Friday, August 19, 2011

48% of Google+ users never made a public post

Google+ had a shooting start with over 20 million users but according to many reports the service has started to stagnate. A Data mining visualization of Google+ shows that a large chuck of its users never used the service at all. It appears so that many people just wanted to join to see what all the hype was about, and then never bothered with it again. The visualization shows that the G+ activity is centered around a few group of people with tenuous links to other half. These core users might be the alpha testers who came and stick with the service while  for other new users, Google+ was just an overhead burden with already other social networks to handle.

I had same opinion about Google+. Although a commendable alternate to facebook, but with all my friends network on facebook and twitter, G+ was just a burden for me. Social networks were made for people to share their social life with other so that everyone remains in touch. But with so many networks with people checking in on 4square, posting photos on facebook, sharing status and thoughts on twitter etc. its actually quite a task to keep track of all those to really find out what your friend is up to. Google+ had just added one more of such overhead; so its no wonder that its hype is quickly phasing out.

About karar

Dad in the day, Gamer by night. Loves everything Geek. By profession an Engineer but my hobby has been Video gaming on PC since 1989.


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