTC Titan, rumor has that it is a picture of HTC Radiant LTE, HTC’s upcoming Windows Phone.

The picture comes from PocketNow, who point out to a number of percieved differences between the Radiant in the picture and the HTC Titan, such as the enlarged HTC Logo, and a front facing camera with a bigger lens. Furthermore, differences on the backside of the phone include moving the dual-LED flash to the right side of the camera.

Nothing has been revealed in terms of specifications, but PocketNow speculates that it will be standard Windows Phone specs, with 512MB RAM, 1.5GHz RAM, and a similar WVGA screen to the Titant.

There were rumors in December that HTC will be releasing an LTE Windows Phone in February. Could this be the phone in Question?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lebih Nampol Jika Google Bangun Infrastruktur Cloud di Indonesia

Investasi yang dijalankan Google lewat program Bisnis Lokal Go Online atau Get Indonesian Business Online (GIBO) di Indonesia, dinilai belum nampol. Hal itu akan lebih berarti jika sang raksasa internet menggelontorkan investasi dengan membangun infrastruktur cloud services-nya.

Menurut M. Salahuddien, pengamat dan praktisi internet Indonesia, infrastruktur layanan komputasi awan itu nantinya bisa menjadi basis dalam melayani emerging market yang lain. Sehingga posisi Indonesia akan menjadi lebih signifikan.

"Seperti mobile yang mana Android Google jadi salah satu yang maju pesat di sini (Indonesia-red.)," tukas pria yang biasa disapa Didin Pataka itu, kepada detikINET.

Nah, jika hal itu dilakukan, baru relevan jika Indonesia bicara data center lokal. Sebab pastinya investasi infrastruktur cloud services itu signifikan.

"Mulai dari segi capital, manajemen, SDM, serta kapasitas infrastrukturnya, ada data center, bandwidth, riset dan pengembangan, serta lainnya," tukas Didin.

Namun pertanyaan yang kemudian muncul adalah, apakah market Indonesia ini sudah waktunya digarap? Seperti kita ketahui, Google sudah beberapa kali diisukan investasi ke Indonesia, nyatanya baru sekarang hal itu ditegaskan.

"Itu artinya, barangkali market di Indonesia belum cukup menjanjikan apakah dalam hal adaptasi layanan maupun daya belinya, di Android market saja mungkin kecil sekali pembelanjaan kita meskipun angka penggunanya mencapai lebih dari 30 juta," kata Didin.

"Begitu juga minat iklan masih kecil, silakan diamati pertumbuhan iklan di portal utama apabila dibandingkan Yahoo! Jelas tertinggal apalagi Facebook," lanjutnya.

Namun ini semua kembali lagi ke Google. Seberapa besar mereka memandang pasar Indonesia untuk kemudian menggelontorkan investasi di dalamnya.

"Kalau untuk skala dan standar yang Google harapkan, tentu belum cukup karena marketnya kecil transaksinya baru kerumunan doang, gak ada duit. Lain soal kalau Google justru ingin masuk untuk menjadi pelopor bahkan mendorong supaya market lekas tumbuh," pungkasnya.

Sementara terkait program GIBO yang diusung Google di Indonesia dengan menggandeng UKM, pengurus tim pengawas internet Id-SIRTII ini juga menilainya tak terlalu signifikan jika dilihat dari sisi Kominfo.

"Keberadaan Google dengan bisnis online yang ditawarkannya itu hanyalah satu bisnis hosting saja yang value added-nya bagi industri internet kecil. Sebab layanan sejenis yang dilakukan pengusaha hosting lokal juga sudah banyak dilakukan, misalnya produk Telkomnet dan yang bahkan didukung mitra inkubasi, bukan hal yang baru bagi UKM nasional," seloroh Didin.

"Mungkin ini sekadar hype baru karena nama besar Google dan mitra yang digandengnya beragam. Dalam konsep yang agak berbeda, Yahoo sudah lebih dulu masuk dengan sasaran untuk mendorong industri internet kreatif lokal seperti Koprol dan lainnya," ia menandaskan.

Symantec Softpedals Indian Source Code Theft

Symantec is working to soften the revelation that a segment of its source code for Norton products was stolen in a security Relevant Products/Services breach. But is it enough to convince customers that Symantec is holding its security secrets tight to its chest?

An Indian hacking group is claiming that it got its hands on source code used in the Norton anti-virus program. Known as the Lords of Dharmaraja, the group is making threats to take the source code public, potentially giving a black eye to the security industry leader.

Yama Tough, a hacker in Mumbai, is serving as spokesman for the Lords of Dharmaraja. He claims the group obtained the source code from less-than-bulletproof Indian government servers.

