Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WordPress kicks IE6 out of support

aaaaaInternet Explorer 6 was cool. In the ’90s. We have all used it at some point, probably to download another browser mainly. But we have. And it’s now 10 years old, and it’s finally, really, time to give the old bugger a boot.

aaaaaAlong with Microsoft who literally requested users to stop using IE6, and even hosts a countdown timer for the old champ, popular blog site WordPress has also decided to give the browser the boot as well.

aaaaa“With this update, WordPress has discontinued support for Internet Explorer 6. It has required increasingly complex code trickery to make the WordPress dashboard work in the IE6 browser, which was introduced 10 years ago and does not support current web standards.”

aaaaaIn reply, Microsoft, totally un-sarcastically and completely seriously, wrote up a ‘Thank You!‘ blog, patting WordPress on the back for taking up the initiative and encouraged other developers to do so as well.

aaaaaThose who are still using IE6, please search for any of the following names and get on with the times: IE9, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Maxthon 3. It’s not like you don’t have choices.

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