Saturday, May 28, 2011

Microsoft makes more money from Android than WP7

aaaaaAccording to a Citi analyst Walter Pritchard, Microsoft is currently making more money from Android than it is with its own mobile platform Windows Phone 7. True story.

aaaaaPritchard states that as a result of a case settlement with HTC, Microsoft is required to be paid $5 for every Android phone the Taiwanese company sells. To put that into the calculator, HTC has sold about 30 million Android smartphones, resulting in $150 million for Microsoft to pocket. Comparatively,  Microsoft has issued only 2 million Windows Phone licenses to date, with a license fee of $15 per device sold, equally to a much lesser $30 million.

aaaaaPritchard further stated that Microsoft is looking to sue even more manufacturers over infringement on the company’s intellectual property, and could be seeking anywhere between $7.50 to $12.50 for per device sold.

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