Hackers Speak Out

"As of now we start sharing with all our brothers and followers information Relevant Products/Services from the Indian Military Intelligence servers, so far we have discovered within the Indian Spy Programme source codes of a dozen software Relevant Products/Services companies which have signed agreements with Indian TANCS programme and CBI," the group said in a statement on its Google+ page.

"Now we release confidential documentation we encountered of Symantec corporation and its Norton AntiVirus source code which we are going to publish later on, we are working out mirrors as of now since we experience extreme pressure and censorship from U.S. and India government agencies."

Symantec Answers Back

Cris Paden, a senior manager for Symantec's corporate communications, said the drama began on Wednesday. That's when a local chapter of Anonymous from India claimed in an online forum they possessed source code for Symantec's Norton Antivirus solutions.

"Symantec's Information Security team investigated the claims and found that instead they possessed documentation from 1999 describing how Norton Antivirus worked, but no source code was included. Hence, the claim was false," Paden said.

However, he added, on Thursday morning, the same chapter announced they possessed additional code. Based on the samples they provided to the same online forum, Symantec's Information Security team investigated and confirmed they did indeed have code; but that it was 4 and 5 years old and pertained to two enterprise Relevant Products/Services products, SEP 11, and SAV 10.2.

10 Million Updates Later

"While SAV 10.2 is still serviced by Symantec, it has been discontinued. SEP 11 has since evolved into SEP 12.0 and 12.1," Paden said. "This does not affect Symantec's Norton products for our consumer customers. Symantec's own network Relevant Products/Services was not breached, but rather that of a third-party entity."

Symantec recommends users keep their product version updated to ensure protection against any new threats that might materialize as a result of this incident.

"Another thing to bear in mind: In 2010 alone, we distributed 10 million updates to our products in response to new cyber threats. If you extrapolate to four and five years, you can get an idea of how much our products/solutions/and code has evolved over the following years," Paden said. "It doesn't minimize the situation, but it helps as far as a perspective on how old this code is."

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Your World, Buat Pencarian Google Lebih Personal

Google akan menyediakan hasil pencarian yang lebih personal dengan mengambil konten dari Google+, termasuk foto, berita dan komentar yang diposting di jejaring sosial tersebut.

Layanan yang disebut Google sebagai Search, Plus Your World ini akan menampilkan lebih banyak konten bagi pengguna yang log in ke akun Google, menyediakan akses ke informasi yang mungkin pernah disimpan maupun diposting si pengguna atau temannya di Google+.

Jika seseorang melakukan pencarian dengan keyword 'anjing' misalnya, foto anjing miliknya atau teman-teman Google+ akan muncul di deretan teratas hasil pencarian.

"Di Google, kami selalu ingin menghadirkan jawaban paling komprehensif dan relevan dari setiap pertanyaaan Anda," kata juru bicara Google Amit Singhal.

"Ini adalah pertama kalinya kami menyajikan konten personal langsung ke halaman pencarian," tambahnya seperti dikutip detikINET dari Washington Post, Rabu (11/1/2012).

Sebagai mesin pencarian nomor satu di dunia, Google berupaya mempertahankan dominasinya dari kompetitor seperti Bing Microsoft yang kini menggandeng Facebook.

Tahun lalu, Bing mulai menampilkan data dari Facebook seperti restoran, brand dan link yang direkomendasikan teman pada hasil pencariannya.

Facebook sendiri saat ini memiliki lebih dari 800 juta anggota. Sedangkan Google+ sampai Oktober tahun lalu 'hanya' 40 juta. Artinya, Google masih harus berjuang ekstra agar hasil pencarian personalnya bisa melebihi duet Bing-Facebook.

Sony Offers New Superfast Memory Cards; Nikon Has Camera for Them

In time for next week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Sony is launching a new generation in memory Relevant Products/Services cards. Called XQD, they will initially come in 16 and 32 GB sizes, and feature data Relevant Products/Services transfer rates of 1Gbps/125MB/s. Nikon is also announcing a new flagship camera in its digital single-lens reflex line, the first camera to use the new memory cards.

The target market for the new cards is the advanced photographer who deals with huge image files in RAW format. Fast write speeds mean shooters have less waiting between shots in memory-heavy formats such as RAW, and can edit previously recorded material faster.

In compatible DSLR cameras, such as the new Nikon, shooters can capture as many as 100 RAW images in continuous shooting mode, without pausing.

'Entirely New Meaning'

Viviano Cantu, director of consumer media for Sony Electronics, said in a statement that, while "memory card technology has done a great job of keeping pace," the new cards "give an entirely new meaning to speed and performance."

The XQD memory card spec, announced in November and recently approved by the CompactFlash Association as an open format, requires the PCIe expansion card standard for serial interfaces and an optimized controller in order to take advantage of the speed.

