Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apple recognizes MacDefender malware, update coming soon

aaaaaApple has finally acknowledged the malware plaguing Mac owners worldwide when they made a post on their support forums yesterday. The malware, as reported earlier this week, takes you to phishing websites from search results, leading you to give out your credit card information.

aaaaaDetailed steps are given on how to remove the malware known as MacDefender, MacSecurity or MacProtector. Ideally you wouldn’t have given out your credit card information for this malware to have done any real harm. If you have by mistake installed the malware already, and don’t want to go through the detailed removal steps, then just wait a couple of days as Apple will be rolling out an OSX update which will help you easily remove MacDefender. The new update also prevents this malware from ever installing in the first place.


aaaaaThis is a better turn of events compared to what was happening earlier this week, where reports were coming in that Apple support staff were being instructed to ignore the malware completely. So rest assured, Apple has heard the public clamoring and come to the rescue, before things got too ugly.

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