Along with the card, Sony is introducing a new USB 2.0/3.0 compatible XQD card reader. An XQD ExpressCard Adapter is available for computers with an ExpressCard 34 card slot. The memory cards will be on sale in February, at $130 for the 16 GB and $230 for the 32 GB.

The new format was adopted by the CompactFlash Association in December, and is about 75 percent the physical size of current CompactFlash cards. While CompactFlash cards are based on the older PCMCIA standard, XQD are built around PCI Express. Sony said that capacities and transfer speeds substantially higher than the initial XQD products are expected.

The New Race Is On

New CompactFlash cards are also being announced this week and next, such as the Lexar Professional 1000x, available in 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, and 128 GB sizes. The company said the new cards will have a "minimum guaranteed sustained read transfer speed" of 150MB per second. In theory, XQD cards could go as high as 640MB per second for that spec, so the new race is on.

At the same time that Sony is announcing its release of the new cards, Nikon is announcing the D4, a FX-format camera that will be the top of the line for its DSLR models. It is the first camera designed to take the XQD cards, although it can also use CompactFlash.

The D4 has a new CMOS 36.0 x 23.9 mm image sensor, and EXPEED 3, an image-processing engine that's been optimized specifically for DSLR. The company said the new camera has an effective pixel count of 16.2 million pixels, features a range of light sensitivities from ISO 50 to ISO 204800, and offers a 51-point autofocus system. The D4 is also equipped with an Ethernet port for wired LAN, and it supports a separate, compact wireless Relevant Products/Services transmitter.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Microsoft Selidiki Ancaman Bunuh Diri Massal di Foxconn

Wuhan, China - Menanggapi laporan akan adanya bunuh diri massal yang dilakukan pekerja Foxconn, Microsoft segera melakukan penyelidikan. Raksasa IT itu pantas khawatir, mengingat pabrik Foxconn membuat komponen Xbox mereka.

Sebelumnya diwartakan, 300 pekerja pabrik Foxconn yang berlokasi di Wuhan, China mengancam akan melakukan bunuh diri. Aksi gila ini mereka lakukan sebagai protes mengenai sengketa gaji.

"Dalam pemahaman kami, protes para pekerja berkaitan dengan perjanjian kepegawaian kebijakan transfer, bukan kondisi lingkungan bekerja," kata juru bicara Microsoft seperti dilansir Cnet, Kamis (12/1/2012).

Sejak 2 Januari, para pekerja meminta kenaikan gaji. Namun Foxconn malah memberi dua opsi. Yakni ditransfer ke jalur produksi alternatif dengan kompensasi, atau mempertahankan pekerjaannya tapi tanpa kenaikan gaji.

Sebagian besar pekerja memilih opsi pertama, namun kompensasi yang dijanjikan tidak kunjung datang. Sementara sebagian kecil lainnya memilih untuk resign.

Juru bicara Microsoft mengatakan mereka sangat serius memperhatikan kondisi kerja di pabrik Foxconn. Microsoft berkomitmen terhadap perlakukan yang adil dan aman bagi para pekerja di vendor yang menjadi mitra mereka dan memastikan vendor tersebut sesuai dengan kebijakan Microsoft.

Foxconn dikenal sebagai perusahaan pembuat hardware untuk perusahaan besar. Selain Microsoft, Foxconn juga mengerjakan hardware untuk Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Dell dan Sony.

Sisi gelap mengenai perlakuan Foxconn terhadap karyawannya mulai sering dipublikasikan semenjak insiden bunuh diri yang terjadi di awal 2010. Tercatat 16 orang melakukan bunuh diri di pabrik Foxconn di Shenzhen, China.

LG unveils new Smart TV features for CES 2012

Press Release:

LG Electronics (LG) will unveil its newest Smart TV features at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Imbedded in the new CINEMA 3D Smart TV line-up for 2012, LG is aiming to provide CINEMA 3D Smart TV owners with the most comprehensive yet easy-to-use home entertainment experience possible. The evidence for this is clear as LG has provided over 1,200 apps, growing quantity of premium content services and the new Magic Remote.

â€Even thought the Smart TV market is in its infancy, LG is constantly introducing new features and upgrading existing ones in order to deliver the richest, most convenient Smart TV experience in the market today, said Havis Kwon, President and CEO of LG Home Entertainment Company. â€The features and functionality well be introducing in 2012 are, I believe, second to none when it comes to showing consumers how a Smart TV can improve their TV viewing experience.

LGs Smart TV ecosystem has experienced enormous growth over the past year, having launched over 1,200 Smart TV apps. In addition to access to more movies and TV programs, user can access social networking services (SNS) on their LG Smart TVs, make donations to charities and even browse famous art collections.

LGs 3D Zone offers a growing collection of 3D movies and TV shows, while existing 2D movies can be converted to 3D via LGs enhanced 3D conversion engine. Due to the use of Film Patterned Retarder (FPR) technology, LGs 3D glasses are battery-free, lightweight and inexpensive, making them ideal for watching 3D content in large groups and comfortably for longer periods of time.

And even though LGs Smart TV ecosystem is growing in features and choices, using the TV is simpler than ever, thanks to the new Magic Remote. The new Voice Recognition mode lets users enter text — such as search terms — by making voice commands. Wheel enables users to swiftly scroll up and down various menus and apps, allowing for quicker selections. Magic Gesture makes it possible to communicate physical movements as commands. And lastly, Pointing lets users make on-screen selections quickly and easily without having to scroll or push direction keys repeatedly.

The new CINEMA 3D Smart TVs offer a variety of connectivity features. The newest among them is Intels Wireless Display (WiDi) technology, which enables easy and quick connection between TVs and PCs without the need for cables or Internet access. Through Smart Share Plus, users can access content stored on external devices such as PCs, tablets and smartphones. Smart Share Plus also offers the Screen Share function which streams TV content to external viewing devices using a Wi-Fi connection.

The quantity of content is further expanded through premium content services available through the Smart TV function. While content availability constantly grows, they remain easy to access, thanks to the upgraded Home Dashboard, which allows for quick browsing. And the shortcuts displayed on the Home Dashboard can be customized, giving users the option to handpick their favorite content and apps for instant access.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mantan Orang Dalam: Facebook Punya Banyak Cacat

Palo Alto, California - Meski populer dan dipakai oleh ratusan juta pengguna, Facebook ternyata dinilai memiliki celah (bug) paling banyak di aplikasinya. Hal ini bukan dikatakan sembarang orang, tapi oleh mantan orang dalam Facebook sendiri.

"Facebook adalah software yang memiliki paling banyak bug," ujar Evan Priestley, mantan teknisi Facebook saat menjawab pertanyaan di situs tanya-jawab Quora. Ia sendiri pernah mendokumentasikan puluhan bug yang ia temukan sejak bulan September, demikian dikutip detikINET dari HuffingtonPost, Kamis (12/1/2012).

Saat dikunjungi di tempat pendokumentasiannya, yakni situs Pinterest, sebanyak 30 bug bisa dilihat. Fitur chat yang ngadat, notifikasi sama yang muncul dua kali, kegagalan Facebook dalam memposting komentar, dan sejumlah bug lainnya.

Meski ditemukan banyak lubang di Facebook namun dikatakan Priestley bahwa Facebook tidak perlu memperbaiki kualitas softwarenya, karena tanpa ini pun mereka sudah sangat sukses.

Ia menyetujui keputusan Facebook yang lebih memfokuskan diri untuk menjadikan perusahannya sebagai tempat bekerja yang menyenangkan dan menarik minat para karyawan baru.

Alasan lain yang dikemukakannya adalah bahwa Facebook bukanlah situs 'sensitif' seperti situs perbankan atau rektor nuklir. Apabila user tidak bisa mengupdate status, maka itu bukanlah persoalan besar.

Namun Facebook sendiri tidak menyepelekan bug seperti yang dikatakan oleh Priestley. Beberapa waktu lalu Facebook meluncurkan program bug bounty dan menghadiahi penemu bug dengan kartu kredit unlimited.

Hal tersebut adalah upaya Facebook untuk menekan keberadaan 'cacat' di situs mereka sehingga pengguna akan lebih nyaman memakainya

Cisco introduces app for its Linksys routers

Press release: Cisco today announced Cisco Connect Express, a mobile app that brings Cisco Connect software features to mobile devices. Cisco Connect Express is compatible with Linksys E-Series routers and X-Series modem routers and helps consumers control the basic functionalities of their wireless network.

With the app, consumers can use their phone or tablet now to add devices to the wireless network, manage guest access, and change their Wi-Fi settings. The Cisco Connect Express mobile app has been designed for iOSâ„¢ or Androidâ„¢ devices and can be downloaded at no cost from the iTunes App Store and Android Market.

The rise of mobile in the home is evident and we believe that consumers want to use these to get more use from their wireless network, said Mohammad Meraj Hoda, Managing Director – Emerging Markets, at Cisco™s Home Networking Business Unit. For the consumer it has never been about the device they are using " it is what you can do with it.

Cisco will continue to include the Cisco Connect desktop software for Windows and Mac computers with Linksys products. The desktop version of Cisco Connect helps consumers set up their home wireless network in a few easy steps and can also be used to customise wireless settings to match their preferences. Additionally, consumers can now use Cisco Connect Express for quick access to these settings and controlling their wireless settings anywhere in the home from mobile devices.

Availability The Cisco Connect Express app is now available for no charge at the iTunes App Store or Android Market. The mobile app works with Linksys E-Series and X-Series wireless routers and requires an active Wi-Fi connection to the home router.